Chapter 14

When Draco woke up, he hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep.

"The movie was so terrible it knocked us both out," Harry spoke quietly. "Time to head to bed."

"Alright," Draco replied tiredly, blearily getting off the couch and making his way to Harry's room. He promptly fell face first info bed.

Giggling quietly, Harry pulled a blanket around Draco.

"C'mere Harry," he mumbled, reaching out to the side of the bed.

"You want me to stay?"

"Don't be daft."

When Harry climbed into bed, Draco curled up into his side before falling asleep to the sound of Harry's heartbeat.

The next morning, Harry woke up to head a quiet argument quickly getting heated.

"I have to go," Draco hissed, quickly hanging up the phone. 

"Alright Draco?"

"That was my mother trying to arrange reconciliation between my father and I. She wants me to meet her for lunch."

"Lunch? God what time is it?"

"Half past 10."

"Shit I slept in. My whole schedule is off now."

"Should I have woken you? You looked peaceful, you needed the sleep."

"What I need and what I can have are two very different things."

"This is borderline unhealthy Harry," Draco began gently. "Sleep, food, water. These aren't things that you have to earn, these are things that are entitled to you. You shouldn't be withholding your basic needs as a reward."

"In theory, you're right."

"You're only fostering unhealthy relationships."

"You're like the manifestation of my subconscious," Harry muttered, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow.

Draco walked back to the bed, sat at the edge of it, and placed a comforting hand on Harry's back, rubbing small circles on it.

"I've been taught that all of those things have to be earned, that they're rewards. I'd go days without eating unless I snuck food away. It's hard to unlearn some of these things when they're constantly reaffirmed."

"Well, I'm here to break the bad habits," Draco carried on softly, continuing to rub circles on Harry's back.

"Feels nice," he replied quietly.

They spent a few moments like that until Draco had to leave.

"Do you need anything while I'm out?"

"Chocolate sounds fantastic."

"Deal. I'll see you in a few hours."

Where Harry thought he had hours, he actually had about an hour. He was in a small closet filming a video when he heard a door slam.

Immediately, Harry stopped what he was doing and ran out into the living room where Draco was angrily pacing.

"Hey," Harry approached softly, "talk to me."

"I was having a nice breakfast with my mother when my father showed up and began to threaten me to return home! All he could do is rant about how you're a bad influence, but you've saved me! I was nothing before I met you, but now I feel like it's worth it to see what tomorrow brings."

"Let's go out."

"Where on earth would we go? Don't you have a schedule to follow? What were you doing in that closet?"

"Do you trust me?"


"Grab your keys. Wear something comfortable."


"Come on. I'll let you wear any hoodie of your choosing."

"Throw in a t-shirt too."

Laughing, Harry nudged Draco towards the bedroom.

"Whatever you want."

While Draco was changing, Harry began quickly assembling sandwiches. He packed them in a cooler, threw in some bags of crisps, and then a couple drinks. He was just folding a blanket when Draco emerged, eyebrow raised.

"I'm gonna change. I'll meet you in the car?"

"I'll take whatever this is then."

While Draco was doing that, Harry grabbed a bucket after he changed. Locking up, he made his way out to the car, to do list forgotten.

"Where are we going? Unless you want to drive?"

"I could," Harry replied with a smirk.

"You have your license?"

"I do."


Harry swiftly caught the pair of keys thrown to him, eyebrow raised.

"You don't even know if I'm a good driver."

"You're a man of many talents, I have faith in you. I do, however, get to pick the music."

"Fair enough."

Harry was an excellent driver, and Draco found himself relaxing in the passenger seat.

"What's up with the bucket that you brought with you?"

"You never know when you need a bucket," Harry responded vaguely.

"You get more interesting by the day, you know that?"

"Gotta have something to look forward to you know?"

Draco leaned his head against the window for most of the drive, taking in the scenery. Typically he liked to drive himself places, but he found Harry's presence to be comforting.

"We're here."

"The beach?"

"I come here to reconnect sometimes."

"What's the bucket for?"

"Whatever we want it to be for. Sand castles, collecting things, a hat. Who knows? It's multifaceted. It can suit whatever purposes we deem necessary."

"Do you often go through life without a plan?," Draco asked, getting out of the car.

"It depends," Harry began, following Draco's lead. Today for instance I threw out my whole to do list. I like vague plans the most because then I don't feel obligated to get every single thing done. When I excessively plan it feels more, I dunno, rigorous I guess. Like it's not a suggestion, it's fact, and if I don't get to it all then I feel bad about myself."

"I am sorry about that."

"You just bring on new adventure is all. I try not to expect too much you know? I don't wanna be disappointed."

"That's the understatement of the year."

"Then spend the day with me, no expectations. Tell me about what happened or don't, it's your choice."

"I just want to be my own person."

"You can't just completely unlearn everything you've been taught throughout your whole life in one day. It's impractical and would end up erasing a lot of good things about you too."

"I never thought there could be good things attached to it too."

"I may be biased, being your best mate and all," Harry teased, bumping Draco's shoulder with his own.

"Jokes aside, I know you're not though and that's what's so refreshing. If there's something you don't like or you don't agree with, you'll immediately tell me. I don't have to guess with you, and you don't have to hide your feelings to spare my own."

"That's how it should be."

"I wish more people viewed the world the way that you did."

"Smooth seas don't make good sailors."

"Or whatever Neck Deep said," Draco responded with a laugh.

They walked along the coast in silence, alone with their own thoughts but still together.

"Stop mentally rearranging your to do list," Draco teased.

"Sorry, force of habit," Harry replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let's pick a spot to settle down shall we?"

"Over there looks nice. Near the rocks?"

Once they reached their destination, Harry set up the blanket before laying down, angling his face to the sun.

"I should've told you to bring sunscreen."

"Oh my moisturizer has SPF in it I'm fine, but thank you."


"You still have a lot to learn Potter," Draco sighed, situating himself on the blanket next to Harry.

"I'm waiting for you to teach me oh wise Malfoy."

"Teach me the 'multifaceted' bucket uses first."

"My pleasure."

Harry set up his phone on a tripod far enough away that he could keep an eye on it, but not close enough that it would pick up his and Draco's audio. If he didn't get to all of his recording today, the beach could be a great backup plan. It had a lot of relaxing sounds to offer, and as long as the video had no discernible features in it, Harry didn't mind posting it.

"Do you come here a lot?"

"Not as much as I want to."

"Hence the video?," Draco inquired.

"It's nice to put up on the telly. Helps me focus."

"That's understandable."

Harry stretched out on the blanket, using his arms as a pillow. Draco tried relaxing next to him, but couldn't get comfortable.

"Bloody sand," he muttered, moving to lay on his side.

"Come here," Harry invited with a laugh, holding an arm out for Draco to curl into.

"Right here?"



"Are you uncomfortable with it? I can give you my hoodie to l-"

"No, it's fine. It's just... different."

"Whatever makes you comfortable."

Draco felt himself slowly moving towards Harry until his head was leaning against Harry's shoulder.




It was a few minutes until Draco spoke again.

"So Potter, tell me about your planned uses for that bucket."

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