Chapter 7

Magnus snapped his fingers to dress when he dashed from the bedroom for the second time, leaving Alec to get dressed, he had some work to do. The throne room screamed 'derelict yard sale' and that just wouldn't do, not for their wedding.

The first thing Magnus did upon reaching the room was to get rid of the piles of books, the grubby curtain that covered the doorway, rubble, and dust with a wave of his hand. The second was to conjure bouquet after bouquet of flowers. That plan lasted for all of three seconds when the flowers turned black and died before his eyes.

"Damn this demonic atmosphere!" Magnus muttered, conjuring another batch and trying to preserve them with his magic. It didn't work. He looked around at the bare, plain room with a shake of his head. He wanted it to be perfect and it wasn't. Why did the universe always have to conspire against him?

"Calm down, old friend. You'll burst a blood vessel before you even say your vows."

Magnus spun on the spot when the familiar voice broke through his panic, to see his oldest friend, Ragnor Fell, leaning in the arched doorway, watching him.

"I must be panicked if I'm conjuring you," Magnus said, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips when Ragnor pushed off from the stone and stepped into the room. It wasn't the first time he had conjured Ragnor's spirit when he needed reassurance and it filled his heart with joy to see his friend's face once more.

"Or you knew that I'm the only one who can talk some sense into that thick skull of yours. So, you did find the one who could tear down those walls you built, after all. I never thought I would see the day when you would marry, Magnus. I'm so happy for you, my dear friend."

"It's been a long time coming," Magnus said, grinning when Ragnor stepped forward and brushed a small patch of dust from his shoulders. He could almost feel the action. "What am I going to do with this place? The flowers won't last five minutes," he said.

"We both know that you could design a wedding venue fit for you in five seconds flat. If you can't have real flowers, you'll have to use something with a little more substance to it."

Magnus nodded, looking around before a thought came to him. With an intricate wave of his hands, he created a large wrought iron arch, complete with iron vines and roses snaking around it and placed it in front of his throne. Singular. Another wave of his hand added a second matching throne to stand next to his own. If they were going to rule over Edom then it was only right that Alec got one of his own.

"Beautiful but I think we need a little more light, don't you? You actually want to see your groom."

"Of course, who wouldn't? Alexander is a feast for the eyes," Magnus chuckled. With a snap of his fingers, he filled the room with tall pillar candles to brighten it, leaving a wide path that led from the doorway up to the arch. He also conjured four huge crystal and wrought iron chandeliers to hang from the arched ceiling beams, each one with the same roses and vines worked into the metal and filled with hundreds of candles.

"Perfect. You look good, the room is beautiful and you have your man. Do you have some words prepared?"

"No, Alec steals all of my words on a daily basis," Magnus chuckled, looking up into his friend's eyes.

"Then speak from the heart and your words will be true. I wish you both every happiness, it's what you truly deserve."

"Thank you, my friend," Magnus said, his nerves settling when he heard a scuff from the hallway outside. The hand that rested on his shoulder faded with the nerves but he didn't mourn the loss, it meant that he was ready.

Taking up his place beneath the arch, Magnus had to laugh when the word "music" floated through his mind in Ragnor's voice. Of course, he was missing the music. A final snap of his fingers had the song, At Last, by Etta James, floating through the room.

Magnus felt every word of the song when Alec stepped into the arched doorway of the room. Alec had the power to take his breath away at the best of times but his Vampire looked stunningly beautiful in the black and gold tuxedo that he was wearing. He couldn't have stopped the grin that spread over his face if he wanted to.

Alec paused in the doorway when he spotted Magnus. The beautifully decorated room wasn't enough to hold his attention, not when Magnus was standing under a pretty arch, looking like a ten-course meal, the cheeseboard and coffee course, and the doggy bag of leftovers.

The tuxedo that Magnus wore had Alec's stomach clenching and his dick aching. The pattern was similar to his own but Magnus' black pants had a pattern of swirls running down the outer seams. Magnus' shirt was also black with a royal blue cravat to set it off and plain black vest beneath his jacket.

The black jacket, shorter at the front and curving around to a set of tails at the back had a matching border that started behind the collar and swept down the lapels and the closing of the jacket to wrap around the tails and meet at the back, all picked out in royal blue raw silk threads. The cuffs of the sleeves were also bordered by the pattern, finishing it off perfectly.

Magnus might have started drooling slightly when Alec walked down the aisle towards him. Right then, he didn't give a single fuck. Judging by the expression on Alec's face, he was pretty sure Alec could hear the wild thudding of his heartbeat, only growing more erratic with every step that Alec took.

"Hi," Alec said when he reached Magnus' side, unable to produce anything more eloquent for the time being. If he still had a heartbeat, it would probably be beating louder than Magnus', probably in time with his too.

"You look stunning," Magnus said, taking Alec's hand when it reached for him and raising it to brush his lips over Alec's knuckles. He happily went when Alec pulled, molding himself to Alec's body.

"Not as stunning as you, you're breathtaking," Alec said, his eyes flicking over Magnus' body again before finding Magnus' eyes. His smile was blinding when Magnus dropped his glamour. Perfect!

"I haven't prepared anything but a wise man told me that I should speak from the heart," Magnus said, smiling at the image of Ragnor's face that flashed through his head as his hands slid around Alec's waist. "I searched for you for so long, praying that I would find someone who would not only accept every part of me - but love each of those pieces. I had almost given up hope - until you came along.

"You see the very depths of my soul and take me as I am. It is more than I ever dared to hope for and I thank the angels for the day that you crashed through my club and into my life. Without you, I was facing eternity alone. Now that future is one that I look forward to, instead of shying away from. Thank you, for choosing to spend your life with me, Alexander," Magnus said, his words ringing clear above the music.

"It wasn't even a choice," Alec said, his hands sliding up Magnus' arms to rest on his shoulders. "You gave me hope when I thought I'd never find the happiness that others get to have. As a child, I was made to believe that what I was, was wrong. I accepted that I would live a life that was pushed onto me, one that I could never truly live and be happy with.

"Then you came and brought me out of the shadows and into the light. You showed me how to accept myself. Because of you, I realized that I didn't have to live other people's choices, that I could choose for myself if I was just brave enough to reach out and grab my happiness, you. You make me brave, Magnus. You're my strength. It is me who should be thanking you, for fighting for us when I'd lost my courage," Alec said gruffly, blinking furiously, remembering the wedding that never was. The day Magnus saved him from himself.

Magnus leaned forward and pressed his lips to Alec's, a lump forming in the back of his throat. He had to clear it when he pulled back, to make his promises.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood. I promise to love you with everything that I am. I promise to stay by your side, to cherish and protect you, for all of the days of our life together. The good and the bad. I will be there for you, on your darkest days, to hold you up and support you, to encourage you when you lose hope. And to share in your every joy, to be the source of that joy, every opportunity that I can.

"I promise to build you up and never let you fall. I will give all of myself to you, knowing that you will love me as I love you. I promise to listen when you need to speak, and to take your side, even when you are wrong," Magnus chuckled through the tear that rolled down his cheek, staring into Alec's beautiful hazel eyes.

"Magnus Bane. I promise to wipe away every tear that you will ever shed and to fill your days with enough love and happiness, that you will only ever cry tears of joy. I promise to stand by your side, every day, and to hold you close to me on the nights when forever is too much to handle.

"I will spend every day of our eternity easing that burden, ensuring that it isn't too much to bear. I promise to support your decisions, to advise you against your crazier plans and then follow you when you ignore me anyway. I promise to love you unconditionally, more than I have ever, or will ever love another living soul," Alec said, unable to stop himself from leaning forward and pressing his lips to Magnus' forehead.

Magnus let his eyes close momentarily, relishing the cool lips that pressed against his skin, knowing that he would never have to go without them ever again. It was more than he could have ever asked for.

Alec pulled back when Magnus did, looking down when Magnus let go of his waist to see their engagement rings, laying next to each other in Magnus' palm. His stomach jumped with happiness when Magnus passed one to him. He took Magnus' left hand in his own and slid Magnus' ring home, happier than he could explain, knowing that Magnus would never take it off again.

Magnus' heart was bursting when he slid Alec's ring back onto his hand, his finger brushing over the band. His eyes glowed brightly when he looked up from their rings to see Alec watching him. The expression that he found there had his hand wrapping around the back of Alec's neck to tug his head down the last couple of inches.

"I promise to put you above all others, to be your faithful and loving husband, for as long as we both shall live," Magnus whispered against Alec's lips.

"I promise to show you the love and respect you deserve, to be your supportive, loving husband, for all eternity," Alec said before catching Magnus' lips in a kiss that would have stopped his heart.

Magnus pressed himself closer, as close as he could get, to deepen the kiss. His tongue flicked out, to lick across Alec's plump bottom lip, oxygen becoming a thing of the past when he pushed into Alec's mouth. There was no fight, no dominance, only the perfect synchronicity of two souls that were meant for each other. It made his heart soar and his knees weak. But that was nothing new when it came to Alec, it was just intensified by the ferocity of his joy.

"I love you, Magnus Lightwood-Bane," Alec whispered when he pulled back to let Magnus breathe, pressing his forehead to Magnus' when he was too far away.

"I love you more, Alexander Lightwood-Bane. More than you will ever know," Magnus said breathlessly, his eyes falling closed when Alec's fingers played in the spikes of his hair at the nape of his neck.

Alec smiled against Magnus' lips when Magnus started swaying them, hoping that Magnus wouldn't be expecting anything fancy. Maybe his new husband would give him a few lessons now that they actually had the time for him to learn.

Brushing his hand down Magnus' arm, Alec tugged it from around his waist and slid his hand into Magnus' to interlock their fingers, his other tightening its hold on Magnus' shoulder. He propped his chin on his hand, letting his eyes close when Magnus' temple pressed into his own.

Magnus started to turn them when a new song came on with just a thought, How Long Will I Love You, by Ellie Goulding. "Forever," he couldn't help whispering as he guided Alec in a small circle, happy to just turn on the spot. He was more than impressed that Alec didn't stand on his feet, making him wonder if Alec had been practicing.

"Longer than that," Alec said with a smile, listening to the words. He thought the song apt, it said everything he was feeling without him needing to speak, thinking that it might become his new favorite song. He let Magnus dictate their movements until the end of the song, happy just to be with his husband. Until a loud growl interrupted the cloud of happiness that had descended upon them.

"Are you hungry?" Alec asked with a small chuckle when he heard Magnus' stomach roar. It wasn't something that he had thought much about, eating. He had been too busy reacquainting himself with his husband. But Magnus needed to eat, even if he didn't.

"A little, I'm fine for a while longer," Magnus said. The truth was, he was starving but he thought it would be a bit insensitive of him to eat in front of Alec when Alec couldn't enjoy a meal with him. "I can eat later," he said.

"Uh-huh," Alec said, pulling back to look at Magnus. "And you were telling me that I didn't have to be embarrassed about drinking in front of you," he said, one eyebrow raised. "Get yourself something to eat," he insisted. Maybe it would take them a while to get used to their new situation, to stop tiptoeing around each other but they had to start somewhere. Something as vital as a meal was a pretty good place to start.

The song had ended so Magnus set some soft classical music playing quietly in the background and set them a table up with a wave of his hand. It was still a tad too early for a large meal, so he conjured a single plate - filled with eggs benedict, and a glass of blood for Alec.

"I can drink out of something... less transparent if this will upset your appetite," Alec said when Magnus kept hold of his hand and tugged him over to the table, seeing a martini glass filled with blood.

"Actually, it doesn't bother me at all," Magnus said with a shrug, dropping into his chair and falling on his brunch with gusto. He didn't bat an eyelid when Alec sat down next to him and started sipping from his glass.

"What a wonderful start to the day, Alexander, married before breakfast. We should start every day like this," Magnus said between bites, grinning around his fork when Alec snorted into his drink. He snapped his fingers and produced a heavily laced mimosa for himself and added a drop of champaign to Alec's blood. It had only been a couple of days since Alec was turned so he knew that Alec's new body wouldn't be able to tolerate much more than that yet.

Alec leaned back in his chair, watching Magnus eat before it became too strange. The scent of Magnus' food was nice but unappealing. It didn't fill him with the need to ask for a plate of his own so he took in the rest of the room in instead, shrugging it off. That was when his eyes landed on the second throne. Magnus had stolen and kept his attention since he had walked into the room.

"Don't you think that that's just a bit too ostentatious?" Alec asked, nodding his head in the direction of the throne. He had never had big ambitions of being king, ruler over other men. Sure, he had enjoyed being a leader but the prospect of sitting on a throne wasn't something that he had thought much about. He also knew that Magnus had never had the desire to take over a realm. But that was their lot now.

"No. I'm very much looking forward to seeing you sit in it," Magnus said, unable to help the small shiver that ran up his spine. "Maybe we could christen that one too," he suggested before popping another bite of food in his mouth.

The thought of Magnus taking him apart on the throne had Alec wishing that Magnus would hurry up with his breakfast. After the first couple of hairy moments in which his stomach tried to rebel, his own spiked blood was going down quite smoothly, the warm blood sliding down his throat. He couldn't deny that it tasted good, especially with the added kick. But he certainly wouldn't mind testing the throne out with Magnus, just to make sure it was comfortable, of course.

"Besides, if we are going to rule this damned realm, you are going to sit by my side," Magnus shrugged, pretending not to notice the visible shudder that had run down Alec's spine at the mention of a replay of their antics from the night before. "Why don't you give it a try?" he asked. He really did want to see Alec sitting in the chair.

Alec looked at Magnus, shaking his head when he saw the gleam in his husband's glowing cat eyes. Knowing that he wouldn't hear the end of it until he complied, he kept the eye-rolling to a minimum when he stood and crossed to the throne. Sitting in it, the eye-roll turned to an indulgent smile when Magnus watched his every move.

Magnus might have started breathing a little more heavily when Alec sat down on the throne, glass in hand, looking more handsome in his designer tuxedo than anyone had a right to. It was a powerful image.

The confidence and power that Alec had exuded, as Head of the Institute, had always been a big turn on for Magnus but the desire for his husband was increased tenfold when he looked at Alec on that throne. In that black and gold knee-length frock coat. With that amused smirk on his pretty face. Alec looked every part the royal. Hot! His brain screamed at him.

"It's not as comfortable as your lap but it will do," Alec said, a slow smirk building when he heard Magnus' breath catch. It wasn't all that comfortable but he had promised that he would stay by Magnus' side. He could endure it if Magnus had to sit in the other one. "Although, I do miss the couch from the loft," he said. He had fallen asleep on that couch plenty of times and he did miss the loft when he looked around the throne room.

"It isn't exactly home, is it?" Magnus asked when he saw Alec's eyes flick up to look out at the sky. The lack of roof was going to be a problem for privacy. They had been too desperate for each other to let it bother them the night before but anything could drop by, at any time.

"No, not really. Is the rest of the place like this? You know, with the no ceiling theme?" Alec asked, getting up from his throne when Magnus finished eating, to place his empty glass on the table. "You didn't exactly give me the grand tour last night," he chuckled.

"I showed you where the bedroom was, what more do you need to know?" Magnus said with a wink, sitting back in his chair to look up at Alec. He didn't complain when Alec pushed his chair back -with barely a straining muscle- and straddled his lap. "Maybe I could keep you chained to the bed to do with as I please. You wouldn't even need to see the rest of the place," he said, looking up into Alec's eyes, his lips quirking up when Alec actually looked like he was considering it.

"I knew you only wanted me for my body. I suppose there are worse ways to spend eternity than as my King's bedroom attendant," Alec said, wrapping his arms around Magnus' neck to let his fingers play in Magnus' spiked hair, laughing hard when Magnus just blinked at him. They had just added an entirely new facet to roleplay nights.

"God! Promise me you'll still flirt with me when we are old and senile?" Magnus groaned as his fingers played up and down Alec's thighs, unable to stop himself from pressing his lips to Alec's throat in an open-mouthed kiss that showed Alec exactly how much he loved flirting with his husband.

"Only if you promise to leave your glamour off, those eyes are too beautiful to hide and it's not like there are any mundane's down here to see them," Alec said when Magnus pulled back to look at him, cat eyes on full display. The request seemed to be testing Magnus' self-control when his husband went back to kissing his neck.

"Anyway, you've already gotten a head start on me in the old department but I think I can add your request to the list," Alec grinned, tilting his head a little further. Magnus' tongue on his neck was doing things to him.

"You are making it very hard for me not to spank you right now, Alexander," Magnus murmured into Alec's skin. "And less of the old! I am distinguished," he said, his hands wandering back up Alec's thighs to grip his ass.

"Extremely," Alec said, smacking his lips to Magnus' when his husband pulled back to glare at him. "Come on, give me the tour - unless you want to test out how comfortable this chair is? Or the floor?" he asked.

"And ruin Versace? I think not," Magnus growled, glaring at the dusty floor. He hadn't been able to get rid of it all. With a deep sigh and a frustrated twitch of his dick, he tapped Alec's ass to get him to stand, following when Alec tugged him up. There was that insanely hot strength again. Dammit!

"Come along. There isn't much to see, it's mostly rubble. It seems my father wasn't big on home improvements," Magnus sighed. Their need for each other would just have to wait.

"Clearly," Alec said when Magnus pulled him through an arched door behind their thrones. The room that it led to was the same as the throne room, but with a large, rotting, dining table and more rubble, as were the three other rooms that Magnus led him to. A library, a room with a couch and more books, and a third with a load of broken furniture and dust.

Each room was mainly foundations of what must once have been a small palace or large country estate. There were barely enough walls to actually designate them as rooms and the few arches dotted about hardly counted as ceilings.

"As I said, there isn't much to look at," Magnus said, leading Alec out of the third room and down a hallway, one that led to the bedrooms. There were five in all, at least, he assumed they were bedrooms. Only one of them had a bed, with a brand new mattress, and that was the one that they had... slept in.

"Maybe you could conjure some replica furniture of what you had at the loft, make it a bit cozier," Alec said when they had made a circuit of the palace, headed back to the throne room.

"Or, I could summon the loft," Magnus said, stopping in his tracks. It was something that he hadn't even thought of but he could have his things, his own bed, his shower.

"The actual loft? As in, the one from our realm?" Alec asked, his eyes going wide at the thought. Edom would be a lot easier to bear if they could live in the loft instead of this desolate palace.

"Hm, no. I couldn't summon the actual loft, but I could conjure up something similar. I know every stick of furniture, every wall tile, and every item that is in that loft. I've lived there since the seventies, I could easily replicate it," Magnus said excitedly, tugging Alec in the opposite direction of the throne room and out of the front door, into a large courtyard, surrounded by more rubble that might once have been an outer wall.

"All it would take is to get rid of these foundations and a few snaps of my fingers to replace them with a building that could house it. We will probably have to keep the throne room for appearances but most of the building is behind it," Magnus shrugged, tugging Alec's hand to get him to follow as he paced around the building, getting a feel for the dimensions of the place.

Alec watched when they reached the back of the derelict building, a little turned on when Magnus started using some major magic. Would there ever be a day when he wasn't? He watched Magnus dismantle the stonework, room by room - until there were only the throne room and the large entrance hall that led to it, left in place.

Magnus gathered his power and used a complicated pattern of magic to weave all of the dismantled stone into three long walls, rebuilding the walls that would once have been there and making them whole again. He then started conjuring a roof.

Alec dashed around the building, watching the walls form, marveling at the power Magnus was exerting. It actually started looking like a decent home, especially when the vaulted roof went on. He skidded to a stop at Magnus' side, grinning when Magnus finished with the outside and took his hand once more.

Magnus led Alec back around the building and through the front door. Letting his magic trail in their wake, he decorated the entrance hall with tapestries and Persian rugs, wrought iron sconces, filled with candles and a large, welcoming chandelier, filled with candles. It gave the place a warm feeling that he hadn't been expecting.

Alec just stared in awe at what Magnus created, wandering after his husband. Magnus had already been powerful before coming to Edom but Magnus barely had to lift a finger to make them a home.

"How did you actually manage to make this place homely?" Alec asked, following Magnus into the new and improved throne room, a smile lighting up his face when Magnus pushed their wedding arch back to stand over the thrones. He was glad that they were keeping it, knowing that he would remember their wedding every time he looked at it.

"It helps when there are four actual walls and a roof," Magnus chuckled, glancing around. It looked much better. Jerking his head toward's the doors behind their thrones, he threw them open and started building walls in the huge open space that was now there, conjuring furniture and nicknacks, bookcases filled with his favorite books, transforming the space into their loft.

Alec stood with his arms folded over his chest in the double doorway behind the thrones, staring as Magnus started decorating the space ahead of him, exactly how the loft had been decorated. He realized that the throne room doors actually opened up into the entrance hall of Magnus' Brooklyn apartment, even the coat stand that appeared was in exactly the same place.

Alec turned and closed the doors behind him, speechless when his brain told him he was in Brooklyn. If that had left him speechless, he was dumbstruck when he opened the doors again and looked out into the throne room. The place was so similar to the loft that he had half expected to open the doors and peer out into the communal hallway of Magnus' building.

Magnus worked his way through the loft, his heart skipping a beat when he conjured things like his favorite spellbooks, photographs of them and their friends, his walk-in closet, quickly filling it up with new versions of his clothes. They weren't his actual possessions but they were close enough that Edom was starting to feel like home.

The feeling of home intensified for Magnus when Alec wandered into his closet. He lifted his arms and settled back into Alec's chest when Alec's arms came around his waist. "What do you think?" he asked.

"I think it's perfect," Alec said, propping his chin on Magnus' shoulder to press a kiss to his neck. "You've worked wonders. I almost thought we were back there for a moment," he said, his stomach lurching for a second. It wasn't New York but it was home. And that thought had his stomach settling back into place.

"It is almost perfect," Magnus said, turning his head to press a kiss to Alec's cheek before patting his husband's hands. "Come with me," he said, grinning when Alec raised an eyebrow in question.

Alec followed Magnus back out into their bedroom to see that a new doorway sat between his side of the bed - which he noted with a start was made up with his blue and white bedding - and the bathroom door. Poking his head through the door, he stared when he realized that he was in another closet, slowly filling up with replicas of his own clothes.

Alec wandered inside and lifted his rucksack when it appeared, taking out his few possessions and placing them on shelves.

"What's this?" Magnus asked, taking a jar of what looked like mud from Alec. it wasn't large but it was an odd thing for Alec to be carrying around with him. He hadn't even noticed it when he had taken Alec's blood supply from the bag earlier.

"My grave dirt," Alec said, shrugging before taking the jar from Magnus and placing it on a high shelf, safe and out of the way. "Simon insisted I bring some with me, said it might come in handy," he said, turning to find Magnus staring at the jar with a pensive look on his face.

"Perhaps," Magnus mused, looking around at the now filled closet. "What do you think?" he asked, gesturing with a wave as the last few shirts and sweaters folded themselves onto shelves and draped on hangars, like a scene from Fantasia.

"Even though you insisted that it was you who got their own walk-in, I love it. Thank you," Alec said, glad to have his own space with his own things.

"Well, I think it is only fair that you have your own closet too," Magnus grinned before tugging Alec out of the closet and through their bedroom.

"Yeah, because you don't want to share yours," Alec chuckled. He was still happy that Magnus was providing him with a space of his own. It wasn't the only space for him, he realized when he found another new door, in the wall next to Magnus' workroom. Opening it up, his still heart almost started beating again when he saw that he was now the proud owner of one new training room, an exact replica of the one at the institute.

"Have I told you that I love you today?" Alec asked, almost groaning with happiness when the walls started filling up with displays of mundane weapons and runeless versions of Shadowhunter weapons. There was a whole wall just for bows, another for blades and swords, one that housed racks of hand to hand weapons and a huge rack of bo staffs.

"Yes, but I will always be happy to hear it again," Magnus said when Alec broke through his concentration. His eyes lingered on the rack of bo staffs that he had conjured, a filthy grin splitting his face in two when Alec side-eyed him. "Maybe we could finish those self-defense lessons?" he asked.

"I seem to recall that you didn't need me to teach you a thing," Alec said, breathing hard from the memories. He might not need the air but it was nice to know that Magnus still affected him enough to have him dragging lungfuls of it in any way.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that, Mr. Lightwood-Bane. I seem to remember you showing me a few new moves in your bedroom afterward," Magnus said with a lewd wink.

"Maybe I could show you a few more?" Alec suggested, tugging on Magnus' hand to pull him from the room. The hungry kiss that Magnus gave him when his husband slammed their lips together had a small moan building in the back of his throat, as did the hands that slid into his hair.

Magnus pressed himself against Alec's body, his hips rocking forward when Alec's hands slid around his waist to grab a handful of his ass. The hard length of Alec's dick, pressing against his own had a moan of his own building in his throat.

"So what do you think of the place? Will it do?" Magnus asked, trailing his lips down Alec's jaw as they made it out into the living room. He wasn't exactly sure they were going to make it to their bedroom but the couch was close enough.

"I think it's perfect," Alec mumbled breathlessly, his eyes opening for a moment to see that pictures of his family now hung on the walls, a crossbow rested near the kitchen doorway, his favorite boots sat out in the hallway near the front doors when they passed it. Magnus was filling the place with more of his stuff, making the loft theirs.

Alec paused when a scuffle caught his attention, grabbing Magnus' hands to stop their path down the front of his pants. His head whipped in the direction of the double doors when the noise sounded again.

"There's someone in the throne room," Alec said, looking back at Magnus to meet his gaze.

"Shall we go and see who our new guest is?" Magnus asked, his now low reserves of magic sparking across his hands. He used the term "guest" loosely because whoever it was was about to be forcibly ejected from their home. He had enough magic left for that at least.

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