Chapter 5

Magnus wandered around his throne room, looking around the room but not seeing it. It wasn't like there was much to look at. A throne, a couple of hundred books, some tall candelabra. It was monumentally boring.

"Come and rule Edom by my side," Magnus muttered in an uncanny impression of his father. "We shall rule over the demonic plane. Take your rightful place," he muttered. What a crock of shit. If this was ruling then Asmodeus was welcome to it. Not that his father would be able to rule over anything but Limbo ever again.

"Great, now you're talking to yourself," Magnus muttered, wandering over to the window to look out of it. He was the only person he had to talk to. Unless he counted Lilith. She had already come by once, asking him for a teeny tiny hole in the rift. Even the thought of it had him snorting.

Magnus spun his engagement ring on his finger, something that he did more and more often, trying desperately not to think about the fact that this was his existence now. Lonely, boring, nobody to talk to but himself. And he barely answered back.

What Magnus wouldn't give for a decent martini, a flavourful steak, and a red hot shower right now. What he wouldn't give to be sharing those things with Alec. Unfortunately, without the love of his life, the martini's were too weak and the steaks tasted like ash. And there was no indoor plumbing in Edom. In all honesty, he couldn't be bothered fixing a nice shower up.

Snapping his fingers, Magnus filled the window with an image of Alec, a small smile playing over his lips when the image blinked down at him, a slow smile spreading over image Alec's face.

"I miss you," Magnus said, brushing his fingers over the glass, wishing that he was actually touching Alec's skin. He had done this a few times over the last week or so, created a memory video in the window, infinitely more interesting than the view. It would have worried him if he hadn't been desperate enough to do it. But the thought of never seeing Alec's face again filled him with the worst kind of dread.

"How was your day, Magnus?" image Alec asked Magnus, the illusion fueled by Magnus' memories. It was a clever bit of magic. All Magnus had to do was remember a conversation between them and focus on it, and image Alec asked the same questions and gave the same responses that his Alexander had given during that particular conversation.

Maybe it was unhealthy but it was all Magnus had to hang onto. And he was hanging on by his fingernails at the moment. Speaking of which. He snapped his fingers and completely made his nails over with a thought, watching the green nail polish turn dark blue, the chips filling in. Even the joy of painting his nails had been sucked away by his father's miserable realm. You're slipping, Bane!

Having nobody to impress made Magnus sloppy, he had let himself go immensely. It didn't help that Edom was ridiculously hot. His hair was limp, his makeup slid down his sweaty face every five minutes, and clothes had become optional. It was too hot to bother with layers of fancy clothes so he had taken to wearing silk robes and pants. If there wasn't a chance of Lilith just wandering in unannounced, even those might have been an afterthought.

"How was your day, Magnus?" image Alec asked him again, warmth and love shining from those beautiful hazel eyes.

"The same as yesterday," Magnus said, dragging his father's throne over to sit down in front of the image and talk to his fiance. "I blasted several demons out of the air before breakfast, found one of them sleeping in my bed after lunch, and denied another formal request for a meeting from Lilith before dinner. She wants me to open the rift again," he said, focusing on image Alec once more.

"How was your day? Did you do anything interesting?" Magnus asked, waving his hand to produce a martini. It was warm and didn't quite have that alluring flavor that Alec always managed to add whenever he mixed the drinks. But it was wet and alcoholic so he sipped it anyway.

"Usual clave politics. Jia is coming for my job again. I swear she wants every trace of the name Lightwood extinguished from that institute."

"She's worried, you are far too popular in Alicante for her liking," Magnus replied with a shake of his head and another sip of his drink. Maybe the conversation was mundane and boring but those were his most treasured times with Alec - when they sat and talked about their days. It was domestic.

Those conversations weren't his most treasured memories of Alec but they sustained him. And honestly, the lack of roof kind of dulled the mood for those kinds of activities, so he settled for the conversation instead of rewatching the nights when they had made love to each other.

"What did you do?" Magnus asked, refilling his drink and sipping it slowly before focusing on the conversation they'd had once more.

"I portalled to Edom, ran for miles and miles, and fought off hordes of demons to get here. And I'd do it again for just one glimpse of your beautiful face," Alec said to the back of Magnus' fancy chair, dropping his rucksack in the doorway, waiting for Magnus to turn around.

Magnus stared at Image Alec, mentally scratching his ass. When had Alec ever said that to him? Maybe my vodka had turned funny in the Edom heat? He wondered, peering into his glass and giving it a swirl. A shuffling behind his chair had him closing his eyes. She just won't let up!

"I already said no, Lilith. I will not open the rift for you. I swear, if you ask me one more time, I will turn you into a lizard. I already have your tank picked out," Magnus said, not bothering to get up from his seat to look at her. "If you will excuse me, I am trying to have a conversation with my husband," he said.

"My eyes aren't that bright and my lips aren't that plump but I'm flattered you see me that way," Alec said, leaning over Magnus' chair when it was obvious that Magnus wasn't going to get up. So much for the grand entrance that he had planned, the one where he burst in and Magnus instantly fell into his arms. It seemed his fiance was going to make him work for it.

Magnus' head whipped around so fast that he almost gave himself whiplash. His eyes must have been deceiving him because there Alexander stood, looking far better than Image Alec ever could. Far better than anyone really had a right to look.

"Alexander?" Magnus asked, his voice soft and hoarse with emotion, half hoping it was really him, half barely daring to think it. He reached up, a small sob escaping when he felt Alec's solid arm in his grasp. "What are you doing here?" he choked out, keeping tight hold when Alec stepped around his throne.

"I came to spend the rest of my life with my future husband - if you'll still have me?" Alec asked, yanking Magnus up out of his fancy throne when Magnus let out a sobbing laugh. It took him a fraction of a second to have Magnus in his arms, practically crushing him to his body.

"I take it you missed me?" Magnus choked out, nothing to do with emotion and everything to do with how tightly Alec held him. He buried his face in the crook of Alec's neck when Alec's arms loosened their hold slightly and molded his body to Alec's. Thanking the angel that Alec was somehow there with him, it took him a moment or so to register how cold Alec was. "Alexander?" he asked, frowning as he pulled back.

"Wait, how are you here? How are you able to even breathe this realm's air?" Magnus asked, panic starting to set in, he hadn't even thought about, too happy to have Alec in his arms. There was no way Alec should even be able to survive the atmosphere.

"Uh... so there's something that I need to..." of course, that would be the moment when Alec's fangs snapped out. "...tell you," he muttered around his teeth, sliding his top lip down to wrap over his fangs. The confusion on Magnus' face had turned to a look of shock.

"What happened to you?" Magnus asked, staring at Alec's mouth, and at the rest of him while he was at it. It took his flailing mind a moment to add two and two together but his heart sank a little when he realized that Alec's neck rune was gone, his favorite one. "Please don't tell me that you did this for me?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going anywhere?" Alec asked, his hand coming up to cup Magnus' jaw, his thumb sweeping up Magnus cheekbone. "Now I really mean it, you are stuck with me forever," he nervously joked.

"You gave up your mortality, for me?" Magnus asked, leaning into Alec's touch. He had missed that most of all. The large hands that could so easily be used to hurt and destroy were so gentle, always touched him so reverently. "I'm not worth..."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Magnus Lightwood-Bane. I would give my life up for you. Giving up my death is nothing," Alec said, nodding his head to convince Magnus of the truth of his words. His breath would have caught in his throat when Magnus' glamour dropped. "There they are, I've missed them," he whispered, taking in every millimeter of Magnus' cat eyes, his pretty lashes, the lines that radiated from them when Magnus' expression softened. Beautiful!.

Magnus searched Alec's eyes, looking for regret and finding none. He might be past his fourth century but he'd had so many firsts with Alec. Alec was the first one to capture his attention and his heart in over a century. Alec was the first one to have seen past his magic, seen more in him than just a Warlock for hire. Alec was the first one to ever ask him for his last name or offer his own in return.

And now, Alec was the first one to ever love him enough to move to a realm of hell for him. The first one to ask for his forever. Magnus should be spitting mad that Alec had made this decision without him but he couldn't bring himself to be angry. Sad for what Alec had sacrificed? Yes. Devastated that Alec had gone to such lengths? Absolutely. But angry? No. Alec had chosen him, something nobody, not even his own parents, had ever done before. How could he be angry at that?

"Magnus Lightwood-Bane? I love the sound of that," Magnus whispered around the lump in his throat, raising his hand to push Alec's top lip back, one fingertip trailing down the short length of one of Alec's fangs. Fangs! He's a Vampire now! "Put these away and kiss me," he said, gazing into Alec's eyes.

Alec had to wrestle his fangs back, fighting them when they wanted to stay out but he managed it. Nosing Magnus' face up, he pressed his lips to Magnus', his arms tightening around Magnus' waist when his fiance's hand found its way into his hair. The soft, gentle brush of lips was even better than he remembered, the second gentle kiss was even better than that.

It didn't take long for Magnus to deepen the kiss. As soon as it truly dawned on him that Alec was right there in his arms, solid, tangible, and not a dream that his desperate mind had conjured, he fell on Alec like a man starved of air. Alec really wasn't going anywhere, ever again. Even if they had an eternity, he wanted every part of Alec right then and there.

"I take it you missed me?" Alec murmured between kisses, fighting the urge to grin. It was messing with his kissing skills and it had been far too long since he had felt Magnus' lips against his own.

"More than you know," Magnus breathed when Alec's lips started trailing down his jaw, a burning trail of fire - that had nothing to do with the atmosphere - following in their wake. The sensation of Alec's lips, mapping a path down the side of his throat had him breathing hard, his head tilting automatically to grant Alec better access.

"You smell so good," Alec murmured, inhaling deeply before pressing another kiss to Magnus' throat. Every one of his senses had gone into overdrive from the proximity of Magnus' warm, vital body. Magnus had always affected him, just with his mere presence but right now, his fiance was intoxicating.

Unable and unwilling to stop himself, Alec's hands slid down from Magnus' waist, brushing down his hips and over the swell of Magnus' ass, his passage aided by Magnus' silky robe. Continuing the path, his hands slid down the back of Magnus' thighs and pulled.

"Fuck!" Magnus breathed when Alec lifted him off of his feet. His legs automatically wrapped around Alec's waist, his lungs straining for air. It was as though he weighed nothing. The display of strength had him panting as much as Alec's tongue, licking over the skin of his collar bone, did. Alec had lifted him up before with the aid of his strength rune but the fluidity and grace of Alec's movements almost had his brain quitting.

"I can't believe I faced living the rest of my life without this," Magnus said breathlessly, his eyelids fluttering and his hands tightening at Alec's hair and shoulder when Alec sucked at the hollow of his throat. The tingles that spread from the extra sensitive spot shot through his body, his back arching, his head falling back. It was exquisite.

"Never again," Alec murmured, his tongue darting across the hollow of Magnus' throat once more. The salty tang of Magnus' skin was divine. It made his legs weak, as it always did. Turning on the spot in an instant, he held Magnus up with one arm and unclamped Magnus' legs from around his waist, sitting down on Magnus' throne with Magnus in his lap. "Not enough skin on show," he muttered.

Magnus draped his legs over the arms of the throne, nodding frantically when Alec's hands pushed under the lapels of his black and gold silk robe. He let his arms fall back, shrugging the robe off when Alec pushed it over his shoulders, to let it slide to the floor. Alec's lips, exploring his collarbone once more had him wrapping one arm around Alec's shoulder, the other reaching back to brace himself on Alec's knee. It gave him the leverage to start rolling his hips.

Alec's fingers reacquainted themselves with Magnus' spine as he continued to press sucking kisses into Magnus' chest, his fingers playing over every notch of the perfect arch before settling in the dimples at the base of Magnus' spine, where they belonged. Letting his thumbs wrap around Magnus' hips bones, he started to guide Magnus' hips when they started rocking down on his rapidly hardening dick.

Even if Alec didn't need to breathe, Magnus' movements had his chest rising and falling rapidly, a low, gravelly moan escaping with the redundant air that he exhaled. Everything was heightened including his need for the man that could take him apart with a flick of his hips and a hot breath on his neck. He pulled back when it became too much, his fangs snapping out once more. That was going to be embarrassing. And honestly, it scared the shit out of him.

Magnus looked down when Alec's lips stopped their path over his chest, breathing hard. The bend of Alec's neck had his hand moving into the hair at the nape of Alec's neck, tugging slightly to tilt Alec's head back.

"Alexander? Are you okay?" Magnus asked, searching Alec's eyes. He straightened up when he saw the embarrassment there, and the fear. "What is it?" he asked softly, taking Alec's face in his hands.

"I don't want to hurt you," Alec mumbled around his teeth, trying to hide them again, his gaze dropping. "It's just, so much, it's overwhelming. My brain is screaming at me to take you, to sink my teeth in and I just... I... I can't hurt you, Magnus."

"I trust you," Magnus whispered, tugging Alec's hair once more until Alec looked up at him. "I know that you would never hurt me intentionally. You are strong, Alexander. One of the strongest people I know. And I'm not talking about vampiric strength. You won't hurt me, you love me too much, hm?"

"More than my own life," Alec said, looking up into Magnus' eyes, watching the colors flow through them. He had spent hours watching those colors swirl through Magnus' eyes, deep amber hues mixed with the brightest gold. They were mesmerizing. Magnus encanto'd him far more effectively than any Vampire ever could have.

"Don't hide these from me," Magnus said, his thumbs sweeping down to push Alec's lip up once more, his thumbs brushing over the elongated teeth. "You accepted every part of me, just as I love and accept every part of you, even the new parts," he said, meeting Alec's gaze deliberately before lowering his head. He pressed a kiss to each fang before pressing against Alec's lips once more.

It was strange to Alec, to kiss Magnus like this - with so many teeth in the way - but it was also familiar. Kissing Magnus was like breathing for him. Something that came naturally. Or as naturally as breathing used to come. It was a relief. No matter what else had changed, that hadn't.

Alec opened his eyes when Magnus pulled back to breathe, a slow smile creeping over his face. He couldn't stop himself from pouting his lips out, brushing against Magnus' once, twice, a third time, relief swirling through his stomach. Along with a big fat dollop of love and desire. Magnus accepted him, still loved him, was still as hot for him as always - judging by the roll of Magnus' hips.

Dropping his head, Alec licked a stripe over Magnus' left nipple, never looking away from those mesmerizing eyes. Until Magnus' eyelids fluttered. Probably something to do with him sucking Magnus' nipple into his mouth, forcing his fangs back so he didn't nick the soft skin.

"I think I'm not the only one with too many clothes on," Magnus gasped out, his hips bucking forward from the sensation of Alec's cool lips and tongue on his bare skin. Alec's jacket and shirt disappeared with a snap of his fingers, cool relief flooding him when Alec's skin pressed up against his. "You're like my own personal AC," he giggled.

Alec had to laugh then, his eyes lighting up when Magnus looked down at him before bursting into a fit of giggles. It was his favorite look on Magnus, that big toothy laugh where Magnus flashed all of his teeth, and his eyes and nose scrunched up.

"I suppose it's a good thing we're in Edom, I was worried I would be too cold for you," Alec said, smirking into Magnus' chest where it bounced against his face. The smirk grew wider when a lick to Magnus' right nipple had a shudder running through his Warlock.

"Too cold? You're hotter than hell, Alexander Lightwood-Bane," Magnus said, the laugh dying in his throat when Alec's head snapped up, Alec's pupils wide, a shudder running through his Vampire.

"Say it again," Alec said, his gut clenching from the sound of Magnus' name attached to his own.

"You're hotter than hell?" Magnus teased, batting his lashes at Alec, biting into his bottom lip when Alec shook his head. He leaned forward, tugging Alec's hair once more to tilt his head back. "Alexander Lightwood-Bane," he whispered in Alec's ear, his tongue tracing the curve of Alec's ear when a full-on body shudder ran through Alec.

Alec's hips jerked up, his hands tightening their grip on Magnus' hips to pull him down onto his dick. The husky, breathless moan that fell from Magnus' lips had him doing it again, breathing just as hard as Magnus when Magnus rocked in his lap with the motion, working with his movements.

"I need more, I need all of you," Magnus panted, wrapping both arms around Alec's neck, his hips moving faster. The perfect grind of Alec's dick, digging up into his own solid length was breathtaking.

"Do the magic thing," Alec muttered, his hand sliding across the base of Magnus' spine, his fingers dipping into the waistband of Magnus' silky pajama pants to grab a handful of Magnus' ass.

The cold burn of Alec's skin against his own - when Magnus snapped his fingers once more to remove the last of Alec's clothing - was absolute perfection. The perfect counterbalance to his overheated body. He surged forward, tugging Alec's face up and slammed his lips to Alec's, flicking his tongue over Alec's plump bottom lip and sliding past Alec's teeth when Alec opened up for him.

Magnus moaned into Alec's mouth when one cool finger trailed up the crack of his ass, his hips rocking once more. He needed to get Alec's finger closer to where he wanted it. The scratch of Alec's chest hair against his own smooth chest was the last straw. Waving his hand, he fought Alec for dominance when Alec's fingers turned slick against his skin.

"What do you want?" Alec asked, pulling back to let Magnus breathe, his fingers teasing the sensitive skin around Magnus' hole. "Tell me what you want," he whispered in Magnus' ear before taking the lobe in his mouth, clamping down gently with his natural teeth.

"Oh god... I want you to fuck me... with your fingers," Magnus panted, rolling his hips down, pushing down onto two of Alec's fingers when they held still. The slow, burning stretch was everything! He took every inch of Alec's long fingers into himself, slowly enough to open himself up. They were cool enough to ease the burn, something that he was thankful for.

No Image or memory of Alec could ever do justice to that feeling. The feeling of being filled by the man he loved more than anything.

The heat of Magnus' body pushed against Alec with every thudding beat of his Warlock's heart. He could hear it, banging a tattoo in Magnus' chest. He could hear everything, every beat, every soft, panting breath, the sound of his slick fingers, sinking into Magnus' body, the small husky noise that always built in the back of Magnus' throat whenever they kissed or fucked. And he relished every sound and reaction.

Alec had seen that beautiful expression on Magnus' face before, had watched the pleasure bloom on his face but he had never seen Magnus like this before, not with these eyes. It was like looking at the sun. His vision enhanced every line and plane of Magnus' face, each tiny bead of sweat that broke out across his Fiance's forehead.

"I've missed this," Magnus breathed against Alec's lips, pouting his own forward to catch Alec's lips in a bruising kiss as he started to move. Rocking on Alec's fingers - two buried in his ass - his breathing became erratic, bursting out of him with every rise and fall.

Alec tilted his head back further when Magnus' fingers tightened in his hair, catching every moan when Magnus invaded his mouth once more. Using the one tiny corner of his mind that was still working - the perfect friction on his dick from Magnus' rocking hips threatening to steal even that from him - he reminded himself of his new strength when he curled his fingers and brushed the tips of them over Magnus' prostate, listening to Magnus' sounds to gauge the pressure.

"A little harder," Magnus said, his voice husky and raw in his throat. The pressure was maddeningly soft. "You won't break me... fuck... just like that," he moaned when the touch turned more insistent. The temperature of Alec's fingers made it even better, the constant, cool pressure building until shockwaves started pulsing through the bundle of nerves there.

Magnus started moving faster when Alec added a little more pressure, chasing the waves of pleasure that radiated through him, spreading to every extremity. His dick had started leaking a steady flow of pre-cum, beading up again and again with every sure brush, the pleasure only intensifying when Alec's nails scraped across his nerves.

"Please fuck me, Alexander, I need to feel you inside me now, before I cum," Magnus gasped out when a particularly strong wave of pleasure burst through him, his breath stuttering out in a ragged staccato that would have been embarrassing with anyone other than his Alexander.

Alec's eyes rolled into the back of his head when Magnus' slick hand reached between them and took his dick in hand. The grind had been one thing but the tight grip of Magnus' slippery hand threatened to steal every ounce of the limited self-control that he had been holding over himself. Pushing up into Magnus' hand, a low moan scraped its way up his throat - the grip reassuringly tight when Magnus pushed his foreskin back and massaged the head of his cock with his thumb.

"I almost forgot how perfect that hand is," Alec muttered, bucking into Magnus' hand, again and again. Wanting Magnus to get as much pleasure as he was receiving, he curled his own fingers, his dick straining to get at Magnus when Magnus let out a mewling whimper from the constant pressure.

All Magnus could do was nod frantically when Alec pulled his fingers out and lifted him up. Unable to stop staring at Alec's arms - which didn't even have the decency to shake from holding his full weight up in the air - he positioned Alec's dick at his hole, his eyes slamming closed when Alec pushed his hips down.

"Yes, fuck!" Magnus mumbled into the crook of Alec's neck as Alec's dick slowly stretched and filled him. It took him a moment to catch his breath when he was fully seated in Alec's lap once more, enjoying the feeling of his dick wedged between his hot body and Alec's cool one. The feeling of Alec inside him had a small giggle bursting from him.

"What are you laughing at?" Alec asked, barely able to get the words out through the heady pleasure of Magnus hot, tight body, wrapped around his dick. The gleam in Magnus' eyes when his fiance pulled back to look at him had him shaking his head and raising an eyebrow.

"Your dick feels like an ice pack in my ass," Magnus said, unable to stop himself from shaking with laughter. There was always that slight burn whenever he was stretched to capacity, his fiance wasn't a small man by any means. The temperature soothed that away in an instant. "It's going to make taking your dick much easier," he said with a wink.

Alec couldn't help but join in Magnus' laughter, shaking his head at his ridiculous Warlock. Even when the shake of Magnus' body threatened to have him cum there and then. The clench of Magnus' ass was real! He couldn't deny that he had been worried that Magnus wouldn't want him like this anymore, that he would be too different. But it was just them, Magnus was still Magnus and he was still himself. It was the same as it had always been.

"Show me what you've got, Mr. Lightwood-Bane," Magnus smirked, flashing his eyes at Alec when Alec's fangs snapped out. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who couldn't control his Downworlder nature in check when it came to his desire for his fiance now.

Alec accepted then and there that he would have no control over his teeth from that point forward. Magnus made him lose control of himself at the best of times. Instead of recoiling and running for the hills when they pushed through his gums without his say so, Magnus flashed his Warlock mark at him and grinned. This man was made for him.

"How could I resist when you ask so nicely, Mr. Lightwood-Bane?" Alec asked with a grin. Pushing his arms beneath Magnus' legs, he slid his hands up Magnus' thighs and ass, to grip his hips, lifting his fiance off of his dick. The resistance of the strong, tight muscle of Magnus' asshole was breathtaking when he dropped Magnus on his dick. It squeezed every inch on his way down.

Magnus' arms tightened their hold on Alec's neck, a low, husky moan pouring from his lips, his legs flailing over the crooks of Alec's elbows for a minute. He very much liked what Alec had. "Again," he moaned in Alec's ear, the stretch of his asshole drawing the word out.

Breathing seemed to be a thing of the past for Magnus too when Alec did it again, lifting him and pushing slowly up into him when he sank onto Alec's dick again. The steady rhythm that Alec set up had him holding on tightly, breathing hard from the perfection of every inch that filled him.

"You feel so good wrapped around my dick like that. You have to tell me if it's too much," Alec breathed, waves of pleasure coursing through him every time he fucked into Magnus' body, using the armrests of the throne for better leverage to drive his hips upwards. It was a lesson in control like he had never faced before to measure the movements, to not just slam into Magnus like he used to.

It also took every ounce of Alec's self-control not to sink his teeth into the beautiful neck, millimeters from his face. The pounding of Magnus' pulse was like a siren call, his tongue snaking over the salty, supple skin of Magnus' neck for a moment before he got a grip of himself and forced his head back. By the angel, he smells so fucking good! The thought almost distracted him from Magnus' movements.

"Don't scratch me!" Alec choked out, his hips stuttering in their relentless drive to be as close to Magnus as possible when he felt Magnus' fingers slide down his back.

"But you love it when I scratch your back," Magnus panted, his eyes rolling in his head when Alec's dick scraped over his prostate. The sensation made him want to dig his nails into Alec's back, needing something to hold onto. And Alec loved it when he did just that.

"I've got the mark of Cain," Alec said, squeezing Magnus' hips -his fingers buried in Magnus' back dimples once more - for a better grip when Magnus pulled back to look at him. "I needed it to protect us both from Lilith," he said when Magnus' eyes widened.

"So no spanking then?" Magnus pouted when the information had sunk in, his heart stuttering from Alec wanting to protect him, even if he could take care of Lilith himself. Alec liked a light spanking now and then as much as he liked to walk around with the scratch marks under his shirt.

"Not unless you want to feel like I've Cained you within an inch of your life," Alec said with a wink before it sunk in that Magnus would never be able to spank him again. It wasn't like he had packed a paddle into the rucksack that still sat by the arched doorway where he had dropped it, but still...

"Cained?" Magnus asked, roaring with laughter at the pun. With nothing else to hold onto, he reached up and gripped the headrest of the throne behind Alec's head, winking when he started bouncing on Alec's dick. "I suppose I could always let you spank me," he chuckled, the laugh turning to the most indecent moan he had ever let escape his lips when Alec thrust up into his ass with a ringing slap of skin.

"Maybe I will - if you're naughty enough," Alec said, laughing when Magnus' eyes flashed the brightest gold.

"Oh, I think we both know how naughty I can be, Alexander," Magnus said, the seductive tone that he was aiming for turning to a whimpering moan from the constant pressure on his prostate. He didn't have it in him to care about how desperate he sounded when he moaned, "fuck me harder."

"Touch yourself, I want to watch," Alec muttered, fucking into Magnus again and again. He drew blood, one fang sinking into his bottom lip when Magnus reached down with one hand and started jerking himself off in the limited amount of space between them.

Magnus watched the small drop of blood bead on Alec's lip when he wrapped his hand around his dick and started tugging with twisting jerks, the friction exactly what he needed.

Looking into Alec's eyes, he lowered his head and licked the drop of blood off of Alec's lip, moaning when it exploded over his tongue. He had had Vampire blood during sex before and it heightened everything about the experience. It wasn't something that he would repeat often - it could become addictive, but right at that moment - he couldn't help himself.

Alec was left wondering when the sight of blood had become such a turn on but watching Magnus' tongue run over his bottom lip, the small drop on his tongue had him surging forward to capture Magnus' lips. The taste of his own blood and Magnus was a heady combination, only making him fuck Magnus faster.

"Fuck, Alexander... fuck! I'm gonna cum," Magnus muttered, a guttural moan ripping from him when his balls drew up. It was all too much, the perfect pressure in his ass, the intoxicating Vampire blood on his tongue, the look in Alec's eyes. His eyelids fluttered as he came between them, painting both of their stomachs white. The sight of his cum in Alec's chest hair when he opened his eyes was almost enough to make him cum again.

"You look so fucking hot when you cum like that," Alec moaned, torn between staring up into Magnus' eyes and watching his fiance tug himself through his orgasm. His hips took over when Magnus bit into his bottom lip again, the action catching his eye and turning him on even more.

Alec buried his face in the junction of Magnus' neck and shoulder when he felt his own orgasm build with every thrust of his hips. The deep breath that he sucked in, the scent of Magnus' blood so close to the surface, pushed him over the edge. He buried his deep, gravelly moan in Magnus' skin when he came deep inside Magnus' ass, pushing Magnus down onto his dick. His balls contracted with the pleasure of his release when Magnus started grinding on his dick with a small rocking motion of his hips.

"I. Fucking. Love. You," Magnus muttered, his breath exploding out of him when Alec caught his lips in a crushing kiss. Letting go of the throne's headrest, he slid his hands into Alec's hair, gripping tightly to give just as good as he got. A filthy moan escaped between hot, biting kisses when he pressed himself into Alec's chest, his cool cum swirling over their skin.

"Not as much as I love you," Alec gasped out between kisses, pulling his arms out from beneath Magnus' legs to wrap around his waist. He lifted Magnus off of his dick, swirling his tongue into his fiance's mouth to distract him from the movement, and stood with Magnus still wrapped around him. "Show me where the bedroom is in this place because I haven't had enough of you yet," he said.

"I thought you'd never ask," Magnus grinned against Alec's lips, laughing when Alec started chuckling and carrying him in the direction he waved at. The vibrations that ran through Alec's body was doing interesting things to his dick where it was wedged between them. He couldn't wait to see what it felt like to sink his dick into Alec's new body.

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