Chapter 20

Alec gave Madzie the nod when the music started playing, smiling when she disappeared through the doorway- petals and leaves already blooming magically from her hands. It had taken his mother and Magnus a day to plan the wedding, his mother insisting that they have it at the Institute, despite Magnus' protests. He was with his mom on this one.

"I'll see you down there," Catarina said, following her daughter down the aisle.

"You know, when you walked down the aisle to marry Lydia, I thought that I would never be prouder of you," Robert said, reaching up to straighten Alec's tie. "But I was wrong. I'm glad you didn't marry her, that you found the courage to go for what you wanted. You and Magnus were meant to be," he said.

"I wouldn't have found that courage if it wasn't for him," Alec said, shuffling from one foot to the other while his father fussed over his tie and jacket. He wanted to be up there already.

"Nervous?" Robert asked, clapping Alec on the shoulder.

"No. I've never been surer of anything in my life, as I am about Magnus," Alec said, a smile tugging up at the corners of his mouth as he reminisced about his and Magnus' first wedding.

"Good. Then let's go and get you married," Robert said. He was glad his son had Magnus, Alec would need him over the centuries.

Alec walked through the door, unable to wipe away the grin that hurt his face. Exchanging smiles with his family and friends, he proceeded up the aisle with his father by his side, giving Robert a hug when they made it to the space that had been cleared in the middle of the op's center.

Alec glanced around at the candles and flowers, marveling at how Magnus had transformed the room with so little time. He nodded to Magnus' friend, Jem, when he climbed the few steps, hoping that Jem would become his friend in time, too. Magnus only had Catarina and Raphael left from the old days so he had been happy to meet another of Magnus' friends that afternoon.

Alec shook hands with Jace, doing his best to reign his emotions in when he saw how happy his parabatai was for him. They didn't need a rune to proclaim them as such. Even death couldn't break some bonds. He'd barely grasped Jace's hand when the sound of footsteps reached him.

Turning to face the aisle once more, Alec's still heart gave a little jerk in his chest. Neither his mother nor Magnus had said that Maryse would be walking Magnus down the aisle. It filled him with joy to see the two of them, striding arm in arm down the aisle, Maryse's head held high and eyes sparkling.

Maryse tried to fight her tears but it was no good. She had been beyond proud when Magnus had accepted her proposal to walk him down the aisle and she couldn't hold back the flood when she saw how happy Alec was as he waited for them to reach him. Much better than the apprehension he had been filled with when he had awaited Lydia.

Magnus had to pace himself, otherwise, he would be dragging Maryse up the aisle. He could marry Alec a thousand times and it still wouldn't be enough. As much as he treasured their first wedding, he was ecstatic that their friends and family were getting the chance to witness them make a commitment to each other. For him, it was an honor to announce to the world that he had found his person.

"Thank you," Magnus whispered when Maryse pressed a kiss to his cheek and held him as tightly as if she were holding her own child. Squeezing her hand, he turned for the small stage that had been put in place for them, giving his best girl a small nod. The smile on Catarina's face was radiant.

Alec took a deep breath when everyone sat down, all of their family and friends waiting. The small nod from his husband had his nerves settling enough for him to start the vows that they had prepared. Not the ones from their first wedding, those vows belonged to them, and them alone. They were simply reaffirming what they already felt in their hearts.

"The love I have for you..."

"Is a love that knows no bounds..."

"In times of joy, as well as sadness..."

"In sickness and in health..."

"I will love you as my equal..."

"And protect you above all else..."

"I will share with you my truest feelings..."

"And when you speak, I will listen..."

"I will catch you when you fall..."

"And when you soar, I will help you reach your greatest heights..."

"Magnus Bane..."

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood..."

"I am, and will always be, your loving husband," they said in unison, hand in hand, meaning each new vow as much as they meant the old ones.

"It is my honor, to pronounce you, one," Jem said, fighting the wobble of his chin and the lump in his throat to get the words out.

Alec pulled his husband closer, sinking into the embrace and Magnus' kiss as the music swelled around them.

The applause that filled the room barely caught Magnus' attention. He was too busy kissing his husband to notice. They couldn't stay there forever though. Eventually, the noise cut through. Pulling back, he saw the promise of later in his husband's eyes.

Alec couldn't have wiped away his grin if he tried when he and Magnus turned to their guests and strode down the aisle, hand in hand. He grasped his mom's hand when he saw the tears she was trying to wipe away before continuing down the aisle.

Magnus conjured leaves and petals, throwing them up in the air to float down around them as they exited the op's center, heading for the training room where the reception was to be held.


"I'm not standing on your feet, am I?" Alec asked his husband, still half giddy that he got to call Magnus that, half nervous about making a fool of himself in front of half of the Shadow World.

"How could you be? It's like I'm walking on air," Magnus asked, unable to stop the soft smile that graced his face as he moved to rest his chin on his husband's shoulder.

Alec let Magnus turn him around the floor, relaxing more with every turn. Magnus' reassuringly firm grip on his hand, the pressure of Magnus' hand in the middle of his back had his stomach flipping. In good ways.

"So... this new tux..." Alec murmured when everyone joined them on the dance floor, crowding them, forcing them to stand closer. Not that either of them found it a chore to stand a little closer.

"My tux," Magnus replied, his lips curving up at the corners. Alec's voice had practically dropped an octave. "Do you like it?" he asked with a chuckle after letting Alec sweat for a moment.

"You look hot, Mr. Lightwood-Bane," Alec graveled out, biting his lip when Magnus moved even closer until every inch of them was pressed together. "Just as hot in this as you were in the first one. I want to peel every layer off you," he said as quietly as possible. The crowd mainly consisted of his family, Shadowhunters, and a whole lot of Downworlders.

"Do you want to get out of here, Alexander?" Magnus asked, just as quietly, Alec's name rolling off the tip of his tongue. "Maybe we could give your bedroom a final send-off?" he suggested; his lips barely an inch from Alec's ear.

"Do you think anyone will notice?" Alec asked, looking around at all of their guests. The reception for their wedding was filled with dancing couples, everyone having fun. "Are we even allowed?" he asked.

"Allowed? It's our day, we can do whatever we want. And I don't think any of them could care less," Magnus whispered, smirking when his breath left a trail of goosebumps down Alec's neck. Alec's gravelly tone had his dick twitching. He didn't care if anyone missed them.

Alec tried to act naturally as he broke from Magnus' hold, happily threading his fingers with Magnus' to lead him out of the training room/reception venue.

Magnus was happy to follow his husband through the op's center, smiling for the benefit of the lingering guests that they passed. He took the few steps at the side of the room two at a time, keeping up with Alec step for step.

Alec pulled Magnus' hand as soon as they made it to the quiet corridor that led to the accommodations, wrapping his arms around Magnus' waist, pressing Magnus into an alcove.

"Here?" Magnus asked, his breathless tone ruining the smartass comment when Alec's lips found his neck. He slid his hands up Alec's arms to curl his fingers into Alec's hair with a tight grip, his head tilting to the side to accommodate his husband.

"Hmm?" Alec murmured, pressing open-mouthed kisses to Magnus' neck, his tongue occasionally darting out. The tug on his hair was doing things to him, stealing all of his focus. They could finally be a little rougher with each other now that his mark was gone. Well, Magnus could be a little rougher with him.

"You wanna do this here?" Magnus asked, his hips bucking forward when Alec's wandering hands slid around his waist, beneath his open tuxedo coat to grip his ass.

Alec let out a soft moan when he felt the hard ridge of Magnus' dick dig into his thigh, completely forgetting where they were. "I love it when your voice goes all husky like that," he muttered, reluctantly dragging himself off of his husband. Keeping hold of Magnus' hand, he continued on his way, more than ready to consummate their marriage. Again.

The next alcove and the sound of approaching footsteps had Magnus tugging Alec back, pulling Alec into the small space and throwing a glamour over them. The flair of Alec's pupils, at the use of his magic, had him slamming his lips to Alec's.

Alec was a goner the second Magnus' glamour threatened to fall, the barest hint of gold flashing in Magnus' eyes before Magnus' lips caught his attention. He didn't even try to hold himself back, his tongue flicking out to lick into Magnus' mouth.

A small growl escaped Magnus, mixing with the deeper moan that Alec was unable to hold back. He pushed his hands under the lapels of Alec's perfectly cut tuxedo jacket, wanting to pull it off then and there, even if his usual style was to savor it.

"No," Alec said breathlessly, coming back to himself when Magnus started pushing his jacket off. "Bedroom," he muttered.

Alec peeked out of the alcove, looking left and right before tugging Magnus in the direction of his old room. Magnus had summoned all of his things from the Institute when they'd woken that morning. Thankfully, Magnus had left the bed.

Magnus had the door open with a snap of his fingers, pushing Alec into the wood as soon as it was closed behind them. Letting his hands roam freely once more, he buried one in Alec's hair, the other clutching the material of Alec's jacket to pull him closer.

Magnus pushed into Alec's mouth, his tongue sliding against Alec's. Not a fight for dominance, just a desperate longing to be joined with his husband as quickly as possible. The harsh, shallow breaths that puffed against his cheek, as Alec kissed him back just as fiercely, had his own lungs straining for air. He loved that he could still Make Alec breathless, even if he didn't need to breathe.

Alec's hands were doing some wandering of their own, his long fingers gripping Magnus' ass firmly, pulling Magnus' hips closer. Unable to help himself, he thrust his hips forward, meeting Magnus, grind for grind. He didn't know whether he wanted to drag it out or have Magnus buried inside him as quickly as he could.

Alec relented when Magnus' hands once again found themselves under the lapels of his jacket, releasing his husband for a scant moment to shrug it off before he was pulling Magnus closer once again.

Magnus made to remove his own coat before Alec broke the kiss, Alec's hands releasing his hips to grab his hands.

"Finally going to tie me up, Alexander?" Magnus asked with a smirk, a small bubble of laughter escaping when Alec's grip tightened infinitesimally.

"No, I just wanted to... I mean... this tux," Alec breathed, taking a step back so his eyes could rake over Magnus again.

"Well, you did say you wanted to peel it off," Magnus murmured, meeting Alec's gaze when his beautiful hazel eyes flicked up. The combination of Alec's low, gruff voice, and his stunning eyes threatened to steal every last breath from his body. What a way to go, though, he thought.

Magnus leaned forward, pressing his lips softly to Alec's before muttering, "Peel away."

Alec needed no more instruction than that. Taking the lapels of Magnus' coat in hand, he pushed it back at the shoulders, inch by inch, his dick growing harder with every millimeter that he removed.

Magnus watched Alec remove first his coat, then his vest, eyes flicking over every inch of Alec's face. The desperation to have him naked was clear in Alec's eyes but the slow, gentle movements of Alec's fingers, undoing each button, the way Alec's tongue flicked across his bottom lip spoke of a desire to take things slow.

Magnus knew exactly how Alec felt. He badly wanted to speed things up with his magic but the way Alec's eyes flicked up to look at him stopped him.

Alec had to pull Magnus in for a kiss, pausing at Magnus' cravat, too overwhelmed by how much he wanted his husband at that very moment. The soft, small lips, the perfect fit to his own slid across his own, grounding him.

"I love you," Alec murmured when he pulled back for a moment, going back for more when Magnus' hands slid into his hair once more.

"I love you more," Magnus whispered between kisses. A small chuckle burst from him when Alec huffed. Alec could huff all he wanted. The fact remained, he loved Alec more than Alec loved him.

"Not possible," Alec grumbled, knowing for a fact that Magnus couldn't love him more. He laughed against Magnus' lips when he felt supple fingers tug at his belt buckle. Letting Magnus have at it, he broke the kiss to tug Magnus' cravat loose, tossing it aside when it was undone.

Magnus pulled Alec's belt free and tossed it away before flicking Alec's button and fly open. Pushing his hands under the stretchy suspenders that now held Alec's pants up, he wrapped them around his hands and pushed them over Alec's shoulders, grinning when Alec lost his pants.

"You seem mighty pleased with yourself, Mr. Lightwood-Bane," Alec growled, kicking his way out of his shoes and pants. Taking Magnus' top shirt button in his hands, he went a little faster than he wanted but was helpless to stop himself, sliding the frilly purple shirt over Magnus' shoulders when he reached the last button. His tongue darted out as his eyes slid over Magnus' firm, smooth, golden chest.

"Who wouldn't be?" Magnus said, his breath huffing out of him when Alec's hands slid around the back of his thighs and hoisted him up once his shirt was gone. "Look what I get to unwrap," he muttered in Alec's ear as he wrapped his legs around Alec's waist, gripping his husband's shoulders until Alec spun and he was pressed into the door.

Alec would have gone for Magnus' neck, itching to kiss every inch of it. If he didn't see the blue sparks of Magnus' magic from the corner of his eye. A groan escaped him when Magnus lazily twirled one finger in the air. Every rotation of Magnus' finger popped one of the buttons on his shirt.

Magnus feasted his eyes on Alec's chest as it was revealed, inch by inch. The flair of Alec's pupils with every spark of magic he sent out was something that never failed to make his cock twitch. He rolled his hips in Alec's hands, grinding his clothed cock against Alec's stomach. When the last button popped, he snapped his fingers, the shirt landing at Alec's feet.

"You're cheating!" Alec muttered into Magnus' neck. It was decidedly unfair that he was standing in his socks and boxers while Magnus still had pants on. And he knew exactly what Magnus was doing, trying to rile him up with magic. Well, two could play that game.

Alec whirled on the spot, crossing the distance to the bed in an instant. His lips curved up at the corners when Magnus gasped for breath against his neck. Magnus was just as weak for his strength and speed as he was for Magnus' magic. He chucked Magnus onto the bed before pouncing, landing between Magnus' legs.

"My my, someone is pleased to see me!" Magnus panted when Alec's fangs snapped out. The speed with which Alec had moved almost made him dizzy. He had been pressed against the door a moment ago. Now he was flat on his back on the bare mattress, Alec caging him in.

"Yeah, he is," Alec said, pushing Magnus down into the mattress, his hips thrusting against Magnus' ass to show his husband exactly how pleased he was to see him. His eyes lit up when Magnus' glamour fell completely.

Magnus was about to make another smart-ass comment when Alec moved. Instead, he lay blinking down at his naked body when Alec used his superior speed to remove his pants, shoes, and boxers.

"What happened to the peeling?" Magnus asked breathlessly, watching Alec's eyes devour his body as his husband tugged his own boxers off. Levering himself up on his elbows, he let his legs fall wide open.

"Taking too long," Alec muttered, falling on Magnus' body. He sucked biting kisses into every inch of it, letting his fangs graze over Magnus' solid abs and ribs. He followed with sucking kisses whenever he reached a sensitive spot and Magnus curled over his head. Kissing Magnus like this was getting easier to manage without his fangs getting in the way, thankfully.

Magnus shuddered when Alec teased at the inside of his thighs, fangs dragging over his skin. Reaching down, he threaded his fingers through Alec's hair, his head falling back when Alec's tongue snaked over his sac. The pleasure increased when Alec sucked it into his mouth, massaging his balls with his tongue.

"Hey, you put your fangs away," Magnus panted, only sulking a little. Alec's control was improving day by day. While he was pleased that his husband was adjusting to life as a vampire, he kind of liked it when Alec went all animalistic on him.

Alec just hummed around Magnus' balls, pretty pleased with himself. Holding his hand up, he waited until Magnus slicked his hand up with a snap of fingers before he wrapped his own fingers around Magnus' length. He would have grinned when Magnus looked down at him but, well, he kind of had his mouth full.

Alec sucked away as he stroked Magnus' dick, never looking away from Magnus' golden gaze. One of his favorite things to watch was when Magnus fell apart. Small lines radiated from the corners of his husband's eyes when Magnus' eyelids drooped. The heavy rise and fall of Magnus' chest, the sound of Magnus' heart slamming in his chest was almost as good as the grip Magnus had in his hair.

Magnus couldn't stop his hips from bucking into Alec's tight grip. Even when Alec's arm wrapped around his thigh to hold him in place he tried to fuck his husband's hand. The grip was just too good. His eyeballs rolled back a little when Alec's thumb massaged the sensitive glans with every upward stroke.

Alec released Magnus' balls with a pop, continuing to jerk Magnus off as he crawled up his body to capture Magnus' lips, practically fucking into his husband's mouth. He started twisting his hand when Magnus' hands wandered down his back, arching into the touch of Magnus' nails digging in.

Magnus tried to pull Alec closer, grinning into the hot and heavy kiss when Alec groaned into his mouth. He had missed scratching Alec's back as much as Alec had. A whine escaped him when Alec's grip on his dick loosened, he had been close.

"Lube my ass up," Alec whispered against Magnus' lips when he felt the telltale jerk of Magnus' thighs against him. Unable to help himself, he grinned when surprise flashed in Magnus' golden eyes.

Magnus had thought this was going the other way but he was more than happy to give his husband what he wanted. A complaint was on the tip of his tongue when Alec let go of his dick completely until Alec crawled over his head. He twisted when Alec shuffled toward the tall gray headboard and grabbed hold of it, offering his ass up.

Who was Magnus to refuse such a pretty offer? Climbing to his knees, he shuffled up behind Alec, kneeling between Alec's legs. Needing more room, he nudged Alec's knees further apart with his own knee before plastering himself to Alec's back.

Magnus rolled his hips a little when he wedged his slick cock between Alec's ass cheeks. The friction was insane. Wrapping one hand around Alec's throat, he reached around and gripped Alec's dick with the other. Time for a little teasing of his own. He hadn't forgotten how Alec had nipped at the sensitive spots on his inner thighs.

Alec buried his face in the quilted headboard when Magnus' fingers closed around his throat. They used to engage in breath play, now and then, before he had become a Vampire. While the grip didn't restrict his airways anymore, it still felt good against his throat. Not to mention the grip on his dick.

Using the tiny amount of space that Magnus had left him, Alec rocked against Magnus' dick. The movement had him fucking into Magnus' hand too. His heart would have been beating furiously when Magnus' lips found his neck.

"I love it when you turn so pliable for me," Magnus muttered against Alec's neck. Flicking his tongue out, he traced Alec's old rune into his neck. His husband was like putty in his hands, shuddering against him.

"Carry on teasing me and you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight," Alec growled. He had turned pliable but he could still give as good as he got. The desperate rocking of his hips ruined the effect of the threat, as did the panting moans that he couldn't hold back but Magnus sounded way too pleased with himself.

"You'd make your husband sleep on the couch on his wedding night?" Magnus asked with a grin, punctuating his words by snapping his hips forward.

"Fuu... I will if you don't fuck me now, Magnus Lightwood-Bane!" Alec mewled, wrapping his hand around Magnus', where it gripped his dick, to make Magnus jerk him harder.

"Well, if you insist," Magnus chuckled before he nibbled on Alec's earlobe. The move had Alec moaning, just how he liked it. When his husband whined his name out, he tugged his hand from beneath Alec's. "Keep masturbating," he said, leering the word until it sounded crude in Alec's ear.

Snapping his fingers once more, lubing them until they were dripping, Magnus moved back an inch to give himself some room. It didn't take him three seconds to find Alec's hole.

Alec tried to push back when Magnus massaged the slick lube into the sensitive skin around his hole, wanting his husband to be inside him yesterday. When Magnus did push into him, stretching his hole beautifully, he buried his face in the headboard once more, jerking his dick furiously.

"Shit!" Alec moaned when Magnus shot intermittent bursts of magic into his ass. Every twisting thrust of Magnus' fingers was accompanied by a spark of magic, opening him up quickly and battering his prostate. He was on the verge of cumming by the time he was fully loose around Magnus' fingers.

"Don't cum yet," Magnus said, quickly pulling his fingers out of Alec's ass. Maybe he had gone too far. He reached around and gripped the base of Alec's dick until Alec calmed a little, not shaking so hard against him.

Sitting back on his heels, Magnus gripped his dick with one hand and tugged Alec down, with his hand still wrapped around Alec's throat, until Alec was almost sitting in his lap. He trailed his dick through the crack of Alec's ass until he found Alec's entrance.

Alec sank down onto Magnus'dick, moaning when he took Magnus deep into himself with a stretch that set his nerves on fire. His movements stopped when the back of his thighs met the front of Magnus', giving himself the chance to get used to being so full.

Magnus curled his fingers over Alec's throat, alternating his grip from a light caress to a tighter squeeze to distract his husband. He sucked a kiss into the spot where Alec's pulse point should be, smirking into Alec's skin as the fingers of his free hand traced patterns into Alec's inner thigh.

Alec jumped under Magnus' touch, desperate for Magnus' hand to wander just a little higher and cup his balls for him. He did as his husband had instructed, jerking his dick with long, tight strokes that helped him relax fully.

"Ride my dick," Magnus said, shooting a spark of magic into Alec's most sensitive spot on his thigh. The trick worked when Alec rose, pulling up off his dick. The drag on his cock was phenomenal, Alec clenching down on him.

Tightening his grip on Alec's throat a fraction, Magnus knocked Alec's hand out of the way and took his dick in hand when Alec impaled himself. He set up a slow rhythm, matching his pace to Alec's, countering each of Alec's upward thrusts with a downward stroke.

Alec was helpless but to chase his husband's hand. Every time he pulled off of Magnus' dick, Magnus would let him fuck into his hand until he was bouncing, fucking himself on and off Magnus' dick. The stretch on his asshole faded away as he chased his pleasure, rolling his hips slightly every time he was seated in Magnus' lap.

The movement had the desired effect on Alec, Magnus' dick grinding against his prostate with every motion of his hips.

"So pretty," Magnus whispered in Alec's ear, watching over his husband's shoulder. Alec's cock was weeping pearly beads of pre-cum, making him tighten his grip on Alec's length. When Alec started to move faster, so did he, grinning when Alec figured out what he was doing.

Magnus started thrusting up whenever Alec pushed down on his dick. Alec squeezed every inch of him as he fucked himself on his dick. The sound of their skin meeting rang louder and louder through the room with every thrust.

Magnus' labored breathing made Alec work harder. It sounded a thousand times louder in his ear, small grunts building in the back of Magnus' throat every time Magnus thrust up. Hearing those sounds in HD was so much better than when he used to hear them with his human ears. He wanted to hear more of them.

"Fuck me harder, Magnus," Alec growled, insanely turned on when Magnus' hand slid from around his throat to push into his hair, pulling his head back with a tight grip. He didn't care how desperate and turned on he sounded. Neither of them ever did when they were together like this, lost in each other.

Magnus slammed up into Alec's ass and kept on going, pushing until they were upright, both of them kneeling on the mattress. Tightening his grip in Alec's hair, he held his husband in place against the headboard, jerking him harder, thrusting into him harder.

"Like this, hm?" Magnus asked, whispering the words in Alec's ear, watching Alec grab the headboard with both hands, fingers sinking into it. "This is how you like it, isn't Alexander? Your husband fucking into your tight little hole, owning it."

"It's yours," Alec whimpered, rolling his hips to meet Magnus' thrusts. Something about his husband taking charge like that, speaking like that made him weak. "More, fuck, more," he pleaded, just needing that tiny bit of friction on his prostate to push him over the edge.

When Alec moaned for it, Magnus let go of his husband's hair and dick and grabbed his shoulder and hip instead. Using his grip on Alec's body for leverage, Magnus pulled out until he was on the verge of falling from Alec's ass before slamming himself back in.

"Yes! Fast and hard, just like that," Alec said, gripping the headboard with his left hand hard enough for his fingers to rip through the material. Burying his fingers in the wooden frame beneath the material, he took his dick in hand with his right. There were certain perks to being a vampire. One of them was being able to jerk himself faster and faster.

"Lube," Alec moaned, thanking the angel when Magnus snapped his fingers and coated his dick once more. That was the downside of being a vampire, jerking himself so hard that he rubbed his dick dry. "Fuck... Magnus... I'm... fuck," he stuttered out into the material of the headboard, cumming hard.

The sound of Alec's orgasm spurred Magnus on. He dragged Alec's hips back every time he fucked into his husband, picking his pace up. Alec, clenching on his dick, dragged him closer to his own orgasm.

"Come on, cum for me," Alec groaned, shuddering from his release. Snagging Magnus' hand where it gripped his shoulder tightly, he pulled. The maneuver had the effect of pulling Magnus' chest flush with his back until Magnus was rutting into him- and pulling Magnus' wrist within reach of his mouth.

Snapping one fang out, Alec dragged it down Magnus' wrist, careful not to break the skin. The effect was instantaneous.

"Alexander!" Magnus choked out when he felt the danger of Alec's fang on his skin. He wasn't sure when that had become such a turn on for him but just imagining Alec sinking into his wrist had him burying himself to the hilt in Alec's ass. "My fucking God!" he grunted.

"Yes, fuck, cum inside me," Alec muttered, a shiver running down his spine when Magnus started grinding into him, flooding his ass with hot cum. He relished Magnus' hot, grunting, breaths on his skin, leaning into it when Magnus pressed his face into his neck.

"I swear to God, you are going to be the death of me one day, Alexander Lightwood-Bane," Magnus panted into Alec's neck, his heart thundering in his chest. When Alec wriggled against him, he pulled out, his dick softening rapidly. He wanted to shove it back in when he saw his cum dripping out of Alec's loose hole.

Alec collapsed onto the mattress, yanking at Magnus until Magnus' was draped over him, Magnus' face buried in his chest hair.

"Can you at least have the decency to pretend to be winded?" Magnus asked, his ego taking a hit. He was gasping for breath like an old man while Alec lay still beneath him. When Alec's overexaggerated pants, punctured by a soft chuckle reached him, he aimed his elbow at Alec's ribs.

"Fiesty! Ready for round two already?" Alec grinned when Magnus' elbow found it's way into his rib. He rolled them until he was draped over Magnus, looking down into his golden gaze.

"You wish," Magnus huffed, looking up at Alec. Reaching out, he grabbed Alec's bangs and pulled him closer. "Round two will have to wait until after the reception," he murmured against Alec's lips before claiming Alec's groan.

Alec had forgotten that they had guests. At least they had managed to get some time alone before having to do the rounds and speak to everyone. No doubt, everyone would want a chat and a dance before the food, and in his case, blood was rolled out.

Knowing that they had to get back, Magnus pulled back from the kiss, rather regretfully, to clean them up with a wave of his hand. When they were cum free, he snapped his fingers and dressed them.

"Before we go down, I want to propose a toast," Magnus said, snapping his fingers once more. He handed Alec a shot glass, filled with white liquid, and kept a shot glass of dark green absinth for himself. "Plasma," he said when Alec looked at him questioningly.

Alec shrugged when Magnus told him what his drink was. He had heard of it but never tasted it. Knowing his husband, it was bound to be good. Magnus was the master of cocktails.

"To us and our long, happy future. May there be many more weddings, all followed by month-long honeymoons in the most luxuriously beautiful locations the planet has to offer," Magnus said, clinking his glass with Alec.

Alec grinned. He loved the sound of more weddings and could definitely get used to the idea of month-long vacations afterward. They needed one after what they had been through over the last month. Clinking his glass with Magnus, he downed his shot, almost collapsing when it exploded through his system. He liked plasma. A lot.

Magnus took deep breaths when he downed his shot, the ragged air almost choking out of him. It was strong as fuck. A few more shots and he and Alec would be on their asses. But first, they had a party to attend.

Ruffled, hair looking fuck-rumpled, suit jackets hanging off them, and ties loosened, Magnus and Alec made their way through the Institute. They enjoyed the ribbing good-naturedly when Jace and Simon shared a lewd wink, ready to celebrate their second wedding with the family and friends that descended upon them.

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