1- The Story Begins


Oh boy. Today is going to be quite busy. It's only morning, but god I already feel so overwhelmed. I just enrolled at a boarding school, and today I'm supposed to go. And the first day of school is tomorrow. I have to be there in a few hours, and I haven't even started packing yet.

"Corrin! Are you done yet?!"

"Yep, almost!" That was a lie, I'm not even close.

I'm really dreading going to boarding school if you couldn't tell. But instead of getting up to pack, I just laid back down. And that's when my brother walked in.

"Hey! You ready to... go..?" My brother Ryoma looked around my room with a shocked expression. "You really don't want to go, do you?"

"Of course I don't. I have to live in a small room! With someone else! That doesn't even sound the slightest bit appealing." That's right when I realized I wasn't getting out of this.

And so I was off.


About 2 hours have passed and I have finally got up and packed my stuff. Just as I was walking out to my car, I was stopped.

"So... you're just gonna head out without saying goodbye?" I turn around to see my brother Takumi, along with Ryoma and my two sisters, Hinoka and Sakura.

"I'm really going to miss you guys." I run up to my family and give them all hugs.

I wave goodbye to all of them as I shut the door.

Senior year at a new school, huh? This is gonna be quite the experience.


After 3 hours of driving, I finally arrived.

"S.S. Brothers Boarding School, supposedly the best high school in the area. Yeah we'll see about that."

I usually really like school. I like to learn new things and I actually find it fun at times. Crazy, right? But one problem that I've always had is that I never really knew anyone. So I already don't know anyone at my old school, but at least I'm used to the place. Now it's just an entirely new experience with entirely new people. But who knows, I may make some friends.

I walked into the school and to the left was the main office.

"Hey you!" I turn to my left to see a man sitting at his desk.

"Hey, are you new here?" He asked.

"Yeah. My name is Corrin Grey, I uh... just enrolled here."

"Oh, well welcome to S.S. Brothers! I'm principal Sakurai." He greeted me before going back on his computer. "Alrighty Miss Corrin, your dorm room issss... 215. And your roommate is... oh... it's Lucina Lowell. Uh yeah, she's a pretty nice young lady. I'm suurrre you two will get along. Alright, here's your key, have a nice day!"

"You too sir!"

"Oh god..."

I leave the school building and make my way to the dorm building. "Room two-fifteen... there it is!"

I unlock the door and open it to see my room. It's a bit larger than I imagined. There are two decent sized beds, one on one side of the room, and one on the other side. The bed to my right was raised higher with a desk under it and the one to my left was placed horizontally, and in between the beds was another desk. And to the left when I first walk in is the bathroom, which is also a bit better than I imagined.

I walk into the room and set my suitcase down against the wall. I look around at each bed, trying to decide which one I want. Until the door opened.

"Um hello? Is anybody here?" A girl with blue hair walks in, looking around for a bit, before making eye-contact with me. "Oh hey, you must be my new roommate!"

"Uhm yeah, uh-"

"No need to be shy. I'm Lucina, and you must be Corrin."

"Yeah, well uh... nice to meet you."

The girl, who seems to be Lucina, looks at me with a confused expression. "You're very shy. You should speak up a bit more."

"I'm sorry. I'm not that good at socializing I guess."

"That's fine. I hope we can become good friends!"

"Heh yeah me too!"

Our little conversation ended for a bit as we both kind of forgot what to say. We just look around for a bit. It's hard to have a full on conversation with someone you just met two minutes ago. Especially with someone like me, who doesn't talk much.

Lucina finally broke the awkward silence.

"I'll take the bed on the right. You can have the other one. Is that fine? Or would you like the right?"

"That's fine."

"Sweet! Alright, we'll do some more of this later, but how about we go on a bit of a tour now."

We walked back to the school building for a tour of the school. It was pretty awkward, but a few conversations started, but didn't really last.

"You seem pretty bored. Just know that I'm doing this to help you out so you don't get lost on your first day. Well this is a pretty big school so you may get lost anyway. Anyway, what are your classes?"

"My first period is chemistry. Uh.. where is that?"

"Follow me."

We started walking down a very long hallway. We must've turned ten times. There's no way I'll remember this.

"So... where are you from? You know, many students here come from all over the place."

"I'm from Hoshido. Well, I've also lived in Nohr too. I went to school in Hoshido, but this year I decided to enroll here."

"I'm glad you did. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends tomorrow. Also, here's your class. Is there anywhere else you'd like me to show you to?"

"Well yes, but I really don't feel like it, I'll figure it out sometime."

"Good, because I'm already feeling sick being inside this building."


It's been a few hours now and I was getting ready for bed. I've never lived with anybody except my family, and I've never been to sleepovers, so this whole thing is gonna be a bit awkward.

I walk over to my bed and sit down. I let my hair out of my ponytail and turned to see Lucina looking at me.

"I hope this doesn't sound weird or anything, but you're like, really pretty."

"Oh uh... thanks!"

"No like, seriously. Your hair is nice, your eyes are unique, and uhm... your uh... you've got a pretty attractive body. I'm sure boys ...and girls will be all over you."

"Umm thanks. I don't usually get compliments so I have no idea what to say." I said with a little giggle.

"By the way, this is all just coming from my opinion and my taste in women. But I have a girlfriend, so don't get the idea that I'm hitting on you."

"No no, it's fine. I wasn't thinking that."

"Cool. I'm getting tired though, so uh... I'm going to bed. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." I reached over and turned my lamp off. It wasn't long until I fell asleep.


I hear a loud noise. I roll over towards my desk. Oh, it's just my alarm...

...Oh no, I'm gonna be late!

I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom. I put on a navy blue shirt, a black skirt, and a grey flannel jacket. I leave the bathroom and look over at Lucina, who was still sound asleep.

Should I wake her up? I mean, that would be kinda weird, and I don't want her to yell at me.

Just then, she wakes up.

"What time is it?"

"Time to wake up, now get ready!"

After a while, we finally leave the dorm.

"So, Corrin, how do you feel about going here?"

"I- I don't know. I don't know anybody so uh... that's going to be awkward."

"It's alright. I know we don't have many classes together, but if you ever see me, you can just talk to me. Here, meet me at lunch and I'll introduce you to my friends."

We walk into the school building. That's a lot of people. Okay, don't panic .

"This may look like hell, but trust me... uh yeah it is hell actually. But don't be afraid of the crowds. It's not... that bad. I mean unless you have social anxiety or something."

I just stood there. That's when it hit her.

"Yeah... this may be hell for you. But hey, at least you know me!"

"Yeah. Also, I forgot where my class is."

"Well my class is near yours so just follow me." Just then, Lucina started walking really fast, like almost running.

"Wait! stop going so fast!"

"If you want to get there before the bell rings, you're gonna have to run!" She was still walking really fast and dodging students like in the movies when spies dodge lasers .

I tried to catch up with her as best as I could, until someone accidentally bumped me from the side. That's when I lost her. Well what do I do now?

This was so damn embarrassing. All these people could see me lost. I bet I looked so strange.

So I started walking a certain direction so it looked like I knew where I was going. Luckily, the halls started clearing up so I could actually see. However, that also meant the bell was probably about to ring. I slowed down a bit because the halls weren't as hectic, and looked around.

I turned around and went the opposite direction. I started walking fast as I wanted to get there as soon as possible. I didn't get too far when I felt myself bump into something. Or should I say, someone ?

And next thing I knew, I was in their arms.

"Whoa there, ar-are you alright?" The person asked.

I looked up at them. It was a boy with bright red hair and blue eyes.

"Oh um... yeah I'm okay." He looked down at me with a concerned frown, which quickly turned into a small smile. We were in a sort of dip position, which got a bit awkward after a while.

I guess he soon realized that too as he lifted me back up.

"Oh I uh... I'm sorry about that." He scratched the back of his head. With a slight pink tint on his face.

"So... where are you headed?"

"I have chemistry."

"Oh cool. You seem kind of lost... you new here?"


"I could take you there."

"Oh um... thanks, but shouldn't you be going to your class?"

"Don't worry about me. Come on, lets go."

"Oh ok thanks!"

"No prob!"

We started walking the opposite direction. We made many twists turns that I'm sure I won't remember.

"So how'd you get lost? Or... well that was kind of weird question."

"Well, I was walking with my friend- or well roommate... I don't know if we're friends yet, and I got bumped and completely lost her."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"It's fine, honestly kind of funny. Like something I've seen in a movie or something."

He let out a small giggle. "Heh, yeah."

After that, it got quiet. Kind of awkward, but I guess neither of us really knew what to say. I mean we just met. After what seemed like literally forever, we arrived at my class.

"It's right there on your left."

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem!" He gave me a slight smile, before turning to leave. I walked in class just as the bell rang.

Damn, I never caught that boy's name.

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