Chapter 6

Mason's P.O.V

The next day, I woke up on the floor. I guess I never really went to bed after last night. I sighed and got up until I felt a wave of pain strike through my head. I groaned in pain and gripped my head trying to make the massive headache go away. When I noticed it wasn't going away anytime soon I got up and grabbed my uniform and walked out of my room to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I turned on the shower and started to take of my clothes. My arms had faded scars on them. I use to be depressed when I was a kid because of my past. I climbed into the shower and felt the warm water hit my body which helped soothe my aching head. My thought trailed back to lastnight and the words Julian had said to me. To be honet though, Luke is the last person I thought would hate gays and bis. Just the thought of it made me feel heartbroken.

After showering, I put on my uniform and grabbed my bag before walking out of my room to the living room where everyone was waiting. Miliya was the first on to see me and her eyes were wide.

"Mason...have you been crying" Miliya asked worried making everyone else look at me.

I guess it was pretty obvious that there was something wrong with me. My eyes trailed to Luke and Julian who had her arms around him glaring daggers at me as a threat. I guled before looking at everyone else and put on a fake smile.

"I-I'm fine really" I said.

"Mason you can't lie" Miku complained

"Yea your eyes are red and your cheeks are puffed out" Ashton finished.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I felt Luke's eyes staring into my soul.

"Can you guys stop questioning him already, he probably didn't sleep last night" Terrence said saving my tail.

They all nodded and grabbed their stuff before walking out the door. Just as I was about to sigh in relief I noticed that Julian was still standing their smirking at me.

"He'll never love just stay away from him..or you'll regret it"she said before walking out.

I felt more tears well up in my eyes but I refused to let them out as I grabbed my bag and got in the car with everyone.


So far all day I've ignored Luke even though he kept tryinto get my attention. He's even doing it as I speak. Believe me I want to talk to him, I want to jump in his arms and tell him everything...but I can't. Everytime I get close to him the words that Julian told me make me stay away from him.

During lunch today it was pretty normal. I managed to ignore every word that he has said to me.

"And then this giant asteroid hit the ground making lost of dust cover the sky" Miliya yelled.

"Woah this really happened?!" Miku said interested.

"No she was probably sleeping" Terrence yawned.

"No I was- Well now that I really think about it" Miliya started but ended up giggling.

As everyone laughed at her silliness I stayed silent and excused myself from the table walking out of the cafeteria. I walked up to the roof and looked at the sky as the wind blew softly making me smile. But that all went away when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I didn't know you came up here" the familiar voice said.

I spun around and seen Luke smirking at me.

"He will never love stay away from him...Or you'll regret it"

I turned away from him and looked back at the sky feeling my ears go down and my tail stopped swaying. In all honesty...I was afraid. I could just imagine Julian standing at the door staring at me with her eyes full of hatred. But I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt my body hit the ground. I looked up shocked to see Luke looking down at me. A wave of blush hit my face as I tried to look away from him but he grabbed my chin forcing me to look him in the eye.

"L-Luke what are y-"

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He asked cutting me off.

I looked at him and was surprised to see what I saw. He looked hurt...It's hard to stay mad at someone like him..I just don't want my heart broken. I really don't think I could take another one. I sighed and looked at him putting on a fake smile.

"Sorry Luke...I didn't notice" I lied.

He stared at me for a second trying to see if I was lieing or not. After a while he got off of me and helped me off of the ground laughing.

"Just don't do it again..You made me think that I did something wrong" he laughed.

"But you did..."

"Well come on before Mil and Miku think we're having sex or something" he said before grabbing my hand and pulling be back into the lunch room.

Third Person P.O.V

Julian leaned on the door sighing. She heard the whole conversation and saw everything that went down. She started to giggle. Soon the giggles turned into a maniacal laugh. If someone seen this thhey would probably think she was crazy. And they're not wrong.

"I gave you a choice Mason...looks lie, I gotta take matters into my own hands" She said before pulling out her phone and called the first contact on there.

"Hello..hey gather your friends...let's just say I have a toy for you to play with"

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