Chapter 13

Chapter 13

It was really amazing to watch something other than flat black eyes look at me. Throughout the makeover that Jon had forced on me, all mirrors had been covered, and I hadn't been given privilege of offering any protest at all, as I was almost manhandled by the younger but stronger boy.

Mr. Elxa's reaction was refreshing, but what made me really happy was the man named Hayden who had been waiting along with Mr. Elxa. No one had looked at me with such an interested glitter in their eyes before. All the looks I had gotten in the past were only brief glimpses, before I was discarded from attention as just another girl on the street. Hayden hadn't. I didn't know if it was Jon's magic at work, or if Hayden was a naturally charming man; but one way or another, I was charmed.

He looked definitely older than both Mr. Elxa and I. In fact, the fact that he flirted with me so outrageously flattered me so much, for I never thought myself the type of woman who could make a man -who must be married already considering his looks -to put himself at risk of a good scolding by his wife and enjoy a good round of flirting. Of course, I would never fall for someone old enough to be my father, but his honeyed words were greatly appreciated as I doubted that Mr. Elxa could have the same calming, relaxing effect over my frazzled nerves. I was nervous enough at my new look, not to mention that I was in a place that where I knew no one. It was an obviously posh function; the fact that it had been on a cruise had surprised me very much. To add on to those butterflies in my stomach, I had almost arrived too late. Mr. Elxa had shown a hint of displeasure, but I suspected that he forgave me only because of Jon. At that I could breathe a sigh of relieve for Jon's help, but breathing wasn't a comfortable option at the moment, as we trudged up the stairs.

In my hands clutched the purse tightly, and I prayed madly that no one would look to check my purse. I prayed for no occasion which I would need to have it open, for the gun was barely tucked in it. If I opened the purse, it was surely to be seen easily.

"Smile, Kaylen." I jolted in surprise when Mr. Elxa stopped climbing the metal steps, looking down at me. Against the backlight of a brightly lit deck, Mr. Elxa seemed to shine with his casual suit and cane. The cane would seem weird, but it only served to add the strange air of regal fame that he somehow seemed to exude. Was this the social life of Mr. Elxa that Jon and I both failed to understand when he did his job? In the house, Mr. Elxa had struck as just another successful businessman with connections.

Now, he appeared almost as if he presided over the industry, and that everyone else on board only seemed to serve lower than his status

I stood, frozen at my sudden revelation. The deck was brimming with people already on board mingling, the wines and champagnes already brought out.

"Kaylen." Mr. Elxa repeated, and I jolted back to reality again. It was so weird; to have Mr. Elxa address me by name. I wasn't used to his voice calling my name. Addressing me as Ms. Hurst was way better and comfortable for me, but it of course must appear weird to the other guests should Mr. Elxa address his plus-one like that.

"Y-yes, Mr. Elxa?" I squeaked, suddenly getting the cold feet. I hadn't had the chance to check myself in the mirror. What if I screwed up my hair while running to board the ship? What if I'd somehow gotten some embarrassing stain somewhere I didn't know? What if I lost my footing on my first step on the deck? What if the first word I spoke from my lips was something stupid and retarded? What if I embarrassed Mr. Elxa so badly that he fired me? What if I smiled funny and someone thought me a psycho? What if someone snatches my bag and finds the gun?

As usual, my awkward, overly-active imagination was coming up with a bunch of (totally realistic) horrible scenarios, scaring the hell out of me. Now you understand why I said I was socially awkward? In situations like these, I tended to scare myself so badly with worst-case scenarios and chicken out. Call me a coward, but I don't have the genes to pull everything off with just a smile!

"You have the look of a child realizing the existence of a monster living under her bed." Mr. Elxa observed, and I uneasily loosened my grip on the railing. God, was it really so obvious?

"I... um..." I hesitated, unable to come up with anything more than that for my defense. I probably really looked like what he described. The sudden added danger of Mr. Elxa's warning had made me doubly wary. I hadn't met any other guests other than Hayden. What if they were all nasty and not as engaging as Hayden had been?

Mr. Elxa took one step down, closing the distance between us. The clang of his cane against the metal steps sounded and echoed, but still he ignored it as he took one hand of mine. It was the first attempt at physical contact Mr. Elxa had made to me willingly, and I jumped a little in surprise. He held on to my hand gently but firmly; the way a man would do to his escort, and drew my eyes with his black orbs.

"You are a beautiful woman, Kaylen." He stated lowly, and the fact that his tone of voice was always informative made it sound like a terribly important fact. "I do not ask any others as my plus-one, for you are worthy to be shown in acquaintance to me. You are charming in your own rights. Should anyone find you awkward or -simply put it -strange, there is always someone else out that finds you an interesting specimen, as does Hayden."

I tried my best not to gape at his sudden bout of compliments, my mind reeling to understand the one important thing that had escaped me all this while.

Mr. Elxa was a very charming man.

"Put a smile on that face, Kaylen. You are the topic of conversation for tonight. Act the part and simply smile. I will protect you." He said, and in the even, unchanged tone, I heard an underlying layer of gentleness. It was almost as if he were trying to calm down a lost lamb, and from his eyes shone soft blackness. The peerless, depthless length of the black in his eyes took away my unneeded fears, and I drew in deep breaths, rolling his words in my mind.

I was beautiful. Even if some people didn't think so, Mr. Elxa and Jon thought so. Even if the whole cruiser full of guests disliked me, I had allies in the form of Hayden and Mr. Elxa. With Mr. Elxa protecting me, why was I afraid? That's right; I needed to act my part.

I nodded, reclaiming my smile, standing straighter, and expression with one of calm serenity that Mr. Elxa never failed to exude. If the cruiser full of guests understood Mr. Elxa enough to accept his unchanging expressions, then why would they judge me?

Mr. Elxa nodded once, as if proud that he had done his job right, turned and continued up the metal steps. He didn't let go of my hand.

"Elxa! You are finally here!"

"Elxa, where have you been?"

"Everyone was looking for you."

"I need to talk to you..."

"Who might this stunning lady be?"

"Elxa's plus-one? How can she be? Elxa never-"

The chaos of questions rained down one after another, but I never stopped smiling. There were truly people of all sorts, but the women were all dressed in beautiful garbs. The men were all dressed smartly -every one of them looking every bit the businessmen they were supposed to be. Mr. Elxa answered the questions politely, in his even tone, and when he spoke, it appeared as if everyone were captivated, listening to him with care. What a power he held; this was truly another side of the man who had picked me up months ago from the street corner.

It was barely noticeable, with the crowd pushing around us, but Mr. Elxa continued inching us towards the raised bow of the boat, all the while appeasing the myriad of questions pelting on us. I answered a few questions directed to me as best as I could, but Mr. Elxa wasn't wrong. I really was the center of attention, and all I really needed to do was smile.

It wasn't very obvious, but eventually we made up the stairs to another level, and suddenly everyone was gone. As if there had been an unexplained and unannounced barrier, the men and women who had been engaged with Mr. Elxa bade their farewells and allowed us on peacefully. Mr. Elxa didn't show any signs of exhaustion or even the slightest clue of being disturbed by the crowd's insistence over him, making his way up the spacious stairs. Feeling a little empowered by the compliments that had been rolling in by flirty guys whose ages were suitable for me, along with the fact that I meant something as a plus-one to this luxurious function, I stepped close to Mr. Elxa, laid a hand on his forearm, and helped aid his painful progress up the stairs. If he was surprised, he didn't show it as he took my help silently, completing our progress quickly.

At the top of the stairs, he simply wordlessly slid his hand out of my grasp, straightening his outfit, and continued on as if nothing had happened. Unsure whether it had been a wise thing to act as such, I bit any worried questions away, flushing the wariness and nervousness out of my system quickly before they could take root. The last thing I wanted now was to make a fool of myself. Briefly, I checked the railings at the side and confirmed that they were waist level. If I really embarrassed myself too much, it wasn't too hard to go running overboard.

"Elxa, glad to have you here. I didn't get the chance to talk to you at the harbor." A man's deep voice sounded at our side, and we stopped, turning to find the man in crisp, fitting suit coming over with a stunning partner at his side.

"It was a mess at the harbor, Myriam. It is much easier to talk here." Mr. Elxa replied in the same evened tone, but I detected a respectable hint beneath it. This man before us appeared senior to us all, but he was very obviously still in the dating market, for his fourth finger wore no ring, and the model-like woman clung heavily off him with dew-eyes. Her foreignness pegged instantly, and I wondered if she was Swedish or Irish.

"Sure it is. I see you have a beautiful lady at your side like how I have mine. This is a surprise." Myriam commented with an easy, amiable smile, but somehow 'surprised' wasn't expression I would tag on him at the moment.

"Your lady is a stunner herself." Mr. Elxa replied politely, then offered his free hand to Myriam's partner. She was most definitely used to such formal greetings, for she slid her soft, pale white hands in his, watching as he pressed a soft kiss on the back of it.

"Elxa Dal, at your service." He greeted in the same polite tone, and the woman in question smiled delightedly.

"Myriam talks a lot about you. I am Yvette." She replied in a sultry voice meant to seduce. If her partner was disturbed, Myriam didn't show it. For that fact; neither did Mr. Elxa.

"I have heard of your successful career in Sweden. Congratulations."

"It is nothing compared to all that you have accomplished, Mr. Dal." Yvette breezed her reply, but before more could be said, they were interrupted by the light laughter of Myriam.

"If you want to flirt with Yvette before me, Elxa, at least introduce me to the fine specimen of your woman to be fair."

"Perhaps you would wish to ask and earn the knowledge of her name? Innate desires are one thing to play, Myriam, but I don't give the name of a woman if she doesn't wish it." Mr. Elxa's words were surprisingly playful in reply, but Myriam only smirked.

"Then will you give me the gift of your name?" Myriam turned his attention to me, offering an old-fashioned bow that fit his age.

Feeling emboldened by this playful banter that Mr. Elxa and Myriam shared, I smiled and returned a small curtsy.

"Then what do you have to offer for it?"

"Is my name enough to appease you? I am Myriam Elliot, a man you should never reveal nor hide your innate desires to. I am unafraid to pronounce, my fair lady, my nature for it is only true and honest." He breezed back in a similar way that his partner had done, and I quickly saw the familiarity between the both of them.

“Whatever shall I do with my desires, then? Wear them on my sleeve so as to be able to change them immediately upon and after meeting you?” I asked with interest, for how many men have been so bold in explaining his flaws to a stranger?  Myriam was old enough to be my grandfather, but there must be something about Mr. Elxa and his acquaintances being old but very charming men. Did they all retain their young, flirty souls even as their physical body aged with time?

“That is certainly an interesting thought.” Myriam commented, a delighted eye coming to his green eyes. Without invitation, he closed the distance between us, and ignored Mr. Elxa completely as a flawless, lean arm with muscles reached forward. Warm, gentle fingers slid underneath my chin, and tilted my face up ever so slightly in a way that should be sensual –except for the fact that I was not interested. “But as you now wear them on your sleeve; do show them to me. What are your innate desires that you mean to show me only now?”

Though he was still kind and gentle, amiable and friendly, I was beginning to find a little sensibility in his movement. This man was an elderly man who had conquered a beautiful young model from Sweden. There was no doubt that this man knew exactly how much power he held, and I knew that power could easily corrupt anyone. This was probably what Mr. Elxa had warned me about –about the cruise having dangerous men and women. Myriam was probably one of them, and if I wanted to stay safe, it was best that I chose my words wisely.

“My desires are…” I breathed softly, gently removing his fingers, turning the hold into a gentle handshake. “…to be remembered as someone striking to your curious mind, and stay mysterious and nameless. I wish you will grant me this, my fair gentleman Myriam Elliot.”

The disbelief flashed across his green eyes only a second long, but the grin of delighted realization set in and didn’t fade away even as he turned the handshake into something firmer and stronger, pumping our hands in a business-like manner. His grin was bright, and wrinkles pulled the corner of his eyes while light glittered on his graying hair.

“You are truly a fine specimen. Elxa has chosen a Plus-One perfect to his wits.” He announced, then let go of our hands as if he had just closed a deal. Back to his model’s side, he returned, but Yvette’s shocked eyes were on me. Did she expect something else out of me? I wasn’t the typical woman; I didn’t give typical replies. I tended to be shunned by my strangeness, heightening my awkwardness around people.

Yet, somehow, on this cruise, I felt as if being different was… myself. I was appreciated for being different, and I liked that. It wasn’t only the makeover working. It was the people here –eyeing the fact that I was strange and different, enjoying a new breath of fresh air instead of shunning anything they didn’t know. As if they were all people who took challenges with grins. Was this truly the world of business, where something different was so greatly appreciated?

“What is this I hear? Myriam being rejected? How far as he truly fallen?” An amused voice behind us spoke, and I spun around in surprise, for I had heard no approaching footsteps.

The most beautiful woman in the world stood before me. As a woman myself, saying this was a weird phenomenon, but she was absolutely stunning. The front of her dress was so low that even I had fantasies about stripping her at the moment. Her hair, decorated like a flower around a scenery, flowed like liquid around her shoulders, and the redness of the dress along with her lips… it made me want to take a bite from her.

“To fall before such a beauty is only my honor.” Myriam jested with light laughter, but the woman in question only smiled at the older man’s words of light joke.

“You would rather, ten times over, that Yvette fall down your sword and sheathe, don’t you? Please do keep off the young, beautiful souls, Myriam. You are an old man.” The woman was careless in her manner of speaking to this man I knew to be silently powerful in his own joking way. The way she carried herself –it was as if she knew that she was the Woman Of The World, as if no one else could defeat her in any aspect. The way she stood and talked, the way her eyes swept past everyone quickly, registering us but not focusing attention on only one of us –it was as if she knew that she had control.

“Hayley, you do wound an old man.” Myriam faked a flinch, and Yvette only laughed girlishly in her Swedish accent. I wondered briefly why I could never laugh so captivatingly like Yvette. “But somehow I am used to your cruel tongue. However Jeremy tames you down; I never understand.”

“Tame isn’t exactly the word. I prefer ‘support’.” Another man replied, and this time I watched as he walked right up to the stunning woman named Hayley, and placed a protective arm around her waist as if anyone planned to steal her right here, right now. Even if the guys on the cruise didn’t, Ms. Hayley’s manner of dressing and posture literally begged for even women to be bisexual, to ravage her thoroughly.

“Ah, speak of the devil.” Myriam toned down on his joking manner, returning to his calmer, initial demeanor that I had met him by.

“Devil isn’t exactly the word.” Jeremy –the clean shaven man with an easy smile and friendly face, and noticeably long, slender and gentle fingers –emphasized again, putting himself close to his obvious partner for the night as if to show to the world that he now owned the Woman Of The World. “I prefer ‘angel’.”

“Egocentric isn’t exactly the word I put for you, Jeremy.” Myriam replied with a smile. “I prefer ‘narcissistic’.”

The war between the men would have continued had Mr. Elxa not finally stepped up with his calm, cooling effect settling over everyone present. With a soft tap of his cane on the deck, resonating a sharp click, attention drew quickly to my escort of the night, as his black eyes settled quickly over the beautiful Hayley and her partner. He nodded, as if to show acknowledgement, then turned back quickly to Myriam.

“Myriam, you are just the man I am looking for. We need to discuss some things of the deal that is going to happen in a week.” Mr. Elxa started his business-like voice again, and the amiable, almost-friendly Mr. Elxa was gone quickly. Myriam’s grin reduced its glare to a smile, and the businessman nodded.

“Of course. Business beckons.” Myriam and Mr. Elxa walked off, and Yvette quickly excused herself from the small group where she was obviously uncomfortable with the addition of more strangers. For my part, I was also a little uncomfortable to be standing beside the Woman of the World, for I must seem like a pile of turd beside this piece of Michelangelo’s art.

Still, it was clear that both of them were very interested to make conversation with someone as dull as me, for they didn’t move an inch from where they stood, looking like the cover page of a luxury wedding magazine. Friendly smiles hung upon their faces, but I knew better than trust only simply friendly smiles.

“So you are the famed Elxa’s plus-one of the night.” The man now recognized as Jeremy started.

“Famed?” I asked with a hint of surprised disbelief. “Surely there wasn’t a foot-soldier carrying a torch running through your midst and announcing at the top of his lungs my arrival on the ship? I made it quite late –and am pretty sure I didn’t hear any screaming top-deck.”

Surprise somehow floods both their eye at my words, and they exchanged a quick look that wasn’t exactly left undetected. Still, they turned back to me a moment later, acting as if they hadn’t seemed surprised at all.

“There wasn’t a foot-soldier, but there was my brother.” The Woman of the World, Ms. Hayley, finally spoke up –this time with a smile way more genuine than it had been before.

“Your brother, ma’am?” There was just something so regal about her that I couldn’t refrain from referring to her politely, though her partner commanded less of such a feeling.

“Oh, do simply just call me Hayley. Or Hays for short.” She fussed, and despite myself, I felt the blush of shame rise up my throat. This was really something Hayley could do –manipulate even the normal woman’s instincts. “I believe my brother thought you a wonderful specimen of a woman, a refreshing taste of breath he hasn’t had in many years.”

I tried to scroll back through the many men I’d met on deck. Many of them had given compliments of the different sorts, but the particular comment struck. Where had I heard that…? Who was Hayley’s brother?

“Surely your brother is blind, Ms. Hayley. Does he not see your beauty and charm? If I am a wonderful specimen to him, then you should be gilded in gold, displayed at the front steps of Le Louvre.” I replied quickly, waving my hands as if the added action could stop any more embarrassing moments flashing in my mind.

“I questioned that when I heard it, but now that I have seen you, I understand why he thinks as such.” Hayley announced, then reached forwards for my free hand. Even without explaining herself to her partner, Hayley led us away from where we stood. I opened my mouth to protest against running away without telling Mr. Elxa, but he’d left and disappeared in the crowd with Myriam. Even if I stayed, I wasn’t even sure if I could find him again. I shouldn’t be trusting Hayley and her partner, but it remained a fact that I no one left to trust anyway.

Hayley drew us to a corner of the deck, where comfortable armchairs were set in circular patterns to facilitate conversations. There were a few circular patterns, but it seemed as if the upper level of the deck was off-limits to the others, for there were only a small scattering of waitress and waiters around, save us.

Hayley led us to a comfortable trio of armchairs, and sat me down firmly, taking a seat at my side while leaving the seat across me open for her partner. Jeremy had swerved to the side for refreshments, and I marveled at how close they were –for they hadn’t needed even a single word to convey the instructions to each other. Oh, for the love of god, how I wished I could find someone I could share my life with like that.

But that was perhaps only if I had even half the beauty of the Woman of the World.

“You remind me of her.” She started vaguely, and I let my polite smile turn into a confused one. She only gave her serene smile in reply, and leaned back in her seat, as if looking forward to a long-drawn comfortable conversation with me. It flattered me that she would think such a way, but the extremely high slit of her dress was making it hard for me to not concentrate and focus on her amazing legs.

“You remind me of my brother’s ex-lover. She ran away from him when they were at their happiest, and he has never looked at any other woman so thoroughly since. When he described you upon coming up the deck, I was really surprised at the details he could go to. You really are a specimen.” Hayley continued, and I let my detective mind spin. I never considered myself someone to be of higher intelligence than others, but I was an avid fan of detective shows, so I liked to think myself quite a detective between times.

If Ms. Hayley had spoken about her brother coming up the deck, then it would mean that her brother had met me and Mr. Elxa below deck. We hadn’t been talking to anyone else below deck since we left Hayden, so…

Talk to Hayden and his sister Hayley when you get the chance.

The sudden advice by Mr. Elxa sank in, and I realized, with a jolt, who this person in front of me was. This was the Hayley that Mr. Elxa had mentioned. Hayden’s sister.

“Oh, Hayden is your brother?” I asked politely, but our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Jeremy juggling with three glasses of wine in his hands. Passing Hayley one, and offering one to me, Jeremy settled in the last seat with his glass of wine, lounging back the same way Hayley was doing. I got the sense that they were trying to give me a sense of relaxation, but somehow I feel even more nervous. I eyed the wine carefully, then placed it on the table without taking a sip.

“You don’t like wine?” Jeremy asked with concern, as if he’d gotten something wrong without my permission.

“No, I’m very weak around alcohol. I don’t want to be blabbering my mouth dry just by taking a sip.”

“It’s not very strong.” Jeremy offered further, but I shook my head politely.

“Thank you for your concern, but I’ll pass. Lord knows what I’ll end up doing with alcohol. The last time I was drunk… Mr. Elxa didn’t get a good impression of me. I’d rather die than have the same effect on such wonderful hosts.” I explained honestly, and Jeremy nodded in understanding, though a light of amusement twinkled in his eyes upon my comment about Mr. Elxa’s impression of me.

“You’re good with words, Ms.…” Jeremy trailed off with a prompting urge in his tone.

“Call me Kaylen.” I filled in helpfully. “I’m was studying to be a Journalist Major, so I guess that’s where my play with words come in.”

“Ms. Kaylen.” Ms. Hayley’s voice sounded suddenly, piercing through the quiet sea breeze, the occasional sound of waves crashing upon the side of the cruise. “Why did you agree to come on this ship with Elxa?”

“I’m sorry?” I asked, turning to Ms. Hayley now. All the while she had been kind and gentle, but now her tone of voice sounded more severe and dangerous. I was suddenly reminded by the slightly dangerous looks I had caught flashing beneath their eyes.

“Why did you come?”

“Um… because Mr. Elxa asked me to?” I chanced a guess, a little afraid now that the Woman of the World was beginning to get scary.

“Let’s start from the middle of it all. How are you related to Elxa?”

I frowned a little. What was her business in all of this? While my relationship with Mr. Elxa was purely business, and had nothing shameful to hide, I tended to react negatively to people challenging me or looking down at me.

“What if I declare myself a long-lost sister? Or maybe a cousin?” I challenged back, but Ms. Hayley’s smile this time around was cruel and knowing.

“Then I know that you lie badly, for the Dal side of his family is all dead, and his mother’s side of the family either hates his guts or are dead.” I assumed by Dal, she meant Mr. Elxa’s father’s side, for Mr. Elxa’s true surname was Young. Wasn’t it?

Still, it shocked me at how much I didn’t know about Mr. Elxa. Was his family really all dead? Were his elders really all gone? What did Hayley mean by his mother’s side of the family hating him? Did Mr. Elxa piss them all off?

Wait, it wasn’t even my business.

“What’s it your business?” I rebuked, a little miffed that I had let her push me around and scare me like that. So what if she was the Woman of the World. So what is she was powerful.

I had a gun.

It was a bad thought to think, but at least it was leverage. And at least I was listening to Mr. Elxa and –attempting –talking to Hayley.

“Elxa is my business. I’ve made it so since he was young and joined the industry.” Hayley declared, but before anything more could be said, Jeremy cleared his throat, taking the attention.

“Hays, please don’t do this. I know Elxa; he hates people dabbling into his life –even if it were for his sake. He plans every step; she could be just one of them.” Jeremy said, speaking to his lover in a pained tone of voice as if he had endured this one time too many.

“Hayden’s tied with Elxa, and so am I. I owe Elxa my life; I owe Danaus my life. I owe everyone who died by Tyler my life, and I can only so start making it all up. I’m starting by Elxa, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her stop me.” Hayley suddenly declared, and with the force of some sort of strange righteous anger, she flew to her feet so fast I was taken by surprise. Her face was hard as she stared down at me.

“Kaylen, I like you. You remind me of Hayden’s ex-lover, and I liked her very much too. But if you plan to do any harm to Hayden or Elxa, know that I, Hayley Seyfried, will take you on. You do not want me for an enemy, I promise you that.”

With that, the woman in question spun around and stalked away –still with her regality, but now I saw a new side of it, a whole new level of bitchiness along with it too.

Jeremy jumped to his feet equally quickly, began to make after his lover, then paused and turned back to face me.

“I’m sorry about that… She just has too much responsibility. She’s like a mother hen, and until they get married and make their own family, Hayden and Elxa are pretty much going to be her baby chicks –even if their all grown up already. Please forgive her harsh words, she is merely overly reactive at the idea of both Hayden and Elxa receiving you well.” Jeremy explained, and before I could get a chance to say more, Jeremy bounded off after his partner.

Leaving me alone in the upper deck, wondering what the hell I’d done wrong. I stayed there a little longer, hoping for something to happen, but nothing did, so I gathered my wits and began to make back the way I came, hoping to bump into Mr. Elxa somehow. The deck was large, but there was no doubt that I would get to meet Ms. Hayley and Jeremy again sometime later in the night. I hoped the circumstances then wouldn’t be as heavy as it was now.

Thinking to get a fresh breath of sea breeze, I lounged by the side of the deck, feeling the wind spreading hair from my back. To the wind, I scattered away the stresses of the night, and casually observed the little groups of people gathered together, holding flutes of champagnes, glasses of wines, talking and mingling. Most of them looked comfortable there. Others looked at each other in contempt.

I scanned the crowd once more, hoping to find Mr. Elxa in its midst. And again, I found no telltale sign of a man holding a cane walking anywhere. Sighing softly, I turned back to the sea breeze. At least this was a comforting environment.

Tap, click tap. Tap, click tap. Tap, click tap. Tap, click tap.

The familiar rhythm of steps came into register in my ears, and I straightened from the railing that I was leaning on, beginning to look around for the source of that approaching sound. Mr. Elxa was nearing me somehow –I wasn’t sure if it was coincidence or if he had been looking for me but I looked forward to seeing someone familiar.

I turned around, and realized, with shock, that someone stood directly behind me. I gasped at the sight of the figure –most probably a man considering his broad shoulders and towering height –clad in all black. A beanie covered hair, and a ski mask covered the lower half of his face. Eyes of dark green glared at me, and for a moment, we stood there frozen as we looked into each other’s eyes.

And then he lurched forwards. The scream I attempted to make came out strangled as he covered his hand over my mouth. I struggled, but his other hand grabbed my arm painfully. I still had a free hand, but it was holding on to my purse. Panicked, I dropped it, as I struggled to find something to release myself from my would-be-captor. I tried to jerk my knee, but he had been ready, for his muscled leg blocked further self-defense strategies as he pushed me back leaning against the railing.

“Die!” A low, distorted voice rumbled.

Tap, click tap. Tap, click tap. The rhythmic sound became faster, and above the race that my beating heart had taken part in, I heard a familiar voice call my name.

My captor gave a shove. Suddenly, the hands holding me released, and I reached out to grab for something to pull me back. But the shove had been too strong, and my body could not stop the momentum in time. My waist, leaning against the railing, pivoted me, and horror struck as my legs began to lift off the ground.

It happened so fast. My world was turning, and then wind was brushing against my whole body. I knew I was screaming, and I heard a roar of my name. But the night sky was black, and so I saw nothing other than the white side of the cruise as I fell.

And then, coldness and blackness.

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