Chapter Twenty-Three: Getcha Head Back In The Game
Just A Game [Teenlock]
Chapter Twenty-Three: Getcha Head Back In The Game
When Sherlock comes to, the house is silent minus the occasional sounds from his busy mother downstairs in the kitchen. He can smell bacon, toast and coffee. Slowly, Sherlock pushes his body up so his legs are covered by his blanket but his torso is reveled.
It felt normal. Like he was waking up at the start of this term all those weeks ago. Had it really been just over a month?
Felt much longer than that. God, it was half term now so they had until the end of July, just two months, until their first year of college was over. Then it was just a year left before they all went off to uni or got a job or whatever their plans were.
Another thing hits Sherlock then. He has absolutely no clue about what he wanted to do in the future. He was good at most of the subjects and he thrived in Chemistry and Sport but he didn't really know what he wanted to do.
Unless you count The Game but somehow Sherlock thinks that he can't turn sleeping with people into a legal job.
Sighing, Sherlock runs a hand through his hair.
He had.. two days until they were back at college. In those days he needed to solve this issue with Benjamin. He needed to stop it all if he planned to sort his life out and keep his friends that truly mattered to him.
That boy always wormed his way through Sherlock's defences and convinced him of things Sherlock probably knew, deep down, were complete BS. And he just let himself fall for it all, that was the worse bit. Sherlock wished he could care that he let Benjamin use him but.. he just didn't. Benjamin had always seemed to love him for more than the fact he was a good shag.
Suddenly, a warm arm slides over Sherlock's waist and makes him jump. Sherlock relaxes when he realises that it's Jim, asleep beside him.
Sherlock smiles to himself. He hadn't even realised that Jim was there.
Sliding down into the bed, careful not to tug Jim's arm so he woke up, Sherlock turns so he's facing Jim.
A shooting pain rushes through Sherlock's chest as he registers how stupid he'd been. He always thought that Benjamin was the only one to understand because of the multiple drug addictions they formed together but if he thought about it, far more people understood him and would love him for more than the fact he was a good shag. Hell, when he thought about it, the list was fairly long.
Jim and Irene were right at the top. Along with Molly and his mother. Mycroft too, despite their differences and disagreements. Even though he wasn't that much of an angel, Sherlock would also have his blonde angel that had been looking not for him from the moment they met - he owed Corey a big apology.
Releasing another sigh, Sherlock moves closer to Jim; arm snaking around his slender, bare waist and the tip of his nose pressing against his collarbone.
Really, he owed many people apologies.
Never again. Sherlock vowed the words, burns them into every fibre of his being. Never again would he do this to the people he loved and that loved him. He'd stop causing them pain.
"Mm? Mornin' Sherly" Jim mumbles, rolling away a little and stretching.
Sherlock has no clue how long his friend's been awake but it didn't really matter now. The moment Jim's done stretching, Sherlock cuddles close again, his fingers tracing Jim's V-line. He moves his fingers up, then down, brushes the waistband of his boxers and then repeats. He does this until Jim shivers in delight, a small puff of air escaping him.
Pleased, Sherlock tilts his head up and begins to run his nose along Jim's chin. He can feel stubble and only vaguely registers how odd that is considering Jim usually kept his skin smooth.
His fingers dip lower and he's just about to dip them into Jim's underwear when his wrist is gently tugged back.
Blinking rapidly for a few seconds, Sherlock frowns at Jim.
"What's wrong?"
Jim shakes his head. "I just don't want to do this right now"
Sherlock raises a disbelieving eyebrow. "And why not? You're normally up for our morning quickies in both a literally sense and otherwise"
Sherlock places the hand Jim moved away over his chest, his palm registering the quick beats on the heart beneath. Since when did Jim's heart go that fast?
Unable to form an honest answer, Jim just shrugs and offers his friend a sheepish smile.
Huffing, Sherlock rolls away and crosses his arms over his chest. He didn't understand Jim sometimes.
"Oh, so you're getting pouty because someone doesn't want you?" Jim says, harsher than he intended.
"No" Sherlock shakes his head. "I'm getting pouty because you don't want me"
Jim's speechless... How on Earth can he reply to that? It was so.. sweet - even if Sherlock didn't quite mean it the way Jim wanted him to, it sounded like he meant for it to be sweet and romantic and adorable and any other adjectives Jim may think of to describe it.
It made Jim's heart flutter and heat rise to his cheeks.
Did this mean, to an extent, that Sherlock wanted him to? Wanted him more than other people?
"Sher..." Jim trails off, moving closer to Sherlock and slinging an arm over his chest. He presses a kiss to Sherlock's pale shoulder before continuing. "Of course I want you. He's already interested" He rolls his hips to prove his point "But after yesterday... You're upset and this isn't the way to solve it"
Sherlock stares at him like he'd just magically sprouted another head.
"What?!" Sherlock questions, utterly confused. "That - sex - is the way we've always dealt with these kind of situations. If we're angry or upset, we fuck each other until it's out of our systems so please explain to me why it's suddenly different"
Sherlock rolls again, so they're laying nose to nose. All they can see is the other's eyes; Sherlock's glaring and angry, and Jim's disheartened and confused.
"Time's change, Sherlock... And.. Situations change but most of all... People change." Jim wasn't sure if he meant himself or Sherlock now...
"I don't want our friendship to change" Sherlock hisses.
Jim smiles sadly at that. "But it has, hasn't it?"
Sherlock stares for a long time before muttering "I don't understand you" and rolling out the bed and strolling out the room casually.
Even though Sherlock had planned to get everything sorted out before the college break was over, he hasn't managed to. It wasn't that he hasn't tried, because he had. He'd texted Benjamin and Corey hundreds of times to see if he could meet with Benjamin soon. The answer was always the same. I'm busy. Benjamin's busy.
Sighing, Sherlock hitches his backpack higher up his shoulder. He was dressed differently today. The college had sent emails to all families, explaining that the students were to wear sport clothing for the first week back - they were going ahead with this sports week thing. So Sherlock had donned pair of black shorts that he brought when he used to go to the gym and he also had a plain white top on and his feet were covered by pair of running shoes.
Unlike the last time they returned to college for the next half of the term, Jim wasn't here. Sherlock hadn't seen him since their almost-argument about Jim not wanting to help Sherlock release his emotions through fucking him.
Sighing, Sherlock trudges upstairs to knock on Mycroft's door- planning on letting him know the time. He doesn't get an answer, though, so shrugs. Probably avoiding the sports and bunking with his boyfriend, Sherlock thinks with a chuckle.
On his way to school, he continuously bites his bottom lip. It didn't feel right without Jim here.
He doesn't see Jim for the best part of the morning, in fact. He doesn't see any of his friends - other than John who knew nothing of what occurred a few nights ago.
Molly is the first to appear. While John and Sherlock wait for their turn in the rounders game, she just came and sat with them. There were three teams per pitch and it was their team that was currently sat out of play. So while the game took place, they'd chosen to take a seat on the grass as the sun that shone slowly warmed their skin.
She offers a small smile to Sherlock and shrugs when John asks the whereabouts of everyone else.
When the teams switch, John, Sherlock and Molly all stand and go to line up with the other batters. John and Molly are chatting away, nervously awaiting their Chemistry test results. Sherlock ignores them, and everything else going on around them.
He's only brought to his senses when he's shoved towards the batting square by Molly. He rolls his eyes and approaches.
"What's with the audience?" John asks while Sherlock is preparing for the first ball.
Molly follows John's line of sight to see a line of females, and a few males, stood on the hill, all eagerly watching Sherlock. She chuckles before leaning into John and nodding at all the people as she speaks "As ever, they're all here to swoon and gush over Sherlock. They love watching him run. His shorts make his arse look fantastic"
John raises an eyebrow at Molly. "Oh, really?"
A blush covers her cheeks and she elbows John. "Can't blame a girl for looking"
John hums, smiling at his friend, before he turns back to the game in time to see Sherlock hit the ball. It flies over everyone's head and a deep fielder has to run even deeper. It's clear it's going to be a full rounder.
But like much of the team, John was too busy watching Sherlock run. He was fast, but since he had long legs it made it seem like he was putting in less effort to go further. Not to mention those short did make his arse look absolutely amazing. They were tight when he just stood by when he ran, they'd pull tighter with each stride he took.
"Wow.." John breathes the word. "He looks beautiful running"
"Told you" Molly mumbles, before she heads towards the batters square.
By the time she's there, Sherlock has returned to the line. John subtly ditches his spot to go towards the back of the line, smiling at Sherlock and congratulating him with a hug. He doesn't really return the gesture but he does smile a little.
John frowns a little, wondering where Sherlock's mind was.
He was about to ask if Sherlock was okay when he notices someone behind Sherlock.
"Hey, isn't that Corey?" He asks, pointing over Sherlock's shoulder.
Sherlock freezes, then looks relieved, then looks scared and guilty, before he turns just as Corey practically jumps into his arms. Sherlock makes an 'oof' sound but still wraps his arms around Corey as the other boy buries his face in Sherlock's shoulder.
"I saw Irene. She told me everything. I am so, so proud of you, babe!" Corey raises his head and plants a big, sloppy kiss on Sherlock's cheek.
John frowns a little but neither of the boy notice.
Sherlock can't help but smile. He hugs Corey tighter and nods. "Thank you, Corey" He says before mumbling "My blonde angel..."
Corey chuckles, having heard what Sherlock called him and not for the first time.
Molly returns then, looking flushed. John guesses she only made it to second on her go. The line of batters gradually moves up and Corey comes with them.
Molly raises an eyebrow at John but only gets a shrug as a reply. That seems to make Molly smile and she briefly says hi to Corey before taking hold of John's arm and dragging him to the back of the line.
"Hey! What are you doing?" He whines. He's never going to get his turn, is he?
Molly rolls her eyes and gestures to where Corey and Sherlock stood. "Open your eyes, John. They need some time alone"
John's eyes widen, still looking at her. "You mean they're together?" He hisses.
Molly huffs and shakes her head. "No. Just shut up now and accept it"
John grumbles about how unfair she is and how she doesn't want him to have fun but does as he's told because he can see that she wasn't lying.
Corey and Sherlock talk quietly, making plans for Sherlock to end things.
When it's Sherlock's turn to bat again, Corey approaches the back stop.
"Hello, darling, sorry but I'm taking over while my dear Sherlock here takes his turn" and he pushes the girl to the side, not giving her a chance to protest or say otherwise. She walks away, looking dazed.
Sherlock chuckles, taking his position in the square. Right arm holding the bat and ready to run.
"Gotta get your head in the game, Sherlock." Corey says.
"Oh, God..." Sherlock laughs.
"You gotta getcha, getcha, get ya head in the game. You gotta getcha, getcha, getcha, get your head in the game... um, My head's in the game but my heart's in the sooo- Holy shit!" Corey's off key singing is interrupted when Sherlock hits the ball hard, making a cracking sound. "He's like one of the Cullen's..." Corey whispers to the girl, who had returned to take her position again as everyone watched Sherlock effortlessly run again.
The girl bursts into a fit of laughter and Corey walks away, satisfied with her reaction. He joins Sherlock at the end of the line and tackles him into a hug, again.
Sherlock laughs and hugs back.
"Where's Jim and Irene then? I thought it'd be all smiles around here..." Corey looks around the pitches across the field, as if he could spot them.
Sherlock shrugs. "'M not sure. I'll see them at lunch. You sticking around?"
Corey nods "Yeah. Your teachers are seriously so stupid. I just walked in without being questioned. Ridiculous"
Instead of replying, Sherlock just smiles.
Things were getting better.
Next step: get his head back in The Game.
The rounders quickly come to an end and they all head towards the changing rooms. Molly goes towards the girls and Sherlock sees her meet Irene. He waves at the girl and she smiles back, nodding a little.
Things really were getting better. He could feel it.
John, Corey and Sherlock head round the corner of the building to the boys changing room. They wouldn't actually be changing. It was just a brief to let them all know what sports they'd been put in for after break and lunch.
Sherlock had been chosen for track events, allowing with Jim, Michael and John (not that Jim was anywhere to be seen). They'd be doing a relay before the end of the day, as well as individual races.
Sherlock only half listens, knowing John and Michael would relay all necessary information. Sherlock smirks at the play on words. They'd relay the info.
Sometimes, he worries about his scene of humour. It was terribly cheesy.
The briefing is quickly over and done with. Sherlock shoots up and heads for the main building, ahead of everyone else - he bet Molly kept them back so he could patch things up with Jim.
Speaking of Jim... He wonders where he is. His best guess was that Jim had skipped the briefing in favour of food.
He was going to use this break to get his head in the game (he was also going too kill Corey for getting that song in his head).
Sherlock's plan was to talk to Jim and Irene and then go find someone to add a point to his score so far. However, he didn't even get as far as the lunch room before his day was sent plummeting into a depressing abyss of drama.
And to think, he had been having a good day.
He'd been walking towards the cafeteria when he heard it. A light sobbing. Normally, he wouldn't have cared but Sherlock knew that sobbing. Or rather, he knew who's sobbing it was.
Looking confused, Sherlock slowly approaches the storage cupboard with a frown. Surely he was wrong.. It couldn't be who he thought it was, right?
QUESTION FOR ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE: What's your opinion of Benjamin? Do you feel sorry for him or do you think that he's a bit of a dick-wad? Let me know! I'm interested to see which of you still like him now things have been revealed.
ALSO: Who do you think is sobbing is the cupboard? First correct guess gets a dedication!
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