☽︎The Dark Moon☾︎
(New intro gif, who dis?)
(Edit: I fixed up the gif, made it neater and added a watermark.)
In a dusty little town in Mexico Stiles, Y/n and Lydia glance at the residents who pass by, going about their day as usual. "This doesn't seem so bad." Stiles says.
"It's not the town, it's the plan." Lydia responds.
"What's wrong with the plan?"
"Stiles. This could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with. You're aware of that, right?"
"I'm aware it's not our best."
"I don't really like it either, but it's all we got." Y/n pointed out. "I mean, it could always be worse, right?"
"We are going to die."
"Are you saying that as a banshee or are you just being pessimistic?" Stiles asked as they started to walk along the dirt road.
"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die."
"We'll be fine, Lyds." Y/n assured.
"Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual banshee predictions?" Stiles requested of the strawberry blonde.
"This plan is stupid and we're going to die."
"Oh, thank you."
As the sun set they eventually make it to the back alley entrance they had been looking for, two men standing guard in front of the doors. Y/n stood in front of the two with Stiles and Lydia behind her. "Estamos aquí para la fiesta." (We're here for the party.) Y/n tells them. Stiles gives her a surprised look that he has to quickly cover up. One of the men shakes his head, silently telling her they had the wrong place. Y/n glances at Stiles over her shoulder and he reaches into his pocket for a card with a skull printed on it. The man glances up at a camera and Stiles holds the card in clear view of the lense. A buzz sounds out and the door swings open. The men stand aside so the three teens could enter.
They look around the dimly lit hall, looking back at the door as it closes behind them, before they continue to the door on the other side. "I didn't know you could speak Spanish." Stiles can't help but mention.
"I speak a handful of languages. Alan taught me incase I ever needed it." Y/n responded before she looked at him over her shoulder. "¿Eso te impresiona, amor?" (Does that impress you, love?)
"I have no idea what you just said, but that was hot." Y/n huffed a laugh while Lydia rolled her eyes in slight amusement. As they get closer to door they notice the wall-mounted lamps are rattling with the pounding of music. Y/n looks back at the two, recieving a nod from Lydia, and she opened the doors, the music now surrounding them as they walk into the densely packed room. Partygoers dance and laugh together under the pulsing lights.
They start to move through the crowd and towards the bar. A few moments after they get there three shots of tequila are sat in front of them. Lydia gives them a confused look. Stiles goes to pay for them when a hand clamps down on his and Y/n's shoulders. "No. On the house." The man says. They still don't touch the glasses. "Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."
"We didn't come to drink." Lydia says, reaching into her pocket and dropping a bullet with a skull carved on it into the shot. He leads them to the back and into an older woman's large office, Araya Calaveras. Lydia and Stiles sit in the two chairs in front of her desk while Y/n stands just behind them with her arms crossed.
Araya cuts some fabric with a knife. "Severo hates this music. Me? I've always loved the music of youth. This kind, especially. It has a savage energy. You know something about energy like that, don't you, mija?" She glances at Y/n who gives an uninterested look back. On the inside Y/n bristles, not liking the way she directed that question at her. She hates being in the middle of the lion's den, but it's necessary.
"We're here for Derek Hale." Lydia redirects.
"Is that so?"
"We know you have him. We've heard you can be bought."
Stiles places five stacks of money on the table. "It's 50,000 for Derek."
"Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this?" Araya wonders. "Japanese mafia?" Lydia jumps as several guns are cocked. "Not smart to come alone?"
"What makes you think we came alone?" The smirk on Araya's face faulters. Inside the club Malia, Kira, and Scott were blending in amongst the crowd.
She got up from her desk to stare down at them. "You brought a wolf into my home?"
"We brought an Alpha."
She turns and goes to her window. "My friends," she sighs, "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?"
"The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky." Lydia says automatically
"But do you know it's meaning?" She turns to look at Y/n. "Do you?" Y/n doesn't like the way the woman looks at her, like she knows something. She figures the Hunter probably does.
"For some it's a time of reflection. A new start or a clean slate. Others it's a time for grief."
"Grief and loss, mija. I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale."
"'Cause we don't like to lose." Stiles answers. He can tell that the attention Araya was giving Y/n was making her uncomfortable, not to mention that it was the attention of a Hunter. Voices come over the radio then.
"Nadie en la cantina." (Nobody in the club.)
"Front door, clear."
"South, clear."
Severo pulls out his radio. "North?" No answer. "¿Norte? ¿Dónde está el norte?" (North? Where is the north?)
A moment later a voice responds, but it's not who the Hunters were expecting. "Stiles. Take 10 off the table"
Stiles does as Scott asks, taking one stack of money away. "Maybe you should just take the deal." Lydia advices.
Araya smiles. "While I am keen to follow the warning of a banshee, I'm going to have to decline." That's when Y/n realizes, she knows what they are and that their plan may not go as smoothly as they hoped. Severo leaves the room and Y/n watches him carefully, before looking at the several other Hunters in the room.
"All right, come on. Just give us Derek." Stiles coaxed. "You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on, take the money."
Araya grabs her radio from off of her desk. "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate." Y/n could faintly hear a horn blast from the club, and then the shuffling of the Hunters in the room. Deciding there wasn't really anything to lose, Y/n's eyes shift and she uses her magic to push Lydia and Stiles towards the door and out of the way. Her hand ignites in flames and she slams her hand onto the ground, the fire spreading and arching like a wave to throw the Hunters off their feet. She glares at the smiling Araya as she stands up again. "The bruja finally shows her colors, eh? The music must be sparking your primevil urges."
Y/n took a step to go for the woman when Lydia let out a startled sound. She turned to see some of the Hunters had managed to get up and grab a hold of the two. Stiles looked behind her and his eyes widened in worry. "Y/n, look out!" He yelled, but it was just a bit too late. She cried out as her body stiffened, back arching as Araya used the taser on her. The witch fell to the ground, body jerking from the electricity coursing through her.
"Okay. So how long has it been?" Stiles asks Scott as he, Y/n and Lydia follow the Alpha to the back of the animal clinic.
"Weeks. He hasn't gotten back to any of my texts."
"Has Derek ever returned any of your texts?"
Scott reached up into a cuboard and grabbed a large metal can, setting it on the metal table when he faced the others again. "Once. Definitely once. But this time it felt different. That's when I asked Y/n to try and call him."
"Why would you do that?"
"He usually answers my calls." Y/n responded.
She shrugged. "I don't know. But he didn't this time." Y/n frowned and Scott continued.
"So we went to the loft. The alarm was on. Everything looked okay. But then we found these." Scott opened the lid and pushed it towards Lydia and Stiles. Stiles reached in and pulled out one of many bullet casings.
"I thought it looked familiar, but I couldn't place it, so I sent a picture to Alan and he said that it's the mark of a family of Hunters based out of Mexico. The Calaveras."
"What would they want with Derek?" Lydia wondered.
"You don't think they killed him, do you?" Stiles asked.
"I feel like I would know if he was dead, but then again I don't really feel him." Y/n lightly shook her head as she tried to articulate her thoughts. "It's different somehow. Something's wrong." She looked to Lydia then and pushed the can more towards her. "I thought maybe you might be able to feel or hear something I missed?"
Lydia took the can and reached in, pulling out a handful of casings. She felt them for a moment before she closed her eyes, tilting her hand and letting them hit the table, listening to the echoing shots and shouts they played for her. Her face reflected her confusion when she opened her eyes again. "Lydia, what? Is he dead?" Stiles asked.
"No." She responded. "But I'm not sure he's alive either."
"What does that mean?" Scott questioned.
"I don't know. It's like what Y/n said, there's something not right. I just... I don't know."
"So if the Calaveras have him, how do we find them?" Stiles wondered.
Scott picked up one of the fallen casings and looked at the symbol of the Calaveras. "Mexico."
Stiles sat with Y/n between his legs, holding her in his arms and brushing some hair from her face while he waited for her to wake up. She and Scott had both been hit by the taser stick Araya carried so it's taking them a bit longer to recover than the others did. Y/n groaned a bit as she started to come to and Stiles adjusted to help sit her up better as her eyes opened. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"Oh, peachy. It's invigorating being hit with 1.21 jigawatts."
He chuckled. "Your sarcasm is at peak so you must be fine." Stiles told her that the Hunters didn't have Derek like they thought and that they had taken Lydia, but they didn't know why. After she manages to stand again, stretching her muscles that had tightened, she helped look for a way out, yet they soon found that they were sealed in tight. Y/n tried to use magic on the large metal door, but she was still recovering from the taser, the tool being designed for werewolves more than witches, so there was nothing she could do. She couldn't even help Scott who was still knocked out.
A few moments later Scott's eyes started to open, Kira's face being the first thing he saw. "He's awake. Guys, he's awake." Kira alerted the three and everyone gathered around the Alpha.
"Scott, you okay?" Stiles asked.
"Yeah." He muttered as Y/n and Stiles helped him sit up. "They don't have him. They don't have Derek."
"We know." Kira said. "But right now, they've got Lydia."
"Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?"
"We don't know."
Scott went to the door to try and pry it open, but it wouldn't budge, even for his increased strength. "We already looked for a way out." Y/n informed.
"I think a lot of people have." Malia said just as Scott noticed the claw marks on the wall next to the door. "I say when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it."
"What about Lydia?" Kira asked.
"What about her?"
"We're not leaving without her, Malia." Y/n shook her head at the coyote.
"Why not?"
"Because we don't leave without people. Remember? We talked about this. Wild kingdom rules don't apply with friends." Malia pouted a bit at Y/n's reminder.
"Is that what you would do as a coyote, leave her for dead?" Kira seemed hurt by that thought.
"If she was weak and injured, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her. Then I'd leave."
"That's actually progress." Y/n says to which Stiles agrees with a nod.
"All right, guys, we're not dead yet." Scott reminded. "And that means Araya wants something."
"But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is, that means they didn't take him from the loft. Right?" Kira points out.
"Maybe he left on his own." Stiles offered.
"Or maybe someone else got to him." Y/n countered. Just then Severo came in with two other Hunters. They couldn't put up much of a fight as guns were pointed at them and Scott was tasered yet again. The Hunters took Scott and Kira before locking the other three up again. With no way out all they can do is wait.
Y/n closed her eyes to focus on her hearing, listening to find out what was happening. "What do you hear?" Stiles asked when he saw her troubled look.
"They're utilizing torture as an interogation tool. Araya is gonna ask questions and if they don't answer Kira has to turn a dial on Scott. If she doesn't... Severo will turn it on Lydia. Araya wants to find Derek too. She's asking who took him." She cringes when she hears the dial turned on Scott when Araya didn't like their answer.
"You can hear all of that?" Malia asked her and she nodded. "I want to try."
"Now?" This time Malia nodded. "Kind of not a great time for Supernatural 101, Malia."
"I want to hear them for myself." She insisted. Y/n sighed but relented, telling Malia she had to focus on her hearing, tune out everything but Scott and the others. Trying to help Malia, she stopped listening herself, and now that the information wasn't coming, Stiles was getting anxious.
"Do you hear them? Can you hear Scott?" Malia lightly shook her head at his questions and tried again. "Can you hear Kira, Lydia, anybody? What are they saying?"
"I- I can't. I can't concentrate. I- there's too many sounds and voices." Malia was getting upset with her lack of skill.
"It's okay." Y/n assured. "Just breathe." Y/n made sure Malia took a few deep breaths before she continued. "We practiced this with Scott, remember?"
"I'm trying."
"It's okay, you're doing good. You just need to focus on something. Something that can help ground you. Try looking at my eyes. Focus on me and my voice, let it help drown out everything that isn't important. All you have to do is try to concentrate-" She's cut off when Malia suddenly wraps her arms around her and buries her face into her neck. Malia takes a deep breath, Y/n's natural floral scent putting her at ease. When she pulls away her eyes are glowing blue and it's a little easier to focus.
Y/n decides to listen as well, just in case Malia can't quite get there, but what she hears is troubling. Araya is asking who would have had a vendetta specifically against the Hales. Scott tells her he doesn't know but she says he just hasn't figured it out yet, then she tells Kira to turn the dial to three. Araya probes more, asking who could have taken him, who had the power of a shapeshifter. Scott again denies knowing and she says someone could have been turned without him knowing, someone that was turned by something other than a bite. When Scott tells her yet again that he doesn't know she angrily orders Kira to turn it up to ten.
"They're killing him." Malia tells Stiles as the lights start to flicker.
Y/n listens to Scott's yell of pain that quickly turns into a roar, followed by the snap of chains. Araya tells Scott to say the name, and it wasn't what Y/n was expecting. "Kate. It was Kate." She looks at Stiles and his shock mirrors her own.
"That's impossible. That can't be what he said." Stiles denies.
"It is, I heard it too." Malia says. She becomes confused as she looks between their worried expressions. "Why? Who's Kate?"
"She's a Hunter. An Argent."
Not long after the three were let out and reunited with their friends. The five wait for Scott by the Jeep as Araya walks him out herself. "So you're just letting us go?" Scott asks her.
"I sent four men out to where Kate was rumored to have been seen. None of them came back. Let's see if you can do better."
"You could've just told me she was alive."
"You wouldn't have believed me. Now I know what kind of Alpha you really are. And where your next step lies."
"What next step?"
"When you take the bite of an innocent, when you make a wolf of your own, when you do that, then, I will cross your border and come knocking at your door." She walked away then and Scott walked over to his friends.
"So what now?" Stiles asked.
"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek."
"Is she gonna tell us where?" Y/n followed up.
"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide." There's not enough time to be confused as a black-clad figure rolls up on a motorcycle. The biker takes her helmet off to reveal a familiar face.
"You know her?" Stiles asked Scott.
"Braeden." The woman was alive and well, now sporting four scars along her neck from her past run-in with Deucalion.
"Who's Braeden?" Kira wondered and Lydia answered.
"She's a mercenary."
"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to La Iglesia." Braeden said.
"The Church?" Y/n translated.
"What's The Church?" Stiles questioned the merc.
"It's not a place you'll find God."
The six manage to fit into the Jeep and Braeden leads the way to La Iglesia on her motorcycle. Y/n, Stiles, Scott, and Lydia are quiet on the way there while Malia and Kira are still left in the dark. Malia decides to take initiative, though. "Okay, I'll ask. Who's Kate Argent?"
"Uh, I'd like to know, too." Kira hesitantly says.
"Well, we were at her funeral." Stiles starts off. "So, I'd like to know how she got out of her casket that was buried six feet underground."
"She was never in it." Scott says.
That still didn't answer the girls' question, so Y/n offered the information. "She was Allison's aunt."
"And a total sociopath." Lydia adds.
Kira glances at Scott, understanding that this would be a hard topic for them to talk about, especially him. "You don't have to talk about it now if you don't want to."
"Um, yes, he does." Malia insists.
"Yeah, she's right." Scott agrees. "You guys should know. You need to know." The four took turns telling the two about Kate.
"All right. Kate was the one who set the fire that killed most of Derek's family." Stiles started.
"Some of them survived, like Cora, and Peter." Y/n shared next.
"A very angry Peter." Lydia added.
"Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me." Scott revealed.
"And the one who finally caught up to Kate and killed her."
"And we saw her buried." Stiles said.
"No." Scott denied. "We saw a casket, remember? She wasn't in it. The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing. More and more, as she got closer to the full moon. She was coming back. So they switched out the bodies. They took her. If a Hunter is bit, they have to take their own life before they change. The Calaveras, they treat the code like law. They make it their responsibility to enforce it."
"Good for her. I wouldn't do it either." Malia said.
"Would you kill half a dozen people to get out? Because that's what she did."
Kira leaned forward in her seat a bit. "So Kate's a werewolf now?"
"I don't know. You know, there's a saying, sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are."
"What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?" Lydia asked, making Y/n smile in amusement, but that was short lived as there was a bang and the Jeep lurched to the side.
Stiles managed to pull over safely and Braeden pulled aside as well when she noticed they stopped. "What happened?" She asked as they all piled out.
"I don't know. It felt like we hit something." Stiles answered.
"Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise." Scott looked conflicted. Stiles waved him on. "Go."
"Not without you." Scott immediately denied.
"Scott, someone needs to find Derek." Y/n urged.
"We'll think of something. We always do. Just go." Stiles agreed.
Braeden got on her bike and Y/n gave Scott a reasurring nod. "It's fine. Go."
"Okay." He finally relented.
"Scott." Kira called when he took a step away and she stood in front of him. "I can't think of anything else to say except for be careful. And- and I know 'be careful' sounds kind of lame and I'm totally sure the second you're gone I'm gonna think of something much better, but I..."
Scott smiles at her. "Uh, 'be becareful' works for me." Kira smiles back and pulls him into a hug.
Braeden shook her head at the pair. "Scott, the sun's going down."
After another moment Scott gave Kira a pat on the back. "Hey, I gotta go." She nodded and let him go, and he got on the bike behind Braeden.
Stiles had opened the hood, trying to figure out what went wrong internally, while Y/n and Malia were looking around to see if it was something external. Malia crouched and examined the front wheel closer, reaching in when she spotted something. "Stiles. I don't think we hit something." She grunted as she pulled the item out. "I think something hit us." She held up a small knife made out of what appeared to be bone. Y/n came around grabbed the item from Malia. A feeling of dread hit her when she touched it and she didn't like what this could mean for them.
Stiles continued to dutifully work on the inside of the Jeep, the sun steadily going down as he did. After a while Lydia got tired of it. "Maybe we should just walk." She suggested.
Stiles grabbed the screwdriver he was holding with his teeth and pointed it at her. "Hey, I will never abandon this Jeep. You understand me? Ever. Ever." Lydia huffed in frustration.
"Do you feel that?" Malia asked Y/n quietly and Y/n nodded, both girls keeping their eyes on the desert scenery. Something was watching them, stalking them.
"Stiles, try to work faster." Y/n called, and at her serious tone he and Lydia looked over at her. "There's something out there." Stiles looked alarmed at her ominous warning and tried to do what she asked. As the sun finally set and darkness decended Y/n suggested Kira get her katana and get prepared for a fight.
"Lydia, could you hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that." Stiles asked.
"I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down Jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster." She snapped back. "And I'm terrified."
"Well, just be slightly less terrified."
"Less bickering, more tinkering." Y/n called over her shoulder. The two did as asked and Stiles reached in and pulled something out, holding it out to Lydia.
"Hold this."
She took it with a confused look. "What's this?"
"I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important."
"Oh, God."
"Anything?" Kira asked Y/n and Malia as she stood next to them.
Malia shook her head. "It's too hard to see. We should've brought another flashlight."
"Use your eyes." Y/n said, and Malia looked at her puzzled.
"I am, and I can't see."
"I mean your other eyes." Y/n shifted her eyes then. "You can see better."
Malia did as told while Kira moved to the front of the Jeep and used her sword to reflect light off into the distance. Something caught her eye immediately. A figure was hiding behind a boulder, trying to stay out of the light. "Did you see that?" The two did see it, and Malia roared, fangs extending as she made a run for it. "Malia, wait!"
"Malia!" Y/n yelled as she ran after the werecoyote.
"Hey, Y/n!" Stiles called, about to jump from the Jeep to chase after her until Lydia stopped him.
"Kira, go!" She yelled yet Kira was already on the move. "You. Fix the Jeep." Stiles was too busy watching the witch's figure fade from view and he couldn't help but be worried. Lydia was worried too, but their best shot was for Stiles to fix the Jeep. "Stiles, focus!"
Y/n ran after Malia but she soon lost her in the uneven terrain. She stopped for a moment, feeling for anything. She heard Malia cry out and ran towards her. Suddenly, faster than she could react, a body collided into her and sent her flying into a hillside where she rolled to a hard stop. She groaned as she looked up, barely catching a glimpse of a moving animal skull before it moved away. She hissed in pain as she tried to stand up, looking down and finding many cuts and a large gash across her chest, almost over her shoulder. Malia found her a moment later and helped her up before they started to move again. Kira had been looking around, keeping her guard up as she called for her friends. She turned when she heard footsteps and Malia and Y/n held up their hands.
"It's us! It's us, it's us." Malia informed as she hunched over for breath, Y/n taking deep breaths herself.
"What happened? What's out there?" Kira asked.
"Don't know, but it's big and fast." Y/n informed.
"And it cuts deep." Malia added and that's when Kira noticed the cuts on Malia's side and Y/n's shoulder.
They heard the Jeep's engine roar then and Y/n urged them back to the car. Y/n took a moment while they were back on the road to La Iglesia to catch her breath before she turned to look at Malia from the front. "You. Never do that again."
"Do what?" Malia asked.
"I thought you were running off."
"I was running." Malia looked at her like that should have been obvious.
"No, I thought you were running off like you were leaving."
"I wouldn't leave without you."
Y/n looked a little surprised, and a bit touched. It's true that the two had gotten closer since she started getting help from her and Scott, but she didn't think they were this close yet. "Really?"
"I would never leave without you." She glanced at Lydia and Kira beside her. "Them I would leave. Him, maybe. But never you."
"It's progress." Stiles assured the two other girls.
Lydia looked between the two girls. She knew why they were becoming close, even if they didn't, and she didn't know whether that was a good thing or not yet. Her eyes then found their wounds, and she started to get a little worried for her best friend. "Those don't look so good."
"It's okay." Malia assured while Y/n waved them off.
"Are you sure?" Kira asked. "It looks deep."
"I can feel it healing."
"It would heal faster if you let me help." Y/n added.
"I said it's fine. You need to help yourself."
"It's just a quick-"
"No." Stiles cut in this time. "She said she's fine, save your energy for yourself."
Y/n huffed, but relented. "Alright, alright."
"You didn't see anything?" Lydia wondered.
"Barely." Malia said. "It had a strong scent, though."
"Like what?" Stiles asked.
"Like death." She scrunched her nose slightly as she remembered the smell.
Y/n frowned as she started to recall what she saw. "It wore animal bones."
"You saw it?" Stiles looked at her as she nodded.
"Just for a moment. There was something about it. It almost felt like old magic."
"Magic?" Kira furrowed her brows. "You mean like a witch had something to do with it?"
"Not necessarily." She could sense their confusion and elaborated further. "It's true that witches primarily are the only ones who can harness energies and use magic, but there are some exceptions. Some rituals specific to certain peoples and places where energy is strong, or if they tap into the right ones. Really old magic. And that creature felt like it was made from that." They lapsed into quiet as La Iglesia finally came into view, the leveled town looking a little more daunting in the moonlight. They quickly pulled up to the only building left standing, The Church itself, just as Scott and Braeden were supporting someone between them. Y/n was relieved for a moment, happy that they found Derek, but when she got out with the others and got closer she realized something was definitely wrong. "Holy shit." She breathed.
"Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asked confused. He was definitely not what she was expecting.
"Uh, sort of." Stiles answered. Just then Derek looked up at them, but instead of the hard, stubbled face that they were used to, he looked at them with the softer features of youth.
Published: 12/1/21
Edited: 4/12/22
I'm so excited 😆💜💙🖤
And I have quite a few short videos I made for Just a Feeling and I'll post a couple each update until I don't have any more, and then they'll come as I make them. I hope you enjoy 🥰
𝒀/𝒏 𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕
𝒀/𝒏 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆
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