You have a T-Rex?
While over with Claire…
Claire is seen riding on an elevator, talking to herself. She's memorizing the names of people she's going to be meeting.
Claire: Hal Osterly, vice-president... Jim Drucker, bad hair... Erica Brand, deserves better... Hal, Jim, Erica. Hal, Jim, Erica. And I am Claire.
She looks at her wristwatch. The elevator dings and sighs.
Claire: Three minutes late.
When the elevator doors open, Claire is looking right at the guest of the day. Claire: Welcome to Jurassic World!
Hammond Creation Lab
Scientists are hard at work as visitors watch them through convex windows. Claire leads a small tour group consisting of three potential investors ,Hal Osterly, Jim Drunker and Erica Brand through the laboratory.
Claire: While year-over-year revenue continues to climb, operating costs are higher than ever. Our shareholders have been patient, but let's be honest, no one's impressed by a dinosaur anymore. Twenty years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic. These days, kids look at a Stegosaurus like an elephant from the city zoo. That doesn't mean asset development has fallen behind. Our DNA excavators discover new species every year.
They enter a part of the lab closed to visitors. DNA double helices are displayed on computer screens.
Claire: But consumers want them bigger. Louder. More teeth.
The investors listen intently, exchanging looks.
Claire: The good news? Our advances in gene splicing have opened up a whole new frontier. We've learned more from genetics in the past decade than a century of digging up bones.
She leads them over to the computer screens.
Claire: So, when you say you want to sponsor an attraction, what do you have in mind?
Osterly: We wanna be thrilled.
Claire gives a smile.
Claire: Oh, but don't we all?
She slides her finger across the screen and a DNA double helix reacts. Claire steps forward proudly.
Claire: May I present you... the Indominus Rex. Our first genetically modified hybrids for display.
Drucker looks dubious.
Drucker: How did you get two different kinds of dinosaurs to...
He struggles with how to put it, and makes awkward "doing it" motions with his hands.
Drucker: Y'know…
He trails off uncertainty. Dr. Henry Su walks over to the group, smiling.
Wu: Oh, They weren't bred. The indominus was DESIGNED. She will be fifty feet long when fully grown. BIGGER than the T. rex.
Brand: You did hybrids, what about the second one?
It nearly slipped her mind, she was supposed to tell them about him… but for some odd reason, she doesn't. Wu catches this, and speaks up.
Wu: Ah yes, the Indotaurus. It was the original blueprint of the Indominus. However, the Indotaurus is smaller as its most dominant genome is a Carnotaurus, one of our most classic attractions added to the park. But I assure you, he is like nothing on this entire island.
Drucker: That's cool, finally a male dinosaur on this island.
Claire silently cleared her throat before speaking up once more.
Claire: Every time we've unveiled a new asset, attendance has spiked. Global news coverage. Celebrity visitors. Eyes of the world.
Osterly is convinced.
Osterly: When will they be ready?
Wu smiles beaming with pride.
Wu: They already are.
After the tour, Claire is seen standing outside by herself in the halls. What's wrong with her, she could've botched that meeting… guess she cares about that dinosaur too much… Claire opens her phone, and goes to her gallery, she scrolls down and looks at a photo from a few years ago.
The photo was of Claire hugging a sleeping baby Y/n. She smiles at the memory when suddenly an alarm went off. Right... never a moment to rest…
A high-tech control room consisting of numerous consoles and workstations facing a huge wall of monitors, the center most of which displays a map of the island. Technicians work diligently.
MAN #1:*radio chatter* Two juvenile Triceratops are goin' at it again. Should I tranq 'em or are your comin' over to take care of this?
MAN #2: *radio chatter* Yeah, got ahead and tranq 'em--: Uh, they're rutting.
Claire enters holding a Starbucks coffee cup and addresses two of the technicians, Vivian and Lowery. Lowery's desk is covered with toy dinosaurs and he's wearing a Jurassic Park shirt instead of a Jurassic World one.
Claire: What's the live count?
Vivian: Twenty-two thousand, two-sixteen
Claire: Any incidents?
Lowery: Yeah, six kids in the lost and found, uh, 28 down with heat stroke, and some--
Claire notices his shirt of the ill-fated and famous Jurassic Park.
Claire: Where did you get that...?
Lowery: Oh, this? I got it on eBay. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I got it for 150 dollars but the mint condition one goes for 300, easy--
Claire: *annoyed* Didn't it occur to you maybe that's in poor taste?
Lowery: The shirt? Yeah, no, it did. I understand people died. It was terrible, but...
That first park was legit! You know, I have a lot of respect for it. They didn't need these genetic hybrids--
Claire sighs.
Lowery: They just needed dinosaurs, real dinosaurs! That's kind of enough--
Claire: Okay, please don't wear it again.
Lowery: Yeah, wasn't gonna...
Claire notices something.
Claire: What's that?
Claire points at a vehicle moving through the staff allies heading to Paddock 9.
Lowery: The scientist wanted to do an experiment with the T-rex. We weren't told what though.
Claire: And you didn't think about telling me?
Vivian changes the subject.
Vivian: Uh, did you close the deal?
Claire looks at Vivian and calms down.
Claire: Looks like it. Verizon Wireless Presents the Indominus Rex.
Lowery exhales and lowers his head.
Lowery: Ugh, that was so terrible. At least the Indotauras name is cool. Why not just go the distance, Claire? Let these corporations name the dinosaurs. They've got all the ballparks. Why stop there?-
Claire notices something, interrupting him.
Claire: Wait, why are the West Plains closed? What happened?
Vivian: Another Pachy roaming outside his zone, but he's fully sedated and ready for relocation.
While Claire thought Lowery was still on his tangent.
Lowery: Pepsisaurus. Tostitodon… Jeepasaurs.
Claire: Security said the invisible fences were a no-fail. That is the second time this month… If security keeps going this way… what would happen if Y/n gets out…
On one of the screens, we see a sedated Pachycephalosaurus being treated by the crew of a Mercedes Unimog mobile vet vehicle. Vivian notices her distress but mistakes it for being about the pachys.
Vivian: Well, the Pachys short out their implants when they butt heads.
Claire: How much longer until they get it out of there?
Vivian: *surprised* He just got five milligrams of carfentanil.
Lowery: Yes, he's very stoned. So why don't we show a little sympathy?
Claire smiles, amused.
Lowery: I mean, you do understand these are actual animals, right? It seems the only one you care about is that hybrid of yours.
Claire stares at him with an uncomfortable look and instead of answering, Claire draws attention to his desk.
Claire: Clean up your workspace. It's... chaotic.
Lowery: I like to think of it as a living system. Just enough stability to keep it from collapsing into anarchy.
He adjusts one of the toy dinosaurs that is slightly out of place. With her foot, Claire nudges a trash can over. Lowery, reaching for a bag of chips, knocks a soda cup off the desk, and because Claire nudged the trash can over, it falls into that instead of hitting the floor. Fortunately, the tip remained on, so it doesn't spill. Now embarrassed, Lowery retrieves it from the trash and returns it to his desk as Claire exits the control room.
In the alleys, Y/n's cage is seen being driven into an enclosure in the park. Y/n sits in his cage as the truck disconnects from the cage, before driving out, and shutting the gate behind it. The automatic locks open, as the door slightly opens Y/n pushes the door wide open.
Y/n steps down the platform before sniffing the ground. His quills on his neck stand up as he looks around the enclosure. The enclosure had a large redwood tree, Y/n walked deeper in the enclosure as he walked past a goat leg on the floor. Y/n walked towards a pond, and lowered himself as his hands kept him balanced on the ground. Y/n dips his jaws into the water, and gulps down the water.
Suddenly, in the corner of Y/n's eye, he sees the water begin to ripple. Y/n begins to let out a low growl before pushing himself up as he sees a large figure in the distance. Across the water was a great T-rex standing at a woping 18 feet. The T-rex lets out a low grumble as Y/n takes a step back from the water, no way he would win a fight against her…
The T-rex eyes him; she then takes a deep breath before letting out a powerful roar. Y/n's eyes widened as she suddenly charged at him, Y/n growled before running straight at her. She raises her head and goes to bite down at him, when he suddenly changes course and dodges out of her way. She merely bites the air as she suddenly felt something slash at her ankle. While it wasn't a deep cut, it certainly stung. The tyrannosaurus raises her tail before swinging it across the floor, eventually hitting his legs. The hybrid falls onto the floor, he suddenly felt an enmance weight on its back as he looked up to the T-Rex holding him down.
The hybrid began to do something that he only ever does in front of Claire… showing weakness.
Y/n began to shake as a soft whimper escaped his mouth… The T-rex thought she was fighting another Apex in her territory, instead, it was a scared, and confused juvenile. The T-Rex takes her foot off of him and takes a step back.
Y/n pushes itself up and takes a step back from the beast. The tyrannosaurus felt a strange feeling, one she never had before… like a maternal instinct. Possibly it's because she's of that age, but it doesn't matter. The T-Rex goes by the edge of the water and lies down. Y/n hesitantly lied down on the opposite side of the river. Hopefully he gets to leave this place soon.
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