This is Not a Fight Club!

"Good job," Koga congratulated her. "You found something pretty good, and quick it seems. And it's really not bad –the Uesugi Training School is pretty famous, especially because of the man who owns it and teaches classes himself there. Ever heard of Uesugi Kotetsu?"

Kyoko actually did recall that name. "Un! He's a famous martial arts practitioner, right?"

Koga nodded. "He is, along with being a famous actor that utilizes his experience in martial arts in his roles. He's well known overseas too. Apparently, he mostly teaches at his personal combat school these days, so if you get the job, you might see him. Aside from that, I hear he gets busy occasionally going to training grounds if there's a collaboration request, and teaches etiquette for historical dramas and works as a sword combat choreographer for films."

"Ah, he sounds intimidating," Kyoko said, feeling unsure.

Koga gave her a wink. "Nah, I think you can handle it. You're only going to be cooking and cleaning after all, and it's early in the morning. I doubt you'll actually run into him."

Kyoko was still a bit hesitant, but she also felt determination at his encouragement. There was also this seed of hope that's been growing ever since she'd gotten help from these amazing guys who were thoughtful and sweet and acted like the friends she realized she should've been like with Shoutaro.

"You should get some sleep, so you're rested and prepared for tomorrow. Gotta get those nerves chilled down, right?" Koga cheerfully advised.

"Yes! That's a good idea, Koga-san. I should prepare a bed for you first – " Kyoko froze.

She didn't have an extra futon. Sho had taken his with him a long time ago, claiming that he needed it in case he needed to 'sleep in at work' (she could now guess that was a total lie). She also didn't have a couch for Koga to sleep on, though she would be much too horrified to allow him to do that in the first place though. She told Koga about the problem and he shrugged it off good-naturedly, still smiling.

"It's okay. I could sleep on the floor in my room –"

But Kyoko cut him off, horrified again. "Absolutely not! That's terribly rude of me and I could never allow Koga-san to suffer like that."

He looked at her, puzzled. "Well, what do you suggest then, Kyoko-chan?"

At that, she faltered. "Ah...I, um, have a large futon...that you could...share with me. Until you get a bed." She blushed slightly.

But she did have a rather sizable futon, which was the only thing she really splurged on, though it had still been cheap.

"That'd be great, Kyoko-chan! Sounds good to me," Koga agreed heartedly.

Which was how Kyoko found herself under her blanket on the futon, with Koga sleeping next to her on top of the blanket.

Her face burned bright red and she tried to will herself to fall asleep quickly.


The next morning, eager and too charged up about the job she was going to go in for, Kyoko woke up bright and early. She slipped off of her bed, looking back to see Koga still peacefully sleeping, snoring quietly as he inched closer to her vacated spot. She quickly made breakfast, most of which she carefully wrapped up for the others to eat, ate a little herself before she cleaned her dishes, and then set off to where the job was supposed to be on her bike.

When she arrived at the address, she gazed in awe at the large traditional housing featured on the land. It reminded her of the Fuwa's ryokan she used to live and work in, although the ryokan was probably bigger and had separate little sections attached to the main building. Entering it, she saw it also had a very traditional and formal air, which automatically made her self-conscious and slipping back to how she was when she'd lived in the ryokan.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the receptionist greeted her, smiling friendly.

"Please excuse me," she bowed. "I am hoping to interview for the morning job here."

"Oh! Let me let the master know about you," the receptionist said, though unknown to Kyoko, the woman silently sweatdropped at her formality. Well, at least the girl would fit in with this crowd...

Kyoko waited for a bit, until a very stern-looking elderly man walked into the front entrance room. He looked her over and she nervously stood there, her back unconsciously straightening the more he observed her.

"Follow me," he said in a short tone, and Kyoko didn't know whether to be relieved or become even more nervous. But she did as she was asked and followed after whoever this man was.

They passed by a couple of men wearing martial art gi, when the man she was with stopped abruptly and barked out at them.

"Did you forget the proper greetings? In here, you address myself properly in the proper ranking that you have been taught, as if you were really confronted with the lords of the era!"

"Y-yes, Master. We are sorry, Uesugi-dono!" The two men bowed furiously several times, sweating fretfully.

"Hmph," the elderly man, who she now knew was part of the Uesugi family, looked down on them. "Continue to train! You are still lacking."

Then he started to walk again, causing Kyoko to hurry to keep pace. They reached a room where he entered and took a seat in seiza, when she hesitated in following suit, seeing the traditional tatami flooring. Careful not to tread on the edges of the tatami mat and remembering and automatically following the memories of her time at the ryokan, she moved to her knees and bowed lowly, moving into a formal dogeza and even having her forehead practically touch the floor.

"Please excuse my rudeness," she said before getting up in the proper way, and then carefully stepped over the edge and into the room.

He was watching her appraisingly while she moved into a seiza before him.

"You, what is your name?"


Kyoko practically danced back into her apartment, giggling happily and doing a twirl.

"Someone's happy?" Koga said and she saw that both him and Kijima were there, eating leftovers from that morning. "We're on break, so we came here for lunch. How'd it go?"

Kijima straightened, eyes brightening. "Yeah, how it'd go? You should've told me you'd found a job you were applying for already!"

She was practically beaming at them. "It went great! I got hired and I start tomorrow. And Kijima-san, I don't have a phone, remember?"

"We totally have to change that and you could've stolen Hiromune's," Kijima said in exasperation. Then he was smiling widely. "But congratulations! We need to celebrate!"

"Yes, congrats, Kyoko-chan! I agree with Hidehito, we need to celebrate your success," Koga winked at her.

Kijima was already typing on his phone, making Kyoko curious.

"Eh, what are you doing, Kijima-san?"

"Texting Kuresaki-san," he said quickly. "Letting him know. He says he'll be showing up after work and thanks for the food. Except, you know, more formal," Kijima ended cheekily.

Kyoko stifled a giggle, though she admitted that Kuresaki tended to be more formal than her on occasion. Well, more serious and stern at least.

"Alright!" Koga stood up. "Let's get started on celebrating!"

"We should all make something special to eat," Kijima suggested.

Soon enough, the three of them pitched in ideas and then got started in Kyoko's kitchen. With how small it was though, with three of them (and two of them grown males), it was hard to fit in and maneuver around, but it left for humorous bumps and funny almost accidents (and actual accidents!). Kyoko couldn't remember having that much fun cooking, but with the two guys being silly and the three of them messing around sometimes, it was the first time she could remember being so entertained while cooking.

In the midst of one of their mishaps, Kuresaki came into the apartment and witnessed it at the same time, causing him to observe them in clear amusement. He was also holding a small fancy bag.

"I see you three are having fun. What is for dinner?" he asked, his small smile briefly turning up even more.

"Surprise!" Kyoko actually said, feeling cheerful and excited, and that had Kuresaki actually give a laugh.

He then held out the bag. "Well then...surprise."

Kyoko blinked, heading towards him and accepting the bag, while missing the matching smirks of Koga and Kijima behind her. She opened the bag and gaped.

"You got me a phone?!"


A couple more days had passed since, and Kyoko had been doing a good job at her morning job (and probably abusing her phone messaging and emailing). She was still working at Darumaya at night, though she had also told the kind couple there about her new job, and they'd also congratulated her and celebrated by making her a special dessert, which she'd consumed happily.

In the meanwhile, she was still determinedly looking up jobs, though as Kuresaki was free for a few days (having finished up production), he was helping her as well. She did admit to him that she was becoming more and more interested in acting, especially as she watched the actors, stunt people, and regular students working and learning at the Uesugi Combat School. She was also amazed and worried to know that the elderly man she'd met was the Uesugi Kotetsu, but Kuresaki was more impressed (and had told her that it was likely what it seemed like, from what he'd heard from her) that she'd managed to impress the martial art legend somehow.

"Keep working hard, Mogami-san," Kuresaki said, sounding proud even. Kyoko smiled brightly. "Before you know it, you will be in showbiz."

That almost made Kyoko giddy and she imagined Sho kneeling at her feet, crying tears of regret –

A notebook lightly hit her head.

"Now that you've had your imagination run away for a bit," Kuresaki continued without blinking. "Let's focus on actually finding a way to beat your wayward childhood friend."

Kyoko blushed, but smiled sheepishly. "Y-yes, Kuresaki-san!"

And for a few days, it was like that. Then it was February 14 and she almost scowled and decided it was an almost worthless holiday, when she overheard Kijima and Koga both expressing their like for the holiday and she thought again about what she remembered Kijima telling her.

"Love's not a curse, love's not a curse," she muttered to herself in a mantra, trying to think that. Sure, she'd been cursed by one jerk, but she had met three other guys that were the complete opposite.

And she really wanted to repay them, so starting with this holiday, she wanted to do something special.

But for now, she was going to do a Valentine Special for the combat school! She made sure to do a nice, fluffy breakfast with lots of red and light-colored coloring, decorating them a little (but not going overboard), and then making coffee and tea for everyone. Then she made a pretty, fruit dessert that could end up more as a snack that fit breakfast. The cooks she were working with copied those and helped make tons more for the entire training school.

"What is this?" she heard Kotetsu's voice say dismissively, and she hadn't expected him to sneak up on her.

Embarrassedly, she faced him and coughed. "'s a Valentine's Special breakfast, Kotetsu-san."

He narrowed his eyes at it, but picked up a plate and a dessert. "Hmph. Bring me tea later...And make sure to make an extra dessert. My grandson is coming later."

Kyoko let out a sigh of relief once he'd left. Right! Time to get back to work.

When she finished with breakfast, she set them to the side for the servers. Then she made hot tea and hurried to bring it to Kotetsu, where when she entered his meeting room, she was pleased to see the plate and the dessert glass completely cleaned off. Despite his dismissive attitude, he must've liked it!

"Just set it here," he told her gruffly and after she did so, he continued. "I noticed you were interested in my students' training."

Kyoko flushed red. "Y-yes, that's true. I would like to be an actress and seeing them train like this is very interesting and mesmerizing, Kotetsu-san."

"Hm, hm," he appraised her. "After your work, you may spend some time training and learning as well. Maybe you can teach them how to have proper manners," he muttered at the end, probably not intending for her to hear. She wisely didn't reply to that, though her eyes widened and she bowed lowly.

"Thank you, Sir! I will work very hard!"

Just then, a young boy entered and Kotetsu seemed to transform in front of her eyes.

"Ah, Hiou-kun~ How is my cute, beloved grandson?" Kotetsu stood up and went over to the young boy, hugging him.

"I'm okay, Grampa," the young boy said, looking very embarrassed.

"Oh, you're the one I made the dessert for?" Kyoko blurted out, before mentally smacking her head and wondering why she couldn't just keep quiet.

Both of their attention turned to her, while Hiou brightened up and pulled away from his grandfather, heading to her.

"Dessert? I get to have a dessert?" he asked with a big grin, with his grandfather growing pouty.

"Uh, yes," Kyoko said unsurely. "It's in the kitchens."

"Gramps, Gramps, can I go eat it now?" Hiou asked his grandpa.

"Of course," Kotetsu said dotingly. "Kyoko, take care of my grandson," he said sternly.

Kyoko nodded, looking back and forth between him and Hiou. Huh, looks like Kotetsu (despite his usual attitude) was a doting grandfather type.

Leading Hiou to the kitchens, she took the dessert she'd made and saved for the boy out.

"I hope you like it," she smiled at him.

"What's your name?" he asked bluntly.

She faltered, but resumed her composure. "Kyoko. Mogami Kyoko."

"Eh, I heard Gramps say that you could train and study here, and that you wanted to be an actress. You know, I'm already acting," he boasted. He pointed to himself. "That means, if you want to be an actress, I'm your sempai, you know?"

She blinked. Impressed, she nodded emphatically. "Okay, sempai!"

He beamed, looking pleased. Then he took a bite out of the dessert.

"Hey, this is pretty good! Kyoko, do you know how to make flan?"

A little taken aback, Kyoko shook her head. "I can...try?"

"Yeah! I'm totally coming back tomorrow!"

Kyoko scratched the back of her head.


She'd just finished up in her own kitchen when the door opened, and to her amusement all three men she now were friends with entered together.

"Good timing," she chirped up.

"Oh yeah? What's up?" Kijima smirked at her, lightly being elbowed by Koga. Kuresaki also tilted his head questioningly.

Kyoko grabbed the prepared sweets from the side where she left it, and then turned back to them, holding it out.

"I made cake pops for you. Happy Valentine's Day!" she said cheerfully, though she was also a bit shy.

"Aw, Kyoko-chan, how sweet~" Kijima sing-songed.

Koga teamed up with him. "My roomie made sweets. I wonder if this is what coming home to a wife is like?"

Kyoko's face burned up and she waved a hand that she liberated from the plate holding the cake pops, furiously at them.

"Y-you guys! Stop teasing!"

Kuresaki carefully picked one up and examined it, before eating the whole thing and chewing thoughtfully. After he was done, he nodded and licked his lips.

"That was wonderful...dear wife," he said with a straight face, and Kyoko shoved the plate into his chest and threw her hands up when he'd grabbed it.

"Jokesters! All of you! I can't believe even you, Kuresaki-san!"

She stormed away into the kitchen (though she was fighting a smile), and the actors burst into laughter while Kuresaki's lips quirked up.


By the time the beginning of March began, Kyoko had been practicing very hard in Kotetsu's school. Hiou visited often, though he just as often demanded different types of desserts every time. He also, to her surprise and gratefulness, often gave her advice about how to maneuver around other actors and actresses, whether they were older or younger than her, or male or female.

She was also pleased to note that she was doing really well in her practices, though she hadn't expected this just yet.

"There is a minor role I've recommended you to stand in as a stunt for," Kotetsu hnned.

"R-really?" she asked excitedly.

"Don't be too excited," he hnned again. "It's minor, I said."

But Kyoko was still grinning widely at him, with stars practically in her eyes.

"If you do well, I will see about recommending you to other roles as a stand-in. Keep up with your training!" he snapped at her at the end, as if to emphasize and remind her.

She saluted. "Yes, Master! I shall listen to your wise words always!"

He snorted. "Don't get carried away," though his tone was exasperated. "Now go!"

She politely bowed and then left him, trying not to skip out of the training school. One of the other students in a group of others spotted her and waved.

"Remember, Kyoko-chan! There is no fight club!"

The guys laughed while Kyoko gave them an embarrassed smile. When she'd first started training there with the others, Koga had insisted she watch Fight Club with him, and she'd ended up blurting out something to one of the older students there.

"Is this like a fight club or something?" Kyoko asked innocently. "And do you really have to not tell anyone about it?"

She got confused and embarrassed as the others laughed.

"Kyoko-chan, there is no fight club," one of them said exasperatedly, but smiled wryly at her. "This is just a regular school, and this is just stage combat. So all fighting is stage fighting."

"I don't know," another of them started. "I can pull off Brad Pitt!"

Another round of laughter came up with the group.

"My lips are sealed," she said teasingly, though she was hesitant since she usually wasn't like that. But she wanted to try to do and be a little different, even if it was slow-going.

"Haha, see you around, Kyoko-chan!"

She waved back at them and then finally got to leaving there. When she reached home, she tiredly sat down on a seat at the kitchen table. It would be nice if she finally bought a couch or something...

The doorbell rang and she looked at it in surprise. Who could that be? Koga, as her roommate, had a key. Somehow or other, both Kuresaki and Kijima had obtained a key for themselves, so they could just enter her apartment on their own as well, though they did usually knock first. It was like their second home.

So who else would be visiting her?

"Maybe one of them forgot or lost their key," she muttered to herself as she got up and decided to head to the door. But upon opening it, she was surprised to see who it was.


Because there was the beautiful model herself, carrying a huge, heavy bag. Honoka looked gleeful at seeing her there.

"Ooh good! You're here, Kyoko-chan. Can I come in?"

"O-of course," Kyoko said quickly. "Please excuse my rudeness!"

She let her in and helped with the bag, and then Honoka was happily facing her.

"Hidehito let me know where you live. You see, I wanted to drop by and give you some of my old bags. My closet is cluttering up and everyone keeps telling me I'm going to end up a hoarder, so I thought why not give them to you? You're a new friend and all, and I wanted to let you have them."

"I-I can't just take them!" Kyoko's mind was melting. "That's too much!"

"Nonsense! I'd really like you to have them," Honaka said, adding in a cute, pleading look that Kyoko was sure she'd practiced and used often to get what she wanted.

It totally worked on Kyoko, who caved in.

"...Alright." Inwardly, she sighed loudly. She peeked into the bag and saw several of the purses Honoka was giving her, and was definitely sure they were all really nice, expensive ones, some that looked brand new and not even used.

Honoka hummed, watching her thoughtfully. "You have good posture."

Kyoko grew a little flustered. "Thank you? Um, I've been told that, but I didn't really realize..."

The model gave her a happy look before looking very playful. "C'mere!"

She marched over to Kyoko and grabbed her hand, before dragging her into her living room. Soon enough, Kyoko found herself humoring Honoka by letting her move into different poses and then copying the blonde, and then somehow or other she was being taught by Honoka how to walk, move, and pose like a model.

Kyoko really hoped none of the others came in any time soon. She felt kind of embarrassed about doing this.

"Chin up! Jut your hip a little there."

Honoka walked around her before smiling sweetly, making Kyoko almost dazed and sigh happily. The other female tapped her nose.

"That was really good and you're really pretty, Kyoko-chan," she told her gently. "I think you need to have a little more confidence and a little more pride. You have great poise and you have pride at certain times, but don't think you're not that pretty or you can't do it. I think you can."

Kyoko gazed at her in surprise and awe, blood rushing to her face all the while.

Honoka giggled and then grinned, pulling her into a half-embrace as she took out a phone.

"Now selfie! I need a picture with my new best friend!"

Kyoko grinned goofily, a bit still dazed. She had a female best friend. She never even had a female friend before!

She felt suddenly very giddy as she thought of all the new friends she made after Sho dumped her. Kijima, Kuresaki, Koga, and now Honoka...

Maybe she should thanked the jerk for accidentally switching things around for her for her own good.

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