Chapter 8 - 'Tiny Voices'

[Alright. Before start... *Sighs* Honestly, I'm tired of writing this. But I'm here to say something.

--With yet another release of a chapter, I also received another batch of people 'questioning' certain things in this story. And before anything, I want to say, that criticism is fine. I'm cool with that, only makes my books better. But such criticism has to be fair. And when I respond, not just taken as me overly defending a book. But remember...I do this for free. I do this FOR YOU GUYS. But as of late, that doesn't seem enough. And I've received comments that have basically made me NOT want to keep writing this book. Honestly, I was so close to just ending this story short because I was sick and tired of the comments and lack of patience. As someone said, I was getting the Gege treatment--

--But in saying that, I am here today, not to retread old words, but to bring forth new ones. So please listen. This is my story. Simple as that. If you don't like what I'm writing. That's cool. All I ask is patience to see what I do without saying you dislike this (especially revolving around the reader at the start of the book. I had someone recently bring up how he didn't like the reader's ability at the end of chapter one...Where LEGIT two chapters later he becomes like no other sorcerer.) Another thing being someone brought up how it was the reader's fault Itadori died. As in, if he wasn't joking around, and just finished Sukuna, everything would be okay. But the thing you have to remember with that is...The reader told Itadori not to turn into Sukuna--

But it was only because of Sukuna's doubt-filled words that entered Itadori's mind that caused Itadori to give away control. So things like that annoy me. And it also annoys me to retread my words through comments. Because I want you guys to enjoy my work. And I bring up things like being patient so you won't leave abruptly. But I've come to the point where...I just don't care anymore. So with this long Authors Note, I'm here to tell you...This is my story. I'm going to write it MY way. I'm putting MY energy into a story I feel you will enjoy. After all, I aim for each chapter of this story to be 15K WORDS LONG! Do you know how hard and stressful that can be--

--So, at the end of the day, I spend a lot of hours writing this book, and my others. Free time I could spend doing OTHER THINGS. But I'M HERE writing stories because I love bringing some fun to you guys. I know a lot of us read fanfics to kinda imagine ourselves in magical worlds. And I feel in a way that through my stories you guys can have fun and peace. But I'M NOT going to change how I do my story because people lack patience. To put it simple, I'M DOING IT MY WAY. And, hopefully this doesn't sound rude, but I don't care what you say regarding this book going forward. Hopefully, you enjoy, but at the end of the day, I put effort into my stories. So I'm damn sure going to bring about the conclusion in my own way. Anywho, thank you for reading this. Please enjoy today's chapter...]


[Your POV]

Throughout life, everyone gets a set of tiny voices. Tiny voices that whisper into your ear and seep into your subconscious. They're filled with words of doubt. Nonsense meant to bring you down. They claim one thing, when in reality, it's the opposite. They refuse to listen when being told otherwise. They believe they are right, and right alone. Their sole goal is to bring down as many people as they can. And just like everyone else, I too have had my fair share of tiny voices. Perhaps more than some. I was always doubtful as a kid. Whether it be from school, to making friends, to even becoming a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

All brought about tiny voices that whispered doubtful thoughts into my mind. I had experienced my whole life. The only time I was free of them was when I decided to move on from them on my own. Where I cast away the fear and doubt in my life to bring about a sense of free spirit. All coming about when I first exited the void. When I came back, I realized I wanted to be someone else. At that point, I wanted to be like the person I saw as perfect. And that was Gojo. Now, whilst plenty others would not call him perfect. I merely refer to him as such solely because...He was the best. His confidence was unmatched.

His skills at being a sorcerer were something everyone wanted. If there was a problem worth worrying about, you'd go to Gojo. It was that thought process that made me want to be like him. And for a short while, I found a sense of peace in acting like him. But then I came to realize, if I was pretending to be like Gojo, how could I truly be happy if I wasn't being myself? Surprisingly, a girl named Nobara made me realize that. And when it did, I thought I finally found the true meaning of peace. So, I stopped acting confident in a way that made me seem annoying and over the top. Instead, I went about being my old self.

One that was normal and with the ability to control his actions. And that seemed to work in managing to confess my feelings to the girl I had been in love with for so long now. Something I had only admitted recently. However, once more, just when I thought things were getting to that perfect place, I was thrown for another curveball. Itadori died. And...I blamed myself for it. I...I had told him not to give Sukuna control. Yet, in my way of toying with the Special Grade, something must have happened to Itadori to lead him into giving Sukuna control. And when that happened, I was placed with a tough choice.

Those tiny voices once more creeping into my mind. Telling me of the only way there was to stop Itadori. And they were right. The only way I could stop him was by using my Cursed Technique to bring about Sukuna's weakest form, and in this case, that was Itadori himself. But with his heart being ripped out by the aforementioned King of Curses, defeating Sukuna would lead to the death of Itadori. But, I couldn't let Sukuna reign supreme. So, I did what needed to be done. I defeated Sukuna. But in the process, I also killed Itadori. I was told by everyone it wasn't my fault. But I still felt like it was.

It was because of that, that those tiny voices were joined by nightmares. Nightmares of Itadori's face. Every time I closed my eyes I relived those final moments...And it was horrifying. From that moment on, I lived with the guilt and pain of having to the point, for the first time since leaving the void, I was haunted by those tiny voices.

"This is your fault."

"You're a failure."

"You're no Gojo."

"You failed him."

"You failed everyone."

Words that repeated themselves over and over again. To the point, I felt I was being drowned by them. I tried to move on. Tried to find comfort in those close to me. But things only got worse from there. Due to all the stuff, I was dealing with inside, it made me react to other things in my life. Like the increasing tension between Maki and Nobara. Well, the tension was mainly one-sided. When I first found out about how Maki was rather jealous of Nobara being close to me, I found it cute and told her not to worry about it. That nothing would happen.

And she believed that. She said so herself. Things seemed fine until Maki went about taking action in order to make sure nothing would happen. Such things as taking me back to my bedroom to sleep with me, only to pull away and stop. Now, there was nothing wrong with that. Honestly, I'm glad she stopped short. I wanted our first time to be through love, and not angst and jealousy. The thing that changed this moment from something innocent to another curveball in my life, was when tension began to rise between the two of us.

It all started with my trying to smooth things out between her and Nobara. After all, whilst I was in love with Maki, I felt sympathetic towards Nobara, and wanted to be her friend. But, of course, Maki didn't want that. I tried to push the subject further, to bring some peace in the moment, but Maki kept resisting. Couldn't she see I just wanted things to just be easy for once? But even so, Maki seemed desperately against it. From that point on, one thing led to another. Until I blurted out a set of words I find myself somewhat regretting, whilst also not...As they were the truth I held deep inside.


In that moment I did multiple things. I revealed my love to Maki. I revealed my frustration about her not telling anyone about us. I was a hypocrite in a way. And I was angry, to say the least. All words came out due to the tiny voices inside. The voices that made me doubt whether or not Maki actually liked me all because she refused to tell anyone about us dating. Now, I knew the real reason why she didn't. She wanted to prove her family wrong, and she thought dating someone would only lead them to use it as an excuse to keep her at a grade four sorcerer.

And I knew that...But even so, that's tiny voices, filled with doubtful, stupid thoughts, led me to believe otherwise. I feared that, after everything. From the void to the very reason I swallowed Sukuna's fingers in the first place, were all for nothing. I did it for her...Yet, right then, as I stood before her, I grew worried that maybe I wasn't enough for her. In the end, I left the room without another word. Leaving Maki to herself. I regretted everything immediately, but I couldn't turn back.

I was so consumed by my emotions that I didn't have a clear enough head in the moment to properly say what I wanted to say. So, in the end, I just went for a walk. A walk which eventually led me to Itadori's room. Where my body is now, lying on his bed, crying my eyes out. Eventually I was able to find slumber. A sense of peace. That was...Until I woke up in a dark and errie world. At first, I thought I was in the void once more. But all it took was the sound of a familiar voice to realize I wasn't in the void. I was somewhere else...

"Don't look inside me without permission. I hate it...Brat."


I knew that was Sukuna's voice from the moment I first heard it. All I needed to hear was those slimy vocals for a wave of anger to course through my system. So much so, before I even realized it, my right hand had clenched into a fist. The anger only grew as I looked around. I was definitely in another world. However, whereas the void was a pitch black land of nothingness, this was different. There was a strange red glow that filled the room. Looking down at my feet, I realized the red glow was coming from the floor. 

At first glance, I thought the floor had been covered it blood. It carried the same color, and...I wouldn't exactly put it passed a King of Curses to make the floor of his own little world in the same shade of crimson liquid as the blood of his enemies. But it wasn't wet. It was more so like a solid substance. One that I found my reflection in, nonetheless, as I looked down below. Eventually, my focus was drawn elsewhere when suddenly I heard another voice. A voice I never thought I'd hear again. A voice...That had haunted my mind for what felt like an eternity.

"If you're so annoyed by me, then why don't you come down from there..."

The feeling of my eyes stretching as wide as they could was immediately felt throughout my body as my head quickly turned around.

"...And I'll look down on you!"

...That was all I needed to hear. Those simple words. The tone they carried. The tiny voice muttering inside of me. I knew who was speaking, yet I still couldn't believe it. Even when I finally turned around to see a giant throne of skulls, with the aforementioned King of Curses seated atop it, I found my shock deep inside continuing to grow. But it wasn't focused on Sukuna. No, instead, my gaze remained solely on the person standing before the mountain of bones and skulls. The person who I recognized simply as...

(Y/n): "...Itadori?"

Itadori: "Huh?"

A confused look spawned on his face. A look I had seen a few times before. In previous times, I didn't really take much note of it. But after everything that had went on in the past few days, I found myself smiling brightly. Which only grew further when Itadori's eyes landed on my own to spawn a smile of his own.

Itadori: "(Y/n)! You're here too?!"

Sukuna: [Sighs] "Of course, he is..."

I chose to ignore Sukuna's words as I began approaching Itadori. As I did, I tried to form a sentence. But every time I tried to speak, nothing but mumbles left my lips. Soon enough frustration was built up inside when everything I wanted to say was blocked at the entrance of my lips. So, when I finally reached Itadori's location, still having said not a single word, I decided to place the task of speaking my feelings into emotions instead. 

And that came about by suddenly stretching my arms and pulling him into a hug. It was as my body pressed against his own, confirming to me that all of this, despite the weirdness of it all, was real. It was with that understanding that my heart found some relief. To the point, I could finally speak. Yet, in the end, when I finally did speak, not many words came out. Three simple words were all that whispered from my mouth into his ear.

(Y/n): "...I'm so sorry."

Itadori's own eyes widened slightly upon hearing them. All before he pulled back slightly to offer me a confused look.

Itadori: "Sorry? What for?"

(Y/n): "Huh?" [Steps back slightly] "W-What do you mean?"

Itadori: "What's what I'm asking. What for? Why are you sorry?"

(Y/n): "Are...Are you for real, right now?"

Itadori: "Uh, huh."

He nodded obliviously.

(Y/n): "I'm...I'm saying sorry for...for not being able to save you when Sukuna took over your body. I-I had to...I-I had to kill you in order to save the day."

Itadori: "Oh...You did do that, huh?"

He smiled as he said those words. And, honestly, I wasn't sure whether to yell at him right now, or just be happy he didn't seem to mind. In the end, only more confusion spawned on my face as I looked at him oddly.

(Y/n): "What do you mean? I-I killed you...You're not mad?"

Itadori: [Smiles brightly] "Why would I be mad? That was your only option, right?"

(Y/n): "Y-Yeah, but--"

Itadori: "Besides...You told me not to turn into Sukuna. Yet, I still did..." [Nervously rubs back of head] "If anyone should be mad, it should be you. I didn't listen to you..."

At this moment in time, I drew a blank. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think. By the sound of it, both Itadori and myself took the blame separately for what greief we felt. Something that was never fully addressed before our focus was directed up a nearby mountain of bones and skulls, when our eyes landed on the King of Curses himself. Who seemed bored to death with what he was hearing. Something he soon confirmed through words.

Sukuna: "My goodness, is the outside world really this boring these days? So much emotion, it makes me sick!" [Sighs] "And I expected more from you, my rival. How are we ever going to have a legendary battle if you are open to such weakness?"

Itadori: [Turns around] "Hey, man! Don't speak to (Y/n) like that!"

Sukuna: "My~ My~ You're being hostile, aren't you?"

Itadori: "Damn straight, I am! You're being a jerk to (Y/n)! And you just killed me!"

Sukuna: "Me? Haha! Last time I checked, your little friend next to you did that. Isn't that right, rival?"

I didn't respond. Not because Sukuna angered me. But because, in one way or another, I felt like he was still right. Itadori must have noticed such as he was quick to jump to my defence once more.

Itadori: "Oi! You going to stay up there like a loser?! Or you going to come down here and fight?!"

Sukuna: [Yawns] "Honestly, I would. But I see no point. You're angry, despite me healing your arm. And as for my rival, he--"

Sukuna's words found a momentary pause as he closed his eyes and leaned his head forward slightly. At first, the sight caused both Itadori and myself to turn to each other in confusion. But that was quickly wrapped up when Sukuna spoke once more. This time, his focus solely on me, as a grin spread across his lips.

Sukuna: [Grins] "Well...What do we have here? Two people with the presence of my body inside of them?"

Itadori: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Sukuna: "Again, why don't you ask your little friend? After all, he, just like you, chose to consume one of my fingers."

Itadori: "Pfft! Yeah, right! As if (Y/n) would--"

(Y/n): "...He's right."

Itadori: "Say what now?"

A quick burst of words that left Itadori's mouth as he glanced at me. However, my eyes never once left Sukuna's, who just continued to chuckle down at us.

Sukuna: "I must say, rival, I'm rather surprised you'd choose to do that. Any reason as to why?"

(Y/n): "Who knows. I tend to do things on a whim sometimes."

Sukuna: "Hmm...That may be so. But I feel there's another reason why you're doing this."

A question that lingered in the air after Sukuna realized I wasn't going to give him any more information. Before long, he shifted his gaze elsewhere before continuing.

Sukuna: "Very well. But, allow me to ask another question...Why are you here?"

(Y/n): "Beats me. I fell a sleep. The next thing I knew, I woke up here."

Itadori: "And where exactly is 'here'? Is it hell? Because I sure hope not. I'm not sure I can accept being stuck with you even after death. Though, if I am..."

He proceeded to bend down and pick up a skull off the ground. He tossed it into his hands a few times before realigning his sight with Sukuna, before finally finishing his sentence.

Itadori: "I'll make you cry, though!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Itadori launched the skull through the air. Wasting no time to attack the King of Curses, something I honestly wasn't expecting. Even so, it appeared Sukuna was. The demon carrying a form similar to Itadori simply jumping into the air. Performing a backflip as the throne below shattered due to the attack. However, even with his fancy chair gone, Sukuna remained unphased as he landed on the ground with ease. But even before his feet touched the crimson-coloured surface, Itadori was already on the move.

(Y/n): "Itadori! Wait--"

Itadori: "Hope you're ready for this!"

He found no time to listen to my words as Itadori launched off his feet to charge at Sukuna. No sign of a threat appeared in the curses eyes as he stared down the boy. Even when Itadori finally reached him, and began throwing punch after punch his way, Sukuna merely blocked the attacks, or dodged them effortlessly. After a while of the pair exchanging jabs, I realized there was no chance for me to just remain behind. So, with a groan, I picked up my own feet and chased after them. 

Even when they managed to reach the top of a giant ribcage that basically covered the surrounding land. However, I was only able to get about half way up one of these many ribs when the ground beneath me began to shake. At first, I was confused. But my confusion was eventually quenched when I looked up ahead to see Itadori had chosen to strike the ground inside of Sukuna. Such causing the rumbling my feet felt seconds ago.

Sukuna: "You aimed for where I was standing?!"

Itadori: "And you fell for it!"

A smirk was quick to find Itadori's lips as he went to spin his body around, hoping to strike Sukuna with a wayward boot. However, even though it appeared the attack had struck the king of curses, no damage was done. Sukuna's body merely shifted out of reality long enough to move a few inches. Such caused Itadori's own body to pause in confusion as he processed how he just missed his attack.

Itadori: "...Huh?"

Sukuna: [Sighs] "Man, you're boring. Where's my rival when you--"


Sukuna: [Chuckles] "Ah! There he is!"

A wide smile found the curse's face as he spun around with open arms. Of course, in doing so, he was greeted by the sight of me, charging through the air, with my fist drawn back. I decided to shun the thoughts of thinking and decided to just rush in. If there was one way to calm things down and get some idea into what was going on, what better way to get things started than a punch to the face. And a punch to the face is exactly what I delivered to Sukuna. 

A clenched fist fused with a black and red aura colliding with his left cheek. Even with the imprint of a fist digging deeper into his skin, Sukuna's smile did not waver. Even as his body was flung off the ribcage and through the air. Upon landing, his body tumbled and turned as he crashed without style. However, once more, despite the bad landing, Sukuna still found a smile as he jumped to his feet to look at me.

Sukuna: "Yes! That is what I wanted! Give me more of that!"

For a moment I was left to question what 'that' was. However, when my eyes landed to my right fist, which was still infused with the black and red aura, my mind began unconsciously filling in the gaps. However, whatever Sukuna wanted, I wasn't willing to give. A simple shake of my hand enough to cease the multi-coloured aura from appearing. Though, I didn't stop a dark look from forming in my eyes as I gave my response, all the while I helped Itadori to his feet.

(Y/n): "No."

Sukuna: [Groans] "Come on! Do you know how long I have waited to fight someone worthy of my presence?! I've grown tired waiting."

(Y/n): [Without looking] "We've fought before. Enjoy that."

Sukuna: "But those matches were neither here nor there. I was not at my full strength." [Chuckles] "I can only imagine the carnage created when we finally fight with all our might. Do you also pray for that day?"

(Y/n): "I pray for the day I can have a happy life, living on a farm or something. Away from being a sorcerer, and anything to do with it. Not...Whatever you're talking about."

Sukuna: [Sighs] "Why am I not surprised?"

A question that went unanswered as I focused on checking up on Itadori. However, it was exactly as I did that, that Sukuna once more appeared mere meters away from us. I clenched my fist, ready to fight. But it seems the king of Curses decided to take a break himself as he raised his eyes defensively. Though, seeing as Sukuna wasn't really much for defence, I never dropped my guard. Even as he smoke.

Sukuna: [To Itadori] "To answer your question, this isn't hell. It's my Innate Domain."

A sigh escaped his lips as he approached us, pushing me to the side before pushing Itadori to the ground and sitting on him. Though, Itadori seemed to merely accept such, instead choosing to ask a question.

Itadori: "Innate domain?" [Turns to you] "Isn't that the thing you used on that Curse at my old school?"

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Yep."

Sukuna: "You could also say we're in my mind." [To you] "Though, I'm still not quite sure why you're here? Despite having my finger...Oh, well, I suppose it doesn't matter."

Itadori: "So we're not dead?"

(Y/n)/Sukuna: "No."

Sukuna: "...Though, you will be. After all, a person without a heart isn't exactly the best description of someone being alive." [Grins] "However, if you accept my conditions, I'll fix your heart and bring us back to life."

(Y/n): "Uh, fuck no!"

Itadori: "If (Y/n) says no, I'm saying no as well."

Of course, he said such whilst still being sat on, and having his arms crossed whilst looking away like a child...or Maki when she was annoyed. Or Angry. Or hungry. Or--

Sukuna: [To Itadori] "Do you really let him make all your decisions?"

(Y/n)/Itadori: "No/Yes."

Again, all I could do was sigh. This time, add in a shake of my head and things were practically the same as before. As this happened, I continued to hear the tiny voices in my mind. The doubtful thoughts that stabbed away at my mind.

"This is your fault!"

"It's because of you that everything happened!"

"Itadori is going to die because of you!"

"You're no Gojo! You shouldn't even try to be!"

Over and over again the tiny voices spoke in my mind until I couldn't take it anymore. With a clenched fist I took a few steps forward. The rage on my face growing, something that Itadori hadn't seen before. I got the hint of such when I saw his own smirk previously drop, as I began to yell in the face of the Curse King. Of course, he still carried his own grin.

(Y/n): "Listen here, you cocky bastard! No one here is dumb enough to not notice that you're scared of dying yourself."

Sukuna: [Smirks] "Scared is a big word."

(Y/n): "And yet it's the perfect way to describe you right now."

Sukuna: "Is that so? I'm scared? Are you sure...You're the one that isn't scared, (Y/n)?"

Despite feeling no such emotion like the one suggested by Sukuna, my body still was quick to freeze instantly as soon as I heard it. It was so weird. I didn't feel scared, yet Sukuna somehow managed to strike a cord deep inside of me. One he noticed almost instantly. Which only caused his grin to grow further.

Sukuna: "Yes, there it is~ You're questioning it, aren't you...?"

"Why am I frozen?"

"What am I scared of?"

"Am I scared?"

"Is he right?"

Sukuna: "They'reall what you're thinking, right? Well, you don't need to think of it for long, because trust me, you are scared of something, (Y/n) (L/n). And I don't know whether it's because you swallowed one of my fingers, or the fact it's that obvious to read. Either way, right now, you're not the person allowed to call other people...Scared~"

I couldn't close my eyes. I was left to witness in a frozen state as Sukuna's toothy grin focused in on me. The surrounding world began to fade to black. My soul was pulled from the moment as the voice of Itadori yelled my name in the background. But I couldn't respond. I was left with that one word replaying in my mind...


More and more of the void void clouded my vision, until the last thing I could see was Sukuna's grin. When it was fully clouded by the darkness, my eyes burst open. I was back at School in Itadori's bed. My body pounced out of bed in a sweat. My heart rate was beyond anything I could handle, to the point I was forced to clench it in hopes it'd ease the pain. It didn't. But it was as I tried desperately to calm myself down that a familiar voice gasped to life.

"(Y/n)?! Are you alright? What's the matter?"

The words came from the mouth belonging to Maki. And despite not looking at her, I could picture her lips moving as the words escaped them. However, upon turning my head to the other side of the bed, I found no sign of Maki anywhere. A sorrowful feeling washing through my body as I remembered our final interaction. My head soon fell as I sighed. The good news was the pain in my heart was gone. But my doubts, and those fucking annoying tiny voices remained behind. 

The thing that haunted me the most was the image of Maki that hovered in my mind. But I didn't have time to worry about myself. I needed to see Itadori. So, that's what I did. The next thing I knew, I was walking through the underground halls that led toward the school's morgue. A face that could barely keep a single expression for much longer than a few seconds rampaging my face. All the while I dragged along a confused and half-asleep Gojo.

Gojo: [Whilst rubbing eye] "Mmm...Babu...Where are we going? I was sleeping..."

(Y/n): [Sighs] "You know, that's probably not the right mindset to have when being urgently woken up in the middle of the night. Especially being a Sorcerer. I mean, what's if a Curse was attacking?"

Gojo: "Is a Curse attacking?"

A simple question that was enough for my body to stop completely. My hand still held tightly to Gojo's wrist. However, I didn't respond. I could only look at the ground in dismay. What was I doing? Why was my mind such a wreck right now? I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Yet, thankfully for me, Gojo seemed to sense that something wasn't right. So, he did something out of character, and I found out about this out of character moment when I felt a hand land on my shoulder from behind. Upon turning my head, I was greeted by a soft smile spread across the face of my cousin. 

Gojo: "...Wanna talk about it?"

And whereas Gojo smiled a lot. This smile was different. It wasn't brought on my confidence or any such emotion in between that. It was a genuine smile that showed concern, patience, and love. And despite something like the latter being a little awkward between Gojo and I, it was still a feeling I welcomed. And continued to welcome as a few seconds later, I found myself seated on the ground of the hallway. My back pressed up against the stone brick wall behind me, as Gojo silently sat by my side.

(Y/n): "I...I don't know why, but, I-I had a dream...Where I was with Itadori and Sukuna. And I-I don't know how to properly explain it, but..." [Turns to Gojo] "...But I think Itadori might be alive. Though I'm worried if we don't hurry he could be coming back for the--"

Gojo: "That's not what I meant."

(Y/n): "H-Huh?"

His sudden sentence was all it took for me to stop my own. Which felt like stopping a bullet train from going a hundred miles and hour to a single one. But the feeling was eased upon me when I turned to Gojo once more to see that same soft smile present on his lips.

Gojo: "Babu, when I asked if you wanted to talk about it, the 'it' I was referring to wasn't whatever you think you're worried about. It's what you're really worried about."

(Y/n): "What I'm really--N-No. Gojo. You don't understand. Itadori is what I'm worried about."

Gojo: "You sure? Because I'm not..."

A ten second pause followed Gojo's words. It was like he was giving me the floor to choose. If I continued to speak about everything with Itadori, he'd let it come his way and he'd respond in whatever way was best. But he was also using the silence to invite me to talk about what was really bothering me. The only problem was...I still didn't know what it really was.

(Y/n): [Sighs] "...I don't know what to do."

Gojo: "About what? Maki?"

(Y/n): "Huh?"

Again, I looked at him confused. This time, whilst he still had the smile. His head was now pushing up against the wall, allowing his eyes to face the roof. If they weren't covered the cloth, of course.

Gojo: "We all kinda noticed it during dinner. You were nowhere to be seen and Maki wasn't herself. Well, not herself she normally is when around you. Actually, it reminded me more of the way she was when you were trapped in the void for that period of time."

(Y/n): "O-Oh..."

That was all I could say as I pictured what Gojo was describing. And honestly, just picturing it made my mind all over the place once more. Now joining the confronting thoughts of Itadori was everything to do with Maki. I was so convoluted on what to do with everything! So many things, so little time to properly think about them. I felt I had to move quickly, to focus on one thing before it's gone. Such had been a mindset I had since returning. But now, it felt like that mindset was starting to hold me back. That was, until a moment of peace came my way.

Gojo: "...I'm glad you two finally got together."

(Y/n): "Huh?!" [Suddenly turns to Gojo] "G-Get together? I don't know what you're talking about! Get together with who?"

Gojo: "You know, Babu. You may have gotten stronger since you got back. But you're still just as bad whenever someone else brings up stuff like love around you."

The chuckle and smile in which Gojo offered was all it took for me to realized there was no chance of escaping this moment. So I gave in. Dropping my head, I released a silent sigh, as I faced the notion coming my way.

(Y/n): "...How long did you know?"

Gojo: "Around about the time you changed from sitting next to Nobara to suddenly sitting with Maki in the cafeteria. That was a pretty big giveaway."

(Y/n): "W-Wait. How'd you know about that? You weren't there. It was only us students. So how could you kn--Panda told you, didn't he?"

Gojo: [Smiles brightly] "Yep! He sure did!" [Chuckles] "Honestly! I'm surprised he didn't fully pick up on it then and there." [Sighs and shakes head] "Silly Panda. He's so big on love, yet he can't notice it when it's right in front of him..."

(Y/n): "Hehe...Yeah--Wait! If you know, does that mean you--"

Gojo: "Relax, Babu. No one else knows. Well, from what I know, anyway."

(Y/n): "What? Not even Panda?"

I said with a small smile. I don't know what it was. But the calmness that filled the moment made me feel like I could say anything. Hence why I wasn't afraid to keep up with this topic of conversation. Gojo didn't seem to mind either as he too shook his head with a smile.

Gojo: "Nope. Not even Panda."

(Y/n): "But I thought that was your guy's thing? You text each other everything?"

Gojo: "Yeah. But not this..." [Smiles at you] "I guessed you and Maki would bring it up whenever you two were ready. Besides, you deserved some time to be truly happy without other people shoving questions down your throat."

(Y/n): [Chuckles softly] "Yeah...I suppose you're right."

Honestly, I struggled to believe what I was hearing. Gojo had been known in our clan for doing what he wanted, without anyone holding him back. Such was a thing that we all got used to. To the point, it was odd to see him act genuinely nice. But that's exactly what he was doing now. He wasn't thinking about himself. He was thinking about me. He realized I was going through something and he was stepping out to help me. Gojo and I may not have really been close before I came to this school. But it was moments like this that reminded me just how great it was to have him in our family. And that feeling only continued to grow.

Gojo: "So, what exactly is going on with you two? You seemed to be going great from what I could tell. Hit a rough patch?"

(Y/n): "Hehe...You could say that..." [Sighs] "We, uh...We kinda had a fight."

Gojo: "Oh...That's not good. It's never good to argue with a woman. So annoying." [Pat's chin] "Like, I can't count the endless amount of times that Utahime has yelled at me for no good reason. Haha!" [Turns to you] "Did Maki yell at you for no reason?"

(Y/n): "Uh, actually, she didn't really do the yelling...I did."

I could tell Gojo was genuinely surprised upon hearing that. His face now facing me entirely. And despite having his eyes covered, you could sense the shock from the rest of his face. That sight, pushed with the thoughts that conjured in my head, was all it took for the words to begin flowing from my mouth. Doing so, I told Gojo everything. About Maki's hesitation and jealousy towards Nobara, and my situation being in between them. I told him how all I wanted was for them to get along. 

That I loved Maki, and that even so, I still wanted to be friends with Nobara. To finish it off, I repeated the sentence I told Maki. About everything from her not telling anyone about us dating and how that made me feel, and how it made me feel even lonelier than I felt before. It didn't take long after my words finished for me to turn back to Gojo. Whose face was now frozen in a single position as he tried to process everything he just heard. Something that took him a little longer. Only then did he finally speak, as if nothing stopped him before.

Gojo: "Wow! Babu, I...I didn't think you would be capable of having so much chaos in your life at once. Haha!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, well...Chaos seems to be the only consistent thing I have in life right now."

Gojo: "Hey, now! Cut out that emo crap! Chaos isn't the only consistent thing you have in life. You have me!" [Raises finger] "And as I like to say! A Gojo a day...Is better than anything else in the world!"

(Y/n): "You've legit never said that before in my life."

Gojo: "Huh? That so?" [Scratches chin] "I could have sworn I said it before...Huh? Oh, well! That doesn't matter! What matters is you shouldn't let this get you down, Babu. I mean, you're my cousin! We don't let things like this get us down! So just be like me! Awesome Cousin Gojo!"

I could tell Gojo was only trying to be kind. And the fact he was even trying was an achievement enough. However, the mere mention of him telling me to be like him, led a countless wave of thoughts to crash through my mind. Along with them, a new batch of tinu voices echoed along with them.

"He's wrong..."

"You've only got chaos in life..."

"Listen to everything being said..."

"You're no Gojo..."

"No amazing Sorcerer."

"You're not the hero of this story...

"...You're the villain."

Each sentence building further and further up to the roof of my mind. As they did, my soul was brought along with them. Until they could carry it no more...and I fell to the bottomless pit below.

(Y/n): [Sighs] "...I think that's the problem."

Gojo: "Huh? What did you say, Babu? I was busy saying how awesome it would to be like me! Haha!"

(Y/n): "I...I was saying...That that's the problem."

Gojo: [Tilts head] "What is?"

(Y/n): "Trying to be like you. That's...That's where this all started."

Gojo: "Babu...What do you mean?"

I could tell Gojo had taken a more serious expression as soon as he heard me speak in a tone that was shallow in comparison to any tone used prior. I didn't even have to look at him to tell I had his full attention. The mere fact the world around us grew silent was enough to confirm such. So, with the dance floor laid bare, I spoke from my heart for the second time today.

(Y/n): "When...When I was first trapped in the void. I made a dream, a promise...One I made to myself. I made a promise to anyone listening. That if I could get a second chance, and return to this world once more, that I wouldn't be the weak and unbearable person I was beforehand. I'd be different. I'd get stronger. I'd grow more confident. I'd...I'd be like you."

Gojo: "...Babu..."

(Y/n): "And, at first, that seemed to be working. I was powerful. I wasn't held back by my thoughts, or worried about what other people thought of me. I was just me...Well, not me. I was you. I acted in a way I thought you'd act, even before my brain could come up with a natural option to progress what was going on. The first thing I thought was, what would Gojo do. So that's what I did..."

Gojo: "You basically did what you thought I'd do? Like what?"

(Y/n): "I-I don't know? Don't care? Don't show I care? Just play it for every moment that goes on by. Hope for the best, and if the worst arrived, I'd just deal with it like you would. And for a while, that worked. I was confident. I felt like a new person. That was until Nobara reminded me that I wasn't you. That I was me...And I shouldn't pretend to be someone else when I have myself to offer instead. I-I don't know why, but that stuck with me after she said that."

Gojo: "So, what? You were done acting like me?"

(Y/n): "I mean, I guess? N-Not really." [Sighs] "All my life, I've heard about the great and powerful Satoru Gojo. How he was so strong that curses feared him, and sorcerers praised him. And...For someone who was a nobody in such a powerful clan, I...I guess I always wanted to be like you. I felt like that ever since I was a kid. It only properly manifested after I was sent to the void."

Gojo: "But Nobara said to be yourself?"

(Y/n): "Yeah. A-And I listened to it. But still...The effect of wanting to be like you since I was little was still present. It was a hard thing to just get rid of. So, I decided to not completely get rid of it. And just have a mixture of being myself...and being like you. I thought that'd bring the perfect balance in my life, but even then, it wasn't enough..."

That's the way it always seemed to be in life for me. No matter what I had. No matter the effort I gave. I was always given the short straw.

(Y/n): "Even when I was fighting the Special Grade at that Juvenile centre...I-I could have beaten him so easily. But...B-But I didn't. I toyed with him instead. Put on this big show of it. All because...I thought it was something you'd do." [Sighs] "But I was too focused on being like you that I completely forgot about Itadori."

Gojo: "Itadori?"

(Y/n): "Yeah. I mean, he was right there, watching. I...I told him not to turn into Sukuna whilst I was fighting the Special Grade. But he didn't listen. I made it out like I was weakened by the Curse, t-to the point Itadori felt like he didn't have a choice but to give Sukuna control...So he could help me. Tch! What help that was...It ended up with him losing his life. And it was all my fault."

It was...It really was. A heavy weight immediately came crashing down onto my spirit as soon as I muttered those words. As soon as I admitted the truth. It was my fault. It was. All this time, I unconsciously searched for ways to look past it. To make it out like I didn't have a choice. But I did! I did have a choice! But I was too preoccupied on wanting people to like me, that I lost focus on the true matter at hand. Stopping the curse and saving the day.

(Y/n): "Heh...Even when I try to be like you. I'm still a crap version of Gojo."

My words entered the air. Filling the narrowed walls of the dark corridor in which Gojo and I currently found ourselves in. It was moments like this that I remembered the true reality of this world I call home. Despite how many happy moments you feel you have, there'll always be a day when you feel at the very bottom. You feel like you have no hope. No power to move on. And, I guess, it was my turn to feel this way. My head buried toward the ground as I was willing to accept this all. To give up and never fight again. To accept the tiny voices. 

To allow their words to take their final effect on me. To take in what they were saying...and just stop the fighting. To stop it all. At least, that's what I planned...Before I realized something. Tiny voices are something we all go through. Words whispered into your ear by the very doubtful thoughts that build up inside your brain. We all go through these moments. All left to suffer from what is said. But that doesn't mean every tiny voice is bad. Sometimes, you've just gotta be patient to hear the right one. And for me, that right tiny voice...was closer than I thought.

"...I wouldn't put me in such high regards, if I were you."

Immediately my head was lifted as the silent voice of Gojo sounded. My eyes switching to the right, where I saw my older cousin. But instead of smiling, or carrying any confidence in him whatsoever. He was left to look to the ground in defeat and dismay. Honestly, in this moment, he appeared more like me, than I ever did him. It was something to think about. Well, that amongst everything else Gojo intended to bring forth as he continued to speak.

Gojo: "You know... I have a pretty bad personality. Definitely not one you'd want to strive for."

(Y/n): "I mean... I get why some people may think that. But I don't think you're that bad, Gojo."

Gojo: "Yeah, well, sometimes just because you don't necessarily think something. Doesn't mean it isn't true."

I had never heard Gojo talk in such a serious way. Well, maybe serious wasn't the right term to use. The best choice would probably be... 'Vulnerable'. Something which was NEVER used in the same sentence as Satoru Gojo. But right now, that seemed exactly what he was going for. And I couldn't properly take it in at first.

Gojo: "Being a teacher has never really been my style. I like doing things my way, because, well...I've always just been stubborn."

(Y/n): "Heh...Yeah. I get that."

Gojo: [Glances at you] "Do you know why I decided to teach at this school?"

(Y/n): "Hmm? No. Mom never really mentioned it."

Gojo: "That's mostly because I haven't told anyone this before..." [Chuckles silently] "After all, I'm seen as this be-all, end-all character in the world of Sorcerery. I'm known for my power and over-the-top personality. So, I can't really be surprised that no one sees me as anything more..."

Gojo's gaze quickly fell back toward the ground as he spoke. A sigh parting his words as a small smile crept onto his lips. All the while, I could only watch in silence.

Gojo: [Sighs] "I decided to teach here...Because I have a dream. Just like you."

(Y/n): "A dream?"

Gojo: "Yep. Whilst your dream was to come back, different, and better. To save those you care about..." [Sighs] "As you can saw with Yuji earlier, the top of the Jujutsu world is a den of vice. Conservative fools. Traditional fools. Arrogant fools. Just plain fools. It's a bargain sale on rotten mikan. But my to reset that garbage jujutsu world."

(Y/n): "So, what? You want to end the world and restart it?"

Gojo: "Not end the world. But give it a second chance. Murdering everyone at the top would be an easy task. But they would just get replaced. It wouldn't bring a revolution. And that's exactly what this world needs. A revolution. We need to revolt against the ideals set by others. We need to set our own path. To not keep ourselves conjoined to the ideas and prospects of others. To truly start a revolution, you need to start with yourself. To cast aside everything...Everything...and begin a new." [Sighs] "And that's what I think you need to do, (Y/n)."

I was so caught up in everything Gojo was saying at this point, that hearing my name come from his lips felt so out of nowhere. In the end, it managed to bring me back to reality. But everything Gojo had previously said was so thrilling, rushing through my veins like engine fuel, that I could barely focus on one thing for long. But when Gojo spoke...It seemed to be the only thing I could properly take in.

Gojo: "You told me how Maki didn't tell anyone about the two of you because she thought it'd only set her back from proving her family wrong. That's the first place you could start with revolution. Break the status quo. She thinks being with you will give her family leverage, prove them wrong. Show them that her being with you, will only benefit the world more. You're a strong kid, (Y/n). But at the end of the day, the thing that makes you the strongest..."

--The Next Day--

"...Is you being you."

Those were the final words Gojo said to me last night. And they were the words that continued to push me forward as I stood at the entrance of a location that seemed to resemble Jujutsu High. At least, in the terms of old style buildings, and characters you wouldn't exactly see in the open world. If I was being honest, I was a little hesitant to come here. But whenever I got nervous, or scared, I reminded myself of another thing Gojo said.

"We need to revolt against the ideals set by others. We need to set our own path. To not keep ourselves conjoined to the ideas and prospects of others. To truly start a revolution, you need to start with yourself. To cast aside everything...Everything...and begin a new."

And that's what I was doing here. I was here to revolt. To set my own path. To not keep myself and those I care about conjoined to the ideas and prospects of others. To put it simply, I was starting a revolution. And I was starting in the place it truly mattered most. But even though I was motivated to be here by Gojo's words. I didn't set out to be like Gojo. 

No. Because like he said, the thing that makes me strongest is me being me. And, now, I don't know if I fully understand that. Nor do I feel I will for a while. But I gathered the simplicity of it all. And it was that simplicity that drove me here. It's what also drove me to step through this entrance of this quiet sanctuary...and start a revolution.

[3rd Person POV]

Later that day, at Jujutsu High, Megumi, Panda, Inumaki and Nobara could be seen seated at a table in the cafeteria. Not much was said between the group as they ate their food. The noticeable lack of a (Y/n) shaped void sitting amongst them could be noticed. It affected some, like Panda, whose ears dropped upon noticing it. Whilst Inumaki and Megumi remained silent. Nobara was a mix between the two. She didn't say anything, but she wanted to. Her face showcased such. In the end, it was Panda who said the first words. All coming about after he slammed his fists on the table abruptly, enough to capture the attention of everyone present.


Panda: "ARGH! I DON'T LIKE THIS! Where's (Y/n)?! He should be here?! I don't like it when he isn't here!!"

Nobara: "I haven't seen him since he walked off with Maki yesterday."]

Inumaki: "Salmon."

Megumi: "I would say he's still reeling over Itadori's death. But I feel that is only the tip of the iceberg."

Panda: "Yeah, well, if something is bothering him, why doesn't he say anything?! We're his friends! Friends are there to help each other!"

Megumi: "But sometimes not everyone feels the need to accept help. To some...Accepting help is the hardest thing possible."

True words left with no added force. It didn't take long for the group to understand what Megumi was talking about. As such, another wave of silence filled the area. As it did, Maki found herself approaching the table. A tray of food in hand. Her head remained low the entire journey from the kitchen to the table. Her eyes hovered over the scrambled eggs before her. But her mind wasn't on the food, it was on (Y/n). Throughout the previous night, Maki searched around the school for (Y/n). But to no luck. When she was finally forced to return to her room, she found herself in tears nearly as soon as her body touched the bed. 

Waves of emotion escaped her body as she lay alone, hugging a pillow in the absence of (Y/n). She had hoped that by the time the next day rolled around, it'd be nothing but a nightmare. That she'd reach her table of friends to find (Y/n) amongst them, with a smile on his face and a spot open next to him for her to sit. But upon lifting her head to see no sign of the male. Maki found herself cursing everything inside of her. For everything she did to (Y/n). For not telling her family about dating him. To feeling jealous about Nobara. Now, Maki still found the annoyance of imagining the pair together. 

But that was only out of the pure stubbornness she carried since birth. Other than that. She found herself pathetic for everything she did. (Y/n) just wanted friends, and after everything he had been through, feeling so alone and having nothing but feeling cursed your whole life, she couldn't blame him. It made her even angrier at herself for being so selfish. She had finally reached a sense of happiness with a boy she liked and she just threw it all away. It made her sick inside. To the point where when she finally addressed those around her, she couldn't lift her voice higher than a tone the others could only just hear.

Maki: "(Y/n)'s still not here, huh?"

Inumaki: "Salmon."

Panda: "Maki! There you are!"

Maki: [Lifts head] "Huh? What's up?"

Panda: "What did you and (Y/n) do after yesterday's training? We haven't seen him since?"

Maki: "Oh, that, I...We, um...We had a--"

She was about to say that they had a fight. Something that wasn't exactly out of reality, but also could potentially reveal too much. And she wasn't sure what to do right now. Thankfully for her, she was cut off by the sound of her phone vibrating from within her pocket. The sound was quick to catch the attention of everyone else. Before too long, everyone was looking at the phone in Maki's hand. It wasn't mentioned, but everyone standing there held hopes that the notification was coming from (Y/n). 

A sign that he was okay, alive, and he'd be back soon. Maki also hoped this. The feeling of not speaking to him for mere hours was something she didn't think about being unable to process. But after everything, not speaking to him reminded her of the time he was gone from her life, from all their lives. It was a sad time in the school. One she never thought she'd care about. Yet, she did. And the hope in her eyes, which formed upon hearing the notification was clear of that. Unfortunately for everyone, the message was not from (Y/n). 

Panda: "What is it, Maki?"

Nobara: "Is it (Y/n)?"

Maki: "...No. It's from my sister. She's saying that...MY CLAN WAS ATTACKED?!"

Megumi: "WHAT?!"

Panda: "Your clan? But how?! Why would someone attack one of the big three clans so suddenly?!"

Inumaki: "Tuna Mayo."

Panda: "You're right. The question isn't why they were attacked. But by who?"


Maki: "Huh?"

Though Maki made the sound first, everyone at the table followed in accord as soon as they heard the voice that echoed from behind. But any slowness to turn was suddenly picked up. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw standing no more than ten meters away, was none other than (Y/n) himself. A large smile on his face as he waved toward the group.

Nobara: [Smiles brightly] "(Y/n)?!"

Panda: [Jumps to his feet] "YES! FINALLY THIS DAY CAN GET STARTED!"

Both Megumi and Inumaki remained silent. But their demeanour did enough to showcase some emotion in the matter. Well, for Inumaki anyway. But no one showed such emotion like Maki. Her mouth dropped in shock. A feeling that was progressed from what she had just read on her phone. But right now, she had completely forgotten about it. Left blank minded as (Y/n) approached the group, only stopping once he reached Maki's side, where, to her surprise, he offered her a gentle smile. Maki was still reeling in from the moment that allowed (Y/n) to turn his smile to everyone else.

(Y/n): "What's up everyone? How's breakfast today?"

Panda: "Forget breakfast! Where were you?! We were all worried sick! Inumaki even slammed the table, he was so worried!"

Immediately Inumaki turned to Panda in shock, which Panda just nervously looked down at, basically telling him to just go along with it. After all, Panda didn't want to seem like a nervous wreck in front of his best friend. In the end, Inumaki just turned his head back toward (Y/n), a sigh escaping his lips before nodding his head. As for (Y/n), he could only chuckle nervously as he shut his eyes and rubbed the back of his head.

(Y/n): "Uh, yeah...Hehe...Sorry about that. I kinda had to deal with some stuff." [Notices Maki's text] "Oh! Wow! And it already reached you guys. That's a shock."

Maki: "Huh? What do you mean? What are you--"

It wasn't long before Maki's eyes followed (Y/n)'s own before they reached her phone screen, where the text from her sister could be seen. It took even less time for Maki to realize what was going on, leaving her eyes to widen in shock.

Maki: "Wait! What do you mean? You...You attacked my clan?"

(Y/n): "Attack. Negotiate. Look, I don't know what they're calling i--Yeah, I attacked your clan. There's no better way to put it."

Maki: "What?! Why?! Are you...Are you stupid?!"

Megumi: "You've got some explaining to do, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Hehe...Yeah...Yeah I do."

All was said as a goofy smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips. But in the moment he began walking through the entrance of the location now known as the Zenin Clan's sanctuary, he wore nothing but a straight face. Especially when he entered into the main building of the Clan's home. Where Naobito Zenin, an elderly man with stretched-out whiskers on either side of his cheeks, could be seen standing alongside a few other members of the Clan. 

The shocked face on the man's face quickly grew to anger. The rest of the Clan Members present, about seven to eight in total, all remained silent as (Y/n) boringly placed his blood-covered hands into his jacket pockets.

(Y/n): "Hey...You the owner of this place?"

Naobito: "Who the fuck are you?! Why are your hands covered with blood?! How'd you get in here?!"

(Y/n): "Well, question two also answers question three, I gave your guards a little early nap break. They're on the ground outside--ALIVE--I will add. As for the first question--" [Smiles] "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)! So not nice to meetcha!"

Naobito: "(Y/n)...(L/n)?" [Scratches chin] "I've heard that name before somewhere."

He muttered to himself. As he did, his eyes hovered back to the male. Clearly, this old man was not overly fazed by the fact that members of his Clan had been attacked. Though, his attention was sparked when he noticed (Y/n) was wearing a Jujutsu High uniform.

Naobito: "That uniform! You're from Jujutsu High!"

(Y/n): "Bingo, old man! Ha! Surprised you got it right. The way Maki talked, you seemed very...Idiotic."

Naobito: "Maki? How do you--" [Groans] "You're from the Japan Jujutsu High? How do you know that failure?"

(Y/n): [Chuckles] "You know? I was planning to simply 'talk' to you about all this. Despite my entertainment with the guards. But after you saying that--"


Two explosions of the air around (Y/n) took place as the young boy suddenly launched off his feet. He was so quick, in fact, that Naobito, the Head of the Zenin Clan, didn't even notice the male inches from his face before it was too late. This mistake proved costly, as seconds later, (Y/n)'s fists went flying for his open chest. Two strikes delivered. Each as powerful as the last. Enough so that it sent the old man crashing through the wall of the building, and into the grassy landscape outside. All the while (Y/n) remained standing instead, contemplating what just happened.

(Y/n): "Huh, that's odd...I expected more of a fight."

His words were soon given meaning when he glanced around at the eight Zenin Clan members that now surrounded him. And going off the looks on their faces, they were no more willing to just stand ideally to the side after seeing their leader knocked to the ground. But (Y/n) wasn't afraid of the fight. In fact, he was hoping it would happen. As this happened, back outside, Naobito could be seen struggling to his feet. A groan escaping his lips as he wiped the dirt off his shoulders and approached the hole in the wall in which his body had previously created. An angry look quick to form on his face upon noticing the damages.

Naobito: "Look at all this! These buildings carry the history of our clan! And you dare treat them like shit?!"

Walking through the whole, Naobito's voice echoed with anger. But that anger was quickly silenced when he saw eight Zenin Clan member bodies lying on the ground. Meanwhile, in the centre, (Y/n) stood there with a smile on his face as he wiped off the dirt caused by the fight.

(Y/n): "Oh. You're back already? Cool! Now we can really get started."

Naobito: "AAARRRGGGHHH!!!"

But it soon became clear that Naobito didn't care for what (Y/n) had to say. A scream exploding from his lips as he launched off his feet to begin his fight with (Y/n). This time, he wouldn't lose...Until he did. For it was as Naobito charged toward (Y/n), that the young boy smirked, as he did, he lifted his hands up and formed a triangle formation with his fingers.

(Y/n): "Domain Expansion... Second Formation..."

Following these words, more followed. Though, they went unheard. Though, what was known, besides the fact that Naobito was fucked. Was that even after everything (Y/n) went through, and the struggles left to crash down onto his life. He was still getting stronger. And now he had a second domain expansion? Clearly, he was proving himself to be unlike any other sorcerer before him...or those to come. Not long after, the beaten and bruised body of the Zenin Clan head dropped to the ground next to a tree. 

The fight had taken a turn to the outside area of the Zenin Clan sanctuary. Though, even so, such didn't cause any less destruction to the other areas. As in the background, multiple sights of destroyed buildings, fires, and anything chaotic in between could be seen. All of which angered Naobito further. But he could currently do nothing. His weakened body leaned against the stump of a destroyed tree, all the while he was left to look up at the face of (Y/n). One which soon came closer as the young boy leaned down and looked the old man in the eyes.

(Y/n): "Wow. When you get closer...You look even way older than before! Damn, Maki wasn't lying when she said you look like a gargoyle."

Naobito: "How the--Argh--Fuck...Do you know that run--"


A quick strike delivered to the face of the Clan Head. The punch causing his head backward at such a force it made an imprint into the tree stump. Thankfully for (Y/n), the attack didn't leave the old man unconscious. Such was proven when the young boy grabbed the old man by the hair so they could look at each other once more.

(Y/n): "Now, how about we try that again?"

Naobito: "...Who...Are...You...?"

(Y/n): "Me? Well, why didn't you just ask? Haha! I'm (Y/n)!"

Naobito: "Who...the (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): [Sighs] "Seriously, man? I was the guy who got kidnapped by a crazy ex-sorcerer? Potentially a bad guy to some who don't have a brain, like you?"

But the look on Naobito's face still showed nothing but confusion.

(Y/n): [Sighs] "...I'm Gojo's cousin?"

Naobito: "Gojo? Gojo had a cousin?"

(Y/n): [Groans] "Come on, man! Seriously! The King of the Curses knows me but not some random old dude? Wait...Sukuna knowing me is better. Maybe I don't care about--"


(Y/n) was abruptly cut off from speaking when the sound of laughter echoed from before him. Of course, upon looking down, there was only but one option for the cause of the sound. And such was revealed when (Y/n)'s gaze returned to Naobito once more. Whose grin had seemingly returned, despite currently being held down by a towering (Y/n). Even so, (Y/n) found himself grinning back. Though there was a clear hint that something else rested behind his smile.

(Y/n): "And what exactly are we laughing about, old man? Because I sure hope it's one funny joke. Because involving you right now, I'm not in a laughing mood."

Naobito: "Oh, it's nothing..." [Chuckles] "I just...I just remembered who you were. You're Gojo's cousin. The mistake." [Smirks] "The one who couldn't even be a sorcerer if he tried."

(Y/n): "Ha! That is funny...He said sarcastically. But you know what really is funny? That this 'mistake' who 'couldn't be a sorcerer if he tried', still somehow managed to beat the shit out of every warrior in your clan? So, what's funnier? Me being a 'mistake' or the fact you all lost to a mistake?"

Almost instantly did Naobito's smile drop. His glare returning instantly as the sharp wit of his tongue turned sour.

Naobito: "What the fuck do you want? Because I hope it's good. Because people won't like it hearing that Gojo's little cousin decided to attack a fellow Sorcerer Clan. Especially the higher-ups, who I hear control your--"

(Y/n): "Fuck the higher-ups! And fuck you, too! I don't care what people think. I'm done with that! I'm here because I'm sick and tired of the shitty turn in life you've forced onto Maki. So, I cam here to end it."

Naobito: "Ha! What does that bitch want? To become a higher grade sorcer? Because in her dreams! Why didn't that bitch just come here to say this shit herse--"


The literal sound of Naobito's shoulder blade shattering filled the air as (Y/n)'s fist cut through the air to strike the older man. There was so much force in the attack that Naobito was sent flying off the ground, his back getting cut by the sharp edges of the tree stump he was previously pushed against. His flailing body was sent flying through the air, as it continued, (Y/n) suddenly appeared right in front of him. A dark aura flooded his eyes as red dots set themselves around his pupils. The sight was quite a shock to Naobito. 

Who, in the moment, didn't see (Y/n) as a sorcerer. But as a curse. A mere hint as to the true power that was held deep inside the young boy. Something that only grew as with rapid speed (Y/n) delivered crushing blow after crushing blow to the old man. To the point, Naobito couldn't do anything to defend himself. Eventually, he was left in a pile of blood. His beaten body was roughly picked up off the ground by (Y/n), whose appearance had returned to normal. Even so, there was still plenty of fear in Naobito's shaking body as he looked up to the boy...Who was smiling no more?

(Y/n): "I'm not here because Maki couldn't say this stuff to you herself. I'm here because, unlike with her, I'll make you listen to me. And I won't hesitate one bit to make sure you hear every fucking word I have to say."

He clenches his fist around the crop of Naobito's clothing and shifts his face closer. To the point, Naobito witnessed just how wide (Y/n)'s eyes were being stretched. Fueled on by the rage he felt inside right now.

(Y/n): "...You will stop interfering in Maki's life. You will stop interfering in her becoming a higher-ranking sorcerer. And you will stop bringing shame onto her life."

Naobito: "Ha! She brings shame onto her--"


Naobito: "AAAHHH!!!"

His scream abruptly rampaged the air as (Y/n) snapped two of Naobito's fingers.

(Y/n): "YOU DON'T LEARN! DO YOU?! YOU ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY! ACTING LIKE MAKI IS NOTHING BUT A FAILURE! YET SHE'S ONE OF THE STRONGEST SORCERERS TO EVER COME OUT OF THIS SHIT HOLE!" [Sighs] "...And if you can't see that, you're even more fucking stupid than I thought. Now, I suggest you listen to what I say. You stay the FUCK out of Maki's life. Let her live it her way! Because if you don't...If I hear that you weren't smart enough to listen to a person with ALL the power...Then I'll come back. And that time, I won't just destroy your pathetic building. I'll turn them to dust. And along with them, every single other person that dares step in my way. You got it? Good..."

Those were the final words (Y/n) spat into the face of Naobito, all before shoving the old man to the ground and beginning to walk away. As for Naobito, he lay on the ground, clenching his broken fingers as he struggled to hold in the pain. Eventually, this pain turned to anger. The old man, unable to leave things where they were, was quick to jump to his knees as he bashed back a verbal onslaught at (Y/n).


As Naobito's words came to an end, a silence filled the air. Along with it, (Y/n)'s body coming to a stop. This time he decided not to hurt Naobito. After all, he already did that. He wanted to try a different approach, and that approach was...Rather unorthodox. Especially after having a bunch of violent words thrown at you. All one would want would be to turn around and make them eat their words up right away. But (Y/n) wanted to encourage the man before him to try, to try and come against him if he thought he'd get the better out of the pair. So, he did that in the best way possible. Instead of yelling back, or violently attacking Naobito, (Y/n) simply turned his head around, smiled at the old man, offering a chuckle, before offering a set of words that drove Naobito crazy.

(Y/n): [Smiles] "Nuh...I'd win."

With those three words, (Y/n) turned back around and proceeded to leave the Zenin Clan Sanctuary. As he did, Naobito's raged expression remained. Though there was a look in his eyes that showcased he'd do what (Y/n) had said. What was even more odd, was the fact Naobito was so stubborn that he was still willing to go against the boy's words even up to the point he broke his fingers. It wasn't until those last three words, and the smile he saw, that drove him to think otherwise. Because it was in this moment, as (Y/n) walked away, that Naobito didn't just see a reflection of Gojo...But something else. Add in the darkened eyes (Y/n) had somehow conjured during their fight, and it left Naobito with little stubbornness to still go against him.


[Your POV]

(Y/n): "Haha! So that's about how it went! Boy, that old man was sure something. So old and cranky. I hope I don't become like him when I'm his age. Haha! Right, Panda...Panda?"

Upon turning to Panda, however, I was only greeted with a still face. His jaw slightly dropped as he stared at me.

(Y/n): "Uh, Panda? Everything all good, buddy?"

It was as I noticed Panda's lack of response, that I realized everyone else in the room also had similar looks to him. All had their jaws dropped ever so slightly with their eyes opened wide. Even Megumi had such an expression that I struggled to believe. But I didn't really focus on one look in particular until I finally found Maki, still standing next to me. Unlike the others, her mouth was closed. But there was a look in her eyes that was also different. One that seemed on the verge of shattering with a wave of emotions. Such became more known when she finally spoke.

Maki: "You...You did all that...for me?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I mean...I-I know of all the shit you've said about your clan. And how they were getting in the way of your life...a-and other things. And I didn't want you to feel like anything was blocking you off from becoming the exact person you dream yourself of being. Because you are extraordinary, Maki. You're incredible! And no idiot clan should dare block you from reaching your limits. Though..." [Chuckles nervously] "...I can't say I didn't do it for myself, either."

A gentle chill ran down my spine as I said those words. The rhythm of my heart picked up as I stared into the eyes of Maki. There was so much I wanted to say. But there was a wall blocking me from saying any of it. A wall of tiny voices which threatened to stop me from what I really wanted to say.

"You're being selfish."

"You're just doing this for yourself, so you can be with her!"

"You won't find peace in anything you have to say."

"Maki won't accept it."

"Maki won't love you."

"You've already screwed up. It's over. It's--"

"...I love you."

And then I broke down that wall of tiny voices with three simple words. Words that left my mouth quickly, but carried a wave of action with them. It didn't take long for the people at the table to offer their reactions. Which, at this point, were mostly frozen looks of surprise. But the only reaction I cared about at the moment, was Maki's. So when I saw the blush grow on her face, I took another step forward. Both in courage, and in reality. As I did, I gently took her hands into my own and continued speaking.

(Y/n): "I know you didn't want to tell people about us because of your family, so I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for the way I spoke to you the other night. But... I'm not sorry for what I said. Not entirely. Because I do love you, Maki. And I know that because I spent three years of my life trapped in a world of nothingness thinking about you every single night. I would lie there in the dark and think about you. It was over that time that I realized I loved you, and that I'd do anything for you. But, in saying that, I didn't do what I did to your clan because I love you..."

A pause found her face as my words reached a momentary stop. I could tell she was on the edge of her seat, figuratively. So I didn't wait long before I continued. I simply took this small break to lift my head and smile at her the best I could.

(Y/n): "...I did it because there is no other sorcerer like you, Maki. No one has the determination, or the ambition to prove people wrong like you. And that's something I've always admired about you. And something I always will. I-I...I just wanted you to know that I didn't go there just so we could date. Well, n-not the main reason..." 

A nervous chuckle separated the words. Eventually, the smile on my face took a softer turn as I sighed.

(Y/n): [Sighs] "I went there because I don't want you to feel like someone is holding you back from reaching your dream. And I know you take that as an opportunity to prove people wrong. But, I still know the pressure you feel every day, knowing that your family is trying to keep you back...Well, not anymore. You're amazing. Incredible. And everything in between... You don't need to feel like the world is against you. Because I want you to know, no matter what, no matter what state it is, I will always be there by your side."

As my words came to an end, I felt like a towering shadow had left my body. I didn't know it in the current moment. But this feeling I felt was the sensation of being freed by a plethora of tiny voices. I was no longer held back by doubtful thoughts. I was finally free, and whatever happened in the next few seconds. I'd accept. Even if Maki ended up--


(Y/n): "H-Huh?"

I was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of Maki's voice. When I turned to look at her, I was shocked to see a frustrated look on her face. However, my worries were eased when I saw she had her arms crossed, her head facing in the opposite direction as she mumbled under her breath. But what really gave it all the way was how her blush was now brighter than ever. And if there was any more doubt that Maki was angry, that left as soon as she spoke next.

Maki: "You're...You're an idiot, you know that, right? Iidot for doing all this...You could have got in trouble, (Y/n)! Then how'd you feel? I'd never get to see you again! Then all this...nice shit you've done for me would be for nothing! So how'd you feel then, huh?!"

(Y/n): [Smiles] "I mean, I'd be happy knowing you were free from the hassles of your family."

Maki: "Yeah? Well, would you still be happy knowing you wouldn't get to see me again?! Hmm? Hmm?!" 

Her eyes filled with annoyance turned to me instantly. However, they dropped slightly when she turned away, a weaker expression appearing in them, and her face, as she muttered.

Maki: "...Would you?"

It was clear she was asking if I'd be sad if I didn't get to see her again. A hidden question hidden within it to basically ask if I still like her. I knew as much mainly because this wasn't the first time Maki went about expressing her feelings in such a way. Now, I could have used simple words to rest her worries. However, I decided to do it in a way that'd truly make the point come across. And I did that by suddenly wrapping my arms around her body, and shaking it from side to side as if I was hugging a big teddy bear.

(Y/n): "Oh, of course, Maki. I'd be simply broken if I didn't get to see my Pookie Bear again."


Now, some people may say her screaming in my face isn't a good sign. But I knew, from personal experience, that that was her way of saying to keep doing it. Or, at least, that's what I liked to use as an excuse to keep teasing her. Something I continued by gently patting her head and smiling brightly at her. As I did that, Maki just crossed her arms and glared up at me. It was simple. There was nothing she could do to break this moment. I was in control. I was leading the way for teasing and making up for past mistakes. 

There was no way she could one-up me right no--At least, that's what I thought, anyway. Until every single thing ounce of control in my body was stolen with a simple move. You see, it was as I had my eyes shut and smiling at Maki, that the naturally dominant female took the opportunity to take the lead in this little game we were playing. And how did she do that? By suddenly launching forward and smashing her lips against my own. I was so thrown off by this action that I didn't even know it was happening until a few seconds later.

But even when I did realize what was going on, all I could do was stare at her, wide-eyed, as Maki grabbed the crop of my uniform to keep me in place. As all of this happened, everyone at the table had proceeded to drop their jaws. Even Inumaki and Megumi were shocked. They now joined Nobara and Panda in being completely speechless. And honestly, I couldn't blame them. Of course, I was speechless for an entirely different reason. But still. But even if I wanted to speak...I don't think I would have. 

Sure, it took me a while to realize what was going on. But as soon as I realized what was going on, I was quick to sick into the embrace. My hands taking hold of Maki's waist as we used our mouth's to showcase an apology unlike any other. And whilst we had a crowd in front of us, we didn't care. We just continued to show our love for each other until eventually the need for air rose between us and we were eventually forced to separate. As we did, both Maki and I struggled to catch our breath. But not much stopped us from speaking as we were left panting.

(Y/n): [Panting] "That...Was...Wow..."

Maki: "Ha!" [Panting heavily] "Told you...I was...The better kisser..."

(Y/n): "Oh...Yeah? Wanna...Do round 2?"

Maki: [Grins] "You'd lose~"

(Y/n): "I'm not so sure about that~"

Maki just grinned back as that playful look returned to her eyes. Honestly, as soon as I saw it, I kinda wish we went all the way the other day. But, before anything could happen, we were interrupted by the sound of something dropping to the ground. Immediately Maki and I turned toward the table where the noise came from. Upon first setting our eyes there, we didn't know what had caused it. But that changed when we heard a certain voice mutter from underneath the table.


That voice belonged to none other than Panda himself, who slowly lifted his head out from underneath the table. But that wasn't what caused the meltdown to happen. It was when we saw what he was picking up. That, of course, was his phone. On it, a recording of Maki and I kissing could be seen. As soon as Panda realized he was caught out, he knew he was a dead man. So he quickly went to defend himself. Not from me...But from Maki.

Maki: "Panda? What were you...doing?"

She said through pressured teeth.

Panda: "Uh, nothing. I was just, um...Looking at porn?"

Maki: "Oh, yeah? Then why do you have a video playing of what just happened between me and (Y/n)?"

Panda: "O-Oh, uh, that?" [Looks down at his screen] "Uh--Haha--That's actually a funny story. You see, Maki. Panda is a Panda so--"


Panda: "No! Not me! My species is already at a low rate! You can't kill me!"

Maki: "I don't give a damn!"

Something Maki made extremely clear as she launched after Panda, who pounced from the table and raced toward the exit of the Cafeteria. And yet, Maki didn't give up chase, just like a lion chasing a gazelle. 



Panda: "No! Please! (Y/n)! Inumaki! Megumi! Nobara! Save me! Save Panda!"

...But it was fair to say, none of us saved Panda that day...We were all too afraid of Maki. Nevertheless, I just watched on as my beautiful girlfriend ran through the courtyard of our school with the deathly intent to kill one of our close friends. It was moments like this that made me glad I was alive. And how could I not be? Everything seemed great! Well, that was until I noticed a certain figure missing from the table. It didn't take long to realize who it was. 

After all, how can you not notice when a certain ginger-haired girl was missing from amongst a group of dudes. Thankfully for me, a simple lift of my head toward the exit of the cafeteria, I saw Nobara walking away. Not a word left her mouth as she held onto her left arm and looked to the ground. A sigh escaping her lips as countless thoughts flashed through her mind. That was, until she was interrupted, when a familiar voice suddenly spoke out beside her.

"Where you off to? Not gonna watch the fight?"

Nobara: "Huh?"

Upon lifting her head, and turning to the left, she finally recognized the person walking beside her...was me. A gentle smile resting on my face. Of course, as soon as she realized it was me, she was quick to look back towards the ground and smiled to herself.

Nobara: "Uh, no. Not really. I know Maki's going to win so I thought I'd just go off and get ready for classes tomorrow."

(Y/n): "Oh. Right. Right. Understandable..."

A brief pause of silence filled the gap between us momentarily. I could tell if I left it for any longer, it'd soon take an awkward turn. So in order to stop that, I decided to just fuck it, and say what I've been intending to say for a while now.

(Y/n): "Nobara, look...I like you."

Nobara: "H-Huh? What?" [Turns to you] "Y-You like me?"

(Y/n): "Yeah! Of course, I do. You're great! I mean, you helped me realise I should just be myself. And even though I still struggled with doing that, you certainly did help me out a lot. So I owe you for that."

Nobara: "Oh...I see."

(Y/n): "But...I also know you like me. And I mean, 'like' like me."

Without hesitation, Nobara quickly lifted her head and turned to me with a blush and a nervous look on her face.

Nobara: "Huh? Who? What? Who said that? I-I don't know what you're talking about!"

(Y/n): "Wow. And here I thought guys were bad with this stuff."

Nobara: "Huh? What do yo--Hey!" [Whacks your arm] "I'll have you know I'm great with guys! So many want to be with me!"

(Y/n): "I'm--" [Chuckles] "I'm sure they do. Haha. I mean, you're great. Funny. You're really pretty...But..."

Nobara: [Sighs] "...But you're not one of those guys?"

(Y/n): "I mean... Not exactly. I think you're great. I really do. But I love Maki. I have for a long time, and I don't want to hurt her. She means a lot to me."

Honestly, I was worried with how this would go. I wanted to make peace with everything going on between Maki and Nobara, and doing this is what I felt was the best way. Of course, I also wanted things to be settled. I didn't want to hurt Nobara any longer. And despite it being a tough thing to do, she deserved to be treated the right away.

(Y/n): "...When I spent three years in the void, Maki was all I thought about. She was the driving force to get me back here. She became so much to me, even though I wasn't one hundred per cent sure she liked me. But I knew I liked her...And having to go every day without seeing her, only meant that when I finally did see her, it was one of my happiest moments in life. Honestly, I thought she was the only girl that would even like me. Heck, I'm still surprised she does some days."

Nobara: "Haha. Yeah, I hear guys say that a lot."

(Y/n): "Well, it's true. Especially how I was before I came back from the void. However, it wasn't just getting with Maki that surprised me when I got back. I was also surprised to eventually find out that someone else thought of me in such a way."

The clue in the words was enough to make Nobara glance up at me. Clearly, she was extremely nervous, and so was I. But I tried my best to calm her nerves by offering a smile before I continued.

(Y/n): "Honestly, I was shocked when I started to actually pick up on it. I was actually rather happy to find out that another pretty girl liked me like that."

Her blush sparked a new wave of colour.

(Y/n): "...But then I started to hurt when I realized what I needed to do. And, whilst this is hard, you deserve to be shown respect in the matter. I can't be with you like that, Nobara, I'm sorry. But I really do hope we can be friends. Even with how awkward and cliche that is, I really do hope for that. Because you're, like, one of the most normal people here. You know how great that is?"

She simply smiled up at me. When I saw it, I merely smiled back. I guessed it was probably hard for her to say anything right now. I mean, as a guy, I know what it's like to be rejected from someone you like. That's why, I tried my best to deal with this in the right manner. However, doing so was still tough. To the point, I found myself unsure of what to say next. Causing a gap of silence to build up. Thankfully for me, Nobara seemed to be the perfect person to be within such a situation. A sigh from her lips enough to bring forth my focus.

Nobara: [Sighs and smiles] "Well, I can't lie and say this doesn't suck. It does...I'm not really the one to get rejected. But I get it. And...I'm glad that you at least came to me like this without leading me on. Maki, she, uh...She's very lucky to have a guy like you."

(Y/n): [Chuckles] "I'm lucky to have her...and all these friends at this school." [Sighs] "Honestly, with the life I've had, even if I'm not dating someone, I...I still really care about them. And after what you've done for me, despite seeming small. I'll never forget about it, Nobara. I-I hope you know that?"

A brief pause came from the girl as she looked up at me and smiled. I thought this scene was going to end here, however, I was soon given a shock when out of nowhere she planted a mean right hook onto my shoulder. Before I could questioning weather everything Nobara had just said was a lie. I was given some relief when a wave of laughter followed.

Nobara: "Hahaha! You going soft on me or something, (Y/n)? Yeah, well, you better watch out! I'm a type of girl that doesn't go down easy!"

(Y/n): "Um..." [Confused smile] "...What does that mean?"

Nobara: "It means, you may be done with me...But I'm not done with you~"

Final words delivered with a sinister smirk, something that left me even more confused. And that confusion only continued as Nobara walked off ahead with a strut in her step. Meanwhile, I was left to chase after her to ask exactly what she meant. As I did so, however, I failed to notice Maki watching from behind. A still look rested on her face. But just before any thought of everything being ruined, she found a smile forming on her lips. One that grew further as she looked to the ground and walked off. Clearly, things were only going to get better in life. 

And even though things will get tough, I knew for a fact that nothing. Not Tiny Voices. Or Idiotic old men. Would stop me from doing what needed to be done. Because that's just the way I am. That's the way...I...Am. Because I'm done pretending to be like Gojo. Like other people. I'm finally happy with being myself. Something I haven't felt before in my life. So, in a way, this was a new beginning me, just as it was for my relationship with Maki. But where will both of those things go, I don't know. But what I did know is I'd be heading full speed for it without a moment of hesitation...


And that's the mindset I carried later as I walked through a pathway of dark and eerie halls through an unknown location. 

(Y/n): "Yo! Gojo! I'm here! What did you want me for exactly? I was kinda hoping to hang out with Maki!"

I said as I reached a small room where a TV and a green couch could be seen. Countless DVDs were placed out on the coffee table in between the pair. On the couch, Gojo could be seen with a smile as he watched the current movie playing. That was until he looked over his shoulder to look at me.

Gojo: "Well! Well! Well! If it isn't the man of the hour! The guy who attacked the Zenin Clan! Got some pretty big ones on ya, Babu to do something like that. Even I'd second guess going up against those guys..."

(Y/n): [Blankly stares] "..."

Gojo: "..."

(Y/n): "..."

Gojo: "...Haha. You're right. That's totally something I'd do." [Thumbs up] "So good job!"

(Y/n): "Um...Thanks?" [Chuckles] "So, uh... I'm here. What's uh...What's up? You said this was important. So why do all I see if a movie night waiting to happen?"

Gojo: "Haha! No! No! This isn't a movie night, well, not really, I mean...This is training!"

(Y/n): "Training? Training, how?"

"It's my special training!"

Upon the inclusion of another voice, I turned my head to the opposite end of the couch which appeared to be empty. However, it was soon shown that it wasn't. As out of nowhere, a stray head lifted upward to reveal the figure of Itadori, alive and well, with a smile on his face. Now, normally this would be a shocking revelation. But seeing as I found out about Itadori being alive after my heart-to-heart with Gojo, and before my attacking of the Zenin Clan, it wasn't really much of a surprise now. Still, it was nice to see him. And I think he felt the same way. The two of us just continued to smile at each other as we realized whatever this 'special training' was. We'd be able to get through it. After all, like I said to Naobito. Whatever would come my way...

...I'd just win.

[If this chapter can reach 280 votes in 24 hours, I'll bring you all A VERY SPECIAL 15K WORD CHAPTER NEXT WEEK! YOU DON'T WANNA MISS IT! THE BUFF WHITE GUY WHO PULLS PONYTAILS IS IN IT!!!]

[Alright. There we have it. A 16k word chapter of JJK over and done with. Now, this chapter took a few different directions. Originally, it was supposed to have a fight with Jogo which would also push forward how the reader was struggling at the moment. But before long this book was already at 16k words, so, I decided to take it into a different direction and bring about a lot of heart-to-heart and serious moments. I wanted to really try and get the struggle of the reader across to you guys whilst also giving some badass moments in between. Add in the reconciliation between Maki and the reader, and Nobara not ready to give up. It leaves a lot to be continued for the future. 

So, yeah, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you did, feel free to vote and leave your thoughts in the comments, they do always help me keep pushing with this story. Especially since within 8 chapters I've written over 120K WORDS FOR THIS STORY! Something I haven't done ever before! So it takes a lot! But hopefully it all pays off for you guys! This book is quickly jumping into the action portion of what I have planned, and I hope it's something you're all willing to witness. But for now, other books call me forth. So, I'll leave it here. Thanks again for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you all again soon for another chapter!!!]

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