Chapter 18 - 'Walk In The Park'

[The chapter you've all been waiting for is finally here, and with it...20k words to make the wait worth it.]

[Whoa! What's this? Back before a month? Oh, my! This must be a special occasion! Well, I mean, JJK is being updated. So that's always something to be excited for, right? Well, I hope so, because I was almost going to PURPOSELY delay this chapter for TWO MONTHS, because someone in the comments didn't believe me when I said I'd be back before a month. WELL LOOK AT ME NOW MISTER WATTPADER!! I'm back! And with it, we finally--FINALLY--get to the satisfying moment we've all been waiting for! WHY DOES GOJO CALL THE READER BABU?!?!?! Nah...Jk. That's for another chapter. But that's not to say stuff doesn't go down in this chapter. Especially the fight we've been building up to since the very first chapter~~]


[3rd Person POV]

--Two Weeks Ago--

Up and down. That's the way life seemed to be for everyone, no matter who you were, we all went through those periods. Up and down. Up and down. But for some, it was more literal. Such could be said if you were to look through the eyes of (Y/n) (L/n); the young Jujutsu Sorcerer currently finding his gaze focused on the bright blue sky above him.  It was as he did so that he couldn't help but notice how it felt as if he got just a little bit closer toward the void above him every few seconds. 

It's like he was lifted into the air, as if he were about to receive an answer he had longed for. But as was the case with most situations like that, as soon as he was to reach that answer, it was taken away from him. This time around it was gravity who played that part. For as (Y/n) went up, he'd eventually be forced back down. Nevertheless, even though (Y/n) knew he would never probably reach the sky above him, he continued to allow the bouncing affect to take control of his body, all the whilst he laid on his back and kept a blank expression on his face. 

Such a look remained for a short while, all before he finally decided to shift his gaze to the side. In doing so, the smiling face of his cousin, Gojo Satoru could be seen standing not too far away. The smiling exterior continued to resonate through the air as the anointed one watched on as (Y/n)'s laidback posture repeatedly bounced up and down on a trampoline. An odd piece of equipment for sorcerers; even odder due to the fact that the aforementioned trampoline was located within the forest area of Tokyo's Jujutsu High School. 

(Y/n): "Hey, Gojo?"

Gojo: "Yes, Babu?"

(Y/n): "Can you explain to me again why I'm bouncing on a trampoline at school? I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything. It beats class. But I thought you said we were ditching those to train for the Exchange event in two weeks?"

Gojo: "Oh, but we are training, Babu! Can't you tell?"

(Y/n): "Um...No?"

Not that that was really out of the normal for someone training with Gojo. After all, he often chose unique ways for people to improve. Though never once did it involve a trampoline. Nevertheless, (Y/n)'s confusion didn't stop Gojo from approaching further towards the location of his cousin, his smile only continuing to strengthen as (Y/n)'s body kept on bouncing.

(Y/n): "...So why am I on a trampoline?"

Gojo: "Special training, of course!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I get that! But how is this 'special' in any way?"

Gojo: "My. My. Babu! Don't be like that! I thought you out of everyone would know not to judge someone's--or somethings--skills based off appearance ~"

(Y/n): [Continues Bouncing] "Okay. Okay. Touche. So...What does this help with?"

Gojo: "Oh, more than you know!"

Yeah...(Y/n) wasn't so sure about that. But he was having too much fun bouncing on the trampoline to really care that much right now. Maybe later. Right now, he was focused on what really mattered. It was during this time that (Y/n) bounced off his back and returned to his feet, the added pressure allowing him to climb higher and higher towards the sky above. Meanwhile, Gojo began walking around the circular object with a hand raised.

Gojo: "You see, Babu, in just two weeks you will be going up against your old bullies from Kyoto. Now, you are strong--" [Grumbles] "--Not as strong as me, of course--" [Out Loud] "But still! You are strong! But you being strong will not simply be enough when you go up against your old foes!"

(Y/n): [Continues Bouncing] "Why not? You're strong. That seems to be enough for you."

Gojo: "That is true. I am awesome. Though, you are forgetting something, Babu. I've never been pushed around like a punk little bitch before by others....No offence."

(Y/n): "Eh. None taken. I've heard worse from Maki."

Gojo: "Oh, trust me, I know."

(Y/n): [Chuckles as he bounces] "Haha. Yeah. She can be pretty--Wait. How do you kno--"

Gojo: "--But as I was saying! It is because of this past that you share with your future victims, that it can lead someone to not be fully focused. You also must remember that, at least, three out of the six students are no pushovers. You will need to be on alert! Be prepared for anything! You have to show them you're not the person you once were, (Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Okay. I get that. But still...Why the trampoli--"

Gojo: [Suddenly turns to you] "Can't you just forget on the 'why' and just appreciate the fact there your cousin is cool and lets you bounce on a trampoline instead of boring class work for once?! All those others would kill for this! Most definitely Panda!"

(Y/n): "Yeah...I guess you're right." [Chuckles] "Especially Maki. She loves bouncing on--"

Gojo: [Covers ears] "Ah! Ah! Ah! PG-13 Babu! PG-13!"

(Y/n): "Huh? What are you talking about? Gojo? Gojo?!"

Upon turning to Gojo, however, it was revealed that the supreme being that he thought he was, currently had his ears still covered. Once (Y/n) saw this, he took on a blank expression as he continued to eye his cousin whilst bouncing on the trampoline. A few seconds lasted before Gojo finally moved his hands from his body.

Gojo: "Gah! Finally! I swear, Babu. I love you. But all it takes is for you to have a girlfriend for 30 seconds and you're already a jock from those American movies!"

(Y/n): "Jock? What do you mean?"

Gojo: "Oh, I think you know what I mean, Babu." [Grins] "You dirty monkey, you~"

(Y/n) didn't respond. He just spawned a confused look on his face as he continued to bounce. He had to admit, as much as he loved his cousin, Gojo was weird. Honestly, (Y/n) kinda understood why Utahime hated Gojo so much. Of course, (Y/n) wouldn't say any of this to his cousin. He knew Gojo was sensitive. Especially when it came to power scaling. Nevertheless, it was a funny thought the carry. One that was quickly forced from his mind as Gojo returned to speaking.

Gojo: "Anywho, that matters very little right now. We only have 45 minutes before the others get out of class, then they'll never let me do what I have planned for your first lesson of special training. Especially the principal! The boring guy he is!"

(Y/n): "They wouldn't let you--Wait! What? What the hell do you plan to do to--"


It was in that moment, as (Y/n) was mid-bounce, that as his body catapulted up into the air due to the pressure built up in the springs of the trampoline, that out of nowhere Gojo vanished from the ground floor do the forest, and appeared right beside (Y/n). It was as the pair hovered in the air together, both sharing a quick glance, that Gojo suddenly ignited his fist with cursed energy. The next thing (Y/n) knew, he was being dealt a fierce punch into his ribcage. 

A punch that not only hurt A LOT but also managed to send him flying off the trampoline and crash into a nearby tree. Ten seconds or so went on by before (Y/n)'s body made any movement from at the base of the tree; and twenty more seconds for him to finally lift his head. In doing so, (Y/n)'s annoyed face landed on Gojo and his snarky grin, the white-haired male now taking (Y/n)'s place on the trampoline as he continued to go higher with every bounce he made.

Gojo: "Haha! What's the matter, Babu? I thought you said you were the strongest sorcerer to ever exist?"

(Y/n): "Wha...What? I never said that!"

Gojo: "Eh. Well, doesn't matter. Now, come on! Get back up here and we'll fight some more! You've only got two weeks before your big day, and trust me, if you truly want to show them all what you've got..." [Grins] "You've got a whole lot more of this coming."

It wasn't often (Y/n) was seriously tempted to punch Gojo. But right now, he was most definitely considering a life with one less cousin. In the end, he held himself back from doing so. Nevertheless, it didn't stop him from bouncing to his feet and jumping onto the trampoline, where he and Gojo continued their aerial parade of flying fists and stunning kicks.

--Two Weeks Later--

As the weeks past, and we catch up to the present, (Y/n) isn't found to be the main source of focus at this point in time. Instead, that title falls onto his girlfriend, Maki Zenin. For, you see, during this time, (Y/n) was currently found walking away from the entrance of the school where he had previously been seen talking to Miwa, an old acquaintance from Kyoto. He chose to call her that because whereas she didn't bully (Y/n), she also wasn't really a friend. But friend or not, speaking to her made (Y/n) realise that for once in his life he should be selfish and truly make this moment of showing those who misjudged him so long ago just how much he had changed now. 

But it was as (Y/n) realized such, and now found himself heading back to the other Tokyo students, it was shown that Maki had decided to leave the aforementioned group to search for her boyfriend after he had left a short while earlier. Now she walked through the quiet corners of the school, hoping to find (Y/n) in his bedroom. After all, that's where (Y/n) normally spent most of his free time. So why wouldn't he be there now to clear his head? However, before Maki could get close to the dorm room building where (Y/n)'s room was located, her path was suddenly cut off as she struck a wall. Although, it wasn't a wall. 

Something she found out once she had opened her eyes and lifted her head. For in doing so, such was all it took to have her gaze land on the figure of Aoi Todo. Maki had to admit. Seeing such a striking individual, despite not respecting him a single bit, was enough to make her a little set off at first. Thankfully, that didn't remain for long, as Maki was a pro at keeping her facial expressions on point. Such being, of course, a narrowed set of eyes and an aura that gave off the feeling she didn't like you. Normally she had to exaggerate that last bit. This time around, she didn't have to do that.

Maki: "Oh...It's you."

Todo: "Mai's sister."

Maki: "What you doin' walking around our school, creep? Practising being a creep?"

Todo: "I could ask you the same. What are you doing walking about now, should you not be preparing for the fight?"

Maki: "As you already said, I could say the same thing to you."

Todo: "Ha! I need not to prepare for a fight. Such a task is easy to me."

Maki: "I wouldn't be so sure about that. We Tokyo students are ready for you this time."

Todo: "Please. Do you not remember what happened last year? Our school flogged you all in every event. The only reason it's being held here is because Kyoto's school is currently under reservations."

Maki: "I think you and I remember two completely different events."

Todo: "Well, it doesn't matter! Now then, return to your friends and begin your preparations. You're all going to need it. Especially (Y/n)."

Maki: "What the hell did you just say?"

Upon finishing his sentence, Todo went to leave. Something Maki would not allow of him now that he had overstepped his welcome. Of course, Maki took Todo's final part of his sentence as a threat. However, it was far from it in actuality. Instead, Todo meant it as a warning out of concern. Because he, of course, had earlier come to understand that the purpose of the Kyoto students during the event was not to win, but to kill (Y/n) (L/n), Todo's sensei in the art of getting with women. 

After hearing such, he decided to leave to find (Y/n) and warn him, seeing as a dead sensei is not a good sensei. However, instead of finding (Y/n), Todo had come across Maki, who upon hearing what Todo had just said, didn't even hesitate to grab the taller boy by the crop of his school uniform and pull his head roughly down to her own height. This time around, Maki didn't care how strong the boy was. If she had to kick his ass to make him apologise for what he said about (Y/n), she'd do it. Even if it meant ruining (Y/n)'s turn with him later on.

Maki: "Listen here, muscles for brains. I'd watch what you say about (Y/n), okay? You never know, you might just regret it all in the end."

Todo: "...Ha! Haha!! Hahaha!!!"

Todo's laughter only grew louder, even as Maki still held onto his uniform. All the while the pair were dealt with two completely different mindsets as this went on.

Maki: [Thoughts] "He's...He's mocking me! That's it. I'm totally kicking his assholes face in!"

Todo: [Thoughts] "Hahaha!!! This is incredible! (Y/n)'s abilities with women truly is amazing! He has somehow managed to make this woman fall so head over heels for him that she's willing to fight for his honour! Of course, I would never let my dear Takada-chan to fight for me. Still...Just imagine her fighting off other girls to make it known that I am hers alone..."

Following this moment, in reality, Todo's once hearty laughter had now turned to weak giggles as he daydreamed about his crush, the idol, fighting girls off whilst clinging to his side.

Todo: [Giggles; Daydreaming] "Hehe~ No, stop~ You don't have to fight other girls for me to love you~ Hehe~ Although, you are really cute when you do so~"

This, by no surprise, instantly caught Maki off guard. Like REALLY off guard.

Maki: [Blushing out of embarrassment] "D-Dude. Stop. I--I have a boyfriend!"

Todo: [Snaps out of it] "Huh? What did you say?"

Maki: "Argh! Forget it! Why don't you just stop creeping around our school and go back to those other Kyoto fuckheads. In fact, when you get there, tell them to stay the fuck away from (Y/n) too. Otherwise, they'll regret it, got it?"

Todo: "I would love nothing more."

Maki: "Oh! You wanna go lik--Wait...What did you just say?"

Todo: "I would love nothing more than the others to stay away from (Y/n)."

He said as he blankly looked down at Maki, who still held onto the crop of his uniform. Of course, that didn't last for much longer as Maki reluctantly removed her hand once she properly processed what Todo had just said.

Maki: "Wait. What do you mean? Why would you want the others to stay away? D--Do you want to fight (Y/n ) alone? Is that it?" [Grins] "Did you Kyoto fucks finally find out about how strong he is? Ha! Well, too late, because he's going to wipe the floor with--"

Todo: "Don't be ridiculous! Of course, I do not want to fight him!" [Thoughts] "It wouldn't be fair. I would easily crush him. But I don't want to hurt my teacher of getting girls to fall in love with me. So I'll hold myself back from saying such."

Maki: "So...Why do you want the others to stay away from him then?"

After Maki had said this, Todo slowly began to lift an eyebrow. Not out of confusion, but hesitation. You see, Todo was hesitant to even mention anything about (Y/n)'s death wish made by the higher-ups to Maki. But then he realized that with the event starting soon, and himself still having trouble to find (Y/n), telling Maki about this news would be the next best thing. After all, she was his girlfriend, so he'd tell her eventually anyway. So as he made his decision, with Maki still waiting for an answer, the moment that would kick this day of events into a whole different gear finally took place.

Maki: "Well?! What is it? Why do you want the others to stay away from him?"

Todo: "Very well. I will tell you. But you must be careful to who you tell this, okay? Only (Y/n) and his other girlfriend can know about it. The only people who can understand just how terrible this situation is."

Maki: "Wait. Other girlfr--DID NOBARA, THAT--" [Reluctantly calms down] "You know what? It doesn't least for now. Just...Tell me what you mean."

Todo: "What I mean is that the other Kyoto students are not focused on simply winning the exchange event anymore. Instead, they have been instructed by the Higher Ups, through our principal...To kill (Y/n) (L/n)."

To say Maki felt her entire world suddenly drop down on her in this moment would be an understatement. Like a massive one! When she first heard the final four words that came from Todo's mouth, she felt it was a lie. It had to be! Why would anyone want (Y/n) dead! Sure, he had gone through something no others have gone through before--and he suddenly got really strong through it--but that wasn't to say he deserved to die! Far from it! (Y/n) was special. 

He was kind, sweet, loving, and was the only person Maki truly felt actually loved her as much as she loved him. So to hear Todo say this made her angry. And before long that anger grew to a whole other level. Out of nowhere Maki launched into the air and struck Todo's chest with a powerful right kick. Once done, she bounced off and spun through the air. In doing so, she summoned a wooden staff through a black portal in the air, and instantly went to strike the boy over the head with it. However, Todo was no weakling. It didn't take much for him to catch this upcoming attack. 

All the while remaining unphased from the strike that actually hit him. As he did so, he clutched the end of the staff and instantly flipped the tables, whilst also flipping Maki in the process. In the blink of an eye, Maki's gaze widened as her body was flung to the ground. A powerful thud echoing through the air as she struck the solid dirt ground in the courtyard beneath her body. She went to get up, only to be held back by the end of her staff now inches from her face.

Todo: [Grins] "You're a fiery woman! I see why (Y/n) likes you so much!"

Maki: [Blushes slightly] "Shut up, idiot..."

Todo: "Nevertheless, you should not attack someone like that. Especially someone like me."

Maki: "Who cares who you are! You can't say random fucked up shit like you're going to kill (Y/n) without thinking I'm going to kill you first!"

Todo: "Ha! That is quite amusing! Though, you have one thing wrong in that sentence. I do not want (Y/n) dead. I don't even believe the other students want to go that far with him either. It's only because of the pressure and false belief set in by our principal that will make them do it."

Maki: "And what? You don't want (Y/n) dead because--Why? You're a good person?!"

Todo: "I could care little about things like that. Let us just say that (Y/n) and I understand each other. I now have a sense of respect for him. Something I didn't have when I first met him. I regret what I did back then, and because of that regret I have stowed it upon myself to give him this warning...That people want him dead."

Maki: "So, what? You're just going to warn him--what about when they finally confront him during the event? You're going to step in and help?"

Todo: "No. I will do no such thing."

Maki: "What?! Why? He's going to be killed! I thought you were going to protect him now?"

Todo: "I am doing that, by warning him. To step in would be a shame on his title as a man. Instead, I will focus on winning the event for my school. The purpose all my fellow students should be focusing on without being swayed by fear and belief. As for (Y/n)'s protection, if you and the others choose to do that, so be it. But if you are protecting him, your chances of winning this event will be futile." [Removes the staff from Maki's face] "I guess you have a choice to make then. I'll leave you to decide."

So that's how it went. For the minute or so that followed, Todo revealed what had been said during the meeting of the Kyoto students. All of it shocked Maki. From the Higher-ups wanting to kill (Y/n)--and not just want to. As most already thought--but the fact they were enacting it through such a secretive method was what shocked her the most. By the time he had finally finished speaking and left Maki alone, all the young Zenin clan girl could do was drop her head to the ground as true horror crossed her face. 

She couldn't believe it. The Higher-ups...genuinely wanted (Y/n) dead. It was no longer just words and presumed actions. It was real. They wanted him to die. And they were using the Exchange Event as a means to do their dirty work. In the end, Maki remained on her knees, flooded by countless fears and thoughts that were not there moments ago. All she could do was sit there in her mind, and question...Just how would this exchange event end, and what would she do about (Y/n)'s fate that now rested in her hands?

--30 Minutes Later--

It was those emotions that Maki felt back then, she now felt slowly coming back into her system as she stood amongst her friends back in the Tokyo gathering room within the school grounds. It was only five minutes or so now before they'd all have to go out and finally get this scene started. But going off Maki's facial expression, she still struggled to figure out what to do next. It was as this happened, her head was suddenly pulled out of her mind by the sound of a familiar name.

"(Y/n)! There you are!"

Maki: "Huh? (Y/n)?"

She sounded suddenly as she snapped from her haze to twist her head around. Upon doing so, she was greeted by the silent figure of her boyfriend entering the room. As he did, he carried a small smile. He often had one on his face. However, Maki knew something was clearly bugging his mind. In reality, it was what (Y/n) had planned to say to the others in a few short minutes. But for Maki, she questioned if it was because he had spoken to Todo as well. That he had now found out that the Kyoto students were going to kill him in this fight. It got her questioning what she should do, all the while, the other Tokyo students began to approach their friend.

Panda: "(Y/n)! Dude! There you are! We were beginning to think you had ditched us!"

Inumaki: "Tuna Mayo."

Panda: "Inumaki's right. We were starting to question whether or not we should dress Megumi up as you so we could still get payback on those Kyoto students!"

(Y/n): "Oh, yeah?" [Smiles slightly] "What exactly did Megumi think about that?"

Megumi: "How do you think?"

The blank expression on Megumi's face was all it took for (Y/n) to get his answer. This left (Y/n) to smile further as he took in the sight of his friends. The smiling faces of Panda, Inumaki, Nobara, and Itadori, all reminding him how much his life had changed. But the biggest change in his life was just about to strike him. Like, literally. For out of nowhere, (Y/n)'s body was pulled into a warm embrace by Maki, who quickly buried her head into his chest, all the while her arms wrapped around his body and held him tightly. When everyone saw this, they all went silent. Including (Y/n). Now, it wasn't new for Maki to hug him. 

But to have her do it in such a way was most definitely different. This left everyone to remain silent momentarily before Maki finally lifted her head to look up at her boyfriend in the eyes. As she did, a smile quickly found her face. All the while (Y/n) did his best to mask his confusion as he let go of the thoughts building up in his mind and simply enjoyed the moment. With Maki saying nothing, and just looking at her boyfriend with her pretty smile, it eventually got him questioning it all. All the while on the inside, Maki was struggling to even say a word. That was until (Y/n) blurted out a set of his own. One that immediately caused her heart to sink.

(Y/n): "...Am I about to die or something?"

Maki: [Shocked] "Huh? What?! Where did you hear that? Who told you?!"

(Y/n): "Wow...Thanks for the load of confidence, Maki." [Chuckles] "I'm just saying, with you looking at me like that it feels like I'm about to die. I mean, who else wouldn't say that when seeing an angel, right?"

Maki: "...Huh?"

A hearty grin soon found its way to (Y/n)'s face as he said those words. As for Maki, she just blushed. Not from (Y/n)'s words, but from her sudden outburst seconds ago. This, however, soon caused (Y/n)'s grin to drop as his confused outburst started to pour onward.

(Y/n): "That was pretty cringe, huh?" [Chuckles Nervously] "Uh...Sorry about that. I'm just a little nervous about today is all."

Maki: "Oh, uh, right...Yeah. I'm sure you were--Are! Are...Um..." [Shakes Head] "H-Hey. Where were you? I was getting worried."

(Y/n): "Worried? About me? Ha! It'd take a lot to take me out from seeing you again."

The words alone brought so much emotion to Maki as a person. More than (Y/n) would ever know in the moment. For a moment, she remained silent. Just enjoying the colour of her boyfriend's eyes. It was as she did so that (Y/n) lost his joking demeanour and put forth a more sincere version of his smile. All the while he returned more attention to the hug he was currently receiving. 

(Y/n): "Sorry I'm late. I was just getting a soda before we got into the exchange event. I, uh...I guess I forgot what time it is."

Maki: "It's alright. I know you've got a lot on your mind."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well...I always seem to have something on my mind when I'm around you."

Smiling further, Maki decided to take her affection one step more. This time by lifting her head just a little higher so her lips could reach (Y/n)'s own. The sight was seen as a surprise to (Y/n), whilst the others took the moment in different ways. Eventually, (Y/n) settled into the action before both he and Maki were pulled from it by the voice of Panda, who out of nowhere placed his hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

Panda: "I love seeing you guys like this. But as much as I, Panda, the animal of love, would hate to ruin this sweet scene. We must remember we have an exchange event to win today!"

Itadori: [Throws fist into air] "Yeah!"

Panda: "And we're not just going to win! We're going to crush our enemy!"

Itadori: [Throws fist into the air] "Yeah!"

Panda: "And then afterwards we're going out for takeout, and Nobara is going to pay!"

Itadori: "Yea--"

Out of nowhere, Itadori is grabbed by the crop of his school uniform and pulled downward. In doing so, his now frightened gaze meets that of Nobara's glaring version.

Nobara: "Don't you dare finish that word. Okay?"

Itadori: "...Yes, ma'am."

Panda: "Alrighty! Nobara's pissed off, that means its the perfect time to speak about our team plan for this event! You're going to love it, (Y/n)!"

Itadori: "Yeah! I helped (Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Uh...That's cool?" [Smiles slightly] "But, actually, I was thinking of a plan of my own. Mind if I bring it forward?"

Panda: "Hmm? A plan of your own? I mean, we worked hard on our plan. But I don't see a problem with listening to yours, (Y/n). Go ahead."

Maki: "What do you have in mind, (Y/n)?"

It was fair to say, however, after the words (Y/n) had set to say next, there most certainly was a problem. With Maki being more than willing to have that be known by her very next sentence.


Maki: "WHAT?! To hell are you doing that, (Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Look, Gojo was pretty clear about it. Kyoto only has six students, we have seven. So to make it fair--"

Maki: "--You have to go do this by yourself? No way am I letting that happen! ARGH! Where is that idiot with the White Hair! There's no way he can force you to do this!"

(Y/n): [Chuckles Nervously] "Well, um, actually... I'm kinda all for it."

Before he even said that, (Y/n) knew he was screwed. And not the good kind. All he could do was turn to his girlfriend, only to be greeted by a look on her face that could rival even the scariest of individuals in striking fear towards their enemies.

Maki: "...You have three seconds."

(Y/n): "Three seconds?! To what? To run? To explain? To...Kiss you?"

Slowly (Y/n) began to take a step towards his girlfriend, momentarily questioning if him choosing to be a badass bad boy who did things like a lone wolf was kind of a turn-on for her. That idea was immediately shot down by said girlfriend, however.


Ah...The loud screaming that came from his girlfriend's mouth, a sound (Y/n) had yet to come to master. Normally the yelling was because Maki had little control over showing her emotions, so she resorted to just screaming them. Well, that was unless they were talking about anger, the she'd just yell normally. Something Maki has currently had the offspring of on full notice. The offspring, of course, is that of frustration. That frustration being directed right at (Y/n). All the while he awkwardly stood in the middle of a circle made up of his friends in the school courtyard. But whilst most did so out of seeing where this conversation would leave them, Maki did so, so she knew (Y/n) would have little room to run away. Not that he would, of course...Probably.

(Y/n): "Maki, come on, let me--"

Maki: "Let you what? Explain why you're being stupid?! Or explain why you want to get yourself killed, (Y/n)?! How can you be okay with this?! Why would Gojo even consider any of this?!"

(Y/n): "Well, I mean...He is Gojo. But even so! It's not like I can't handle myself or anything."

Maki: "Oh, I'll show you what you can

(Y/n): "I'm not going to get myself killed, Maki." [Smiles] "Come on, I'm me! I'm like five Gojo's rolled into one!"

Maki: "In what?! Annoyance? Because you're certainly pretty good at that, (Y/n)!"

Itadori: "I don't think Sensei Gojo would like that analogy, Maki--"

Maki: "ZIP IT, NEWBIE!" [Glares at you] "I'm talking with my 'boyfriend'!"

Itadori: [Lowers Head] "Yes, ma'am. Sorry ma'am."

(Y/n) know he shouldn't have, but he couldn't help but crack a slight smile upon seeing Itadori put in his place. It was funny to see Maki act out like that on other people. Plus, he also enjoyed every moment she referred to him as her boyfriend. Unfortunately, (Y/n)'s gaze, and enjoyment of the moment, was suddenly pulled away when Maki got so close with her narrowed gaze that he could have kissed her easily without even moving much. Something he wouldn't do right now knowing full well Maki would hurt him for it. At least in this situation anyway. Instead, he kept quiet, and extremely still, as Maki continued to glare at him.

Maki: "You realise what you're saying right now, right?! That you want to go at this alone! ALONE?! Seriously, (Y/n)?! Alo--"

(Y/n): "But I'm not alone! Really!"

Maki: [Scoffs] "Oh, don't you dare start saying you're not alone because we'll all be there in 'spirit' or some shit." [Glares at you] "I swear, if you say that, I will kick you between the legs."

(Y/n): [Shocked] "Between my legs?! You would--"

Maki: "Go on, (Y/n). Keep going...I dare you."

(Y/n): "You know, I would. But...I'm going to choose to NOT do that right now. Haha..."

Maki: "Don't laugh. Don't!" [Grumbles] "You shouldn't even be able to crack a smile right now..."

(Y/n): "Okay, fine. I won't smile. But it doesn't matter even if I was going to. Because I wasn't going to say anything like what you thought."

That was a lie. He planned to soothe the earlier blow by saying that they'd all be with him when (Y/n) eventually fought his old bullies. Clearly, Maki was not a fan of that. So (Y/n) hoped this second approach would do the trick. Spoiler alert...It didn't.

(Y/n): "What I was going to say is... Even though I'll be fighting them myself, it's not like you guys won't be anywhere nearby. You'll be taking care of the Curses in the forest whilst I hold off the Kyoto students. That way we can win!"

Maki: "And what if you get hurt or something? What then?!"

(Y/n): "Oh. Please. Maki. Pfft! As if I would get hurt by them. I mean, remember, I'm like--"

Maki: "--Five Gojo's rolled into one massive annoying person?!"

(Y/n): "Okay, come on! You know that's not what I meant." [Turns to the others] "Guys? Want to add something to this lovely conversation with my girlfriend? Like, I don't know...Backing me up?"

Panda: "Uh, well--"

Maki: "Don't pull them into this, (Y/n)! This isn't about them! It's about us!"

(Y/n): [Suddenly turns to Maki] "Well, sorry that you decided to do this here WHERE THEY ARE I might add!"

Maki: "Don't be smart with me either, (Y/n)!"

Panda: "Um...Guys?"

(Y/n): [To Maki] "I'm not being smart. I'm just trying to understand why you won't let me have this one thing."

Maki: "This one thing?! Do you think that's all you have? Seriously?"

(Y/n): "No, of course not! But right now it's what matters most to me!"

Panda: "Guys, really. Maybe we should--"

Maki: [To You] "Matters most to you?! Oh, wow, thanks (Y/n)! You always know how to make a girl feel special!"

(Y/n): "Seriously? You're changing the conversation just like that? And how don't I make you feel special? You're so special!"

Maki: "Hmm? I don't know. Maybe STOP flirting with the bimbo ginger in your class!"

(Y/n): "Wha--"

Nobara: "Hey! What the hell!"

Maki: "Oh, don't you act offended! You're always flirting with MY boyfriend!"

Nobara: "Well, stop treating him like shit! Like you are now!"

Maki: "So you want him to die?!"

It was as the fight from (Y/n) and Maki, switched to Maki and Nobara, the others in the group--mainly consisting of Panda, Inumaki, Itadori, and Megumi--all stood to the side. All too confused, and too scared, to intervene in the matter. Even so, they didn't like the sight before them. The rising voices of a frustrated Maki, who was simply terrified about losing her boyfriend to a group of Kyoto students who were ordered to kill (Y/n), cascaded with an annoyed (Y/n), who simply didn't know why Maki was stopping him from finally achieving one of his longest goals.

 Of course, Nobara was in the fight as well, though she was soon blocked out when she realized Maki kinda did have a point. She did flirt with (Y/n), however, she did disagree with the 'bimbo' comment. Nevertheless, it quickly became clear that tensions were rising. All because, in this moment of convoluting thoughts and mindsets, that no one got the simple idea to speak the truth. After all, Maki had previously been scared to tell (Y/n) such. Fearing that if he did find out, he'd go right after the Kyoto students and those above them, all out of anger. 

But doing so would only prove the point of the higher-up's wants of killing him. Of course, Maki, the others, and Gojo would never let that happen. But with an army of sorcerers going up against them if such a case was brought forward, it'd definitely be a hard task. One Maki hoped to just avoid completely. But with her lack of being able to express her emotions properly, it caused the fight to boil out to the point words of actual meaning were now hard to come by. Merely frustrations had now conjured up the words being said. And it didn't look like it was ending any time soon.

Maki: "What do you want me to say, (Y/n)? That I'm all fine with you wanting to take on SIX people all at once BY YOURSELF?!"

(Y/n): "...Ye--"

Maki: "Because I'm not! I'm not fine with that at all! Honestly, you're lucky other people are here, Otherwise--"

(Y/n): "--Otherwise, what? You'd yell at me? Because, surprise, surprise, Maki...You're already doing a pretty good job of it." [Shakes head] "You know what? Fine! If I don't get back up from you, I can always rely on the boys! Boys?!" [Turns to them] "...Boys?"

Inumaki: "Mustard...Mustard leaf."

(Y/n): "What?! What do you mean I should reconsider? She's the one that--You know what? That's a lost cause." [Looks to his right] "Panda!"

Panda: "AH! NOT ME!"

(Y/n): [Raises eyebrow] "Um...You okay?"

Panda: [Chuckles nervously] "Yes, I'm fine. I just didn't want to be brought into this conversation is all."

(Y/n): "Let me guess...To afraid to say something; or do you agree with what Maki said?"

Panda: "Um..."

Maki: [Crosses arms; turns to Panda] "Well?"

Panda: "Well, um... It's not that I so much agree with her, but..."

(Y/n): "But...?"

Panda: "B-But--But wait! Before you hate me! Just remember, ya boy is one of the biggest fans of comeback stories where the hero kicks the crap out of his enemies."

(Y/n): "Okay, and why don't you want me to do exactly that then?"

Panda: "Because I feel, that whilst I don't see an exact problem with you going up against them alone. Um..." [Scratches chin] "Hmm. How can I say this in a way that will come across as simple? Oh! I know!" [Clears anger; narrows gaze] "I'm worried that, in your anger, you...will kill them."

Maki: [Confused] "What the hell are you talking about?!"

(Y/n): [Understands] "You think I'm going to Padme them?! Dude! I'm not going to kill them!"

Panda: "Not kill them but--I don't know--You might do something you regret, perhaps?"

(Y/n): "What would I regret doing to them what they haven't already done to me?! And with little to no regret from them, thank you!"

Nobara: "But you're not them, (Y/n). You're kind, and sweet. And not to say those assholes don't deserve it. But you don't deserve to go over the top and possibly make things worse for you when you've clearly got a lot of emotions built up inside."

(Y/n): "Over the top? Nobara, they deserve over the top!"

Nobara: "I know! And trust me, I can't wait to see what that Mai chick gets--" [Turns to Maki] "--No offence."

Maki: "Meh. None taken."

Nobara: [Turns back to you] "What I'm trying to say is...(Y/n), you're a really sweet guy. You're kind, loving, and helpful to all. And while I do believe these guys need to get the shit kicked out of them. Don't you think that maybe the anger could get the better of you in the moment?"

(Y/n): "What are you trying to say?"

Maki: "She's saying what we're all thinking. We don't want their actions to cause others to see you in a different light. Because of what they did, we don't want you to end up hurting them too much. They may be assholes...But I don't think they deserve to die."

(Y/n): "I'm not going to kill them though, I'm just--"

Maki: "--Of course, you're not going to kill them. But, (Y/n)..." [Sighs; gets serious] "You're a very emotional person. You struggle with your emotions so much that I'm worried doing this by yourself will set off something inside of you. And I don't want that to happen is all. Because if you do something even a little too much, the higher-ups will have more evidence to get other sorcerers to go against you and--"

(Y/n): "--And what, Maki?"

Maki: "...I...I..."

She wanted to tell him. So badly did she want to say it. But she was worried doing so would only lead (Y/n) to get so angry, as well as Gojo, that they'd do something that'd ruin the happiness she felt in life right now. After all, she had gone so long with being alone, and without hope in her life, that now that she finally had some sense of those things she had longed for, she didn't want to give them up. Some would call that selfishness, but whatever it was, it was due to her lack of silence that (Y/n) ended up getting his answer.

(Y/n): "You know what? Fine. Don't tell me. I don't think I need another reason to walk away right now. But even with all of this..." [Sighs] "...I hope you still know how much I love you, Maki."

Despite wanting to offer his girlfriend a smile, (Y/n) found no strength to do so right now. All he could do simply was say those words before turning around and going to leave. As he did so, Maki felt herself flooded with all types of emotions. Regret. Selfishness. Guilt. Frustration. Anger. But none of those were directed at (Y/n), but Maki instead. But the thing with Maki was, she was never good at expressing her emotions in a matter that was healthy. Especially when she needed to reflect them onto herself. That's why, in a moment she would regret for the worst of her life, Maki decided to release all the frustration and anger onto (Y/n).

Maki: "You know what? Fine! Do what you want! Go fight those pricks and get what you want out of it! Kill them for all I care! But don't think for a second that I don't believe right now that you're being a real pain, (Y/n)! Because that's what you are, A Pain! So just stop, okay?! Stop being fucking stupid for once, forget about the past, and just move on from what happened to you...Please..."

The desperation in Maki's voice could clearly be felt. It was something that even managed to make its way through other means, such as the water building up in her eyes. But whilst it was clear she was all over the place within her mind right now, the start of the sentence, one which was filled with anger and frustration, was what became known the most. Silence filled the surrounding area as everyone took in what was just said.

Panda: "Whoa, Maki, um...That's kinda rough."

Maki: "Huh? W-What?"

Nobara: "Panda's right, Maki. I mean, I know you want (Y/n) to be safe. I want that too. But don't you think you're going a little over the top right now?"

Maki: "O--Over the--Over the top?! I'm not--I just... I just don't want (Y/n) to be stupid because he feels he has to do something that doesn't even matter!"

(Y/n): "I mean...It kinda does matter. It matters to me."

As soon as the words left his mouth (Y/n) was greeted by a sight of the distraught Maki once more. Clearly, by this point, she realized what had just been said, and the way it came across. Regret flooding her system, but even so, she still felt so many other emotions spread all over the place that she could only simply stare at (Y/n). The frustration hidden behind those glasses appeared as if she was about to cry at any second as her strong structure threatened to break down in one go. (Y/n), and everyone else for that matter, never understood in the moment why she was like that. In fact, (Y/n) even felt some guilt on his part. But right now, he struggled to focus in on that, as he dealt with his own anger and disbelief that built up inside. Nevertheless, he made sure not to yell.

(Y/n): "Maki...look, say what you want about me being stupid. But please don't say something like that doesn't matter. Because it matters a whole lot to me."

Maki: "(Y/n), I--I just don't understand why you have to do this alone. Didn't you spend enough time alone in that void already? Why can't we all just fight them together, you'll still get the satisfaction of beating them. You'll finally show them that you're strong! So why do--"

(Y/n): "Maki, I'm not doing this to prove I'm stronger than them. Even if I am stronger, I'm not doing it to show them that. I could care less what they think about me. The only people I care about are right here. You all are the only people whose opinion matters to me."

Maki: "So if you care about us then why do you insist on fighting them all alone?!"

(Y/n): "Because all my life I've been pushed around."

Maki: "(Y...(Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "You wanted to know why, right? That's why. Because, I don't know if you know, Maki. But even before I went to Kyoto my life was shit. No matter where I went, I was pushed around. Kyoto was just the worst of it! That doesn't mean it was the only time I felt like I had no life. But no matter what I did. No matter how I acted. They pushed me around because they could, well...not anymore. But I'm just not doing this to break them! I'm doing this so stuck-up people who have always gotten what they asked for know that you can't keep pushing around the damn little guy. Because sooner or later that guy will get back up, and when he does...He'll realise he has nothing to lose anymore. And when that happens, everyone that goes against him better watch out."

If heavy silence hadn't been felt before, right about now, it most certainly did. (Y/n)'s words were filled with so much passion and turmoil that no one could properly comprehend it all quite like he could. Nevertheless, that wasn't to say the effect left behind from those words wasn't felt by the others. Waves of grief and inner sorrow quickly came to welcome the likes of Nobara, Panda, and Inumaki--whilst Itadori came to understand that (Y/n) felt similarly to him in some cases. Even Megumi managed to break the mould and somewhat focus his attention on what was being said without feeling the need to judge everything. 

But no one felt quite like Maki did. She felt terrible. But she also felt like she was still right in what she said. She didn't understand why (Y/n) needed to do this alone, but after what he had just said, she came to realise she never would understand. It made her regret all the words she said before all over again. But once more in her life, she didn't know how to word her sorrow. So in the end, she remained silent and lowered her head. In doing so, Panda, not wanting to ruin friendships and relationships, quickly jumped in to hopefully save the day.

Panda: [Smiles brightly] "U-Uh, come on, guys! How about we all drop the sour mood and get ready for some fighting, huh?! O-Of course, (Y/n)... We can go with your plan to take Kyoto on by yourself. Let's just focus on the overall picture and do this together! Yay! Teamwork!!"

In his hopeful excitement, Panda immediately threw his arms around a startled Megumi and a silent Itadori. But for (Y/n)...he wasn't in an exciting mood. Instead, he couldn't help but look at his girlfriend, and then to his friends, in a way that felt as if there was a wall between them all. Like he was imagining what they were like on the other side. Little did (Y/n) know, in this moment, he didn't have all the pieces to the puzzle being built in the background, so, of course, it'd feel that way. 

But with no help from Maki, the feeling of this wall separating the two parties was still firmly in place. (Y/n) wasn't the only one to feel this though, as Maki also felt a wall. But not from (Y/n), but from herself, and the true way in which she wanted to go about things. Everything became so much harder not long after though, as with a weak smile on his face, (Y/n) finally made way to reply to Panda, who waited with hope for (Y/n) to agree to his idea. Unfortunately, (Y/n) had other ideas.

(Y/n): "Thanks, Panda. But, uh...You guys do what you want. Don't let me push you around anymore." [Glances at Maki] "I'm sorry..."

Panda: "No, (Y--"

Before Panda could even finish speaking, (Y/n) had turned and left the gathering room. Such caused a wave of silence to fill the room as his exit became largely noticeable. The only movement to come after this was when Maki dropped her head and stormed out the opposite end. No words, just silence. Such continued to remain for the entirety of the time that followed until the start of the exchange event finally arrived.

[Your POV]

"One minute before we start..."

This is it. The moment that I've anxiously been heading towards ever since I first stepped through those gates of Kyoto's Jujutsu High.  Finally, I reached the point where I can show them who I've become since they last saw me properly. All eyes are on me. In a few minutes, it'd all be over. But in the time it was taking for this final minute to reach its endpoint before we started it off, I couldn't help but feel like an eternity was taking place. With each tick of the time, a new sensation and thought came to my mind.

"How would this go?"

"Would I win?"

"I had to win!"

"Would I be strong enough?"

"Of course, I'd be strong enough! I beat Sukuna! I wasn't going to lose this..."


"No! Of course, I wouldn't lose. I can't!"

"I have to win!"

"I WILL win!"

"I have to...I have to..."

Tsk. Of course. Before I even get into a fight I'm somehow already in the middle of one. Though, I guess that's not really hard to believe. Now, whilst originally when I realized such, I was referring to the fight in my head. One which couldn't particularly be solved with fists. But in saying that, that wasn't the only fight I currently found myself in. Despite it only being a few short minutes since the confrontation between Maki and I had kicked off, I still found myself struggling to properly clear my mind from it all. But how could I?! I loved her! I didn't want to fight! I just wanted to do something for myself for once, and for reasons unknown she didn't want me to finally get the satisfaction I had been waiting for this entire time. It was so confusing. 

I knew I should probably talk about her, ease her worries about me going over the top and doing something I would regret when I finally did fight the Kyoto Students, but yet again that part of me that wanted satisfaction continued to be selfish as I held off from saying a word to my girlfriend. Now wasn't the time to focus on that. I needed to get rid of this shadow, brought onto me by those Kyoto students all that time ago. Now was my time to finally put an end to the countless times my past self's cries for help that have haunted me. Even so, I knew it wouldn't be easy with just mere focus. The fight in your mind is something I've struggled with ever since I was young. I mean, what else do you expect from the stuff I've gone through? 

Of course, there are some things one could do to end it permanently. Yet, I've never dared to go about it that way. I don't know, some people would probably say that if I was so sick of everything, why would I keep putting myself into the situations that made me feel terrible? To be honest, ending it all would probably be the easy way out of things...But it's not like I don't want to live. That's all I want to do! Live! To have a sense of freedom that breaks me away from the scary world that I find myself in all the time whenever I truly comprehend things. So I always fought against such an idea, but that wasn't to say that the idea hadn't crossed my mind once or twice before. 

The most prominent point in my life when I had to deal with those thoughts the most was when I was stuck in the void. Countless hours of my life, were spent in complete loneliness in a world of pitch-black darkness, left to ponder whether or not I should end the suffering myself. How could someone not consider just ending it on the spot? Until then, I hadn't had a single thing go my way. At least, it felt like that, anyway. There just always seemed to be one thing or another that just so happened to turn a happy moment into one I'd rather forget. It was my birthday? No one would show up to the party. I got an 'A' on a school test? It ended up being destroyed by my old High School bullies. 

And that was before I even went to Jujutsu High. Things just doubled down after that. The point is, there seemed to be no point in wanting to escape a life that was already terrible in the first place. At least in the void, I could be safe from the harm of others. But whereas that may have been comforting for a short while, before long, the harm of others was soon shown to be second fiddle to the real villain in life. The seemingly indestructible foe of being completely, and utterly, alone. The one aspect that can't be defeated in the simple sense. Especially when you're someone who has always been dealt the short end of the straw. Most of which was often caused by a particular group of people.

The people in question were, of course, my old 'classmates' from Kyoto's Jujutsu High. No surprise there. Speaking of my old tormentors, currently, they could be found on some far corner of Tokyo's Jujutsu High school grounds. Just like myself and the rest of the Tokyo students, the Kyoto residents currently found themselves in a courtyard. Also like ours, they were facing in the same direction as the forest grounds where the event would be taking place. Honestly, it seems pretty weird for a school to have a forest area set within its four walls. But with Tokyo's Jujutsu High being located in old temple grounds used by Sorcerers in the past, not that surprising when you think about it, I guess. Nevertheless, it was as my old torturers found themselves waiting the antagonisingly long minute for this Exchange Event to begin.

You see, the layout of the first event for today's activities was pretty simple. Myself and my fellow Tokyo students found ourselves along the front of the forest entryway, where a wall of trees was all that cascaded the view of what lay further within. Our location was set somewhere along the front end of the school's larger courtyard. After being directed here by Gojo earlier once we were set to begin this thing, I asked my cousin if us starting at the front of the forest--aka the future battleground--was somewhat of an edge to us Tokyo students. Mainly because the Kyoto students were located in a smaller courtyard to the side of the forest, meaning we'd eventually meet in the middle section for the showdown. But after I asked Gojo that, he--in the usual Gojo fashion--was quick to bring forth a witty response.

"Babu! Do you think I'd purposely give my goofball of a cousin and advantage over the other schools students--students who made his life living hell for years--and advantage all so he could kick their asses into their faces so the shit they were speaking all this time now became literal...? Of course not! Haha!"

It was after he had said that, that I kinda just offered Gojo the usual blank gaze he'd receive from everyone who had about enough of this antics. But just when I was about to the next phase of what everyone who has had about enough of his antics does, ignore him, Gojo was quick to surprise with his next set of words. And whereas in the previous sentence, he carried a goofy smile. This time around he also smiled, but something about this one seemed more...genuine.

"Tell me, Babu. Why would I need to do all of that...When I know none of that needs to happen for you to kick their asses? You don't need me for that. You're special as is. And now it's your time to show those old bullies just how great my little cousin is."

You know, people give Gojo shit from time to time about how he acts. But I don't think anyone ever sees the true person inside of him. I mean, he was given a tough life himself. Carrying names like 'the anointed one'; or 'the saviour of all humanity' whilst cool, most definitely don't make the load on your back any easier. So to hear those words were nice, and comforting. Honestly, both Gojo and Maki were pretty unique in their ways of comforting. It kinda made me wonder what words of encouragement she'd offer me now. If, well...We weren't fighting. If we weren't though, I'd think she'd walk up to me. All silent-like. A small smile on her face. All before she reached out her hand and said the simple words of--

"Hey, (Y/n)? You okay?"

Yeah! Kinda like--Wait!

(Y/n): [Shakes head] "Huh?"

Before I could finish my thought, I was suddenly broken free from it upon hearing a familiar voice. Enough so that I quickly spun around. A part of me expected to see Maki standing there. But I was quickly given a different option, when upon turning around, I was greeted by the sight of Itadori. His warm welcoming smile on full display as he came to stand next to me, some ten meters or so away from the others, facing toward the tall wall of trees from the forest grounds in front of us.

(Y/n): "Oh...Hey, Itadori... What's up?"

Itadori: "Nothing much! Just trying to get myself ready for this fight." [Chuckles] "Nobara said if I don't do well, I'm not allowed to sit at the same table as her in the Cafeteria."

(Y/n): [Turns to him] "Oh! Um...Ouch. Sorry to hear that?"

Itadori: "Eh. It's alright. I've gotten used to it. Haha, though, coming here I never would have thought a girl could be so mean to a complete stranger. It's so--"

(Y/n): "--Hot?"

Itadori: "Huh?"

(Y/n): [Blushes slightly] "O-Oh, um...Nevermind."

An innocent smile quickly found my face as Itadori looked at me in confusion. Luckily he didn't prod any deeper. At least, into that particular part, anyway. Though for me, I struggled to break free from the thought of my girlfriend, who in reality, currently stood near the back of the group not so far away from my current location in the courtyard. Whilst Panda and Inumaki preoccupied themselves by talking to Nobara and Megumi, Maki instead found herself at the end of the group with her arms crossed. I couldn't help but look on in longing as I eyed her from where I currently stood. That was until I was abruptly broken from my thoughts.

Itadori: "...(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y--"

(Y/n): "Hu-Huh?" [Shakes Head] "Oh. Uh, sorry, Itadori. I was just, um...Uh...Thinking about...Uh...You know what? Don't worry about it. You caught me at a bad time is all. I'm just a little lost in thought right now."

Itadori: "Is it about Maki?"

(Y/n): [Suddenly turns to Him] "Wh-What? Maki? No! I-I-It has nothing to do with Maki..."

Itadori: [Blinks repeatedly] "(Y/n)...I may be a bit dumb sometimes, but even I can tell right now that you're talking about Maki."

(Y/n):  [Sighs; Lowers Head] "Yeah...I'm talking about Maki. It's just...I want to be angry at her for wanting to take this moment away from me. But...I just can't. I don't know. Is that weird?"

Itadori: "Weird that you don't want to be angry at her?"

(Y/n): "I know! I know! It's weird! Argh! I've just got so much in my head that I can't think straight. I wish I could just go and talk to her about all of this!"

Itadori: "So...Why don't you just go talk to her then?"

(Y/n): "Talk to her? Maki? Ha! I--I can't do that. I--"

Itadori: "--Why not?"

(Y/n): "I...I don't know what to say. And--" [Scoffs] "Maki's the type of person who as soon as I walk up to her she'll be expecting me to apologise. And I never did anything wrong! I just want to do things myself without the others. Is that so bad?"

Itadori: "No. This clearly means a lot to you, and that's fine. I can understand why you want to do it yourself."

(Y/n): "Thank you! Gosh, I wish Maki could just see it that way. Then everything would--"

Itadori: "--But I also think it would be good if you talked to her before doing so."

(Y/n): "Huh...?"

Upon turning to Itadori I found myself reeling in the fact that he now looked at me with a serious expression. Now, it was no principal levels of serious, but for Itadori, you could tell he truly wanted me to hear what he had to say. At first, I didn't want to hear a single word he had to say. But as time passed on, all I found myself doing was sighing. An open invitation for him to take centre stage.

Itadori: "Look, I understand you want to show those bullies how strong you've gotten. I'd like to see that, because I think you're really cool (Y/n), and don't deserve to be bullied. I fully believe you'll win."

(Y/n): [Chuckles Lightly] "Ha. Thanks, Ita--"

Itadori: "--But in saying that, don't you think the satisfaction of beating them will be even better when you can come out and celebrate with all of us afterwards? Imagine how happy everyone else would be knowing you showed your old bullies just how cool you've become? Maki would be so happy for you."

(Y/n): "Yeah, but... What if she still gets mad at me after I speak to her? What then?"

Itadori: "Well..." [Smiles softly] "...At least that way you can do what you've got to do without anything holding you back. And even if she doesn't want to talk, you'd feel better at least knowing you tried, right?"

I had to admit, when Itadori wanted to, he could be a pretty smart guy. And honestly, he was pretty convincing. The more I looked at Maki, as she stood behind the others, facing the ground as I'm sure a plethora of thoughts flooded her mind, I genuinely considered making my way over to her. However, before those thoughts became too serious, I eventually pulled myself away from that outcome. In the same movement, I turned away from Itadori as well.

(Y/n): [Sighs] "...Thanks, Itadori. Really. Your words mean a lot, and I'll definitely make it up to Maki. But right now...I need to be selfish for once. I need to end things my way."

And end things I would, because if I didn't, there was no way I could face Maki again. I know doing this would end up annoying her beyond belief. But I've had enough times of happiness being ruined by the haunting memories that these Kyoto students have left behind. Now it was time to end it, for good. And the only way to do that, is by showing them I'm no longer some simple lonely guy. I'm strong. I have belief. And most of all... I've got a message to send.

"Um...Hello? Hello? I--Is this thing on?"

"Argh! Idiot! You hold it like this!"

"Hey, Utahime! Don't be meeean!"

Itadori: [Turns around] "Huh?"

Panda: "Hmm?"

Nobara: [Groans] "Do these two hate each other, or secretly have a thing for each?!"

Megumi: [Sighs] "Why am I in this school?"

However, it seemed my message would be put on hold for the time being. As everyone's attention, both here in this courtyard, and the one preoccupied with the Kyoto students, all turned around to face towering metal poles in the near distance, each stationed with a microphone on top. The voices from within coming from the main control room, where Gojo, Utrahime, both principals, and a few other noticeable characters could be seen. It was in this very room that Gojo and Utahime could be seen struggling over how to speak into the microphone.

Gojo: [Voice Only] "Argh! Why do these things have to be so complicated for?!"

Utahime: [Voice Only] "They're not complicated, idiot! You're just stupid!"

Gojo: "Hey! ...That's not nice."

As Gojo's and Utahime's voices continued to brawl over the speaker system, myself and the others just looked at one another in confusion. The same could be said for Kyoto's students as well.

Mai: "Gah! Can they just shut up already?!"

Todo: [Scoffs] "He doesn't sound very strong, does he?"

Miwa: "Ah! Gojo! It's Gojo!"

Momo: "Oh, please don't start with that again."

Miwa: "Hmm? What do you mean?"

On and on the arguing seemed to go for. Honestly, it was kinda dampening the mood for my upcoming fight. It didn't help that the entertaining part of the whole fight--hearing what shit talk was being spread between the pair--was most cut off due to Gojo not properly knowing how to work the microphone. One more he'd be laughing profusely as he struggled to even speak properly...

Gojo: "Hahaha!! You're so funny, Utahime! If glares could--haha--you're trying to kill me with your--haha--your eyes--haha--It's so--"

Then the next time his voice would come around through the speaker, he'd be yelling.

Gojo: "HEY! She can't say things like tha--P-Principal sa--said s--NO, YOU CAN'T--The Principal--THE PRINCIPAL SAID YOU CAN'T BE MEAN---Yes, you are so being--I AM NOT JEALOUS OF BABU!!"

A few glances came my way upon that remark. Something I didn't exactly shy away from. However, my focus was definitely pulled away from it all when Gojo's voice suddenly came back through the microphone to be laughing once more. Though this time the sentence was really weird.

Gojo: "-- Bu And Utahime, sitting in a tree~ K-I-S-S-I-N--"


Gojo: "Haha! Haha! Haha! She's so scary! Haha! Principal! Protect me! Haha!"

All that followed from that point onward was a delayed sigh. One I believe came straight from the principal's mouth. Nevertheless, following that, silence once more reigned supreme through the airwaves. That was until about thirty seconds later, when the voice of Gojo began speaking once more. Though he now suddenly seemed dejected of all energy for whatever reason.

Gojo: "...Fine. I'll do the stupid message properly...HEY! Utahime is laughing at--Fine! Fine! I'll do it already..." [Clears throats] "Dear students, please gather your ears around because I am about to say something very important before we start the exchange event! And that important thing is...Utahime is going to give you special words of encouragement right now! Yay!"

Utahime: "Huh? Wait! Gojo, I--"

Momentary silence again became present. This time only for a few seconds, however, before it was abruptly silenced in of itself when the echoes from the microphone sounded, followed by Utahime's noticeable voice. Though going off her uncertain tone, it was clear that she was put on the spot suddenly. Probably from Gojo just handing her the microphone before running out of the room to avoid getting yelled at by the principal...But that was just a guess.

Utahime: "U-Uh...Um, some degree of injury is to be expected and unavoidable, but, and then, help each other out, uh...or something..."

Hearing her words, even through the speaker, I couldn't help but smile as I was reminded of my time at Kyoto. And whilst the majority was shit, hearing Utahime's voice reminded me that not all of it was bad. Some good came out of it. I was reminded further of that as Utahime continued, and as she did, I felt like she was kinda speaking to me out of what was being said the most. Unbeknownst to me, during this time, Utahime had struck quite the serious expression in the control room. Where she patiently brought her words together to bring about the full impact, all the while the others in the room just watched on in silence.

Utahime: "...I know you all want to make the most out of today. You're not only representing your schools but yourselves as well. Each one of you carries your own desires, your own dreams, your own reasons for being here. But remember that with today, not only do you take one step toward making those things a reality, but it's also a chance to show everyone watching--both students and faculty--that you aren't the same person you were upon stepping through those gates all that time ago. You've changed. You've grown. You've become the person you've always--"

Gojo: [Snatches Microphone] "Haha! Times up!"

Utahime: "Wha--Gojo!"

Gojo: "Sorry, Utahime, had to cut short your little love letter--Hehe, I wonder who it was for--"

Utahime: "Hey! Gojo, you little--"

Gojo: [Speaking into the microphone] "Now let the sister exchange event...Begin!"

With that final word, it was decided. Not a moment later and everyone took off towards their designated entrance of the forest grounds, where beyond that initial wall of trees, a future battlefield awaited. It was once us Tokyo students were past that first check point, that I was forced to ditch my friends. As earlier stated, I was doing this on my own, and whilst I would not be put into a position to fight my friends, thankfully, I was supposed to do things myself. But what no one knew was that this whole thing of being by myself--It wasn't Gojo's idea. In fact, it was mine from the very beginning.

[3rd Person POV]


A few minutes after (Y/n) had left Miwa, he had went to his friends to explain everything to them about how he wanted to do things on his own. But just as he was about to return to Tokyo's designated gathering room, the young boy was suddenly brought to a stop after turning a corner. His eyes popping out from the sudden shock when Gojo also appeared from around the other side of the corner.

(Y/n): "Ah! Gojo!"

Gojo: "Ah! Babu!" [Chuckles] "What's up, little buddy? Why aren't ya with your pals? This thing is about to start, right? Better get your plans together. You know, teamwork!"

(Y/n): "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Um, about that, actually. I was wondering. Do you think it'd be--"

Gojo: "--Okay if you did the exchange event by yourself so you can take on your old bullies and show them that you ain't no pussy ass bitch anymore? Yeah, sure."

(Y/n): "Hu...Huh?!"

The shock on (Y/n)'s face--both from the sudden response, and just how well Gojo knew him apparently--was clear as day, and enough to keep Gojo's smile ever-present as he continued speaking.

Gojo: "So? Was I accurate? How accurate? Because I was tempted to through in other things like making yourself look good for Maki, but then I thought if I did that I would--"

(Y/n): "No! No. You were...You were pretty accurate with the whole thing."

Gojo: "Oh, cool!"

(Y/n): "It's just..." [Sighs; Looks at Gojo] "...Am I really that predictable?"

Gojo: "Eh. Not on the same scale as others."

(Y/n): "Still...Makes me wonder if I'd be as predictable in a fight."

Gojo knew right away that (Y/n) was clearly referring to the upcoming fight with the Kyoto students. Once he realized such, the over the top smile on Gojo's face slowly lowered to instead take a more genuine form. One that remained as he continued to eye his deflated cousin, who seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Something Gojo knew a thing or two about already. But whereas Gojo never got help to release his stress of the whole thing, in this moment, he hoped to be the person to help his cousin feel different.

Gojo: "I wouldn't worry about it if I were you though, Babu."

(Y/n): [Lifts head] "Huh?"

Gojo: "Yeah. I mean, sure, you never know how a fight is going to go. But that's what's so great about when you fight! You use that unpredictability to your advantage. Like, do you remember when you used that Domain Expansion of yours to make the whole place fucking lego?! That was sick and out of nowhere! My type of fighting style!"

(Y/n): "Wait. You knew about that?"

Gojo: "You're damn right, I knew! After all, who do you think the higher-ups yelled at for letting you 'go batshit crazy' as they didn't like to put it but so rightfully fits this current moment?"

(Y/n): "Gojo, I..."

Gojo: "Relax, Babu. It's cool. Your big cousin doesn't mind getting yelled at. Unless it's from Utahime, she gets scary when she yells. Don't tell her I said that though, she'll yell at me."

(Y/n): "Um...Okay? Uh, anyway, so, do you think I can--"

Gojo: "Sure. You can do it. I have faith you'll do just fine! Besides, it's funny you bring this up, because the Principal from Kyoto said the Higher Up's also told us to do this for you. Ha! I wonder why?"

In reality, Gojo knew EXACTLY why they did it. But what the higher-ups didn't know was that Gojo had so much trust and faith that his cousin could beat all six of those Kyoto students by himself, that he did nothing to stop anyone from making this thing happen. If anything, Gojo believed fully that this would be a massive 'FUCK YOU' to the higher-ups, and show them, and everyone else, that if they wanted to mess with (Y/n). It wouldn't be Gojo they had to worry about. It was (Y/n) himself. But that wasn't the only thing to come out of this conversation. For whilst Gojo said this to encourage (Y/n), it also would eventually lead (Y/n) to his frustrations with Maki. 

Because he found it astonishing at how much faith Gojo had in him. How much trust the anointed one carry when believing (Y/n) wouldn't fail upon going up against six others. But when (Y/n) said this to Maki, she immediately started berating him about it. And whilst (Y/n) knew the majority of which came out of concern, which he understood completely, (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder if Maki still thought of him sometimes as that same old weak kid he was when he first worked through those gates all those years ago. 

(Y/n) didn't know, but for the life of him, he couldn't shake that thought off his mind. That's why now, in the present, as he offers his friends a final glance before separating from them entirely once in the mast of the forest battleground, (Y/n) made a declaration to himself. That in this moment, he wasn't just going to prove something to the Kyoto students, or the higher-ups, or those teachers and faculty watching in the control room. He was going to show everyone just who he had become, and that any person who dared to go up against him would instantly regret it all. As a particular group of students from out of town would quickly come to understand.

--Present Time--

Mai: "Where's Todo?"

Momo: "Wait! He disappeared already?"

Miwa: "He was only here a moment ago!"

Mai: "Nori, where did he run off to?"

Noritoshi: "Stop calling me that! And what makes you think I would know?"

Mai: "I don't know! Because you think you already know everything?!"

Miwa: "Can't we all just get alo--"

Mai: "Shut up, Miwa! Now's not the time!"

The voices of all Kyoto students sprung together in a loud mess as they rushed through the army of trees within the forest grounds of Jujutsu High. All the while in search of their target. The majority of the students running along the ground as Momo used her witch's broom to fly through the air above. This gave the students the perfect mixture of eyes in the sky and focus on the ground in every direction, all in hopes of finding any sign of (Y/n). 

Speaking of the aforementioned male, however, whereas everyone else seemed to be in a rush, (Y/n) was just vibing and taking his time. No, seriously, when images of the young boy appeared on the screens in the control room where the teachers and faculty currently were, they were surprised to see the boy with his eyes shut and earphones hanging from the side of his head. The music playing through those aforementioned devices clearly getting him in a mood. He wasn't even running, just walking at a steady pace. 

(Y/n) did so because he knew he didn't have to do anything in order to come across those he deemed necessary to see. They'd come to him, and when they did, they'd be greeted by a surprise unlike any other. The Kyoto students weren't the only ones who would be surprised by such a sight, however, as within the control room, the faces of everyone from Kyoto's faculty, including a few guests, were left stunned by (Y/n)'s relaxed and seemingly careless nature. To the point, the principal of Kyoto was forced out of his seat in frustration.

Principal Yoshinobu: "What is this?! Does that boy truly think this is a joke?!" [Turns to Tokyo's Principal] "What the hell are you teaching your students here, Masamichi?"

Immediately, Masamichi turned to his fellow principal. But like always, he gave no facial expression whatsoever as he simply eyed the older man through his sunglasses.

Principal Masamichi: "I'm sorry...But I don't teach them anything. I leave that up to my teachers to do. Isn't that right, Gojo?"

Gojo: "Ay! Yes, sir!"

Principal Yoshinobu: "Argh! You're all ridiculous."

Gojo: "Aww..." [Suddenly smiles] "That's so sweet!" [Turns to Utahime] "You know, you were wrong about this guy."

Utahime: "Huh?"

Gojo: [Turns back to the screens] "...He's not an old fart at all."

Utahime: "Wha!"

Immediately Utahime turned in concern towards her Principal, who offered her a narrowed gaze. Instantly following this, Utahime turned her focus, and glare, back to Gojo. She wasn't alone, however, as her Principal quickly followed in such a regard.

Principal Yoshinobu: "Why am I not surprised you've once again caused a stir for us, Satoru?" [Scoffs] "You can clearly tell that boy is related you."

Gojo: [Smiles Brightly] "Why thank you, Principal Yoshinobu! That's quite the compliment!"

Principal Yoshinobu: "Well, it wasn't supposed to be."

The talking seemed to be done with that sentence, as silence came from Gojo whilst the Principal of Kyoto turned around and went to return to his seat. That was until...

Gojo: "I wouldn't underestimate Babu if I were you."

Principal Yoshinobu: [Stops walking; turns head around] "What's that supposed to mean?"

Gojo: "Exactly what you're thinking. Maybe you take a seat and you can watch it for yourself?"

Principal Yoshinobu: [Fully turns around; Chuckles] "What? Haha! Don't tell me you're referring to the fact he's now got a Cursed Technique that you think he can beat my students? So what if he has one! It doesn't matter at all."

Gojo: "Well, if you say so, old man!"

Gojo said with a smile.  However, that smile suddenly dropped when he turned around in his seat to look the Principal directly in the eyes. The serious nature that suddenly resonated around Gojo's character was all it took for Principal Yoshinobu's smile to drop abruptly, as fear slightly formed on his face. He wasn't alone, as everyone else in the room noticed the change and quickly prepared for what words Gojo was about to say. Going off how he was looking at the old man, they were going to be words everyone would never forget.

Gojo: "Seriously though, all jokes aside, Principal... You should really sit down before you break a hip."

Principal Yoshinobu: "...Huh?"

...Or maybe they would.

Gojo: [Smiles Brightly] "Seriously! You're walking around with that cane like you're about to break dance! But not the type they go to the Olympics for. Just full-on breaking every single bone in your body whilst flailing on the ground--" [Shows pitiful concern] "--and we don't want that. Really." [Laughs] "I sure as heck know Shoko doesn't! Haha!"

Principal Yoshinobu: "Wha--GOJO!!"

Gojo: "That's my name, be sure not to wear it out, 'kay?"

The cocky tone in his voice, the usual for the character, was all that remained for noise in the room as the Principal from Kyoto stormed back over to his chair in anger, whilst Utahime and Tokyo's Principal offered their own expressions towards the anointed one. Gojo didn't care, however. Far from it. He had a cousin to watch beat the crap out of people, of course, so he didn't have time to waste on background characters. It was good Gojo decided to focus on it now. 

Because at this very time, in the forest just a few hundred meters from his current position, the Kyoto students could be seen coming to stop within a small clearing of the forest grounds. Upon stopping their movements, a few dropped their palms to their knees, taking the time to catch their breath whilst Noritoshi kept his view vigilant. As he did so, he reached into his uniform pocket and pulled out a phone. Seconds later, after putting the device to his ear, Noritoshi began speaking through it, managing to reach Momo who hovered above the tree line atop of them.

Noritoshi: [Through the Phone] "What do you see?"

Momo: [Voice Only] "Trees. Trees. And more trees."

Noritoshi: "Keep looking. He's out there somewhere. With Todo running off, we don't know what trouble he could cause for us. We need to get this done quickly without making too much of a scene."

Momo: [Voice Only] "Yeah, okay, I--"

"Get it done quickly and without making too much of a scene, huh? That what you tell your girlfriend now, Noritoshi? Haha! Nah, I'm just fucking with ya. We know the rules of being a head of clan is your girlfriend. Got know time for real women, or fun, hey?"

Out of nowhere, Momo's voice was cut off from the phone in Noritoshi's hand. Instead, it was replaced by a male's voice, one which seemed full of confidence and glee. It didn't take long for Noritoshi to recognise the voice, however, he couldn't believe that the person talking was who he thought they were. That's when the confused male pulled the phone away from his ear and looked down at the Caller ID. Upon seeing what it said, his confusion only grew.

[Weak Person Speaking...]

Noritoshi: "Weak person...?"

(Y/n): [Voice Only] "Haha! Like the Caller ID? It's what you called me when we first spoke during my time at Kyoto. Said I was a weak person and you didn't want me to ruin the school's image or whatever."

With the phone pulled away from Noritoshi's ear, everyone else was now able to hear the voice coming from the phone.

Mai: "Is that...Is that (Y/n)?"

Miwa: "(Y/n)? Why do you have (Y/n)'s number, Nori?"

Mechamaru: "He doesn't, Miwa. That's why Noritoshi looks so confused right now."

Noritoshi: "Silence! I'm not confu--"

(Y/n): [Voice Only] "Wait! You're confused, Noritoshi? Fuck me! I'm really missing all the good stuff right about now!" [Sighs] "...So? Mechamaru still got a thing for a certain blue haired--"


Out of nowhere, (Y/n)'s voice was suddenly silenced when Noritoshi's phone was crushed by Mechamaru's robotic hand. He didn't say anything. Just stared at nothing as he continued to apply pressure to the already crushed phone. All the while, Miwa looked on in confusion, not knowing (Y/n) was referring to her, whilst Mai couldn't help but pop a grin, knowing full well (Y/n) was referring about Miwa.

Mai: [Snickers] "What's the matter, Mechamaru? That was so sudden?"

Miwa: "Yeah, is everything okay? What was (Y/n) going to say?"

Mechamaru: "Nothing. Don't...Don't worry about it."

Miwa just continued to look on in confused at the back of the robot's head. As that happened, Momo came flying down from the sky and landed on the ground where she now joined her classmates.

Momo: "Hey, what happened? You just cut out suddenly."

Noritoshi: "(Y/n) happened."

Momo: "(Y/n)? What did that comic-loving loser do?"

Mai: "He somehow tapped into Nori's phone."

Noritoshi: "Would you stop calling me that? We need to focus before--"

"Well now, that wasn't very nice. I was actually kinda having fun talking to you guys again."

Mai: "Huh? Where did that--"

"Yo! Up here!"

In that instance, the voice of (Y/n) sounded once more. This time not through the phone screen, however. But it was close, and after looking around for a few seconds, eventually, the heads of every single present Kyoto student flipped backwards and looked up to the trees above. It was because of that, that the eyes of the five students were able to land on their target. (Y/n) (L/n), cousin to Gojo Satoru, could be seen seated on a large tree branch. His noticeable white uniform sticking out clearly from the green surroundings. What was even more noticeable, however, was the grin currently spread across his lips, and it only continued to grow as he eyed his old bullies down below.

(Y/n): "You know, I've been sitting here this ENTIRE time and no one saw me. I even wore my white suit so you guys could see me better! Well...That worked out good, huh?"

Miwa: [Looking upward] "(Y/n)?"

Mai: "When did he get there?"

Noritoshi: "It doesn't matter. What matters is--"

(Y/n): [Calls out] "WHAT?"

Noritoshi: "Hu...Huh? What?"

(Y/n): "No! No! That's what I'm asking! What did you say to me just now?"

Noritoshi: "I didn't--"

(Y/n): "WHAT?"

Noritoshi: "I di--"

(Y/n): "WHAT?"

Noritoshi: "No, I--" [Mutters to himself] "Why am I even saying right now?"


Hearing such only proved to Noritoshi and the others that (Y/n) was trolling them. Such was confirmed when the now slightly annoyed Noritoshi lifted his head and offered a glare through his closed eyes towards (Y/n). Speaking of whom, he simply kept his grin going before he turned his gaze to the view around him whilst flicking his feet back and forth over the ledge of the branch he currently sat on.

Miwa: "How did (Y/n) get so high up in that tree?"

Mai: "He never could climb that good back when we used to make fun of him."

Noritoshi: "Don't worry about that! We need to focus! Now's our chance to--"

"--To what, Nori?"

Out of nowhere, a voice came from directly behind Noritoshi, causing him to pounce forward, along with the others, minus Mechamaru, who seemed shocked from the sudden sound. That shock only grew when they saw the person standing before them was none other than (Y/n), who now had his arms pressed behind his back, no longer seated in the tree above them.

(Y/n): [To Noritoshi] "Oh, my bad. Sorry, dude, I forgot you don't like to be called 'Nori' huh?"

Mai: "Forget that! How'd you get down so quickly? You were just in that tree! There's no way you jumped!"

(Y/n): "Oh, I didn't jump."

Mai: "Huh? How did you get down then?"

(Y/n): "Ha! That's actually a good question...I don't know."

Mai: "You don't--How don't you--Wait! Fuck that! Why are you acting so cocky?!"

(Y/n): "I'm acting cocky? I mean, I don't think I am. Then again, you lot probably know it best."

Mai: [Suddenly Glares] "Why you little--"

(Y/n): "Well, except Miwa, of course. She was never cocky..."

Miwa: "Huh?"

(Y/n): "...Just didn't know who I was is all."

Confusion continued to remain on Miwa's face as she tilted her head whilst looking at (Y/n), who currently had about a five-meter gap between himself and the Kyoto students. The noticeable oddness of the scene had brought about such, however, with each second that passed by, eventually, the Kyoto students began to gather what was going on, and when they realized their target was standing right in front of them, one by one they gathered together. They did so until Noritoshi, Mechamaru, and Mai almost completely blocked Miwa's view of (Y/n). It was clear to (Y/n) that the group in front of him were starting to get serious, but instead of getting worried, he merely smiled and crossed his arms amusingly.

(Y/n): "Ah, I see how it's going now. You guys wanna get this over and done with quickly, huh? Well, can't say I blame ya. I want this over with as well. I've got an angry girlfriend to take care of after this. Speaking of which--Hey, Mai? When about is family Christmas for you guys?"

Mai: "Wha--What are you--"

(Y/n): "Oh...Wait. My bad. I forgot. I destroyed your clan already, huh? Haha! That was actually pretty funny. I fought like, what? Twenty...Thirty people that day? And yet, I feel there's more potential in the five of you standing right before me now."

Mai: [Scoffs] "Little shit."

Noritoshi: [Steps forward] "I don't think you understand what exactly is going on, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Don't know? Of course, I do! We're catching up! Like old times!"

Mai: [Grins] "Ha! Old times, huh? You mean the ones when we showed you your place, shithead? Because last time I checked, those times always ended the same. With you--"

(Y/n): "--Crying? On the ground? Beat up? Lifeless? I guess. But, you know, I'm not exactly the same guy I was back then, Mai."

Mai: "Oh, yeah? And what makes you think that? Just because you've got two girls dating you, one of which being my sister, who I hate? I don't care about that shit!"

(Y/n): "Well, I mean..." [Grumbles] "...You do kinda have seemed to memorise it all." [Shakes Head] "But you know what? That doesn't matter. What matters is--"

Noritoshi: "--Nothing that concerns you."

(Y/n): "Huh?"

The moment that followed Noritoshi's words was all it took to cut (Y/n)'s train of thought. As it did, the young boy was left to watch in a slower state of time as the closed-eyed privileged white boy readied his bow and scooped up a trio of arrows from the quiver on his back. Three sharp arrowheads now faced his general direction. Was this it? Was (Y/n) going to die this quickly without getting his revenge...? Fuck no! (Y/n) wasn't scared of no tiny weapons. Momo, maybe. But he'd never be afraid of someone who thought themselves above everyone else in such an obnoxious manner. At least, that's what he said to himself as a smirk scored its way to his lips.

Noritoshi: "Hope you enjoyed the reunion whilst it lasted. Because you won't be able to enjoy anything aft--"

(Y/n): "Wait. Hold up a second."

Noritoshi: "Huh?"

Opening one of his closed eyes, Noritoshi proceeded to look past the weapon to see (Y/n) placing earphones into his ears and scrolling on

Noritoshi: "What the..."

Momo: "Is he serious right now?"

Mai: [Yells at You] "What the hell are you doing, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) didn't respond, he simply kept scrolling on his phone.

Mai: "(Y/n)!"

(Y/n): [Pauses actions; lifts head] "Huh? Sorry, are you talking to me?"

Mai: "Yes!"

(Y/n): "Oh. Uh, sorry about that. I wasn't too sure. I've never head you calling me that insult before."

Mai: "Insult? I called you by your name, moron!"

(Y/n): "Oh. Well, in my defence, you never really called me that either."

With a carefree smile finding his face, Mai's aggravation was quickly building up. Here the group of Kyoto students thought they'd simply show up, find (Y/n), easily fight and kill (Y/n), and then leave. But here they were, being too distracted by his completely out-of-nowhere attitude to do anything! Even Noritoshi, who was more so annoyed how (Y/n) wasn't taking this situation, ended up being far too annoyed to simply take the open shot he had on the target right now. All the while (Y/n) just returned his attention back down to his phone screen. Far to say that didn't help with Mai's, or any of the others, attitude in the moment.

Mai: "Seriously! What are you doing?! You've got weapons aimed at you and you're what? Checking text messages?!"

(Y/n): "Choosing a song, actually."

Mai: "...A song?!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I mean, 'Golden Boy' over there just said the cliche line someone delivers before starting the massive fight scene, right? So...I wanna make sure I'm listening to some good tunes whilst fighting is all."

Mai: [In disbelief] "You've got to be kidding me right now..."

Noritoshi: [Twitches] "He's not serious right now..."

(Y/n): "Hmm...No...No...No...No...N--Oh! Here's a good on--"

Noritoshi: "Enough talk! Mai! Attack him now!"

(Y/n): [Lifts Head] "Huh?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunshots echoed into the air as Mai fired three bullets from her Revolver; followed swiftly by Noritoshi finally releasing the arrows from his Bow. Both attacks came at blistering speeds, but the confident looks on both students' faces were soon to have dropped when after a few seconds had passed from the initial attack, (Y/n) could be seen still standing. Unharmed.

Mai: "WHAT?!"

(Y/n): [Raises eyebrow] "What? Something the matter?"

Mai: "You're not dead!"

(Y/n): "Um...Yeah?" [Chuckles] "I don't know if I'd really be shocked about that. Normally it's a good thing to--"

Mai: "How are you not dead?! We shot at you!"

(Y/n): "Huh...? Oh! Yeah, you did do that just now." [Glances around] "I wonder where those bullets ended up actually--"

Mai: [Aggitated] "Why are you dead?!"

(Y/n): [Smiles Brightly] "Oh...Because I dodged your bullets!"

Mai: "YOU DODGED MY--" [Aggrivatily Chuckles] "Oh...Oh...Haha...Th-There's no way you dodged them. I-I aimed for the kill!"

(Y/n): "Well, um, sorry...I guess your aim was off?"


As soon as (Y/n) said that, a loud, audible gasp flooded the air. Such came from Miwa, who knew full well that Mai hated being told she failed at something. Especially when it came to her aim. Mostly because, due to her upbringing, she took great pride in her marksmanship. Yet, here she was, being told her aim was off. It appeared she was seconds away from snapping, but was quickly interrupted by Noritoshi.

Mai: "You're lying! You're nothing but an embarassing--"

Noritoshi: "Mai. Calm yourself. He got lucky, that's all to--"

(Y/n): "--There's really no need to be ashamed, Mai... Noritoshi missed as well."

Noritoshi: [Face Twitches] "What?"

Instantly, Noritoshi turned to (Y/n) as his face unconsciously twitched once more. This may seem like a small thing, but hearing (Y/n) act in such a...childish manner during a fight annoyed the heck out of Noritoshi, who managed to control it to an unstable twitch of the face. However, he was soon to lose another layer of control when his eyes unconsciously opened after hearing (Y/n)'s latest remark. Sure enough, upon opening his eyes, he saw (Y/n) standing in the same spot he had been before, with absolutely no marks on his body and that same annoying smile on his face. 

This surprised the Kyoto students, after all, when (Y/n) was in Kyoto, he couldn't dodge an oncoming punch let alone a bullet or arrow. So they were stunned to see him standing here right now, unharmed. They weren't alone in this, however, as further away in the control room Utahime could be seen seated in her chair with her knees up to her chin and her eyes covered by her hands. The positioned had taken place almost instantly after Mai fired the bullets towards (Y/n), something the Kyoto teacher got a good view of due to the monitors positioned in front of her.

Utahime: [Eyes Covered] "Is...Is it over? I don't want to look. Gojo, how badly did (Y/n) get hurt?"

Gojo: "Hurt? Ha! He seems pretty fine to me. I mean, he is smiling."

Utahime: [Looks at Gojo] "Wait. Smiling? You must really be blind, even without that mask, there's no way (Y/n) is--"

Upon turning to face the screen, however, Utahime was shocked to see (Y/n) doing exactly as Gojo stated, he was smiling. He seemed...happy; and not only that, unharmed.

Utahime: "Wait...He really didn't get hit? How?" [Turns back to Gojo] "This is a trick, right?"

Gojo: "Oh, trust me, the tricks are yet to come along, Utahime. But keep a close eye on my cousin, he'll show you a thing or two."

Both annoyed and intrigued by Gojo's words, Utahime quickly turned her attention back to the screens in front of him. Meanwhile, back in the forest, the other Kyoto students are left to reel in the outcome of what they had just seen.

Mai: "There's no way this is happen! I KNOW I fired right at (Y/n)! There's no way I missed!"

Noritoshi: "I...Missed?"

A short distance back from the pair, Momo could be seen silently snickering at seeing Noritoshi's stunned face. After all, it wasn't one he carried often.

Momo: [Snickers] "Hehe~ Look at Nori, he looks so surprised."

Noritoshi: [Suddenly turns back to Momo] "Stop calling me that! And...I'm not surprised. I just...Don't understand how he managed to move my arrows."

Mai: "And my bullets!"

Momo: [Giggles] "You both are just getting so worked up, it's funny! Maybe (Y/n) is just stronger than you, Nori?"

Noritoshi: [Face Twitches] "...Don't call me that."

Mechamaru: "He didn't move them."

Mai: [Turns to Mechamaru] "What?"

Mechamaru: "The bullets and arrows, he didn't move them...He did.

Instantly the faces of Noritoshi and Mai turned to the robot present. Mechamaru carrying a blank expression on his face as he stared right at (Y/n), who by this point had returned to lifting his phone into the air as he tried to get reception.

Mai: "What do you mean he did? He what? Moved out of the way? That's impossible! He's standing in the same spot."

Mechamaru: "I'm not lying. My processors have slowed down the scene to the point where I can see what happened. Both your arrows and bullets were perfectly aimed at them, but (Y/n) moved his head and body to avoid them...Perfectly."

Mai: "Perfectly?! (Y/n) ain't perfect at anything! Except for running away! So how'd he do it?!"

Mechamaru: [Turns to Mai] "I'm just telling you what I saw."

Mai: [Groans] "Argh! Forget it then!" [Turns back to you] "So what if he got faster?" [Wickedly Grins] "He was always best at running away. So why don't we make him run away like the good old da--"

(Y/n): "Alright! I'm ready to fight now!"

Mai: "Huh?"

Out of nowhere, Mai's grin dropped from her face. Replaced quickly with yet another surprised face. This time spawning from the sight of (Y/n) running...directly at the Kyoto students. In the control room, this caused Utahime to call out vocally, questioning what (Y/n) was doing. As for Gojo, he just silently giggled to himself knowing full well why Utahime was showing concern for the boy. But in reality, no concern seemed to be needed as (Y/n) effortlessly avoided more oncoming arrows and bullets, and all with seeming ease. Nothing more was needed than a side step, or shift of his head. 

Before too long, he had reached the part of the clearing Mai and Noritoshi were located at. However, instead of confronting them, (Y/n) instantly jumped over their heads to head directly for...Miwa. The blue-haired girl, wearing the unusual small-sized suit she normally wore around school, was shocked to see (Y/n) charging straight for her like an animal on the prowl. Especially after they had shared a drink together just before this event started. Sure, it ended with (Y/n) strangely walking off. But she didn't think he'd want to fight her.

Miwa: "(Y/n)...?"

He kept running. Never slowing down.

Miwa: "(Y/n)!!"

Shutting her eyes and flicking her head to the side, Miwa, on instinct, retrieved her katana from the side of her waste and aimed it directly at the oncoming male. However, (Y/n)'s target was never Miwa, but Mechamaru. You see, (Y/n) had known for the longest time that Mechamaru had a crush on Miwa. And whilst Miwa only had eyes for (Y/n)'s cousin, Gojo, that didn't stop the robot from reeling in the urges that love brought upon a guy. 

But seeing as (Y/n) knew full well what love did to a guy, he knew all it'd take for Mechamaru to stop thinking and just jump into the scene was by making out he was going to hurt Miwa. He'd never do that, but with Mechamaru wanted to be Miwa's 'Knight in shining armor'; it took nothing more than (Y/n)'s charging figure to draw in the robot. It didn't take much longer before out the corner of his eye, (Y/n) spotted a flicker of metal coming his way from the side.

(Y/n): "There you are, robot boy."

In the blink of an eye, Mechamaru launched off the ground at great speeds, drawing his right fist back to strike (Y/n) directly across the face. He had readied his attack, and drew in enough strength, that a single blow would send (Y/n)'s head flying off. And with no cursed energy, one punch would be all it'd take. Mechamaru wouldn't even need to use any of the built-in weapons of his robotic body. A punch is all he needed to do. But in a rare lapse of judgment for Mechamaru, he decided to take this attack one step further by choosing to take a small margin on his focus elsewhere. Mostly, a statement. One he'd soon come to regret.

Mechamaru: "It's okay, Miwa. I will protect you from--"


A sentence cut short; and a face now indented. That's the quickest way to describe the moment. But whereas the first part was obvious, Mechamaru's sentence was cut short. The second part was where the real truth was carried. Because whilst a lot would believe the punch had come from the aforementioned robot, those very people would be wrong. For Mechamaru wasn't the one to land his punch, his drifted to the side as (Y/n)'s face moved out of the way. All it took was Mechamaru to lose a slither of focus for the young boy to dodge the oncoming attack from the robot, and instead send his own right hook for the side of Mechamaru's head, which had just landed. 

In fact, it didn't just land, it went flying. There was so much energy behind (Y/n)'s clenched fist that it not only stopped Mechamaru's body from going in one direction, but processed to then send it flying in the exact opposite...Into a tree...and then onto the ground. Nothing but sparks and static-like voice came from the robot, whose inner processors were now sent all over the place. Meanwhile, Miwa, Momo, Noritoshi, and Mai were left to once again reel in from (Y/n)'s sudden...skill? It was hard to exactly put it into words after what had just happened being such a surprise that no one really knew what to say. Even those in the Control room were shocked! 

Utahime: "(Y/n)...Landed a punch? He landed a punch?" [Beginning to smile] "There's no way he did that!"

Gojo: [Smiling] "What did I tell you, Utahime? My cousin in full of surprises!"

Utahime: [Turns to Gojo; Glares] "Oh, don't you start. Let me guess, you're going to take all the credit, saying you taught him everything he--"

Gojo: "--Knows? Nope. Not at all. Babu did all of that on his own."

Utahime: "Wait...What?"

Gojo: "Pretty cool, huh?"

Utahime couldn't say a word, all she could do was look at (Y/n) in confusion. She wasn't alone. Though, Principal Yoshinobu did a better job of holding in his surprise. He merely scoffed it off. It was one punch! One punch...That was followed by another; and then another; and then another. In the time Utahime and Gojo had spoken, (Y/n) had now landed repetitive punches on Mai; Noritoshi; and Momo. All of which now surrounded (Y/n) in a small triangle formation as Miwa raced over to Mechamaru, whose body was slowly repairing itself.

Miwa: "Mechamaru? Mechamaru, are you okay?"

Mechamaru: [Static] "...Mi...Wa...?"

A concerned smile, now releaved, found Miwa's face as she continued to look down at the cursed corpse before her. As she did so, behind her, a grinning (Y/n) remained within the triangle of Kyoto students. By this point, Noritoshi, Mai, and Momo knew to not let their guard down with (Y/n). Such was made clear as they all readied themselves for anything to happen.

(Y/n): [Panting slightly] "...So..." [Panting] "...You guys tired..." [Panting] "...Or what?"

Mai: [Grins whilst holding back breath] "Of course not...dweeb. We're fine..."

(Y/n): [Abruptly stands up straight] "Oh, so I can stop pretending to be tired? Alright, cool! I mean, I didn't want to make you guys feel out of place if you were tired. Like, you technically are the school's guests."

Instantly, the secretly panting figures of Mai and Momo suddenly glared in on the happy-go-lucky (Y/n), whilst Noritoshi, whose eyes were once more closed, twitched yet again. As for Mai and Momo, they were quick to drop their agitated glances and returned to grinning. Hoping an idea they just had would help them in the moment.

Mai: [Grins] "So...You got cocky since you came here, huh, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Huh? Cocky? I wouldn't say that...Just confident is all!"

Momo: "Confidence! Cockiness! It's a thin line!"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'm sure you guys would know that, huh?"

Momo: "Hey--"

Mai: "--Is that what having a girlfriend gets you? Confidence?"

Upon stating her sentence, Mai offered a look towards Momo, who was annoyed that Mai had cut her off. But going off the look Mai currently had, it was a single to say 'just go along with what she was saying'. As for (Y/n), he just kept his body ready for anything, all the while he kept responding to what Mai and Momo had to say, after all, he was more than happy to chat about his girlfriend right about now.

(Y/n): "Oh, yeah, totally! Though, I wouldn't say that's all I get from getting a girlfriend~"

Mai: "Huh? What are you--" [Realizes] "Ew! That's gross, asshole! That's my sister!"

Momo: [Giggles] "What's the matter, Mai? Don't like hearing about Maki's love life? Jealous~"

Mai: "Wha--I am not--I'm just...Disgusted, that this dweeb would talk about having sex with my sister! It's gross!"

(Y/n): [Suddenly turns around] "Sex?! I wasn't talking about that! That's gross! Mai, get your mind out of the gutter! Nori is present, you know he doesn't have time for--"

Out of nowhere, Noritoshi released an arrow from his Bow as (Y/n) turned his head around to Mai. However, (Y/n) was easily able to catch said arrow, grasping it firmly in the centre, stopping it within inches of hitting his face.

(Y/n ): [Turns to Noritoshi] "Excuse me, Nori, I'm talking to Mai. I thought a rule follower like you would know not to rude? How'd dear old dad feel about that?"

Noritoshi: [Twitches] "Would you focus? And stop calling me--"

(Y/n): [Ignores him; turns to Mai] "Now then, as we were saying, Mai, stop having a dirty mind. Look at Batman, he doesn't have a dirty mind, and look where that got him!"

Momo: "Batman's rich, idiot. Without it he wouldn't be able to do much!"

(Y/n): [Turns to Momo] "How'd you know Batman's rich? I thought people who like comics were nerds?" [Audible gasps] "Momo! Are you secretly a ner--"

Momo: "--I'm nothing! Nothing! Sh-Shut up! Besides...Everyone knows Batman is rich. Idiot!"

Mai: [Grins] "What's the matter? Don't like hearing your secrets revealed? Ha! Maybe you're the one jealous about my sister~"

Momo: [Blushes] "About what? (Y-Y/n)? As if! I-I'd never like him..."

She said as she turned her gaze to the male, and just...looked at him up and down.

(Y/n): [Smiles] "Look, Momo, I'm flattered. But I already have a girlfriend--Actually, I think I have two? I'm not actually sure what Nobara is to me. Huh? Maybe you do have a chance?"

Momo: [Blushes Further] "Wh-Wh-What?"

(Y/n): "Ha! Just kidding!"


(Y/n): "Nori is right, guys! I mean, look at the poor thing--" [Points to a twitching Noritoshi] "--The dude's practically about to have a brain aneurysm because he wasn't expecting any of this." [Looks at Noritoshi] "Were you, Nori?"

Nori: "Stop...Calling me...THAT NAME!"

(Y/n): [Tilts head] "What? Hawkeye-without-the-eyes? How'd you hear about that? I specifically remember saying that behind your back." [Turns to Momo] "Ha! How'd you like that one?"

Noritoshi: "Just die already!"

The blushing Momo was immediately pulled from her eye lock with (Y/n) when the loud voice of Noritoshi sounded through the air. Upon the pair, as well as everyone else present, turned towards the male, they saw his eyes were open. Not only that, his body was now already in the air, his right hand pulled a trail of blood followed it. A pool of the red substance from Noritoshi's very body flowing through the air like an elemental bender of the stuff, and formed the blood into a giant fist, one which was headed straight for (Y/n)'s body. 

You see, Noritoshi possesses the prized inherited cursed technique of the Kamo Family. Praised for its balanced set of abilities, Blood Manipulation grants Noritoshi the ability to control all aspects of his blood. By dipping his arrows in blood, Noritoshi can control them after firing, allowing them to defy physics. Earlier he decided against such, believing (Y/n) was not capable of dodging even a regular arrow. 

Even after that, Noritoshi wanted to defeat the boy without using any part of his cursed technique. Now, however, after (Y/n)'s continued arrogance and build up of his frustrations, Noritoshi finally decided to go a step further. Using his Cursed Technique, Noritoshi now conjured his blood into a giant fist. As previously mentioned, this was about to hit (Y/n). The only thing that stopped such was the slowness of the time set around (Y/n) and the others, caused by (Y/n) dealing with such a stunning discovering.

"So...He finally decided to use it, huh? Well, I guess it was about time. I had been pulling at his emotions ever since I first called him on his phone. If I kept up with that, that'd probably be enough. The 'Nori' name calling was just added bonus. But, I guess this is it for me. Time is only slowed down for dramatic effect. When it picks up, this blood fist will hit me and I'll be dead..."

Mai: "Hey! What's going on?! Why can't I move?"

"Pfft! As if I'd go out like that! I know the way I'm going to die!"

It was quickly shown that (Y/n)'s 'inner monologuing' before death was nothing but him talking out loudly. All the while, Mai, Momo, and Noritoshi in the air, as well as Mechamaru and Miwa, had all been slowed down in time. The cause of which, soon to be revealed. But what was fair to say, it wasn't just for dramatic effect for the close call with death. That's for sure.

Momo: "Why...Why can't I move?"

Noritoshi: [Thoughts] "I'm stuck? How?"

Miwa: "I can't move."

Mechamaru: "What's going on?"

(Y/n): [Places hands on hips] "I don't know, Astro boy. I...Don't...know..." [Sighs...Before chuckling] "Oh, who am I kidding? I know what's going on!"

He said as he freely walking around the place. Mainly behind Noritoshi to get a better look at the Cursed Technique of his put on display. The fact (Y/n) was able to move was shocking to all. In the control room, Utahime and her Principal were stunned by this, whilst Gojo and his own Principal just smiled to themselves. The students of Kyoto were far from acting normal themselves though.

Mai: "How the hell are you moving?!"

Momo: "What's going on?!"

(Y/n): [Turns to Momo annoyed] "What's going on, Momo, is I'm disappointed! I really thought this thing was going to go differently!"

Momo: [Confused beyond belief] "...WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"

(Y/n): "What I'm talking about is I was hoping that when I finally used a Cursed Technique, you'd all activate yours at the same time! I mean, sure, Mai has already technically used hers--and yours, Momo, is flying. But there's still Miwa and the lovestruck robot!"

Mechamaru: "--"

(Y/n): "--And before you say anything, Mechamaru, I know...You're already using your Cursed Technique as well. But I felt a little bit racist leaving out the minority here so I decided to include you--Yes, no need to think me."

Momo: [Stunned] "...What the hell have I gotten myself into?"

(Y/n): "Trust me, as fights go, this one is pretty normal for me."

"So...What? This is it?"

Turning around toward the voice, (Y/n)'s gaze came in contact with Mai. Her body, still frozen, remained on the same position with her aiming her revolver at (Y/n), managed to crack a grin from being able to move her lips still, as she eyed the boy in front of her.

Mai: [Grins] "Your Cursed Technique is to freeze time, how perverted. Though, not surprising for someone like you. I wouldn't be surprised if you've used this on my sis--"

(Y/n): "--You're wrong."

He said seriously, and without a slither of amusement in her voice as he looked at Mai. The reaction caused her to grin further.

Mai: "Oh~ So you've gotten defensive? You must really love my sister, huh?"

(Y/n): "No, I was referring to my Cursed Technique."

Mai: "What?"

(Y/n): "I don't freeze time, Mai, that'd be far too OP..." [Smiles] "I just slow it down really really slow. Kinda like how Todo does for those Takada-Chan videos he records." [Chuckles Loudly] "Now he's a pervert! Well, uh, probably. I don't really know. Anyway, I--"

Noritoshi: "Do you ever shut up?"

Quickly lifting his gaze, (Y/n) turned it to Noritoshi, who still remained frozen in the air just beside his current location.

(Y/n): "Yes...But actually no. Actually, I think I'm just excited, really." [Smiles Brightly] "Today's my big day after all!"

Mai: "Pfft! Today's not your birthday."

(Y/n): [Glances at her] "You know my birthday?"

Mai: [Looks away] "N...No. Shut up."

The smile on (Y/n)'s face just continues as he flicks his gaze away from Mai to return it to Noritoshi. Once more, his eyes were closed. It seemed he had now realized he couldn't willingly escape from the Cursed Technique activated by (Y/n), so he had accepted his situation.

Noritoshi: [Sighs] "So...Let me guess? Seeing as you are currently able to move, you'll keep this Cursed Technique activated whilst you go around and beating each one of us until we can't move? Or no, you're too weak of a person for that. So, instead, you'll probably leave us like this until the rest of your peers, if you even want to call them that, go around and kill the curses in the forest. Then you guys will win. That's a tactic, I'll give you that, but is it really a way you wanted to prove all of us wrong?"

(Y/n): "Excuse me?"

Noritoshi: "Oh, come on, (Y/n). We can all tell that's what you've been thinking about since you first saw us. You wanted to beat us. To prove us wrong. I never agreed with the bullying, but I did believe you were a disgrace to all things Sorcerery, so I'm sure the treasure to show us all up has been planted in your gut this entire time. So I think you should just do what you want to us right now and get it over and done with. After all, that's what I'd do if I was weak..."

With Noritoshi's words finally coming to an end, it was now shown (Y/n) had his face focused to the ground. All three of the Kyoto students nearby saw such. Mai and Momo both carrying grins at seeing (Y/n) once more fall into the pit of dispair. It seemed that despite (Y/n) finding a cursed technique, and managing some skill, he was still weak. Still easy to ruin through the mind. At the end of the day, he was still a clump of cursed potential who could easily be moulded by the simple words coming from ones mouth--


Mai: "Hu...Huh?"

Momo: "Is he...Snoring?"

Mai: "There's no way he's--HEY, MORON!"

(Y/n): [Suddenly lifts head] "Huh? Where am I? Oh...Right. Uh, sorry guys, I dozed off a bit. I haven't gotten much sleep lately. Um...Is Nori's boring speech trying to get me to act up over with it? I hope I missed it." [Looks up at Noritoshi] "Oh! There you are! Still frozen...Hey! Can I give you my phone, I wanna see if I can get reception if it's any higher u--"


(Y/n): "Huh? Me? Like this? You mean in now?"

Mai: "Oh, for the love of--"

(Y/n): [Laughs] "Nah. It's cool. I know what you meant. Now, as for your question, why am I like this? Well, what do you want me to say, because I have a lot of options..." 

This was it. The time (Y/n) had been waiting for. Because, as enjoyable as beating up his bullies would be, sometimes the greatest weapons are the words one carries. And trust me when I say, (Y/n) had some words to say when it came to these particular people.

(Y/n): "...I could tell you all I ended up in this position because I was forced to be a sorcerer; or because you lot bullied me like crazy, to the point I forced myself out of Kyoto only to end up into another sorcerer school where I am now; or maybe I could say it was because I spent three years of my life, alone, in a world of darkness where I was further forced to be a sorcerer by fighting curses every single day of my life whilst in there, and other things I never even want to talk about. But honestly, I feel all of those would be bottom of the list compared to what I believe to be the true cause of it all..."

Stunned faces now found Mai, Momo, and Miwa's faces. The only three to at least show some reaction to the emotion coming from (Y/n)'s mouth right now. Sure, they may not have shown a lot, and it was unsure to see what Mechamaru and Noritoshi thought of the moment, but nevertheless, (Y/n)'s words were being heard.

(Y/n): "Because after everything I've been through, I've come to understand I was just born this way. You all were born with cursed energy. I was born with cursed potential. Set in a family that produces great sorcerers, then pressured into becoming exactly that. But I wasn't that, was I? I didn't have a cursed technique. I didn't have cursed energy. But I was cursed. However, to not tread on words of the past, I'll instead refer to where we are now, and how its going to go--" [Turns to Noritoshi] "I'm going to undo this Cursed Technique and return things to normal. But I'm not doing it because you made me angry to do so. Fuck! I'm not even doing it because you guys bullied me. Just what I've already done showed me how weak you guys truly are, even without using your cursed techniques and other skills properly."

Mai: [Narrows gaze] "Then why are you doing this then?"

In this moment, (Y/n) turned to look at Mai. Despite previous sentences, this time around, there was no joking. No fun and games. Just straight up seriousness. Something that remained further as he looked Mai in the eyes, to the point it even made her feel uneased. But (Y/n) didn't back down. He kept staring into his soul, and the soul of everyone else present--Even Todo, who watched everything play out from behind a tree some twenty meters away--they all were dealt this powerful blow. One forced into their spirits twice, no, trice as hard as (Y/n) spoke these next three words. They were simple, no doubt. But put together they carried an extraordinary amount of weight.

"...Because I can."

But that wasn't it...

(Y/n): "And you know what? I won't just stop at beating you all with one Cursed Technique. I'll use the Hundered--Yes, you heard that right--One Hundred Cursed Techniques at my disposal. All in the span of a few minutes. And at the end of the day, no, at the end of your lives, when your time to finally be judged by a higher being comes, you'll all remember this day. And when you do, you'll think of one thing. When it comes to me fighting all FIVE of you at once..."

"...It was nothing but a Walk In The Park."

[Chapter ended up being over 20k words, PART 1 of the fight was in this chapter. Cursed Technqiues plus much more in the next. Depending on how I feel after this chapter, I may fast track the next one. Hope you enjoyed.]

[...To Be Continued.]

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