Chapter 1- Changes in growing up
A/N: Kid Jughead with mentions of child abuse, depression and self harm plus an eating disorder.
~This chapter is for KML394 who was really excited when i mentioned doing a jughead fanfics. I hope that you like this.
When asked who was Jughead's favorite person, he would always say his dad and the looks he received made him think that that was the wrong answer. So as he got older, he remained quite and that worked but it also did harm to him too. With him being quite made him the shy weirdo kid.
Everyone never understood how he was friends with Archie Andrews. Archie was out going, did many sports and had a great life with both his parents, unlike Jug.
He was labeled wrong from the very beginning. His parents were South Side and to top it they were South Side Serpents. To add to it, his dad was the king of the serpents.
Him and Archie were as close as two friends could get, they were brothers.
His father and Archie's dad were friends but after a while things changed, a lot of things changed.
Juggy's mom left, taking his sister, Jellybean, with her. Leaving Jughead all alone with his dad who was now a drunk man who was angry at the world. Jug went over to Archie's house a lot but once the bruises upon Jughead's skin came too noticeable, Jug pulled back a bit and more into himself.
He was still friends with Archie and they had loads of fun together growing up but like always something happened to change everything. At first when Archie's parents split, Archie came very close with Jughead but once a new year in school began and he was on the football team, Jughead and Archie had space growing between them.
Archie was the popular boy.
Jughead was the shy freak.
Archie played sports and had lots of friends while, Jughead sat all alone and buried himself in his writing. His writing was his only escape from the world around him that he found himself thrust into.
They went to the same school and a piece of Jug always hurt when he saw Archie with his new friends, smiling and laughing because it used to be them but now it wasn't.
At lunch time, he sat all alone off in the corner. Jughead would glance up from his reading or writing and would see Archie right in the middle of everything. Jughead eventually stopped going to the cafeteria and stayed in the library but in there, there was no food allowed and at first Jug didn't think much about it.
But he soon found himself in the habit of eating less and less to not all day to not at all. He had grown an eating disorder from his broken friendship and he had no one to talk to, to tell or to ask for help.
At home it was just him with his dad, sometimes his dad would been absent for a week, too drunk somewhere to care that he had a child at home. The bruises still happened and now they hurt so much more because of how thin Jughead was getting because of his eating disorder.
Jug truly wished he knew what was the final turning point that drove them apart but he couldn't place it. So he hide more into himself, he tried his best to forget about Archie and thinking of their broken friendship hurt too much.
Time went on as did the space between them. Archie had now stopped noticing Jughead. He at one point used to wave hi to him or give him a little smile but now, Archie would just walk right pass him as if he didn't exist, as if all their time being best friends, being brother never existed. It hurt. Everything hurt and he kept finding himself falling deeper and deeper into a black hole within himself.
Jughead became depressed.
Did he get any help for it? No, no he did not.
So now he was invisible to everyone, a ghost of whom he was, a ghost of someone now broken. He wasn't completely invisible, there would be times when someone just felt the need to pick or beat up on him. So with everything that was going on, a heart with a wide crack that has slowly began healing from his friendship with Archie, with the bullies and his home life, Jug found himself self harming.
At first it was to feel something for he felt nothing, he was so numb that he truly believed that he was invisible and nothing. Later it became a way to let out some of his emotions he had bottled up, wither it be years old or current. Then, he began to cut because it was so form of punishment to himself. He began to blame his mom leaving on himself, his father drinking, being no one and Archie leaving.
The thought that kept coming to his mind was:
"I'm what's wrong"
He cut and cut and cut until hardly any skin could be seen on his wrists. So now his whole wardrobe changed. He no longer wore short sleeves, only long ones and he picked out colors that wouldn't put a spot light on him, so grey and black clothing.
He was now called emo at school, the quite serpent freak who was clearly on the wrong side of the tracks.
He missed how things used to be, how they were so much better and lighter unlike now with this huge weight upon his shoulders.
Growing up sucked and with growing up came changes wither they were good or bad they came no matter what. Sadly for Jug, it seemed only the bad changes affected him while everyone else, including Archie got the better end of things, good changes for the better.
-Please leave a comment, i really love seeing people's thoughts about my works.
Thank you!! :)
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