My First Gym Plus An Egg Within An Egg

I walked out the house and went to Route 29 where I saw Lyra.

Lyra:"There you are!"

"Hey Lyra, what's happening?"

Lyra:"Nothing much. I heard that you were going off on the gym challenge."

"Yep. Me and Zuko will scorch then easily. Ain't that right?"

I looked down at him as he flexed his tiny arms before shooting small fire balls into the air.

Lyra:"You two are a perfect match. So do you know how to catch Pokemon?"

"Eh, I've seen a tutorial or two on MewTube."

Lyra:"Well here's some Poke Balls. It's good to add some friends for Zuko there."

"Agreed. I'll see what I come across to use for the squad."

Lyra:"Good! Well, we're off! Good luck (Y/n)! I'll be rooting for you!"

"Thanks Lyra."

She waved at me before her and Marill ran on ahead.


"Agreed. She's a sweetheart. Me and her are childhood friends.

Zuko smiled before we walked on through the route. We battled a few Pidgeys before I saw a Sentret which I caught and named Stripes. He might not be a permanent member, but he could help us with learning HMs. I trained Zuko some more until he reached level 10. Which is when he learned Ember.

On Route 30 I fought my second trainer battle against a kid named Joey. He had a singular Rattata and a single Ember took it out. The kid asked for my number to call me for a rematch and I let him. So I kept going before reaching the small pass towards Violet City when Lyra caught up.

Lyra:"I knew it was you, (Y/n)! How did you get past me?"

"I honestly don't know either."

Lyra:"Well for surprising me you can have this."

Obtained the Vs. Recorder

Lyra:"I won't let you pass me next time. Let's go Marill."


They ran on ahead as a I chuckled lightly before stepping foot in Violet City. I walked around the city as Zuko took in the sights before pointing at a tall tower.

"Let's go check it out."

We walked to it and the tower was called Sprout Tower. I climbed up the floors and battled the sages there who only used Bellsprouts. Eventually, I made it to the top and battled one last sage who had a Bellsprout and a Hoothoot. After this battle Zuko hit level 14 and began glowing. I shielded my eyes before looking back to see Zuko had evolved.


"Zuko, my boy! You evolved!"

He cried happily before we took a few steps ahead and saw Silver there with the elder of the tower.

Elder:"You showed us what you've got, and it is indeed good... Take this Technical Machine. However, you should care more about your Pokemon. The way you treat your Pokemon can be too harsh... Remember, Pokemon are not tools of war..."

Silver:"...Hmph! He calls himself the elder, but he was no match for me. Sure enough, those who lecture how you should be "nice" to Pokemon... They cannot defeat me. All I care about are strong Pokemon that win every time. The rest of them don't mean anything to me."

He then used an escape rope to exit the building. I spoke to the elder and we had ourselves a battle. Zuko was more than enough to take him down. Because of my victory I was gifted the the TM for Flash and there was an escape rope by him which I used to get out the tower. I healed up Zuko and went to train up Stripes to level 10 before we went inside the gym.

I decided to battle the gym trainers and finally made it to the gym leader.

Falkner:"I'm Falker, the Violet City gym leader! People say you can clip Flying type Pokemon's wing with a jolt of electricity... I won't allow such insults to bird Pokemon! I'll show you the real power of the magnificent bird Pokemon!

He sent out a level 9 Pidgey first. I let Stripes handle this one.

"Use a Quick Attack!"

Stripes dashed quickly and crashed into his Pidgey who cried out in pain.

Falkner:"Use Sand Attack!"

Pidgey kicked some sand into his face and lowered his accuracy.

"Use another Quick Attack!"

Despite the drop in accuracy, Stripes landed another hit as Pidgey retaliated with a Tackle. Stripes used another Quick Attack and took it out.

"Good job Stripes. Now get back."

Stripes nodded and ran behind me as I sent Zuko out as Falkner tossed out a level 13 Pidgeotto.

Falkner:"The wind is finally with us!"

"Get ready Zuko!"

He spewed out a bit of flames and I smirked.


He shot out a small blast of fire that hit Pidgeotto.

Falkner:"Tch! Gust!"

Pidgeotto flapped its wings and kicked up a small blast of wind that hit Zuko.

"Another Ember!"

The attack landed and Falkner used another gust.

"Ember once more!

Falkner:"Use a Tackle!"

After Zuko attacked Pidgeotto flew into him and dealt a major blow to Zuko by getting a critical hit. But Pidgeotto itself was down to its last bit of health. Both Pokemon were breathing steadily but Zuko looked back at me and his flames grew brighter.

"Heh. One last Ember!"

He shot another small blast of fire and finished the fight. Falkner returned Pidgeotto and looked at me.

Falkner:"I understand. I'll bow out gracefully."

"Good stuff Zuko. Now rest up."

I returned him to his ball.

Falkner:"...For pity's sake! My dad's cherished bird Pokemon... But a defeat is a defeat. Alright. Take this official Pokemon League Badge. This one is the Zephyr Badge."

Obtained the Zephyr Badge!

Falkner:"With that Badge, Pokemon, including traded Pokemon up to Lv. 20, will obey you without question. And take this TM. It contains Roost. That Badge will also let you use the HM Rock Smash outside of battle as well."

I thanked him before leaving the gym. When I stepped outside, I got a call from Elm who told me that his assistant was waiting for me in the Poke Mart. I went there and spoke with the assistant who gave me a Pokemon egg.

A/n: Okay some useful information for those who don't know. Make sure you save BEFORE you get the egg. The reason is, once the egg is received then Togepi's ability is set. So DO NOT save AFTER you get the egg because you might get stuck with a shitty ability like Hustle. So when you save before getting the egg you can reset and hope for the better ability, Serene Grace. Okay. That's all.

The assistant left as I looked at the egg curiously before cautiously carrying it around. I left the mart and a woman in a kimono walked up to me.

Woman:"Me oh my... That egg must be...!"

"A random Pokemon egg, yeah. Mr. Pokemon had it, then passed it on to Elm, who then passed it on to me."

Woman:"So that's how it is. That egg is  truly an important egg. Please do take good care of it for me. Is that understood?"


The woman did a dance before leaving the city. I looked down at the egg before rolling my neck and popping it.

"Well, let's see what's inside."

Hambo:"Dialga! Time skip!"

Dialga:"You got it main."

After about an hour of running around the egg began to shake and crack. With one last push, the Pokemon was fully hatched.

"You are a tiny baby."


Translation: Bring me a dragon to smite!

"Well little buddy, your new name is Sunnyside."

Togepi:"Togepi!" Sunnyside shall be the name feared across the land of dragons! Onward we march my wayward trainer!

Zuko was just staring at Sunnyside with a rather disturbed look but I brushed it aside. The sun began to set and I yawned.

"Well, I should probably show off Sunnyside to the professor. Might also sleep at home while I'm there. Zuko, return. Sunnyside and I are gonna go for a walk."

He jumped around happily which made me smile.

Don't turn off the power.

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