

"clear my record"

               BRIAN EXCLAIMED "DAMN!" AS he failed to get away from the cops. multiple officers walked up to him with guns in their hands, "let me see your hands! put them up!" one exclaimed. brian did as told but with annoyance across his face.

"yeah, this is him. we got him." one said through the walki-talki. brian looked at him with daggers.

he was now sat in a room in handcuffs. two detectives walked into the room as the officers left. "so, how long you been in south flordia?" one of the detectives asked him. "a while." brian replied dryly. "before that?" the detective asked just to receive a sigh.

"we know you're brian o'conner, formerly of the LAPD." the detective said reading from brian's file. "you got the wrong guy." brian lied, "really?" the detective asked just to get a nod from brian.

soon the door opened to reveal bilkins, and brian soon enough knew he was busted. "how you doing, o'conner?" bilkins asked. the other detectives looked at each other. "let's take a walk." bilkins said placing a hand on brian's shoulder. the one detective threw bilkins the keys to brian's handcuffs. bilkins caught them and soon enough brian looked at the detective with an unreadable expression.

"carter verone." markham spoke, "born in argentina, but he's lived most of his life in miami." he continued, "now he owns the biggest import-export business in the state." markham said after a pause. "unfortunately, the cartels have been successful getting drugs into miami. but they've had a hard time getting the cash out. we've surveielled him for a year. and soon enough his right hand man, marcus rodriguez will be out of prison." markham said.

"and we haven't been able to put him and the money together. and with the help of marcus, which he was so good at hiding his crimes it's going to make putting verone and his crimes together harder." markham stated. "we've swept his house, warehouse-" markham then got cut off by bilkins, "nothing."

"costumes here have done a great job of getting us this far." bilkins continued, "i'm here to help get them over the top." he said. "i was able to get an agent undercover, working travel and logistics for him. verone's put her in charge of finding new drivers." markham spoke up. "right, although we can't confirm her status right now." bilkins replied snarkily. brian looked uncomfortable as he heard the two bicker.

"you think she's flipped?" brian asked looking back at bilkins. "she's one of mine. she's alright." markham told brian catching his attention, "she's been in with verone a year. even lives at the compound with him." bilkins said dismissing markhams remark. "look, it was the FBI's idea to bring you in. i'm against it." markham said hastily to brian getting frustrated. "but we need good drivers to put this asshole and his money together." markham told brian once again. "you're gonna roll with agent dunn." markham said looking over at his agent pointing towards him.

"and if i don't?" brian asked rubbing his chin. "here's a list of laws you broke in LA." bilkins said handing a folder to brian. "obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting. you know the rap sheet." bilkins said to brian as he grabbed the folder looking through his file. "we can make this all go away in interest of justice, if you're willing to play ball." bilkins said to brian.

"what's the idea here? dunn and i are supposed to be street racers?" brian asked flipping through the papers. "that's right." markham replied as brian looked up at him. brian then looked over at dunn as he took a drink of soda. "so, dunn" brian paused standing up, "looks like we're going to be partners, bro." brian said to him putting his hand out. dunn looked over at markham, "tell me, what would be a better motor, for my skyline, a gallo 12 or a gallo 24?" brian asked putting his hands in his pockets.

dunn looked from brian back to markham clueless, markham nodded at him to answer. dunn shrugged before confidently saying, "twenty-four." brian looked at his soda then back to him, "i didn't know pizza places made motors." he said sarcastically, dunn looked back at his cup then to markham.

brian looked back at markham a smirk on his face, "see, man, come on, i can't do this." he said, "if this is what you'll give me, i'll take my chances in chino." brian said looking between bilkins and markham. "we'll get someone else." bilkins said to brian as he walked closer, markham snatched the cup out of dunns hand, following with a "no way man."

"the only way i'll do this is if i get to pick the driver, actually drivers." brian corrected himself sitting down. "alright, o'conner. who you got in mind?" bilkins questioned. "a dude i grew up with in barstow. and a woman that i owe a huge favor to." brian responded. "who's that?" bilkins questioned again. "roman pearce and paisley toretto." brian responded looking dead at markham.

                  PAISLEY WAS UNDER HER CAR checking it out, and fixing some parts. she had a pair of low rise boyfriend jeans and a red slightly cropped short sleeve that had a blue car print on the front, her hair was in two french braids, two small curly parts pulled out and a pair of white low top converse.

paisley heard the sound of gravel, a car pulled up to the grarage. she slid out of under her car standing up she grabbed a hand towel wiping off the residue that was on her hands. she walked closer to the doors of the garage to see a black car pulling up, she furrowed her brows but soon enough a second one came up.

brian stepped out of one of the cars. she was now even more confused. brian walked up to paisley who was now leaning against the garage. "what do you want, buster?" she asked before turning around as he approached her. brian looked back at the agents before placing a hand on paisleys back walking her further into the garage. she furrowed her eyebrows looking at brian as he watched the cars. "who are they, brian?" she asked.

"okay, hear me out, pai." he said turning to face her fully, "only my friends call me that." she said turning to face him tucking the hand towel in her back pocket before folding her arms over her chest. "paisley." he corrected himself. "okay, so i got an offer and the offer includes you and one of my childhood-" he then got cut off by paisley, "get to the point." she said hastily.

"bilkins and markham offered to clear all of our records." brian said quickly. paisleys eyes widened. "you brung agents to the place i am at?!" she asked in a hushed tone. "yes. and i'm sorry but you really should take this, okay. it'll help you. and it's the least i could do. i mean you can go back to mia, letty, vince and leon. and maybe even jesse." brian said quickly trying to read paisleys expressionless face.

she bit the inside of her cheek. "fine. but if i get taken to prison. there is literally no forgiving you, brian." she agreed reluctantly. "okay, alright, great!" he exclaimed. "see you tomorrow, paisley." brian said before walking out of the garage. paisley followed behind him before calling out a, "brian." he turned around quickly she caught up to him the two were now standing in the garage doors the agents could now see the two. "thank you." she said before looking back at the cars with a sigh, she did a little wave of a "hi".

brian looked at her with a slight chuckle escaping, "your welcome." he replied. "alright well you might want to go before they change their minds." paisley said sarcastically before turning around walking away. brian watched her he still admired her just the same maybe even more than when they first met.

he walked away with a smile on his face and as he got into the car with bilkins, he looked at brian with a raised eyebrow expression. brian looked from the window to bilkins with a smile. "what?" he asked.

"no more toretto, o'conner." bilkins simply said.

PAISLEY WAS NOW SITTING IN between brian and bilkins as they watched cars ram into each other. paisley looked at brian with raised eyebrows, "your buddy likes to ram into people?" she asked. "well when you put it like that-" brian got cut off both bilkins and paisley knew where he was going with that joke.

paisley had a pair of low rise pair of denim mid thigh jorts, and a red mini tight graphic t-shirt with a pair of high top red converse, her hair was up in a ponytail with a few strands out and a pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes from the sun of course.

as his friend came ramming into another car the fence started to fall making the three jump back. "woah!" bilkins exclaimed. "that him in the monte carlo?" bilkins asked, "that's him." brian replied. paisley sat her elbows against the hot metal behind her resting her back. "i'm bored." paisley said before putting a piece of gum in her mouth. but soon enough brian's friend rammed into another person catching paisleys attention.

brian laughed at her slightly, she raised her sunglasses at brian placing them on-top of her head looking at him with raised eyebrows. brian looked away from her quickly. "he's got some skills." brian told the two, "and he's crazy as hell, i'm telling you." he stated, paisley sat up from her resting mode.

bilkins sat one row down as brian and paisley sat on the row right behind him. paisley patted brian on the shoulder basically telling him to watch what he said to bilkins, her eyes still on his friends car. "in a good way, though." brian told bilkins as he sent him a look. "he's the man for the job." brian again reassured.

brian's friend soon enough got hit sending his hood up. "and he has quite a record, including three years upstate." bilkins said making paisley raise her eyebrows. "says here, he's on house arrest now. can't go more than 100 yards from his house." bilkins read before looking back at the cars, brian scratched the back on his head making paisley snicker.

brian's friend then hit another car sending it flying. people cheered as he came to a stop. he then climbed out of his car window. soon enough he looked in the threes direction his smile fell, paisley sent him a little "hi" wave with a small smile.

the three were now standing when brian looked over at bilkins and paisley. "he hates you." paisley stated bluntly earning a "no shit" look from brian. "he always said he'd be famous." brian told the two.

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