PAISLEY WALKED CLOSELY BEHIND brian and bilkins as brian shouted a "pearce!" the guy didnt reply which caused paisley to snort, "he really doesnt like him much." she said to bilkins receiving a nod of agreement. "roman pearce!" brian shouted again. and well once again no reply.
"whatever happens next, just let it go." he said turning around to the two closely behind him. "mmm-hmm" paisley hummed looking towards bilkins, he raised his hands up in surrender "i aint in it."
brian turned back around, "rome!'' which finally caught his attention, they held intense eye contact. "only my homeboys call me rome." he paused for a second before continuing with a "pig.'' he then spit on the ground, paisley pulled a pack of gum out of her back pocket offering some to bilkins after taking a piece herself.
"im not a cop anymore." brian spoke up. "is that true?" roman asked bilkins, "blondie here is not a cop anymore?" he questioned again.
"thats true. no badge." bilkins answered honestly. roman looked away then back at brian, which he nodded just for a fist to collide into his face. "oh shit! world star!" paisley shouted bilkins laughed at her. "here we go!" bilkins said hyped up. the two of them sat down in a couple of chairs as the two grown men tussled on the ground.
"you still fight like shit." brian said as bilkins offered paisley popcorn she spit her gum out taking some. "you better chill." brian said.
"why are you here?" roman asked furiously while ontop of brian. "ill choke you!" brian exclaimed reaching up to grab romans throat. "i told you to stay away from me." roman said pissed. "you shouldve told me! i did three years, brian!" he shouted as they still faught on the ground.
"i told you it wasnt my fault!" brian shouted back, finally the two stopped. now sitting on the ground roman spoke up, "why did you come here, o'conner?" he asked.
"i got a deal for you." he said swinging some of the dirt in romans face. "when i needed your ass, you were nowhere to be found." roman replied panting, "now you're trying to hand out deals?" he said standing up trying to push past brian but brian just shoved his shoulders to keep him from walking away.
"i need you to come to miami and drive with me. if you do, they'll take off that anklet and clear your record." brian said trying to convince roman. "i did three years in jail." roman paused holding up three fingers, "three years over you, brian." he said shoving brian back. "i know you better than you think."
"maybe you dont." brian replied. "they look like they're about to kiss." paisley whispered to bilkins. "maybe you dont." brian repeated. roman shoved him aside walking up to bilkins and paisley. "you guys finished?" bilkins asked. "if so go again i was enjoying the shoe." paisley said jokingly.
"is this deal legit?" roman asked, "thats right. if you do this job for us." bilkins confirmed. "i told you." brian said just to recieve a "shut up, punk." from roman. "punk." paisley whispered to herself with a silent laugh.
"so you'll clean my record and get this off of my ankle." he said, "thats right." bilkins said nodding his head. "i thought you couldt wander more than one-hundred yard from your home." bilkins asked.
"why do you think im parked so close to the derby?" roman questioned, "quit playing like youll pass this up." brian said just to recieve an up and down dirty look from roman. "you stupid.'' roman said before yanking at his chain on his door.
THE FOUR WERE ALMOST AT THE station, and as they arrived they all got out of the car. roman stopped midway, paisley walked past him avoiding brians eyes. although she pretended they were fine it still slightly hurt because he had betrayed her. "wait, hold on. bro, whats going on?" he asked.
paisley was now stood by bilkins at the door. "i dont know if i should be trusting you, man." roman stated honestly. "think of it this way. its a chance for a fresh start. lets just do this, alright." brian said.
"i wouldnt need a fresh start if it wasnt for you." roman said with a hint of betrayel in his voice. paisley lifted her eyebrows in agreement. her record was clear unti he made it clear to the FBI that she knew where her brother was and didnt turn him in while she was also an agent.
"you've been using that since you got busted. lets just chill out and do this.'' brian said getting frustrated. "i dont need to chill out." roman replied, "yes, you do. and you need to stop blaming me for your mistakes." brian said getting fired up pressing his fingers against romans chest furiously, "roman pearce needs to start taking responsibility for his own actions.''
"you need to go to hell." roman replied doing the same to brians chest. paisley started to get impatient to the point she huffed out a angry breath folding her arms over her chest. "you need to go back to barstow." brians said before walking away bilkins opened the door for him to go through.
"im not going back to barstow." roman said grabbing his bag and walking through the door, bilkins opened the door further, and when paisley finally went through she gave bilkins a 'thank you' and he nodded back.
ONCE THEY WENT INTO A WAREHOUSE place a truck pulled up and a very gorgous woman opened up the back. "brian o'conner, roman pearce, paisley toretto, meet monica fuentes.
"they have background on verone?" she asked her hands on her hips. "theyve been briefed." bilkins replied. she jumped down "good. alright, heres the deal. verones looking for drivers. i arranged for you three to join. i also hired some thugs to make it legit." she explained.
"when do we start?" roman asked. "right now." she replied. "what are we driving?" brian asked before looking behind them. they seen three nice ass cars getting uncovered. roman laughed happily, while brian stood there with a smirk and paisley nodded her head impressed.
"dont even think about taking the convertible." roman told brian. "it might loosen your mousse." he said just to recieve a "thats cool. too much chrome for me anyways." paisley walked up to a car that was practically identical to her old one back home. "damn! where do you all confiscate these rims from, man?" roman asked.
bilkins walked up to brian, "check in with us after you meet him." he said before walking away.
"so what do you think?" brian asked paisley walking up to her. "it's just like the one in cali." she said dryly. "kinda recommended it." he said scratching the back of his neck. "hm." she hummed before looking at him with a slight smile. "thanks." she said before monica walked up to the two. "i ride with you, cowboy." she said pointing at brian.
"why she gotta ride with you?" roman asked as brian walked back to the car. "you get the convertible. let's go." monica said getting in brian's car.
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