"buster boy"
BRIAN AND PAISLEY SAT SPEEDING DOWN a street looking for dom. "right there!" paisley exclaimed spotting her brother running down an alley. brian drifted into the alley, dom kept running as brian and paisley caught up to him. brian pulled up in front of dom.
paisley jumped into the back. "get in!" brian shouted to dom. dom was confused why he seen his younger sister with the blondie but he didn't mention it, he just got in.
dom sent paisley a look both of them had a look on their faces worried that brian wouldn't be able to outrace the police cars.
dom panicking he kept looking out the windows. brian stepped on the gas speeding up faster. he then drifted into a road, speeding even faster. dom held on for dear life, paisley looked impressed. "damn, pretty boy. didn't know you had this in you." she stated making brian smirk at her through the rear view mirror.
the police car got hit by another one as it drifted out into the road from the alley. two more police cars were now infront of the car. they tried to corner brian but his car slipped through them. as he sped even faster he went up a hill like it was a ramp. they flew for five seconds but if felt like the world was in slomotion, until they hit the ground again.
they finally lost the cops. "you're the last person in the world i expected to show up." dom stated, "i thought if i got in your good graces, you might let me keep my car." brian responded jokingly. "you are in my good graces, but you ain't keeping your car." dom responded. paisley chuckled at the two.
"you drive like you've done this before." paisley spoke to brian, "are you a wheelman?" she questioned. "no." brian responded. "you boost cars?" dom now asked. "no. never." brian responded now shifting in his seat. "ever done time?" dom pushed. "couple of overnights. no big deal." brian responded.
"what about the two years in juvie for boosting cars?" dom questioned looking at brian, paisley now regretted teaching jesse how to do background checks. brian looked over at dom a blank expression over his face. "tucson, right?" dom questioned. "i had jesse run a profile on you, brian earl spilner." dom continued.
brian gripped his steering wheel. paisley could tell something was eating at him, she could tell that he had feared they found something, other than juvie. "he'll find anything on the web. anything about anybody." dom stated. "so, why bullshit?" he questioned once again.
"so, what about you?" brian questioned. dom sent brian a glare. "two years in lompoc." dom replied, paisley put her head down recalling that whole day. "i'll die before i go back." dom stated.
the sound of motorcycles rung in paisleys ears she looked through the back window. "shit. dom, we got trouble." paisley stated. dom looked back and seen them, "oh, great." dom stated before looking infront again. "what?" brian questioned the torettos. the motorcycles approached them.
"it's going to be a long-ass night. that's what." paisley muttered to brian as she groaned in frustration. a man approached brian's side pointing a gun at him "follow us." he said in a threatening tone. brian did as what was told. they came to a halt.
paisleys stomach turned as she seen johnny trans face. dom and brian got out first. brian held his seat up before helping paisley out of the back. "thanks.." she whispered to him. he sent her a nod in a way of saying your welcome.
a gun pointed at brian and paisley, same to dom. brian placed his hand on paisleys lower back in a protective way. it sent chills down her spine but for some reason she felt more safe. "i thought we had an agreement. you stay away. i stay away." johnny stated looking between the torettos. "everybody stays happy." he stated. "we got lost. what's do you want me to tell you?" dom questioned.
paisleys heart race got faster as she seen johnny sent her a look, a devious look. "who's 'we'?" johnny questioned dom. "my new mechanic and pais." dom told johnny. "brian, meet johnny tran." paisley spoke up looking at him. she didn't notice how close they were until she turned her head to face his and he turned his too, their faces were inches away.
she turned her head to look at dom who raised his eyebrows at her. brian still had his eyes on her, "the guy in the snakeskin pants. that's his cousin. lance." dom took over the introductions.
johnny walked over to paisley before looking her up and down. paisley looked at brian to tell him to take his hand off her back, as much as it was comforting to have someone she trusted give her some sort of comfort she knew johnny and loved him at one point. "paisley toretto. long time no see." he stated placing his hand on the side of her face. she turned her head looking down.
brian looked at paisley seeing the way she shifted and looked uncomfortable. he clinched his jaw at johnnys actions. johnny placed his hand on her chin making her look at him. both of their expressions softened at each other's eyes. when paisley had just gotten out of the agent era of her life, all she wanted was something to fill that spot in her heart that she lost after betraying the one she once loved.
and johnny so happened to be there. and they so happened to fall in love, the memories they had shared, the drives, the walks, holding each other as they slept, their laughs, and their fights. flashed before both of their eyes.
brian could tell that johnny had a soft spot for paisley but she plastered this face that she could care less but he knew she knew. "happy to see you again pai." he stated, the way her nickname flew off his tongue like venom made her glare at him.
"only my friends and family call me that." she stated hatred filled her voice. johnny smirked at her before taking his hand off of her face walking over to dom. "so, when are you going to give me a shot at that honda 2000 of yours?" johnny questioned dom.
brian grabbed paisleys hand noticing she was uncomfortable in the whole situation. she intertwined her fingers with his, her gaze still placed on her brother and johnny.
"this your ride?" johnny questioned brian. "it was. it's his now." brian answered now taking his eyes off of paisley to johnny. "no, it's not. i haven't taken delivery." dom stated looking at brian with a stern look. brian's eyes started widening, paisley could see his nervousness. she squeezed his hand in assuring things would be okay.
"then, it's nobody's car. but somebody put in the wrench time." johnny said as he ran his fingers along the car. "what do you think, lance?" johnny questioned. "its an amazing machine." lance replied inching closer to paisley and brian while staring at brian a cold look across his face.
brian returning one, both lance and him look each other dead in the eyes not saying anything. "yes, indeed." johnny said catching brian's attention. johnny patted dom on the shoulder "let's go." he told his crew. "i'll see you in the desert next month. be ready to have your ass handed to you." johnny told dom.
"you'll need more than that crotch rocket." paisley spoke up to johnny venom filling her tone. "i got something for you." johnny stated to the torettos.
they all road away. paisley let a sigh of breath out she didn't know she was holding. "you good, pai?" dom questioned concerned about her. "yeah, why wouldn't i be?" she questioned before releasing her hand from brian's.
"what the hell was that all about?" brian questioned dom and paisley. "long story. i'll tell you later." dom stated. "let's get out of here." dom said opening the door. brian opened the door for paisley as she was getting in the back before they heard motorcycles. "pai, get out of there." brian warned her. she quickly stepped out of the car, her back collided with brian's chest.
both lance and johnny pulled their guns out before shooting at the car, brian sheiled paisley before grabbing her arm and pulling her with him, as they ran away from the bullets that were flying at the car. the car then lit on fire. "fuck.." she muttered to herself.
at that point she just wanted to break down. brian looked back at the car he once owned. dom looked at paisley and brian a sigh escaping his lips.
"NOS!" dom shouted at the two. paisley took a second to comprehend. as she was running the force of the blue flames irrupted.
as paisley looked at the car her breathing sped up. her chest rising up and down extremely fast. she looked back at brian who was breathing heavily as well.
the three were now walking away. "so, what the hell was that all about?" brian questioned the siblings again. "it's a long story." paisley replied. "well, we got a 20-mile hike. humor me." brian said. "a business deal that went sour." dom replied. "plus, i made a mistake of sleeping with his sister." dom stated. "and i made the mistake of actually loving him." paisley pointed out before shoving her hands in her jeans pockets.
THE THREE WERE NOW IN A TAXI driving up to the toretto house. music blasting from the inside but they were able to hear it from outside. the three stepped out of the taxi. "take care." brian said to paisley and dom. "yo, spilner." dom called out to brian, he stopped before looking back at the two.
"you want a beer?" dom questioned. "yeah, sure." brian said before approaching the two, paisley sent him a chuckle as he approached them. brian looked down at her with a smile, "what?" he questioned. she. raised her eyebrows. "i couldn't turn down a beer, and another reason to see you, princess." he flirted with her.
as the three walked inside paisley glanced around at the people who were laughing and hanging out. letty was on the floor playing a video game, leon had a girl on his lap a beer in his hand. he noticed the siblings. dom stepped over letty catching her attention. "yo, dom. we were just about to go looking for you, brother." leon spoke up fear placed on his face. dom slapped the beer out of leon's hand.
paisley looked back at brian. "this is my favorite part." she said to him laughing quietly, brian smiled at her a silent laugh escaping his lips as he looked at her, she turned her attention back to dom, but brian stayed smiling at her, dom strutted up to vince. "where were you?" dom asked anger laced his voice.
"there were mass cops there. they came in from every direction. it was orchestrated." vince replied.
dom reach down to the beer next to vince. paisley looked back at brian. "i'll be back." she told him before walking past letty. "hey girl." letty said. "hey, babe." paisley replied. she walked into the kitchen still hearing dom and vince's conversation. "this your beer?" dom questioned. paisley grabbed a beer out of the fridge before walking back out of the kitchen to go back to brian, considering he didn't really know the people at the party she thought she'd make him feel more included.
"yeah, that's my beer." vince replied. paisley approached brian. "i would've grabbed you a beer but doms got that under control." she told brian as she approached him. dom grabbed vince's beer before walking over to brian and paisley. "yo, einstein. take it upstairs." dom said to jesse as he was getting at it with a girl on the table. "you can't detail a car with the cover on." he said making paisley snicker at the comment. "can't even get that right." dom muttered to himself.
"you alright?" letty questioned. "am i alright?" dom questioned letty. "it was just a question." letty stated, "yo, dom." vince yelled out to him, dom turned to vince a glare upon his face. "why did you bring buster here?" vince questioned. "cause he kept me and pai out of handcuffs!" dom yelled at vince. "he didn't just run back to the fort! the buster brought us back." dom stated getting even more pissed. he turned around to walk to paisley and brian.
"you can have any brew you want, as long as it's corona." dom told brian as he approached him with two beers in his hands. "thanks, man." brian said grabbing vince's drink on purpose. "that's vince's. so, enjoy it." paisley smirked at brian.
brian placed the beer under his t-shirt popping the cap off, staring dead at vince. he took a drink making eye contact, paisley found that very attractive. "hey, bro. you got a bathroom?" brian questioned. "upstairs. first door on the right." dom stated. brian turned around before walking upstairs.
vince stood up walking towards dom. he pushed a girl out of the way that was dancing she flicked him off. paisley sighed. "he's got no call being up in here. you don't know that fool for shit." vince said, "he's right, dom." leon spoke up. "there was a time when i didn't know you." dom replied to vince.
"that was in the third grade." vince said pushing doms head back. letty walked towards the two. paisley went to the kitchen to grab two beers, for when her and brian for when they finished their first ones. she knew where letty and dom were about to go.
so paisley knew she'd have to take brian upstairs to her room to avoid a fight erupting. as brian walked down the stairs paisley walked out of the kitchen, dom and letty walked upstairs.
they stopped at the bottom of the steps, paisley approached jesse, he put his arm over her shoulder. "hey, pai." he slurred over his words. "you know you owe me a 10-second car, right?" dom questioned brian. brian smiled at him, letty laughed at brian before the two walked upstairs. "oh, shit." paisley said to brian as she escaped jesses grip.
"did you wipe the seat?" vince questioned brian. he looked down at the gun on the table. "jesus christ! would you cut this shit? come on!" paisley exclaimed before pushing vince back. she handed one of the beers to brian, he now held two in his hands and so did paisley, she grabbed his arm. "come on. lets go get me a drink." paisley said to brian while eyeing vince. "we were just about to get along. and you already have a drink pai." vince slurred. paisley dropped both of her drinks, "not anymore." she said.
the two walked into the dining room, "so, what do you want?" brian questioned, "anything, as long as it's cold." paisley responded. brian grabbed her a drink. paisley took him upstairs to her room.
as they go into her room she leaned against her dresser. "you know, my brother likes you. he usually doesn't like anybody." paisley stated, as brian closed her door. "he's a complicated guy." brian replied. "yeah? what about you?" she questioned him.
he approached paisley, "i'm simpler." he replied a smirk across his face. "you're a shitty liar." she replied taking a drink of her beer. brian slid his arm behind paisley leaning against the dresser. "well, i'll take that as a compliment." he replied. "but there's a problem." she said to him. "what's that?" he asked his eyes glued to her lips. "you need to get some sleep." she said to him, "and you definitely, definitely need a shower." she said to him.
he watched her closely, a smirk over his face. "come on. i'll take you home." she told him. before turning around, he checked her out as she walked away, before following after her biting on his lip. he knew he was going to get what he wanted that night.
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