


PAISLEY AND BRIAN WALKED INTO HARRYS, she looked confused. "yeah, i kinda lost my apartment." he lied, he couldn't keep taking her back to his apartment just in case she would snoop.

"well that's good, good job brian." she said. "yeah, very good." he replied jokingly. they walked to the back.

paisley looked back at brian with a smirk. she turned around fully stopping. they were infront of a desk that he had in the back room. paisley leaned in first, the two started off steamy, their kisses patiently, paisley fingers slipped into brian's soft curls. brian then pushed all of the stuff off of the desk behind paisley.

he then lifted her up onto the desk. they pulled away, brian took his shirt off as paisley took hers off as well. brian leaned back in his kisses now moved down to her neck. her breath hitched. and things lead to another.

the next morning, brian woke up to his phone ringing. paisley woke up to brian's voice. she sat up tiredly, "yeah." he said to the person on the other end of the phone. "who is that?" paisley asked, brian then turned to her before hanging up quickly. "it's just a wrong number." he replied.

paisley was sceptic for a second but soon enough a smirk overcame her face. brian leaned towards her his hand grazing her cheek before they started kissing they started to lean back into the bed, paisleys hand gripped brian's back. and you guessed it one thing lead to another.

             PAISLEY WAS WORKING ON THE car, while everyone had their own parts paisley was making sure that everything underneath was good, a smudge of grease wiped across her face.

"how was last night?" mia asked as paisley rolled out of underneath the car. "it was pretty" she paused for a second, "great. it was pretty great." she smiled at the mention of the night before. "that's good, i'm happy for you pai." mia smiled at her sister, she hasn't seen her sister this happy sense johnny, which was weird.

the only reason johnny and paisley dated was because she wanted to feel something other than, hatred, sadness, guilt and loneliness. and after paisley started to recover, she knew johnny treated her like she was a queen but she knew she needed a new chapter, she knew she needed to start all over again. and that's when she broke things off with johnny. leaving both of them crushed. sadly paisley hasn't been fully happy sense. and now she had brian, and brian was so much better than johnny, he was a better guy in general. paisley still loved both johnny and marcus but she knew she loved brian more..

              BRIAN WAS NOW SITTING IN THE office again. "yeah, sir. yeah, i know, but—" bilkins got cut off. "yeah. yes, sir. yeah. i got it." bilkins finished before setting his phone in his pocket. "the DVD players were purchased legally." he spoke up to brian and tanner. "all we've got are a couple of low-rent weapon charges, and some outstanding speeding tickets." he continued.

"so, they're out." tanner said shaking his head. "yeah." bilkins replied. "father bailed them out." he stated before looking at brian. "is this the kind of intelligence i can expect from you, o'conner?" bilkins questioned.

brian turned around slowly, his eyes narrowed. "you're gonna put this on me?" he smiled sarcastically. "i can put it on whoever i want to. perks of the job." bilkins stated. "no, you can't put this on me—" brian then got cut off as normal. "no, wait a minute. let me tell you. i don't care if you have to aim at someone and blow your cover to smithereens. you've got 36 hours to crack this bastard, or you might want to think about another career." bilkins stated sternly.

brian walked out of the building pissed off, tanner followed after him. "it's toretto, brian. it's always been toretto." tanner spoke up. "tran and hector are, they're just fumes." tanner told brian, "i know you've been lying to me. my question is this: have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past paisley?" tanner questioned making brain turn to him.

"he won't go back to prison." brian shook his head avoiding the question, "well, that's a choice he's going to have to make." tanner replied, brian looked away once again. "there's all kinds of family, brian. and that's a choice you're gonna have to make. and there's all kinds of love. that's another choice you're gonna have to make." tanner said before walking away leaving brian to his thoughts.

he finally felt like he was apart of a family, he actually felt genuine love for someone and felt the receiving of it back.

            THE NEXT DAY THE GROUP WAS stood in the garage as brian and dom got into the new car. "you ready for this?" brian asked. jesse pet the hood of the car making paisley laugh at him.

then brian and dom sped off, they were just driving around before they pulled beside a guy who had a girl in the passenger side. "nice car. what's the retail on one of those?" brian questioned. "more than you can afford, pal. ferrari." the man said receiving dead stares from both brian and dom. dom turned to brian, "smoke him." and so when the light turned green both of them sped off.

brian was about to crash into another cars rear end so he swerved they were now taking the lead. as they drove fast, the wind blew in brian's hair dom looked at brian holding on for dear life. they then pulled into a little place to take a lunch break.

"so, what's wrong, brian?" dom asked as they sat down at a table, "nothing, man, i'm fine." brian lied, "come on. obviously somethings off." dom pushed taking his sunglasses off. "look, i have my good days and bad days just like anybody else." brian replied a tint of rudeness lacing his voice.

"brian, don't lose that cool of yours. that's your meal ticket." dom joked. "my meal ticket? i can't pay for my own shrimp?" brian asked on the verge of snapping. "i got the shrimp." dom pointed out. "no, that's one thing about me you don't understand. i don't take handouts. i earn my way, every stop." brian said before harshly dipping his shrimp in a condiment.

"i need something extra on the side, like you." he said before eating a piece of shrimp. "what do you mean, like me?" dom questioned. "whats that supposed to mean?" he questioned once again. "that's what i mean." brian replied with no context.

"what does that mean, like me?" dom questioned once again. "don't try—" brian stopped himself, "i'm not stupid, alright? i know there's no way you paid for all that shit you got under the hood" he then paused, "theres no way you paid for what's under the hood of those cars, by doing tune-ups and selling groceries." brian said a little bit too harshly.

"whatever it is you're on, i want in on it, too." brian stated. dom just stared at him with daggers in his eyes. they sat in silence for a while trying to make each other nervous. dom pulled a paper out of his pocket, he then slid it to brian across the table.

brian opened the paper, "well, what is it?" he asked, "read it." dom stated simply. "what is this for?" he questioned once again. "it's directions." dom replied once again. "to race wars." he said with a smirk. "we'll see how you go. then we'll talk." dom stated.

              BRIAN AND PAISLEY ROAD INTO race wars together. as they pulled up to security brian said, "how's it going?" the security guard replied with a, "what's up man? welcome to race wars." he said before handing something to brian. "great. thanks a lot." brian replied.

paisley looked out of the top of her sun glasses at the guy a piece of gum in her mouth. as paisley and brian pulled up into the lot they parked next to the white trailer. before the two stepped out, jesse almost hit brian in the face with the door. "what's up?" jesse asked the two.

"hey, what's up, jesse?" brian asked. jesse started to walk away paisley and brian following after him. "yo, what's in your hand?" paisley questioned, she slipped her hands into her pockets. she wore a pair of black low waisted shorts with a forest green belt, and a green camo cropped t-shirt with a pair of boots, her hair straightened, and a pair of sunglasses shielding her eyes and her normal jewelry.

"throwing down the pink slip, just like brian." jesse answered. "the pink slip to what? the jetta?" brian asked. "yeah." jesse replied fastly, "you can't bet your dads car." paisley spoke up. "it's alright. i ain't losing. this fool is running a honda 2000. i'll win." jesse told paisley. "that way me and my dad can roll when he gets out of prison. it's all good." jesse tried to assure brian and paisley.

"they're gonna throw him right back in prison after he kills you." brian responded, paisley and brian looked at each other as jesse ran to his car before switching himself and leon. "visualize the win, jesse. i'm serious. you got to listen to me, man." leon said as brian and paisley approached the car. "who are you racing?" brian asked. and soon enough they found out.

johnny tran pulled up beside jesse, paisley raised her sun glasses to her head to make sure she was seeing right. jesse held up the pink slip. brian got down to the window as johnny and paisley made hard core eye contact. "jesse, don't do it." brian told him. "i bet you he's got more than $100,000 under the hood of that car." brian tried to warn him.

the man signaled for them to start. brian looked at paisley with disbelief. the two now stood side by side. paisley and brian both seen as jesse pressed the NOS too soon. she sighed as johnny hit his, passing jesse.

jesse then turned around, paisley looked at leon, soon enough leon went up to dom, "yo! heads up, bro. we got problems."  leon told dom. "what?" dom asked, leon pointed to jesse who was now speeding away. "jesse." he stated. "wheres jesse going?" dom questioned.

"he raced tran for slips." leon answered. "oh, shit." dom said worry lacing his voice, he placed his hand on his forehead stress and worry filing him.

johnny pulled up to the group. "wheres he going?" johnny questioned, "he went to the car wash." dom stated sarcastically walking up to johnny. "whatever. go fetch my car." johnny demanded dom. "go fetch your car?" dom questioned. "we're not on your block. you better watch who you talk to like that." dom said pointing at johnny sternly. "toretto!" johnny yelled. dom turned to him slowly.

"SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family, because somebody narked me out." johnny stated his voice raising. "and you know what? it was you!" he exclaimed to dom.

and that caused dom to throw a punch, fights started breaking out everywhere. paisley looked at brian worry filling her facial expressions she pushed through the crowd of people but she just kept getting sucked back in. brian grabbed paisleys hand pulling her through with him. the two were now side by side trying to get passed the security. brian's hand wrapped around paisleys hip trying not to have her get pushed back again.

security finally pulled dom off of johnny. "dom, chill out, man. come on!" vince yelled. paisley and brian tried even harder to get through the security.

"i never narked on nobody!" dom shouted at johnny.

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