

"officer brian o'conner"

               AS BRIAN PULLED HIS PHONE OUT he said, "yeah. yeah, this is officer brian o'conner." he said earning a quick look from dom. "i'm off-duty MAPD. i need a life flight roll out right away." brian told the dispatcher while making eye contact with dom. dom stood up slowly, a betrayed look across his face. "my 20 is highway 86, mile marker 147. i got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age." he said looking away from dom.

"six-foot, maybe 200 pounds." brian said, paisley sent her brother a look, dom looked at brian like he was bound to beat him to death. "he's got a deep laceration in his right arm with arterial bleeding. and he's got a shotgun wound close range to his left flank." brian said panicking. paisley looked at her brother panic spread across her face. 'no.' she mouthed. "yeah, he's going into shock!" brian exclaimed, dom looked from brian to vince.

paisley stood with dom watching as the helicopter took vince, brian got out of the helicopter paisley kept her eyes on him as dom walked away. brian turned to paisley, she looked back at dom and leon. 'let's go!' leon motioned.

she looked back at brian, tears in her eyes at his betrayal. "paisley, let's go now!" dom yelled at her as she looked back to brian. she rushed off to her brother leaving brian in his thoughts and tears in his eyes himself. she got into the back of the car with letty, dom eyed brian out of betrayal himself. brian was now left watching as vince got taken in the helicopter.

the four drove off, a couple of tears streamed down paisleys face as she watched brian in the dirt field as they sped away.

PAISLEY WAS OUTSIDE WITH DOM, when brian pulled up in the driveway. dom held a gun in his hand. "dom. don't." paisley begged. brian used his car door to shield him pulling a gun out aiming it at dom. "dom, put the gun down now!" brian shouted.

"move your car." paisley spoke to brian. "no bullshit!" brian shouted, "put it down now! no more running!" brian yelled now at dom.

"i'm not running!" dom shouted at brian, brian stood up now as dom approached him. paisley stood there frozen she didn't know how to feel about everything that was crumbling in her life.

"where's leon and letty?" brian asked, "they're long gone!" dom shouted. "then it's over. i didn't call the police, but don't push me!" brian shouted back. "put the gun down. i swear to god!" brian shouted stepping closer. "you are the cop!" paisley shouted, she now felt hatred boil in her blood. "you're the cop!" she shouted once again walking towards the two, "brian, i got to find jesse before they do." dom stated. "we're all the kids got."

"i'll call in the plates." brian said making paisley scoff. "PD will pick him up way before johnny even gets near him." brian said. dom cocked the gun. brian got closer, "move your car." dom said calmly. "dom, stop it! it's over. please." mia pleaded. "mia, stay out of it!" paisley shouted. "move your c-" dom started but soon enough they seen jesses car.

"dominic, i am so sorry." jesse said, "i don't know what i'm doing, dom." he said, paisleys heart raced seeing her best friend step closer. "i'm so scared right now. i don't know what's going on." jesse said, paisley smiled at him. she was just glad to see him alive.

dom tossed his gun to the side, "jess, what were you thinking, man?" dom called out. paisley went to go walk up to jesse wanting to just hold him tight, but soon enough the sound of motorcycles rang in her ears, her eyes went wide and her heart raced, "i don't know! i panicked! i'm sorry." he called out. "i'm scared!" he exclaimed.

"i don't know what i'm doing! will you please help me?" jesse pleaded, dom looked at johnny and lance, along with brian. "jesse!" paisley shouted about to go running but brian grabbed her from behind bringing her to the ground, as johnny and lance pulled their guns out they shot everywhere.

"dom! paisley!" she heard mia yell. brian was shielding paisley, "let me go.." she begged, "i'm sorry but i can't." he told her, "jesse." she muttered a tear streamed down her face. finally they left and brian got up, paisley had gotten cut on the face with a piece of glass that flew at her face, brian looked at her then to jesse and dom, and then to mia. he turned to johnny, brian pulled his gun out and shot at johnny and lance.

paisley ran over to jesse and dom. she got down onto her knees, "come on j.." she begged as she held him close. "please.. come on damn it!" she shouted, "jesse!" mia shouted jumping down to her brother and sister.

brian watched as the torettos surrounded jesse. "no, jesse!" mia shouted. paisley cried into his chest. "come on jess.." she begged, dom looked back at brian and his car. paisley did as well. "i promise they'll get karma." she promised jesse, brian ran to his car. following after johnny and lance.

dom got up, paisley watched as he went to his car. she looked at brian, then back to jesse, then to dom. "call the ambulance." paisley said now looking at mia, her eyes were red she wiped her tears away, "no, guys, no!" mia shouted.

dom sped out of the driveway, paisley got into her car before pulling off behind him. the two sped, so fast that they felt the joy of the ride, but the sadness of the loss. but most of all, they felt nothing. the two including mia had lost so much..

dom and paisley followed behind brian as they all raced up to the two. as lance was just about to shoot at brian dom came drifting through, and paisley followed behind brian, dom sent lance flying as he hit him with his car.

paisley hit her NOS now speeding up to brian's side. he looked at her, she looked back at him, the scar on her lip was now showing, a fresh cut bleeding off her eyebrow, her eyes extremely red, her green/blue eyes looked lighter due to the tears, she looked at brian her breath hitched.

johnny drifted into an active street paisley and brian did the same, following closely behind johnny. johnny shot at the two brian drifted to a stop pulling his gun out shooting at johnny. he finally hit him in the side making johnny fall to the ground.

paisley got out of her car and started to walk closer to johnny. brian hurried and followed behind her, she strutted up to him, not caring about the cars that nearly hit her. she walked up to him kicking him in the side. "you prick!" she yelled, "you killed him! he was my best fucking friend!" she shouted kicking his corpse over and over again.

brian came up behind paisley as she shouted tears came down her face. he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her back. she fought back for a minute before giving up. brian told her to stand by, he walked up to johnnys body checking his pulse.

paisley heard the familiar sound of the muscle, she looked over at her brothers car. she ran to her car. "call 911. you call 911!" brian shouted at a driver before he ran back to his car as well. paisley sped off, brian followed behind the torettos.

paisley drifted, while changing gears and pressing harder on the gas, she smiled at the memories she had with jesse, "love you, j.." she whispered to herself, a small sad smile came across her face. the three of them stopped.

"i used to drag here back in high school." dom told brian. "that railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter mile away from here." dom stated. paisley looked at dom from his left. "on green, i'm going for it." dom said making paisley smile at him, brian's eyes were red, he looked at the two, memories flooded his eyes and brain.

all three of them revved their engines. "don't die." paisley called out, she aimed it to dom but she knew she wished both, brian and dom to be careful. "back at you, pai." dom said.

as the light turned green the three of them sped off dom took the lead as normal, paisley sent brian a look before speeding past him. brian pressed his NOS catching up with the torettos.

the train warnings flashed. everything went into slow motion, paisley changed gears, dom looked at paisley then to brian. paisley had her eyes on the two as well, brian looked scared for the three of them. as they got closer to the train paisley pressed her NOS. all three of them past the train. paisley smiled, but soon enough that smile fell once dom flipped over a semi truck, and above brian's car. paisley sped over to the side of the road.

as dom flew her memories of the day her father died flashed before her eyes. "dom!" she yelled as she ran out of her car. brian and paisley both stopped by dom, he was panting, blood dripping from his head. "that's not what i had in mind." he said making paisley laugh at him. he then slipped out of the car window, brian helped him out.

the three stood there, brian untouched, but his feelings overwhelming him, dom with a broken arm, blood dripping down his face, a jacked up car and a betrayed feeling boiling inside, and paisley with her fresh cut on her face, a heart race that was too high from adrenaline and fear, and feelings that she doesn't know what to do with.

dom held his arm, brian looked back at the torettos. he earned a stare from dom. brian reach into his pocket he pulled the keys for his car out and handed them to dom. "you know what you're doing?" dom asked, " i owe you a 10-second car." he told him. brian's eyes were now red again, paisley looked at her brother and brian.

she knew the feeling of being attached to the people you were supposed to ruin. and she could see that in brians eyes. she now knew what that feeling that marcus and his family felt when she betrayed them. paisley turned to dom as he walked away, she looked back at brian.

he watched as dom turned to paisley, dom strutted up to his sister, pulling her into a hug. "i love you, pai.." dom whispered to his sister, "i love you too, dom." she said a single tear ran down her face. "make dad and jess proud." she told him, they pulled away both of them filled with emotions that broke them apart once again.

as dom walked away forever this time paisley looked at brian. she could feel sobs that she held back coming upon her, just looking at him broke her. "i'm sorry.." he whispered, "i was sorry at some point too, brian. but sorry isn't always enough.." she said in a whisper holding back sobs. "i'll be in miami, so if mia asks or if you run into her tell her i'm okay. but if you rat me out, there's really no forgiving twice." she said to him before turning away, "i love you.." brian whispered, she clearly couldn't hear it but she knew he loved her.

as paisley drove away, tears gathered upon her eyes. and after a couple of hours of driving she pulled over on the side of the road. she leaned her head against her seat everything hitting her all at once. "fuck!" she shouted before hitting her steering wheel, sobs and tears all came out into the surface.

she didn't know who she'd be, or what'd she be. but now she was a fugitive. and now, she was betrayed as she did marcus..

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