"ten minute car"
AS PAISLEY WAS DRIVING BRIAN gave her the directions to his house. but most of the time he was just taking sips of his beer while admiring paisley. the way her hair flew as she drove. the way her eyes glistened and shone in the dim street lights. the way she was resting her right arm in the window and her left hand on 2.
"okay, this is you spilner." paisley said as she pulled up to brian's house. "wanna come in for a few?" brian asked slurring over his words slightly. paisley looked at her phone to see the time it read; 11:35 PM paisley sighed, "i really shouldn't" she paused for a second, "just for a few so i make sure you actually get in the shower without collapsing on your floor." she said brian laughed at her.
"i'm being serious." she told him taking her hand off the steering wheel now turning to look at brian. "i'm sure." he said jokingly before he stepped out of her car. paisleys mouth was left gaping open before a chuckle escaped, she got out of her car following behind brian.
he fumbled with his keys for a second before he found the right one unlocking his door he looked back at paisley. she looked around as she walked into his house closing the door behind her. brian walked through a door which she guessed was his bedroom.
paisley didn't want to just walk in just in case he was getting undressed. but really brian was just trying to clear up everything that resembled he was an agent. "what are you doing out there pai?" he questioned finally putting the last thing in his drawer.
"well, i didn't want to see you naked so i stood out here just in case." she replied before walking through the door. brian was grabbing a t-shirt out of his drawer. paisley looked at him her arms folded across her chest her back leaning against the wall.
brian looked at paisley before placing his clothes down on his mattress. he walked closer to paisley, a smirk on his face. "i don't know about you but i enjoyed our, joy ride." brian told her. paisley laughed at him silently before looking down at her converse, then looking back up at brian. he inched closer and next thing paisley knew his hand was on the wall as he towered over her.
he didn't scare her, he wasn't trying to. but he looked down at her admiration placed on his face. she looked up at him. "i enjoyed it too." she said in a whisper tone. "good." he whispered back, they both found each other very attractive in those exact moments. "i would let you make a move but you're buzzed almost drunk practically. and i rather not just be one of your one-night-stands." she said before placing her hands on his chest.
brian put his hands up in surrender jokingly. "i'm here to make sure you get in bed without falling face first on the ground, so go take a shower pretty boy, so i can get home before dom realizes i'm gone and vince snitches." she told him. brian walked over to his bed before pulling his shirt off of his body and throwing it in his hamper. he leaned down and grabbed his clothes off his bed before sending paisley a slight smirk before pushing past her and into his bathroom.
she let out a sigh of breath that she didn't know she was holding. paisley sat on brian's couch, and soon enough she fell asleep on his couch. and as brian walked out of his bathroom rubbing his towel against his head, a blue t-shirt and a pair of grey sweats on his body. he looked over at paisley who was out cold.
he didn't want to wake her but he didn't want her to sleep in her regular clothes. he walked into his room grabbing a t-shirt and sweatpants. he walked over to paisley. "pai." he whispered shaking her slightly. her green eyes fluttered open. "shit.." she whispered before jumping up. "hey, hey. it's alright. i already called dom, i told him you took me home because i was wasted, and you fell asleep waiting for me to get out of the shower. he said it's fine." brian explained.
"what?" she squinted her eyes at him. "take the clothes pai. you can take my bed and i'll take the couch." brian stated before handing her the clothes, paisley hesitated for a second but then gave in. she was changing in brian's room, she slipped her shirt off she had a black lace bra on, she slipped brian's red t-shirt that was practically a nightgown. so she just slipped her pants off.
brian came in after she was done changing. "i don't need the sweatpants." she said handing them to brian. he took them. "i can throw your clothes into the lundry if you'd like." brian said to her. "yeah, yeah. thanks." she replied.
brian walked out of his room to the laundry room, now paisley was lying down in his bed, the covers not over her body. she started to fall asleep when brian walked in. he walked over to her before pulling the covers over her body. he turned around and turned off the light before he went to walk out. "brian." paisleys voice spoke up. "hm?" he hummed turning around.
"come lay down." she said to him. "what?" brian questioned. "you shouldn't have to sleep on your couch at your own house." she replied. "it's fine pai." he responded. "i didn't want to admit it but i want you to sleep here." she said now, she tried to make up excuses to get him to lay down without admitting it. brian smiled at her before walking over to his bed he laid down next to her.
brian hesitated before putting his arm around her. she grazed his arm with the tip of her finger. brian moved the hair out of her face revealing her neck. he placed a light kiss on her neck. paisley turned her head to him. his face inches away from hers. they both leaned in before their lips connected. both of them pulled away before brian laid his face in her shoulder. and that's how the two fell asleep that night.
THE NEXT MORNING BRIAN WAS driving his truck before he got pulled over "show me your hands." the police man said, brian reach his hands out of his truck. "very good. now open the door." he instructed, brian reach over and opened his door. "put your hands on your head. behind your head." he said. and brian did what he was told. "face the front of the vehicle, walk backwards towards the rear." he said, brian did as told once again.
"take two steps to your right." and he did so, "stop right there." another officer approached him, before patting him down. "what did i do?" he questioned. "shut up. he's clean, sarge." the guy said. brian turned his head to see sergeant. tanner. the officer cuffed brian.
they arrived to a building in the black car. brian got out of the car his hands still cuffed. "damn! muse, will you take these things off?" brian exclaimed. "shit. you put them on so tight." he complained. "i like realism." muse responded. "you never know who's watching, brian." tanner stated before pushing the gates open.
"nice crib, sergeant. it's a lot nicer than the last place you confiscated." brian said looking around. "ain't it? eddie fisher built this house for elizabeth taylor in the '50s." tanner said looking back at brian. "you see, even the cops are hollywood in hollywood." brian said turning to muse. "okay, here he is, fresh from torettos hot rod heaven." bilkins said, "that was an $80,000 vehicle, officer." he said to brian disappointed. "you told him what happened?" brian asked tanner. "he knows." tanner replied.
"send the bill to johnny tran." brian told bilkins. "the kids giving me attitude?" bilkins told tanner. "it doesn't speak well for police/FBI relations, tanner." bilkins continued. "i walk in the doors and the guys already—" brian then got cut off by tanner. "alright, alright." tanner said placing a hand on brian's shoulder. "we'll talk, okay? let's talk about it." he said to brian.
"muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please?" tanner asked the officer. "come on." he said placing his hand on brian's back, "regular or decaf, sarge?" muse asked, tanner looked back at him, "decaf, i think." tanner said.
"four hijackings in two months, and we have nothing. the DVD players digital cameras are worth $1.2 million, which brings the grand total to $6 million plus." bilkins said, "we're in the political crosshairs now, brian." tanner said. "that's why you're undercover. you want that detective badge fast, kid. and you want to know something?" tanner continued. "the FBI can help, if you come through for us." bilkins said placing his hand on brian's shoulder before walking away. "what does the truckdriver say?" brian questioned.
"he gave us the same M.O.: three honda civics, precision driving" tanner paused, "the same green neon glow from the chassis. lab says the skid marks came back the same: mashamoto ZX tires." tanner sent him a look, "so, we know it's somebody in the street-racing world." tanner finished.
"if we don't make this case, the truckers will take matters into their own hands." bilkins said before pausing and turning to brian and tanner, "i'll tell them we're close." bilkins said before sitting by brian. "are you going to make me a liar?" bilkins asked brian. "look, what do we know? we know this world revolves around toretto, right?" brian questioned. "i'm not saying that he's the one that's popping these trucks, but i can guarantee he knows who is. it's just a matter of time until i win—" he then got cut off by bilkins.
"you want time, buy the magazine. we don't have time." bilkins spoke. "just get me something i can use." he stated.
brian and tanner were now walking out of the building. "is harry cooperating?" tanner questioned brian. "like a guy like that'll do time for receiving stolen property if he doesn't." brian responded. "what kind of vibe is he getting from toretto?" tanner questioned. "he's scared of him, but he doesn't think he's jacking trucks." brian replied. "he's too controlled for that."
"wait. not that i want to contradict harry's fine judge of character, but toretto did hard time for nearly beating a guy to death." tanner stated, "he's got nitrous oxide in his blood and a gas tank for a brain. do not turn your back on him." tanner stated calmly, but a tint of worry in his voice. "tanner, i'm gonna need another car." brian stated reaching out for tanner, before walking off.
MIA WAS STOOD WITH DOM LOOKING at the book full of parts, "what about parts and service?" mia questioned. "hold off on it." dom replied.
paisley was stood at the door frame speaking with her old boss, "i'm sorry, bilkins i can't do that. i can't come in for a while." she spoke. "the agent i have for this case isn't doing as i'm telling them to." he stated annoyance filling his voice. paisley seen a truck come up to the garage pulling a smashed car. "i'll call back later, bilkins." she said before hanging up. she walked up to her siblings. "dom, i don't know what to do with it." mia said.
paisley had a pair of low waist jean shorts on, a red slightly cropped t-shirt and a cut off jean jacket, a pair of ankle white converse, her hair straightened. she stood by mia and letty while dom approached the car.
"alright, what the hell is this?" dom questioned. "what do you got there?" he asked leaning against the wall. paisley walked up between jesse and dom. "this is your car." brian said outstretching his arm with a huge grin on his face. "my car?" dom questioned with a smile on his face.
jesse walked up to the car hitting it. "i said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car." dom said holding a red bull in his hand. brian laughed at the remark. "you could push this across the finish line, or tow it." jesse stated making paisley look at brian as he laughed at the joke. a smile spread across her face before pointing at jesse in agreement as her and dom made eye contact. "you couldn't even tow that across the finish line." paisley said to jesse.
brian looked at paisley remembering the night they had just spent together. "no faith." he said to her. "oh, i have faith in you," paisley started. "but this isn't a junkyard." dom finished. "this is a garage." he continued.
"pop the hood." brian said pointing to jesse. "pop the hood?" dom questioned. "pop the hood." he stated confidently.
and so they did so. "2JZ engine. no shit." jesse stated, "and what did i tell you?" brian asked dom. "i retract my previous statement." dom replied. "you know what? this will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it." jesse pointed out. "or more, if we have to overnight parts from japan." he said.
"we'll put it on my tab at harry's." dom said pointing to the car. "yes!" jesse exclaimed. "i gotta get you racing again so i can make some money off your ass." dom said to brian. "there's a show down in the desert called race wars. that's where you'll do it." dom told brian.
but brian was busy looking at paisley who was stood beside mia, she rolled her eyes with a smirk. "when you're not working at harry's, you're working here." dom continued. "if you can't find the right tool in this garage, mr. arizona" dom paused before pointing at brian, "then you don't belong near a car." he stated. brian smiled at him before looking back at the car.
paisley walked up to brian. "he owns you now." she said before walking away, brian looked back at her as she walked away.
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