

"i'm a cop"

                  IT WAS NOW VERY EARLY IN THE morning when brian went into the trailer calling out, "paisley." before he looked out the trailer window, "i have respected you and i haven't said shit. now i am asking you not to go." paisley said mia by her side on the verge of tears.

"i'm doing this for the three of us." dom replied, "no, no, don't give us that crap." mia spoke, as dom pushed both mia and paisley back. "you're doing this for you. why are you insisting on doing this?" paisley now started to get aggravated, angry tears gathered in her eyes. "dom, please, just don't." paisley begged grabbing the back of his leather jacket.

but that didn't stop him, the guys got in their cars and sped off. paisley held mia, "i'm sorry i tried." paisley told her younger sister before wiping one of her tears away. the thing about paisley is when she got made she started to cry and many people saw that as weakness but little did they know she was planning their death.

paisley then sent mia back to the trailer. she was now storming off, just trying to get some air to herself. "paisley, what's going on?" brian questioned, "what?" she asked as he came by her side. "you know what i'm talking about." he replied.

"no, i don't, brian." she stated dryly, "oh so, you and mia always have tears in your eyes when dom drives away?" brian stated hastily, "what's the matter with you?" she asked getting pissed, "what's he racing off in the middle of the night for?" brian once again pressed now yelling, "you know about the trucks?" he exclaimed.

"no, brian! what trucks?" she shouted before going to walk away, brian reach out for her arm, "jesus christ. what?" she snapped turning around on her heel of her boots to face brian. "listen to me." he said simply, his expression changed into a more soft expression, "paisley, i'm a cop." he said, paisley looked at him in disbelief. "what are you talking about, brian? what is this?" she questioned pulling her wrist from brian's grip.

"ever since the first time i met you, i've been undercover." he said looking at her eyes with a pause, "i'm a cop." he stated, tears welded in paisleys eyes, not only at anger but at sadness. confusion. heartbreak. and most of all, betrayal. "oh, you bastard." she stated her voice shaking slightly, she swallowed the lump in her throat.

brian looked at her sadly, "you bastard." she raised her voice a tear falling down her cheek before turning away. brian lunged forward, grabbing her arms lightly, but tight enough to grasp her. "paisley." he pleaded. "get off of me, brian!" she shouted, "paisley! listen to me!" he yelled at her, before grabbing her as she slapped him away.

"everything i ever said i felt about you was real." he stated. "i swear to god. you have to believe me, paisley." he begged.

"but this isn't about you and me. your brothers out there to pull a job. we're running out of time. those truckers aren't laying down anymore. maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency out there, is coming down on them." brian told her hastily. "if you don't want anything to happen to them, you have to get in that car with me right now and help me."

paisley looked at him, she knew he wasn't lying. she used to be an agent herself but she felt so stupid for not noticing. "paisley, you are the only person that can help me right now." brian stated calmly, "please, paisley. please help me." brian begged once again.

paisley reluctantly agreed. the only reason she did so was to help dom, to save mia's life from getting ruined once again, and paisley couldn't lose dom again herself. the two sped off out of the car lot, "civics are stashed somewhere outside of thermal." she stated looking from the map to brian.

"they wouldn't double back, and highway 10 is too well patrolled. so, what does that leave us with?" brian stated, paisley pointed across the map, "all this." she stated before looking at brian, he quickly turned his head away. as they sat in silence for about 10 seconds brian reach in his pocket pulling his phone out.

paisley furrowed her eyebrows at him, he placed the phone to his ear, "yeah, this is officer brian o'conner." brian said through the phone earning a betrayed stare from paisley. "serial number 34762. i need a cell phone trace." he said looking from paisley to the road, "paisley, what is it?" he asked her. she stayed staring down at the map silently tears welding back into her eyes once again.

"come on, paisley. she needs doms cell phone number now." brian pleaded. paisley pulled her phone out, calling dom. "323-555-6439." she stated glaring at brian with tears blurring her vision.

"thank you." he said tears in his eyes himself now. "yeah, you get that?" he asked the woman on the other end.

after a while the other end had tracked them down, brian looked at paisley then back to the road. "let me see this." he said grabbing the map from paisleys lap. "i think we're about 40 miles away." he told her, "what are you gonna do?" she asked him. brian didn't answer, "what are you gonna do?" she asked more hastily. brian just stayed quiet.

THE SUN WAS NOW FULLY RISEN brian and paisley sped past letty and leon. they could see the truck, that was now sending a lot of dust back, paisley looked back at letty. "oh shit." paisley muttered worried about letty. paisley sat up in her seat worrying about her brother and vince.

vince was tangled around a wire, while her brothers car got shot at causing smoke to travel up. dom pulled over, paisley and brian sped towards the truck to get vince. dom looked at them confused. brian struggled to get the sun roof off, paisley and brian both put all their force into it sending the top flying back. "take the wheel!" brian exclaimed to paisley. "what do you mean?" she asked.

"put your foot on the gas!" brian shouted, "i'm gonna get him. put your foot on the gas!" he shouted to her, "okay! okay!" she shouted back, she put her foot on the gas and switched to the drivers seat as brian climbed out, "alright. come on. keep it steady." brian told her. "i got it!" she replied, inching closer to the truck. "alright, hold on, vince." brian called out to vince who was hanging off the side of the truck.

"he's having a hard time holding on. get me a little closer." brian told paisley. "alright." she called out, "closer." he told her, "i'm moving in." she told him. "hold it right there!" he told her, "go!" he shouted to himself before jumping onto the truck. he grabbed vince helping him. "you got to hang in here with me now!" he shouted to vince. "we'll get you off! give me your arm!" he yelled.

"vince, look at me! don't let go!" brian shouted, the truck driver was now emptying his gun to refill the bullets. brian untied vince's arm. "come on, vince! throw this arm around me!" he shouted helping vince, "vince, don't let go!" he exclaimed. paisley went to go over but the truck swerved, "fuck." she muttered. "come on, paisley. get closer!" brian shouted. brian held onto vince, paisley tried to get closer, "paisley, get closer! come on." he shouted. "come on, vince. here we go!" brian shouted before pushing vince over to the car. brian then jumped right before a bullet came flying out of the truckers window.

glass went everywhere. brian was now hovering over vince and paisley as he held on tight. the truck tried to come towards them but paisley drifted over into the dirt.

brian got off the top, dom and the other two were now speeding up behind them. "shit." leon said. brian and paisley were now on the ground with vince, "come on, vince! hang in there! come on!" brian pleaded. vince kept coughing as brian tightened a belt around his arm. dom was now running up to vince, brian and paisley.

he got down, "if he doesn't get to an ambulance in 10 minutes, he's dead." brian told dom. "hold the pressure. hold his arm up." brian told dom. "i got it." dom told him. brian then pulled his phone out of his pocket.

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