Chapter 1 - Gotta hate the alarm clock.

Lionel's POV


I woke up from the annoying sound coming from my side table. Damn alarm clock for waking me up. I stretched my arm and went to search for the alarm and grabbed it then throw it across the room. The annoying sound was now long gone, guess I might have hit it hard on the wall that it broke. Guess I'll just buy a new one on the way home. I got up and went into the bathroom when a thought struck my head.

"Why would I want another alarm clock if I find it very annoying? Tell me?!" I thought to myself but I just shrugged it off and went to do my business in the bathroom, guess I'll buy a new one, exams will be approaching next week so better be early.

After finishing my business, I went down the stairs into the kitchen. I saw my mom preparing my breakfast and dad was now ready to leave with his admiral attire. Yep, my dad was an admiral to the Promedia kingdom. The most historical family lineage in our land. The family was rich as hell, you can't even see how rich they are.

The main Family which was the Dunters rule the Promedian Kingdom. They have 12 sub families who're in charge in different sectors and organization to keep the kingdom and the land progressive. I even heard they have a whole room filled with gold, do you believe it?

"I need to go, see you hun, see ya boy!" My dad patted my shoulder and gave mom a kiss and then leaved. I looked at my wrist watch and saw that I'm gonna be late for the opening ceremony. Shit! I grabbed my backpack and went on scrambling for my shoes on the rack. I grabbed my black vans and went out of the house with a toasted bread dangling between my lips. "Mom! Gotta go! See you!" I yelled to my mom inside the house and she just said ok. I went into the nearest bus stop to wait for the school bus and moments passed by the bus finally arrived.

I hopped inside and all of the other teenagers sitting their butt on the bus and went on babbling their mouths not realising their making the pollution even worse, went silent. I passed by the long walkway of the bus and went to sit on the far end corner beside a window. I put my earphones on and went to play Ed Sheerans "the A team". I looked at the people inside the bus and they became quite and behave.

Well, they feared me. Even if I looked like a nerd, you know how jocks would treat nerds right?. I was a fighter. If you pissed me off then good luck coz you'll never be seeing the sun rise again. I don't want anyone treat me like I'm some kicked puppy on the ground. Hell I don't even look like one. For Gods sake Im a complete human with an intellect.

After a few minutes of seating my butt on the bus we reached school 2 minutes before the ceremony. I heard that the Prince of the Promedian Kingdom, which will be the next king will be visiting the school to look for his fiance. Huh! Fiance his butt. They could arranged a marriage for him and his fiance and boom! Problem solve. Why would they conduct a massive research on our school just to look for this prince damn fiance?

Hah! Humans again. With their thick skulls and cramped brains.

I skipped the ceremony and went inside the building. I went to the 4th floor and trotted inside the art room. Art and music is my passion. I sat beside the huge window facing the ground outside. The ground was crowded by ants...ehem...I mean students. Guess their anticipating the arrival of that stupid prince.

I decided to draw the crowd down below. I got my pencil and sketchpad and started drawing while listening to 5SOS booming in my eardrums. Few minutes later, I finally finished it. It looked cramped...but oh well. Guess its not my mood to draw today. I heard the bell rang announcing that class will be starting soon. I pushed up my glasses and fixed my things and went outside the room.

I trotted inside Class 3-A. This is my class, I'm a nerd. So I'm a genius. Just right to be put in first class.

I sat in the far end corner of the classroom beside a window. I like coz I can see the back part of the school where the garden is located. The garden was full of cherry blossoms, my lifetime favourite. I stared out and daze off to my wonderland not realizing someone was talking to me.

"Hey nel! Skipping the ceremony again huh? You're gonna get a detention when the teacher find out." My best friend Tyron Jules reprimanded me. "Duh! Like they ever did that. They can't have a nerd who will be lifting their salary miss a class for one day." I spat at him. "Yeah you're right. Teachers here are more worried about their salary than the future of the students." Tyron said sighing at his desk. We were best friends so we also sat side by side.

I get like I need to jingle so I heed permission to our teacher and went to the CR. I entered one of the cubicle and did my business. After that I went out and wash my hands. I felt something was crawling on the back of my shoulder. "Gaahh...!! Itchy...!!" I reached my hand on my back and started scratching it. I can't stop scratching it. I decided to ignore the itchy feeling and went back to class.

The day ended and I went home. Still scratching this stupid itchy feeling on my back.

Stupid insect that bit me...!! I'm gonna hunt them and make them taste the wrath of rolled newspaper. Hahahahahah....!!

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