Another 1 Hour of Waiting
UNSC Infinity Bridge
"It appears they are taking long of arriving" said Roland
"Well Maybe as we should we know already that they must have different FTL" Said Lasky
"He has a Point we have in the Different Galaxy after all" Said Palmer
"What say you Master Chief?" Lasky Ask the Hero of Humanity
"Well you have Point Sir" Said Master Chief "We are in the Galaxy After all and as well have our allies and we are not alone in this as i have fought with the Space Marines Before but that another Legion? i do not know their Tactics and fighting Style as last time i know each Legion have different Fighting style" Said Master Chief
Lasky Nod to him "Then we need to be Careful with them then since they are unknown to us" Said Lasky
Vengeful Spirit Bridge
Horus in his Throne
Guilliman have told him about this Galaxy War and that they must be Careful and only Diplomacy will do for it
While Horus have no problem with it and he wants to Return to their Home Galaxy where they go to War with their Enemies
"Abaddon what do you Think of this Galaxy?" Horus Ask
Abaddon the Captain of his Guards Looked at his Primarch
"Well Father I Believe their War is Child's Play in Comparison to us
And the Jedi with their Pacifist Nature? Well they are not Welcome to our Galaxy as well as their Self Control of Emotion and That is Very Impossible" Said Abaddon Thoughfully
"You are Right Son and No Form of Attachment? Then they are fools to Think of it" said Horus
"For Every Creatures Can not Resist the Temptation" Said Horus Even the Space Marines can't Resist it
But Not a Typical Temptation like the Common one
It's Love As Some Space Marine Have Fall in Love but they mostly Prefer Eldar Due to their Long Life
While They still Choose Human but the Problem is there Short Life span
"They have already Battle the Separatist" said Horus "That means we will have to fight them in the future" He Added
"But we be ready for that Father" said Abaddon
Then Suddenly a Portal Appeared
"Hm It Appeares the Eldar has Arrived as well" Said Horus
Void Stalker
"Where are we?" Said Eldrad
Then Suddenly Guilliman Face Appeared
"Hm It Appears you have arrived here First Lord Guilliman" said Eldrad
Time Skip
Guilliman have Explained it to Eldrad About their Situation and They Must Ready To meet the Senator
Ultramar's Honor Bridge
"They are taking too long than i Expected" said Guilliman
"Maybe they have a Hard time to choose of which one will be the the one to sent" said Athena
Guilliman To her
Then Not For long
A Venator Star Destroyer appeared
Then Obi-Wans face appeared again
"She's here she will Meet you in your Ship Lord Guilliman" said Obi-Wan
Guilliman to him "Then she will meet with us here in the Meeting Room" said Guilliman leaving No Argument with Obi-Wan
With it they Cut off their Transmission
Then All of the Faction Leader Appeared in his Screen
"So Should We Go to your ship?" Raynor ask
"Yes" Said Guilliman
Time Skip
A shuttle Goes to the Ultramar's Honor
From the Inside of it the Senator is Very In Awe as well Fear to the Group of Gigantic ship before Her
The Moment they go inside to the Shuttle they have different atmosphere Like they Feel the ship is Old
The Shuttle Opened and Revealing a Beautiful Woman in Blue Dress
"This is Really A Giant Ship" Said Padme
"Yeah i know but these Ship is Built Purely For War" said Anakin
Padme Nod to him "Then we need to be Careful not to Anger Them, and all we Could do right Now Either Make Them Neutral or Side with us" Said Padme
As well with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Tano along with Captain Rex and other Clone Troopers
As they Moved towards the Meeting Hall they are Escorted by the Ultramarine Honor Guards
"Why Do they Need This Big Soldiers i don't Understand any of this" Said Padme to Anakin
"Whatever Fight They have it must be Very Big if they Need this Big Soldiers" Said Ahsoka
"You have a Point since these Soldiers are Fast instead of being Slow due to their Size and weight of their Armor but i suspect it's more like a Power Armor to me" Concluded Obi-Wan
"Make Sense Since their Armor Din't Even slow them Down" Said Anakin
Time Skip
They Arrived at the Meeting Hall
Guilliman is with the Other Faction Leaders Including his brother and Eldrad
"Why do i feel that Pointy Eared man is a D''k" Said Obi-Wan to himself
"What did you Say Master?" Anakin Ask
"What? Nothing" said Obi-Wan Dismissively
"I'am Senator Padme Amidala" Said Padme
"I'am Roboute Guilliman Primarch of the Ultramarines Legion, Lord of Ultramar and Son of the Emperor and Empress" said Guilliman
"I'am Horus Lupercal Primarcg of the Luna Wolves Legion, Warsmaster of the Imperium Son of the Emperor and Empress" Said Horus
"I'am Eldrad Ulthran High Farseer of Uthuan" Said Eldrad
"Captain Thomas J Lasky captain of the UNSC Infinity" said Lasky
"I'am Thel'Vadam But you Can call me the Arbiter Leader of the Sword of Shanghelious" Said The Arbiter
"I'am R'tas Shipmaster of the Shadow of Intent" saidR'tas
"I'am Commander James Raynor Commander of the Raynor's Raiders and Represent the Terran Dominion" said Raynor
"I'am Admiral Matt Horner of the Terran Dominion" Said Horner
"I'am Heiarch Artanis Leader of the Daalam and Commander of the Spear of Adun" said Artanis
Padme Is surprise and Shock but Anakin Explained it to her and She Nod to Continue
"I'am Sarah Karrigan Queen of Blades and Leader of the Zerg" said karrigan
"So Introduction is Finish Please have a Seat Senator" said Guilliman
They all Seated
"I Have Heard what Master Kenobi Said in your Problem Lord Guilliman and your Allies" Said Padme
"Yes, We will be stranded here until we have found a Way to Return Home to Our Galaxy" said Lasky
Padme Nod to them "And What we can do for you Then?" Padme ask
"We would like to be Neutral in your War" Horus Propose to them
Padme have Expected This "I'am Understand your Situation But what after you Did to that Battle the Separatist will see you as an Enemy" She Reasoned
"If they Try then We will fight them" said Raynor "We Won't let them attack us Even if we are Neutral we will still fight if they attack us First" He added
"I have to Agree with my Companions we are just Strangers in this Galaxy" Said Artanis
"On Top of That we are Alone And We Do not Want to be Drag to Someone Else War" Said Lasky
"We May Be Warriors But we have all Limitation so I stand with my Comrades" said Arbiter
"As Well as No Support of our Faction" said Lasky
"We Do Not Want to be Use in War Once we Joined" Said Horus
"We May be Powerful But We are Alone in this Galaxy and We Do not Know Which is the Enemy" Said Imotecth
"And We Do not Want to Join your Wars as we have No Business in your Wars" said Guilliman
"Then if that is your Decision Then--------" Before She Could Finish her Sentence
"Ah Guys Hate to Disturb all of you" Said Cortana who just Materialize "But we have a Problem" She added
Then Suddenly 100 Separatist Ship Appeared and Fired Their Weapons
"Separatist Ship Appeared and Firing At us" said Athena
Guilliman Stared at the Republic's Representatives
And he Looked to his Companions who All have Nod to him
"PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" Shouted Guilliman as ships Begun to Form a Line
Warhammer 40k Galaxy
Custodian Class Battleship
Length: 8 KM
Commander: Commander Farsight
Troops: 300,000 Tau
Commander Farsight Stared at the Void
"This is Troubling News of Their Disappearance" Said Farsight
Then Suddenly a Portal Appeared and Drag them
"Ah Not This Again" Said Farsight in Boredom
With it His Ship Swallow by the Portal and Vanish
The Alliance Meet with Senator Padme
And have a Diplomatic with the Republic
But the Separatist Just have to Ruin the Alliance Neutrality
And The Tau Is about to Join the Chat
See you Next Time
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