Prologue: Peace and Serenity
Hello and welcome back to Journey Throughout the Galaxy and it's time to begin the grand tour that'll take us far and wide throughout the entire galaxy. We'll come across the most bizarre of worlds, battle the most dangerous and deadly of enemies, and possibly even come across some lovers from across the cosmos. Yet, before we get to all of that interplanetary goodness our Black-Star Dragon Ball crew has detected the three-star ball on a nearby planet called Rodune, and while there they'll come across a mostly shocking surprise. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the Prologue chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Y,N POV, Location: Planet Rodune
*A long figure was sat right next to a calm and peaceful pond with the noises of the forest ringing all around him. The sun was shining through the shade of the trees, birds were chirping and cooing away, water was dripping and splashing from the several different rivers into the singular pond, and all around the meditating figure were animals that were either leering at the figure with hunger in their eyes or watched in confusion or defense. The lone figure was no older than 17 and his eyes were closed as his entire aura flooded with peace and serenity, yet his expression was neutral as his brown monkey tail swished back and forth. The figure never liked these meditation trips his master sent him on, he craved action, he craved adventure, he craved something more than sitting around and listening to the sounds of nature invade his eardrums. Yet, the figure simply sighed and continued to seat in his meditative position, all the while his mind was filled with thoughts of action and adventure! Thoughts of traveling past the stars that twinkled in the night sky and into the great unknown beyond that was space. But, the figure knew such things were merely a fantasy as his planet was by no means technologically advanced and was heavily stuck into tradition, a tradition that denied any form of travel off-world.*
Okara: *frowns and thinks* Whose idea was it to place such an idiotic rule into effect anyway?
*While Okara understood the importance of tradition and why it meant a lot to the planet and specifically his home village, he never understood why such a bizarre tradition would keep them shackled and contained to their entire planet forever. He wanted to travel the limitless potential of the cosmos and see what wonders it had in store, regardless if they were positive or negatives wonders! He wanted to battle against dangerous beasts and skilled warriors from other words! He wanted to greet other civilizations that were further advanced than his and learn their culture! He wanted to taste different planet's cooking and see if they surpassed his own planet's vast array of food! Yet, the ultimate reason why he wished to leave the planet and explore the endless reaches of space was to find his missing father, the man his mother only spoke about in either hushed whispers or vague sentences. For years the young warrior wished to know who his father was and why he felt his mother and him on this planet, yet whenever he asked his mother these questions, she would always clam up, walk away, or change the subject entirely. Such dodging annoyed the young warrior to no end but eventually he gave up asking her due to her sheer persistence in not telling him anything about his mysterious father. All the while Okara was getting bored by this "vacation" his master had sent him on and already he was wishing to be back home, either helping others in the village or defending it from vicious pirates. Yet, Okara couldn't even tell how long he had been out here, due to the shade of the trees, the movement of the sun was blocked at nearly all times, and that meant minutes could be hours, hours could be days, and days could be weeks.*
Okara: *sighs and thinks* Why did Master Teckiyaki feel the need to send me on this boring retreat anyway? *frowns while his eyes remained close* I should be home defending our village from raiders or out exploring the forest looking for action and adventure! Not sitting here twiddling my thumbs and becoming "one with nature"!
*Even though Okara hated with a burning passion just sitting around and doing nothing, even he had to begrudgingly admit he did enjoy meditation, in fact it was one of his favorite pastimes when things got boring back home in the village. Yet, that was when he was back home in his village and he could defend his home at a moments notice. Out here, his precious home village could be under attack right now and he wouldn't know a damn thing about it until he returned home to nothing but charred corpses and burnt buildings! With a bead of sweat running down his face, Okara pushed these thoughts aside as while he was by far the most ruthless and tenacious warrior in the entire village, he wasn't the only competent warrior, which meant he could rest easy slightly. Yet, that nagging feeling still refused to leave Okara's mind and this feeling of bubbling rage caused him to nearly shout into the forest, yet his Ki did rise up significantly due to the emotion of rage coursing through his veins, and the resulting miniature explosion looked like a huge pillar of white erupted up towards the heavens above. Said action also had the effect of scaring off all of the wild creatures and animals that were leering at the young warrior like he was a prime piece of meat. With a few more beads of sweat dripping down his face, Okara opened his onyx eyes and rose back up to his feet, with his brown monkey tail still swishing left and right. The warrior took one more look around the serene pond, before then leaning down to pick up his nearby weapon and attaching it once more to the holster he had on his back.*
Okara: *reaches his hand into the pond and raises the cupped water up to his face, before splashing his face with said water* Ah, refreshing! *shakes his head, causing water droplets to swing off to his left and right* Now time to head back to the village. *chuckles* I hope Master Teckiyaki doesn't mind me ending this "vacation" early.
*Taking back off towards his village, Okara ran across the forest floor like a bright streak moving across the grassy land. The young warrior leaped from tree to tree and swung across open vines, all the while dashing back towards his home. While he could simply fly the rest of the way home without a second thought, Okara decided to make the trek back to his village longer than usual in order to get more exercise and agility training done, additionally there was no telling what giant winger creatures would try and feast upon him. Bounding from the branches of trees and swinging across the vines was an accelerating rush that almost nothing can beat, yet even as he rushed through the beautiful scenery of the forest, Okara knew the prospect of adventure or battling a giant creature would always win in terms of pure adrenaline and excitement. During this extended parkour run, Okara had further time to think about the alluring prospects of interplanetary travel as the young warrior knew there was life outside of his own planet, after all his mysterious father came from "beyond the stars" in some kind of space pod. Sadly, Okara didn't get to know his father for long as he only stuck around for a year and then returned to the stars above, leaving his mother and himself behind on the planet. But, the dream of one day finding and chatting with his dad always excited Okara, as his mother only told him vague things such as he was a semi-gentle mind yet he was rough around the edges and the fact he wasn't really a talker, but he expressed his thoughts and emotions through different means.*
Okara: *thinks as he swings through the vines, with his shadow flickering in and out against the forest floor* Almost home. Hopefully tomorrow Master Teckiyami will give me something more physically threatening to do! After all, I rather be slaying giant beasts and defending my village from deadly pirates, not relaxing and meditating in the middle of the forest!
*As he leaped and swung throughout the massive greenery of the forest, Okara could see the sun beginning to set whenever the shade wasn't blocking the sunlight with the horizon being plastered with shades of red, yellow, orange, purple, and pink. After viewing, a bead of sweat washed down Okara's face and he quickened his pace as back when he was a little kid, he was told by not only his mother but also Master Teckiyaki that nighttime was extremely dangerous and no one, not even himself should be outside the village's walls when nighttime hit. As that's when the extremely deadly and ruthless beasts came out to hunt and while Okara was a powerful warrior, Master Teckiyaki told the young warrior that even he would have difficulty slaying the beasts. Especially since from what the young warrior had seen from the walls surrounding the village, these beasts liked to hunt in packs, which meant a head-on assault would be suicide. While the young warrior's blood rushed through his veins at the prospect of a mighty challenge, even he wasn't stupid enough to rush into a pack of wild and ferocious beasts. The young warrior continued his newfound pace since he didn't wish to become some feral beast's midnight snack nor did he want to come across a pack of ruthless beast's. Thankfully he was nearly home as he leapt down from the final tree branch and onto a smooth wooden path with brightly burning torches lighting the trail up the mountain, with the pathway being aligned with torches on both sides of the trail. These torches were created in order for those lost to find their way back to the village before nightfall. As sometimes villagers had gotten lost due to the village elders placing the village high-up in the mountains, which lead to some lucky beast's getting a free meal.*
Okara: *thinks with a snarl as he runs down the path* And this is exactly why I do meditation's back at the village Master Teckiyaki!
*After running down the torch-lit path for a few more minutes, Okara had finally arrived back to his village in the mountains, well before he was supposed to return from his required "retreat" issued to him by his master, but he couldn't sit around with his eyes closed in a forest for any longer. Walking through the giant entrance gate to Ketzu village, Okara couldn't help but sigh in relief that everything was alright and his fear was thankfully unfounded as music and laughter was lively, while the dutiful guards were on top of the wall with their crossbows prepared to fire at any given moment. Some members of the village would consider the young warrior paranoid or stressed out over nothing, which is why Master Teckiyaki sent him on that trip to begin with, yet Okara would always remain cautious of any attack as he refused to lose the only place he called home. After all, as the head warrior of the his village it was his sole responsibility to protect the village and its inhabitants who dared to do it any harm. Which meant even if a single person was killed or a building was ransacked, all of the blame would fall upon Okara due to him being the person everyone relied upon to protect and defend the entire village from any threats. Such a path had left the young warrior paranoid and slightly weary, yet his determination and loyalty to his village still burned brighter, much like those torches that were aligning the wooden pathway.*
*Ketzu village was hidden high up in the mountains, faraway from most space pirates, wild beasts, and anyone or anything else that wished to do harm. Originally the village was further down in the treacherous maw of the forest, however once the beasts became bigger and started hunting in packs rather than as individuals, the wise elders of the day had the village residents move higher up the mountain, and from there they came across a quaint area where danger couldn't bring them any harm. Since that day, some space pirates and wild beasts found their way up the slopes, yet whenever something like that happened, Okara was always on hand to send the pirates or beasts straight back down the mountainside. Thankfully the elders were wise enough to create a village right next to a useful water source, as some small ponds, a sizable lake, and some waterfalls existed outside the village's walls. Yet, even though their defenses seemed fortified and their location was hidden from most threats, Okara wouldn't let his guard down as any moment a horrifying beast or some greedy pirates could launch a surprise attack upon Ketzu village and leave it as nothing more than a smoking crater.*
Okara: *thinks as he walks further into the village square where the sounds of music and laughter is at it's loudest* It's a job you don't get paid for or acknowledged for at times, but it's the best job I could ever ask for.
*Looking throughout the village square and watching as people had bright smiles on their faces and hearing laughter ring throughout the warm evening air made Okara feel proud, how could he not? He was able to defend these peoples hopes and dreams with his sheer might and due to him protecting them against the planet's most vile and ruthless of threats, he was able to keep a seemingly ever-lasting peace that could never be tarnished or sullied. Hearing the beautiful music echo throughout the square was also wonderful as the soothing notes helped empathize the already warm atmosphere. Yet, even though everything seemed perfect right now, that didn't mean Okara could let down his guard, after all pirates and wild beasts loved to strike when he and the villages' guard was at its lowest. Which meant Okara even during times of simple peace, needed to be on guard, lest the very enemies he was defending this village from sneak in and get some kind of cheap shot. Yet, as the young warrior's eyes darted around the warm and friendly scenery, one person had caught his attention and in return he had caught hers'. She was a beautiful girl, no older than 16, with dark red hair that reached down to the middle of her back and cascaded down her like a red waterfall. Her weary light blue eyes while having noticeable bags due to lack of sleep, didn't effect her beauty in the slightest. Her pale skin reflected beautifully due to the lights in the square and once moonlight had hit, her beautiful would only sore further. Unlike most girls her age, she had developed quite the curves as her clothes while baggy did an excellent job at playfully teasing her C-Cup cleavage and her heart-shaped ass. All the while said female was simply sitting on a step leading up towards her parents' home and was strumming away on an instrument, before her attention turned to Okara.*
Villager: *looks over at Okara's direction and smirks* Ah, Okara! You're back from your supposed "retreat" aren't you? *chuckles* Did the peaceful serenity of the woods frighten you?
Okara: *laughs dryly* You know me Kira, I can't take extended retreats as protecting this village and its inhabitants outweighs any peaceful relaxing.
Kira: *laughs* Cut the righteous and noble crap Okara, we both know you ended the retreat early because you were growing bored! Everyone in this village knows you hate sitting in one place and doing nothing! And I know for a fact you can't leave this village for more than a few hours in fear of it being attacked while you're gone!
Okara: *chuckles embarrassingly, while sheepishly scratching the back of his head* I guess you know me better than I thought.
Kira: *rolls her eyes* Duh. What else are friends for? *smiles* Now if I were you I would go inform Master Teckiyaki of your arrival, otherwise that old coot is certainly going to be upset when he sees you walking around here.
Okara: *smirks* Good idea. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side, kami knows what he would make me do.
Kira: *laughs* Yeah, like locking you in an room for a week without any form of entertainment! Or even worse, forbidding you from adventuring for the next month!
Okara: *frowns* Don't jinx me Kira!
Kira: *puts her hands up defensively* I wasn't trying to jinx you! Jeez, sometimes you need to calm down Okara!
Okara: *coughs* Sorry, I just get overly frustrated or flustered at times. Almost like my body is talking and doing things without my actual mental input.
Kira: *chuckles* I guess that meditation in the forest certainly unlocked something within you!
Okara: *thinks* Or perhaps it has something to do with my father....
Kira: Anyway, I should let you go and meet up with Master Teckiyaki. *smiles* Don't worry, I'm sure the old coot won't do anything too drastic in terms of punishment!
Okara: *thinks with a grimace as he walks towards Master Teckiyaki's temple* And why do I feel like you just jinxed me yet again Kira?
*As Okara walked away from his best friend he couldn't help but shake his head at her antics, every since they were kids she was the yin to his yang, they always complimented one another when it came to their personalities. Yet, while Okara became Master Teckiyaki's pupil and ultimately his best student, Kira decided to follow in her parents' footsteps and studied to become a musician. While Okara's martial arts skills was second only to his master, Kira's instrument abilities were second to none, as nowadays not even her parents could best her within a music battle. But, even though their professions were vastly different from one another, they remained fierce friends and Okara would protect Kira no matter what, while Kira was always around to help cheer Okara up whenever he was feeling down. While Okara was thinking about how differing he and Kira's paths had become, he had continued walking down the winding path towards Master Teckiyaki's dojo, and the young warrior hoped his master would be merciful when it comes to a punishment. The winding pathways eventually gave way to a giant area where Master Teckiyaki's dojo lied, resting on top of the mountainous planes like an ethereal mirage, all the while surrounded by dragon statues and cherry blossom trees. The dojo was tucked farther into the mountain, away from the musical wonder and hearty laughter of the village. Yet, the serene beauty and the peaceful quiet besides the sounds of nature further added to its mystic charm.*
Okara: *thinks, with fear dripping within his mind* Please don't be no adventuring for a month, please don't no adventuring for a month, please don't be no adventuring for a month.
*Walking up the main stairway, Okara looked down at the pond Master Teckiyaki had placed underneath the shade of a tree and the student smiled at the colorful fish contently swimming through the water without a care in the world. Then he gently knocked upon the door of his master's dojo, respectfully awaiting some kind of response that would allow him to enter, after all it would be heavily disrespectful to walk in unannounced and without care or regard. Yet, after a few seconds the young warrior had heard the soft and slightly raspy voice of his master say "you may enter" and Okara walked into the main chamber, while closing the door behind him. There, meditating on the floor with his back turned towards Okara, sat Master Teckiyaki, the most powerful person in the village minus Okara, yet he outclassed him in terms of experience and craftiness. The old and wise master had long, flowing white hair and a matching flowing white beard to match and yet his entire demeanor radiated a calm and gentle nature. Master Teckiyaki had seen many of the planets' struggles and times of peace, as the old coot had currently been alive for nearly 500 years. No one in the entire village or even the entire planet knew how he had survived this long, yet the people in the village didn't care as he was a respected, wise, and kind man, one you could come talk to if you ever needed advice or simply needed to vent. Taking a seat on of the pillows adorned throughout the room, the young warrior had announced his return.*
Okara: *in a calm and respectful tone* Master Teckiyaki, I've returned from my......*frowns* vacation.
Master Teckiyaki: I see. *raises his eyebrow* But weren't you commanded to stay on your vacation for at least a week? Yet here you are, sitting in the same room as me.
Okara: *looks down* Yes master you did. However, I-----
Master Teckiyaki: Then why are you here right now my hotheaded student?
Okara: *sighs* Because Master Teckiyaki, you know how much I despise sitting around and do nothing! That and I can't drag myself from the village for more than a few hours! What would happen if pirates or a rival village attacked ours while I was away!
Master Teckiyaki: *strokes his beard* You bring up valid points Okara, however you've let your mind be controlled by fear and paranoia. Your emotions and ironclad sense of responsibility for the protection of this village have stopped you from enjoying the simple things in life and have constantly demanded you always be on-guard, no matter the circumstance. *frowns* This is a dangerous and reckless way to live my student, as one day you could accidently strike down a friend, family member, or lover due to being wound up too tight. I expect greater things when it comes to my star pupil.
Okara: *looks down* I apologize for failing you master. I've brought nothing but shame to your dojo.
Master Teckiyaki: *chuckles* No need to get so overdramatic my student. Honestly, I had a feeling in the back of my head that you wouldn't last a day out in the forest due to your obligations in protecting this village. If anything this was merely a test to see how long you would last out there before rushing home, and to my surprise you lasted 3 days.
Okara: *his eyes widen* Three days!? How! It only felt like three hours at most!
Master Teckiyaki: *smirks* Due to the forest's shading, the movement of the sun was blocked to you for most of your time out there. What you thought was only a couple of hours, was in reality a couple of days. I'm impressed you made it that far into your "vacation", even if it was purely accidental.
Okara: *smirks lightly* Does that mean there won't be any kind of punishment?
Master Teckiyaki: *smiles* Since the deck was quite certainly stacked against you I'll let this one slide, my student.
Okara: *nods* Thank you, my master.
Master Teckiyaki: You're welcome, my student. Now, go home and get refreshed.
Okara: And what of tomorrow's lesson master?
Master Teckiyaki: Take the day off, my student. You've earned a day to yourself, especially after all of the hard work you've been doing.
Okara: *smiles* Thank you master. *stands up and bows, before standing back to his feet and heading towards the door* Have a great evening master.
Master Teckiyaki: *nods* You as well, my student. *thinks as his student leaves, while stroking his beard* That boy will do many great and honorable things, yet that temper of his constantly holds him back from accessing his true potential. Perhaps that's one of his father's personality traits.....
*Opening the door and then closing it behind him as he exited, Okara let out a massive sigh of relief as thankfully he wasn't punished for failing the test and that meant he could still adventure to his hearts' content! Walking back home, the young warrior looked up into the sky and saw a crescent moon shimmering beautifully in the night sky and he couldn't help but smile as the moon twinkled and the stars shimmered, small things such as this brought a calm smile to his face. Walking through the village square, Okara had nodded, smiled, and waved at the remaining villagers who continued their party celebrations with their laughter and music echoing throughout the mountain range. Walking further into the back-reaches of the village, Okara continued his trek towards the north wall of the village, the place where he and his mother's home laid. His mother while not a powerful warrior, was powerful in her own right, thanks in part due to her expert healing abilities with her Ki helping in the healing process tremendously. Thanks to her healing abilities, she became the town's resident doctor and helped plenty of citizens when it came to illnesses or diseases. Okara and his mother's house was large compared to houses in the main village, yet it wasn't lavish or elaborate by any means, as the young warrior's mother didn't desire to flaunt her wealth or social status upon her fellow villagers. Okara had finally reached the end of the village and he smiled as he stared up at his house as he walked through the entrance gate, with the four-story house's backside nearly touching the mountain, meanwhile the balcony area was overlooking the giant misty abyss.*
*Entering the home, Okara couldn't help look around his home and smile fondly to himself, sure he had only been gone for three days, but it was nice being home again and it was certainly going to be nice eating some of his mom's home-made cooking. His mother, Lily Etsuru, was the village's medic and was a master when it came to healing and medicine. Outright the decades she had personally seen the entire village through several viruses, diseases, and outbreaks. Her intelligence and determination had saved the entire village time and time again, which Okara couldn't be any prouder of as while he was defending the village from physical threats, his mother was always protecting the village from biological threats. Lily's kind, gentle, and abundant motherly nature had also made her a respected citizen in the village and plenty of people came by to get help with some kind of medical issue or to simply say hello. Yet, she never let the fame and respect get to her head, and even though people were willing to pay high prices to get advice or help from her, Lily was ever humble and didn't demand nor want such glamorous jewelry or treasure chests full of gold and other riches thrown at her to ensure her service. Due to that humble nature people far and wide came to Ketzu village simply just to receive medical assistance from her, and unless they were a criminal or vile person Lily never turned them away from her doorstep. Additionally it was thanks to Lily's medical prowess that she nursed Okara's father back to health, that small chunk of information was the only other piece she would actively talk about it when regarding the subject of the young warrior's father.*
Okara: *walks up the steps and opens the door* Mother are you home?
Lily: *speaks in a soft and caring tone* Yes Okara, I'm in the kitchen. *smiles* Good thing you came home right now, as I can make your favorite meal due to your successful return!
Okara: *walks into the kitchen and smiles* Greetings mother I've returned from my spiritual retreat.
Lily: *smiles as she turns around from the stove, before she rushes and gets Okara into a hug* I knew you would make it back honey! Never in my life did I think you would be gone for three full days and come back without a singular scratch, scar, or bruise. Yet, here you are! You barely look like you've been in a forest for three days! *sniffs and waves a hand in front of her face* Except for the atrocious smell.
Okara: *chuckles and sheepishly scratches the back of his head* Mom, that's what living and meditating in a forest for three days does to you.
Lily: *laughs* Regardless, go take a bath young man! I can't have a stinky boy walking throughout the village!
Okara: *nods, before then walking out of the kitchen* Yes mother.
Lily: *yells from the kitchen* And please be out before dinner is finished! I would hate for your food to grow cold!
Okara: *laughs* I wouldn't miss your cooking for the world mom!
*Okara loved his mother, he really did and would do anything to protect her alongside the rest of the village and he especially loved her divine cooking, yet he never liked the fact she refused to tell him anything about his father beyond the fact he was from the stars. Such a statement was vague and left Okara confused as that meant anyone not from his planet could be his father, and that sort of ambiguity gnawed in the back reaches of his subconscious, it was a question he desperately wanted answered, yet no one would give him a straight answer. Was everyone in the village afraid of his father? Did his mother not truly love his father? No, neither of those could be the case as there wasn't enough proof for either to be considered fact. No, it had to be something else, something that his father needed to accomplish or couldn't let go of, something that called him back to the stars above. Yet, Okara would never know for certain as his mother wouldn't tell him anything and mostly everyone else in the village didn't even know the young warrior had an actual father. Some of them jokingly stated that Okara was simply created through Lily using some kind of magic to birth to a child, yet such a blatant lie only caused Okara to fly into a rage. His mother was many things, but being desperate enough to magically create a baby for her to raise and then lying to said child about having a father wasn't one of them.*
Okara: *frowns and whispers* There's no way mother would do such a thing. *balls his hand into a fist* My father has to be out there somewhere. He has to be!
*As Okara opened the door and walked into the bathroom his mind was racing with ideas about his mysterious father and what planet he could possibly be from, as clearly it wasn't like this civilizations as the brown monkey tail that swished back and forth was clear indication of that. Yet, besides said monkey tail and the onyx hair and eyes, Y,N didn't know anything else about his father or the race he came from, it was all one massive mystery and his mother wasn't giving him any information on unraveling it. The young warrior was simply supposed to accept the fact his father would be this unknown figure in his life and then move on, but he couldn't! He wanted, no needed to know who his father was and why exactly he left all those years ago! He needed to gain some kind of closure for why his mysterious father abandoned him and his mother! Yet, such frustrations were quickly put to rest as Okara had descended into the hot waters of the bath after taking off his clothes and let the soothing water calm his stressed joints. Okara couldn't help the blistering sensation of rage course through his veins and at first he wanted to scream, he wanted to shout, he wanted.....he wanted to go blow up a pirate stronghold all by himself! He wanted to hear their blood curdling screams, before he then tore out their throats and watch as they drowned in a gurgling bloody mess! Hell, he wanted to find whatever planet these space pirates came from and personally destroy it! Maybe, that'll finally teach them not to mess with his village or his people anymore! Yet before such violent and brutal thoughts could continue, the hot and soothing water worked its magic throughout Y,N's body, and it helped calm him down and eventually these thoughts of mass murder and possibly even outright genocide receded back into the darkness of his subconscious.*
Okara: *sighs in comfort* Ah! This is just what the medic ordered! *thinks* The wonders of a soothing bath can never be matched, as I can feel the soreness from the three days of being in that forest dripping off.
*After 30 minutes of relaxing in the hot bath water, Okara eventually got out and dried himself off, before replacing his armored attire he wore out into the forest with his usual casual attire. The young warrior's room was simple with hardly any materialistic possessions besides a desk, a bookshelf with some books of the planet's knowledge and various fighting techniques, and of course a glowing orange ball which had 3 black stars emblazoned upon it. Okara walked over to his desk he had placed the mysterious orb upon, before picking it up and holding it within the palm of his hand, looking at it with nothing but confusion. He had found it while exploring a dark cave one day, and within the far shadowy reaches of said cave, he found the orange orb being guarded by several gigantic spiders and while the challenge was daunting at first, due to his combat experience and the techniques his master taught him Okara was able to secure the orb and take it back home. However, the young warrior didn't know what this was or how it even operated, yet he understood one thing very well as it glowed an ethereal orange color, wherever it came from it had to be important as the orb radiated presence and power. But beyond that, Okara was completely confused upon what this orb did and where it came from, he didn't even know why there was three black-stars placed upon the mysterious orange orb. Placing the bizarre orb back down Okara walked back out of the room and towards the kitchen, yet right as he turned the knob he sniffed the air and his mouth began to water as the heavenly aroma of his favorite dish flooded throughout the household.*
Lily: Okara! Dinner's ready! I made your favorite!
Okara: *licks his lips as he walks down the hallway* I can smell it from here mom! I can't wait to dig in!
Lily: *chuckles* Good thing I made plenty of extra's. After all, your appetite is infamous and several places in the past have run out of food due to your insatiable stomach!
Okara: *laughs* What can I say mom? I love food!
Lily: *thinks and shakes her head* You have such a ferocious appetite like your father....
*When he returned to the kitchen, his mother had already finished cooked and had made the young warrior's favorite dish, Dekou fish steak, a common yet delicious meal that he had loved since childhood. Sure, acquiring the red fish meant one had to actually venture outside the village's walls, but thankfully the resources to gain the fish were close by, otherwise it would be a dangerous trek up and down the mountain to gain the fish. The meal tasted even better due to the seasoning and spices Lily had placed upon the fish, all of them worked together in perfect harmony and made his tastebuds light up. Sitting down at the table, Okara licked his lips as his mother presented to him an entire Dekou fish for him to devour. Before, chowing down upon the delicious meal with reckless abandon, the young warrior smiled at his mother and thanked her for the meal, to which she smiled back, before Okara then quickly began to gobble down his meal like a man possessed. And much like a man who hadn't had something to eat in a few days, the young warrior had devoured the fish like it was nothing more than an appetizer, before he moved onto another Dekou fish that was placed next to the first. All the while, Lily couldn't help but chuckle at her son's antics, while she ate her fish much like a refined member of high society, but she didn't reprimand her son for his lack of table manners, as his father did the same exact thing. Now when guests were over, that would be different, yet after her precious baby boy survived for three whole days in the vast wilderness without any home-cooked meals, Lily allowed him to cut lose a little with his table manners.*
Okara: *speaks with a mouthful of food* Twanks for the wo-od mom! Wit's Dewicious!
Lily: *giggles* Swallow before you speak sweetie. I can barely understand what you're saying.
Okara: *gulps down the food in his mouth* Thanks for the delicious food mother! You're cooking is the absolute best! I dare say it's the best food in the entire universe!
Lily: *smiles* Thanks for the high praise sweetie, but I highly doubt I'm the greatest cook in the entire universe.
Okara: *smiles back* No way mom! Your cooking is by far the best and I can guarantee no one will be able to surpass your techniques!
Lily: *cuts a piece of the dekou fish before swallowing it* So tell me sweetie, how was your time in the forest? Was it scary? Did you fight off any gigantic beasts?
Okara: *chuckles* I wish! *tears a chunk of the dekou fish off with his bare teeth* Mwost wof the time, I jwust sat there awnd did nwothing bwut meditate! *gulps* It was boring and uneventful to say the least.
Lily: I'm sorry to hear you didn't get to do anything you wanted, however I'm happy you made it back home to the village in one piece. I was worried that you would return home in a body bag....*a singular tear washes down her cheek* or that you wouldn't return home at all.
Okara: *grins* You don't have to worry about things such as that mom! I can easily handle one, two, hell even three or four beasts at a time! It would take an entire pack of beasts to give me any trouble!
Lily: *giggles* You better be careful that arrogance and cockiness of yours doesn't come back to haunt you.
Okara: *rolls his eyes playfully* I wouldn't consider myself "cocky" or "arrogant" mom. I'm simply confident within my own abilities.
Lily: *smiles* Whatever you say sweetie.
*During the rest of the delicious meal, the mother and son simply kept up their small talk with one another, thoroughly enjoying one another's company as the beautiful and mesmerizing sight of the crescent moon kept glimmering in the cool air, as all the stars danced and twinkled in the sky. All the while, Okara had devoured four of the six cooked Dekou fish and sheepishly scratched the back of his head once he was finished as while he consumed four of them and could go for another four, his mother had only ate just the one with the spare being tossed back into storage for when the young warrior got a craving. Afterwards, Okara helped his mother with cleaning the dishes before she then retired to her sleeping chambers due to having a long day, with the pair of mother and son wishing one another good night. Once his mother had departed to bedroom for the night, Okara took to the roof of he and his mother's home and stared up into the shimmering crescent moon and the twinkling stars. He felt like he could get lost in the ethereal beauty that the night sky had to offer as the stars above seemed to dance and light up the entire blank void of darkness with their pure light. It was the same moments like these that made the young warrior enjoy the times of peace, and even though he much rather be decimating and shredding through legions of space pirates or slay several massive and terrifying beasts, these moments of peace were needed to help balance out the fighting. Yet, such serene sentiments wouldn't stop his blood from pumping whenever he thought about the idea of besting an entire legion of space pirates or killing an entire pack of wild beasts, it was like his body lived for the thrill of battle and he wouldn't deny a good challenge whenever it arrived.*
Okara: *leans back against the tiling of the roof and sighs* These peaceful moments are enjoyable, but I wish something exciting would happen besides a space pirate attack or a pack of wild animals who've grown too bold for their own good.
*Little did Okara know that the adventure of exploration and action he craved for was hurtling towards him as a spaceship with a giant C logo was rushing towards his planet in the hopes of locating the mystical orange orb the young warrior had within his possession. Because if the trio failed in their mission to collect all seven wish orbs and bring them back to their planet, said planet would implode upon itself. Yet, alongside this trio of space adventurers was another group, a more vile and destructive group that wanted to gain the mythical orb for their own greedy gain. These particular space pirates had been hiding on this planet for the past few months as whispers emerged from throughout the galaxy that wish orbs existed and when all seven of them were collected, the user could wish for anything their heart desired. This knew excited the space pirate crew, before their robotic demo-expert swiftly killed the information to make sure no other crew could hear about this crucial intel. At first, the captain had sent a pair of scouts to find the orb and bring it back to him, but the weak scallywags failed in their mission and retreated back to the ship empty-handed due to the planet's beasties being too much for either of them, yet they did manage to find the rough location of the orb. But, that didn't upset the captain as he failed to thoroughly scout the planet before landing, no if anything that was a mere minor annoyance. What truly infuriated him was that his men had informed him that a resident of the planet, a boy no older than 17 with a brown tail with eyes as black as onyx had walked into the cave and after an hour walked back out with nary any injuries and held the orange orb within the palm of his hand. All the while, Okara kept gazing at the crescent moon and twinkling stars in the night sky, not knowing what sort of grand adventure he was about to be taken on.*
Okara: What beauty, the stars are truly shining tonight. *smirks* That must mean good fortune is soon to follow.
???? POV, Location: ????
????#1: *rushes into the cabin, before yelling with his voice having a thick Latin accent* Captain! Our scouts have finally managed to track down the village of that scoundrel who stole your rightful property!
Pirate Captain: *leers at his first mate, with a smoke pipe in his mouth* About time these scurvy dogs made up for their mistake! Their sheer stupidity almost cost us an all-important wish! *blows some smoke out of his pipe* Tell me Octoramos, what village is this boy located in?
Octoramos: *his right tentacle makes a ticking noise* The boy is located in Ketzu village. He hid very well, but he couldn't hid from your greatness forever capitán!
Pirate Captain: *frowns* I've never heard of such a village! *yells, with his smoke pipe nearly falling out* Are those scallywags trying to make a fool out of me! The great captain Joseph P. Krong! I'll keelhaul of them if they dare to make a joke at my expense!
Octoramos: *raises his hands up defensively* No, no, no captain Krong. Our scouts only recently found the village due to it being secluded deep, deep within a vast mountain range. *his right tentacle makes a ticking noise* Our boys nearly died finding that village due to how steep and sharp the rocks are! Not to mention the terrible bestias that were prowling the forest!
Captain Krong: *leans over his table* I don't fear beasts Octoramos. *blows smoke in his first mate's face* And as my first mate I expect you to not be afraid either.
Octoramos: *stutters* I-I'm not afraid of beasts, capitán!
Captain Krong: *narrows his eyes* Then why are you stuttering like lily-livered baby?
Octoramos: Because I'm frightened of failing you capitán! I've seen what you've done to other's you've failed you in the past! *gulps, with his right tentacle making a ticking noise* You.....You make them walk the space blank!
Captain Krong: *laughs heartily, with his smoke pipe falling out of his mouth and onto the table* Aye! I have my loyal first mate! *walks around his table and pats his first mate on the shoulder* Yet, I expect greater things out of you Octoramos! I made you my first mate for reason, prove to me I didn't make a mistake by retrieving that mystical wish orb!
Octoramos: *salutes* Aye, aye, capitán! As your appointed first mate I shall not fail your ruthlessness and greatness! *his right tentacle makes a ticking noise* I'll retrieve that mítico wish orb from that chico even if I have to tear it from his cold, dead hands!
Captain Krong: *laughs, placing his hands on his stomach* Ar-har-har-har-har-har! That's the ruthless spirit Octoramos!
Octoramos: *unsheathes his knife, with his right tentacle might a strange grumbling noise* I promise captain Krong, with my expert abilities and my flair I shall not fail you. You will receive your well earned wish, whatever it may be!
Captain Krong: *sits back down in his chair and smirks* Good, now go tell the men to set sail for Ketzu village. I want us to be there by this time tomorrow! I won't take any excuses!
Octoramos: *salutes* Yes captain Krong! *walks out and yells, which is muffled by the closing door* Alright you scallywags, by the captain's orders were setting sail to Ketzu village and he wants us there by this time tomorrow. No excuses and no exceptions! *points to the blank* If you bilge-sucking ninnies have either, you know where the exit is. *no one moves a muscle* No lily-livered babies? Good! Set sail!
Captain Krong: * puts the smoke pipe back into his mouth* Once I receive all seven wish orbs my wish shall be granted. *stands up from his chair, with a smile on his face and his hands outstretched towards the heavens* I, captain Joseph P. Krong, shall wish for the biggest and most intimidating spaceship in all of the universe! Then no one in the entire universe will forget the name of Joseph P. Krong! As my ship will be so intimating, so ruthless, and so cool that no one will be able to stand up against it's mighty power! All the other space pirates will be jealous of my pride and joy ar-har-har-har-har-har!
*The screen fades to black as from the stars above, a spaceship with a giant C on its side started crashlanding towards planet Rodune at a incredibly fast speed. With their spaceship shooting across the planet's atmosphere like a shooting star, something which caught the attention of a lounging Okara, before the craft made a loud "crssh" as it impacted within the middle of the forest he had just been in. The trio's hunt for the mystical orange wish orbs had brought them to this planet as there's was on the brink of the destruction due to the black-star dragon balls being scattered all throughout the galaxy due to a wish gone bad. Said wish had transformed one of Earth's mightiest warriors, Son Goku, into a mere child, and now it was up to him, his 15 year old granddaughter Pan, and his rival's eldest son 23 year old Trunks to locate all seven and bring them back to their planet. Yet, the trio aren't the only ones hunting for the black-star balls as now the ruthless and dangerous Captain Joseph P. Krong is after these mythical wish orbs to have his own desire granted, and of course the current holder of the orb, the protector and defender of Ketzu village Okara may not be willing to give up the ball to a trio of complete strangers. Rushing towards the impact side with his flight leaving behind a trail of milky white Ki, Okara will come into contact with the trio of travelers from another planet hopefully they're friendly, otherwise he'll have to personally show them their folly for landing on his planet.*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed the Prologue chapter and are hyped for the first chapter coming out later today, as it'll chronicle Okara's first faithful encounter with Son Goku, Pan, and Trunks. And now, the black-star dragon ball Okara collected within the dark reaches of the cave he explored won't be safe as the threatening force of Captain Krong are approaching his village, and soon enough it'll be a battle for the orb as Okara protects his village from the pirate captain and his deadly crew, with the trio being dragged into the middle. Additionally stay tuned as the Bio chapter for a brand new story will also be releasing later today. Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're now on the road to 5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to the next milestone of 7.5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter.
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Should Kira be in the harem?
Please comment "yes" or "no" if you think the beautiful redhead and childhood best friend to Okara should be included in the harem or kept out.
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