Chapter 2: Calm Before The Storm
Hello and welcome back to Journey Throughout the Galaxy and now that Okara has met the trio of interplanetary travels from E-arth, sorry I mean Earth, it's time for them to head back to his village and heal up after the short but vicious battle Okara and Trunks participated in. Little do any of our protagonist's know however, that the fearsome and infamous Captain Joseph P. Krong and his merry crew of space pirates are closing in on Ketzu Village, and they'll plunder and murder until they get their grubby mitts on the legendary wish orb! Additionally stay tuned as the Prologue chapter for Saiyan of Kombat will be published later today! Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okara POV, Location: CC Spaceship
*To say Okara was amazed at the technology on display would have been a massive understatement, as almost everything within the ship stood out to him ranging from the flashing lights and shiny buttons of the ships controls to the little things such as the cappuccino machine in the corner. His planet didn't have any technological advancements to speak of and was certainly a very traditional society, as his mother, Master Teckiyaki, nor any other village elder spoke of things such as "robots" or "televisions", it was all foreign to Okara and his eyes were widened with wonder the entire time. Goku and Pan could only stare and for the former two chuckle at how the young warrior darted around the spaceship staring and questioning about every technologically advanced object that was in the common room, all the while Trunks and Gil were steering the ship towards Ketzu Village. The resident Saiyan of this planet looked like a kid on Christmas day, as his eyes were filled with amazement and wonder at every little thing the ship had to offer! Which was shocking to Pan and Goku since during one moment, the young warrior seemed calculated, focused, and tenacious, if a bit stubborn, but now he was running around the common room looking at every piece of technology that caught his eye. Meanwhile, both Goku and Pan were equally fascinated by the weapon currently slung across Okara's back as it burned brightly at the bottom of the spear and that very heat coursed and surged throughout the entire spear, making it appear like the entire weapon was a perfectly forged piece of magma. Goku in particular was fascinated by the weapon, as the golden and red paintjob that decorated the spear gave it an air of royalty or recognition, meaning this Saiyan had to have an important job within his village and the way the piece of hardened magma glowed at the bottom gave an almost mesmerizing glow. Goku assumed due to how tough and tenacious Saiyan's like himself and Vegeta were, then clearly his occupation within his home village was as its determined protector or guardian.*
Okara: *shouts with his eyes filled with wonder* This ship is incredible! I know finally realize why space pirates love these things!
Pan: *snickers* Jeez, your planet must have zero technology for you to be amazed over a simple television or a cappuccino machine!
Okara: My planet possesses none of these fantastic wonders! My planet is all about tradition and hard work!
Goku: Your society sounds exactly like the Saiyan's. *chuckles, while scratching the back of his head* At least from what Vegeta told me about that society that is. But your planet does have better, more lush environments and less of a bloodthirsty will to conquer, pillage, and destroy.
Okara: *scoffs, as he finally sits down next to Pan and Goku* These Saiyan's sound like horrible, vile, and unforgivable people, I have no idea why you think I would ever be one of them or have any connection to them.
Goku: That's exactly what I said when my older brother, Raditz, showed up and told me about the Saiyan race.
Okara: *raises his eyebrow* If you didn't believe such claims either, why are you so adamant that I'm a Saiyan?
Goku: You do seem to carry an air of pride about yourself, that's something most Saiyan's except myself, Gohan, Goten, and Pan have!
Okara: *smirks* That's because I'm prideful of my own abilities and skill, not because I'm connected to a race of murderers and conquerors.
Pan: *buts into the conversation* If that doesn't convince you spear-boy, *points at the brown tail currently sashed around Okara's waist* how about the fact you have a brown monkey tail! And neither grandpa nor Vegeta have encountered another race that shares that similarity!
Okara: Do you have any proof to your claims besides your own word? Because from the tomes I've read, the universe is rather large and your grandpa or this Vegeta you keep talking about could have easily missed a race that has a brown monkey tail besides these barbaric Saiyan's.
Pan: I'm positive! *smirks* In fact, I'm willing to bet 50 zeni on it!
Okara: *tilts his head* Zeni? What in the heavens is a Zeni? Is it some kind of meal? Because after the fight I had with your purple-haired friend, I'm starving!
Pan: Yep, he's definitely a Saiyan. He's got the appetite.
Okara: *frowns and folds his arms* I'm not a Saiyan simply because I'm hungry after a well-fought battle!
Pan: *smirks smugly* Sure, sure. *leans closer to Okara* Tell me, spear-boy, how much could you eat right now?
Okara: Well, I feel like I could feast upon an entire buffet!
Pan: Ah-ha! You're definitely a Saiyan!
Okara: I am not a Saiyan! I fight with honor and humility, not with ego and bloodlust like you keep telling me!
Trunks: *yells from the controls* Guys! I recommend you just stop the conversation for now! Especially when Okara is being gracious enough to allow us into his village!
Pan: *mumbles and slumps into her seat* I have no idea why you just don't accept the fact you're a Saiyan....
Goku: Pan, I don't think we should press the issue any further. *smiles* If he doesn't accept it now, maybe he will in time!
Trunks: *yells* Not to mention we need his help in locating the black-star dragon ball! It would be wise not to upset him or any other of the locals!
*Once this had been said the entire ship had descended into silence, everyone kept to their own devices with Pan walking off into her room in a silent huff and Gil went off to repair any broken or dented pieces of the ship, meanwhile Goku closed his eyes and Trunks explained after a few minutes to Okara that the Saiyan from Earth was having mental battles to keep himself from getting rusty. Such a unique form of training was fascinating for the young warrior as while he had preformed his fair share of meditation while under the tutelage of Master Teckiyaki, his master had never told him about mental battles to help hone your abilities in the comfort of your own home. Okara kept this form of training in his thoughts for future research, as such a unique form of combat, without actively going out into the forest at night to battle bloodthirsty creatures could be quite the boon for his entire village, and most certainly himself. After another few silent minutes went by, Okara got up from his seat and walked over to the main controls and stared out into the great beyond of the forest, and the young warrior couldn't help but whistle at the sight. Sure he had been this high up before with his own flight abilities, but he never truly stared at the scenery from this altitude since he was always rushing from one place to another, seems like Master Teckiyaki's teachings of patience and "smelling the space roses" did apply to real life, even if the young warrior would rather be rushing back to his village as the threat of a space pirate pillage always dangled within the dark outer reaches of his thoughts. Yet, Okara didn't scream or demand for Trunks to go faster, he was certain that Trunks and himself alone would be powerful enough to see off any potential space pirate pillagers, and instead he decided to chat more with the powerful warrior from Earth.*
Okara: *speaks up* How did anyone manage to get past you and transform Goku into a child?
Trunks: Huh?
Okara: It's rather a simple question, how did anyone manage to get by the likes of you, Goku, and I can imagine this Vegeta. It sounds like all three of you would be powerful enough to deal with any threat.
Trunks: No, it's not that. I'm just surprised you're starting a conversation with any of us.
Okara: *chuckles* Well one has to keep themselves busy and your two friends seem to be doing that right now.
Trunks: *chuckles back* I guess you're right. I never realized how silent this place gets when everyone is off doing their own things.
Okara: That and how eerily silent it is. *looks around the silent longue area* It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. *stomach growls and his face slightly flushers with embarrassment* Or that.
Trunks: *laughs* Trust me, that's a blessing. Especially when Pan can be loud, obnoxious, and boisterous at times.
Okara: *sighs* From my limited interactions with her, she does seem to be rather grating.
Trunks: *smirks* Eh, she may be annoying, but her heart's in the right place. I mean what kind of 15 year old girl would travel into the far reaches of the galaxy to help her grandpa undo a curse?
Okara: *in a confused tone* Not many I assume?
Trunks: Exactly! Most of them are too busy with makeup, clothes, and boys to go on a crazy adventure like this! *chuckles* Heh, my younger sister is that exact stereotype cranked to the max.
Okara: I don't have any siblings so I don't understand your pain.
Trunks: *eyes widen* No, no, no. It's not pain, just stating the fact my younger sister gets spoiled rotten.
Okara: *raises his eyebrow* So you're saying if your parents stopped spoiling her then she'd become a strong warrior?
Trunks: *sighs* Maybe... I'm not sure honestly. My younger sister doesn't seem to possess the fighting instinct of a Saiyan at all. Which means even if one day my parents stopped spoiling her rotten for some reason, I doubt she would become a mighty warrior.
Okara: Eh. Who knows, after all the most unassuming are the ones that surprise you the most.
Trunks: *chuckles* I guess you're right there. I just hope my younger sister is unassuming as you claim for her to be.
Okara: *frowns* I'm not claiming anything. I'm simply stating what I know from my own experiences. After all, our societies have vastly different beliefs, values, and goals from one another.
Trunks: You're not wrong there. Everything's different on your world due to the lack of any source of technology.
Okara: *looks down at the forest* It's a hard, tough life but it's a rewarding one nonetheless. And even though your technology is fascinating, I still prefer the simple pleasure's my planet has to offer.
Trunks: I feel the same way about my planet, *laughs* just replace the simple pleasure's with advanced technological wonders.
Okara: *laughs* With how much you ramble on about technology, I bet you wouldn't last a month on this planet.
Trunks: *smirks* Just because I talk a lot about technology, doesn't mean I need to be constantly connected to it in order to live.
Okara: Try telling that to the ferocious beasts later.
Trunks: *coughs* Anyway, how long until we reach your village?
Okara: We should be close, just keep heading towards those mountains in the distance *points towards the mountains* once you make it to those, we're there.
Trunks: Woah! Your village lives inside of the mountain.
Okara: *scoffs* Pah, no! My village uses those mountains as twin gigantic protective shield's. No one would ever think to look in-between two mountains, let alone actively fly through them to find out.
Trunks: And you're certain no one will ever find it?
Okara: Like I said told you earlier, the only way someone would find this village is through copious amounts of scouting or some kind of life detector. The latter of which is something I heavily doubt your ordinary space-pirate would possess.
Trunks: And what happens if someone or some people do find your hidden village?
Okara: *cracks knuckles* Then I'll "politely" tell them to leave.
Trunks: And if they refuse?
Okara: *smiles* They'll be forced to leave my planet in pieces.
Trunks: *gulps* That's a little harsh don't you think?
Okara: *folds his arms* The wicked deserve to be punished.
Trunks: Not everyone inherently wicked is irremediable.
Okara: It's not like they'll leave my village alone forever if I kick their asses once. They'll only come back with more firepower, more men, and a raging fury for revenge! And with all three of those components they would burn down the entire village!
Trunks: Yikes, these space pirates sound as relentless as the Frieza Force! *chuckles* Or well the Frieza Force as how my mother and father described them too me.
Okara: I have no clue what this "Frieza Force" is, but yes they're just as relentless and ignorant as them. *sighs* Yet, the worst part is that there's multiple crews that visit this planet on a seemingly monthly basis.
Trunks: And you're responsible for protecting all of the villages on your planet?
Okara: *laughs* Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, *deadpans* no. Such a task would be way too stressful and taxing for a singular person to uphold, that's why every village on my planet has a village guardian. Each guardian of the village is tasked with defending and protecting their specific village for any space pirates or beasts that wander too close to the borders.
Trunks: Does that mean another village guardian can't help a village that is under attack?
Okara: *in a serious tone* The only time a village guardian can help a village that isn't assigned to them is when said village has fallen to enemy forces. Or if there's a greater evil that can't be defeated by a single village guardian.
Trunks: *shakes his head as the ship exits the forest area and heads towards the mountain* Your planet definitely has a complex social system.
Okara: *nods* Yes, it does. But the system was placed centuries ago and since its inception, a village has only fallen once. *unfolds his arms and then balls one of his hands into a fist* Thanks to our system we've made at least a single person in every village strong enough to take down an entire army.
Trunks: Which means everyone else has to place their faith into one person? What if the village guardian is corrupted or is bought off by the space pirates?
Okara: *frowns* Such a thing would be impossible, village guardian candidates are placed through several grueling tests that gauge everything, including if they can be easily swayed by materialistic goods such as gold or lavish gems.
Trunks: What happens if they are found to be easily swayed by riches?
Okara: *growls lowly* Then the greedy scum fail their candidate test and then are promptly exiled from their village. *in a tone that drips with venom and rage* Lowlife's like them have no place in any village. Their greed and cowardice would cause them to sell out their entire village in seconds!
*For a few seconds everything remained absolutely silent as Trunks had to process this information, and judging from Y,N's rage-filled tone he was absolutely serious. Trunks, didn't know what to say at first and was thinking of the proper response, because the purple-haired son of Vegeta was of two minds when it came to an issue such as this. Sure, he hated betrayal and cowardice as much as the next warrior, and that meant it would be entirely justified to exile and remove a weak link from your village. But, on the other hand, Trunks had a more compassionate and human side as well, sometimes people didn't betrayal their village or city because of monetary gain or cowardice to protect their own skin, sometimes they had no other choice but to betrayal their people because the enemies had some kind of leverage hanging over them, such as their family. Sure, it still wouldn't fully explain away having the bad guys murder and pillage over the lives of three or four people, but Trunks understood on some level the pressure of that situation. In fact if his family was captured by a powerful force and he either had the option of saving them or allowing West City to be destroyed.....he would save his family. As not only did they have the Dragon Balls to wish West City and its citizens back and not only were their other defenders of Earth besides Trunks and Vegeta to protect the city, but blood was thicker than water, and therefore Trunks was more loyal towards his family than strangers. But, at the end of the day, he was of two minds on this situation and therefore he couldn't really side with either option, which meant at the end of the silence he couldn't give anything else but a rather weak response.*
Trunks: Well, sometimes people sell out their village or their city because they fear for their family.
Okara: *scoffs* Tch. That may be true sometimes, but more often than not it's because these scum wish to collect a few gold coins. And they'll do whatever it takes to get them, including selling out their own people.
Goku: *snaps his eyes open, with a some beads of sweat rolling down his face* Wow! I didn't realize Cell was that difficult! It's a miracle that Gohan was able to beat him! *laughs, while scratching the back of his head* If it wasn't for Super Saiyan 3, I wouldn't have been able to best him hee-hee!
Okara: *tilts his head, while saying in a confused tone* Cell? Super Saiyan 3? What in the heavens are either of those.
Trunks: *sighs* I'll tell you later. me, it'll be a lot to cover.
Okara: *chuckles* Sounds like your planet isn't safe from the agents of destruction and chaos either huh?
Goku: Nope. In fact Earth seems to be some sort of beacon for this guys, as they constantly show up one after another to try and conquer or destroy Earth!
Okara: I imagine this "Cell" was one such foe?
Goku: *eyes widen* Absolutely! Cell was a formidable opponent and the entire planet was nearly destroyed by him.
Okara: *eyes Goku up and down* I doubt he was that tough if you're standing here with no visible scars or bruises.
Goku: *laughs* No, no, me and my friends fought Cell decades ago hee-hee! *scratches the back of his head* In fact since Cell, we've faced several foes more powerful than him like Majin Buu and Dabura!
Okara: Huh. I see why you call your planet a beacon that attracts villainy and scum.
Goku: Oh yeah! My and my friends have dealt with plenty of villains ranging from Vegeta the first time he came to Earth, then there was Namek and all of the events with Frieza and his minions, oh-oh then there was this evil old scientist named Doctor Gero but he was actually an Android yet he was still old and wrinkly!
Trunks: *shouts* Goku! I think that's enough, you might overload our new ally's brain by going over every single fight and major event you've been apart of.
Goku: *snickers* Oh right ha-ha, sorry about that.
Okara: I may not have understood most of what you said, but I do know you've lived a very action-filled life, just like me.
Goku: *smirks* Yeah, you could say that!
*Since they were nearing Ketzu Village, Okara and Goku once more took a seat in the longue area with Goku discussing and teaching the young warrior on how to properly achieve the state of mental training. It was a hard and sometimes even painful process, but during their prolonged flight due to Trunks needing to locate the village tucked away deep within the mountains, Okara soon enough got the basics of this newfound form of training. At first, he imagined fighting a wild, bloodthirsty beast from the forest and after a few failed attempts at summoning the beast from his memories and into this new mental sphere, on the fifth attempt he finally got the beast to appear within the state! Meanwhile, thirty minutes had passed with the ship steadily flying up the mountain and once it had reached the correct altitude of where Okara claimed his village was, Trunks looked around and tried looking for anything out of the ordinary or some indication that a small civilization lived here. Yet, he couldn't successfully find the village, and after shouting for Okara's help to find his home village, the resident Saiyan snapped his eyes open and then get up to help the purple-haired member of the trio find his hidden village. This made Goku snicker quietly to himself due to Trunks not believing this village would be that tucked away or hard to locate, only for him to have a difficult and frustrating time trying to properly find said village. During the loud commotion, Pan returned from whatever individual activity she was doing in her room and sat back down in the longue area without saying a word except a neutral "hello" to everyone and a slightly more positive "hey grandpa" say said specifically to Goku, clearly she wasn't in the best of moods right now.*
Pan: *shouts, after a few seconds of being slouched in her seat Are we near spear-boy's village yet!
Trunks: *shouts back* Not yet Pan, we're almost there! He's helping me find the exact location of his village as we speak!
Pan: *mumbles* I just hope he can actually help us find the dragon ball. *thinks* And this better not be some kind of trap or setup, because I refuse to be captured again!
Okara: *in a neutral tone* We're here. Simply fly forward through the chasm and it'll only take us a few minutes to reach my village.
Trunks: *smirks* See Pan? Sometimes patience is a virtue you know.
Pan: *scowls* Don't start with me Trunks!
Trunks: *a bead of sweat falls down his forehead, before then whispering to himself* Jeez, what's got her in such a horrible mood?
Okara: *raises his eyebrow* Do you guys argue this often? It gets irritating after all.
Trunks: *chuckles nervously* And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Okara: *shakes his head* You guys are one colorful and wacky crew, I'll give you that.
Trunks: *smirks* You haven't even met our fourth member yet. Well, officially at least.
Okara: The tiny robot?
Trunks: *correct Okara* Gil.
Okara: Do I even want to ask how you brought a tiny robot into your crew?
Trunks: Not unless you want to hear another long story.
Okara: Then I'll pass. *mumbles* I already get enough long lectures from Master Teckiyaki anyway.
*With directions from Okara, Trunks was able to guide the ship through the spikes and dangerous ridges that lined the chasm's walls, and while Pan thought aloud why people needed these kind of defenses, the young warrior chimed back that this wasn't his village's doing, but mother nature giving them a natural shield to deter space pirates and other vile criminals. Hearing this, Pan and Goku jumped from their seats to look at the sharp, rocky spikes and the small river that flowed at the very bottom of the chasm, seeing their astonished and wide-eyed glances Okara told them that this was the backway to his village and that no one had used this passage in decades due to how dangerous it was. Such a reveal did make Pan yell at him, however Okara smirked and countered at her rage-filled yelling by telling her it was either going this way or they could go back to the forest filled with bloodthirsty monsters. Such a light threat made Pan gulp as her mind immediately filled with thoughts of gigantic monsters with razor-sharp teeth and blood red eyes, before she then muttered a small apology and remained quiet for the rest of the ride through the dangerous chasm. The closer the trio alongside the young warrior got to the village's location the fiercer, sharper, and closer the jagged spikes got to the ship and at points Pan jumped in fright as she thought the ship had collided against a spike and was going to crash into the side of the mountain only for Trunks' flying skills to surpass her fears, while Goku slightly snickered at his granddaughter's plight. Such frightened beauty was a sight only a few in their respective lifetime's got to witness first-hand and for Pan one time was enough, as ringing through her ears was the sound of scrapping metal and she nearly screamed out as she swore a spike had rammed into the engine, however to her relief the ship kept flying normally with Okara guiding Trunks through the jagged rocks and close walls. After ten more minutes of frightening sounds and close calls, the jagged spikes and threateningly close chasm walls gave way and Pan's thoughts of fear, were almost immediately replaced by wonder as she stared out into the grand, open, and beautiful space that was known as Ketzu Village. Okara then ordered Trunks to lower the near the village's entrance gate to make sure they wouldn't frighten his village nor have they attack the metallic vessel thinking it was another round of space pirates.*
Okara POV, Location: Ketzu Village
Okara: *smiles as he stares up at the night sky* Welcome to Ketzu Village. The most peaceful and beautiful location in the entire galaxy! And most importantly, my home.
Pan: *shakes lightly* S-Strange place for a Saiyan to live. *chuckles nervously* I almost expected a cave or a hut, not an entire village like this!
Okara: *scoffs* Be glad I'm in a good mode due to finally making it back home, otherwise I would have killed you where you stood for such a comment.
Pan: *puts her hands up defensively* Jeez, someone's quick to anger.
Trunks: *laughs lightly, before mumbling* Look who's talking.
Pan: *scowls, while folding her arms* I'll pretend I didn't hear that Trunks!
Trunks: *smirks* You're only proving my point Pan.
Okara: I recommend you two stop pointlessly bickering with one another like mere children. We're going into my home village and I don't want outsiders making a fool out of me by constantly yelling at one another over the tiniest of things!
Goku: No need for such hostility! I promise me, Pan, and Trunks will be on our positive and respectful nature, *turns his head to look at Pan and Trunks* right guys?
Pan: *frowns* Whatever you say grandpa.
Trunks: Alright Goku.
Okara: *pinches the bridge of his nose* Dear lord of the heavens please have mercy on me. *sighs* Let's just go inside before I change my mind about all of this.
Gil: *floats into the room* Excellent timing then as most of the repairs for the ship have been finished.
*The trio alongside Okara watched as the main hallway's door slide open, revealing the fourth and final member of the black-star dragon ball locating crew. It was a tiny floating silver robot with a singular glowing red socket, which the young warrior assumed was the metallic creature's equivalent to an eye. The robot was a sleek spherical orb with the only parts protruding out of him being two, tiny metallic arms with one currently wielding a miniature buzzsaw. Okara couldn't help but be amazed at how something so miniscule could also look so complicated as he momentarily stared within the robot's red-eye and saw plenty of mechanical parts he didn't know anything about. Trunks then had Gil, the name of the tiny robot, greet the resident Saiyan of this planet, who stuck out his arm for a handshake, which the robot kindly recuperated. With the final introduction having been completed, Okara then led his new allies down the ramp and towards the home of his people, and as he led them towards the giant wooden gate that kept the ravenous creatures out and his people safe, the protector of Ketzu Village nodded towards the silent sentries otherwise known as the archer's who in return nodded back and drew back their arrows. Yet, before they slinked back off into the darkness, they looked at the outsiders the village guardian was allowing to enter, and they shook their heads as while they trusted the judgement of Okara, they never trusted outsiders. Meanwhile, from the other's perspective they didn't even know who or what Okara was nodding towards, until they saw the small reflective glint of the arrows momentarily flash through their vision, before they vanished back into the darkness of the gate's sides alongside the archers. The massive gate keeping the village safe from the outside then opened and the protector of the village led his guests inside, with the villagers close to the entrance gate gasping or pointing at the three bizarre humans and the tiny silver spherical device.*
Okara: *says in a harsh whisper* Ok, now that you're inside don't do anything stupid! If you do anything wrong, I'll have no other choice but to kick you at minimum....and kill you if the crime is severe enough.
Pan: *whispers back, while rolling her eyes* Just great, I'm in the space lion's den.
Okara: *whispers back to her* I have no idea what a "lion" is and my village certainly isn't some average den. Just make sure you nor anyone in your group does something idiotic, otherwise, well we'll cross that certain bridge if we every have the displeasure of reaching it.
Goku: *smiles* I have no idea why you assume the worst out of us!
Pan: *whispers to him* Grandpa! There's no need to talk so loudly and drawl attention to yourself!
Trunks: *looks over to the pointing and confused crowd of villagers gathering around them* Well guys, I'd imagine we've already drawn attention to ourselves.
Villager: *yells* Okara! What is the meaning of this! You dare let these bizarre outsiders into our village without even consulting any of the elders beforehand! *smirks smugly* I always knew you weren't proper village guardian material!
Okara: *sighs, before speaking aloud* Listen, villagers of my beloved home, I put these bizarre outsiders through the trial of combat, and while I was successful they were powerful in their own rights. And therefore as village guardian, I declare these four safe. I will have no insults slung towards them, and I don't need bulbous, pigheaded people like you Daqure criticizing every decision I make!
Daqure: *gasps* Why I ever! *yells, with some saliva flying out from his chubby jowls* Your mother and your master better teach you some manners Okara! Otherwise I'll have no choice but to have raise a complaint to the wise and thoughtful village elders!
Okara: I would like to see you try Daqure, I bet with your *cough* husky frame you wouldn't even make it halfway up the stairs!
Daqure: *yells, with his face turning red* How dare you!
Okara: *glares* I dare you since without me this village would have fallen ten times over! *yells* Now if all of you excuse me, I will be escorting the outsiders to my master. If any of wish to stand in my way, let your voice be heard and your actions be shown!
*With his rage showing, all of the villagers quivered and shook, because the pure power Okara was washing over everyone like a mighty wave crashing against the shoreline, and everyone knew better than getting on the bad side of the village guardian as said protector had an aura of white Ki energy surround his form with a look of deadly seriousness plastered over his face. One by one, they all scooted and moved out of Okara's way, except for Daqure who stared down the village guardian like he was nothing more than a clown, yet even the young warrior's main criticizer stood aside as the resident Saiyan glared right in his husky soul. With a tiny gulp, Daqure and his enormous frame moved to the side allowing Okara and the outsiders to pass by, all the while the trio alongside Gil could only watch in awe and an underlying amount of fright, as while Okara seemed like a determined and honorable person, he had a dark side bubbling underneath the surface. Not to mention for a spilt second that no ordinary eye could have caught, Goku's eyes widened as he saw a shade of green to appear on Okara's head, with his hair even spiking up slightly. However, Goku simply chalked this up to his eyes playing tricks on him, as he hadn't seen that color of hair for a Saiyan since....well....since the likes of Broly, the rage-filled Legendary Super Saiyan that brought him and his friends and family to their knees twice, but there was no chance a destructive monster like him could ever have a child. Someone who also saw the villagers move away in fright and witnessed the young warrior's mighty power was none other than Kira, yet instead of fleeing or even ducking at the sight of her enraged best friend, she was intrigued by not only the outsiders he had let in, but his display of power. As Kira in her many years of being Okara's best friend never understood some things about him, the most prominent being his brown monkey tail and his proneness to rage-filled outbursts and episodes, in which either she, his mother, or his master had to calm him down before he got himself into trouble.*
Okara: *coughs, with his Ki no longer flaring* I apologize for that display, usually that never happens. *curls one of his hands into a fist* However, my detractors always feel the need to take constant low-blows by bringing up already conquered faults of mine and my lack of experience.
Pan: Wow. That's rough, spear-boy.
Okara: *nods* It it sometimes, however the honor of protecting my village is something I never regret. *gestures over to the dojo in the distance* Now, let us head to Master Teckiyaki's dojo. If anyone knows where your "Black-Star Dragon Ball" is, it would be him.
Goku: *smiles* This guy sounds like Master Roshi! *rubs the underside of his nose* I wonder if he's just as wise as Master Roshi!
Okara: Trust me, his wisdom is unfathomable and his many teachings have made me the warrior I am today.
Goku: *yells* Then what are we waiting for! *runs off towards the dojo* Let's go meet him!
Okara: *yells* Wait! Don't rush......*sighs* and he's already gone.
Pan: *shrugs* Yeah that's grandpa, at least now his new form matches his childish personality and spirit.
Okara: *raises his eyebrow as the three begin chasing after Goku* He was this way already as an adult?
Pan: Yep. My grandpa always been an easily excitable person and whenever he hears something new that is even vaguely connected to either martial arts or food, he'll do whatever it takes to learn what it is.
Okara: *sighs* Great. Now I really hope he doesn't embarrass me.
Trunks: Eh. I would give it a 50/50.
Okara: *groans* Oh, fantastic! *says in a tone filled with sarcasm* An excitable child meeting my calm and disciplined master is exactly what I needed today!
Trunks: It could be worse.
Okara: *yells* How could it possibly be any worse!
Pan: *smirks* There could be two excitable children about to meet your calm and disciplined master.
Okara: *deadpans* That little statement of yours didn't help at all.
Kira: *watches as Okara, alongside the four outsiders race up the stone pathway towards Master Teckiyaki's dojo* Oh Okara, what have you gotten yourself roped into now?
Daqure: *yells, but with fear evident in his voice* This isn't the end monkey brat! I'll make sure you're exiled from this village sooner or later! You can count on that!
Kira: *sighs, before yelling* Give it a rest you ungrateful fatass! Okara is the best village protector we've had in generations! Without him, our village would have been burnt to the ground by space-pirates already!
Daqure: *raises his face up into the air, with a "I'm better than you" attitude* Pah! What else did I expect from the village guardian's number one fangirl! Everyone in this village knows you have a crush on him. *catches himself, before breaking out hysterically* Well, almost everyone ho-ho-ho-ho-oh!
Kira: *her face crunches in disgust as the rolling waves of flesh from Daqure's laughing* I.....I...I'll have you know me and Okara are nothing more than really supportive friends who always have one another's back!
Daqure: *laughs hysterically, with his face turning red from the laughter* ho-ho-ho-ho-oh! I'll believe that when I see it!
Kira: *growls lowly, before thinking* Oh praise the lord of heaven, I wish you could kick Daqure's ass Okara!
*The screen fades to black as Okara shakes his head before he alongside Trunks, Pan, and Gil chase after the excited Goku. During their race up the stone pathway, the three outsiders, well specifically Trunks and Pan, couldn't help but be amazed and awed, by how beautiful and serene everything looked ranging from the raging waterfalls in the background to the fully blooming cherry blossoms that littered the sides of the pathway. But, they barely had any time to take in the scenery as they were all forced to keep up with the speedy pace Goku was setting, and even then he was still leagues ahead of them and didn't show any times of stopping until he reached the dojo. All Okara hoped was that this excitable child didn't make a fool out of him in front of his master or attempt make a fool of his master, as both would certainly be met with dishonor on his part. Yet, during their trek up the bottom none of them knew of the upcoming threat that was looming over all of them like a giant, rum-smelling, yellow-teethed shadow that was Captain Joseph P. Krong and his merry band of space pirates were closing in on Ketzu Village, and soon enough the legendary wish orb the captain lusted after would soon be in his grubby mitts, and then.....and then....and then he could wish for the most intimidating, the most badass, and the most awesome space-pirate ship in all of existence! Everyone would then know of the feared Captain Joseph P. Krong when they saw his spaceship rocketing towards them to plunder and pillage! Will our heroes be able to stop the ambitious space-pirate captain? Or will soon-to-be feared pirate get his wish? Find out in the next chapter of Journey Throughout the Galaxy!*
And that's a wrap and I hope all of you massively enjoyed this chapter as it specifically took a deeper diver into Okara's character and shows that not everyone is a huge fan of him or the position he holds, additionally it dives into some of the canon GT characters a little bit more, and I hope you're all excited for more of these events to happen during the course of the story. However, now the fearsome(well self-dubbed "fearsome") space-pirate captain Joseph P. Krong is almost near Ketzu Village and it'll be up to Okara, Goku, Pan, and Trunks to put a stop to him before he can get his grubby unwashed hands on the black-star dragon ball! Additionally stay tuned as the final update for tonight will feature the harem chapter for From Bullied to Emperor(Redux), followed by the Prologue chapter of The Saiyan of Kombat! Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to the next milestone of 7.5K Followers! You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter!
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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