Chapter 1: Adventurers from E-arth
Hello and welcome back to Journey Throughout the Galaxy and now that we've introduced the main protagonist of this story and have gotten a look into his life as a student, warrior, and protector of his village, it's now time for the introduction of the other main protagonists Son Goku, Pan, and Trunks. The call of adventure is unknowingly calling Okara's name and his desire to travel the galaxy to find his missing father will take him on an incredible adventure the likes of which has never been seen on his planet before. Yet, before any of that can transpire, it's time to go investigate a crashland in the forest. Additionally stay tuned as tomorrow I'll be publishing a brand new story that'll take place in Mortal Kombat with both Street Fighter and Overwatch serving as secondary crossover franchises. Anyway I'm your host/author of the night or day OverlordAKX and I don't own anything besides my account, this idea, and my OC's. As always sit back, relax, and enjoy the chapter.
LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okara POV, Location: Ketzu Village
*At first Okara thought the blazing yellow streak flashing within the distant heavens was nothing more than a shooting star crossing his planet's path, which was a rare sight indeed, but nothing to get overly excited about. However, that sense of apathy was short-lived as the yellow streak continued to get closer and closer towards the planet, lighting up the entire night-sky like a mighty star. Jumping to his feet and unsheathing his spear, Okara looked on and flared up his Ki, clearly this object was going to impact against his planet and if it was anything like a meteor rapidly descending towards the surface then he had would have to deal with it personally, lest the entire population of his planet be wiped out by one attack. Yet, while the yellow streak got faster with more sparks flying off of it, the young warrior sheathed his spear as the object rapidly coming towards the planet's surface wasn't a population ending meteor like he originally thought it to be. No, as the young warrior squinted his eyes to get a better look at what was in the middle of the flaming fireball, this weird object looked more like a metallic and spheritic vessel roughly the size of a house. But, before Okara could question the weird object any further, it crashlanded within the forest with a loud "crssh!" emanating throughout the entire village and mountain range due to how fierce it had struck the ground.*
Okara: *yells, as a trail of smoke litters the night sky* What in the heavens was that!
*Without a second though, Okara takes off towards the plume of smoke that was arising from where the bizarre vessel crashlanded into the soil of the planet, with his trail of milky white Ki lighting up the surrounding area. At first, the young warrior momentarily decided whether or not he should help these people as they could have easily been space pirates or some kind of trick to have him leave the village for a few minutes, as those crafty and vile space pirates would preform any fiendish and underhanded trick just in order to get their fix of pillaging and killing. Yet, his sense of compassion eventually won out and he had to check up on these people to see if they were ok and if they needed any medical attention, as he couldn't let these people die, at least not until he confirmed who they were. Flying towards the vessel's crashsite, Okara readied himself for the seemingly inevitable attack of space pirates as these screamed of it being an ambush or just another underhanded ploy they had preformed in order to take him down, but as the young warrior flew closer to the giant pillar of smoke he unsheathed his spear once more, simply to be on the safe side of things. Okara darted his eyes around cautiously, just to make sure he wasn't mindlessly flying into a trap or that there were any beasts watching the vessel from the shadowy darkness of the forest, but he was mentally shocked when his trained eyes didn't see any trace of space pirates anywhere nor did he sense any evil Ki near his location. Landing near the site of the crashed vessel with the giant pillar of smoke continuing to float into the night sky, Okara sticks to the shadows offered by the trees and awaited for any kind of movement to transpire from within the mini-crater formed by the ship when it indented into the surface. As he closed his eyes to gain a reading upon the strangers' aura, he could sense the Ki of three entities that were aboard the metallic vessel and none of them seemed to have any malicious or vile intent, at least from what he could gather from their Ki.*
Okara: *thinks, while opening his eyes* If these aren't pirates or pillagers, then who the hell are they? Travelers? Tourists? Refugees?
*The question burning within Okara's mind was soon going to be answered as after a few minutes of waiting and watching with little activity happening, with the bottom tip of his spear burning brightly, which illuminated the area within his near vicinity, finally a part of the metallic vessel gave way and opened much like a ramp. Almost immediately the entire forest was filled with the sounds of a loud and booming argument as an enraged feminine voice was yelling, which was then followed by the nervous explanation of a young boy's voice, all the while a 3rd voice clearly masculine and older than the boy was trying to calm the girl down, to little success. Okara shook his head as he immediately realized this had to either be tourists or people who accidently crashlanded onto the planet, both were extremely likely, yet he remained within the dark comfort of the shadows in order to gain further information about the mysterious trio. Whoever these strangers were, they didn't understand the concept of whispering as Okara could bet that the entire forest could hear the argument brewing between two of the three members. From what Okara could gather, the root of the argument was that the child didn't properly know how to operate and land the vessel, which meant instead of gently landing upon the planet's surface and not attracting the suspicion of the locals, he accidently pressed the wrong button and sent the vessel into a freefall, which caused the ship to indent itself into the planet's surface. Thankfully no one was majorly hurt from the incident and none of the important mechanical components were damaged in the crash.*
Female: *yells* I swear that'll be the last time we let you operate the controls, grandpa!
Child: *sheepishly scratches the back of his head, while nervously chuckling* Sorry about that guys hee-hee. I just got the buttons mixed up.
Female: *sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose* Sometimes I just can't with you grandpa.
Older Male: Guys, that's enough arguing, Goku didn't mean to send the ship into a freefall. It was a simple accident that could have happened to any of us. And now instead of bickering amongst one another, we should instead scout the area and find a village to rest in for the night. *frowns* Plus we know nothing of this ecosystem, we could have accidently altered the local predator's to our location due to our yelling!
Female: *smirks* Trust me Trunks, we can handle any sort of beast or predator this planet sends at us!
Trunks: *sighs* I hope you're right about that Pan. Otherwise our adventure may end sooner than we originally thought.
Pan: *scoffs* No need to be such a downer Trunks! I'm certain that with our power, any beast that stumbles across us will regret it!
Goku: *smiles* Exactly! None of the beasts on this planet should be a problem for any of us!
Trunks: I'm just trying to be realistic guys, we should approach this place with caution. At least until we're certain of environment and how this planet operates.
Pan: *laughs* I just think you're frightened Trunks.
Trunks: *frowns* There's a huge difference between being scared and being cautious Pan. *mumbles* By now, I thought you would have realized the difference.
Goku: *looks around the forest with wonder in his eyes* This place is beautiful! It reminds me of home!
Pan: Yeah grandpa it does. At least this place is far better than that kami awful desert wasteland of a planet we were at!
Trunks: Regardless of its inherent beauty, we should try and locate a village.
Goku: *smirks* That would be helpful. Especially if the villager's know where the dragon ball is located!
Pan: *folds her arms* I don't understand why we don't just use Gill, so that way we can find the dragon ball ourselves! After all the sooner we find this dragon ball, the faster we can locate the next!
Trunks: *sighs* You know why we can't use Gill, Pan. He suffered a nasty blow to his servos and needs to be offline for at least a day so he can self-repair himself!
Pan: Seems like just a lazy excuse for him to relax while we do all the hard work.
Goku: *scratches the back of his head* Yeah, I don't remember crashlanding the ship that hard.
Trunks: Regardless if he's faking the injury or not, this is the perfect opporunity to prove to ourselves that we can do this without consulting Gill every few minutes!
Pan: Wait a minute! Aren't you the supposed "tech-guy"? Why are you advocating for us to locate the dragon ball without Gill, when you're whole thing is technology?
Trunks: Because while I may be an expert at technology, even I know that we shouldn't become reliant upon it.
Goku: *smiles* That's the spirit Trunks! I know with our combined abilities we'll be able locate the dragon ball with our own might and wit!
Trunks: *chuckles* Heh, thanks Goku.
Pan: *sighs* Let's just hope it's as easy as you two make it out to be.
Trunks: *smirks* Now look who's being a downer.
Pan: *flushes with embarrassment and yells* Shut up Trunks!
Goku: Come on guys, enough standing around and bickering with one another! Let's go find that dragon ball!
Trunks: *nods* Goku's right, time is certainly not on our side.
Pan: *shrugs* I guess we'll continue this little conversation later Trunks. For right now let's go hunt down that dragon ball!
Trunks: *shoulders slump* Both of you do realize we still need to find a village before we go hunting for the dragon ball right?
Goku: *scratches the underside of his nose* Don't worry about that Trunks! I'm certain we'll find at least one village during our travel!
Trunks: And what happens if they don't know where the dragon ball is or what it is in the first place?
Goku: *smiles, with his optimism unwavering* Then we'll just find another village and ask if they know where the dragon ball is!
Okara: *thinks* This bizarre travelers sure are a fascinating bunch. And why does the girl call the child her grandpa? Is that some sort of weird tradition that their planet has?
*After the yelling subsided and the trio was once more on the same page with one another, the calm sounds of nature slowly took their hold over the area once more, which made Okara lightly sigh in relief as he didn't know how much longer he could take of those three bickering with one another. The young warrior then was able to get a good look of the visitors as they walked out of the crater and into his line of sight. The first member of the group was a female girl no older than 15, she was sporting a red jacket with a white t-shirt, an orange bandana with her onyx black hair cascading down to the middle of her back, blue jeans, and black shoes. Next was a small child, no older than 12 or 13, who possessed onyx and spiky hair, a dark blue Gi with a white sash, yellow pants, and black shoes. The final member of the group was by far the tallest and the oldest, he possessed lavender colored hair, bright blue eyes, a tan jacket with a black t-shirt, brown leather gloves, a blue bandana around his neck, white shorts, and brown shoes. Judging from there outfits alone, Okara knew they weren't from around these parts and that now the most likely option was that they were either adventures or tourists from another planet, searching for this item called a "dragon ball". Okara couldn't help but silently chuckle to himself as this was by far the weirdest group of people he had ever encountered, and while he didn't see that many off-worlders besides the occasional space pirates, these three took the cake for how bizarre their antics were. Yet, now that he had gotten all the information he could possibly need from them, including why they were here and what their names were, it was finally time to strike and "convince" them to leave his planet. If that failed, while he wished to avoid unnecessary bloodshed at all costs, he would be forced to go for the kill if they refused to give up their hunt and go home.*
Okara: *quietly whispers to himself* Let's just hope this doesn't come to that. After all, these guys seem to have more rationality than those damned space pirates.
Pan: *says in a calm tone, clearly having calmed down from her argument* Hopefully this planet is inhabited by people. I would hate for this beautiful world to be solely inhabited by bloodthirsty beasts!
Trunks: There's no telling who or what resides on this world Pan.
Goku: *smiles* I certainly know one way to find out hee-hee!
Okara: *yells, catching the attention of the trio* I'm afraid I can't let you go any farther.
*Stepping out from the shadows, Okara raised his spear towards the bizarre travelers with the clear intent of ridding them from his planet's surface, either from them leaving the planet or staining the ground crimson with their blood. One of those options was certainly more preferred for him, but if it came to actually bloodshed he wouldn't be merciful, even though their intentions weren't evil or malicious in the slightest. But, Okara couldn't trust any off-worlders, especially when some space pirates and other pillagers were good at hiding their true emotions until the exact moment they were required to show their true colors, which meant these three could be playing the same trick. From the perspective of the three interplanetary travelers, their conversation had stopped dead in its tracks when a person, a boy that was no older than 17 and most likely was a resident of this planet, stood in front of them with a spear in his hands. Tensions were thick as Okara wanted these strangers gone from his planet as they could have arrived to cause untold damage, and even if they were harmless tourists he didn't have the best interactions with off-worlders and therefore wanted these three gone as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the trio were completely taken off-guard by the young warrior's presence and all three got into a more defensive stance, as none of them knew if this person was friendly or hostile, yet the way he was pointing that spear at them did make the latter more likely. While Trunks and Pan were staring intensely at the young warrior's eyes and the spear he was pointing at them, Goku looked downwards and his eyes bugged out as he noticed the brown tail wrapped around Okata's waist.*
Okara: I suggest you get back on your metallic vessel and return to whatever planet you came from. Lest I have to send you back by force.
Goku: Woah! You're a Saiyan! I didn't think I would ever find another one during our adventure!
Okara: *responds in a confused tone* What in the heavens is a Saiyan? *reassures the trio with steely determination* I believe you have me confused with another similar species, as I'm a Rodunian.
Pan: Grandpa! I think we should be a little more cautious around the guy currently holding a spear!
Goku: Why? I could just go Super Saiyan and beat him. *smiles brightly* I don't think we have anything to worry about guys!
Pan: *deadpans* And what if he can go Super Saiyan as well? *gestures to his brown monkey tail* He's a Saiyan like you, me, Trunks, and the others back on Earth, meaning he shouldn't be taken lightly.
Okara: *ignores Pan's second statement to Goku and instead focuses upon the first statement* Grandpa? Why in the world does she call you grandpa when you're younger than her?
Trunks: *scratches the back of his head* It's a long story.
Okara: *frowns* Then why don't you tell me the short version? It may very well change my decision, if your plight is pure-hearted enough.
Goku: Well in short I got turned into a kid by these nasty guys known as the Pilaf Gang! And now me, my granddaughter Pan, and my rival's son Trunks are on the hunt to locate the Black-Star Dragon Balls and bring them back to Earth!
Okara: Then what's your rush? You made it sound like something dire will happen if you don't collect them in time. *chuckles lightly* Besides you being forced to go through puberty again.
Pan: *sighs* Because spear-boy, if we don't collect the balls and bring them back to our planet within the year, our planet will explode!
Trunks: Stabbing the root of the problem with no grace or softness once again eh Pan?
Pan: *tilts her head to face Trunks* Well, what were you going to do Trunks! Time is not on our side, which means we need to get spear-boy over here on our side quickly!
Okara: *hums* Sounds like you travelers are in quite the situation. A bizarre situation, but a situation nonetheless.
Pan: *mumbles, as she turns back around to face Okara* That's the understatement of the century.
Okara: *lowers his weapon slightly* What is your planet called again? I haven't met many off-worlders before, meaning I have little information on other planetoids besides my own.
Goku: We're from Earth! You know the planet with plenty of delicious food and strong warriors like myself and my buddy Vegeta!
Okara: E-arth? Never heard of it or its strong warrior and delicious foods.
Pan: No, you dummy! Earth! Not E-arth!
Okara: *frowns* First of all, I believe it's a dumb move to insult the guy wielding a spear and secondly there's an "a" in it right? So, by all means it should be E-arth.
Trunks: *facepalms* I can't believe we've run into this problem again. *removes his hand from his face and speaks in a calm tone* I apologize for my friend's aggressive demeanor, she can get extremely hotheaded and stubborn at times. And secondly it is called Earth, the a is simply silent.
Okara: You people are truly fascinating, as never in my life would I imagine myself getting into a conversation with any off-worlder. *says with disdain in his voice* Especially with the type of off-worlders my planet usually receives.
*Okara had a lot of information take in, as these bizarre strangers had weaved quite the tale, and even though it was by far the most ridiculous set of events he ever heard, even he couldn't deny the trio's plight was founded. The young warrior wouldn't wish destruction upon anyone or anything.....except the space pirates, but to lose one's planet was something he would truly never wish upon any living being in the entire universe. Which meant the trio's plight struck a cord within him, and while he sighed quietly to himself as such a mistake may cost him in the near future, especially if they were expertly lying, he had to help these three locate the "dragon ball". And when the trio of interplanetary travelers mentioned the ball they were seeking had black-star emblazoned upon it, Okara couldn't help but smirk lightly to himself as clearly the orb they were searching for was indeed the orb he had already located a week ago. Yet, before he could take these strangers to his village he needed to make sure he could trust them, not only that they wouldn't share the village's location with anyone else, but also to make sure they weren't expertly lying and were working with the space pirates or some kind of evil clan or organization. After all, one couldn't be too trusting nowadays, and Okara had fallen for the same exact trick when he was younger and far more naïve, his unyielding compassion had caused some of the village to be destroyed and Master Teckiyaki was heavily displeased with his student.*
Okara: *thinks* Compassion is my most powerful weapon....yet it can also be my biggest weakness if I don't control it.
Pan: So, are you going to help us find the dragon ball spear-boy?
Okara: Before I answer, why should I even believe your frankly absurd tale to be nothing more than a mere trick?
Goku: *says in a confused tone* What? Why would we lie? We have nothing to gain from manipulating or tricking you!
Okara: *nods* I understand, but our planet has been ransacked more than its fair share of times by space pirates. I'll need to know you're not another group of pillagers.
Pan: *frowns* If we were space pirates, then why would we be telling you such an elaborate and "absurd" tale as you put it? Wouldn't it only be more efficient to kill you and ransack whatever village we come across first?
Okara: *says in a serious tone, dripping with underlying rage* Sometimes pirates can be a devious and manipulative bunch.
Trunks: I can assure you we aren't pirates.
Goku: *adds in with a smile on his face* And we certainly don't have any intention of pillaging your village or taking advantage of you and your village's hopeful hospitality.
Pan: Is our word enough to gain your trust?
*Okara had to think long and hard about what his choice was going to be, as on the one hand he couldn't detect any malicious or vile intent from the three strangers, but on the other hand he had fallen for this same exact trick before and it had costed him some of his honor and reputation. Both sides couldn't completely defeat the other and that left the young warrior in a confused state since he couldn't leave these people out here to potentially wander the forest and die or not find a village and starve to death nor could he let them leave his sight and have their spree of destruction be left on his guilty conscious. As from the determination glistening within their eyes, these people wouldn't leave the planet until they found the orb currently located within his bedroom. Okara, thought and thought about what the correct course of action was, but he was forced to mentally sigh as only one option was the true one, as not only would he be a hospitable host and lead a good example for his planet he couldn't let millions, if not billions of people die due to these three not finding all of their "dragon balls" in time. As while their tale was extremely absurd and could very well be rooted within falsehood and deceit, their honest tones and pleas for help made their story more realistic than he gave them credit for. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Okara finally spoke and let his ultimate decision be known to the travelers from another planet.*
Okara: *looks at the trio* Yes, I can sense no presence of malice or deceit in your voice. I will aid in your retrieval of this "dragon ball" for the time being.
Goku: *cheers* Hooray! We now have a brand new ally!
Okara: Yet know this, if you dare to break my trust or attack any member of my village *stares at the trio with nothing but cold stoic seriousness in his eyes* I'll kill all three of you before you have the chance to even fight back.
Pan: *gulps, before saying in a light voice as a bead of sweat rolls down her face* W-We wouldn't dream of hurting anyone in your village.
Goku: Yeah! We're not like those despicable and vile space pirates you keep telling us about!
Okara: Good. Now before I do take you to my village, I have one more request.
Trunks: *raises his eyebrow* And that request is?
Okara: *smirks* One of you must fight me right now. I wish to gauge your power and the only proper way to do so is by fighting against one of you in active combat.
Goku: *tilts his head* Um, are you sure we can't do this any other way? I love a good fight, especially against a strong opponent, but time is not on our side and we wouldn't want to waste it unnecessarily.
Okara: *raises his spear* If you want my help in taking you to my village and locating your dragon ball then yes, a small spar is necessary. *chuckles* Or you could walk off into the dangerous unknown of the woods and brave a chance against the ferocious and bloodthirsty beasts that reside within it.
*The tension began to rise once Okara had finished his sentence and the young warrior could feel said tension rising higher and higher every second once those words had left his lips. As he darted his eyes around the trio their individual looks spoke volumes about their characters and their personalities, something that would helpful in the future. If look could kill then the young girl would have murdered him five times over as she looked at him with nothing but rage and annoyance, clearly she didn't like being toyed around with and wanted to get a move-on, even if leaving now would cost them more time of aimless wandering. The adult trapped within a young child's body had a more complex look on his face that resonated with both the eagerness to fight, but also the responsibility of a true hero, clearly he didn't wish to battle him but would so if it meant they could locate the dragon ball faster. Finally, the purple-haired adult had a clear frown on his face, yet instead of the young girl's sheer rage and annoyance, his expression bore more of understanding mixed with underlying determination. Clearly the purple-haired member of the group was contemplating both the pros and the cons of battling Okara right now, and from the look of resolve and determination growing brighter upon his face, he soon realized that battling the young warrior was the fastest and more efficient option.*
Trunks: *looks at Okara with a gaze of cold, hard determination* I'll do it.
Pan: *yells* What! Are you crazy! You're actually indulging spear-boy's request!
Trunks: *nods* We have no other choice Pan. We could walk off into that forest, but we wouldn't be able to tell where we're going or know what beasts we'll encounter in there. This is by far the safest and most logical option, even if it does waste some time.
Pan: We can fly around, you dummy!
Trunks: That is true. However, there's no guaranteeing how long it would take us to find a singular village.
Okara: Your purple-haired partner isn't wrong. Our villages are infamously well-hidden, and it would take hours of scouting or something technologically advanced like a life radar to find them in any swift time.
Pan: *smiles* Trunks! Go build a life radar with the spare parts in the ship and we can locate a village no problem!
Trunks: *deadpans* Pan. Do you have any idea how long it would take me to build a life radar? Especially if I'm only using the spare parts from our ship.
Pan: *shrugs* I dunno, that's why I leave it to you our resident technology expert and hacker!
Goku: Pan, you do realize that Trunks building a life radar would take longer than us randomly finding a village on our own or having a little spar with the warrior in front of us.
Trunks: And I did say, I wanted us to specifically find this dragon ball without the help of technology.
Pan: *sighs in annoyance* Fine! We can do it the hard way! *yells at Trunks* Go battle spear-boy and make sure you win!
Goku/Trunks: *think simultaneously, with a bead of sweat rolling down both of their faces* She considers this the hard way!
Okara: *coughs, getting the attention of everyone once more* From reading your Ki, I can tell your very powerful and formidable warriors.
Goku: *laughs* You won't believe the types of challenge and ruthless warriors we've dealt before coming to this planet!
Okara: Perhaps we can share stories of battle, action, and adventure later. If you pass this small test of course.
Trunks: *smirks* I won't fail.
Okara: *counters Trunks' smirk with his own* And here I thought the supposed tech guy of the group would be weak and pitiful, but you're surprisingly stronger than you let on. And to make this fair *sheathes his spear, before getting into a fighting stance* let's keep this to strict hand-to-hand combat and Ki-based abilities.
Trunks: *gets into a fighting stance* Sounds good to me.
*Everything within the forest seemed to grown still and silent, with a slight flutter of the wind being the only notification that time hadn't stopped, as the two fighters stared at one another waiting for the other to make the first move. Okara breathed in and out before he teleported within the blink of an eye leaving Trunks confused, at first the purple-haired adult thought that the young warrior was backing out of the fight he issued, but within a few seconds Trunks felt himself having a meeting with the soft grass below as Okara had re-appearing behind him and landed a strong strike on his back, causing some saliva to shoot out of Trunks before he impacted against the ground. The young warrior used a variation of the afterimage technique his master had taught him, and with that technique he was able to confuse Trunks into thinking he ran away, yet even he knew such a trick wouldn't work twice. Rolling over and propping himself up by his elbows he noticed Okara was looking at him with a smirk, which Trunks couldn't but smirk back at before he quickly jumped up to his feet and fired some Ki blasts from his open palms, causing the young warrior to once more use his afterimage technique as he moved around the arena with blistering speed. Trunks smirked as he launched a Ki blast in front of Okara not at him, causing the young warrior to front-flip over the ball of Ki energy, with his eyes widening as said attack burnt a few pieces of hair before he then landed and smiled at Trunks' genius tactic.*
Okara: *smiles* Brilliant move, however it won't get you far against me.
*Before Trunks even had the chance to respond to Okara's blunt words or launch some more Ki blasts, everyone minus the young warrior grew confused as his nails seemed to sharpen and grow longer. However, that confusion was quickly put to rest as the "nails" grew longer and longer until they were the size of cables and they landed softly onto the ground with their yellow light illuminating the entire area, then the young warrior looked up at Trunks and smirked as he whipped the ten cords right at him. Trunks' eyes widened by the mysterious technique before he jumped back as the Ki-based weapons slammed into the ground where he was once standing and covered the immediate vicinity with dust, dirt, and gravel as some of the land was uprooted by the attack. Immediately everyone, but specifically Goku, realized this was a Ki technique of some kind that materialized ten whip like weapons and that each was controlled with the user's hand and more specifically finger movements as shown by each of ten "whips" being connected to Okara's fingertips. Trunks looked on in worry as the resident Saiyan of this planet swung his Ki-based whips again with the adventurer from Earth once more dodging, except for a part of his leg which was grazed against one of the whips and let some droplets of blood drip onto the forest floor. Trunks' eyes filled with pain as the wound throbbed and his entire body felt like it was on fire but he didn't give up nor did he quit as he couldn't surrender this early into the battle. Okara, looked around as the wounded Trunks recovered and he smirked as he spotted a nearby tree branch and launched one of the whips directly at the tree branch, quickly snapping the branch from the tree the young warrior then launched it at the downed Trunks. Within the corner of his eye Trunks saw Okara launch the tree branch in his direction again and immediately Trunks rolled out of the way as the branch impacted mere inches away from. Trunks knowing he had to get those whips off of the Saiyan's hands directly channeled most of his Ki to his hands and right as Okara's next attack was about to descend upon him, Trunks grabbed a hold of the two closest to him and swung upwards, pole-vaulting over the remaining eight, and with his increased strength due to channeling his Ki within his hands, the two whips snapped completely off causing Okara to grit his teeth.*
Trunks: *smirks as the two whips disintegrate* Am I getting further than you thought?
Okara: *smirks back, as he lets the other whips disconnect from his his fingertips, with them slowly disintegrating before vanishing complete* I must say you're by the far the most battle competent off-worlder I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Trunks: Thanks. I bet the fighters you usually are accustomed to facing are either barbaric brawlers or weapon wielders, neither of which have any Ki training or abilities to speak of.
Okara: *nods* You are indeed correct. Which makes this fight all the more special as I'm battling against someone who's on the same level as myself.
Trunks: *chuckles* Then prepare you should come to Earth sometime. There's plenty of fighters there that are even stronger than me, like my dad or Gohan!
Okara: *smiles* I'll have to consider taking that offer, but for right now let's finish this little battle of ours.
*With this being said Okara and Trunks rushed at one another and within a flash both were completely untraceable from the average eye as soundwaves rang throughout the night sky signaling that both fighters were moving faster than anyone except Goku could track, even Pan was having a hard time keeping up with both of them as several more soundwaves signaled throughout the entire forest and scared off the local wildlife. From the fighters' perspectives fist and kicks were being traded back and forth as every time one of them attacked, the other would block or swiftly counter with another punch or kick that left them at the same amount of damage. Okara couldn't help but smile as his heart raced and his blood was pumping, this particular fight was the best and most taxing battle he had in years and this purple-haired adventurer wasn't even near his limit. As more soundwaves erupted from the night sky with both Goku and Pan looking on in awe and astonishment, they both couldn't help but be particularly impressed by Okara, as here was a Saiyan that was disconnected from the rest of his race and didn't even know he was a Saiyan, yet he was more than holding his own against Trunks, even if the son of Vegeta hadn't even transformed into a Super Saiyan. The soundwaves continued as both Okara and Trunks traded several more blows with one another, each combatant landing a good or painful strike upon their opponent, before the other quickly retaliated and brought everything back to an even state, all the while their clashes were causing the wind to blow immensely which echoed throughout the trees. However, the clash ended as Okara landed a huge blow on Trunks' cheek, causing him to rocket back towards the surface and both Goku and Pan squinted in pain as they heard the loud crash that accompanied the crater Trunks had made, with even more dirt, grass, rocks, and some weaker trees being uprooted from their position and being flung across the soil.*
Okara: *yells* You fought valiantly, however this battle is finished!
*Okara outstretches his right hand and within the center of his palm grows a tiny spark, almost like he had some kind of lighter within his hand. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth as within seconds the tiny spark of fire that had emerged within the young warrior's open palm had transformed into a fireball and he was pointing it down at the still recovering Trunks with a neutral expression evident on his face. As Trunks staggered back to his feet and looked up with a few beads of sweat dripping down his face and some bruises and scratches covering his body, he saw the fireball within Okara's outstretched hand grow larger and larger, with the attack reminding Trunks of his father's Big Bang Attack technique. The beads of sweat dripped down Trunks' face faster than before and even Goku and Pan were beginning to feel the immense heat as the fireball kept growing larger and the bigger it was growing the more heat it was giving off, until the entire vicinity felt like it had become a makeshift sauna. Once Okara had finished channeling a portion of his Ki into the attack, the size of the fireball rivaled even the ship the trio had crashlanded on and the heat emanating from the ball was causing Trunks, Pan, and Goku to sweat heavily and even begin to pant as the heat was nearly insufferable. Then without saying a single world the young warrior launched the attack directly at Trunks, with a trail of smoke and embers being left in its wake. As the massive fireball flew towards Trunks, everything seemed to ring in his ears and he could vaguely hear the worried cries of Pan and Goku, yet all he could was stare at the bright orange, red, and yellow light that was going to completely engulf. Yet, immediately shaking this feeling of hopelessness to the side, he let out a roar before he then he outstretched both of his hands to his sides and as he was charging up his Ki to unleash his own move, he could feel the fireball get closer to him as the intensity of the heat felt like it was about to envelope him whole. However, that didn't happen as Trunks unleashed a shout as he pulled his hands back together and outstretched them towards the rapidly approaching fireball and just as the massive orb of fire Ki was going to defeat him, he released his powerful technique.*
Trunks: *yells* Buster Cannon!
*As Trunks unleashed his powerful counterattack, he could hear the cheering of his friends ringing within his ears and he couldn't help but smile as the struggle between his Buster Cannon and Okara's Fireball began. The entire area was engulfed by both of the fighter's attacks and both could be heard shouting and roaring as their wills fought for dominance, neither could lose nor did either want to lose. As the fireball battled against Trunks' beam the latter could feel the former slipping and Trunks couldn't help but smirk as Okara's attack was slowly losing its ground and soon enough it would be completely overtaken by Trunks' devastating technique. As the forest flashed between colors of red, yellow, orange, blue, and white both Pan and Goku couldn't help but me amazed by how both combatants were giving this spar their all, as the Saiyan native to this planet by the looks and sounds of it hadn't achieved Super Saiyan, meanwhile Trunks seemed to be more of the interplanetary chauffeur and tech guy, but here he was fighting on a nearly even playing field and he hadn't even gone into his Super Saiyan transformation. Okara grit his teeth as he could see the beam slowly inching closer and closer towards him as his fireball was losing its structural stability and he knew that within a few more seconds the beam was going to overtake him as the purple-haired adventurer had gotten back up and seemed to be stronger than earlier, yet a small grin grew upon his face as not only was he battling a strong and equal opponent but he had just thought of a tactic to get him out of this situation, even if it would leave him with a few wounds or bruises. Said tactic that Okara preformed was something that completely shocked everyone as he released the battle of wills that was happening and as the beam rushed towards him, the young warrior closed his eyes and willingly jumped right towards the beam which left everyone completely confused.*
Pan: *yells and turns her head towards Goku* Grandpa! Why would he actively jump into the path of a beam!
Goku: *at first he was speechless, before a certain moment from his fight with Cooler replayed through his mind* I don't know Pan. But, I may have an idea on what he's about to preform.
Pan: What?
*As Pan and Goku turn back towards the fight at hand, both noticed the shadowy outline of Okara's body against the bright blue and white beam of Trunks' Buster Cannon, but the former was equally shocked and astonishing as instead of being unable to move or getting pushed back further away from Trunks, the young warrior was flying further into the originating point of beam. Okara's yells and roars of pain were lightly muffled by the sound of the beam, yet everyone could hear as he was slowly pushing himself closer and closer towards Trunks, with Goku having an expression of respect and intrigue plastered upon his face as he wanted to learn more about this Saiyan and eventually fight him, well once he helped him unlock Super Saiyan 1, 2, and possibly even 3 of course. All the while, Trunks' face went from one of confidence and assured victory to trepidation and underlying fright as he saw the silhouette of Okara drawl forward and in response, he let out another yell and further dropped more Ki into this attack, certain that a more powerful output would launch the resident Saiyan. Trunks was right as Okara's silhouette did slightly falter and tumble back, which allowed Trunks some breathing room, and to his surprise it seemed like the added power output was pushing the young warrior further back. Okara continued to keep pushing against the new power output, but jumping and rushing through an opponent's attack zapped his body's stamina and he could feel his vision being to swim. The young warrior could hear the cheered celebrations for Trunks' victory....and just as the blue void was going to envelope and swallow him whole, he heard....he heard his mother's voice! He her soft, gentle, and soothing tone telling him to keep fighting, to best this opponent and never surrender! Soon her voice was joined by both Master Teckiyaki and Kira, both of which also told to never surrender and to keep fighting.*
Okara: *grits his teeth* I........I......I refuse to admit defeat!
*With this self-declaration and an even brighter sense of determination bubbling within his being, Okara let out his own roar and continued pushing forward towards Trunks, much to the shock and awe of the trio. Seeing the silhouette of Okara slowly march forwards, Trunks decided to place an even higher power output into his attack and even though this constant beam was zapping through his own Ki, he could see that the resident Saiyan was also nearing his last legs due to arrogantly thinking he could walk through a beam and attack him, which meant he needed to give his all into this attack. Okara could feel his own footing slipping again and he nearly tumbled backwards due to the power Trunks had placed into this beam and when the new output of Ki had been placed, the young warrior almost let go and accept his defeat at the hands of this off-worlder. Yet, the young warrior narrowed his eyes and with a small smirk etched onto his face, he outstretched his right hand behind him and with a loud roar he launched a fireball behind him. Pan and Goku looked on in wonder as Okara had used the fireball as a source of speed and he flew through the tunnel of blue and white that was ensnaring him in its warm and hostile glow. Trunks on the other hand stared on in complete surprise as he saw the silhouette shoot towards him like a bullet and before he could place another outburst of power into his beam or even stop his beam and move, the young warrior emerged from the top of his beam and squarely hit Trunks right across the jaw, which causing the surprised adventurer to go rocketing towards the ground and impact even further into the crater he created earlier. The beam then swiftly vanished once Trunks was no longer there to preform it and all Pan and Goku could do was stare in amazement at the bruised young warrior, who was currently clutching at his right arm due to the amount of stress he had placed upon it, all the while his entire body was littered with cuts and bruises while his clothes had been torn or burnt in several locations.*
Okara: *stands weakly but triumphally, while clutching at his right arm* I.....*huff and puffs* I win. *floats back down to the ground, before falling into a laying position as his chest rises and falls as he breathes heavily* That....That was *huffs and puffs* a good battle off-worlder.
Pan: *walks over to Okara's laying form with a bright smile on her face* That was awesome! I never thought in my life that someone could walk through a beam like that!
Okara: *smirks wearily* The heavens constantly give us surprise after surprise....
Pan: *outstretches her hand to help Okara up, which he accepts* I give it does.
Okara: *gets back up to his feet thanks to Pan's help* You might want to go check up on your friend. I didn't hit him too hard, but crashing into the surface might have done a number on him.
Pan: If he is injured does your village have a medic?
Okara: *chuckles, before coughing and choking as it pained him to laugh* What kind of question is that! My mother is the best medic on the entire planet, perhaps even the entire galaxy! The only thing she wouldn't be able to heal is a corpse!
Pan: *chuckles lightly* I guess Trunks will be in good hands then.
Okara: *nods* He will be.
Goku: *walks up, with a wounded Trunks limping behind him* Don't worry, Trunks is good! No broken bones or anything!
Trunks: *huffs and puffs* Yeah, I'm fine guys. I just need to catch my breath and put some bandages on the scratches and bruises.
Okara: Fret not once we get to my village, my mother will be able to heal both of us.
Trunks: *looks at Okara and smiles* You're certainly an incredible fighter! *chuckles softly* If only we had your help against the likes of Majin Buu!
Goku: *frowns* Hey! Me and Vegeta handled him by ourselves!
Trunks: *turns his head to face Goku* I'm just saying Goku, this could could have currently helped against that pink blob....back when he was evil that is.
Goku: Oh! *smiles* When then I certainly wouldn't have been upset with another fighter helping us!
Okara: *coughs* Well I would love to stay and chat, but we must return to my village before the beasts decide to come snooping around.
Pan: *claps her hands together* Great! Let's get going!
Okara: *looks at Goku* I hope you don't mind that I tag along in your metallic vessel to my village. I would fly and lead you there, but I don't think I could fly there without crashing down to the surface.
Goku: No problem! Just tell us the directions and I'll fly the ship there!
Pan: *yells* No you won't grandpa! Remember that you're the reason why we crashed in the first place!
Goku: *scratches the back of his head* Well just think about it Pan. Without me crashing the ship we most likely wouldn't have met our new ally!
Pan: *sighs* Why do I even bother with you sometimes grandpa?
Trunks: Don't worry guys, I'm still good enough to fly.
Okara: Then let us get to your ship and then head to my village quickly, I can already sense the beasts heading this way.
Pan: To the ship!
*The screen fades to black as the trio alongside Okara head back to their ship, with the young warrior momentarily being both confused and mesmerized by the technology advancement that was the ship Goku, Pan, and Trunks are currently traveling within. And his confusion was only doubled when he first met Gill, the robotic dragon ball locating android companion who had stayed in the ship the entire time to self-repair himself after suffering a few indents and chips in his design. As Pan and Goku sat in the back, whispering and discussing about the resident Saiyan of this planet and how he even got here, Okara and Trunks were up in the front as the latter limped into his seat and pulled the ship from the crater it had landed in, while the former was going to give directions to his village and help them in their hunt for the dragon ball. The ship then took off a few seconds later and Okara couldn't help but be amazed and baffled by the metallic vessel, as the only time he had seen these things were from space pirates and that was only the outside of the ship, he never had the privilege of seeing one from the inside and right away he understood the appeal. Yet, as the trio and the young warrior flew back off to his village, with Okara desperately hoping his village wouldn't burn him alive for bringing unannounced outsiders, the despicable and infamous Captain Joseph P. Krong was getting closer to the village and its mystical wish orb.*
And that's a wrap and I hope you all massively enjoyed the chapter and are hyped for the next one which will have Okara further getting to learn about Goku, Pan, and Trunks alongside the planet they came and what a Saiyan is. Yet, the dangerous and stinky looming shadow of Captain Joseph P. Krong is going to be upon them soon enough and he's going to want that shiny mythical wish orb currently stashed within Okara's room, and he won't be leaving the village until he gets his grimy hands on it! Additionally stay tuned as tonight I have one more update planned and it'll be the unveiling of a brand new story! Don't Forget to Hit the Follow Button in the Face and join the Broski Army as we're on the road to 5K Followers and I know soon enough we'll have conquered that milestone and have scaled the summit to the next milestone of 7.5K. You're all wonderful guys and girls and I'll see you all in the next chapter!
PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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