Chapter 3
As I come back to base from the forest near Aroonshire, I look up and see my dad. He looks down at me, an eyebrow raised.
"Find anything valuable?" He asks
"Uhm... Maybe, maybe not." I give him an awkward smile. He glares at me, clenching his jaw.
"What do you MEAN MAYBE, MAYBE NOT?!" He grabs me by the neck and lifts me off the ground, "I told you to not come back till you found something! Not—"
"W-Wait...!" I try to speak, "Let— me... Ex- Explain!" Dad looks at me for a few seconds, then drops me onto the floor. As I gasp for air, he says,
"You better give me a good explanation then."
"Okay, okay. I found a girl, her name is Myra."
"Myra...? Who, that one girl from the village in the forest nearby?"
"Y-Yeah! She had a very pretty necklace, it seemed to be the one with gold petals, the very magical, powerful one!"
"And what about it?"
"I saw her in the forest in the morning today, and she's really weak and vulnerable! I followed her a second after she went past the borders, and I almost got the necklace! But with her two boy toys, I couldn't stand a chance against them and had no other choice but to retreat."
"So how are you to get the necklace?"
"Well if she doesn't leave again, then I'll sneak into the village and kidnap her."
"...Are you stupid, son? You know Aroonshire is well guarded, if you go alone then you could get caught and jailed."
"...Amy lives in Arkaley, right? She could tag along and get us into the village without anyone getting suspicious!"
"Tch." Dad pats me on the back, "Fine, I'll let you kidnap the girl, we could maybe sell her off also, who knows?"
"Thanks, Father—"
"But one more thing," he puts his hands on my shoulders and bends down to my level to look me in the eyes, "Don't turn into your terror form unless absolutely necessary, okay?"
"You can count on me, father."
"Good, now head back home, your mother in the other realm made dinner."
"Oh, okay, father."
I am a half-human half terror. My dad is a human and my mom is a terror. Terrors do live on Earth (in secret) but most live in the Oros realm since terrors are hated all over the land. Most are short-tempered and easily triggered, so they usually meditate to try and control themselves, or they'll go batshit crazy. Terrors have forms, you can turn to your full form, I haven't seen a terror in full form before, but mother has, and she said they were huge! They can also turn a somewhat human, which is just a normal human with markings and has horns and their tail. Also, with their eyes being the beady red. But since I'm half terror, I could only turn into the somewhat human form and a normal human. Yet, I'm still pretty strong without being full-blooded. I grab a potion from dad's cabinet and take a sip of it, I blink once or twice, and I end up in my room. I also get a sudden headache but it goes away in a few minutes. I go outside and see mom sitting down on the floor, she's deeply thinking, meditating, as usual. I look over at the table and see a roasted goat.
"Uhm..." I look over at mom. She takes a deep breath and says.
"Your food is outside." She says, eyes still closed.
"Thanks." I go out and see a little fire, I see three roasted chicken legs, one of them is kinda burnt. I grab it with my hands and place them on a plate.
"Hey, big brother! You're home!" I look up and see my little sister Sally, who's also a half terror.
"Hey, where did you go today?" I ask.
"My friend showed me how to make my teeth sharper and get faster! Look at my teeth!" She smiles widely and my eyes widen as I see two of them are chipped.
"What happened to your teeth?!"
"They got stuck in some brick. But it will grow back! I think."
"If you say so. Here." I give her a chicken leg.
"Thank you, big brother! " She smiles and runs into the house. I put out the fire and stand up, entering my house, with my chicken.
The next day appears and I try to sneak back to Earth, as I try to go to the basement, I turn around and see mom looking at me dead in the eyes.
"M-Mother...! How are you—?" I give her an awkward smile.
"Remember, you work with your father for two days, and you work with me for four."
"But mom! I have something important to do!"
"This is more important." Mom runs over to a cabinet in the living room and comes back with some clothes, "Go into the bathroom and change into these, please."
"What? Why?"
"Okay... So you know queen Marcy? She'll resign very soon but since she doesn't have any kids, she's holding a competition to take her place."
"...Hold up. Are you telling me that I should try and compete for the throne?"
"Mother! I can't— I'm not strong as everyone else."
"Oh, my son, you're as strong as everyone else here, trust me. Trust yourself."
"Why do you want me to do this anyway? You know I have a whole other life on Earth."
"I know, but, I just believe you can do it. Don't you always tell me that you want to prove everyone else in Oros that you're strong? Now's your chance to do so."
"...Fine, I'll do it."
"Really?!" Mom smiles with joy, "Okay then! Here are your clothes, hurry and get dressed! When you come out, you better be in your terror form also! The more early you are, the more time you have to prepare yourself!"
"Heh, okay okay."
I come out of the bathroom and mom turns to me confused,
"Why are you always wearing scarfs?" She asks.
"Mother, you know I get cold."
"Ah, right..."
"Also! Your daggers, give me them."
Mom lets her hand out, "You're not allowed to bring weapons."
"..." I give mom my daggers and she smiles.
"Okay, great! I hope you do well, son. Go to the castle and you'll be informed on what to do."
"You're... Not coming with me?"
"I'm on break. Get going now, you don't want to be late!"
"Alright, bye mother."
"Bye, my strong, handsome son!"
As I walk into the main hall, I see a group of other people, looking at me and giving me weird looks. I simply ignore them and stand by them, waiting for queen Marcy to come out and give orders on what to do next.
"Haha...! What's a human like you doing here? Trying to compete for the throne." One guy laughs at me.
"Half-Human," I say.
"Yeah whatever, what even makes you think you have a chance against us, kid?"
"Heh..." I smirk at the guy, "Don't underestimate me, I'm way stronger than I look."
"Getting cocky now, huh?" He scoffs and looks away, I hear him mumble, "I'll kick your ass."
"Hello, young ones! I am Queen Marcy, the ruler of terrors, and the west part of Oros! You all must know why you're here today? To take my place and become the new ruler! But, I'm surprised there are no females competing." Queen Marcy catches a glimpse of me and smiles, "Well, for today, you'll go through five trials. First, we'll be testing your endurance..."
Each trial, a huge amount of people would be eliminated. Yet after the four trials, I was still... here. Along with nine other people, with ten in total. I still couldn't believe I passed all the four trials!
"Now, the last trial isn't really a trial. Does anyone know this young lady?" Queen Marcy pulls out a picture of... Myra! What is she doing with her picture? "Her name is Myra Meeka, she's part of a royal family owns a very valuable necklace, I want you guys to find her and bring her back. Whoever brings her back, wins the throne."
"That young gal? She's hot." I hear some guy say.
"Damn right she is. I bet I'll find her first! And when I do, I think i'll have a little fun with her before I bring her back." Some other guy says.
"Yeah! I'd do the same thing, bud."
My eyes widen and I feel something sharp in my throat. I can't let them find Myra first, or she'll be in huge trouble. I mean I don't care about her anyways, I just need her for the competition and her necklace for dad. Luckily I know where she is.
"You all are allowed to try and find her! But here's a hint, she lives near a forest~!"
"That doesn't help!" Some guy says.
"Welp, if no one finds her in two days, then I'll give a few more hints, now leave!"
I dash out of the castle and rush home, time to get out of these clothes, and find Myra before the other guys do.
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