- Entry #4: Kala -

I woke up to staring at the familiar wooden ceiling of my bedroom in the Fyre Brothers' tower. I stared at it, blinking a few times to clear my vision. My shoulder is sore and my head hurts but not as badly. I pushed myself to sit up, confused as I looked around trying to understand what is going on. I'm in my bed, but...what happened?

I pushed the blanket off me, moving slowly to the side of the bed. And just as I put my feet on the floor, I felt the headache return. I gritted my teeth, clutching my head as I started to hear voices.

'You're gonna be okay! Keep your eyes open, keep looking at me!'

'Get the physician now!'

'What happened?!'

I shook my head as I breathed heavily, my headache starting to go away slowly. But I was so focused on it that I hadn't realized the door opened and Matt came in. I let out a shaky breath, my eyes flickering up to look at him and seeing the concern laced in his eyes. I bet he walked in not expecting to see me struggle with myself like I was.

I gave him the best smile I could manage, which wasn't much. "I'm fine, but what happened?" I asked him.

"You've been unconscious for a day," he said shocking me. One day? I've been asleep for the full day? Matt then went to explain what happened in the time I was asleep.

Apparently, James and Phil kicked the three Council members off campus. Which wasn't really hard since their titles as Elites wizards can scare away a lot of people. But James and Phil contacted the other elites and asked them all to come here to figure out what happened to me and how to clear my name. I couldn't help but feel like I was being a bother again, after all, they are going through a lot of trouble just for me.

I looked at Matt. "You all don't have to do this for me. I know I'm being a bother and--"

Matt shakes his head at me. "Seto, you're not a bother. Look, we all feel the same way about this and we all want to help you. You haven't done anything wrong, you don't deserve to be used as a scapegoat. We'll always have your back, no matter what happens. We promised to get you back home and we aren't breaking that promise," he told me. I stared at him, not really knowing how to process that. Trying to argue with Matt about how useless you are is hard since...well it's Matt.

I looked away from him. For everything they have done for me and they have done a lot, I don't feel like I have done anything to deserve them. I let out a shaky breath. Maybe leaving as I had originally planned isn't a good idea, my place is here clearly and I need to stay here with the Fyre Brothers. I looked back at him and nodded. "Thanks, I...I needed that," I told him.

He gives me a smile. "No problem. Don't give up, things happen for a reason. We'll figure out who you are since from what you describe, you are probably from another realm. If are you, it is a miracle that you survived," he said. I nodded, acknowledging that but in terms of agreeing that my survival is a miracle, I disagree. 

They all call it a miracle, but I don't believe in miracles. If miracles were real, I would remember who I am. What sort of miracle involves amnesia? None, that's what...

"I don't believe in miracles..." I told him.

Matt tilted his head a bit like he's confused and I expected that. On the surface, yes, me surviving could technically be called a miracle, but...it doesn't feel like a miracle to me. It feels like a curse.

I looked at him. "What sort of miracle involves forgetting who you are and where you came from?" I asked him. I saw him look confused, but I couldn't tell if he was confused because he didn't know what to say or he just truly didn't understand what I was talking about. I let out a sigh and looked away from him. "Just forget I said anything, Matt..." I told him.

But now I saw him look guilty now. He stepped towards me. "Seto I..." he started. I looked at him, seeing he is struggling to find something to say to counter my argument. The truth is, no one can really counter my argument since no one has had gone through memory lost...well, James has but he doesn't know that he has so he doesn't technically count.

My eyes soften at him and I force a small smile to him, trying to make him feel better. "Matt, you don't have to try to cheer me up. It's fine. I'm the one who just put the conversation back to depressing levels...I seem to have a talent for that," I said looking away again. And there I go again, putting people down. I thought my mental state was getting better but of course, I was wrong. My eyes looked at him. "Sorry...I made it depressing again..."

Matt smiled at me. "We'll work on that. By the way, how is your journal writing going?" he asked me. Oh right, I missed a day, so I need to write as soon as I can. I can't miss two days in a row. Besides, I need to write down the memory I saw while I still remember it so I don't forget it.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's helping, I write down the things I remember in it. Which isn't much..." I told him. I looked at him, staring at him. "Sorry..."

Matthew gives me a smile. "It's alright, we all have our demons, Seto. I can teach you to be more upbeat if you want," he said. I stared at him more. More upbeat, like him...I mean, I guess having a positive look on life would be good but...I don't really want to be like Matt. I don't think I could pull something off like that. But a better look on life is probably what I really need right now with everything that is going on, so I guess it couldn't hurt to try.

"Sure..." I said cautiously which I could tell excited Matt in a way that just made me smile. Matthew's happiness aura is something I really do admire about him, he can easily make the people around him smile when they don't want too.

"What do you believe in, Seto?" he asked me. I looked at him confused by the sudden question. He put his hands up. "You said you don't believe in miracles. So what do you believe in? The gods--"

I shake my head. "No, no. I'm not into that religious stuff," I said. And that really was the truth. Sure, following the gods sounds...okay. But when the gods hate wizards, I really see no point. That and I'm finding that depending on answers from other people is not the way to go. Besides, it is like what James said: The gods make everything messy when things don't need to be. When the gods get involved, they complicate things and scare people. I find that inefficient. I looked at him. "I don't really know what to believe in," I said honestly.

Matt smiled at me. "Well, try believing in yourself," he said. I opened my mouth to respond, but I was at a loss for words. He made a very good point. Matt must have saw my speechlessness. He lost his smile for a second. "Hey, I may not be able to know what you are going through with the whole amnesia and all. But I do know what it is like to feel you have no one to lean on since that's how my life was before Phil, Tom, and James came into the picture. There is always an upside to things, Seto. But you are only looking at the downsides. We may not know who you were but we know who you are right now and I find that matters more than anything," he told me. I stare at him, knowing he was right and knowing he was just trying to make me feel better.

I know it doesn't matter who I was, but it matters to me. I feel lost not knowing the person I used to be. Also, there might be a lot of people depending on me that really need me.

I gave Matt the best smile I could muster. "Thanks..." I said.

He nodded a bit. "No problem. I actually have to go help James in repairing a building that was damaged by some students, you gonna be okay on your own?" he asked concerned.

I smiled and nodded at him. "I'll be fine, go on," I told him.

"Alright, bye,"

"Bye," I said as he left. I got up from my bed, wobbling a bit on my feet, I went over to the desk and opening the drawer that had my journal in it. I sat down in the chair and opened it up. Only three entries so far...well, three entries and everything that happened that day.

I'm finding myself being dependent on this journal since beyond just writing the normal entries, I also write down everything that happened that day. For example, in the first entry, I wrote down everything that happened when Phil, Tom, and Matt were testing my magic capabilities.

My memory is going right now and it is hard for me to remember some things, so I write everything down, not wanting to forget a thing. It is just easier for me since if I do forget something important, at least I'll have a record of it in this book that I plan to start carrying around with me as soon as I get something that I can carry it in.

I open to a blank page and dip the quill tip in ink before I started writing.

-- Entry #4: May 25th - Thursday --

Silver crown, blonde hair, black clothing, and golden yellow eyes. That's the person I saw in the first recollection of my past. I didn't get a name, I only got a vision of what is a city being attacked and I had some type of position next to royalty.

The person, he, he felt very familiar and that is a good thing. Honestly, I know I have heard his voice before but I just can't put a name to the face or voice.

What I saw was some type of monstrous creature army attacking and apparently, I had used a lot of my magic to get me and my royal companion to where we were. He was hurt and I couldn't tell if I was since I was so confused as to what was going on at the time. We were heading towards the throne room which makes me more confused, were we on the side of the creatures or not?

Also, when I woke up, I heard voices. I heard the blonde royal's voice, but I also heard others. They sounded very worried and someone was badly injured...I think that might have been me. After all, I showed up in Vienna badly injured.

So from what I have gathered before I showed up in Vienna...I was trying to stop the collapse of a city or something. I had people beside me to help me, and like the blonde royal, they must have been heroes or royalty or something.

Either way, I meant something. Something very important.

Now after the flashback and such I blacked out and slept for a day. If that is gonna happen each time I have a flashback, that's gonna be a real inconvenience.

Also, I've decided that I'm gonna stay here with the Fyre brothers. I had planned to leave right after I was given the all-clear from the healers, but it is like what Matt had told me. Me appearing here can't have been an accident, I'm here for a reason.

This world has gods in it, if they wanted, they probably could have sent me straight home once they detected the bridge opening and me coming through since gods can apparently sense that. They can sense who enters this world and who leaves it. And we concluded that I am from some different dimension. Meaning it is gonna be much harder for me to get home.

But you wanna know what I just realized? If Mianite can detect who enters this world...maybe that is why he is mad. He detected my crossing and didn't like it. But if that would be true why hasn't he done anything to me yet? I am quite powerless and weak at the moment.

I don't think James and them have thought of that yet, I'll have to ask James to see what he thinks.

Speaking of James, he seems quite mysterious really is all I can describe him as. The Athar Ritual made James emotionally numb as Phil put it. At first, I didn't really believe him that James is emotionally numb, but after talking with him for only a short period of time, I can see it. The way that James isn't really one to like carrying conversations with other people and he likes doing things on his own. He is very much a lone wolf despite him being one of the four Fyre brothers. He's quiet, but I can tell just by how everyone acts around him (Phil, Tom, Matt, Riley, Sabrina, and Nyara) that James is someone worth sticking by.

Tom said that James paid the price of the Athar Ritual without hesitation because he wanted to save Matthew's life. He said that James didn't want Phil or him to do it so he paid it instead so they wouldn't have to. That in itself makes me respect him a whole lot. He may not remember completely what happened but he knows a few things. Though, you can tell that James has no idea what the ritual actually did to him beyond just the physical changes. James is the only person who did not notice the change in him after the ritual, the brothers noticed almost immediately that the ritual did something to him.

But Tom said that they were nervous about James being around me because of my memory loss, they don't know how James is gonna react when he finally figures out that over half of his memory was wiped and his emotions numbed because of the ritual.

I am quite curious to know what James was like before the ritual, apparently he was quite lighthearted and very mischievous. James after the ritual is emotionally numb, disconnected, and quite serious.

It is weird how a ritual can change a person so much.

My list, updated since I now had a memory recovered:

- My name is Seto (At least I think it is)
- Around 21 or 22 years old (Don't quote me on that)
- On the power level of an Elite Master Wizard
- I have a type of military background that was involved with royalty
- I know either a prince or a king
- My magic type is unknown in Vienna
- I'm from a different world (That's what we think at least)
- The Nether and the End Realms are names that are familiar to me
- Whatever I was doing before I came to Vienna, I wasn't alone and it was a big deal

And that's it so far. I mean, it is sort of shorter than the last entry but I know more.

The thing is, I don't think I am some type of war hero. I think those marks on my armor mean that I have a high position in a royal household. I need to do some research on what human royalty is and how it works. That might provide me with more answers than anything since the person I saw had a crown on their head.

And since I need to do some research on human royalty, I might as well look into the gods as well. I mean, Ianite is a name that is sort of familiar to me while the others I have no clue on. I know before I said I never heard of Ianite, but for some reason, it feels like I've heard of her before. But that would be impossible, how could I have heard of Ianite and not of her two brothers as well? It doesn't make any sense.

Ianite is the goddess of balance, from what Sabrina told me. She is associated with the End Realm and is technically the weakest of the three. But she has a good relationship with the wizards while her two brothers do not. That's all I really know about her right now, I need to do more research on her in order to figure out more.

I could care less about Mianite and Dianite since they mean nothing to me. Ianite is the one that I care about since her name holds some type of link to my past. The fact she has some type of link is the only real reason why I'm interested in the gods in the first place.

This entry is longer than normal but I do have a lot on my mind that I can't really say out loud. Talking about the gods is very looked down upon in the wizarding community in Vienna since well, the gods and wizards don't have a good relationship.

This also perplexes me since no one has exactly told me why that is either. I mean, I think Tom told me but I just wasn't really listening at the time.

But Matt said he was going to help repair a building and I'm curious to see how the Fyre Brothers got their building reputation. So I'm gonna go check out what Matt and James are doing.

- Seto

I put down the quill, closing the book and putting it back in its drawer before I get changed into a fresh set of clothes instead of wearing the ones I've been wearing for the past two days.

I slipped on my boots and stopped in the doorway when my eye caught my sword. I stared at it for a moment before I grabbed it, strapped the sheath to my hip. I don't know what it is, I just feel like I need it close to me. I hide it under my robe, not really wanting the students to see it since this is a school campus after all.

I left the tower, walking. I immediately notice how much my body feels sore and achy. I'm probably so achy from sleeping for an entire day. But I've never felt so refreshed before I guess, I feel like I did sleep for an entire day and don't need to sleep for a long time.

But I spot the damaged building quite quickly, it's one of the dorms that is damaged. I see James and Matt both flying near the destruction with Phil talking to some of the students. I wonder what happened here. I go over to Phil, he spots me and smiles.

"Hello, sleeping beauty! How was your beauty nap?" Phil asked me.

I smiled. "Quite nice actually," I responded. I looked at the building. "So, what happened here?"

Phil crossed his arms, looking at a student. "Experiment went wrong apparently. Thankfully there were only minor injuries, nothing serious," he said. I looked at the damage, seeing Matthew summon what I could assume to be wood magically in front of him.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask," I said before looking at Phil. "How do your material summoning powers work?"

Phil shrugs his shoulders. "We think of the object we want to create and it appears. We call it spawning, like spawning whatever we want. The spawning of materials and flying without mana, people started to call it creative mode and honestly, it was better to just call it that rather than explain what it really is. It does take some skill, time to get it right, and magic. The materials we create are magically infused, meaning they are harder to destroy," he said.

I turned to him, interested now. "So you can create anything you want?" I asked him.

Phil shakes his head a bit. "Well, not anything since we have found there are some restrictions. Like how you can enchant armor and weapons and stuff, we can't create enchanted items without an enchantment table for example. Any food that is magically created by our powers is tasteless and horrible," Phil said as I saw Matthew and James start working on rebuilding the damaged part of the building. I watched them in awe. They are flying, doing their flying without needing to use magical energy thing. Their powers are cool.

"Is that all from the Athar Ritual?" I asked him.

He nodded at me. "The Athar Ritual bestowed us a type of immortality. All four of us have the capabilities to create anything from nothing, fly without needing to use magical energy, and the physical changes as well," he said. I nodded a bit. He turned back to the students as I stepped closer watching Matt and James working.

I watched James help hold up some materials letting Matthew mostly work which made me confused. James most have spotted me because he looked down at me and spoke. "Hey, Seto. Think you can levitate up here, I need to talk to you," he asked. I nodded and activated my magic, I fly up to their level, but I went into the building and stood on the flooring, making sure to stay out of Matt's way. James went inside and landed beside me.

I pointed at Matt. "Um, shouldn't you be helping, James?" I asked him.

James shrugs his shoulders. "I don't remember the design of this dorm, but Matt does. I'm not very good with the interior, only exterior," James told me.

I nodded a bit. "Oh, what are Tom and Phil good in?" I asked.

"Tom is our Redstone specialist while Phil is the best at making factory or military-type buildings. We all are good at building stuff but we all have our area," James explained.

I watched a piece of material levitate over to Matt's hand before James continued talking. "Matt said he caught you up to speed with what has been going on. Now that you rested, what did you remember before you passed out? You talked about a royal?" James asked me.

I looked at him and nodded. "Um, yeah. He was wearing a silver crown," I said.

James put his hand to his chin, thinking. "Well, that would be a prince, not a king. What did the creatures look like?" James asked me. I paused, thinking back, and trying to remember what exactly they looked like. I can't really say for certain that I remember what they looked like, but I can say that they seemed hellish and such.

"They looked strong and wear some type of golden armor," I responded.

"Could be Piglins, Piglins have a strange desire for golden armor and weapons," James said. Piglins? Never heard of them before.

I looked at James. "And what are Piglins?" I asked him.

"Creatures of the Nether Realm, they basically look like pigs that walk on two legs with brown clothing and golden armor," he told me. I mean, they did sort of look like that, but what would pigs be doing attacking a kingdom?

"Okay, but why would a bunch of pigs attack a city?" I asked him.

James shrugged his shoulders. "No idea," he responded.

I looked back at Matt, watching him repair the damage while the two of us just supervised him. "Have your buildings ever caught fire?" I asked him and I saw Matthew flinch and look at me as I heard James chuckle lightly beside me.

"We don't talk about that," Matt said before he went back to the building. I couldn't help but smile knowing I just struck some type of nerve. Matt is a fire wizard and most of the structures on campus are made of wood and stone brick...I wonder how many times they all caught fire.

I looked back at James. "What's going on with the Elites?" I asked him.

James's eyes looked at me. "We're just waiting for the last one to arrive, they should be here shortly. One of the elites is an expert on teleportation and traveling, so maybe she can explain as to how you got here," he said.

I nodded a bit. "Thanks, James. I know you didn't have to do all of this but it does mean a lot," I told him. He stared at me for a moment before he looked away.

James looked at Matt. "Anyway, Matt, do you need my help?" he asked.

Matt shook his head. "No, I got this. Besides, all you have been doing is what you call 'supervising'." he told us. I couldn't help but smile a bit at that. Matt looked at me. "Oh, Rowan is looking for you. She said she had a surprise for you," he said where I saw him smile which made me a bit nervous. What sort of surprise are we talking about here? I left them, levitating down to the ground outside. I walked around campus, looking for Rowan until something latched onto my left arm for which I saw it is Rowan. I stopped and smiled, looking at her.

"Hey," I said.

She smiled. "Hey, come on, I have a present for you," she said before dragging me by my arm behind her. We went to her dorm, which was across from the one the brothers are currently repairing. I waited in the lobby as she went upstairs to her room to fetch whatever surprise she has for me. I'm kinda nervous because I don't know what she is planning here.

After waiting about five minutes, I heard something like claws hitting the stone floor before two paws hit my back making me jump and turn around. When I do, I see a grey, white, brown, and black dog with a brown face and blue eyes staring back at me with its tail wagging. I stared at it as Rowan comes back.

I looked at her. "A dog?" I said.

She nods. "Yeah, she's a stray in Laenadur and was gonna be put down. But I thought she would be perfect for you since I know that dogs are good for making people feel better. I told them that I would take her and give her a home," she told me. A dog? I looked at the dog, she is cute.

(Australian Shepherd)

I smiled a bit when the dog licked my hand and her muzzle moved my hand. I pet her head. "Does she have a name?" I asked Rowan.

Rowan nodded. "Kala," she said. I go down a knee, Kala immediately licking my face making me smile, and Rowan chuckle as I pet Kala. I chuckled lightly, Kala sitting down tilting her head a bit. Rowan stepped closer. "So?" she asked me.

I paused for a minute before I nodded and looked at Kala's cute face. "I can't say no to that face, it's too adorable," I said. Kala's paws touch my shoulders which makes my right shoulder sore but I ignore it Kala licked my cheek, wagging her tail.

Rowan chuckles. "I think she likes you," she said.

I stand up and nod. "No kidding, thanks Rowan," I said to her.

Rowan gives me a smile. "There is a binding ritual to make her your familiar. You'll be able to talk to her and she'll be able to talk to you," she said making me interested.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded. That sounds interesting, I've never heard of familiars before...but I guess that's what amnesia is really. I'll have to look into familiars. Kala goes up on her hind legs, her paws touching my chest making me grab her as she rests her head down. I smile at her.

I heard Rowan chuckle. "She really likes you," she said. I nod again. Honestly, I think this will be good for me, Kala has only been here for about three minutes and she has lifted my spirits a bit. But I don't really know how to take care of a dog.

My eyes looked at Rowan as Kala goes back on all fours, wagging her tail at me. "So...how do you take care of a dog?" I asked embarrassed and I saw her smile a bit.

"Quite easy really, feed her, take her out a couple of times a day, give her attention, make sure she stays clean, and above all, make sure she stays happy and healthy," she said. I nodded a bit. I can do that, after all, not like I really have much to do in the first place. Kala nudges my leg with her muzzle making me look at her. I chuckle seeing her tongue hanging out the side of her muzzle as she looks up at me. Rowan didn't have to do this but the fact that she went out of her way to do this, it just means a lot.

I looked at her. "Thanks, seriously. I know you didn't have to do something like this," I told her making her smile again.

"You've been having a rough few weeks, so I thought you could use a pick me up and a dog is the best companion. Besides, this was for Kala just as much as it was for you. I hated seeing her be a stray when she is such a sweetheart," she said. I nodded, agreeing with her. You look at Kala and you would think she is a tamed dog with an owner, you would never guess that she was a stray.

Rowan stepped towards me, pulling out a brown leather collar with Kala's name written on the side of it in capital letters. I look at it as she hands it to me. I couldn't help but smile. "You didn't have too--"

Rowan shrugged her shoulders. "Hey, if you have a dog, it is better to give her a collar so people know that she has an owner and a name. I named her because I didn't know how creative you would be with her name," she said.

I shook my head. "Probably not a lot," I admitted before I kneeled down in front of Kala, she takes the opportunity to lick my cheek and sniffs the collar in my hands before I put it around her neck, making sure I don't put it on too tight. She shakes, letting the collar gets partially hidden under her fur. And I think she looks happy, I mean, I can't really tell otherwise since I think it is kinda hard to tell if a dog is truly happy. But I see her tail wagging, so that's a start. I looked at Rowan. "But I do like her name, it's simple and easy to remember and say. Better then what I could probably come up with," I told her.

Kala tilts her head slightly at me, I stare at her. I should look into binding familiars, it might make our relationship easier to manage if she could just talk to me directly. But I don't think adding a voice in my head would be a good idea.

My eyes looked at Rowan. "Is making her a familiar a good idea?" I asked her.

Rowan nods. "Yeah, she would be protected by your magic more so she wouldn't get hurt as easily as she can when she isn't a familiar. You should be able to talk to her directly as well and she should be able to respond," she said. There's that 'should' thing again. I'm starting to get used to hearing uncertainty after hearing it for so long.

I nodded. "Well, I'll look into it. Right now, I should probably head back to the others," I told her.

She nods. "I have homework to do anyway, so have fun," she said. We said our goodbyes and left, Kala walking beside me to my left, looking around at her surroundings as she walked. I find it odd that we just met and she is already attached to me. But I guess that is just what dogs do.

I looked at the damaged building seeing that it is mostly repaired and instead of just having James 'supervise' Matthew as he was when I saw last them, James is actually helping Matthew in rebuilding the outside detailing.

I come up to Phil, for which once Phil saw Kala he smiled and kneeled down, petting her. Kala licked Phil's face. "Awww, she's adorable. Was this what Rowan gave you? A dog? What's her name?" he asked.

"Kala," I answered. Phil smiled and petted Kala more and I saw her move her head into his hand for more.

Phil stood up, looking at me. "You should look into familiars, it's not uncommon in this world to see wizards have familiars," he said. I nod since everyone seems to be talking about it, I'll have to look into it just to shut people up about it. And I'm also quite curious as to how it works as well.

I nodded, agreeing. "I've been told about that already. I think I want to do something like that with Kala," I said.

Phil cracked a small smile. "James and I can do that for you, Seto. You need two Master wizards in order to conduct the ritual. So we both are more than capable of doing it," he said.

I returned the smile. "That would be great," I said.

Phil looked up towards James and Matt, who are still repairing the building. "Hey James, you busy?" Phil asked him.

James looks down at us. "Not really--"

"Yes, he is!" Matt shouted flying beside James and grabbing his arm like he is afraid that James would fly away. "He's helping me built! He's lazy enough as is when it comes to building! Don't distract him," Matt exclaimed.

Phil chuckled before looking at me. "Tom is busy with Academy matters right now so can't ask him, could always ask Sabrina, Nyara, or Riley," he said to me. Well, aren't there other Elites here since James said we are waiting for one more to come here so we can discuss things...where are they?

"What about the other Elites?" I asked him.

Phil's eyes widen a bit like he forgot about them. "Oh! That's right, I totally forgot they are here. Come on, I'll introduce you to them," Phil said.

I followed Phil to the tower, the tower itself is pretty tall, so there are a lot of rooms and levels to it. I don't know all of them since I've only ever gone to the top floor, Phil's Workshop, and the first floor, which has my room. So the in-between floors are ones I haven't really bothered with.

I follow Phil up two flights of steps and I noticed how my leg was a bit sore but it could actually take the steps this time. I guess sleeping for a day straight let it heal. But when I got to the level and looked around, it was like a pub almost. I looked over at Phil. "You guys drink?" I asked him.

Phil looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. "Sometimes, alcohol can't make wizards drunk, but we enjoy the taste of it. And since the tower is on a school campus, we can't have a tavern, so this is just a makeshift one that is for us and our friends. No students are allowed in here, only Masters and their familiars are allowed in here," Phil pointed out. I'm glad that they aren't endorsing alcohol to the students, that I'm happy about. But this still is a pub on a school campus. Though yet again, the Fyre brothers own the school, so they can do whatever they want without question.

I looked around at the people, there are about five people in here. Sabrina, Nyara, and Riley are here, as well as two more people I don't recognize. But I can tell they have a strong magic signature much like Phil's and James's. They must be the elites.

I looked at Phil. "How many elites are there?" I asked him.

"Seven including me. But hopefully, we can make that eight by having you join us. There hasn't been a new Elite wizard for ages," he said. So Sabrina and Nyara aren't elites, they are just powerful Masters. But then what makes you an Elite?

"So Sabrina and Nyara aren't elites?" I asked him.

Phil shook his head before he crosses his arms at me. "The reason I say you have the capabilities to be an Elite is because of what your armor and your magic capabilities entail. Your magic signature is as strong as James's is, Seto. You two are on equal playing fields and that's quite rare that we find someone who is as strong as James since he is the strongest elite wizard of the seven right now. But as you are probably aware by now, what James lacks in hospitality he makes up for in his magic strength and sense of heroism. He isn't aware of it, but James does have a strong hero drive in him. He doesn't like leaving anyone behind. That's what made him an Elite Wizard," Phil said.

I paused, thinking over what he said. I do agree that James lacks a certain sense of hospitality, but I can tell that a lot of people do respect him. But I wonder...

My eyes looked at Phil. "What made you an elite?" I asked him.

I saw Phil's eyes look away from me. "Well--"

"Oh come on, Phil, tell the kid!" a man said before their arm went around Phil's neck, pulling him close as he held a mug in his hand. He pointed at me with the mug. "If this kid is gonna--"

"I'm not a kid," I snapped at him.

The stranger looked at me, staring at me for a moment and I saw him smirk. "Ooohh I like you, I like that attitude of yours, kid. You're gonna need that if you are gonna get through this in one piece," he said.

Phil pushed the man off him. "Seto, this is Reed, he's an Elitist Elemental Air Wizard," Phil said.

Reed looked at me. "Phil here became an Elite because of James and only because of James. He's capable, yes, but he spends too much time on those gadgets of his--"

I cross my arms. "How is that a bad thing? I think being up to date with the latest tech can give you the upper hand on your enemies. So it is a good thing he is spending time on inventing," I said defending Phil. Phil and I may have had a rocky relationship lately but that doesn't mean I hate him, I still consider him a friend of mine. But I saw Reed's expression harden as Phil looked shocked and I'm starting to think I crossed a line or something. I hear Kala growl as she moves in front of me, growling at Reed as I noticed the room had gone quiet making my eyes looked at the others confused. I looked back at Reed. He does look a lot older than the others, he may be the oldest wizard I've met. Does no one ever talk back at him or something?

Reed suddenly laughed and not caring one bit about Kala's growling, he playfully punched my shoulder making me flinch and grab it, rubbing at the sudden pain there. "Ha! Good point there, kid! You know, you remind me a lot like how James and I first met, we didn't get along from the gecko and got off the wrong foot from the very beginning. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind at me like you just did!" Reed laughed. I don't like Reed. I can tell why James and him don't get along. I wouldn't like to get along with him either.

"Reed, back off. Seto's gone through a lot these past few weeks and lay off Phil. Phil's earned his title as an elite without James's assistance," a woman said. I looked at her and felt my heart stop for a second making me confused. What was that feeling? She looked at me. "I apologize for Reed's existence, he's an idiotic jerk," she said.

"Oy!" Reed exclaimed making me smile a bit.

She smiled a bit and held out her hand to me. "I'm Violet, but you can call me Vi. I specialize in teleportation and combat magic," she said. So she is the teleportation wizardess that James talked about.

"So you're the teleportation wizardess that James was referring too?" I asked her.

She tilted her head a bit. "Think so? Didn't know James was talking about me," she said. Violet looked down at Kala, who was staring at Reed like she is keeping an eye on him. Violet smiled and petted Kala's back making Kala look at her and lick her arm. She smiled. "What's your dog's name?" she asked.

"Kala," I told her.

"She your familiar?" Violet asked.

Phil shook his head. "Not yet, I was gonna ask if you could help me with the ritual so she could be bound to Seto since Tom is out on Academy matters and Matt and James are repairing a building right now," he said.

Reed looked at Phil. "Why not ask me?" he asked.

Violet looked at Reed. "Because you would complain the entire time," she said before she looked at me. "I would be more than happy to assist," she said. I returned her smile. She is pretty, but no...I figured out what was going on with me quite quickly after that smile she gave me. I looked away from her and at Phil.

"What else do we need to do?"

"We need the binding spellbook because I might need a refresher. I haven't done this spell in ages," she said. Sabrina and Nyara got up, coming over to us, Nyara clinging to my arm making me stagger a bit.

"You guys using magic? Can we watch?!" she asked excitedly. I stared at her confused. Before I could answer, Violet did.

She shook her head. "No, this isn't a spell that you guys should watch. This ritual is gonna knock Seto out for a few hours--"

"Again?!" I said subconsciously.

Violet looked at me, concerned. "What do you mean by again?" she asked alarmed.

Before I could answer her, Phil does yet again. "He just woke up from being knocked out for an entire day, Vi," he said. Violet looked at me, worried.

"Why were you knocked out for an entire day? What did you do, Seto?" she asked me. I shrugged my shoulders not really knowing how to answer that question.

Phil smiled a bit. "We're blaming James for it and he doesn't care if we do blame him for it," he said.

Violet rolled her eyes a bit and looked at me. "We can wait for the ritual if you want, we don't need to do it right now," she said. I paused, thinking. I mean, it would be nice and I'm interested in this. And besides, we might be busy later, so it is probably better to get it out of the way.

"Let's just get it out of the way," I said.

Violet nodded to me. "Alright, let's go to your room, it is better if you are laying down," she said. And so, we went back down two floors to the first floor where my room is. When we entered, Kala instantly jumped up onto my bed and somehow I knew that once she laid down and got comfortable I wouldn't be able to get her off my bed for the rest of the time we spend together. Beds are better than the floor I guess, so I don't mind her sleeping on my bed. She's not a big dog, but I do mind that she decided to get comfortable directly in the middle of the bed! That I do mind because I would have to go around her and that's more effort then it needs to be.

I looked at Kala. "You comfy? Good, because that isn't gonna last," I told her. She looked at me, her tongue hanging out the side of her muzzle making her look funny and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at her. I gently push her out of the way so I could sit on the bed. I looked at Violet. "So how does this work?" I asked her.

She gives me a smile. "Just lay down and go to sleep, Phil and I will do all the work of binding your magic to her and creating a mental link between you two," she said. I nodded and laid down on the bed. Phil moved Kala away to create a space between us.

"It is better for us if you two are separated," he said as I saw Violet looking over a book of spells. I trust them both, I mean, I hope they know what they are doing if not...well...it isn't like I have nothing to lose.

"I'm gonna go to sleep," I told them.

Violet nodded. "Good idea, because this might hurt," she said not looking up from the book she is reading. It is strange to think that when I wake up, I'll have a mental link with Kala and be able to talk to her. But I think it will be cool.

I get comfortable in my bed, closing my eyes and soon drifting off to sleep.

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