-Entry #22: The Councilmen {Part Two of Two}-
-- Entry #22 - August 5th -- Thursday --
When Tiffany said that this place was huge, she was not joking. Sure I've discovered all the corners and dead ends, but this place is a lot bigger than I thought it was.
Due to her sparking a rebellion, she is forced to live here for her protection. She operates out of this place with ease since multiple exits exist and all of them are concealed. Apparently, the Magic Council has no idea that this place in general even exists, which I find hilarious given how big this place is, someone is bound to find it but no. Tiffany said that Nicholas put some spell on it that conceals it from being discovered.
The only way for people to enter or discover it is if they have the rune on their wrist or if they have an item infused with Nicholas' magic like my staff. Tiffany put a rune on my wrist in case my staff runs out of Nicholas' magic one day, but until then, I can just rely on using the staff for entry. For those who go down the hatch without the rune or an item of Nicholas', they find themselves in a dark maze, unlike the single hallway that Chim, Shiro, and I were in. The maze has no end meaning they are trapped. It's a safety precaution that Nicholas put in place for the people who are in his lair.
So instead of being in Inns and such, we are all going to be moving down here with our horses hidden in the Smithery that conceals the entrance. While waiting for the others to get here, I have written down my thoughts on how I can talk to the councilmen, maybe convince them to leave their seats and instill a new government. But according to the others, they doubt my ability to convince them given how greedy the councilmen are.
Well, I don't give up easily, but I want to avoid violence at all costs when handling this since people are more likely to respect and follow you when there isn't bloodshed. But I am willing to go that far if need be. I just hope that it doesn't come to that. I don't want there to be some type of rebellion.
Dianite's warning is stuck in my head, it is something that I'm definitely keeping to myself since there is no way that I'm going to tell the others that there is a chance that the Fyre Brothers will kill me, no...that's not something they need on their shoulders. I'll keep a closer eye on the three of them though, make sure they don't fall to temptation or become corrupted as Merlin did.
There are a lot of historical objects and documents here, stuff that is from Nicholas' era that is quite interesting to read and look at. I say Nicholas's era but I'm was alive when Nicholas was. At least I get to know some of what he was like from the writings he left behind or other things. But It's strange how different things were like back then here in Vienna compared to now. A lot of things have changed, but compared to how Vienna was and to how it is now, things have gotten sort of better for it. They just need some extra guidance is all.
And I'm prepared for the guidance to be hard to do.
"Seto," a voice said breaking me out of my thoughts and look towards the kitchen, Chimney stood there next to the doorway. "They're back."
I closed my journal, holding it as I followed Chimney to the next room, the living room, and seeing the others have finally made it here. But I also saw Jacob, I pointed at him as I looked at the others. "What is he doing here?"
Tiffany crossed her arms. "Funny, I was just asking that," she said.
Phil stepped towards me. "He can be trusted--"
I looked at Phil. "Can we? Because I don't."
"Seto, he's a Fyre Alumni," Matt said.
"Seto?" Jacob questioned making me glance at the Aeari. That's right, I told him that my name was Harvey not Seto since I didn't entirely trust the man and I still don't.
I crossed my arms, looking at the Fyre Brothers, mostly Phil and Matt since I doubt Wag would do this. "Wag, was this your idea?"
"No, I told them not to bring Jacob but they decided you would be okay with it," Wag said.
I gritted my teeth as I watch Matt coward behind Phil. "Enough people know about me, we don't need anymore and you decided to bring in a man who is in the enemy's special forces."
Phil nods. "Yeah, I thought that would be an--"
"Well, I don't trust him," I snapped making Phil pause as he just stared at me.
"Since when were you someone who automatically distrusts people? That's usually my job," he asked me. I'm wary of anyone and everyone now that I know about Nicholas's vision about the Fyre Brothers losing it and killing me. Anyone and everyone is a suspect since I don't want to die as other Guardians have. I can't die here in Vienna, I made a promise to Brice and them that I would return to Estir and I have every intention of keeping that promise no matter what. And while at first, Jacob did seem trustworthy, I will admit that I did trust him when we were talking but he seems sketchy. I don't trust him anymore and now I trust him even less since he knows about Nicholas' lair now.
Jacob sighed. "Well, clearly I have trust to earn, I understand why you would be suspicious of me...it is Harvey or Seto?" he asked me directly which confused the others. He smiled a bit at me. "I wasn't expecting for you to be the friend they said was some all-powerful wizard from another world. But your power and sort of overwhelming magic signature now makes sense." Ahh, so they told him all about the Guardians and Estir without my permission, great! That's just perfect...
I shook my head, disappointed. "It's Seto, my real name is Harvey but I go by Seto now."
"Wait, that's your real name?" Violet asked me.
I looked at her and nodded. I guess I never told them my real name simply because I didn't want them calling me it. "My real name is Harvey Azdel, but I much prefer Seto Azdel now as opposed to being called Harvey," I explained before I looked at everyone. "Now, I have some explaining to do, some of my memories have returned and also...Dianite is here and has clear--"
"Wait, Lord Dianite is here?" Jacob asked.
I nodded. "Yes, this fortress is buried deep enough underground that it masks magic signatures from us to those on the surface as well as it masks them from us. But I'm warning all of you new here, do not go down more than five levels, only Guardians and Gods are allowed to go down to the bottom level."
"What's at the bottom level?" Reed asked.
"Access to your planet's core, normal wizards and humans cannot handle the magic it gives off at such close range, go down there and you will be dead within five minutes," I said.
"What about Athar Wizards?" Phil asked me.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't know, don't care to try to find out since I don't want you testing that."
"Why is there the need to access the core of the planet?" Jacob asked me.
My eyes look at him. "Don't see how that is any of your concern given you aren't even supposed to be here," I pointed out.
"What is with you today? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?" Reed asked me. I mean, I sort of did because I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. But that's not affecting my mood, Dianite's warning is.
I shook my head. "No," I lied.
"Well you're being rude, stop it," Violet snapped at me. I let out a breath and look at Jacob. I still don't trust him, but I guess I can pretend to stand him...or I'll just ignore him. Yeah, I like that last one better.
"What did Lord Dianite have to say?" Phil asked me.
I crossed my arms, as I looked at them, mostly at the Fyre Brothers since most of what we discussed was about them. "A lot, most of which I'm not at liberty to discuss with you all. But he did talk about how he was seeing signs of Herobrine's influence spreading onto this world. Which was something that I have already suspected."
"What type of signs?"
My eyes looked at Shiro. "Plants turning black and to ash."
"Wait, what?" Shiro questioned me.
I nodded. "I believe that Herobrine is partly responsible for what happened to Earth, to your world, Shiro," I told him and I saw the look on his face drop.
"W-What?" he mumbled. I realize I could have told him this in private, but he is going to come to his conclusion later down the road. Shiro isn't stupid after all, he is pretty smart.
I nodded to him as the others stayed quiet. "Yes, the plants turning black and to ash, that's what you said happened on your world. Dianite himself said that Vienna's core requires repair again or...there's going to be no planet."
"You can fix it right?" Violet asked me.
I shake my head. "Not right now. I have no idea how to fix a planet's core but there are notes about how Nicholas did it so I plan to learn how so I can fix it."
"And how does fixing the planet's core coincides with the need to overthrow the government?" Jacob asked me. My eyes shifted to Jacob, not answering him wondering why he feels the need to even speak.
Jacob stepped back from my gaze to which Violet scoffed. "Seto, be nice!" she yelled at me. I looked away from Jacob, still not answering him. I realize I'm being kinda mean, but I don't like that Jacob is here and knows basically everything I told Phil and Matt in hopes they would keep it to themselves, you know, like a secret between friends. But no, they told Jacob everything without my permission!
I let out a shaky breath as Violet and Phil explained more stuff to Jacob that just doesn't feel right to tell him. I know this isn't like me, but...my worry is for Phil, Matt, Tom, and Wag, mostly Phil, Matt, and Wag since Tom is at the academy right now and nowhere near me.
"You know, Jacob could get you in," Violet told me. My eyes looked at Jacob and he nodded to me. But I stayed silent because I don't like that plan and I didn't want to say that in fear of Violet yelling at me again. She put her hands on her hips making my eyes snap to her, seeing she is staring at me down almost like she is expecting me to agree with her.
But I don't need to say anything to make it clear what my thoughts are to Jacob. "Seto doesn't trust me enough to do that, Violet," Jacob pointed out and I pointed to him.
"Exactly, I like my way better," I told her. But Violet crossed her arms at me, and that's when I knew I was about to get lectured again. I seem to be good at that. I put my hands up, wanting to cut her off since I didn't want to hear this. "Okay before you start lecturing me, let me explain--"
She jabbed her finger in my chest. "You are the most stubborn person I know and that's saying a lot! And I'm not lecturing you! I'm telling you what you should be doing since you tend to think up stuff that gets you hurt! You are not invincible and I'm not stitching your wounds anymore! Your arm just fully recovered from an injury you sustained in Estir--"
"Technically that injury wasn't my fault! I--"
I stopped talking when she looked mad all of a sudden. "It doesn't matter how it happened, all that does matter is that it happened!" she shouted at me. I stepped back, I look away from her. Violet is right, I shouldn't be so reckless with my life, but my life isn't exactly the safest to start with. My life was crazy from the beginning, I work for the gods after all, risks are just a part of life. My job is to protect planets and the people from destroying themselves, even stepping in between a god and an innocent at times. My life isn't supposed to be safe, my life is dangerous.
'She is right, you do take unnecessary risks,' I heard Kala's voice speak to me which made my eyes snap to my animal companion.
'I know I do but that comes with the job of being a Guardian, risks are inevitable,' I thought to her.
'But that doesn't mean that getting injured is normal because it isn't. She is right, just because you are a guardian does not mean you are invincible. You nearly died at the very start of your adventure in Vienna, so that should tell you something about your limits,' she thought back. I look back at Violet, seeing she is still lecturing me and I stopped listening to her long ago. I will admit that getting hurt is a bother, it gets in the way but it happens. I don't go out planning to get hurt and I rather not since I hate feeling pain and all. But I'm half-god half sorcerer, so what exactly are the boundaries between my mortality and immortality? After all, my age is a big question given how much has changed around me. And my so-called near-death experience was handed to me by the hands of a god, not some sorcerer or human. So, can only gods inflict fatal wounds on me or can anything kill me like other people? Of course, there is always the question of demonic weaponry and its effects on sorcerers, that stuff can do some real damage. It's not smart to test the limits of my immortality though, even I know that.
I let out a breath, tired of hearing Violet yell at me. "Alright! Alright! You win, fine, Jacob...can help," I begrudgingly said. I hate the idea of being around Jacob, but I do not have a reason to distrust the man...at least yet that is. She looked happy, but I shifted my gaze to the knight. "But I'm warning you, Jacob, I wouldn't recommend betraying me...that won't work out well for you."
In which Jacob let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "O-Okay, so, what's the plan?"
The plan was simple, but the execution wasn't so simple. Steel cuffs were around my wrists in front of me as well as one around my neck, they were connected to a chain that Jacob held. But other than the chains and such, I have a black eye while Jacob has a few cuts on his body. The council would never believe that I was captured without a fight of some kind and neither of us carry any injuries.
"Are you sure about this? You won't be able to use magic with these cuffs on," he told me. I highly doubt these cuffs are strong enough to dissipate all my magic. I can feel it affecting some of my magic but not all of it.
"Don't worry about that," I told him. He looked at me, confused but just turned ahead as we came upon the council building. There were guards everywhere, and sure they looked a little intimidating, but they didn't that strong. My eyes flickered up, to look at the building that almost looks like some type of palace. Made of marble and white stone, it stood tall and almost overbearing. It was elegant in design and looked like it took ages to build.
I heard Jacob chuckle lightly beside me. "You know, this was the building that Nicholas and his friends built. At the time, it was a symbol of change and growth."
"Well now it is a symbol of oppression," I said. We walked into the courtyard since the guards at the gate just let us past once they saw Jacob. I let out a breath, hoping this goes well since I don't want this to end in violence.
As soon as we walked into the palace, I felt this...energy boost or something. It felt like my mana lines were energized, I felt stronger and for some reason, I had a feeling that this had something to do with Nicholas.
"Is that normal?" I asked him.
"The energy boost?"
Jacob looked at me, confusion written across his face. "Boost? What boost?"
"Nevermind," I said. Clearly, this energy boost must only affect guardians...that's good to know.
"Okay, don't take the treatment personally, got it?" Jacob told me before he just yanked the chain harshly forward making me stumble. I gritted my teeth feeling the pressure on the back of my neck. My wrists, I don't care, but my neck is another story. It just feels uncomfortable and it sets me on edge. We walked through the halls with the guards staring at us, none of them dared to speak but I saw their heads bow slightly as Jacob walked past them. At least they show respect towards him I guess. Not that I care about that or anything.
"Councilman Harper," Jacob spoke which caught my attention. My eyes flickered up, seeing an old man with reddish-grey hair, wearing some type of blue robe with gold inlay on the edges. We stopped as the old man turned to us.
But Harper looked at me rather than at Jacob. "Is that?"
Jacob nodded. "Yes, don't worry, he can't do anything as long as I have him in chains."
Harper stepped past Jacob and stood in front of me. My eyes stared at Harper. There was a certain wisdom that the old man's eyes held, it was like he could see much more than he says. "Hmm...you better keep an eye on him, Jacob, the Fyre Brothers might come for him."
Jacob nodded. "Do not worry, I'm taking every precaution to ensure this man stays captured."
Harper looked at Jacob. "Take him to the conference room, chain him up so he cannot escape, and wait there. I will let the others know about his arrival and capture. They'll want to speak to him immediately." he said. Jacob bowed his head before he pulled on the chain, yanking me forward.
So, the conference room, as soon as we entered it wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting a room with a long table and such but that isn't what we came to. It was a big room, the ceiling so high you could argue that another floor could fit there. The room was designed with a circle of flooring showing in front of risen covered seatings where I guess the councilmen are that can look down at you. There look to be, at least from what I can tell, about thirteen seats with one of them in the very center and seated higher than the rest, it suggests that while there is the council, there is one person who rules over them all. I wonder who sits in that seat and what sort of person they are.
The guards outside the door helped Jacob lock me in. I was taken to the center of the circle where a hook in the floor was pulled up, my chained wrists were moved to be behind me and the chain was put through the hook and secured to a post that came out of the flooring behind me. I sighed as the guards left to secure the entrance leaving Jacob and me alone.
"Are you okay? Uncomfortable anywhere?"
I nodded. "My neck--No, I'm fine, Jacob. I'm used to being in chains. It isn't the first time I've been captured and put on trial," I admitted. Well, I think that burning was a trial. No, the people there seemed unreasonable, I'm just glad that Brice and they were there to save me. My eyes flickered up to the seat that was directly in front of me, the seat that is much higher than the rest. "So, what councilman sits there?"
Jacob followed my eyes. "Oh...that's Nicholas' seat. No one has sat there since Nicholas was last here which was a very long time ago," he said and my expression dropped as I stared at the seat. Sure, it is just a seat, a symbol of authority but for some reason, I feel like I'm close to him by staring at it.
I nodded. "Got it, any councilmen you need to warn me of?" I asked. Jacob told me of the councilmen that would be in attending, most likely all of them. There's Harper, Norm, Vern, Kenke, Jed, Esper, Mervick, Lythus, Zorro, with the last four away on business so they won't make appearances.
According to Jacob, Mervick and Lythus are the newest members and the youngest therefore I might have an easier time convincing them of change while the others have been on the council for decades. Mervick was placed three years ago while Lythus was placed only two months ago. And they are both around Jacob's age, so they are quite young, younger than me and the Fyre Brothers. Good, this is good news, it means that they are impressionable. I'll need to identify Mervick and Lythus, which probably won't be hard to find two young guys in a group of old men.
But while having two younglings are good, it is also bad. It depends on how much the old men respect the two younglings, they could either value their opinions or totally dismiss them because they feel that the two young men have no wisdom, therefore, have no place speaking in matters. I have a feeling it is the second one given all that I have heard of them.
Then there is Councilmen Harper who I met out in the hallway, I don't know what it is, but I feel like that he might be more than he seems. Almost like I can trust him. It's strange.
After a few minutes of just standing here and waiting, they finally decided to grace us with their presence. They came in one after one, filing in like it was practiced, and sat in their seats. That's when I noticed the nametags on the stands, they told me who was who and my eyes instantly searched for Mervick and Lythus.
I found them almost instantly. Mervick is sat farthest to the right while Lythus is third to the right. And Jacob is right, no one sits in the center seat. And I was wrong, there are fourteen seats, not thirteen with five of them empty.
"Alright, let's get this started, state your name," Jed told me.
I hesitated. "Seto."
"Seto what? Last name, felon," Vern demanded making my eyes snap to him. Did he really just call me a felon? What a prick.
"Azdel, Seto Azdel. And I'm sorry, but to be a felon would mean that I have committed a crime and yet I cannot recall me ever committing one on Viennan soil. So explain to me why you have me on your wanted list when I have done no wrong to deserve it," I snapped at them.
"You have made the God of Overworld, Miante, angry," Norm answered and I just scoffed.
"Did I? Or was that your overreactions to what is a mild reaction to my entry here? My entry here in Vienna was not by choice," I said.
"And where are you from? What dimension? Why are you here in our world?" Kenke asked. I hesitated, wondering just how much I do plan to tell them. I had a list out of what it is that I planned to say, so I'm just picking out bits and pieces from it.
"I'm here for the same reason that Nicholas was here for so long ago," I answered and they went silent or whispered to each other. I knew that they can sense my magic presence, and if not then they are blind. "I know you can sense my magic power, how strong and big it is. How unlike it is of any witch or wizard that is in Vienna. And if you unchained me I could show you that I'm carrying Nicholas' staff."
They murmured to themselves for a second or two before Zorro spoke. "Ever since you have appeared, Seto, there has been discord. Talks of rebellions and how the reincarnation of Nicholas has appeared to save us."
I shake my head. "I'm not a reincarnation but more like a friend of Nicholas. I knew him before he left my world and came to Vienna--"
"How can we trust a man who has prompted discord among our people--"
"Your war with the dark sorcerers is forming a rift between you and your people. If you don't step up and take responsibility as well as start fighting back strategically then you are going to lose a whole lot more than your people," I interrupted.
"Is that a threat?" Kenke asked me, sounding like I just offended him. And that question prompted the others, all by Mervick and Lythus, to start acting like I'm threatening them. My eyes looked at Mervick and Lythus. Mervick is leaning back in his seat, his hand to his mouth like he is thinking while Lythus seems to be writing something, almost like he isn't even paying attention.
My eyes looked at the others, I yank on my chains, pulling them forward as I tried and failed to move closer to them. "Trust me, you'll know when I'm threatening you. I'm doing nothing but speaking the truth. You need to stop worrying about yourselves and step up! You and the nobles are undermining the middle and lower classes and last I checked, the middle and lower classes outnumber you ten to one. It doesn't matter how strong the sorcerers you have, if they are outnumbered too greatly, they will fall. You are leading the wizard community into the ground, you are letting the dark sorcerers walk all over you! Why do you think you have lost the respect and trust of the Elite Wizards?! It is because you were too focused on protecting yourselves and the nobles when the rest of your people were begging for your help and you did nothing to protect or help them!" I shouted. I took a deep breath and let out, calming my nerves. I did not come here to yell at them, well...maybe a little bit.
"The people are greedy, they have everything they could desire--"
"Are you joking?! You do realize that Laenadur of all places has slums right?! You do realize you have people without homes? Without jobs or access to food?! Meanwhile, your nobles and you as well are living the high life in your mansions, looking down on the rest of us like you are gods or something. This is not the Laenadur that Nicholas fought and died for!" I shouted and Vern stood up, looking enraged.
"I will not stand for this insult! Jacob! Take him down to the dungeons and lock him up now! He will be hung at first light!" Vern ordered. I gritted my teeth, I hate this. No. I let my emotions get the better of me.
As the guards were unhooking me from the post, I shouted, "If you don't step down and let a new council be instilled, you will be removed by force! All of you will! So you can either step aside willingly or be stepped on! Your reign is going to end, and I will make sure of it!"
"No, you won't, Mister Azdel, you'll be too dead to do anything," Jed chuckled. My hands balled into fists as I was dragged out of the room, the two guards having a tight grip on my arms.
That didn't go exactly according to plan, but I did warn them of their pending doom, and yet they refuse to listen. I could tell that Mervick, Harper, and Lythus were thinking over my words while the others were just too stuck up their asses to listen.
I let out a breath as I heard someone say behind me, "Knock him out so he doesn't attack us." Before I could react, I felt a sharp pain smack me in the back of the head before my vision went dark.
Happy Holidays! The year has really gone by but fall semester felt like it took forever for me! I'm just happy to have reached this point since I graduate college at the end of April! :)
But Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a great day!
Oh and if you don't know, I started up a new story called 'The Villainous Heroes'. It is a Teamcrafted story with appearances from The Miante Gang, The Pack, and more! I suggest you check it out! It has three parts up already! :)
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