- Entry #14: Lord Mianite -

-- Entry #14: ? - ? --

Still don't know the date even though we are back on the Overworld. After walking for about three hours, we took a break. We are near the teleport gate to the Temple of Mianite. I know that he is probably going to have a bad reaction to the Fyre Brothers. But I'm not willing to force them to stay behind.

I wonder what Mianite is like. According to Ianite, Mianite is the big brother, the oldest. He is meant to ensure the protection of humans. He is the God of the Overworld. Surely, he is able to be reasoned with...who am I kidding? I shouldn't expect anyone to be good to reason with. I should expect everyone to be unreasonable until proven otherwise.

Well, I hope talking to Mianite won't be difficult at least. I do expect him to at least hear me out given his history with the Guardians. That is all I can do is hope.

What I am nervous about is meeting Dianite, I know it will happen. Ianite pointed out how Dianite deeply respects the Guardians, sees them as cherished friends. But given his reputation and all, I can't help but be nervous about meeting him.

Granted, I am a champion of the most powerful god, the God of Creation. So technically speaking, no god should make me nervous since I know Notch. But...I don't remember Notch that well yet due to my stupid memory problem.

When I talked with him back at the academy, through Riley, I could tell that we have a deep bond that has been thoroughly tested with loyalty and trust through many hardships. He is a man I know I can stake my life on, but something is wrong. Something he isn't telling me. Well, he wasn't and still isn't telling me a lot of things. He never answered any questions that pertained to who I was...only to what happened to me before ending up here in Vienna.

The map, it hasn't changed since the addition of the frontlines and the extension of the Malus Clan territory. I'm worried...

Roylra is now owned by the Malus Clan, Solace's capital has been lost. Capital cities are vital, this blow to Solace could be fatal. But there is still hope for as long as Solace remains on the map. I've been checking the map more than I should because I'm afraid to find Solace gone.

I should probably be worrying over Alius Clan since it is my homeland and the Wizard Territory since I am a wizard. And yet, I'm finding myself distraught over finding Solace no more. Any little change to Solace's borders makes me grit my teeth and a surge of anger go through me.

It's strange...Solace is clearly human territory. And from what I can remember over the years, my perspective on humanity changed various times.

From caring to not caring, and back to caring.

I did not care that I had slaughtered a massive amount of humans from the memories with Anna.

I rode into battle alongside humans at that battle where Hugh and the others were present.

I gave little regard for my own life, so much so, that I did not care that humans were about to burn me alive. I remember looking at them with disdain before they lit the fires, so I had a negative view of them.

And then there is Brice, Ty, Bodil, the king...

I care greatly about what happens to them, to the humans...but what made me lose faith in humanity so many times, and what was it that restored it each time?

I stop writing when the wet pages started to annoy me. It has been raining for a while now. I look up at the sky, frowning at the dark clouds looming overhead. I close my journal, putting it back in my bag before pulling my hood down lower. Kala is laying beside me, my blanket placed over her so she can stay as dry as possible. Unfortunately, we couldn't find shelter, so we are all stuck out in the rain.

I smile a bit. Reed had asked me earlier if I could do anything about the rain with how he put 'Guardian powers'. I lose my smile. I'm fearing that because we now know how powerful I'm meant to be that they will start treating me differently. It was sort of easier when we didn't know about my Guardian origins. I may just be looking too much into this, but it is a possibility.

My thoughts were broken when a piece of bread was thrown at me, which hit me in the face and landed in my lap. I looked at the thrower, seeing it is James. "You couldn't hand it to me? You just had to throw it?" I asked him which the only response I got was a shrug of his shoulders. I pick up the piece, breaking it in half and giving the bigger half to Kala and the smaller half for me.

We left Shiro in the End with Ianite, and no, he was not too happy about that arrangement either. We got into a big argument over it. He didn't want to be left behind, but I rather he is safe and healthy than dead.

As we both eat, my eyes look over at Violet, watching her talk to Phil and Riley. I look away, stopping when I feel a sudden spike of mana nearby. My eyes widen a bit, whoever they are, they are heading here fast. I get up to my feet quickly, shocking Kala and the others who look at me for answers. My eyes stop at where the signature is.

"Someone is coming!" I announced alarming the others.

"How far are they? How many?!" Phil asked. I look at Riley, seeing he is already using his magic to search for the mage. After a few seconds, Riley gasps, opening his eyes.

"That's no mage! It's a golem! One of the guardians of The Temple of Mianite! They guard the teleport gate to discourage unworthy people from entering Mianite's land," Riley said. A golem?

"Seto!" Reed shouted before I felt a gust a wind hit me from the right. As I turn on my heels, a rock-hard arm whacks me in the side, making me go flying and crash into a tree.

"Bastard!" I heard someone shout before I hear another crash but I don't hear fighting anymore. I open my eyes, Violet and Kala next to me as the golem speaks. And it's massive, it looks to be made of solid stone with runic engraving on its body. Moss and other vegetation clung to it, but it doesn't look like that hinders its movements. Its eyes are two gold dots that shift and move as it looks around.

"You are in restricted territory, leave now or else your lives are forfeit," the golem spoke as Violet helped me sit up. I rub the back of my head as the pain hits me. Okay, why did it attack me without hesitation and not the others? What is with that bull?

"You could have just said that instead of hurting our friend first!" Violet shouted. Wait, said...I force myself to get up as the golem turns towards me. But I could only get up halfway before the pain in my side hit making to fall to my hands and knees, groaning in pain. Violet grabbed me, keeping me steady. "Stop, you need to stop. That thing hit you hard--"

"F-Funny, I didn't take Mianite as the attack first talk second type of man," I stammered out in pain. I force myself up, gripping my right side that will definitely bruise. I see it come at me again, I put my hand up. "Arkana Ŝildo!" I chanted making a purple mage circle appear, the golem hit it, not able to break it. From the left, Phil stomped his foot on the ground making larges cracks spiderweb towards me before a large chunk of earth shot up and struck the golem. The golem stumbled back a few dozen feet, appearing dazed as I lowered my shield.

The golem looked over at Phil, staring at him. A few seconds later and its golden eyes suddenly turned red. "Athar Wizard!" it shouted before a loud siren filled the air making us cover our ears. I see the golem suddenly hover over the ground and fly straight at Phil. Phil flew into the air, as well did James and Matthew, but so did the golem who went after them.

I gritted my teeth, the siren leaving with the golem. I uncover my ears, as did the others.

"This is bad!" Reed said as we watched three fight overhead. I see the golem whack Phil out of the sky, making him crash into the earth. Phil is an earth wizard, he is at a disadvantage in the sky anyway, he needs to stay on the ground where he can provide the best support.

This is a point where I wished I had flying magic! I would shoot at the golem, but they are all flying so fast that I fear I will hit one of the Fyre Brothers or miss.

"Matthew can't use his magic in full swing in the rain and that thing is way too fast for James! And Phil hasn't gotten back up!" Riley said before I looked at Violet and Kala.

"You two, go check on Phil! M--" Before I could finish my sentence, the ground violently shook, almost knocking me off my feet. A pillar shot up from where Phil had landed, on top of it stood the earth wizard in question. I smiled but lost it feeling another mana signature making me realize what that alarm was for. There's more than just one! I look back up at James and Matthew, seeing another golem flying at James from behindq. I take a few steps forward.

"That's not happening! Arkana Ŝildo!" I shouted before a purple mage circle appeared behind James, stopping the golem from hitting him. James turned around, I dropped the shield as I saw him strike the golem back. The golem flew backward and into the mountain.

"Seto! Your shields are the only things that are stopping them in their tracks! Ours are breaking the moment they hit them!" Riley said. I glance at Riley and nod.

"Alright! I'll focus on defense! You all go on the offense while I provide cover!" I responded before looking back at Matthew and James in the skies. James had gone after the one he fired into the mountain while Matthew is struggling with having two golems on him. I see Riley take off, going to Matthew's aid as I see something shoot up from Phil's direction and hit one of the golems on Matt. Reed and Violet fly up as well with Chimney and Kala on the ground with me. My eyes watch them, making sure to track all the golems in the skies the best I could and throwing up shields to protect them from getting hit. While I cannot protect James since I have no clue where he went, he went out of my view, I can protect the others.

'Seto! 9 o'clock!' I heard Kala shout in my mind making me look to my left seeing a golem within feet of me. It's too close for me to be able to protect myself in time. But as it almost hit me, a whip of sorts wrapped around its arm, pulling it off aim as I fell back, narrowly dodging the attack. As a sat on the ground, I looked at the whip, seeing it was made of metal and the grasp it had on the stone giant was firm.

My eyes followed the whip seeing Chimney holding the other end. Chimney only smirked before he pulled on the whip, yanking on the golem's arm with it. I would be impressed with his strength, but he looks to be struggling with this. The golem suddenly shot a spell at Chimney making my eyes widen. But I relaxed when Chimney rolled to the left, getting back on his feet before I saw the silver whip change colors to blue. And in a moment, Chimney pulled on the whip, roughly cutting through the golem's arm, detaching the limb and letting it crash to the ground a few feet away from me with a thud.

Wait...how did he do that?

The golem looked at its severed limb before turning its attention back to Chimney and letting out a shriek. "Think I pissed it off!" Chimney said making me nod in agreeance as the golem charged at the prince. I quickly threw up a shield between the prince and the golem, cutting off the enemy's attack.

Chimney stepped on my shield, using it to propel himself up and draw his sword, the sword having the same blue color as opposed to its normal color. I see him decapitate the golem, stepping on the golem's chest as it fell backward, dead. Chimney looked at me from on top of the golem.

"You okay?" he asked me as I stared at him.

"W-What--How did you--Where did you--"

Chimney just smiled at me. "I'll explain later, for now, we have bigger problems," he said before someone crashed into the ground after behind whacked out of the sky. I get up as Chim gets down off his kill. I rush over to the person, seeing it is Matthew and he doesn't look good. He holds his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Argh, d-damn, that--AH!" Matthew shouted in surprised as he looked past me. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes widen seeing two golems incoming.

I step in front of Matthew, holding my hand up as I chanted the shield spell again, the purple mage circle appearing again. The two golems hit it, making me grunt from each impact. They flew in different directions as I dropped my shield. My eyes follow them, they are keeping low, so they are going to strike again.

"Matt, stay down, don't move," I told him as I stepped back, standing over him as I looked around. If these things are after Matthew, they are going to have to knock me off him first and I don't plan to make that easy in the slightest.

I loosen the red fabric, letting me pull Nicholas's staff free and into my right hand. There is something familiar about these golems. I think I've seen them before, a sketch of them in Nicholas's things. It could explain why Arcane Magic is the only thing that can stop them while all other magics are powerless. You don't invent something that can overpower you. You have to put in failsafes or some type of vulnerability that can be exploited.

Clearly, whatever material that Chimney's whip and sword are made out of can penetrate the shell of these golems. And Phil's earth magic is working against them as well.

Wait, that's it! Stone is a hard and compacted mineral, but when introduced to a hard and quick force like Phil's earth magic, it cannot withstand such a force leading it to crack and break.

And for Chimney to be able to break stone, his weapons must be made of some mineral that can break stone.

I smirked a bit, an idea forming in my head. I grab Matthew's arm, yanking him up on his feet. "Stay behind me, I have an idea," I spoke. Matthew nods, keeping behind me as I saw the two golems split up.

They come at us from the right and left, but before I could do anything, they suddenly stopped moving. I stared at them, seeing the others in the sky stopped as well.

So...what is going on here?

One of the golems turned towards me. "Your presence is requested by Lord Mianite. Proceed quickly as he does not like to be kept waiting," the golem said before flying off. The others suddenly left too, flying towards the teleport gate. I take a step forwards away from Matthew, grateful that is over with. Hopefully, no one got hurt too badly.

It seems like Mianite saved us there. But yet again, it was his dogs that were trying to kill us. I hook Nicholas's staff back around the cloth, letting it rest across my back once again before looking at Matthew. "You alright?" I asked him as I see him stretching his back.

"I hurt all over," he complained as I flinch at the popping sound coming from his back. "Ah, much better."

The others came over to us. "Well that was something," Reed said.

"Everyone okay? Anyone hurt?" I asked concerned.

"Other than the giant bruise forming on my stomach, I'm good," Phil complained. After we concluded that all there was were bruises and some damaged prides, we started moving towards the teleport gate.

As we walked, I decided to ask Chimney about his weaponry. He drew his sword, and I notice how it is just silver and not blue. He smiles at me. "I have a whip and sword that can change the material it is made out of. I don't know exactly how it works since Phil invented these. But I flip a switch on the handles and think of the material I want and it becomes just that," he said.

I nod a bit. "That's actually quite epic. So the material you used was--"

"Diamond. Diamonds are the hardest rock in the Realm of Mianite. So I thought it would work and I was correct," he said.

I smile. "Well, thanks for that save. I would have been crushed if it weren't for you," I said before he sheath his sword.

He waved his hand at me. "Ahh think nothing of it. You're too fun and interesting to let die," he said making us both laugh.

"Gee thanks!" I chuckled smiling.

He laughed. "No, no, that's not the only reason. You're my friend, Seto. And like you, I protect my friends. After all, they are some of the only family I have left. My uncle and cousin want me to act more like a royal, but you guys...I can be myself around you guys. I like that...and you all are fun while my cousin can be a stick in the mud," he said making me smile.

"Well, you ain't too bad yourself," I told him as I elbow his arm making him smile.

He loses his smile. "You know, I can see why you were chosen to be a guardian. You have the heart for it and are quite stubborn," he said making me look at him.

"Surely those aren't my only redeeming qualities," I said.

He shakes his head. "No, no, they aren't. You have others," he said before looking at me. "And no, I'm not going to feed your ego anymore than I already have by telling you them." I chuckled, understanding a bit.

By the time we finally got to the teleport gate, it felt like we have been walking for hours since it is nearing dark. But when we got there, there were two golems at the entrance. And judging by the damage to their bodies, I would say they were present at the fight that took place.

We walked in, but I heard a shout making me turn halfway to see Matthew, James, and Phil are still by the entrance. "Guys, come on--"

James puts his hand out. "We can't, there's a wall," he said before Matthew scoffed. He rushed, but he was stopped by an invisible barrier.

"This is ridiculous! First, we were attacked, and now discrimination!" Phil exclaimed. I can tell that the three are irritated, after all, I would be too. And this wall isn't making things better in the slightest.

I stepped towards them. "You guys really can't get through?" I asked fully well knowing exactly why they can't get through.

Phil crossed his arms as Matthew tried again but fell backward after hitting the wall again. "No, we can't. Seems like Mianite doesn't want anything to do with us," he said.

James shrugged his shoulders. "You can't exactly blame him--"

"I know!" Phil snapped before looking at me. "I thought you said that Mianite understood that we weren't going to hurt you."

I shake my head. "I never said those exact words. I said he understood that you weren't an immediate threat like Merlin was. I said that he has a dislike for you four like Dianite and Ianite do," I exclaimed.

James sighed. "It's a bad sign when even the gods are against us," he said which made Phill nod.

"Yeah, no kidding," he said.

My eyes soften at them. I know they are irritated and tired of this. I hate that the gods are against them because of their Athar ties, and I wish that they weren't discriminated against. But...I do understand why they are. Athar Wizards are unstable beings who constantly seek corruption to fulfill their purpose given by Athar's creator. That is what Ianite said that Athar Wizards are.

Phil sighed. "It's not your fault, Seto. We know that, so don't worry. The three of us will wait here, you'll just have to tell us what you learn when you come back," he said.

"I like Ianite better, she was nicer. Mianite is a jerk," Matthew complained rubbing his nose from hitting the wall twice. I chuckled and nodded at them.

"Alright, we'll try to not be gone too long," I said. They nodded, content with staying here.

I looked back at the so called teleport gate, it is a massive doorway with some type of weird white texture inside it. It's on top of a stage of sort, three steps up with two other golems guarding it. Given how this is the entrance to Mianite's land, of course, there would be heavy security.

I walk up the steps, but before I could walk through, I'm stopped by the golems. I look at them, about to question them until they cut me off. "Only you and Prince Chimney Swift are allowed entry, they others must remind," they stated.

"What? Why me?" Chimney asked.

Violet nodded, telling me to go. "Go on, we'll be here with the Fyre brothers," she said. I sighed and looked at Chimney.

"Come on," I said.

As soon as we walked in, my senses were blurred for a moment. When my wits returned, I saw not what I expected to see. A vast barren pure white plain, almost like we were standing on clouds with an empty blue sky overhead. There wasn't any structure, there wasn't...well anything. But as I stepped forward, I saw what looked like clouds rolling up, covering up a building from my view.

My eyes shifted over to the figure that stood a few dozen feet away. He stood tall, his hands behind his back. Chimney and I headed towards him. Upon closer look, he looked like an old man but young as well. He didn't turn to us, not giving us the time of day. But he wore a white robe with golden and light blue decorations that adored his attire. While his grey hair and bread made him look older than he seemed to me.

"I apologize for the attack from my guards, Guardian of Estir," the man said.

"You're Mianite?" I questioned making the man turned towards me. His blue eyes peered at me like he was trying to see through me. Compared to Ianite, who is quite easy to read, this man is a puzzle. He's too relaxed yet is firm at the same time.

He radiates an aura of goodness and carries himself with precision...but I can sense darkness underneath that facade he is trying to hold. Whatever his intentions are, I need to determine whether they are ill-intent or not.

"In the flesh," he said. His eyes shifted over at Chimney. "And you must be Prince Chimney Myllet, also known as Chimney Swift."

Chimney nod. "Y-Yes, a pleasure to meet you, M'lord," he said sounding nervous.

I cross my arms. "Why are the others not allowed in here?" I asked him.

Mianite looked at me. "I've already been made aware of your stubbornness. Your refusal to exile those Fyre Brothers from your life is going to cost you your life. And I can't protect you from them," he said to me, completely ignoring my question.

I cross my arms at him. "Good, because I didn't ask for protection, nor should you ever expect me to ask for it in the future. I'm here to get your side of the story of what happened to Nicholas," I told him.

He rose an eyebrow up at me. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Because you were there when he died," I told him. Mianite nodded but didn't speak. I grip my arms. "I'm trying to clear your name so the wizarding community doesn't possess such anger towards you."

"Is it anger? It seems more like fear," Mianite said.

I bit my bottom lip back, knowing he was right. After all, they overreacted when Mianite displayed a little anger. But I do want to try to clear the god's name from Nicholas's murder. He didn't do anything but try to save him.

"Ianite couldn't give us a whole lot of details about what happened...so, could you tell us what happened the day that Nicholas was murdered by Merlin," I said.

Mianite sighed and nodded before he spoke, "Well, I see no harm in telling you the truth. It was two weeks after we took down the Shadow. Merlin was...acting strange ever since then. He wouldn't tell me why or what was wrong. But I knew something wasn't right. So, I asked Nicholas to look into him. And he did. During his research into Athar Magic...he discovered something. He discovered who created Athar Magic and for what purpose it held."

My eyes widen a bit. "Wait, Nicholas found out who created Athar Magic?" I asked him. But Ianite said they don't know who created it!

He nods. "Indeed he did...but as he was sharing what he had learned...Merlin walked into the room. And I know he had overheard everything that was said. Unfortunately, the identity of who created Athar Magic died with Nicholas. He hadn't gotten to that part when he was speaking with me yet," Mianite responded.

I hate dragging up bad memories, but I need more. "How did Nicholas die? Did Merlin use" --I pull out the demonic knife I had gotten from the Stronghold, holding out for Mianite to see-- "one of these?" I asked him.

Mianite looked at the knife, taking it from me and inspecting it closer. "Yes...Yes, he did. He used his magic to injury Nicholas. He had...crippled Nick's leg, making him unable to stand. I couldn't protect Nicholas...I never felt so powerless before when Merlin was able to get past me and...stab Nick seven times," Mianite said. He had turned away, staring at the knife in his hands.

"Must have been awful to watch," I said making him nod.

"It was...but nothing compared to how my magic couldn't heal him. I...couldn't save him," he said before he looked at me. "Why do you have a knife that is almost exactly like the one Merlin used to kill Nicholas with?"

"That's a demonic knife, a weapon forged in Estir. It's the mark of Lord Herobrine's weaponry. And it is enchanted with a specific purpose to kill mages because the wounds they inflict cannot be healed by any type of magic. I-I'm sorry but...if what you are saying is true, Nicholas was beyond saving once he was stabbed by this weapon," I said making Mianite look away from me. I saw him grip the handle, looking mad for a second. I stepped towards him. "I'm so sorry for your loss, from what I have heard and remember...Nicholas was a good man--"

"He was my greatest friend. He gave more than he took. He dedicated his life to helping people...he didn't deserve to die like that," Mianite spoke softly. He looked at me. "Merlin was Nicholas's best friend. You couldn't find a better duo than those two."

"Do you know how they became friends?" I asked.

Mianite nods. "Yes, I do," he said turning towards me before handing me back the dagger. "It was three months after he came to Vienna, he and I were walking in a small town. By then, Nicholas was pretty well known since he was helping the mages and the gods at the time. So people knew who he was. People were walking up to him and me, talking to us and asking us questions. And it was all good and fine, it was normal. But this one mage had challenged Nicholas to a duel, not believing he was who he claimed to be. At the time, Notch was well known across the land. So he had claimed that Nicholas was taking credit for Notch's hard work, which wasn't the case. Nicholas accepted the challenge because he loved a challenge."

I smiled a bit. "Let me guess, that was Merlin."

Mianite smiled and nodded to me. "It was. Of course, Nicholas crushed Merlin because at the time, Merlin was still new to magic. A few days went by and I thought that was the end of that. But the next time I saw Nicholas, Merlin was with him. Nicholas was helping Merlin develop his magic and in return, Merlin aided in building whatever Nicholas needed for Laenadur. The two became fast friends. But I did notice a demeanor change in Merlin when Nicholas told Merlin the truth about what he was."

"Wait, the people didn't know about the Guardians?" Chimney asked.

Mianite shakes his head. "No, it is a rule set by Lord Notch that no one is allowed to know the true identities of his Guardians unless the reveal is needed and approved by him. It is so he can protect his guardians from assassins and such," he explained.

Wait, is that why no one treats me like a guardian in my memories? Is that why I'm called the Archmage of Solace and not a Guardian of Estir? Do Brice and the others know? Or did I keep it from them?

I looked at him. "No one is allowed to know?"

He shakes his head. "No one, the includes your dearest friends. But it seems the time for that secret is over here in Vienna. Our world has fallen deep into chaos and we need a guardian like Nicholas to bring it back into order," he said.

I nodded, understanding. "I know that, but do know that I'm not planning on staying here as Nicholas did. I'll help, but it will be up to all of you to restore Vienna to what it once was. I cannot stay here, I have people waiting for me at home who are in trouble and need me. I'm only here to do my job," I told him.

Mianite smiled at me. "That's what Nicholas said before he fell in love with my sister.  But I understand, you have your responsibilities, and we have ours. But do now that I cannot offer my help with where you are going next. Me walking into Laenadur is the equivalent to me declaring a war. The wizards are afraid of me but they aren't afraid to exile me from their cities. So...you will be on your own," he told me.

I smiled a bit. "I'm not alone, Mianite. I have my friends to help me. And besides, the wizards aren't going to listen to you, but they will listen to me," I said.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Mianite asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have my ways," I told him.

Mianite sighed before he looked at Chimney. "As for you...I'm afraid I have some bad news for you," he said catching our attention.

"What? What is it?" Chimney asked.

Mianite crossed his arms, staring at Chimney for a moment. "Rullus was attacked from within by dark mages," he said shocking both of us.

Chimney stepped towards Mianite. "H-How?! Is--"

Mianite held his hand up to Chimney. "Your uncle died and Prince Lucilius, your cousin, has sustained grave injuries. Chimney...you are needed at home. Your people are panicking because your cousin isn't recovering like he is supposed to," he said. I looked at Chimney, seeing he is upset.

"How long have I been gone? What is that date?" Chimney asked.

"You left with Seto three weeks ago. It's July 1st," he answered. We've been gone that long?! We stayed in the End for only two days!

"Is time that slow in the End..." I mumbled.

"It is," Mianite said. He looked at me. "Meanwhile, it has been almost a month and a half since you and your friends left the academy."

"I need to go home--"

"I wouldn't recommend that," Mianite said making us look at him.

But Chimney balled his hands into fists, stepping towards the god. "And why not?! My cousin is dying! He is supposed to be the next king! He needs me!" Chimney shouted.

Mianite shakes his head. "I'm not sure Lucilius is going to survive his wounds, Chimney. Meaning, you are going to be the next king--"

Chimney shakes his head. "No, no, I don't want the crown. I'm basically the King's ward. It is Lucilius who has to be king!" he exclaimed.

I looked at Chimney, trying to calm him down. "Chim, calm down. Don't listen to him, look, we'll head straight for Rullus and figure out what happened," I told him. He looked at me, seeming to start to calm down. Although, I could still see that he was mad about what Mianite said. Understandable really. I looked at Mianite. "Is there a way that you could teleport us to Rullus?"

Mianite lifted an eyebrow at me. "What do I look like to you? Some convenient teleport gate?" he asked me.

"Oh? So you can't do it?" I asked him.

Mianite shakes his head. "I didn't say that, I can get you outside the city, not inside," he said.

I nod. "I'll take it."

Mianite stared at me. "There are still dark mages flooding that city. The entire city is under lockdown, you--"

I stepped towards him. "I said that I'll take it. So do it," I snapped at the god.

I saw him smile at me. "Such disrespect, but you remind me so much of Nicholas. He cared how little he sounded towards those in power. Come, I need all of you in one place to do this," he said before we started towards the teleport gate.

I already let Roylra fall, I'm not letting Rullus do the same.

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