{basket} balls


this was an important game for tyler and his whole team, as this was the championship game of a tournament they were in that their school hosted. they were playing liberty union, a tough team.

they've played liberty before this year a few times already, and also last year. they won once this year and lost once. liberty was kinda of theyre rival team, just because of how good they both were.

"you ready to kick some ass joseph?" blake said, bro shaking tyler as he walked into the locker room.

"hell yeah man, you?" tyler replied.

"you gotta control yourself around josh, ya know." blake laughed. josh was the forward for the other team, and tyler was a forward also so they guarded each other. tyler thought he was hot, but he couldn't stand the kid. he was a rough player, and so was tyler so they just got mad the whole game. they really worked each other, since their skill was probably at the same level.

"no promises i don't beat his ass." tyler rolled his eyes, lacing up his basketball shoes.

"you almost got a technical foul the other day, and you saw how mad coach was so i'd watch it." blake laughed.

"yeah, i don't care. not like he's gonna kick me off the team." he shrugged. tyler stretched a bit before grabbing his basketball and bouncing it a few times. he walked out of the locker room to the court, where a few other of his teammates were warming up. the stands were filled, completely.

"hey man." tylers friend parker said, he was their starting post player. tyler said hey back, stepping outside the three point line and shooting the ball. it flew seamlessly through the net.

he grabbed his ball, rolling his eyes as he saw joshua walked out of the visitors locker room, his friends surrounding him. josh was 5'11, just a few inches shorter than tyler. they both were muscled, and very attractive.

joshs eyes locked with his from across the court, the tension thick between them. josh grabbed his basketball, slowly turning away and shooting.

tyler turned his own focus back to the goal, as he warmed up in various ways.

"hey ty, you never texted me?" one of tylers teammates came up to him.

"yeah, sorry i just. ya know." he shrugged, the guy nodding along and laughing even though he didn't know. tyler may have slept with him, and then never texted him again.

"yeah i get it." he nodded, walking off. tyler sighed, shooting his ball again. the buzzer went off, tyler leaving his ball for one of the benchwarmers to get, as he walked to the sideline. as he did, he passed josh, the boys slowly walking past with angry looks on their faces.

"alright, tough game but we can do it. play you're best. we're gonna start of in man on defense, and probably stay in it the whole game. they'll be in it too so we might try some of the plays we worked on today. for now just run away." coach said. away was a 4 out play, where the post stayed opposite of the ball, until it went down to the corner.

"one two three warriors!" the team yelled, the five starters walking out and taking their position, parker ready to jump. the crowd cheered loudly, the other side also when liberty walked out.

"white, this way. blue, that way. ready?" the ref said, bouncing the ball before tossing it up. liberty won the tip off, everyone calling out their man and adjusting to their offensive play.

josh got in his spot at the elbow of the free throw line, leaning on tyler already. tyler fought to get around him, josh fighting to keep him in his spot. they both wore each other out.

the play went on, josh catching the ball and turning to face the goal. he started dribbling, tyler reaching in and trying to slap the ball but slapping josh's arm. the ref blew the whistle, tyler innocently holding his arms up.

"joseph!! a foul and we're not even 2 minutes into the game. watch it!!!" coach yelled, tyler rolling his eyes.

"watch your fuckin hands." josh mumbled to him.

"watch your fuckin mouth." tyler snapped back, the ref blowing his whistle and starting the game back up. liberty scored, the boys running to the other side of the court. someone screened for tyler, tyler running up and catching it ball. before anyone could get on him, he shot the ball and swished a three.

"lucky shot." josh cursed at him.

"get off my dick, dun." tyler said.

"you fucking queer, get off mine." josh said back, the boys mumbling to each other as they fought to gain strength over the other.

"least i'm out of the closet, gay boy." tyler said, rolling off of josh, slightly elbowing him in the ribs.

"not gay." josh mumbled back, elbowing tyler back.

"boys, watch your hands." the heard the ref yell. the refs knew that when they played against each other, there was gonna be contact.

"please, we all know you secretly want me to fuck you in the locker rooms." tyler laughed.

"why don't you fuck off." josh said, pushing against him.

"alright baby, lemme know when you get tired of yo girls fishy ass." tyler said.

"not fishy." josh defended, digging his knuckles into the side of tylers ribs.

"get your hands off before i break 'em." tyler snapped, grabbing josh's fist and jerking it away. josh brought it right back, tyler ramming his knee into josh's thigh. josh cursed, his leg going numb for a second.

"gonna cry, babyboy?" tyler grinned. "and i haven't even shoved my fat cock in you yet." he said.

"please, only reason you're gay is cause no girl wants your shrimpy ass." josh said, catching the ball. tyler focused on him, josh finding an open guard and passing it to him.

"only reason you fuck girls is cause your too insecure to come out of the closet." tyler said back, josh just laughing. tyler had the ball, dribbling around and fast to the goal. josh caught up, attempting to block tylers shot but hitting too hard and smacking him in the face. tyler pushed josh when they landed, josh leaning forward and pushing him back.

"boys, boys enough!" the female ref yelled at them, standing between them and holding her arms out.

"fuck off, bitch." josh said.

"keep your hands off me and i will, bitch." tyler mocked him.

"one more time and your both out! watch the language!" the ref yelled.

"joseph!! back off!" coach weakly yelled from the sidelines. he heard joshs coach yell too. both sides of the crowds were booing. tyler looked up, his mom staring at him with a death glare.

they stared at each other, as tyler made his way to the free throw line. josh was staring at him the whole time, tyler ignoring him and shooting his free throws. he made both.

liberty's coach called a time out, the teams going back to their benches. tyler sat down, taking a big drink out of the water bottle.

"get yourself together, or you're running all practice tomorrow." weakly said to tyler. tyler just snorted, knowing that no matter what tyler did, he wasn't gonna just sit tyler out because he was too much of a valuable player.

he yelled at them some more, before the timeout was over and they fled back on the court. tyler threw the ball in, going to his spot and being followed by josh.

"dude can you not keep your hands off of me for three seconds. i'll fuck you, don't worry." tyler said, josh grabbing onto his jersey as soon as he came out there.

"yeah you know what i'm good, horny bitch." josh said, pulling the back of his jersey back and choking him slightly.

"you choking me, you into that?" tyler smiled big.

"looks like youre the one into it." josh said. he spun off of him, rolling to the basket and catching the ball. he spun around and shot, the ball going in.

"wow look at you mr big shot." tyler said, josh chuckling. it was tylers turn now to catch the ball and shoot a three. it seemed like every time one of them scored, the other one did. each time they tried to one up the other.

"bro get your fuckin hands off me ohmygod!" josh yelled, grabbing tylers hand that was squeezing his side and digging his nails into it. tyler hissed, pushing josh off. josh came back at him, grabbing the front of his jersey and slamming him down to the ground. this caught the attention of the refs and players, who all ran over there to pull them apart.

"suck my cock, faggot!" josh yelled, tyler chuckling.

"i will, unless you wanna be the one down on your knees." he said, a huge smile on his face. it only made josh more mad, trying to fight his way out of the coaches and players grasp. tyler was doing the same, but eventually they got them both on the bench.

"what the hell are you thinking?! you might've cost us this game!" weakly screamed at him, the vain popping out on the side of his neck.

"coach chill out, i'm not suspended i just can't go in with him anymore." tyler rolled his eyes. the other coach had to pull weakly back and tell him to sit down he was getting so mad.

since no punches were thrown, neither boys were suspended from the game. they were each charged with a technical foul, and couldn't go in at the same time together.

"get up there." coach sneered to tyler, telling him to check in before the other coach put josh in.

the game went by, tyler going and coming and josh, neither at the same time. Worthington ended up winning bye 4 points.

"way to go man, good job at controlling yourself." blake laughed, high fiving tyler.

"ya i thought i did good." tyler laughed. they accepted their first place trophy after liberty got their runner up. josh and tyler going up and getting each prize exchanging glares.

tyler walked to the stand, saying bye to his mom and stuff. he was gonna go eat with his team, after he got dressed and stuff.

he walked back to the locker room, seeing blake and parker walking out.

"i'll meet y'all wherever. just text me." tyler said.

"alright, no ones in there." blake said, the locker room clearing out fast as everyone was ready to go home and rest. tyler nodded, the boys walking away.

tyler was about to walk in, before he saw that josh walked out of his locker room. the two doors were kind of close. tyler snorted, josh looking over and seeing him.

"what the fuck you laughing at?" josh asked.

"the fact that we won." tyler said, josh walking up to him and putting his phone in the side pocket of his basketball nike backpack and setting it on the ground.

"go to hell." josh sneered. "you only won because i wasn't aloud to go in with you."

"or because you suck." tyler shrugged, josh snapping and pushing him against the wall, tyler pushing him off, and punching him in the stomach. josh cursed at him, punching him back in his cheek. tyler set his hands on his shoulders, pushing him inside the empty locker room and against the wall. the door shut behind them, tyler bringing his fist to joshs stomach again. josh reared back, punching the side of tylers stomach, in his ribs. tyler cried out.

"get the fuck off me!" tyler yelled, josh reaching around his waist and using all his force to tackle him down to the ground, knocking the wind out of tyler even more.

tyler coughed, before rolling them over and planting a punch to josh's mouth, busting his lip. josh pushed him back off, both boys standing up. tyler pushed him again into the wall, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head. he squeezed his wrists hard.

joshs nostrils was flared, his teeth clenched together with his mouth closed and his upper lip upturned slighty in a snarl. he was breathing heavily and so was tyler, at how angry they were.

they stared at each other, before tyler was caught off guard as josh smashed their lips together, slightly wincing as he irritated his bleeding lip.

tyler regained balance, picking josh up by his thighs and slamming him back into the wall. josh pulled away, moaning and leaning his head back as tyler pushed their hips together.

tylers lips now attacked joshs neck, leaving multiple hickeys all over the sweat coated skin.

"fuck." tyler grunted, pushing his hips hard against josh's for some needed friction. tyler bit down hard on joshs collarbone, blood rising to the surface. josh tangled his hands in the boys sweaty hair, tugging on the strands and ripping a moan from tyler.

tyler set josh down, dropping down to his knees. he kissed josh's bulge through his basketball shorts, before he hooked his fingers around the waistband of the blue shorts and pulled them down to pool around his ankles. tyler licked his lips, before doing the same thing to the boys black nike briefs. josh was big, and tyler liked it.

he wasted no time in wrapping his lips around the head, his tongue slighty swirling around. josh's head made a bang as against wall as he tilted it back, his mouth open and eyes clothes as tyler used his tongue to slide all around his dick, licking up the precum.

tylers hands went to his hips, as he relaxed his throat and took josh's dick down all the way, his nose brushing against his trimmed hair. josh let out an embarrassing moan as tyler swallowed around him. tyler pulled off, a string of spit connecting his swollen lips to the tip of josh's cock. tyler used that as more lube to jerk the boy off.

tyler stood up, pushing his leg in between josh's thighs. he lifted it until josh was sitting on it, and was slightly grinding down on it. tyler kissed him some more before spitting in his hand and spreading that all around his fingers. josh anxiously bit his lip as he watched tylers fingers disappear behind him. he pressed the first one against josh's hole, who let out a quiet whimper.

"relax." tyler simply said, pushing his finger in all the way, no stopping. josh whined from the burn, he's never fingered himself before because he's straight. he's gonna have to do some serious thinking about that when he gets home.

tyler started moving his finger, still continuing to bruise joshs neck. he slid his free hand under the front of josh's jersey and undershirt, rubbing it all along his chest. josh slid it off, throwing it down in the floor next to his pants. he blushed, feeling embarrassed that he was completly naked and tyler was still completely dressed.

tyler added another, josh biting on his own lip before wincing and stopping as remembered his lip was busted. tyler had blood smeared on his lips, and so did josh. neither seemed to care though, as tyler focused on fucking his fingers in and out of josh.

josh cried out, a shock of pleasure crossing his face. tyler smirked, continuing to brush his fingers against the bundle of nerves.

tyler finally added his third finger, ignoring joshs yelps of pain. he loved seeing the tough muscled up boy under his control.

tyler made sure he was all stretched, before he pulled his fingers out. josh whined, legs wobbly as tyler set him down to stand up. tyler walked over to his backpack, digging around and pulling out a condom. he walked back to josh, no words spoken as he grabbed his jersey and slid it off. josh stared, drinking in every ounce of the boy.

he watched as tyler slid his shorts and boxers down in one motion, his erection heavy in his hand. tyler opened the condom, rolling it on, and then spitting in his hand again. he stroked himself, slicking his dick up.

he grabbed joshs shoulder, pushing him down and over the bench in the middle of the locker room. he set his hand on the small of josh's back, as he got on his knees and lined up.

"ready?" tyler asked, no amount of anger gone from his tone. josh didn't say anything, tyler pushing the tip in. josh gasped, hands gripping the bench underneath him. tyler bottomed out, reaching his hand back and slapping josh's ass. it hurt his hand a bit, because of the bruises and cuts on his knuckles.

josh groaned, tyler started to pick his pace up as he fucked the boy hard. no words were spoken between the two, as they both knew it would ruin what they had happening. and neither of them wanted that.

tyler licked his lip before biting it, tasting the blood on them. he watched as his cock entered josh, the boy convulsing around him. josh could slighty see in the mirror above the sink in the bathroom, as he watched tylers ungodly sex faces.

tyler gripped onto his hair, tugging his head back. josh moaned, tylers hand moving to his neck where he cut of josh's air supply for about 5 seconds. he flipped josh down so he was laying on his back on the hard carpeted floor as he placed his hand on joshs windpipe. he squeezed from the sides, for about 5 seconds and then let him breath. he did this one last time, but for longer, josh starting to feel his heartbeat in his head and his vision become blurry. tyler smirked, loosing his grip and watching as josh gasped for air.

"do that again." josh said. tyler smirked, tightening his grip again and watching as the boy slowly started to lose consciousness before he let him breath again. he removed his hand leaning down and licking up the side of his neck, over the finger shaped bruises.

josh felt every inch of tyler go inside him, brushing against his walls and warming every part inside of him. he couldn't explain the pleasure, as it was something completely new.

tyler kissed him, smearing more of josh's blood across both their faces. josh kind of liked the pain, as it set something off in him and made his lower stomach clench.

tyler watched as joshs abdomen flexed, his very prominent v-line and abdominal muscles hard as a rock. beads of sweat dripped off of tylers chest and stomach, mixing with joshs. both boys were soaked.

"g-onna cum." josh barely got out, his eyes rolling back in his head.

tyler didn't slow down, pounding into his prostate as hard and as fast as he could. josh writhed underneath him, back arching and nails digging into tylers sweaty back. the new open scratches on his back stinging tyler, as his sweat soaked into them.

josh let out a loud generous moan as his stomach dropped, cum shooting out of his pulsating dick and onto is stomach, even landing on his chin.

tyler continued to thrust, not slowing down one bit. josh whined, over stimulating. he reached out, digging his nails further into tyler as his body shook and he came again. tears formed in his eyes, tyler slowing down as his thrusts became uneven and sloppy. he pressed deep into josh, before his muscles tightened and he released into the condom with a string of curses and moans.

tyler collapsed on josh, both boys groaning at he contact as they both were sore. tyler didn't have the energy to move yet, and josh didn't have the energy to move him. they just laid there for a moment, chests heaving as they just fucked the life out of each other.

"get off me." josh said, barely being able to lift his arm and push tyler. he groaned, rolling over next to him and laying on his back.

"fuck." tyler said, setting his arm over his eyes and trying not to focus on every sore, aching muscle in his body.

josh grunted, pushing off the ground and sitting up. he leaned over his knees, having to lay back down.

they layed there, not exchanging words for about 5 more minutes, before tyler sat up and slowly stood up. he groaned, rubbing his lower back and wincing as he took a deep breath, his ribs aching. while they were fighting and fucking, all the adrenaline tuned out the pain but now that they both came down from their highs, it was all setting in.

you could look at them, and basically see how much pain they were in. tyler had a large, purple/blue bruise on his ribs, where josh punched him, and also one on his cheek. his back was torn open and bleeding by josh's fingernails. his lips were swollen and bloody, not to mention the bruises from the game.

josh was the same, covered in bruises, but a lot of his were from tylers teeth on his neck, combined with the hand shaped bruise that wrapped around his throat. he had his bloody lip, along with a bruise on his stomach and the bruise on his thigh the size of a baseball where tyler kneed him during the game. they both had bruised, swollen knuckles as well.

tyler slowly slowly got up, hissing every time he moved too fast. he walked over, running his lower back and struggling to take a deep breath with his ribs. he put his clothes back on, before grabbing joshs and throwing them at him.

josh slowly got up also, and dressed himself painfully. he sat down on the bench after.

"gimme your phone." josh said, not looking at the boy.

"why?" tyler asked, josh rolling his eyes.

"so i can add me on your snap." josh snapped back. tyler cursed at him, before handing it to him.

the tension was heavy as the two boys collected themselves. josh sighed, brushing past tylers shoulder, slighty bumping into him.

tyler just pushed him back slightly, before grabbing his bag and also heading out of the locker room. josh had to grab all of his stuff from outside the locker room.

the walk to the parking lot was silent, no goodbye being said as each boy got in their trucks as drove off. a few minutes went by, and he got the notification that josh had added him back, and snapped him. tyler grabbed his phone, glancing between the road and his screen as he opened the picture.

it was of half of josh's face, his eyebrows furrowed and an annoyed look on his face. "next time, i'm fucking you." it read.

tyler snapped a similar picture back, typing "next time, mr straight boy?"

he looked in the his review mirror, attempting to use his hand to wipe the drying blood off of his lips. he opened josh's snap from the back camera of the road. "fuck you."

tyler chuckled, typing back "i'll let you fuck me. but just saying, i don't think you're gonna be able to make me cry like i did you, pussy."

he opened his text messages, seeing three from blake.

B: olive garden
B: where r u man
B: alright we just left, sorry you were too late

tyler sent back an apology, saying he had to come home for his mom. he got back on snap an opening josh's.

"we'll see about that." it read. tyler could just hear josh's voice through the text, enraging him even more.

"okay, you gonna tell your girl that you just took it up the ass from me?" tyler sent back

josh replied. "nah, but i'll tell you're sister, she's not gonna be too happy"

"son of a fucking bitch. i'm gonna kill that mother fucker next time i see him." tyler mumbled.

A/N: this was intenseeeeee

hey, if y'all have any suggestions or anything let me know!

also i was gonna do a brothers bestfriend part two but i accidentally deleted it and i don't feel like re-writing it:/

word count: 4074

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