Chapter 4

After they ate bread and fruits, the servants Abijah and Tamar arrived with lunch.  There was lamb's meat with vegetables of the land and more bread.

"Thank you," Jacob told Abijah and Tamar served Joseph.  Joseph looked up at her and smiled.  Leah noticed the exchange between him and the servant girl, but she didn't say anything until everyone was served and the servants themselves were gone.

"Is something going on between you and Tamar?" Leah asked Joseph while he was eating some lamb's meat.  Jacob's eyebrow lifted as he observed Leah.  Leah looked at Jacob, but ignored him and stared at Joseph instead.  Joseph chewed on the meat and then he grabbed a cup of wine without addressing her.  

"Oh, so now you won't speak to me either? Did the lion also told you not to speak to me?  Jacob raised his hand.

"Leah, that's enough.  Joseph is tired and hungry.  Let him eat in peace," Jacob said.  Leah concentrated on her meal and didn't speak again.  When they had finished feasting, Dinah took out a lyre and began to sing songs.  Joseph and Jacob clapped their hands, smiling.  Leah heard the music, but she was drinking wine for the most part and little Benjamin got up and danced around the room.  

"My, what a dancer you are!" Jacob said.

"He'll have plenty of women after him!". Joseph remarked.  His father scowled him.

"He's only a child.  Don't put such things in his mind.  He is too young," Jacob said reprimanding Joseph, but Benjamin laughed.

"I am in love with Tamar!" Benjamin said.  

"She's too big for you!" Joseph said. 

"One day she will be my wife.  You will see," Benjamin replied.

"Oh, shut up, already!  I can't heard Dinah's song," Joseph said.

"They laughed at the man,

Noah was the man.

Thought God was not in pain,

 that Noah was insane

for building an ark, for building an ark

Quack, quack, quack 

Noah built the ark

and the wicked talked and laughed

they gossiped and they mocked 

they taunted and they scoffed

As Noah built the ark, 

as Noah built the ark,

 as Noah built the ark!

Female and male creatures of God walked into the ark.

Noah and Shem, 

Ham and Japhet, 

all of their wives

saved their own lives as they

got inside of the ark.  

 They got inside the ark.

Quack, quack, quack 

The door was shut, 

Noah wasn't a nut,

The devils had no guts, 

It rained without a stop,

drop, drop, drop 

Scoffers and mockers screaming and crying

Evil, Wicked now were dying.

Noah was right, 

God showed his might,

too late for a fight, 

Terror was the sight.

The wicked are the fools, 

The wicked are the fools.

Evil, wicked, devil, 

drowning for its peril,

drowning for its peril,

 drowning for its peril.

40 days and 40 nights

Noah's ark was sailing, he thought that he was failing,

but Noah found a land

That was God's plan.

Above the sky, an arch of colors

ended all the sorrows.  

The Rainbow was the credo

The Rainbow was the credo

The Rainbow was the credo!"

When Dina finished her song, Joseph, Jacob and Benjamin all clapped and cheered with joy.  Leah clapped, but she didn't exhibir or share the same excitement.

"Well, lunch was great, but, I have to return to making the blanket," Leah said. 

"How many blankets have you made?" Jacob asked Leah.

"One.  This week has been a bit slow to tell you the truth.  It's also been difficult for me to stitch it because my fingers are trembling," Leah said.

"Maybe you should rest. Let Dinah continue to do it," Jacob told her.

"But father, who will take care of Benjamin?" Dinah asked. 

"I'll do it," Joseph volunteered and Benjamin was thriller with the idea.  He smiled and laughed.  Afterwards he jumped with joy.

"Yes!  There's finally going to be a man to talk to," Benjamin said.  He placed his little hands on his hips and frowned.  This time everyone laughed, including Leah.  She couldn't help him.

"Well, look at you!  You think you're already an adult," Leah said.

"Well, this makes me happy.  You are finally smiling," Jacob told Leah.  Leah walked towards Jacob and she gave him a hug.

"Don't get used to it," Leah told Jacob.  Jacob hugged her back.  

"Go rest.  Let Dinah finish the blanket for you.  I believe that we are well with full provisions for the entire month," Jacob said.

"Praise the Lord! He is so amazing that he has given us all of this wealthy.  I can't complain.  After all, you really wanted Rachel and father tricked you during the wedding.  I'm glad we left," Leah said and Jacob gave her a nod and Kissed her on the lips.

"Okay, maybe it's time for us to leave," Joseph told Benjamin and he pulled his kutonet.

"Hey! That hurts.  I want to see," Benjamin complained, but Joseph pulled him out of the dinning area.

"No way.  Time to go," Joseph said.

"Don't go too far," Jacob ordered.

"We won't," Joseph replied.  

"Boring," Benjamin said.  Joseph pulled him and Benjamin walked out of the area with his brother.  

"Dinah, I need to talk to you for a moment.  I have a special project for You," Jacob said.  Leah left the area not wanting to stay to work.  She was taking Jacob's advice and going to rest.  She had Made too many blankets last week and this week her fingers were too tired.  Dinah who had just finished singing The Noah's Ark, placed the Lyre on the table.

"A special project for me?" Dinah asked him and Jacob gave her a quick nod.

"Yes.  Come with me," Jacob told his daughter.  He walked out of the dinning area and went to his bedroom.  Dinah followed suit.  She pushed the curtain door aside, made of wool, and stood in the corner of the room.  Jacob pointed at his bed. 

"Sit down, Dinah.  I think you should work on this project here," Jacob told her. 

"Okay," she said and sat down on the bed.  Jacob opened a wooden chest and he took out a beautiful fabric of linen that had different colors of red, yellow, green, purple, blue and black.  It was a fabric that had stripes and each stripe had its own color. 

"But, how beautiful," Dinah said as soon as she saw it.  She touched the linen fabric and loved the texture on the tip of her fingers. 

"I am assigning you the task of making a coat for Joseph.  Do you think this fabric is long and wide enough to make the coat or do you think we need more fabric?" Asked Jacob.  Dinah unfolded the fabric to examine the length and width of it.   She concluded that the fabric was was wide and long enough to make a coat for Joseph who wasn't so tall or chubby.  

"I think I should take Joseph's measurements, but I'm sure this is more than enough.  What is it made of?  Is it linen?". Dinah asked.

"Yes," Jacob responded.

"Beautiful!  I think Joseph is going to be very pleased and if he's crazy enough not to be, I'll keep the coat for myself," Dinah said. Jacob laughed and patted his daughter's back. 

"Ha, ha, ha.  Wonderful!  Make sure the coat covers at least half of his legs. At least.  And make it with long sleeves.  I want it to look as elegant as possible ," Jacob remarked.

"That's a good idea.  He'll look like a Prince," Dinah said. 

"Dinah... I don't know what really happened to Joseph in Shechem, but I believe him.  I'm disappointed that not one of your brothers came here with himand I'm glad that God intervened and healed his foot," Jacob said.

"Father, but are you sure, that, that lion was God?" Dinah asked him.

"I believe that God can use anyone, even an animal like a lion to speak on his behalf.  Remember daughter, that our God is the creator of everything.  He created the humans, the Earth and everything around us," Jacob told her.

"Father, how do you know he's not making up that story? My mother could could be right about him," Dinah told her father, Jacob.

"Joseph has been annointed by God, Dinah.  There's no reason why he would make such a story up," Jacob said.

"How do we know it's not Satan? Father, Satan was a serpent and he fooled Eve with the fruit saying that we would be gods.  What if Satan is now a lion instead of God and he's fooling Joseph?" Dinah asked.

"He saw Rachel.  Rachel was always a woman of God," Jacob replied.

"But what about those idols she robbed from grandfather Laban? Doesn't that prove she wasn't always a woman of God?"

 Jacob suddenly remembered the idols he had found inside her wool bag.  He found them years later after leaving Laban's lands.  Laban had accused him of stealing his idols, but Jacob was very sure that he had never stolen them.  Shock had overtaken him and at that time he couldn't believe that Rachel had stolen the idols and had never even cared to mention this to him at all.  He wasn't going to have idols of any of the false gods of the foreign lands.  It was time to confront Rachel about them.

"Rachel, what are these?" A younger Jacob asked her.

"These are the gods of fertility and abundance," Rachel, who at that time was still alive, replied.

"Rachel, these idols will not give you a new child.  They will not give you abundance.  You're going to take these little wooden things and get them out of the house, right now," Jacob had told her.

"Jacob, but I am praying to these gods to get pregnant," Rachel said.

"Rachel, I'm going to ask you a question.  Before Joseph was born, to what gods did you pray to?  Did you pray to the fertility ones or to the God of Abraham?" Jacob asked her.  She hesitated before she answered.

"Well, to the fertility ones first..." She replied.

"And did you bare Joseph then?" Jacob asked her.  She shook her head.

"Not really.  I decided to try the God of Abraham to see if he would help me," Rachel said.

"And did he help you?" Jacob asked her and she nodded.

"Okay, then, if you don't want the wrath of God, you must get rid of these idols.  The God of Abraham is a jealous God.  Come outside with me please," Jacob said and they both walked out of the house. Jacob smashed the first idol on a rock and Rachel cried.

"What's the matter?" Jacob asked her.

"You are killing her," Rachel said.  Jacob looked at the tiny marble piece of engraved stone in his hand and then looked up at his wife.

"Sweetheart.  This is only a stone.  Look," he said and he gave her the broken figure.  Tears streamed down her face.

"It isn't really a God.  God isn't a stone.  He is the creator of the stone.  Go inside and pray to the God of Abraham for a new child and don't pray for other gods anymore.  You will see that the God of Abraham will listen to you.  He may not answer right away, but in time, he will, " Jacob said.  Rachel went inside and did exactly what Jacob had told her to do.  After the idols were broken and one year later, Rachel gave birth to her second and last son Benjamin.  Rachel however didn't survive the child's birth and after she named the child, she died.

"It could have been Satan, father," Dinah said pulling her father's mind back into the present.

"Enough, Dinah.  I wrestled with God personally and gained his blessing.  I think I know how to identify and distinguish God, from Satan.  Just make the coat and keep it as a secret.  I want to surprise him," Jacob said.  Dinah nodded.

"Yes, father," she replied and left Jacob's room with the fabric in her hands. Jacob lied down for a moment remembering Rachel.  He remembered how they met and the first time they had made love.  Her hair smelled of almond oil, her lips were red and her body was beautiful. Rachel made him laugh. He missed her so much.  Now he knew that she had been forgiven for praying to those idols because she had been admitted into heaven.  Jacob thought about Joseph's words.  Her skin glowed.  Her hair was loose and not with a scarf over her head as she usually dressed when she was alive.  He wished he could see her again.  For a moment he was jealous of Joseph, but the jealousy didn't last.  He knew that one day he would see her again.

Dinah walked into the room and Leah glanced at her. 

"What do you have there?" Leah asked her.  Dinah tired to brush Leah off , but it was impossible.  Leah followed her all the way to her room.

"What are these fabrics for?  Leah asked looking at the stripes and noticing that each stripe had a different color. 

"Father has given me an assignment, but I can't talk about it," Dinah replied and she placed the fabric in the chest.

"What sort of assignment?" Leah asked her, but Dinah insisted on keeping it a secret.

"Those fabrics seem very expensive.  Where did he get them?" Leah said still snooping around.

"I don't know and I can't discuss those fabrics with you.  Father made me promise not to say anything," Dinah replied.

"Dinah, I am your mother.  I have a right to know about these fabrics.  I need to know what they're for," Leah said.

"Mother. I can't.  I already promised father," Dinah said.

"I know how to keep a secret.  I won't tell anyone.  Now tell me what are the fabrics for," Leah said. Dinah sighed.

"You can't tell Joseph," Dinah said.  

"Why not?" Leah asked and Dinah finally gave in.

"Because those fabrics are for crafting a coat for Joseph," Dinah said.  Leah was shocked.  Her jaw dropped.

"What?  But what for?  How is that possible?  It's not even Joseph's birthday," Leah complained.

"Mother, you promised not to say anything," Dinah said.  She was so worried that she started to cry.  Leah, went to Dinah and hugged her.  

"Of course I promised and you have my Word.  But I think this is terrible," Leah confessed.

"Why?" Dina asked her.  She wiped her tears with her hands.

"It's not even Joseph's birthday and the fabrics seem very expensive. It was an unnecessary expense that could have affected our budget and why Joseph? What about Reuben who is the oldest? This is very unfair," Leah remarked.

"Mother!  Don't say anything.  Remember that you promised!"

"What is going on here?" Jacob asked at the door frame of Dinah's room.

"Nothing," Leah said.  

"Don't lie to me.  I heard voices in here.  Dinah, why are you crying?" Jacob said.  Dinah shook her head. 

"What is going on?" Jacob asked a second time and this time he was angry.  He looked at his daughter with a frown. 

"Nothing," Dinah responded. 

"Nothing? Then why are you crying?" Jacob asked her.  Leah finally decided to interrupt.  

"Because I found out about the fabrics of colors," Leah explained.

"And that's why you're crying? " Jacob asked Dinah.  Dinah nodded without saying a word. 

"I thought I told you to shut up about it.  I can't believe I trusted you," Jacob said annoyed. Dinah cried again, but her mother interrupted again.

"I insisted.  I threatened her to speak out about it.  Be angry at me," Leah said.

"Leah, why must you always be a pain?" Jacob said. 

"This pain gave you more children than Rachel ever did!" Leah said and Jacob sighed.

"Woman, you are just like Satan!" Jacob said.

"Why are you making a coat for Joseph, but not for Reuben?" Leah asked.

"Because I want to and because it's none of your business that's why," Jacob responded annoyed.

"You are choosing Joseph, your last to second son over Reuben who is the first and why?  Because he's Rachel's first son!"

"Enough with this jealousy of yours against Rachel.  Enough!" Jacob said.  Leah change the subject.

"I suppose that must have affected the family's budget," Leah snarled.

"If it did or didn't it's none of your business.  I'm the man of the house and I'm in charge of the budget.  You will keep your mouth shut and not ruin the surprise for Joseph.  Are we clear?" Jacob said.  The women stared at each other for a while until Leah gazed back at her husband and gave him a brief nod.  

"Good." Jacob said ending the conversation. Then he left.   Leah began to cry.

Mother?" Dinah asked.  Leah wiped her tears and controlled her grief. 

"I will say nothing.  It's not Joseph's fault that Jacob favors him.  It's Jacob's fault," Leah said and she left Dinah's room.  Dinah sat down and cried.  She wondered why her parents couldn't get along and she wished that the both of them would just stop arguing to get along.

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