Chapter 14
The first brothers to arrive were the ones who wore their simple garments. On the entrance they they took off their hands from a stone bowl. Abija held it for the siblings.
"Shalom. Welcome back Dan, Neftali and God," Abija told them. When Neftali looked up at her, she smiled.
"Thank you," they all replied in ascending order. Then, they entered House 1. The last ones to arrive were from house 2.
"Your father is waiting for you," Abija said as she held the stone bowl. Reuben was the last one to wash. When they finished they gathered around the table to sit down, and have their supper. One of Jacob's grey eyebrows rose when he saw how fancy Reuben had dressed. Joseph was next to Jacob, wearing his coat of colors. Abija came in with the bowl of water that she had been holding outside, empty. Tamar, Bilha and Zilpa came into the dinning area with food trays. The servants moved back and forth as they placed trays of camel's meat, goat and lamb meat, bread, cheese, cucumbers and even raisins. Cups were also brought and and Bilha filled them from a store jug with wine that was mixed with raisins and cinnamon. The taste of this wine was absolutely delicious.
"Oh, I forgot the watermelons," Zilpa said and she left to go get the tray. It was a feast indeed. The dinning area was spacious, the brothers all surrounded the table, and their bellies growled. They couldn't want to take a bite. Everything looked delicious. The woman as usual were experts of keeping a comfortable home and dinner. Joseph grabbed his cup and sniffed the wine that smelled absolutely sensational. Leah though glared at him and placed her hand on his arp.
"Not now," Leah said. Joseph placed the cup back on the table and Jacob cleared his throat.
"Let us pray," Jacob said, once everything was served and the servants gone. Jacob raised both of his hands and his head to pray.
"Yahweh, God of Abraham, lord of everything. Today, my family is gathered here to have a feast. I am grateful that despite the bad that came to me, all of my sons are here with me. Thank you, God for bringing them alive and well to my house. Help us, Lord and we hold on to your promise. We shall fullfill your promise, the one you gave to Abraham. We will be a great nation and we will be as numerous as the stars. Amen."
Afterwards, the eating began. All of them ate with their hands, but they served themselves in individual plates that had been waiting for the trays of food. Everybody was so hungry, that they were more busy chewing than talking. After eating though, Jacob told Joseph to tell them about the lion. Joseph told them, buy nobody spoke or had any questions for him. Most of the brothers were busy eating and none of them believed the story anyway. After a brief and awkward moment of silence during Joseph's conclusion of the story he told them about his dream.
"So, you think, you will be our King, do you?"Asked Zabelum who seemed to be dressed like a King himself.
"Do you actually think you'll reign over us?" Isaachar asked annoyed.
"Enough. I'm sure that's not what he meant,"Leah said and Jacob cleared his throat.
"Enough tales. Let us finish this dinner and have some music," Jacob said and no one else spoke, but the resentment among the brothers grew. Joseph was becoming a problem. None of the brothers were in a festive mood, but Jacob insisted on singing afterwards. When they finished their meal, Dinah looked for her lyre, Issachar fetched for his tambourine. Dan looked for his harp and Gad his small cymbals to clap his fingers on. The rest of the brothers sand or clapped. The songs cheered them a bit after a while, but watching Joseph singing and dancing around with his fancy coat all over the place didn't help and neither did Jacob's complements.
"Dinah made his coat. Doesn't he look like a prince?" Jacob asked the siblings. Some barely whispered with agreement and others gave a brief nod, but Jacob never even mentioned their own attire and this enfuriated them even more. Once the songs were over, Jacob wanted to talk to the brothers, but they all excused themselves with the pretext of being too tired.
"But I thought you had taken a nap,"was Jacob's response.
"Imagine how tired we really are," Isaachar said. There was a hint of anger in their tones, but Jacob was so happy about the meal and the music that he hardly noticed. Leah though noticed everything and when the brothers left the house to go into their own houses and compartments, Leah sent Joseph and Benjamin to sleep. Jacob was smiling.
"Zilpa sure does wonders with that cheese,"Jacob said as Abija and Tamar cleared the table.
"Could you please hurry up," Leah told the servants. They nodded and grabbed what they could or the table as fast as they could. When they took everything including the table, Leah spoke to Jacob.
"I need to talk to you," she told Jacob. Jacob shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh, what is it?" Jacob asked her. He presumed it was to complain about something.
"Didn't you notice something tonight?" Leah asked him. She crossed her arms and Jacob sat on a camel's seat.
"I don't have the time or the patience for guessing games, Leah. I'm exhausted.
"Okay. The boys were all elegantly dressed for dinner," Leah replied.
"I know that. Why are you telling me this?" Jacob asked. He touched his beard.
"Because you only praised Joseph for his coat," Leah said.
"Well, it's a new coat. I also praised Dinah," Jacob responded.
"Okay and praising Dinah has been long overdo-"
"Don't give me that. Dinah dishonored the entire family," Jacob interrupted.
"That wasn't her fault!" Leah responded. Oh, really? It wasn't? She was told not to be around Hamor's son!"
"Are you kidding me? She was raped! She didn't asked to be raped," Leah argued.
"I didn't say that, but because of her, Simeon, Levi and the rest had destroyed everything in Shechem," Jacob said.
"And made you rich, so I don't know what you're complaining about," Leah responded. Jacob got out of his seat, furious.
"You're the one complaining about praises. I praise whoever I want. This is my house! Go get me Zilpa. I'm sleeping with her tonight. You can stay at house 5," Jacob scorned.
"Fine, but listen to me first. The boys were well dressed for you because they wanted to make things right," Leah said.
"If they wanted to make things right, they could have just tended the flock as they were supposed to, instead of sleeping around," Jacob replied.
"You're something Joseph and turning him into a selfish little brat!" Leah replied.
"Be quiet, woman! Bring Zilpa inside and leave,"Jacob said.
"This will bring you problems if you don't address it now," Leah said.
"Go!" Jacob shouted. Leah didn't say anything else. She realized that Jacob was either totally convinced that he was on the right side of things or he just wanted to ignore her or perhaps punish the boys. Either way, she realized that speaking to him about Joseph was pointless. No matter what she said on how much she warned him about the situation, he wouldn't listen. He was Jacob's untouchable little Rachel," Leah left to house 5 which was smaller and she reached out for Zilpa, who had already fallen asleep. She shook her shoulder and woke her up.
"Zilpa, Zilpa," she called. Zilpa slowly opened her eyes as she felt a voice in the night call her name. As she did, she noticed a light and when she turned she saw an oil lamp placed on the floor, very near her.
"Zilpa, Jacob wants to sleep with you tonight," Leah said. Zilpa sat up.
"Do I have to?" She asked.
"Yes. I had an argument with him," Leah explained.
"Again?" Zilpa asked and Leah nodded.
"Why dont'you stop arguing with him? What if he throws you out? What am I going to do without you?" Zilpa asked concerned, but Leah hugged her and gave her a kiss on the head.
"Don't worry. That won't happen," Leah said comforting her.
"I don't want to be the main wife of the household," Zilpa said filled with concern in her voice.
"Shush. That won't happen. Go comfort my husband and afterwards speak well of me. Yuo will see that, all will be well," Leah told her. Zilpa gave her a brief nod.
"Don't forget to take the lamp with you," Leah told her. Zilpa grabbed the oil lamp and she left the house. As she left, Zilpa's compartment became dark and Leah laid down and comfortably fell asleep.
The brothers went each into their different homes, but all of them grumbled mostly about Joseph.
"I can't even believe that father only noticed his clothes and not yours," Simeon told Reuben. Reuben looked at his clothes and took them off. He tried to hide his clear disappointment.
"I was irresponsible with the sheep. I deserve to be ignored," Reuben said.
"No way! Reuben, you're the eldest," Judah told him.
"And since when has father cared about that?" Levi asked him.
"Levi!" Reuben scorned, but Levi ignored him.
"He stole uncle Esau's blessings and birthright. He is a thief!" Levi said and Reuben grabbed him by the collar and pulled him.
"Shut up! Shut up right now," Reuben yelled.
"Tell me it's a lie," Levi said. Reuben couldn't because Jacob had stolen these things from his older brother.
"Oh, shut up. Uncle Esau never cared about any of that and he's doing well. Stop being so melodramatic," Judah told him.
"Reuben, " Simon said. He touched Reuben's shoulder. Reuben eased to his brother's touch and he released Levi. Levi fixed his clothes.
"Let's just go to sleep. I'm tired," Reuben said and he left quietly into his compartment.
"Jacob is an idiot," Levi said annoyed.
"Be quiet and do what Reuben says," Judah told him.
"He's right. If father hears you, he can throw you out," Simeon said. Levi left to his compartment thinking that everybody around him was stupid. He was annoyed.
"It will pass," Simeon told Judah.
"Joseph should be the one to be thrown out. Our lives would be better without him," Judah said and then left to his compartment. Simeon followed. The conversations in the other houses were not that different. The brothers felt the same anger towards both Joseph and Jacob.
"I don't get it. Reuben was incredibly well dressed and even if he did screw up, at least he's trying to make things right," said Dan to Gad. Neftali nodded.
"Well, it's a good thing we didn't waste our time trying to impress father by dressing up," Neftali said.
"It never even occurred to me that we should do it," Gad said.
"Me neither, but I don't understand why the rest of them did. Trying to impress Jacob after what happened was a stupid idea," Neftali said.
"Zabelum was the best well dressed in my opinion and he even put oil on. I can't believe that father ignored him over Joseph who's half his size," Dan said.
"You know he ignores everyone for Joseph," Gad said.
"Oh, look at Joseph. He has a colorful coat. He looks like God's rainbow. Isn't he majestic Isn't he the most perfect, incredible amazing boy you've ever seen?" Neftali mockingly said imitating his father and pretending to carry the coat.
"Pathetic," Gad remarked.
"Argh!" said Dan.
"I felt sorry for Simeon. He looked so elegant," Dan said.
"I think it served them right. I still think it was a dumb idea," Neftali said.
"In a way, we were probably the smartest ones there," Dan commented.
"Of course we were. Why on Earth would we dress up for? Joseph was going to be the star of the night as usual," Gad said.
"Exactly," Neftali remarked. They each walked into their compartments and want to sleep.
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