Yellow Daffodil
Jon had his arm wrapped around Damian's shoulder as they walked down the halls. He leaned into Damian's ear, Damian shiver. "Are you doing okay?" Jon asked with a worried expression.
Damian looked up at Jon. "I can handle it." He said defiantly, "If Jason can, than I definitely can."
"Ooooh, dissing Jason like that. How hurtful." Jon said with a soft laugh.
Damian rolled his eyes and they continued walking down the halls until they got to the cafeteria. "Ugh, it smells disgusting in here!" He held a hand over his nose.
"Heh, yeah. It's the food." Jon laughed awkwardly. "Come on, I see Kon and your brother."
"Lovely." Damian muttered sarcastically as they found Kon and Tim talking about aliens and stuff until Tim looked up.
"Damian! How's your day going?" Tim asked, smacking the table for them to sit.
"Boring. Everyone is annoying too." Damian answered with venom.
Jon playfully nudged him. "He hates attention." He wrapped his arms around Damian and squeezed gently, "He's sooooo adorableeee!"
"No you won't."
"You're right."
"Ew, you're disgustingly cute today." Jason grumbled as he joined them along with his girlfriend Starfire. They had to make up a name for her so they just chose Star Fredricks. Dumb.
Star giggled. "I find this cute couple adorable." She commented as she sat down as well.
"Where's Raven?" Kon asked as he ate some of the general shou.
"She's beating up beast boy. He turned into a ferret and went down her shirt." Jason answered boredly.
"I thought beast boy was green?" Damian asked looking confused.
Jason sighed heavily. "Well, Cyborg uses his watches to create holograms so he can look human like he did to sneak into the Hive Academy, so he made another pair for Beast bo- Garfield, and Garfield uses them to his advantage."
Damian nodded. "I see. Well all right then." He sniffed as he took one of Jon's cookies and started nibbling it.
Jon let him because Damian had a bigger sweet tooth than him AND just look at those cute cheeks!!!! "Oh yeah, mom told me to ask if you wanted chocolate chip or oatmeal next time."
Damian hummed. "How about fudge?"
"I'll see what I can do." Jon laughed and leaned into him.
"Why does your mother require Damian's tastes if the cookie is for you?" Star asked with a puzzled expression.
Jon grinned. "Ah, well, mom likes baking and I don't have that much of a sweet tooth so she makes me take cookies with me so Damian can 'steal' them."
"But today is his first day, how does that work then?" She asked again.
"I bring them over to his house or have Tim take them to him." Jon explained.
Damian finished eating the cookies and sipped water from a paper cup. "You better eat, Dick'll get angry if you don't eat right." Tim commented with a laugh.
The smol angry boy crossed his arms. "He's not my father!"
"Tch. It seems like it." Jason.
"True." Kon.
"It is agreeable." Star.
Damian rolled his eyes. "I mean, yeah I guess."
There was a pause in the cafeteria before everyone resumed. "What do you mean??" Jason asked exasperated.
Tim grinned, "Okay well I'm gay and with Kon, Damian is hella gay and is with Jon, and Dick is bisexual and is with Jamie (MY OC AND I SHIP DICK AND HIM SO MUCH SO SHUSH OFF)." He elaborated.
"Oh wow, he's right for once." Damian teased as he took a carrot from Jon because he was low-key worried about getting scolded by Dick.
"Are you not even going to get pissy at him calling you hella gay?" Jason asked annoyed.
Damian shrugged. "I admit I'm gayer than all of you." He snorted because sarcasm.
Jon laughed quietly because Damian had no romantic feelings for anyone or anything besides Jon. Oh wait. That's hella gay.
The bell rang loudly. Tim whined. "Waaaah, I hate chemistry."
"But baby, we have so much of it!" Jason said in an overdramatic way.
"Back off, mine." Kon said.
"Dude. I'm straight. He's my brother. No way in hell." Jason grimaced before walking off with Star before glancing back with a concerned expression in his eyes. "Tell us if anything happens." He said to Damian.
Damian didn't say anything. He knew it was rare for brotherly affection so he just nodded and looked to Jon whom came back from throwing out garbage. "Ready to go?" Jon asked with a smile.
They stood up and soon headed to their next classes.
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