04 - Sunny Side Egg
2813 words°•*
A soft breeze air touched her skin, sun ray in the morning hit her vision. Birds were tweeting by their window. The sound of opened curtain, and wardrobe door got closed, someone is busy right now.
"Good morning," a voice once again woke her up just like yesterday. (Y/N) stay inside her blanket, did not want to go to work. "You have a work today, right?"
"Hm," she mumbled. Slowly opened her eyes that closed tight before, rubbing her eyes gently, then little by little seeing Haruka again like last morning. This 18 years old girl is a caretaker for this young woman before both of them even realize.
(Y/N) squinted her eyes, trying to focus on seeing Haruka's figure. She sat up and wiping her bed face with her hand. "What time is it?" she asked Haruka with a soar voice she had in morning.
"Eight o'clock. Good job waking up so fast," Haruka giggled as she were brushing her hair in front of the mirror.
"Is that an insult, lady?" (Y/N) asked, trying to get her joke. Coming out from her blanket, then stood up. Stretching, and then took her towel.
"I'm just joking, sorry." Haruka then applied some light make up, as she looked toward (y/n) at a minute. "You have to follow STARISH work, today. Is that correct?"
"Yeah, as their producer, you already know this information, huh?"
"Misa told me your schedule, since she said you need a person to take care of you."
"What kind of nonsense in Misa's words," She sighed as she started to tight her hair, continued, "I'm an adult, i can take care of myself."
Haruka raised her eyebrows, looking at that young woman through the mirror, joking, "Really? But you won't wake up unless i wake you up. Alarm is not enough for you."
"Shesh, Uh... you got a point," she answered as she opened the bathroom door.
"I will waiting for you at kitchen table."
"Please lock the door, I don't want any guy come here when i take a shower."
"Got it! The spare key is on the table."
Walking down the stair, holding her phone by herside, looking down at the staircase. Clearly, can hear a sound of bird's chirp outside.
Right after she got into first floor, she met someone there. A tall young man with a silver hair and both silver eyes.
"Oi, (y/n)," he called with (y/n) first name as he showing his hand as hello sign. Both silent for a moment, when their eyes met.
"I'm sorry, who are you again?" (Y/N) bowed since she didn't realize who were standing in front of her. "Are you somehow... Ranmaru? I'm deeply sorry."
Ranmaru sighed, ruffled his hair a little. Rolled his eyes, then pointing at his eyes, "It's because of this, isn't it?"
"Hah? Aren't you suppose to have heterochromia?"
"I use purple contact. Akh, where you wanna go, anyway?"
"Oh, i see.." (y/n) mumbled. She looked to her phone to check her schedule for today. "I need to follow Starish schedule today. Just... like i did, for your group."
"Didn't you make a promise with Reiji?"
"Huh?" Both staring at eachother with full questions. Something is missing right now.
"That lame guy have been talking about that since two days ago. Weirdo," he ranted. Crossing his hands on his chest. "What?" He asked while (y/n) stared at blank wall as her eyebrows raised.
"Oh my god," (y/n) muttered. Realized what Reiji said two days ago. "I forgot he asked me to go with him.. where is he?"
(Y/N) just shooked her head, trying to get the answer from Ranmaru, "Nope, Where is he?"
"Probably in kitchen. Eating," he answered.
"See you at the kitchen then."
The young woman took fast step, ignoring Ranmaru who almost wanted to say something. Her stomach grumbled, haven't eat anything for breakfast.
She entered the kitchen, seeing only three figures there. Haruka, Cecil and Reiji eating breakfast together.
"Oh nice outfit!" Haruka said as she was the first one realized (y/n) presence. Reiji and Cecil looked toward the door behind them, seeing a woman figure wearing a white shirt tucked in a light denim jeans, just a normal casual outfit day out.
"Good morning, (family name)," Cecil said.
"Good morning," (y/n) answered as she was walking to the table. Then, sitting beside Haruka.
Haruka served her a plate of breakfast. Sunny side egg, fried sausage and a frech toast. "Thank you," she mumbled.
"You are welcome, Big sis," answered Haruka with a whisper.
(Y/N) was looking at those two guys. Reiji's eyes met her. Then suddenly looked away and drank his morning coffee. Rather it's about him, being flushtered or don't want to talk about appointment he made with her.
"Reiji," (y/n) greeted him. When he finally looked at her again, she said, "Good morning."
"Yeah... Good morning," Reiji stuttered. "So... about-"
"About the appointment, i'm sorry," (y/n) said, truly for her hearth. Meanwhile in the background, Cecil currently reading a magazine and Haruka playing with her phone.
Haruka then glaced at Reiji and (y/n). Taking a deep breath, "You guys are dating?"
"What-" Cecil, Reiji and (y/n) said as the same time.
"Why the heck you added what there." Reiji stared at Cecil. Cecil shruged calmly. "Us?" Reiji pointed at (y/n) and him twice, shooked his head.
"No, of course. What are you saying?" (Y/N) sighed. "I'm here for work."
"Aye, don't be so mad... i didn't mean to say that..." Haruka stated. That girl gulped her tea once, and said, "We are not allowed to dating, that's on the contract... so, better careful."
"Aish.. yeah. I hope i can date Nanami," Cecil whined, making Nanami felt shy.
"Brave one, Cesshi," Reiji laughed there. Meanwhile, (y/n) just stared at them quietly.
"What?" Nanami flushtered.
"Hey, kid. You are around seventeen, right?" (Y/N) asked. Cecil just nodded.
"Life is harder than you thought. It's not just about love," she spoke as she took a bite of the toast. Looking at her food, saying, "For people like me, who've been into accident and tragedy once... finding a person who stay by your side is hard. People may forget about you when you are in hard situation."
Haruka clearing her throath, trying to break the ice situation. "Um, er... anyway, (y/n)... Starish ride will arrive at nine o'clock and right now it's eight past thirthy minutes. Ask me anything if you need help around here."
"I'm sorry," (y/n) muttered.
"No, it's fine, really..." Haruka patted (y/n)'s back.
(Y/n) was eating her breakfast. "Reiji, i'm sorry. I couldn't go today." Reiji just looking at her, smiled. "It's fine, we will go next time," He answered.
"Oof... they all are sooo late," hissed Cecil.
"Ittoki, and others?" (Y/n) asked while glanced at Cecil. He nodded, pouting like time was so fast.
After several minutes, two guys entered the kitchen, saying "Good morning!"
"Good morning," they answered.
It was Ren and Otoya. Ren fastly took a sit beside Reiji, and said, "Oh look, Senpai, we have two ladies here."
Haruka just seems so quiet about all of this. It just ended making (y/n) questioned about how Haruka could live together with these men under one roof. This is wild jungle, for (y/n).
"Oh, boi." (Y/N) judged Ren with her eyes looking him from his hair to his clothes. "What the heck are you wearing?"
"What is it, sexy lady?" Ren flirted as usual. At the same time, (y/n) finished her food.
(Y/n) put her plate on the dirty plate place. Then, went into Ren's seat. Holding his scarf, "What is this?"
"Oi, i don't know... if you take it too seriously. It's a red scarf," Ren said. Reiji beside him were just giggling the whole time, followed by Otoya chuckled.
"Take it off, that make you look lame. Your sweater is already enough and good to go with your wide shoulder, use black glasses instead," (y/n) explained.
"Ah... roger, Miss." Ren took off his scarf and gave it to (y/n).
"Ah no wonder, she is our designer afterall," Reiji smiled then sipping his coffee. "Your clothes are lame indeed," he continued.
"Why are you on her side instead of mine?" Ren complained.
"Hehe," Otoya chuckled. "Not joking, but she's right, your clothes are lame."
"But thank you for the compliment," Ren said while winked at (y/n). She looked at Ren in disgust.
"Aish, kid these days are weird."
"You sounds like an old lady," Cecil commented.
"Shut up."
Right at nine o'clock, starish members gathered in front of the dormintory. A big van with Shining Agency symbol on it arrived. One by one entering the van, and (y/n) is the last one entering the van. Their manager were their too, (y/n) already talked to Quartet Night and Starish managers about their schedule. Since, Shining Otome really like crazy idea, everything could happen.
In the van, their manager explained about their schedule. Performing on a music station, then having interview, photoshoot, and then performing again, then an interview in a radio station. (Y/N) already know that.
"(Y/N), have you arrage their clothes for today performance?" The manager asked meanwhile some of the boys looking at her.
"Yeah," she nodded and said, "I take their current album designer clothes. Which, Miss X already told me that."
"Uh, good work," the manager said.
Time flies, they arrived at the first destination. All staffs are currently busy, including (y/n) as their staff. Bring their stuff to the studio. They were walking so fast, including the idols. No time to brag.
When they arrived on backstage studio, they had their own guest room. The staff can't make any flaw. It's a requirement in a agency. Every agencies are like that. STARISH members sat on the couch, waiting for instruction from their staff.
"Ichinose, Ittoki, Shinomiya, please changing into this," (y/n) gave them each costume. They are just nodded, and went to a changing room inside there alternately. "Kurusu, Jinguji, Hijirikawa, Aijima, here." (Y/n) gave it the costume to them.
It's busy. Especially, her work not done just that. She need to help idols if they dont know how to wear the costume. Like, Cecil was asking for help about his accessory. (Y/n) need to do that.
After a while, her job, taking care about the idols costume was done, she took a rest by sat on the couch. "Ah.. it's tiring," she muttered.
Tokiya sat beside her after she said that, giving her a can of cold coffee. "Good work, no wonder Saotome hired you."
"Thank you, ichinose."
"Oh please just call us by our first name," he said then drinking a mineral water.
"Your make up is done?"
"Yes," he answered showing his beautiful face. "Oh, you need some energy. You can rest right now."
"Don't i need to see you guys performing?"
"It's normal, look." Tokiya pointed at a staff, sleeping on the corner. "Because, we have five places to go today."
Then Syo standing in front of them, slurping coffee. "Hey, about the other day. We are sorry about what Camus said."
"Ah, no. It's fine, i used to it..." (y/n) responded.
The door opened after a knock. "STARISH will performing in one hour again."
They wait there, talking to each other, Syo, Natsuki, Otoya and Cecil were rehearsing, Tokiya playing his phone, Ren was talking to other staff, and Masato have a talk with (y/n).
"What you did is brave."
"Do what?"
"Commenting Ren's outfit, i heard that from Otoya," Masato laughed. "Usually, no woman talking about how lame his clothes sometimes."
"He such a flirty guy, need a precious woman on his side," (y/n) commented.
"It won't affect you? Er... i mean-"
"Nah, totally won't. He is fine, seeing his flirt is rather funny than romantic for me."
"Great, i really like your opinion," he said, smiled.
"Dude, i thought... you are a cold person."
(Y/n) reposition her sitting so she can talking comfortably and seeing Masato face at the same time. "You, when i first time met you, you looks so cold. Like Ranmaru, but same. You've both have different vibe, you know what i mean right?"
Masato just nodded, "Yeah, i know. Nice to talk to you."
"What camus actually look like?"
"Camus?" Masato hand on his chin, thinking. "Ah him, he is two-faced. Not in a bad way," he responded, "His personality on television is a big different that his normal personality. He is cold as an ice. But, he still a good person."
"So, That cold prince type," (y/n) said.
"You could say that," Masato nodded.
Then, the TV staff called them. (Y/N) followed them as well due to checking their costume once again. Fans shouting can be heard, it's loud.
So shortly, they went to this different places in one day. Busy day for STARISH and staffs. At the end of works, it was 07:04 PM. Some of the idols were sleeping, like Cecil, Natsuki, Ren and Tokiya. From the last radio station to the dormintory took fifteen minutes.
They arrived, (y/n) who got out first from the van felt so stiff and need a hot shower.
"Good work everyone," they said once again.
Sky was already dark, Moon made the sky even more beautiful than before with stars. All these beautiful moment, interupted with Otoya shouting, "It's dinner time!! WHOaH!!"
Otoya running like a kid, and went inside. Followed by the others who just walking.
"See you at dinner," Tokiya said to (y/n). She just shruged and gave a little nod.
(Y/N) went to her room. Seeing Haruka playing her piano. "Welcome home," Haruka greeted.
"Thank you... i really need that," (y/n) said as she locked the door. Throwing herself to her bed. "Ah, my body hurt."
"How was your day?" Haruka asked.
"Tiring," she answered that bring laugh to Haruka. Haruka sat on her bed that place in beside (y/n)'s bed, separated only 50 cm.
"I ever in your situation, only to understand their emotion. Welp... that's what Saotome-san want."
"Is it nice?"
"Is it nice to live in a jungle full of wild wolves?"
"Is that methaphor?" Haruka gigled. "They all are a good guys."
"Really?" (Y/N) then sat up and starinf at Haruka. "Did.. no one ever kiss you here?"
"Ah?" Haruka looking down, embrassed. "Ren... he almost kiss me, but I reject him..."
"These men is wild wolves... You should be more careful," (y/n) commented.
This woman sighed, walking to her wardrobe searching for comfy hoodie. "I'm gonna take a bath."
"Go on, i will waiting for you, so we can go together."
A breezy air attracted (y/n) to went up to the this dormintory rooftop. After dinner, She didn't see one person, which is Camus.
Well, now she saw him. Sitting on a chair, drinking a hot tea. Like some royalty time. Masato tell no lie to her about Camus.
So, instead avoiding him, she walked closer to Camus. "Good evening," she greeted.
"Oh finally, a person with manner, Good evening," he while looking at her for a moment. "What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Nothing, the air is just nice, the weather is nice," she shruged.
"Of course, it is nice for forgotten designer like you. Never go outside, only stay at your little apartent."
That words are stabby. (Y/N) is currently fighting with her emotion inside. 'Calm down yourself, he is colder than an ice, you know that, sweetie.'
"I take that as a compliment, thanks," (y/n) smiled. She stood in front of him, "Look, i'm here for work. I need to know what fit on you."
"Everything fit with me," he answered elegantly.
"And... your personality as well," (y/n) said.
"Better than yours," he said as he sipped a tea.
"Look, charming guy. I need you to coorperate with me," (y/n) argued.
Camus sipped his final tea, and poured another tea for him, placed five sugar cubes in it. Then saying, "Then, be my maid."
"I don't sign for this."
"And i'm not gonna coorperate with you. Our conversation is done, please go back to your room."
The smells of the tea brought by the wind to (y/n). She drank this type of tea somewhere. "Is that Chamomile Lemongrass?"
Hearing (y/n)'s words, both of them staring at each other for one minutes in silence. Then he smirked,
"Oh you are educated one? Sat there and have a cup of tea with me. What you wanna talk about?"
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