Why so serious?

Joker - It's so good to see so many familiar faces. Oh Mr.Mayor it's a real honor to meet you also I would recommend that no heroes try to stop me since I do have a thing called "Joker Gas" trust me the gas will make you......(Sprays gas on the mayor)

The mayor coughed but stopped seconds as he got a small grin and started chuckling.

Citizen - Mr Mayor? Are you alright?

Mayor - Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

The Mayors skin turned pale with and his eyes were bleeding as well. After a few more horrifying laughs the mayor fell to the ground dead with a horrifying smile on his face. Citizens were scared out of their minds and crying thinking they were next.

Joker - Laugh your life away. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (shoots gun behind him) Like I said. Try anything and this whole place goes to smoke. Literally!

A hero was shot in the head dead on the ground with blood spilling all over.

Bakugo - Deku. How? How are you still alive?!

Joker - Ah Katsuki Bakugo. Ground Zero the new number one I say you should receive your award but I have one question.

Bakugo - What?

Joker - The people in the city knew how to smile during the time of All Might but you never did. So why? Why why why why?

"Why so serious?"

He grabbed Bakugo by his face with a knife close to his mouth. Bakugo just stood there getting ready for an attack as Joker just held the knife close to his mouth waiting to see what he would do.

Joker - Your daughter is a cute little doll isn't she. She's how old? 1 or 2?

Bakugo - Don't you....

Joker - Don't what? Not hurt them or maybe I should just turn myself in because heroes cornered me around the building giving me no chance for escape.

Joker laughed as he pulled the knife out of Bakugo and slowly turned around with the smile as out of nowhere Kirishima started coughing.

Bakugo - Kirishima?

Kirishima cough out blood as he noticed a knife on his side. Joker smiled as he kicked Bakugo away close to Kirishima.

Joker - A great job Toga.

Toga - Thank you puddin.

Toga - Baby I want more blood~

Joker - Give it a moment honey plus we can't have you giving too much action since your holding our little nugget.

Both kiss as both laughed and stated that they waited for years for this main event.

Joker - It's been so long and I've been waiting for the right moment to return and that's too see all of you.

Bakugo - What the hell do you want?

Joker - Not much really....just too see the whole world smile. Like our friend here.

He pointed to the mayor as everyone were crying or terrified/angry.

Joker - Marshmallow would you mind giving me my gun.

Out of the kitchen door walked out a girl with the leader of the Shie Hassakai

Joker - A Overhaul it's good to see your with us.

Overhaul - Boss I took care of all the heroes outside. I believe it's time.

Joker - Your right.

Bakugo saw no one was looking at him as he quickly launched himself and shot a giant explosion as the smoke cleared and all that was there was a huge puddle of mud and he's seen this mud before.

Bakugo - They were copies!

In the home of Bakugo.

Ochaco Bakugo put her daughter in her crib as she trusted the nanny to watch her daughter. She walked out of the room and put on her hero outfit and went to patrol a building that got a disturbance call.

Ochaco walked in quietly not trying to make a sound and she was weirded out that no one was there and so why she was there.

??? - It's been so long. Hasn't Uraraka?

Ochaco turned around and saw Toga behind her sitting down with a knife in her hand.

Uravity - Toga?

Toga - It's been so long that I almost couldn't recognize you Mrs.Bakugo. I would say it's good to see you but...you hurt MY husband!

Toga started walking towards her as she got defensive and used her wires to grab hold of a few items in the room.

??? - Surprise!

She turned around to only be hit by a gun as she fell down and she couldn't believe who she was seeing.

Joker - It's good to see you again Ochaco after 12 years. We meet again. It's probably destiny....or maybe it's because my anger towards you never went away. I dreamt of this moment and for once I can say..."I wish things could have been different."

Ochaco - You wanted things to be different but you killed innocent people then pretend to kill yourself! Your insane!

Joker grabbed her by her face and she could see the sadness not in Joker but what little remains of Izuku Midoriya the man she once loved. The man who "she" killed.

Joker - Who's fault was it that I changed into this huh! I wanted to be a hero my whole life and you and your husband took it all away when YOU decided to sleep with him. Don't worry though I'll make sure that Hana will grow up knowing her mother loved her. And how much of a heart breaker she was

Ochaco realized that this was their plan bringing her here and killing her for her daughter.

Ochaco - No please don't put her in this. Kill me and that's it but not Hana......please Izuku.

Joker pulled out a knife and sliced her cheek as she fell down and saw that his tears and sadness wear now gone and all you can see is the smile he will always wear.

Joker - A little too late to fully apologize........Goodbye Ochaco. Your up Touya.

Dabi walked out holding Ochaco child and he looked at her and smiled. 4 years ago Dabi revealed his true name and the terrible actions of Endeavor as the whole world could not believe it still had a small amount of faith but they never trusted him again.

Touya - You shouldn't feel so bad. I'll let you say goodbye one last time.

Ochaco looked at her daughter in tears as she gave her a kiss and told her she loved her.

Joker pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger as nothing happened and Ochaco opened her eyes but slowly moved her gaze to her stomach.

A pipe went through her and Joker just stood there with a smile as he went right to her face and gave her one last gift.

Joker - Tell Izuku I said hi and maybe you both will finally be together.

Joker kissed her one last time until he stabbed her right in her heart as she fell to the ground lifeless. Uravity was dead.

Toga - Are you okay puddin?

Joker - Just peachy my dear. Besides we still have one more act until the finale.

A phone rang and it was Bakugo as Joker picked it up and had Toga disguise her voice as Ochaco and responded to the phone telling him that she was okay and she wanted to have Hana close to her just in case.

Joker - Bakugo you are about to have a glorious evolution.....I envy you.

Bakugo was going to every agency he could think of and the first closest one was Kaminari aka Chargebolt. He ran to his office and was horrified of the sight.

Kaminari was hung and was also sprayed with the joker gas as he had the same smile like Joker. This make Bakugo sick to his stomach, Jirou was shot right in her head, Sero face cut off, Mina was burned, and others were dead by Joker Gas. But all with the same message. "This is what happens when you bring others into this crazy little game of ours"

The only ones who survived were Shoto Todoroki, Bakugo and Aizawa. Every other hero in the city or cities nearby were dead and civilians were inside scared to even leave the house.

Aizawa - Bakugo where is he?

Bakugo - The new chemical factory Ace Chemicals.

Shoto - Lets hurry then.

Aizawa - Todoroki don't you be reckless look we will find Yaoyorozu.

Joker - I wouldn't be so occupied for her.

They turned around to see a TV projector speaking to them as Joker was in the screen smiling.

Joker - Hello my old friends and teacher it's so good to see you all again now before you all ask me where the others are. Don't worry about them because well (chuckles) they're dead.

Shoto - You son of a bitch!

Joker - Yes your aggressive. I mean your wife did stab me with a sword but again nothing I couldn't handle with just a few stitches. Now Katsuki you are right. MY location is Ace Chemicals but what about the others? Oh yes it's really a game of chance. I'll see you soon.

All three heroes went to a specific location referring to Izuku's past as one was the U.A dorms, the other was at his mother's house and the last location was Bakugo's direction.

Ace Chemicals

Bakugo walked in as he noticed the chemicals were still being used and he saw the same looking gas that Joker was using and to top it all of Joker was just there leaning close on the rail with a knife in his hand swinging it side to side.

Bakugo - DEKU! This ends....tonight.

Joker - No. No Kacchan. Now it begins (chuckle)

Bakugo rushed towards him and tried a explosion on his right but Joker caught the arm and stabbed his arm as Bakugo punched Joker off of him and pulled out the knife.

Bakugo - You were always nothing.

Joker - Really because I can guarantee that your parents worshipped me before I got them just like your precious wife Ochaco.

Bakugo fury was through the roof. Joker came back after ten years and destroys almost all of Hero society and Japan in just one night. Now he is trying to get to him.

Bakugo - My wife is perfectly safe back at our home.

Joker - Oh really? You don't it was my wife who answered and told you everything was alright.

Bakugo punched Joker and landed a huge explosion right to Joker stomach causing Joker spit out blood and have his top clothing destroyed.

Joker - Come on baby beat me till your knuckles bleed and why quit there you know there's only one way to stop me.

Bakugo grabbed him and started choking him as Joker slowly grabbed a gun from his waist and shot Bakugo right in his stomach.

Joker got up and kicked him several times and shot his leg and both his arms. Bakugo was then dragged to the roof of the Chemical Plant.

Joker - I wonder....how is Kirishima?

Bakugo - Huh?

Joker pulled out a remote and pressed it as the hospital blew up and the building just crumbled to the ground.

Bakugo - No NO!!!

Joker pressed the button two more times as the neighborhood he lived in also blew up as well as U.A and the dorms.

Aizawa and Todoroki were not prepared for the explosions as they were consumed by the explosion as Bakugo was now the last one left.

Joker - Now do you see that no matter what happens whoever you bring in your life dies.

Bakugo - Just do it......kill me.

Joker - (sinister) gladly.

Joker kicked Bakugo off the ledge and he started falling not even wanting to use his explosions to save himself. What seemed eternity finally hit. Bakugo crashed onto the ground lifeless, dead while the Joker smiled a very and I do mean very happy smile.


(5 months later)

Toga walked through the halls with a big belly and she was singing as she opened the doors and saw a chained Mitsuki Bakugo and Momo Yaoyorozu. Touya was feeding Hana her bottle and Eri and Overhaul were sleeping as Joker got out and wiped some sweat off his head as he threw the towel to Mitsuki.

Joker - Clean yourself up.

Mitsuki - Yes.....Master.

Joker - There is my beautiful wife.

Toga - So honey it has been 5 months since you won. The bridges were blown and now Japan is a no enter zone. What now?

Joker - I don't know but what I do know is that I won and like the good ol saying.

"A Deku who laughs. IS A DEKU WHO WINS!"

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