Ichabod Crane #7

Imagine you're Ichabod Crane's little sister and he makes you go to Sleepy Hollow with him.

*Requested by Aet0hoe*

Since the day your parents died when your were little, your older brother, Ichabod Crane, has taken you under his wing to take care of you. But through the years as you were getting older, he's been very overprotective of you; mainly due to him working as a constable in New York City. He wouldn't let you go out in the streets of New York City, even if it's during the day time and it's only to get a few groceries, he doesn't want you standing on wooden stools to dust the shelves while he's gone at work because he worries about you falling, and he wouldn't allow you to date the man of your dreams because he thinks you're too young to date. You love your brother, but now that you're twenty-one years old, he shouldn't have to be so overprotective of you and how to live your life. You often thought of proving to him that you can handle taking care yourself and that your really are grown up.

You were in the living room in the loft where you and Ichabod live in, finishing up a scarf you have knitted for Ichabod. Then, the front door opened and Ichabod walked in. "Ah. Good evening, (y/n)." "Good evening, Ichabod. I have something for you." You said, as you stood, walked towards him, and handed him the knitted the scarf. "Here you go, brother. I made it specially for you." You told him, as you handed the scarf to him. "Why, thank you, (y/n). That's very kind of you. You've always been so talented with your knitting skills." Ichabod said, as he observed the scarf and tried it on. "You're welcome, Ichabod, and it looks perfect on you. Now you'll be prepared for the upcoming Autumn and Winter season." You said. "Yes, indeed." Ichabod agreed.

Then, he cleared his throat and removed the scarf from around his neck before he said, "(y/n), I have some important news." "What is it, Ichabod?" You asked. "I have been assigned for an investigation in a small village called 'Sleepy Hollow'. I am leaving tomorrow morning and I would like you to accompany with me." He explained. "Why do you want me to accompany with you?" You asked. "Because I don't want you to stay here by yourself while I'm gone, especially since I don't know how long I'll be gone." Ichabod explained. "Ichabod, I'm twenty-one years old. I'll be fine here all by myself. I'm used to being here in this loft on my own while you're out at work. You don't have to worry about me." You persuaded him.

Ichabod sighed before he stepped towards you and placed both of his hands on your shoulders and said, "(y/n), listen to me. You're my little sister and I love you very much. But I need you to come with me on this trip because I don't want anything to happen to you while I'm gone. If anything did happen to you, I don't think I would ever forgive myself for not being there for you. It's for your own good, sweetheart, and that's my final word. Alright?" You were bummed out that Ichabod wasn't confident about your capability to be on your own while he away from New York City for a few days. This was something you've been used to hearing from your brother for all your life. But, then again, you didn't like to argue with him.

You sighed, sadly, and said, "Alright, Ichabod. I'll accompany with you to Sleepy Hollow." Ichabod smiled a little bit and placed a kiss on top of your head and said back, "Thank you, (y/n). I really appreciate it. Now go pack your necessary clothes. We leave first thing in the morning." You nodded and, then, you headed straight to your bedroom to go pack for a trip you didn't want to attend to, but you did it for only your brother's sake.


The next day, you and Ichabod woke up early in the morning and rode on a carriage to begin the journey to Sleepy Hollow. You didn't like leaving home, but you thought the idea of going to a different place that was so much different than the big city would be quite an adventure you'll have once in your life. You also thought that going on this little trip with Ichabod would give you the opportunity to prove to him that you are grown up and you are capable of looking after yourself without his help. Yet, you didn't know how you were going to it.

After a long travel, you and Ichabod both made it to the small village of Sleepy Hollow. Once you both got settled into the place the two of you were staying in, Ichabod began his investigation all over the village. He learned that over the past couple of days, there have been mysterious decapitations happening lately and the elders of Sleepy Hollow have speculated that the one who's responsible for the beheadings was none of other than the legendary Headless Horseman. Ichabod was rather skeptical of the speculation, but he was willing to look for clues to see if the Headless Horseman did exist.

While Ichabod was speaking to the elders of he has found so far, you too the initiative to go and help out for him. You approached two gentlemen that were around your age and started asking them questions if they had seen anything suspicious, like what Ichabod would do when he's investigating a crime scene back at home. It sort of seemed fun to act like a professional for once in your life.

As you were about to conclude your questioning, you, suddenly, heard, "(y/n), what do you think you're doing?" You turned around and saw Ichabod standing right behind you, with a stern expression on his face. "I was just asking these gentlemen here some questions to see if they—" You were about to explain, but Ichabod interrupted you. "To see if one of them were available to take out you to dinner at their place." He theorized, which made the two men you spoke to confused. "That's not true, Ichabod." You told him. "That will be all, (y/n). Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I would like to have a word with my sister." Ichabod said, and, then, he, gently, grabbed your upper arm and walked you over to the house you both were staying in.

When you and Ichabod walked inside, he closed the door before you were face-to-face with him. "Ichabod, it's not what it looks like. I was only asking those two men if they have seen anything suspicious around the village lately." You explained. "That is my job, (y/n). I ask the questions and investigate it. The only job I want you to do is stay at my side so I can keep an eye on you, away from danger and those two men you talked with." Ichabod said, sternly.

"Why can't you see that I'm a grown up woman, Ichabod?" You said, while putting both of your hands on your hips. "Because in my eyes, (y/n), you're still a little girl. No matter how old you are, you will always be my baby sister and I will always make sure that nothing ever gets in my way of protecting you." Ichabod explained, sternly. You lowered your head down, feeling hurt by his words. It's like it was gonna be this way for the rest of your grown up life.

But when he looked down at the floor, he gasped when he saw a big spider walking towards his direction. "A spider!" He exclaimed in fear and hopped on the living room couch, while pointing down at the spider. You scoffed and walked towards the front door and grabbed your shawl. "(y/n)! Help me get rid of that spider!" Ichabod pleaded, panicking. But you ignored his plea. You opened the door and was about to walk outside. "Wait a second! (y/n), where are you going?" He asked. "Out. I thought I should take a walk around the village and prove to you that I'm a grown woman and that I'm able to take care of myself without your help, Ichabod." You said, without looking at him, and, then, you shut the door. "(y/n), you get back here! Don't leave me here with that spider! Please, get it away from me!" Ichabod yelled.


It was late in the evening as Ichabod was walking through Sleepy Hollow, looking around for any suspicious activity happening around the village and was also looking for you. He was worried sick about you being out in the dark at the very late hour and he felt guilty for he said to you earlier that caused you to leave. He only hopes that you're safe from any danger and he'll somehow make it up to you for hurting your feelings earlier.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind blew out of nowhere and a thunderstorm occurred. Ichabod stopped in his tracks as he looked up at the sky, confused on the sudden weather change. "This is strange. Absolutely strange. I hope (y/n) isn't caught in this horrible weather." He said to himself. He proceeded on walking back to the house, hoping that you were back there by the time he gets there.

Then, he heard neighing from a distance, which caused Ichabod to stop in his track once again. "Why would someone be riding at this time of night?" He questioned himself. But his question was quickly answered when a mysterious dark figure with no head on a horse appeared from the forest. He gasped when he realized that the dark figure on the horse was none other than the legendary Headless Horseman, just as the elders of Sleepy Hollow had described him. The Headless Horseman galloped towards Ichabod's direction. He gasped when he saw the Horseman coming right at him, so he turned around and ran as fast as he could. But he was nowhere to safety as the Horseman, with his sword drawn, was close to beheading his victim. Ichabod tripped and fell on the ground, with the Horseman hovering over him with his sword up in the air, ready to strike. Ichabod braced himself as he was thinking it was the end of his life.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, you appeared in front of Ichabod with a torch in your hand. "Back away from my brother, you creep!" You yelled, as you waved the torch in front of the Horseman to block his view. While you were doing that, you helped Ichabod stand up with your other hand and he stood from behind you. Once that was done, you quickly swung the torch onto a pile of hay in front of you and Ichabod and you both quickly ran off. The Horseman struggled to get away from the flames, while he couldn't find you and Ichabod from his view. You and Ichabod hid behind a barn, where the Horseman won't be able to find the two of you.

You and Ichabod took a couple of deep breaths before Ichabod spoke. "Oh. Thank you so much for saving me back there, (y/n)." He said. "Anytime, Ichabod." You said. "How did you know where I was?" "I came back to the house and noticed that you were gone. I waited for your return, but you didn't show up, so I went out to look for you. That's when I saw that—that creep attacking you. Was that the Headless Horseman by the way?" You asked. "Yes." Ichabod answered. "I thought so." You simply said. "But why did you save me after what I said to you earlier?" Ichabod said, looking down, sadly. "Because you're my big brother and I would always have your back no matter what situation you're in." You answered.

Ichabod looked at you with amazement in his dark brown eyes for the first time in his life. He finally realized something that he's never seen after all these years. "You really are grown up, (y/n)." He said, with a smile on his face. You nodded. "I guess me being overprotective of you had blinded me into realizing that you are no longer a little girl anymore and you have proven yourself that you are capable of taking care of yourself. So much for being a great brother to you." He said, sadly. You placed your hand on his shoulder and said, "Ichabod, you've done a great job through the years of taking care of me. Sure, you being overprotective of me was really getting in the way, especially at the age I am now, but you're the best big brother any sister could ever have."

He smiled even more at you before he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss on your temple. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your chin on his shoulder. "I love you very much, (y/n)." He said, softly. "And I love you too, Ichabod." You said back. Then, you both pulled away from the hug and stood up together. "Let's go home." Ichabod said. "I like the sound of that." You said, and, then, you followed him back to the house, knowing that the Headless Horseman was already gone.

"Now that we know the Headless Horseman exists, how would you like to help me out with this case?" Ichabod asked. "I would like that a lot and I can fight him off for you." You said. "That will not be necessary, young lady." Ichabod said, sternly. You stopped in your tracks and looked straight at him, shocked. Then, he laughed and said, "I was only joking with you." You laughed back and said, "Oh, you definitely got me there." You both, then, proceeded on going back to the house.


(First story uploaded in 2022!)

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