hamish pt. 2

john left the hospital once hamish was stable, going back home to check on roise and to get clean clothes for him and sherlock. when he walked into the house, mycroft was sitting at the dining room table with greg, talking.

"how is he?" greg asked, watching john.

"he's stable, but in a coma." john said. "how's rosie?" he asked.

"she locked herself in hamish's room." greg said. "poor girl cried herself to sleep."

john nodded. "thank's for watching her." he said then went up the steps, stopping in front of hamish's door. he tried the knob, but it was locked, so he went to the hall bathroom and grabbed one of rosie's bobby pins. he stuck the bobby pin in the key hole and jiggled it around until the lock clicked and he was able to open the door. he walked over to his sleeping daughter and ran a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face. "rosie." he said softly.

rosie's eyes fluttered opened and she sat up quickly. "can i see him?"

"you can tomorrow, promise. uncle greg and mycroft are going to stay here with you tonight."

"are you not staying?" rosie asked.

john shook his head. "i'm going back to the hospital. i just came to check on you and to get some clean clothes for your father and i."

"when will you get me tomorrow?" rosie asked softly.

"probably around nine." john said and stood up. "come on, let's get you in bed."

roise stood up and john pulled her in for a hug, kissing her head. she started crying and john held her closer, trying not to cry himself.

"it's alright, love. everything is going to be fine." john said softly, comforting his daughter. "hamish is fine, he's going to be okay, and you're going to be okay too, alright?"

rosie sniffled and looked up at her dad, nodding.

john gave her a soft smile and wiped her tears away, kissing her forehead. he helped his daughter to her room and made sure she was in bed before going to the bathroom, taking a bucket and the bleach with him. he soaked a towel in the bleach and then set it over the dried blood, staring at it for a while before going to his and sherlock's bedroom. he changed into some clean clothes and grabbed sherlock some as well, taking a minute to himself before leaving.

when he got back to the hospital, he gave sherlock the bag of clothes then sat down in chair next to his son. he knew he was going to do it, that's why he wanted him to come downstairs for dinner. hamish looked so much like sherlock and it took john back to the day when sherlock got hurt on a case and he was lying in the hospital bed, yelling at the nurses and doctors. but now, it was his son. his son was lying in the bed in a coma after he tried to kill himself because of the bullying at school. hamish never talked about it. not even the day john had to pick him up from school. he's been quiet ever since. he only smiled or laughed when his sister was around him. it warmed john's heart knowing that they had a typical brother sister reationship, but they also had that connection. they had the connection where it didn't matter how bad the situation was, they still made each other smile. john smiled, remembering the time when rosie was trying to fit in with the other girls at school and it wrecked her, and hamish was there to help her. he sat his sister down and talked to her, making her more confident in herself. then they went shopping, getting rosie a wardrobe that she wanted and making her look the way she wanted.

"you're smiling." sherlock said as he sat next to his husband.

"yeah." john said as he sat back in his seat, looking at sherlock. "i was remembering when hamish helped rosie find herself."

sherlock smiled timidly, remembering it too. he held john's hand, rubbing his knuckles lightly with his thumb. "i've never seen a little girl so excited about wearing bow ties," he laughed softly.

john smiled. "remember when hamish got his first chemistry set for christmas?"

"how could i forget?" sherlock asked. "i was the one teaching him chemical equations for an entire month."

john looked back at his son. "well it paid off."

sherlock looked at his son in the bed as well. "it did. it really did." he said, choking back the tears.

in the morning, john went home and picked up rosie a little after nine, taking her to the hospital. the ride was quiet and john could tell she was anxious by the way she kept bouncing her leg and how she was chewing on her finger nails. he had explained to her that her brother was in a coma and was expected to wake up any day now, but there was a likely chance that hamish wouldn't remember a thing or he would but it'd just be hard for him to remember, but he would eventually get it. when they arrived, john took rosie up to hamish's room, walking in while she stood at the door way, staring at her brother.

"he's not on life support, so that's good." she said as she walked into the hospital room slowly. "d-did they do scans of his head?" she asked.

sherlock nodded. "there's full signs of brain activity and there's nothing wrong." he said, watching his daughter.

rosies eyes looked up at the ekg, watching it closely. "his blood sugar's low." she said.

john looked up at the ekg. "it's only three below average." he said then looked back at his daughter.

"but it's still low!"

"rosie, come sit down." sherlock said, gesturing to the chair next to him.

rosie walked over to her dad, sitting in his lap and not the chair next to him. sherlock let her, wrapping an arm around her as he held her close.

"i'm getting coffee, sherlock?" john asked.

sherlock nodded and mouthed, "get something for her to eat."

john nodded and grabbed his wallet, walking out of the hospital room.

"when you think he'll wake?" rosie asked her father softly, staring at her brother.

"not for a few days. maybe a week." sherlock responded, staring at his son.

"they're saying things at school. matt texted me this morning and they're awful things, dad." rosie cried. "he doesn't deserve this."

sherlock rubbed her back gently, kissing the top of her head. "i know."

"it was lucas wilkes." rosie sniffled. "he's the one who beat hamish. him and his rugby mates. we need to do something."

"we will, trust me. you're uncle is already all over this." sherlock said, reffering to mycroft.

rosie smiled timidly and wiped her face. "he'll try to have them beheaded."

sherlock chuckled softly. "or hung."

rosie giggled slightly. "the wilkes family is just the bell-end of all rich families."

"rosie!" sherlock exclaimed, trying not to laugh.

rosie grinned, "it's the truth, you know it is."

sherlock chuckled, shaking his head. "you are not the way you're father and i raised you."

"i think i spent too much time around you." she said.

"i think you might be right." sherlock said softly, watching the ekg, scared something will happen. the good mood left the room and the dispair came floating in, making the watson family sad once again.

sherlock went home to shower and change his clothes a little after noon while john and rosie stayed at the hospital. some of hamish's friends stopped by after school with cards that had little chemical equations and ones with amatomically correct hearts saying "get well soon". after they left, rosie's friends stopped by. her two friends brought her her school work and some of her favorite candy. they bought a vase of flowers from the gift shope and put them in the window so they'd last longer. once they left, the sadness fell upon john and rosie again. when sherlock got back, john went to check on a few things, waiting for his husband to return so he didn't have to leave roise alone.

"you want some pretzels?" rosie asked her father, sticking out the small bag.

"did matt bring you these?" sherlock asked as he stuck his enourmus hand into the bag, taking out a few.

rosie nodded. "may brought the flowers in the window." she said as she ate a chocolate covered pretzel.

"he likes you." sherlock said and looked at his daughter.

rosie looked at her dad. "no he doesn't. we've been friends since preschool."

"rosie." sherlock said and gave her that look, gesturing to the pretzels.

"a lot of people know i like these!" she defended.

"but do they know the exact brand?" he asked. "or how many bags you go through when you're stressed?" he asked again, quriking a brow.

"doesn't mean he likes me."

"yes he does." the soft voice of the boy in the bed said. both heads snapped and looked at the fragile boy in the bed.

"rosie, get your father." sherlock said and stood up, looking at his son with a soft smile.

rosie set her pretzels down and sprinted out to the corridor, shouting for her father.

"can you open your eyes?" sherlock asked gently.

hamish's eyes opened slowly, blinking rapidly as he got used to the hospital lights. "the lights." he groaned.

sherlock acted quickly and dimmed the lights. john walked into the quickly with rosie, going to his son. "how ya feelin', bud?" he asked, sitting on the side of the bed, taking the stehoscope off of his neck.

"my head hurts a bit." hamish said softly. "but it was just from the lights."

john nodded as he listen to his son's heart and breathing. "can you feel my fingers?" john asked as he lightly squeezed hamish's hand.

hamish nodded.

"squeeze my hand." john said and hamish squeezed his hand. john smiled softly and checked his other arm, then his legs. everything was fully functioning. they took him in for a few more scans and tests. he remembered everything, was able to slove the conplex problems his parents gave him, knew his family and his own name. every thing was a-okay. they let him be for the rest of the night and after about an hour of talking with his family, he decided he was hungry. sherlock and john went out to get dinner, leaving their two kids in the room. the siblings sat on the bed, play a 'fair' game of rummy.

"matt really does like you." hamish said.

"shut it." rosie said as she set her card down.

"he's told me." hamish said as he picked up the played all his cards, getting a sour look from his sister. "even if he didn't tell me, it's obvious."

"he has not told you." rosie said as she picked up all the cards, starting to shuffle them.

"he asked me if it was alright if he asked you to the spring formal." hamish said and watched his sister. "i told him that you weren't going to wear a dress and he said that's fine."

"he does not like me." rosie grumbled, dealing the cards.

"it's like dad with dad." hamish said. "we've both heard this story from everybody. the great sherlock holmes devolped feelings for his bestfriend slash flat mate, john watson and was too scared to come to his sences until john watson made a move on him. you've just got to make a move on him."

"move on who?" john asked as he walked back into the room.

"no one." rosie said flatly and gave her brother a look, making hamish back down from what he was about to say.

both parents laughed at the two then sat down with the take away bag, passing every thing out. the mood had gotten better. the family was laughing a joking, putting a smile on everyone's face as they ate. it was all going to be okay.

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