Santa, Speedsters, Archers...Crap

***Disclaimer: I don't own DC or Santa...someone owns Santa? If you believe in Santa don't read this chap.***

December 23: Jason POV ;):

I am unsure whether to be amused, disgusted, or annoyed. You dicks are probably thinking, 'Oh Jaybird! Why oh why are you upset this close to the overly saintly holiday of *gasps* Christmas?!' Well to respond let's just say a demon brat and golden boy are killing me very...oh so very....slowly. I am thoroughly annoyed. It all really began when Dick-face decided to say...

"Bruce! Let's decorate for Christmas!"

That's when all fuckin' hell broke loose.

Now, Christmas isn't a bad holiday. To be truthful (as much as it sickens me to be) Christmas is an overall...decent holiday. Just too...preppy for me. You know? To much glitter and lights. It doesn't help when you have an overenthusiastic decorator in the Wayne Manor either. It's not that I dislike Dick either, it's just....I dislike his overall personality and attitude.

There I said it! You gonna kill me, Christ?!

'Course he's not. The birthday of his son is coming up he wouldn't off someone now. No! Only humans would. Such as Joker. He always does a huge charade this time of year. And Batsy still says I can't participate in him and Dick-head's huge charade. Of course, I'm only ten, but it still bugs. At least he's training me.

So I'm stuck in the manor with Alfred and the demon brat. Oh, joy. The reason I might feel amused is because Dickieboy dressed demon brat up like a candy cane for his school. He looked like a grumpy candy cane. 

So I said, "Hey! Did someone crap in Santa's cookies?"

Dick hit me in the head. It kind of hurt. Damian cast me a glare that seemed to closely resemble his father's. It was...awkward for me at least. But I didn't get a lot done during the day. I really just half-assed listening to the teachers and doing everything else. Including decorating this damn pine tree. When Demon brat and I came home Dick-face made a point to talk about the tree and decorating. Damian was smart in escaping up the stairs to do "homework". What type of the second grader had real homework?! Apparently him...

I'm really not happy.

Especially now. Alfred called us into the kitchen for a snack. That was fine, Alfred's foods were all gold. (Much better than Bread.) What is making me so....bitter is that Damian is showing off a class photo. It was all of them, along with the teacher, smiling in bright Christmas colors.

I rolled my eyes but studied the photo anyways. After all, I was training to become Bats next side--I mean partner. Yup, everyone wearing annoyingly joyful reds and greens. Besides one. It was a kid standing next to demon brat, he was smiling along with everyone else. The only thing that was different was that his smile was bigger and his eyes weren't on the camera directly. His clothes consisted of a green long sleeve shirt and jeans. Not really big enthusiast on Christmas. 

"Demon brat," I began "Who's this kid?"

Damian looked at who I was pointing at in the photo and seemed to be pleased with my questioning. He straightened his back and said, "He, Todd, is one of my good friends. Johnathon Wilson."

I nodded rolling my eyes, "Yu-huh. Don't really care. What I want to know is why he doesn't look like a fuck-" Dick glared. "Freaking strip of wrapping paper?"

Dick took the photo, "He does seem out of sorts with everyone else..."

Damian's stance was thrown off slightly. He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck--wait...what?! Was Damian showing hesitation? Wow. I'm happily shocked. "Well, he doesn't wear many different clothes...I think I've only seen him wear jeans with a green or gray or blue shirt. He doesn't usually participate in spirit days. B-but that doesn't mean he's not nice! You're not allowed to judge him Todd!" He turned his attention to the golden boy, "He actually seems bubbly sometimes like you Grayson."

I snorted, "I've lost all respect for this kid." I tensed waiting for Dick's smack, but nothing. I glance over to Dick-face as Damian began to rant about how the 'ignorant savage' didn't hold the camera straight. Dick had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Damian," Dick interrupted "Does he always wear long sleeves?"

Damian glared at Dick, "Yes Grayson, may I continue now?"

"Maybe later...I gotta keep decorating the tree." He turned his dark blue eyes to me, "Jason, can you help me?" It didn't seem like a question. And Dick's eyes said 'I have to talk to you'. So I nodded and followed him out of the kitchen leaving a fuming Damian. 

Dick lead me to the living room once again and shut the door. "Okay, what's up?" I asked crossing my arms in front of me.

"That kid in the picture...he was wearing long sleeves and Damian says he does so every day along with the same clothes. Doesn't that seem odd?" He asked.

I shrugged. It didn't really occur to me, "Not really."

"Maybe I'm just paranoid..."

I nodded, "You do get paranoid easily."

I was so stupid.


December 24: Damian's POV:


I turned around, subconsciously bracing for a punch. Only to be met with a hug. Huh? I opened my eyes, seeing John. "Johnathon?"

He quickly let go of me, "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Didn't mean to--yeah..." He paused, "Damian can I ask you a question?"

I raised an eyebrow at his true display of desperation, "Of course."

"Do you believe in Santa?"

I scoffed, "Do you?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore!" He shouted. My eyes widened, never saw John scream before... "I-I...Sl-my guardian said that Santa isn't real... He is though right Damian?!"

Crud...I can't tell him Santa wasn't real...that's just cruel. I'm an assassin, but even I won't tell that to John. I sighed and lied, "Of course he is. Your guardian was just being stupid."

"But he isn't stupid. If anything I am..."

I slapped the back of his head like Grayson and Todd do to me sometimes, "No you're not. Now, let's get to class." Why didn't I continue?


December 23: Night, Gotham: John's POV:



Well, that's easy. It's Gotham.

I feel off. I don't know if I'

I feel...TirEd.

My whole perspective on this situation is wrong.

The possibility of Green Arrow and Speedy?


Flash and Kid Flash.

Less cool.

Batman and Robin?


Why am I so down with this situation?

At least I don't need to kill anyone.

So here I am.

In front of a Wayne Enterprises building.

In my suit.

I wore a gray Kevlar suit underneath a sash of bullets that were mostly for show. Mostly. My shoes were a dark gray that stuck to my feet. They contained some lock pickers and marbles in hidden slits. My mask was a dark orange that had the same shape as Robin's. A pair of gray gloves covered my hands. And although they looked small a lot of tranquilizers, poisons, and gasses were contained in them. A black belt trailed around my waist that held more weapons that I knew how to use singularly or together. A contractible bo staff among them.

Slade designed this suit to help with my fighting style. Like most who are skilled at hand to hand combat, I mixed multiple martial arts. But with my own touch of acrobatics. Unlike Robin, I used knives in it too. So to help with my agility the Kevlar suit isn't the heaviest it could be, as well as my gloves. My shoes are padded at the bottom to help me run faster. They're also are very snug as to help the wind move around me. Word has spread about me by now. 

They're scared cuz I almost killed a guy.


Also because they know I work for someone. They don't know who, though.

Who's they?

Media, news, sidekicks...Batman.

Heh, Bats is interested in Lil' ole' me.

I'm not sure to be flattered or scared of that.

Slade said to do this job tonight to attract the hero's attention.


Not exactly excited about that.

Not bored either, though.

I smirked as I walked into the building holding a knife and twirling it nonchalantly. The woman at the front counter grew stiff with a terrified look on her face. Along with a few workers passing by. 

"You-you're that kid on the news!"

"Holy-shit! Don't kill us!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Heard of me?"

I brought up my phone and clicked a button. The building was now shut tight. 

No one coming in or out.


I threw the knife up in the air, "Anyone up for a game of catch the knife?" To put on a show I pulled out a gun and shot the knife in the center of the blade. "Man!" I chuckled, "I suck at this game!"

The woman passed out. The workers scattered. I grinned. I plugged my earbuds into my ears. Now to wait for the heroes...


December 23: Central City: Wally's POV:

I'm so EXCITED!!!! A team up between me and Roy?! (well Roy and I) HECK YA!! Our mentors came into the living room telling us Bats and Rob were busy with something out of the country, so they said we had to handle it. Roy asked if our mentors were coming and they said NO. No?! YASSSSS!!! It's the first time they finally are letting us prove we can handle stuff like this by ourselves. 

Roy and I are ecstatic!!! So naturally I persuaded him (more like forced him) to get on my back, so we could get to Wayne Enterprises ASAP. When I stopped Roy looked like he was about to throw up.

"Sorry, R-Speedy! It is really hard to get used to..."

He nodded and withdrew his bow, "You ready?"

I pulled my goggles onto my eyes, "Duh!" 

He smirked and shot and arrow into the windows above us. He gave me a mock salute and was brought up into the room his arrow was in. Show off... I ran into the building thru the front door to see chaos. A few people were knocked out on the floor and multiple pieces of paper were torn on the floor. 

I ran over to one of the people and touched their necks. Phew, pulse....okay. This told me a few things. One: whoever did this they weren't going in for the kill and...well that's it. I'm not Robin okay?! I decided to speed around the building. So, I did. More people were knocked out. wow. 

People, people, people, paper, paper, paper, paper, run, run, run, run, jumpovercouch, run, people, paper, jump, turn, paper, people, kid, run, paper- wait what? I ran back and saw a kid walking down the hallway away from me. 

"Hey, kid!" He stopped so I continued, "You should probably get out of here until Speedy and I handle this. You know Speedy right? The guy who looks like Robin? Well, I'm-"

"Kid Flash?" He interrupted. His voice seemed hesitant with a squeak at the end.

I gave a soft smile, "Yeah! You even got it right! Wanna ride out, kid?" I squatted next to one of the knocked out guys, "One of these your dad or mom?"


"Oh, well, still wanna ride?"

I looked back up and one. The kid was gone. I blinked. Standing I really thought I had imagined the kid. Way too many chocolate bars... I ran a hand through my exposed red locks.

"Wally West?" I turned around quickly. Behind me was the kid. This time I could see his face. He was wearing kevlar with two ear buds running around his shoulders and an iPod attached to his torso and tights and...had a mask. Crap!

"How do you know me?!"

He chuckled, "It was a guess, but thanks for the confirmation! This is gonna make my job so much more fun! So," he twisted a knife around in his hand. Wait a sec...a knife?! How did he- "you said Speedy was here? YES! If you say Robin or Aqualad are here too I'm gonna flip!"

I shook my head to clear away the confusion, "No they're not, but-"

"Bummer," He fingered the knife a little "Guess I'll have to settle. Darn! So, Wally have you ever tried dancing?"

I squinted my eyes beneath my goggles. Where was this kid getting at? Was he the one who did all this...No! He was a kid! Actually, Rob's kind of a kid too... "Did you knock everyone out?"

He placed his hands on his hips, right hand still holding the knife, "Yes. It was fun. One of them tried to hit me with a fire-whipped cream-thingy. Some just passed out. Have you tried dancing?"

"Yes, I fell."

He chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll help you." He moved the knife to a proper position and I moved to the balls of my feet. "Let's start basic."

Without warning, he threw the knife at me. I dodged. "Hahaha! Forgot the partner to the Flash has super-"

I felt a light poke in my wrists, neck, and legs. CRAP! "No. Just used it to my advantage."

I could hear the smugness in his tone! My body crumpled beneath me. That was...that wasn't right. I can understand Rob doing that he's thirteen and Bats had him training since he was seven. This kid looked seven. And he was way too accurate. Especially being able to hit pressure points on a speedster. Only Batman and Rob have done that! Robin once. He hit me five times! Which begged me to ask, "Who trained you?!"

A look of panic flashed across his face, "None of your concern!"

I continued. The kid was fingering another knife enough to get me worried. Hopefully, my excessive talking will stall him long enough for Speedy to get here... "It's as if you're being trained to kill."

"Sure. You wouldn't care. You're just worried about pleasing Flash, well I have to please my master too, ya'know?!"

I was appalled. A kid-seven-year-old kid shouldn't call any person Master! What made this kid think he should have to call someone master?! At that moment I wanted to severely...maim (Robin's dictionary lessons) whoever put that stupid thought into this kid. "Master? don't have to hurt people to please anyone. Much less someone who makes you call them master. Who trained you?"

He recognized his slip up and pulled out a shuriken, "I won't kill anyone! I swear! I-I wouldn't understand!"

I found my hole, "I want to understand." I looked at him, "You're that kid in the newspaper. It said you steal and injure people a lot. Why?"

He jammed the shuriken in my shoe. I tensed expecting it to go into my foot, but instead, it went thru it and into the ground. He was securing me. "I injure people because I'm ordered to, not because I chose to. Who cares? You can't help me anyway." He put his ear buds back into his ears and stood. 


Before I could say anymore he was up in my face with a blade against my neck. A light trickle of liquid came out, "Shut. Up. I don't need your pity. I don't-" And a shoe rammed into his side. The knife fell out of his hand and a net enwrapped the kid. He struggled but gave up as Speedy took his belt. 

Roy glanced at me and burst out laughing, "Seriously Kid?! You let yourself get beaten by a kid?!"

My cheeks flushed, "It's not my fault he's an assassin!"

Roy turned to the kid, "You're an assassin?"

The kid glared at me, "Why does everyone assume that! I'm training to be one! I haven't killed anyone! And I NEVER WILL!"

Roy sighed and sat down next to the kid against the wall. "ROY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE'S GOING TO ATTACK YOU!"

The kid raised an eyebrow under his mask, "Oh! Are you Roy Harper? Cool."

Roy glared at me, "Wally, he's not going to. He knows he lost." I took the hint and shut up as Roy turned to the kid, "Why'd you attack Wayne Enterprises? And don't lie."

The kid sighed, "My master ordered me to and I don't feel like dying."

"Who's that?"

"Who's who?"

Roy continued, "Your 'master'"

The kid made an 'o' shape with his mouth, "That's disclosed information. Still don't feel like dying. Even though I basically am."

Roy grunted, "What'd ya mean by that?"

The kid closed his eyes, "I have only one thing to live for."

Roy glanced at me. I read his eyes. 'Wally-get-out-of-those-so-we-can-keep-questioning-him' were what was being said. Roy still, looking at me, said to the kid, "What's that."

"This kid in my school. He's only showed me friendship. Nice for a change, I suppose."

"What's your name?"

He opened his eyes, the whites of his mask widened, "Specter."

Roy sighed, he knew there was no hope in any real answer, "Can I ask you more questions. I'd like to help you."

The kid seemed perturbed by the sincereness portrayed in Roy's tone. As was I, Roy was never that sincere in the field. Specter said, "I can't, sorry. You both seem nice, though." Roy was suddenly jabbed in the face and restrained by one of his own nets. The kid had cut thru the ropes when they weren't paying attention, taken one of Roy's arrows, then caught the archer.

"Kid! We can help you!"

Specter started walking towards the window, he pulled out a shuriken and said, "If you want to help kids go to an orphanage." He crashed thru the window falling down. 

I watched as he fell. I was scared like shit! Seriously, you would be to if you watched a kid fall to their death. But I never heard a scream. In fact, I saw him swing upwards. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He had a grappling gun...okay...

For a moment I thought he was going to fall.


He wouldn't do that...


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