Tale 16 A Goth-icky Romance Part 3 The Monster Bash

The crowds started coming in early Halloween. The house speakers were blasting "The Monster Mash." Lupin had been there all afternoon. Naturally, he was made up as a werewolf. He was even scragglier than normal and wore a rubber canine muzzle strapped over his nose. He handed out candy to the few young trick-or-treaters who came around about dusk.

To everyone's surprise, Lupin's girlfriend Lucy even showed up later in the evening. We all thought she was just a fictitious character in his stories, but she was in fact real. She even verified Lupin's story about her pet bobcat. Apparently, he had not really given up on her. He just refused to move in with her because of the bobcat. She had become very attached to the animal. Lucy kept her fairly sedated with cheap beer, but Lupin still was not comfortable being around her.

Jolene had on her Vampire make-up and a flowing black dress. She had decked out the place with spider webs, plastic spiders, and miscellaneous Styrofoam tombstones with humorous epitaphs. Large castle sized electric torches framed the entry. There was even a fake coffin and skeleton in one corner with a sign that read RIP Joe. We'd removed a few of the tables in the living room and bar to make room for dancing or just milling around. There would be no sit-down food service tonight.

The remaining tables were set up as buffets. Jose in a medieval priest's robe was putting out the complimentary appetizers on them. There were bat wings which were basically hot wings dyed black with food coloring. There were Halloweenies, which were small cocktail sausages. Colorful chips and ghoulish dips and the normal bowls of salted nuts and popcorn were scattered all around. Anything to stimulate thirst, because even at half price, the drinks are where we make our money.

At the last minute I realized I should do something for a costume; so, I put on a flannel shirt with patched elbows, a tweed vest and a snap brim cap pretending to be the famous detective Chuck Farley, although I probably looked more like someone from the cast of Newsies.

In addition to your standard fare of vampires, witches, devils, and a few historical figures like Freddy's Charles Dickens, there were a lot of super heroes especially those that allowed the females to show off their more captivating features and allowed the males to disguise their less attractive ones. Captains America and Marvel were both present. Captain America's chest with bulging pectoral muscles was fake. Captain Marvel's, hers was not. Most of the Avengers were present and even a few of the Guardians of the Galaxy including Gamora and Nebula.

Of all the horrifying guests that came through the door, the one that shocked me the most and brought my heart beat to a complete standstill, wasn't horrifying at all — well, maybe a little. It was Gamora. She had come in with Nebula.

Beneath Gamora's green makeup, I recognized my old high school girlfriend Joanna. Well not really a girlfriend, more of a female buddy. We hung out together and would fill in as sort-of-dates when either of us weren't really seriously seeing anyone which for her was rarely and for me all the time.

Joanna and I have known each other all our lives. Our grandparents lived across the street from each other. We were both raised in our grandparents' houses by single mothers who were best friends. My mother once said she only got pregnant because Joanna's mother was and she thought it would be great to raise their kids together. Our mothers' friendship made Joanna and I practically family which is probably why there had never been anything serious between us. Although, I can't say that thoughts of romance never crossed my mind.

After high school, she went out of state to college and I hadn't seen her since. We definitely had some catching up to do.

I went over to greet her. "Hey, stranger. What are you doing here?"

"Joe!" She gave me a hug. "I'd heard you had moved up here. I didn't expect to run into you." She turned to introduce me to Nebula. "Irene, this is my old best friend Joe who I haven't seen in over a decade. And Joe, this is my new best friend Irene. We're Gamora and Nebula the sisters from the Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm Gamora. Irene's Nebula."

"Yeah, vicious green warrior and sexy android, I figured that out." As I always did, I replied sarcastically to Joanna's pointing out the obvious. She'd been doing it all our lives. Always explaining things to me as if I were her little brother. Even after all these years we were back to our normal roles.

"So, who are you supposed to be, or are you so wealthy now you don't care about half price drinks?" she asked as we headed away from the door and toward the back of the bar with me in the lead and Irene following Joanne.

"Are you familiar with the detective, Chuck Farley?"

"No, who is he?".

"Never mind then. I'm a nineteenth century Newsboy. You know, like in the musical Newsies."

"I loved that show," Irene enthused. "Which character are you?"

"Just a generic newsboy," I answered.

Joanne gave me a disapproving look and sarcastically critiqued, "Really put a lot of effort into your costume, did you? You haven't changed." She turned to Irene to explain, "Joe was never known for his enthusiasm." Irene grinned at me. I had no rebuttal. Joanne turned back to me and said, "So, what have you been up to?"

"Let me show you." I went around behind the bar poured myself a beer and said, "You don't have to worry about half priced drinks tonight. All your drinks are free. What can I get you ladies?"

"You're a bar tender?" She was clearly surprised.

"I'm a bar owner. At least for now. It's a long story." Before I could go into it, I was distracted by the next couple that came through the door.

They were a stunning couple dressed in Victorian garb. When I finally realized who they were, I had to pick my chin up from the floor. It was Isabella and Rich. Instead of their normal goth garb and make up, they were dressed as a refined well-groomed early nineteenth century couple. And they were both blond. The lighter hair color suited them so well, I was suspicious it might be their natural color. I later found out I was right. Isabella without her goth guise was beautiful. This is the first time I realized that the tattoos that covered her arms must have been tattoo sleeves. The tattoo sleeves, piercings, and makeup were all absent now and what remained was unadulterated natural beauty. Why she would disguise such beauty, made no sense.

When Joanna saw me looking at the new arrivals, she looked over at them and then said, "Oh my God, do you know who that is? It's Isabella Linton, heir to the Linton fortune."

This time, I really did need Joanna's explanation. "Wait, isn't Isabella Linton a character from the classic Gothic novel Wuthering Heights? And, wasn't she dark haired?"

Joanna sighed at my ignorance. "I don't know who she is pretending to be, but her name really is Isabella Linton and she really is an heiress. You've never read a society page in your life, have you?"

"No, and no one else has either, at least not in the last twenty years," I informed her.

Joanna gave me the Cliff notes on Isabella's family. Apparently, she was quite wealthy. And for reasons I'll never understand, Joanna wanted to meet her. As if being rich somehow makes one more interesting.

When Joanna realized I knew Isabella, she pleaded, "You have to introduce me to her.".

"Sure, no problem. We can do it now."

"Wait. I want to freshen-up first." Then, she and Irene excused themselves to visit our powder room.

I called after them, "I'll be in the next room over when you get out. I need to make sure everything is going okay over there."

I went into the living room not only to check on things, but also to share what I'd just learned about Isabella with some of the regulars gathered there.

Dex, Lupin and Freddy were talking with Destiny dressed as Jasmine from "Aladdin" and Sally dressed as Jeannie from "I Dream of Jeanie."

Before I could tell them about Isabella, Dex said, "You know who that guy is with Isabella?" He was indicating Rich. "He was Spike, the fair-haired vampire in the porn flick, Buffy the Vampire Layer." No one wanted to admit knowing it, but Dex was right and I'm pretty sure from the looks of dawning recognition that everyone else knew it too. The dark hair we first saw him with was what had been throwing us off.

Lupin was walking by on his way to the Halloweenies just as Dex made his revelation. Lupin simply said, "I told you he was a Dick," and kept walking.

At this point, I had second thoughts about sharing secrets and only said, "Guys, I think both Rich and Isabella have their secrets and I think that it is best we keep those secrets to ourselves for now."

"Joe is right," Destiny agreed. "You guys need to drop this conversation." Sally nodded her agreement and the two women left to go over to the buffet and no doubt compare their own notes on the porn star out of hearing of the men.

As Destiny and Sally walked away, Freddy staring lustfully at the tightly clad behinds of the seductively dressed women said longingly, "As Charles Dickens, I have to say, there is nothing more entertaining than the tails of two pretties."

"It makes me want to all over twist," Dex responded.

Not to be left out, I asked, "What, no great expectations for the day ye cop a feel?"

Jolene came up to us and asked, "What are you three talking about?"

"We're discussing the hidden sexual innuendos in the works of Charles Dickens," I answered.

"And why don't I believe you?"

"Because you never believe us when we tell you the truth."

At that, Jolene commanded me, "And you need to get behind the bar. The drink orders are starting to pile up."

And I obeyed.

I was just leaving the living room when I ran into Joanna and Irene. "There you are. And there's Isabella over there at the appetizer table," Joanna said as she started to herd me in that direction.

"Just a second," I said grabbing Joanna's arm to slow her. "There is something I need to tell you first."

Joanna gave me her attention and I explained, "I don't think Isabella's date is aware of who she is and I don't think he should find out from us. So, after I introduce you, give me a minute to hustle him away from the two of you. There are things I need to discuss with him in private. While I'm talking to him, you can talk to her about whatever you want. Ask her about her family, whatever. It would be really interesting if you could find out why she has been hiding her identity from us all this time behind that goth disguise of hers. Okay?"

"Got it," Joanna nodded and we headed over to where Isabella and Rich were standing.

"Isabella, might I say how lovely you look tonight?"

"So, you're saying I'm normally not lovely?" Isabella responded trying to bait me.

"That is exactly what I'm saying, but I didn't come over here to engage in banter. I came over to borrow your escort for a few minutes. Rich and I have some business to discuss and so as not to leave you alone, I'll leave you with these two charming ladies. Isabella, this is Joanna an old friend of mine and her friend Irene. I think they are interested in the goth culture or maybe you can ask Joanna what I was like as a kid." I could tell Isabella was not happy with having two strangers thrust upon her, but I knew Joanna could smooth things over. I grabbed Rich by the arm and led him toward the bar. "Come on Rich. You need to show me what you know of the fine art of mixology."

"So, is this about that bar tending position?" Rich asked a little confused as we made our way behind the bar.

"Yeah, and a few other things." I picked up the list of drink orders Jolene had left, put it down between us, and said. "Let's start filling these orders and I'll explain. You start working on Jolene's list and I'll take orders at the bar. This'll give me a chance to see how well you multitask."

Rich dove right in. He was clearly experienced. He had already filled a tray for Jolene to take out to the guest while I was still filling my first bar order. Of course, I was also looking over his shoulder to check on what he was doing.

Most of the guests were in the living room snacking on appetizers, socializing, listening to the music, some were dancing, and many were taking advantage of Miri's free psychic readings. So, the orders at the bar were slacking off. This gave me a chance to talk to Rich.

"They trained you well at that bar in the San Fernando Valley. Is that where you shot Buffy the Vampire Layer?" I was mixing vodka with cranberry juice so I had to judge his reaction with my peripheral vision.

"You know about that, huh?" he replied without showing too much of a reaction.

"Does Isabella?" I asked and turned to look him in the eyes.

"No, and I rather she didn't. People remember the one fair haired vampire from that film. Believe it or not even porn stars attract groupies. So, I decided to dye my hair, brows, even my lashes black. I accidentally got black on my eye lids and that is when I came up with the idea to go with the goth look. I'm not really a fan. It's just an easy disguise so I can escape all the stigma associated with my porn career. I want to leave all that in the past and start fresh.

"I really don't like all those piercings, mine are fake. And tattoos, I was so glad to find out Bella's were fake. Of course, if I had never put on the goth persona in the first place, I would have never met Bella. I have finally found someone who seems to like me just for who I am, not for some imagined extra-ordinary bedroom capabilities or because someone is seeking some perverted sense of fame." He grinned and added, "Not to say I'm not extra-ordinary in the bedroom, mind you.  Ironic, I have to pretend to be something I'm not to find someone who likes me for who I really am. But I think Bella sees past the goth get up. There is a lot more to Bella than goth. I wish she weren't so into it." He finished putting together the Bloody Mary he was working on.

If only he knew how much more there was to Isabella. "You will tell her eventually, won't you?"

"Yeah, once I know a little more about her. She still hasn't told me anything about her past, you know. So, what about the job?"

"You can start tonight if you want, or you can go back to the party and we'll work out a shift schedule tomorrow. Your choice. Jolene and I can probably handle the bar tonight if you want to get back to Isabella."

"You know, I think I'd like to keep working. I forgot that I kind of enjoy this. I don't think Isabella will mind. I think she'd rather sit in here at the bar than be out there socializing anyway. Would you tell her for me? You can go party with the guests. I got this."

I went back to the living room and found Isabella, Joanna, and Irene. They were still talking and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I apologized to Isabella for stealing her date and explained to her that he was working for the rest of the evening. She was a little surprised, but seemed pleased about it. I think she realized now she could hang out at her favorite bar and be with her boyfriend at work at the same time. She excused herself to go see how he was doing.

Once she was out of earshot, I asked Joanna what they had learned. Joanna explained Isabella's normal goth getup we saw everyday was an intentional disguise she used so she could find a guy who would be interested in her just for who she was and not because she was an heiress. Apparently, she was not really all that into goth herself although she did find the music interesting. She figured any guy who was willing to look past the goth façade to get to know her, would be the guy she was looking for.

"Rich may be just that guy. They have more in common than you can possibly imagine," I said unable to wipe the smile off my face. "I'm thinking this may be one Gothic romance without that dark Gothic sense of pending doom." Of course, I've been wrong before. I've also been right a few times.

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