It's only my heartbeat. It thunders away in my chest while I stare fixated on the snarling, drooling beast only a few feet away. He's so close to Nimu, he could simply snatch her by the hair and it'd all be over. Wisely, Nimu chooses not to turn around or move a single muscle.
It's like one of those old westerns where the opponents watch each other, eying the other down, daring the other person to make the first move.
Reflexively, when the thing popped out of the hedge like a jumpscare jack-in-the-box, my hand flew to the hilt of my sword, but I wasn't thinking fast enough to pull it out- quite ironic for the fastest girl in town. So now I'm stuck in this awkward ass position with a hand on my sword but not pulled out.
I don't know how long I expect this scene to play out like this with nobody making a move or anything, but eventually, the thing responds with the same deepthroat growl that raises the hairs on the back of my neck. I'm not very knowledgeable about much, but I do know that it's now or never, and never means witnessing Nimu getting mauled to death, so it's time to do what I do best: act without a shred of logic or sense.
In one fluid motion, I'm pulling out my sword, running toward Nimu, and aiming my weapon at the beast.
Seeing my sudden, defensive move, the nightmarish thing reacts, doing what I hoped wouldn't- but knew would- happen. In a similar flash of movement, the thing swats at Nimu, knocking her to the ground where it looms over her. Unable to see the threat, Nimu switches into panic overdrive, causing an even bigger stir that will definitely rile it up more.
It's like a chain reaction. Because of Nimu's panic, the others are now are hyper-alert, which in turn fuels the beast's aggression.
Ready to sink its intimidating canines into Nimu, I intercede it just in time. Instead of a bite-sized chomp of flesh, it tastes the metallic sharpness of my sword. Instantly, it releases and its slight delay and recoil are enough for me to yank Nimu behind me out of harm's way with strength I didn't even know I possessed.
While I knock Nimu back, it seems my hand muscles are pathetically weak as the thing snatches the sword away from me no problem and violently flings to the side, out of arm's reach. Like with most living organisms that are around me long enough, the thing has now become quite pissed. And here I am, standing right in front of it, defenseless and without a quick escape.
With nothing between us, the beast pins me to the ground, it's bulky body preventing me from even moving. Just the pressure applied to my body is enough to get me to cry out in pain. Legit, the only thing I can think to do is spit at it and that only infuriates it more.
Before it can finish lifting its heavy clawed paw to swipe my face off, it's sent recoiling back again, this time letting out a loud hiss of pain. My body acts before my brain does, and so I scramble to my feet while the beast collects itself. It's once I glance back do I see who just saved my ass.
Dhisnaek and his trusty staff- such a useful stick. My grandfather's so cool he doesn't even need his sight to whoop some monster's ass.
Though I can hear the concern in his voice, the most pressing matter in my mind is getting us out of here and to safety- without using the last of my words.
It's so universally simple that even an idiot can understand, but unlike most people, this command might be a little harder to follow with four blind and confused people.
Since we long since abandoned the blind chain, I need to come up with a way to get them all going the same direction without becoming scattered or lost. I don't have much time to think of something since an angry growl reminds me of our current predicament.
Like the quick thinker I am- redeeming myself from before- I drag Dhisnaek by the arm, practically push Chasan and Lan along, and fling Nimu in front into the mix creating a jumbled corral that I usher along. Hey, as long as it works- that's my philosophy.
With a bloodthirsty beast hounding us down through a maze which at first seemed easy but now feels like the most mind-boggling labyrinth ever created, it has crossed my mind that I could outrun the others who are slowed down by their blindness. I could already be football fields away from this threat if I took off at my own speed the second that thing burst through that hedge. But I don't.
As easy as it would be to pull ahead and save my own ass, I, for one of the few times in my life, act as a team player and stick with the pack. Truth is, they need someone with eyes, someone who can see the dangers coming up, to direct and guide them through this maze, that someone has to be me- whether I want to or not is besides the point.
So, clenching my teeth to the point of pain and wiping the excessive sweat on my brow, I continue pushing them onward, crossing my fingers they don't trip up.
"Joan," Lan pants, becoming worn from the running. "What are we running from exactly?"
"Something bad."
It came out so fast, so carelessly, that I didn't even have time to catch myself before it was out. I hadn't meant to reply out loud to that. To make matters worse, I hear a smug voice ring out in my head-
"And you've reached your limit. Now if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut for the remainder of the time."
Now my mind is reeling. How am I supposed to communicate or give directions to the others without being able to speak? What if it's a dire situation (as if this isn't dire enough) that requires me to yell something out?
I don't have much time to dwell on this fact due to a new problem.
For the first time since being in this maze, we've reached a dead end.
Pulling back the others, causing a trainwreck of a halt, my breath hitches as I hear the fast approaching snarl coming from behind. With my heart thundering in my chest, I know I need to think of something to get us out of this situation, but not gonna lie, I'm blanking out in panic- I've never been put in a such a high-stress situation like this.
The others are trying to question why we've stopped, I'm without a weapon because my brilliant ass forgot to scoop it up when I got up, there's a hellish beast that's about to corner us, and I can't say another word because I hit my limit. I'm at the end of my rope here.
Don't let them box you in.
The words of my mom repeat in my head at that instant. I remember when she told me, I was trying to prove myself in one of the first track teams I was on.
You're not one to fit into anyone's mold.
It's true even to this day. I'm not going to let anyone set my limits, it's a mistake if they think they can.
Tymos may be cunning, but I'm a Domshov which means I'm as stubborn as an ass, and even a little more just being me. I already told myself I'm not going to be a pawn in his game, it's time to let him get the message.
Without fear of any repercussions, I turn my attention to the others who are still frazzled and discombobulated.
"Guys," My voice is firm enough to get them under control. "So do you want the bad news or good news first?"
"What are you talking about?" Nimu asks worryingly.
Chasan cuts her off.
"Oh, so now you're finally talking to us."
Rolling my eyes, I repeat, "Good news or bad news?"
"Bad," Dhisnaek quickly pipes up.
"Good choice. So bad news is we're being hunted by this mutant, messed up looking beast thing and we've just arrived at a dead end."
Nimu simultaneously turns as white as a sheet yet as red as a tomato in the same instant- I knew that girl had talent.
Lan, on the other hand, is all shakes and hysteria.
"What are we supposed to do!? How close is it!? Where can we go!?"
Chasan, shaking his head at me, moans in annoyance. "What's the good news, if there even is any?"
"Good news is, we can get out of this situation if we work together."
"I don't have my weapon on me, but you guys all have something on you."
"Um, the most I have is a slingshot," Lan says with uncertainty.
"Which he's not the best shot with," Nimu adds.
"Yeah," He agrees. "I don't really know how this is going to work."
"Trust me, you guys all have something that can help."
"In case you've forgotten, we're all blind. How are we supposed to use our weapons when we can't even see our target?" Chasan questions impatiently.
"You'll just have to trust me and yourselves."
The jagged, hoarse howl of the beast reminds me how tight on time we are. Like the dysfunctional person I am, I've already formed a semi-crazy, half-baked scheme on how to get us out of this pickle.
"Okay," I get down to business. "Lan, I'm gonna need you to nail that thing in the head with a stone from your slingshot."
"I have faith in you, kid."
"B-but, I can't even see! Let alone take aim at a moving object."
Even Nimu feels the need to protest.
"Joan, this is demented, we can't see a thing and you expect him to shot a target he doesn't have the knowledge to even picture in his mind? He's not that good of shot when he can see."
Replying calmly, I shrug. "I know, but I know he can do it."
"How?" The two of them question in unison.
"No time for how," I rush along, hearing the eerie howl getting louder. "In order to give Lan the opportunity to kill the thing, the rest of you need to slow it down a bit."
Before they can start bombarding me with questions, I quickly explain.
"This is the part where your special 'somethings' come into play. Dhisnaek, I'm putting you on the front lines first because you have this-" I give his staff a slight shake. "And I think it can come in handy for some pretty useful physical things."
"I have trained many years perfecting my magic, but it has been years training with sight," He begins.
"No magic needed. Big wooden sticks can be used for many other things."
He thinks to himself on that briefly, but before he can ask any further questions, I move on.
"Nimu, your sai can definitely give it some damage."
She sighs in frustration. "Joan, in case you haven't been listening, we're all blind. We can't see anything so how are we going to fight back?"
"I don't know if you guys ever heard of this, but there's this weird thing that happens when you lose one sense, it's that your other senses improve, like a lot."
"What does that mean for us, though?" Lan asks cluelessly.
"It means that even though you're as blind as bats, you should be able to hear as well as a bat."
Just when I sense Nimu's about to protest, I cut her off as well, wrapping up this game plan with Chasan.
"Chasan. I would have you try talking it to death seeing how that's your main talent, but I actually have a purpose for you."
"Oh how fortunate," He replies, the flatness of his voice flatter than an open soda left out in the summer sun.
"Yes. Your role is going to be the most important, you're going to be the last line of defense before Lan can take his shot."
Even in his blind state, he can still give me an arched brow expression, prompting me to explain further.
"You have two parts- now don't you feel special. You're going to make sure that that thing keeps coming towards this direction then, when you feel it's close enough, you're going to use your bolas to get its legs tangled so Lan can hit a slower moving target."
"So I'm basically a decoy?" He says unimpressed.
"Well, you're all decoys except for Lan- but harmful decoys."
"About that," Lan begins hesitantly. "I'm not sure it's wise to base this whole plan around-"
The hair-raising howl of the fast approaching watch creature is enough to silence all of us and kick my body into maximum overdrive. This plan may seem convoluted but we're going with it- it's all we got.
"Wait here until I grab you," I say, already quickly pulling Dhisnaek along up several feet until we reach a slight break in the hedge that's enough for him to hide in a bit.
"Just stay here," I explain, glancing at the corner, knowing any second the beast could be turning it. "When you hear it get close enough then hit it with all you got. Cool?"
He sighs like he's finally realizing how out of sorts I am, but he nods and straightens up like a soldier.
"I will try my best."
Hurrying back to the others, I nab Nimu next, hustling her a few feet up as well but keeping her back a few feet or so from where Dhisnaek is hidden. Though the hedge isn't as protective as it was for Dhisnaek, I make sure she doesn't stand out (as much as it's possible for a blue-haired cat hybrid chick).
I instruct her the same way I did with Dhisnaek, telling her to go berserk on the thing, but before I can hurry away, she stops me.
"What if it attacks me?" She asks worriedly, fiddling with the tip of her sai. "My blade is not a sword."
"Don't sweat it, I have your back, I won't let it. Just trust me on all this, okay?"
She presses her lips into a fine line but says nothing else, allowing me to get the last player in place.
Chasan I position in between where Dhisnaek and Nimu are hidden, keeping off to the other side of the hedge some but making sure he can be seen and will have a clear view to throw.
"I'm gonna need you to be your regular obnoxious self, get its attention so it's not too focused on Nimu and Dhisnaek. If you can pull it back towards Lan before you snag it, that would be extra helpful."
"Do I even have a choice?" He grumbles.
"Just suck it up and take one for the team."
He mutters something, but I'm already returning to join a paling Lan. Quickly, I start collecting some sizeable stones off the ground and handing him some, hoping they're large enough.
"Joan, I don't think I can do this. I really don't have the best aim and I can't even see my target. Why don't you just do it?"
"Because," I say, placing the stones in his hand. "I don't know how to work a slingshot and secondly, I have faith in your ability."
"I'm glad you do, but I certainly don't."
"And that's the problem," I pat his back encouragingly. "Have a little more confidence in yourself- it'll take you places."
Taking a shaky breath, he holds the slingshot more firmly in his hand. "If you have faith in me then I guess I ought to have a bit in myself."
"See, that's the way to look at it."
Now if he could only keep that confidence up. Truth be told, I'm a little uncertain about all of this, not just Lan but this entire production. I'm assuming this thing's as slow as it looks and I know all too well where assuming usually ends up. But it's a leap of faith- I gotta keep up this facade of confidence and get us through this mess. I mean, and honestly, I'm the one that should be sweating bullets here since I'm the only one without a weapon.
For my part, I start off closer to Nimu, hanging back enough where I can look on yet stay close enough to boost Lan's confidence.
It only takes a few more seconds, but finally, the horrid looking beast rounds the corner, panting heavily, as it pauses to take us in. For a brief second, I feel like I'm staring right into its eyes and it's staring right back into mine, except I can't sense anything but malevolence behind those stark black eyes.
At last, the trance is broken and it's do or die time.
Of all people, it charges at me- probably because I looked it in the eyes or some biological shit I wasn't supposed to do- and it remains deadlocked on me. As hard as it is, I fight the urge to flee and remain firmly in my spot, simply watching as the bulky creature bounds towards me, its teeth bare.
Not gonna lie, I feel that cold dread sweat trickle down my back when Dhisnaek doesn't move as it zooms past him without a second glance. I wasn't expecting something so heavy looking to move with so much agility. With the fear of my first defense failing, I take half an uncertain step back. But Dhisnaek doesn't fail me like I thought. Before the creature can fully past him, Dhisnaek, with his weathered staff in hand, brings it down on the back of the beast causing it to yelp out in pain like a dog that's just been beaten.
My heart lifts again as my plan appears to be working. The hit has stalled the beast for a second or so as it tries to recover from the shock and pain, but my heart immediately sinks again when it seemingly shakes it off and resumes charging at me.
"Nimu, you're next," I yell out to her, giving her a heads up.
This is definitely not working like how I thought it would so far, but I trust Nimu to be a bit quicker since she is younger and her reflexes are better, plus she actually has something sharp to use.
"What do I do?" She yells back at me as if she's never used her sai.
"It's coming to you and fast."
Charging toward me still, the beast snarls, sticky slobs of dribble oozing out of its mouth as its pitch fork-shaped tongue lulls out a bit.
Just where I'm standing, I can see her hesitating, tensing as it approaches faster and faster- her sensitive ears twitching as she continues to stall. I'm ready to call out to her again when she finally acts.
Before the beast has time to stop, Nimu quickly extends her sai out in front of it, resulting in a fresh cut across the beast's face. While the thing lets out its hollow yet haunting howl of pain, Nimu quickly pulls back, tucking herself even further into the hedge as if scared it might set its sights on her now- and honestly, I really don't know who it's going to go after now.
Her attack definitely delays it longer than Dhisnaek's whack on the behind did. But just like its previous hit, it recovers a lot faster than I would expect it to, and on top of that, it seems its rage is now directed towards Nimu.
Turning its back on me, it begins to creep over to where she's still huddled. I think she can sense its presence, but she tries not to make a sound. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to care whether she acknowledges its presence or not, it's ready to pounce. Baring its teeth, it starts toward her just as I begin running. I'm not close enough, though, no matter how fast I am. But before Nimu winds up as scraps, Chasan comes out of the woodworks.
At first, I don't see what's caused the thing to cry out again, but upon closer inspection, I can see a long, bloody gash running down the side of its body. For a guy who can't see, Chasan certainly did his job well (it almost makes me proud of him for a split second). The distraction is just what was needed, and before it can recover again, I hurry over to drag both of them back.
"See, nothing to worry about, we got each others' backs," I tell them, slowly backing up still.
"That was heart-stopping," Chasan breathes shakily, still clutching whatever sharp object he used to attack it.
"Agreed," Nimu chimes in.
"You guys did good though." And they did. I was not expecting them to come through like that, especially Chasan.
Like its previous injuries, the beast recovers and once again sets its sights on me, but we have the upper hand now- or so I hope.
Seemingly learning its lesson, it doesn't charge at us like it once did, instead, it takes more calculated steps forward, stalker us now.
With only a limited amount of time left, I'm counting on Lan to pull us through with this hit. Since Chasan is already out in the open, I don't think there's enough time for him to pull out and use his bolas like we planned.
Risking it charging us full speed again, I start to scoot us back a little faster, but just a growl from the thing causes me to tense up and slow down. Knowing it's time for Lan to prove himself, I call out to him, not daring to look away from the thing for even a second.
"Yes?" He calls back in answer. I don't like the way his voice sounds- it's too shaky with not enough confidence.
"You ready?"
Really not trying to hear that.
Still continuing to back up slowly, I keep my eyes locked on the thing which is eying us down viciously.
"Well, I need you to be ready. It's your time to rise and shine, kid. I'll let you know when to take the shot, alright?"
"Uh...I still can't see though."
"It's literally a straightforward shot, you shouldn't miss."
Nimu jumps in as well, not even knowing if I'm right but still trying to boost his confidence. "It shouldn't be too hard if you keep your aim straight. Like Joan said, it really is a straightforward shot."
"Okay, I guess..."
I can understand his nervousness, I get it, but if I were him then I would be relieved to have a team that's backing me up so strongly like we are with him. The shot couldn't be more open, it's literally just making sure it's straight and you can judge that even with your eyes closed. To be fair to him, though, I haven't told anyone this plan was based on a story I heard in Sunday school when I was eight about a giant and a slingshot. I'm placing some real betting money on the fact that a stone to the forehead should be enough to kill someone or something.
Since we're kinda in his way, I start to scoot us off to the side so Lan can have a nice open shot. I mainly push Chasan and Nimu off to the sides that way the thing can still be approaching me and I can keep it straight.
We only have one shot at this.
"Ready, Lan?" I call out, ready to dart out of the way at the drop of a hat.
"Joan, are you sure about th-"
"Lan," Chasan pipes us from the sidelines. "You can do this, I know you can- you know you can."
Those firm words of encouragement seem to do their thing as the next time Lan speaks it's with more assurance of himself.
The thing looks ready to pounce, tired of its slow stalking.
"It's now or never," I announce.
"Okay," He exhales briefly. "Ready."
Behind me, I can hear the low pitch whirl of the slingshot as he winds it up, going and going until I'm sure he's ready to fling it. With lightning speed, I dive out of the way to avoid being struck from behind. Just as I land in the dust, the beast charges at me, but by now, unbeknownst to either of us, the stone is flying through the air looking for a target to strike. Reflexively, I squeeze my eyes shut, not watching the scene unfold before me until I hear the strangest sound of something striking something wet, almost mushy sounding, followed immediately by the highest pitch, inhuman cry I ever heard- it makes me break out in goosebumps for a moment until I see what's happened, or at least the tail end of it.
The stone has found its target in what seems to be the beast's left eye of all places- not the forehead like I was expecting, but it works. The stone must be stuck in its eye, which is a running river of gore, as it tries desperately to paw at it. Shrieking and howling in pain, the thing bucks around for a bit, its blood flinging from its eye a bit, and something surprisingly shine coming out and landing in the dust. Finally, it turns and dashes away erratically, its haunting howls of pain echoing as it retreats.
Well, that wasn't what I was expecting, but I'll take it.
"What happened?" Lan asks breathlessly as if he's been holding his breath this entire time (which he might have).
"You did it," I reply, still somewhat amazed this worked.
"I did?"
Dusting myself off, I let out a relieved chuckle as I go over to the shiny object that fell out. "Yeah, you did."
"See, I knew you could," Chasan tells him.
Beaming with sheepish pride, Lan rubs the back of his neck.
"I guess I could. Thanks for having confidence in me."
By now, Dhisnaek has joined us, and although this little feel-good session is nice, we can always do this when we're not stuck in the middle of a maze that we need to escape by nightfall- which is fast approaching.
As I pick up the blood-covered object, I can already tell what it is despite its sticky coating. It's another piece to the puzzle I've been building. Getting excited, I wipe off the blood as best I can, revealing the new golden piece.
"Alright, you guys did good," I speak up. "But we have to get a move on."
"You're right," Nimu agrees. "I'm ready to see again."
"Same here," Chasan chimes in.
"I'm supposing that creature- whatever it was- won't be messing with us now?" Dhisnaek says.
"Nah, I think we taught it we're not worth meddling with."
With ground to still cover, we start back up again, resuming our previous walking train. Though he tries to suppress it, I can feel the sheer pride and accomplishment radiating off Lan, and he has every right to feel proud of himself. It actually, dare I say, feels good to inspire that same victorious feeling I receive when winning a race in others.
Though this whole episode was probably no more than fifteen minutes, it felt like a major victory for us, a second wind to our sails, and it was exactly what we needed.
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