Potions Class
Disclaimer: This one shot does not belong to me. I found it on Fanfiction.net and realised it was perfect and I needed it in my collection :) hope you enjoy!
Remember: I didn't write it
The Gryffindor and Slytherin's slowly sauntered into the Potions room, Professor Slughorn greeting them cheerfully as the students walked passed. The old wizard paid special attention to a few of the more-er-talented students, per say. The old man prided himself on being able to detect a future of glory out of the children, and often let them know this. As the last few students sulked in, Professor Slughorn's mood lifted even more.
Once everyone was seated, the old man cleared his throat, causing the class' discussions to slowly fade away. On the students desks, were small sample cauldrons containing an unfamiliar potion. None of them were vapid enough to smell the potion or get too close, seeing as in some cases that could be tremendously dangerous, so they looked from the old wizard to the potion in wonderment.
"Hello, Hello." The older man bustled as the class lazily replied. "Now, I would bet 10 galleons that you are all reasonably curious as to what potion is in front of you." Professor Slughorn announced in front of the class. The class replied in mutual agreement and Slughorn continued. "Any particular guesses?"
"Firewhiskey?" A sarcastic voice from the back of the room offered. Slughorn peered over the class and found it belonged to none other than the raven haired boy, Sirius Black. He was tipped back in his desk and chewing on the tip of his quill cockily, as he elbowed his friend who wore glasses and the two broke out into laughter. The pretty red head in front of him scowled and sighed loudly; she whipped her head around aggressively and snarled.
"You wish, Black!" She hissed under her breath and the dark haired boy raised his hands in mock surrender. The boy next to him with messy hair pushed his glasses up further on his face and snorted.
"Evans, relax it was only a joke." The boy grinned as he saw the red heads face flush. She didn't say anything but quickly turned around, arms crossed and her eyes perpetually rolling. Professor Slughorn must have noticed the tension between his students, because he cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to himself.
"Perhaps, we shall separate into pairs, and spend the lesson using our observation skills in figuring out what this potion is?" He asked the class. A few people let out audible groans but the majority nodded their heads in consensus. The red headed girl smiled appreciatively to her blonde partner and many of the other students looked please with their partners. Sensing the sudden change in atmosphere, Slughorn frowned. "No no, this won't do. Find another partner, someone different than your tablemate. Thirty seconds should do. Go." He announced. Most of the student's eyes went wide; in sudden fear they'd be left partner less.
The next few moments in the classroom were chaos. Students were frantically looking for a partner, and most of the surprisingly succeeding. Slughorn looked down at his watch as the time ticked on. As the last few seconds ran out he looked up. The students were with completely different people except for two individuals.
The red head promptly faced the other direction, arms crossed and her eyes rolling. The messy haired by was standing next to her, with a wide grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Ah, Lily." Professor Slughorn rounded on the pair, knowing they probably wouldn't work together unless he pushed them a bit. "It looks as if you'll be paired with Mr. Potter." Slughorn announced and Lily let out a small whimper as she looked at the boy. "I'd hurry if I were you, the first ones to figure it out shall win a prize," He added hastily.
Lily lifted a brow at these words then sighed loudly. "Let's go James! I'd like to win!" She exclaimed as she shoved him towards the empty table where a cauldron was sitting. James seemed to smirk as she referred to him by his first name, and he ruffled up his hair.
"Evans relax," He yawned as he lazily flipped through the book. Lily sighed and pushed the cauldron towards James and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill.
"Alright..." Lily said a bit absently as she scribbled something down. "Start describing the potion."
James lifted a brow and peered down on the liquid. "It has this er...Sheen to it..." James explained as he peered over it. Lily squinted her eyes at him but quickly wrote down the information. "The smoke seems to be er, doing something too." James added hastily as he watched the smoke smoothly float up into the air. Lily hid a smirk, she had to admit, James Potter did look cute when he was trying to focus. She quickly looked down as he turned his head to her and blushed.
He raised an eyebrow at her and she motioned with her hand for him to continue. James sighed loudly and adjusted his glasses. He leaned closer to cauldron and inhaled. "It...has a nice smell actually." He said happily as he inhaled again.
"Well, what is the smell?" Lily pressed and James raised an eyebrow.
"It smells like fresh rain, and roses. But it also smells like...like...Sugar Quills and vanilla...You're perfume, Evans, you're wearing too much..." Said James as he looked at the potion dreamily. Lily let out a loud huff and flipped through her Potions book.
"Rain...Roses...Sugar Quills...Vanilla...James, no potion smells like that." She sighed as she quickly flipped through the textbook. "Are you sure?" The pretty red head asked. James smirked and let out a chuckle as he crossed his arms.
"Evans, I'm positive." He grinned and she narrowed her eyes. He motioned toward the cauldron and inhaled, "Be my guest to try smell if you don't believe me." Lily lifted a brow, and then leaned in to smell the cauldron. James couldn't help but smile as he watched her close her eyes and concentrate.
Lily inhaled deeply, and numerous scents came to her mind...But none were what James suggested.
"James, it doesn't smell anything like that!" She hissed after a moment. The boy adjusted his glasses and shrugged.
"What does it smell like to you then, Evans?"
Lily inhaled again, then cleared her throat, "An old quidditch broom....campfire....caramel...and something else...Firewhiskey, maybe?" Lily said when she was done sniffing. James looked absolutely stunned.
"No, it doesn't." James firmly said. Lily rolled her eyes.
"Yes, it does." Lily replied equally as firm. Before she could get in another word, the raven haired boy came bounding by the duo.
"Look at you, already fighting like a married couple." The boy grinned like an idiot. The duo rolled their eyes at him.
"Shut up, Sirius." Both of them said at once. Sirius grin widened and looked down at the paper.
"You two haven't figured it out then? It took me and Pete five minutes." Sirius noted as he glanced at the two. "I'm unimpressed. I'd expect that of James, but not you Lily. I thought Potions were your thing." Sirius smirked. Lily huffed loudly, clearly annoyed that Sirius Black had bested her, but James just shrugged.
"What does it smell like?" Sirius asked the duo.
When Lily said, "A Quidditch broom, campfire, and Firewhiskey," James said, "rain, roses, and Sugar Quills."
Sirius smirked down at the two then shook his head. He opened his mouth and just as he was about to say something, Slughorn loudly cleared his throat. Sirius quickly found his seat acrossed the room and the class turned their attention back to Slughorn.
"Alright, who here has figured it out?" Slughorn asked the class. A few students mumbled and raised their hands. Lily looked dumbly at James who shrugged his shoulders, completely stumped.
"Mr. Black," Slughorn said happily as Sirius waved his hand in the air frantically. "Proceed to explain to the class what the potion is." Unnecessarily, Sirius stood up abruptly and turned to the class in a mock professional matter.
"Amortentia," Sirius said simply. Lily paled in her seat and James blushed, and then chuckled. "The potion is the most powerful love potion in existence. It creates an obsession from the drinker. The smell of the potion is different for everyone, it's what attracts them." Sirius finished as he looked over the class.
Lily ducked even more and tried to avoid the eyes of James Potter. She had said quidditch brooms! If anyone in the world would smell like quidditch brooms, it would be James Potter! She quickly checked a glance at James, who was staring at her fondly. To her surprise, he leaned in closer to her and inhaled deeply.
"Huh, I guess was wrong Evans. You weren't even wearing your perfume today. Weird." He said with a wide grin and Lily's eyes went wide as she blinked at the boy. James didn't seem fazed by this; he winked at her, and then walked towards Sirius.
Once they were dismissed, Lily stood up abruptly and headed for the door. Before she could reach it, she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder. When she spun around, James was standing there, and hand casually ruffling through his hair and a wide grin on his face.
"So...Evans, broomsticks and Firewhiskey huh? I think I qualify in that department, don't you?" He smirked as Lily blushed and rolled her eyes.
"James, you literally said my perfume. I would wipe that ridiculous grin off of your face," Lily reminded him as she turned, flipped her dark red hair in his face and stalked away. But the grin stayed on James' face as he watched her walk down the corridor. Before she turned the corner however, she turned around and gave him a sly wink, which made James weak in the knees. He sighed loudly, chuckling to himself and shaking his head at the mysterious antics of Lily Evans.
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