❤️🔥'I love you' - 2❤️🔥
⚠️ Mentions of accident and a life threatening situation. ⚠️
Taeyeon was confused when her grandmother came to fetch her from school. Her face was grim and she said nothing until they were entering the hospital. She could tell there was something wrong. But it was only when they were near the emergency room and she saw Taehyung and Yoongi she realized it must be her Dada.
No matter how much she asked they only told her that her Dada was in a small accident. Taeyeon was devastated. Her Papa was in Japan. He won't be home for another week. It was an important business trip, her Dada said. Her Papa's job depended on it.
"Did Jungkook answer the phone?" her grandmother asked for the umpteenth time.
She didn't know how much time had passed but every second was hell. Every time a nurse or a doctor came out of the emergency her s would go to ask them how her Dada was but there was no update.
"His phone is not reachable, but he saw my text," Taehyung replied.
Her grandmother pursed her lips and clenched her fist. "What the hell is so important than my son?" she hissed. "My son is dying and he isn't even answering his phone."
"We don't know what situation he is in," Yoongi said. "Let's be patient."
Taeyeon's heart sank. Was her Dada dying? Did that mean she won't have a Dada anymore? She began to sob and her grandmother threw a hand around her shoulder, trying to comfort her but her little heart couldn't just calm down. She loved her Dada very much and couldn't imagine a life without him.
Why is this happening?
Her Dada was the kindest soul. He never did anything wrong to anyone. So why him? How could God take him away from her? God was really so cruel.
As time passed, her other uncles also came, looking so ashen.
"What happened?" Namjoon asked.
"A bike lost control and hit him. He suffered major blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma. They're trying to stop the bleeding but we don't have any other updates," Taehyung replied. "It's been three hours."
"Shit! Where is Jungkook?"
Taehyung shook his head. "He is not reachable." He clenched his jaw. "Jimin is in surgery and we need him here, but he's in Japan."
Every bit of new information Taeyeon learned only caused her to cry more. Where was her Papa? She tried calling him from her phone but the calls were going to his voicemail. She left so many messages to him asking where he was but they weren't even delivered.
They paced the corridor while waiting for an update and Taeyeon could only hug her grandmother, her tears soaking her grandmother's dress. Exhaustion washed over her and uncertainty loomed over like dark clouds.
What would happen to her Dada now? Will he make a complete recovery? What did that abdominal trauma mean? She only understood that her Dada was fighting for his life. Papa, where are you?
As if God had heard her prayers, a sudden commotion made her lift her head from her grandmother's lap. Running toward them was none other than her Papa. He looked disheveled, his tie askew and eyes wild.
"Jungkook?" Namjoon frowned. "Weren't you in Japan? We were trying to reach you."
Jungkook ignored his question. "Where is he?" He shook Taehyung. "What happened to him? He's always careful. How did he even get into an accident?" he shot several questions at once. His chest heaved and hands trembled.
Taeyeon realized she'd never seen her Papa like this in her life. Jungkook was a silent person. He didn't show his emotions explicitly. When he spoke, it was always calm and collected. But now he was far from the sophisticated look he always sported.
Taehyung repeated what he told Namjoon. Her Papa sank to the floor, dropping his head on his hands. His body shook violently and the gut wrenching cry tugged at Taeyeon's heartstrings. She too cried because it hurt her more to see her Papa cry. She never saw him cry before.
Right then the doctor came outside. "Who is the patient's family here?"
Everyone was up on their feet immediately. Jungkook hurried to the doctor. "How is he? Jimin is my husband."
"He suffered a liver trauma and needs urgent liver transplantation. It would be faster if any of your family members or friends is willing to donate. Getting one through other—"
"Take mine," Jungkook cut him off. "We share the same blood group. Take whatever you want from me. Save my husband, please..."
The doctor nodded immediately. "Alright. This way, please..."
Taeyeon tried to wrap her head around everything that just happened as she watched the doctor ushering her Papa inside the emergency unit.
"If Papa gave his liver to Dada, what would happen to Papa?" she asked fearfully. "He needs it too."
It was Namjoon, who answered her. "Jimin doesn't need an entire liver, sweetheart. They're going to take a portion of your Papa's liver and give it to Dada. The liver is capable of growing into its full form in a couple of months. Both of them will be fine."
"He didn't even hesitate," her grandmother sniffled. "That child must love my son so much. Oh, God, please keep both of them safe." She began to pray.
That child must love my son so much.
Taeyeon was speechless. Her Papa didn't even let the doctor finish. They were going to operate him to take his liver out, and he was going through it for his Dada. But he never said 'I love you' back to Dada. The little one didn't know that not everyone was vocal about their love.
The surgery was a success. Her Papa woke first and hurried immediately to her Dada's side despite the nurse's protest. They were in different rooms, but later had to bring another bed because Jungkook refused to leave Jimin.
While they waited for her Dada to wake up, she noticed her Papa always holding his hand. Whenever Jungkook was awake, he was speaking in her Dada's ears. Taeyeon never witnessed such a tender look on her Papa's face.
Maybe she did but was too young to realize what it was. Now that she saw them like this, she suddenly remembered a lot of things. Jungkook talked very less. But he was always helping her Dada do dishes.
Her Dada could be careless sometimes. She remembered her Papa always watching and stopping him from running into some things while cooking. If Jimin forgot his slippers while going to water their plants, Jungkook would bring his slippers silently. He wouldn't say anything but would just drop the slippers by his feet and leave.
Her Papa wouldn't do all that if he didn't like her Dada, right? Maybe Sally's parents were different. Sally's Papa didn't even visit her Mama when she was sick. But Jungkook was here, suffering alongside Jimin.
Two days later, when her Dada woke up, she witnessed her Papa crying again. There was a soft smile on her Dada's face as he stroked her Papa's hair. They were talking in hushed voices, but Taeyeon heard her grandmother say, "These two are still in love just like they were when they started dating, if not more. I worried for nothing."
"But my Papa never said 'I love you' back to Dada," Taeyeon voiced out the worry that was gnawing at her gut for the past month.
Her grandmother smiled gently. "Actions speak louder, sweetheart." She ruffled her hair and pointed at her parents on the bed. "If that isn't love, then I don't know what it is."
Taeyeon nodded in understanding. Many things suddenly made sense. Her grandmother was right. She shouldn't have taken Sally's words to her heart. Her Papa wasn't like Sally's Papa. There were good people and bad people. Her Papa sure was a good person and he cared a lot for her and her Dada. That was all that mattered.
"I'm really okay," Jimin whispered, smiling as he stroked Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook continued to sniffle. He could feel the desperation in his embrace and see the fear in his eyes.
I thought I lost you. I was so scared.
Jimin didn't need words to understand his husband. Jungkook had always been reserved. He never showed his emotions explicitly. He was the silent type, who loved silently. Even when they met, it was Jimin who asked him out. If he hadn't approached Jungkook first, he didn't know if they would have ever gotten together. Six months into dating, Jimin learned that Jungkook had a crush on him.
The accident was unfortunate. Jimin didn't think he would make it, but he prayed because he couldn't leave Jungkook. Jungkook needed him more than anyone else. Even now his husband clung to him as if he was his lifeline.
His soft sniffles were the only sounds he received in response to his words of assurance. It took a long time for Jungkook to calm down.
"I love you," his husband whispered. "I know I don't say it every day, but you're my everything. I can't live without you. I was dying every second I was on that plane. You're my entire world. I love you so freaking much." Jungkook kissed his knuckles. "I'm sorry I didn't say it back whenever you said 'I love you'. I just...In my heart I always did."
Jimin smiled. "I know. I didn't say 'I love you' to hear it back." He kissed his husband's nose, looking into his doe eyes he loved so much. "I said it to make sure you knew."
Jungkook sniffed. "Just don't get sick, Jiminie. It hurts me more than anything else."
"I'll try. What about that project? Did you finish it?"
Jungkook shook his head. "I left as soon as I received the text. I don't know what happened."
Jimin's eyes widened. "Oh, God! What about your job? Do they know?"
"Taehyung informed them while I was in surgery, I guess. I didn't really check my phone."
Jimin stared at him in disbelief. "That was your dream project. You told me your promotion depended on this."
A pout grew on his husband's face. "Nothing is more important than you. If they don't give me a promotion then I'll just look for another job. Or I'll just quit working and become your house husband." He snuggled back to him. "I make a good homemaker, you know."
Jimin laughed but winced in pain.
"Shit. I'm sorry. Don't laugh." Jungkook immediately began to fuss over him. "I'm so sorry, babe."
Jimin hushed him. "I'm okay. Where is Taeyeon?"
"She's staying with your mom. They just left because visiting hours are over."
Jimin hummed. "I miss her. The poor thing must have been scared for both of us. She's never been apart for so long."
Jungkook sighed. "Yeah. She's a big girl now. She's fine."
Jimin smiled. "Yeah. I'm so proud of her."
"Me too. She's taking after you in a lot of aspects." Jungkook lay comfortably.
"I think she's like you."
"No. Like you."
"Mhmm...you." Jungkook silenced him with a kiss and they smiled against each other's lips.
Not everyone was vocal about their love. Not everyone was comfortable saying those three words out loud. Just the lack of it didn't mean there was no love. Actions spoke louder than words. Jimin knew Jungkook loved him more than anything in the world. He didn't need words of assurance every day to know that.
It was in the way, Jungkook smiled shyly whenever he would say 'I love you' or how he would peck his lips in response or sometimes he would hug him, nuzzling into his neck. Those actions spoke louder than Jungkook simply murmuring those three words.
Maybe he even Jungkook a bit more for that. Because Jungkook wasn't one for pretenses. The moments he said 'I love you' was rare, but when he did it was the best ever. With a long exhale, he hugged his husband with a smile.
This was inspired by this photo:
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