
CW: Hanahaki disease, Hanakanjō disease, happy ending, past fictional character death

I wrote this as a threadfic in Twitter a while ago. I only found time to edit this and add more before posting here. It's a happy ending and really soft though it has Hanahaki disease. Hope you enjoy!

***Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病 (Japanese); 하나하키병 (Korean); 花吐病 (Chinese)) is a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated.

Hanakanjō translates to "floral emotion" which can relate to Floretta Pretty Cure!'s themes of emotions and flowers.


#jikookau where Jimin is nursing a broken heart after losing his husband. He lives with a painful Hanahaki that has infested his lungs, being a constant reminder of his loss. On the other hand, Jungkook begins to suffer from Hanakanjō—a syndrome in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion—after he meets Jimin.

#jikookau where Jimin is nursing a broken heart after losing his husband. He lives with a painful Hanahaki that has infested his lungs, being a constant reminder of his loss. On the other hand, Jungkook begins to suffer from Hanakanjō—a syndrome in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion—after he meets Jimin.

If someone asked Jimin how his life was one year ago, he would have said he was the happiest human being alive. That he was so fortunate and must have saved a life or two in his past life to have someone like Ha-Joon. Everything in his life felt like a blessing to him.

Jimin's parents passed away when he was too young. He didn't even remember their faces, but he was adopted into a caring family that loved him the most. They adopted two more kids after him and he grew up in a big family.

They weren't rich, but they were happy. They had enough and their home overflowed with love. His parents were understanding that when he came out as gay, they were supportive.

Years later, at twenty-five, he met his late husband while he was on a trip. It was love at first sight and even felt as if they were moving fast. But Ha-Joon was simply perfect in every sense. He had showered Jimin with love and affection. He didn't have to worry about anything until he was alive.

After a whirlwind romance, they married in a simple setting before settling down in the countryside. Ha-Joon was a shareholder in his family business and he didn't really have to work. He was interested in farming and as for Jimin, he didn't really mind. Jimin was a freelance artist who worked from home. Any place was fine for him.

So they started their life in Springdale a little about four years ago. They bought a few acres of farming land here, cultivating flowers mostly. Ha-Joon loved working there. He was so kind and got along with people really well.

Life was peaceful until tragedy struck last year. Ha-Joon's car was caught in an unexpected storm and rolled down the hill on his way back from the city. Darkness has surrounded him from that day.

Jimin knew what was waiting for him when he felt his chest ache. Hanahaki was a curse but he thought it was a boon to some extent. The physical pain was much easier to bear compared to the pain in his heart.

Ha-Joon was a nice man. He did not deserve to die like that. Jimin was alone and had lost all hope. He refused to move back to live with his family. This cottage by the edge of the forest and the farm was all that was left.

Jimin became a mere shell of who he once was. All hope was lost and he was cursed to live and perish in pain. He had stopped drawing and began to wait for the day he could join Ha-Joon.

But the miracle came in the form of Jungkook, a little spring fairy who was assigned to take care of the woods near Jimin's home. The happy fairy whose eyes always twinkled like stars, and owned a smile that never diminished was confused when he met Jimin.

It was his first job and hence, it was his first time meeting a human. His bubbling excitement faded when he sensed the sorrow radiating off the most beautiful man. The human was so beautiful that Jungkook took a double take and even looked at his wings.

Maybe he hides it inside his oversized clothes.

Curious as ever, the spring fairy began to watch the human. The human had a very simple routine. He had a cup of tea on his porch and then tended to his garden silently. He would stare at his flowers for ages but would say nothing; he never smiled and never talked.

Once in a week, someone stopped by to deliver things and even then, the man didn't talk. He would nod to the questions being asked and would hand a box to the old man, who would then leave the human alone.

In the evening, the human would once again drink tea on his porch and retire inside his home only after the sun has set and darkness has blanketed the place. Jungkook, intrigued by him, began to observe him more.

Soon he found out the human loved to bake and the box he handed the old man every day were cookies. If Jungkook followed the old man to the local orphanage and eyed those mouth watering cookies through the windows, no one had to know that. Could you blame him? He'd never smelled anything so delicious before.

Also, Jungkook soon learned that the human does not have any wings hidden under his garments. He almost fainted upon stumbling into the shirtless human working in his garden one day but he did make a clear observation before retreating back to the woods as fast as his wings could carry him.

The human appeared harmless, so he braved getting closer to his home. He also learned the human went by the name Jimin. In the afternoons, Jimin seemed too busy to come out, Jungkook would sneak closer to his kitchen window, from where he would peek inside his home.

Those days, Jimin would hum absentmindedly as he kneaded the dough to make cookies. Jungkook eagerly watched the way he worked. If he slipped inside to steal a cookie or two when the human left them on the rack to cool down, no one has to know.

The cookies tasted divine, sweeter than honey and melted in his mouth. The best were the ones that have the crispy outer layer with a soft and chewy core. For some reason, Jimin only made that once.

One time Jimin almost caught him before he stumbled out of the window, tiny wings fluttering and he forgot to wipe the cookie crumbs before dashing back to the woods. The spring fairy hid on top of trees with a racing heart, wondering if the human had found out.

He avoided Jimin's home for a week but the cookies were too delicious to stay away from and he found himself sneaking back. This time, however, he found a plate on the windowsill with two cookies and a glass of milk.

Jungkook eyed the cookies skeptically for a long time before snatching one and running back to the forest. His heart once more beat out of his chest as he bit into the crunchy cookie but a smile broke into his face when he realized it was his favorite one. Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

There was some sort of dark syrup that wanted him to melt into a similar type of goo. He let out a moan as he savored every bite. But the cookie was over too soon and he regretted not taking the other one too, but was too afraid to go back. What if the human saw him this time?

He found himself going back again the next day only to see there was another plate. Jungkook scanned the surroundings and listened to the sounds coming from the inside before reaching for the cookie. This time he grabbed both cookies before making his way into the woods.

This continued throughout the week. Everyday Jungkook would visit the humans. He would take the cookies but would leave the milk untouched, too scared if the human would come if he stayed enough to drink that. Days continued to roll on like this when one day he found the distraught human in his greenhouse.

Jimin was distraught when he realized the plant his husband gifted him was dying. It was the only living thing that was left of him and no matter what he did; it continued to die little by little. He was devastated.

Well, nothing lasted longer, but he certainly thought his peonies would survive longer than this. He knew it wasn't the rest phase. No, no. It was only the second year and this year they should have bloomed for the first time.

He lamented as he sat in front of the plant for hours. Jungkook was saddened to see only sorrow and tears on the beautiful human's face. The human looked like a winter fairy with his beautiful blonde hair and dewy skin. The more he watched the more he was determined to make him smile again. Everyone should be happy and that included Jimin.

So, he worked his fairy magic, tending to the flower all night when Jimin was asleep, hugging his husband's old shirt to his chest. By morning, he was exhausted and could hardly keep his eyes open. He fell asleep hugging the bush and that was how Jimin found him.

Jimin was too shocked to see the perennial plant thriving and full of blooms. He gasped, both hands flying to cover his mouth. Only yesterday, it was dying, the leaves were all the color brown. Now it was so alive. He was unable to believe his eyes.

Most of all, he was unable to tear his eyes away from the most beautiful creature he has ever laid his eyes on. He must be dreaming because this creature had wings, dressed in all white and peach-colored hair, and a cute pout as he nuzzled his face gently against a bloomed flower.

A noise of surprise left Jimin's mouth and that woke the spring fairy. The fairy sprang up, stumbling on his own feet before catching himself. He tried to run but Jimin was blocking his path to the exit of the greenhouse. The human's eyes were tracking every movement and Jungkook realized he couldn't just get past him.

The spring fairy swallowed, feeling cornered as he settled partially hidden behind the bush though it helped so little. The bush didn't even come up to his chest even with its placement. At least it provided him with faux security for now.

"Who are you?" Jimin asked in wonder. "Did you do this?"

"I-I um...I..." Jungkook sputtered.

"Thank you," Jimin sniffled without waiting for his answer. "You have no idea how much this means to me. I thought I couldn't save it anymore. Thank you so much! "

Jungkook flushed so hard that he noticed his reflection in the puddle of water in the bucket near him turning red.

"Are you an angel?"

"N-No." Jungkook touched his ears, his translucent wings fluttering behind him. "I-I'm a fairy," he mumbled.

"Oh," Jimin whispered. "You're so pretty."

Jungkook's wings fluttered even faster, his heart raced and he was sure he now resembled the color of peonies.

"So you were the one who comes for my cookies every day?" the human mused and Jungkook's silence was enough to confirm it was indeed him. "Would you like some tea?" Jimin asked. "Sorry I don't know if you guys can have that...I just...um...perhaps some fresh juice?"

"F-Fresh juice please..." Jungkook mumbled shyly. His logical brain warned he shouldn't but he found himself trailing after the human with a wondrous look on his face.

The human's home was even more beautiful inside and very warm. Jungkook admired the place as he followed Jimin. Inside the familiar kitchen, Jimin pulled a chair for him to sit before putting a plate of cookies in front of him and the spring fairy inadvertently let out a squeal before schooling himself.

And Jimin smiled for the first time, making Jungkook's heart skip a beat. He stared at him, unable to avert his eyes because Jimin looked even more beautiful when he smiled. The fresh juice was even better.

Jimin asked him more questions about him, listening intently to everything Jungkook has to say. He blurted out that he was a spring fairy who tended to the flowers and such, bewitched by the sweet cookies and the sweet orange juice that was so refreshing after so much hard work.

The spring fairy absentmindedly smacks his lips, swiping the last crunchy cookie and biting into it with a moan. There were more than two cookies this time and Jungkook was exhilarated. He never had too many to eat before.

Jimin giggled when Jungkook looked up and reached to brush the corners of his lips. Jungkook's eyes widened and before he could control flowers sprouted on his hair, mortifying. Fortunately, the human only found it adorable and doesn't seem to know the real reason behind it.

Confused as hell, Jungkook fled the human's place as soon as possible and hid in the forest for the remainder of the day as he battled his raging emotions.

Later he met another spring fairy, Seokjin who laughed at first and then congratulated him for finding his soulmate. Never had he heard of a fairy getting a human soulmate. It wasn't that easy though.

First of all, Jimin was human, and second, his heart belonged to another. Jungkook witnessed how much pain Jimin went through, coughing blood and petals as he mourned his husband.

So this is love, Jungkook deduced with a sad smile.

He exhaled and refused to tell Seokjin who asked why he looked so sad. Because he should be happy that he found his soulmate. It was a dream for every fairy. But inadvertently now his fate was intertwined with Jimin.

If Jimin failed to return his love, he would be cursed with the same fate. The more he thought the more sense it made. There was nothing more Jungkook wanted than being by Jimin's side. With that realization, he made his way back to the human.

The shy spring fairy soon became friends with Jimin. The lone widower smiled every time Jungkook made a flower bloom and Jungkook worked hard to help as many flowers bloom as possible as long as Jimin smiled.

Their friendship grew little by little. Jimin laughed every time Jungkook got flustered and grew flowers in his hair, not knowing it was his love for the human that was causing the reaction.

Likewise, Jungkook was always there, holding Jimin whenever he coughed blood and was in pain. He was there to wipe his tears away. Time flew by and seasons changed. Soon it was winter. There was no work for the spring fairy. Jungkook had no choice but to bid a teary farewell to Jimin and promised him that he would be back next spring.

The winters in Springdale were too long, cold and unforgiving opposed to its name. Jimin missed his only friend. He carried on with his day, feeling an unexplainable void. A month has passed and Jimin still had to fight the urge to leave out cookies for the bright-eyed spring fairy.

He took care of his plants, remembering how tenderly Jungkook would talk to each of them, singing songs to them as he flitted around his garden.

He tried to distract himself with baking only to end up missing the fairy even more. Jimin laughed remembering the adorable fairy who would follow him with starry eyes, eating the cookie dough sneakily, and the way he would give him those nose-scrunching smiles whenever he would catch him red-handed.

This time his heart was heavy when he packed the extra cookies into a jar and put it aside. Jungkook wasn't gone forever. He will be back in spring. He promised. So, he tried to focus on other things while waiting for him.

That evening Jimin settled by the fireplace with a book and hot cocoa, he could barely pay attention to the book. His thoughts were full of the spring fairy. An involuntary smile spread across his lips as he thought about him.

He missed him so much that he closed the book and hurried to his storage room, bringing out the easels and paints he once stashed there with no intention to take it out. Like a possessed man, he began to paint the spring fairy.

With every stroke on the canvas, his heart leapt in his chest. In the days that followed, he began to paint again, getting lost into it. Jimin didn't even realize that the intensity of his pain has reduced nor noticed that the frequency of his coughing too has reduced.


On the other hand, Jungkook wasn't any better. He longed for his lover. The animal fairy Yoongi and plant fairy Namjoon listened to his whining patiently while fellow spring fairies Seokjin and Hoseok teased him relentlessly.

He mopped around the flower fields in their migrated area. His only comfort was that he left his best friend, a winter fairy Taehyung, back at Jimin's place. Taehyung has promised to watch over his human in his absence.

Jungkook missed the cookies and he missed Jimin's smiles even more. He couldn't wait for the winter to be over. So he could go back to his human.


When Jimin first found the mischievous winter fairy, it was a cold evening where he had once again forgotten to close the door that led to his backyard. Jungkook often used the door to get in and out of his home and it had become a habit to leave the door open.

At first, he thought a thief had somehow gotten inside, but a smile tugged at his lips when he noticed the translucent wings and snow-white hair.

The fairy bumped his head on the counter when he straightened immediately, Jimin's cookie jar nestled in his hands. This could be one of Jungkook's friends. Jimin perched his hip on the counter and folded his hands across his chest.

"Um...hi?" The fairy squeaked, wiping the cookie crumbs off. "Jungkook said you stored cookies here."

Jimin perked at the name, though he figured it out already. "Taehyung?" he asked instead. Jungkook often talked about a certain winter fairy and shared the stories of their childhood. "Why are you stealing from my kitchen?"

"I wasn't stealing!" The fairy looked offended. "I was only taking my share."

"Your share?" Jimin cocked a brow.

Taehyung shrugged. "I never took more than Jungkook's share. The ones you saved for him every day. Jungkook said he would let me have it if I watched over you."

Taehyung's blue eyes were wide as he defended himself and the pout forming in his lips were too adorable to be mad. Not that Jimin was angry. He was only teasing the fairy. The way Taehyung turned his body slightly to hide the cookie jar from his view was even more adorable.

Are all fairies this cute?

Jimin chuckled gently and covered his mouth. Soon it grew bigger and he threw his head back giving him a full-body laugh.

Taehyung stared blatantly. "No wonder Jungkookie is smitten."

"Huh?" Jimin blinked.

"Nothing." Taehyung shrugged, popping another cookie into his mouth, munching loudly.

"You're late by a month," Jimin said softly.

Taehyung only scratched his head sheepishly. "I was assigned to another area and just reached here."

Jimin nodded in understanding, grateful for the company nonetheless. "Want some tea?" he asked and smiled once more when the fairy nodded excitedly.

They became friends soon. Unlike Jungkook, this one was too upfront and over friendly. He left Jimin's home only when he had to work. Taehyung was chatty and didn't stop talking. He also had too many stories to share, which Jimin was so interested to listen to.

They grew close and Jimin learned that the winter fairy had a lover back home. It was refreshing to learn all about their courting rituals. Some sounded really fun. He also learned when a fairy fell in love or experienced a strong emotion they sprouted flowers whenever they were in their presence.

Jimin blinked upon realizing what that implied but didn't ask Taehyung about it because it was shocking. He shelved it in his mind to bring it up later. But he didn't have to live with that question for too long.

One evening Taehyung accidentally blurted out that Jungkook was in love with Jimin upon having too much of the fruit wine Jimin brought out from his cellar. Suddenly everything made sense. The way Jungkook sprouted flowers every time he was with him surfaced in his memory, but strangely, Jimin felt a tiny smile tugging at his lips.

When the winter finally ended and spring rolled around, he found the starry-eyed fairy on his doorsteps again with a goofy smile. Jungkook embraced Jimin, causing him to go red on his face.

Once again, they fell into their routine effortlessly. Jimin began to hang out with Jungkook while he worked in the forest and it was so refreshing. Jungkook never confessed his love and Jimin didn't need words to understand.

The peonies were growing healthier and bloomed once more. Jimin's heart was content. For the first time after his husband passed away, he felt like he could breathe again. Jimin realized he wasn't in chronic pain anymore or coughing up blood.

He didn't understand what was happening to him. Because Hanahaki was a rare condition that affected only the couple who seemed to have shared a deep bond and it was incurable.

The love he felt for his husband or how much he missed him hasn't changed. But there was peace in his mind. There was contentment when he watched Jungkook tending to the peonies. He realized his heart had grown bigger and was overflowing with love for his spring fairy.

One evening, he found the fairy fussing with a knitting kit and yawns of wool. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Knitting?" It came out as a question as if Jungkook himself didn't know what he was trying to do.

Jimin's brows rose. "Wow. Do you know how to knit?"

The fairy shook his head. "Trying to figure it out. It can't be that hard." His brows were scrunched in concentration.

"You can have my sweaters or we can buy more if you want it," he said. Jungkook shook his head furiously, eyes still focused on knitting. "Taehyung said you get cold easily during winters and the layers you have isn't enough. Winter is coming soon." Jungkook pouted. "I want you to be warm."

Jimin smiled and crouched in front of Jungkook, taking away the knitting materials and putting them aside. "Do you like me that much, Jungkook?" he asked gently. The fairy blushed so hard that flowers began to bloom in his hair. "Me too."

Jungkook's eyes went wide as Jimin closed the distance, pecking his lips. His eyes fluttered shut and he sprouted even more flowers as Jimin continued to kiss him gently. Jimin pulled back after several consecutive kisses. "I wish you didn't have to leave or I could join you," he said wistfully. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Y-You want me to stay?" Jungkook asked wide-eyed.

"Of course, you silly. I'd love it if you can stay. But I know you have a job to do and I won't be able to go with you."

"You would go with me?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin swallowed. "There is nothing that holds me back. I mean... There are the peonies and I..."

"Taehyung will take care of the peonies," Jungkook announced. "We just need to leave him enough cookies to last for the winter."

Jimin's smile brightened up the entire home. "Yeah?"


Jimin stood. "Then I think we should get started now."

Jungkook's smile grew even wider. "Yes." He jumped to his feet, wings fluttering behind him as he followed Jimin to the kitchen, the wool long forgotten by the fireplace.

"No stealing this time," Jimin warned but it had no bite behind it. He knew Jungkook couldn't control himself around the sweet things and he was okay with it.

Together they made cookies, only this time Jungkook stole not only the cookie dough but also Jimin's kisses.


Ten years later.

Jimin was happier than ever. Today was his late husband's anniversary. He visited the grave to place the peonies with a smile. He was happy. He still loved Ha-Joon, but he also loved a certain spring fairy. His lungs no longer hurt.


Jimin turned to see his five-year-old son, a spring fairy run up to him. They were genuinely surprised when the newly born child of nature chose them as his parents. Unlike humans, the fairies were all born from the elements of nature. Their son was born from a dewdrop.

He embraced his son, kissing his forehead fondly. Jimin told his late husband that he was happy and content, and introduced his son to him before wishing that he was happy too and was watching over him and his family from wherever he was.

Jungkook joined them soon with another bouquet. The spring fairy had planted more flowers around his late husband's grave.

Jimin almost cried when Jungkook thanked his late husband for taking care of him and loving him. Together they left the grave and went back home, spending the rest of the day watching a movie and cuddling in their living room.

Jimin never believed in fate or destiny. Now as he watched Jungkook wrestling with their son in their living room, the sounds of their laughter filling their home, he knew they were both real.

He glances up with a smile. "Thank you," he whispers to the ultimate power. "Thank you for the miracle."

He eyed Jungkook who smiled at him lovingly, flowers blooming in his hair and cheeks turning pink.

My miracle.


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