Colors of Love
#Jikookau where the Park and Jeon clans infamous for the manufacture of weapons and ammunition have been at odds for over a century.
In response to my Twitter convo with Ramyani. My godchild @ cosmic_jiminie here it is...
Inspired by Ramleela 👀
The song that started this brain glitch - For those who don't know, this pair is real life couple with onscreen chemistry that would lit ur screens on fire.
Another that will give you the brain glitch -
Violent altercations between the two infamous gangs of Yongsan were a daily occurrence. The law enforcement has enough trouble as it was to the point they turn blind-eyed to their fights. No police unit responded to distress calls if either of the gangs were involved. What was the point if it was just to get killed in the process? They have had enough losses in the past by getting in the crossfire. So, they had given up, choosing to save themselves instead.
Things were changing though. They were somewhat growing modernized. Running the business empire wasn't easy when the foreigners tended to take advantage of their illiteracy. So, they began sending their children to school, even though they detested education.
The current generation was the first to graduate high school. The most cherished youngest sons of both families went to London for their undergraduate program.
Only the close ones knew it was to keep them away from the entire feud and it was also to compete with each other. The killing was much easier than referring to hundreds of books and writing a thesis. Not everyone in the family could manage it except for the young ones who had a penchant for it. So, the families held onto them and relied on them to save their reputation.
What both families didn't know was that they inadvertently sent their kids to the same university and enrolled them in the same courses.
Jimin swayed to the sensual rhythm of the music with a flute of champagne in his hand, looking elegant as ever in his white outfit. The loose white shirt slid off his shoulders, exposing his clavicle. His gray hair was parted to the side and fell over his eyes, covering the glittery platinum mask he wore.
"Fucking show off!" Jungkook murmured, downing his vodka.
Even with the stupid mask, Jungkook could tell it was him. If it wasn't for the sexy curves or the plump swell of that ass, his soft, plump lips were such a dead giveaway. No one possessed sensual lips like those in the university, which was naturally pink and looked ripe.
They were in a masquerade-themed Holi celebration hosted by one of the Indian students. The party hasn't even started yet. The drinks were flowing already. Jungkook didn't know what to expect but his friends were excited. They called it a festival of colors. He didn't bother to check what it was.
Perhaps, he should have because they were all requested to dress in white and the mountain of colors that sat on tables at every corner he turned didn't look like a decorative accessory. Some students looked giddy already.
Jimin tossed a glance toward his direction, rolling his hips sensually with a purpose and Jungkook gritted his teeth. It was nothing new. Park's youngest son was such a tease and they have been playing this game ever since they ran into each other at another masquerade party.
He was the enemy. One Jungkook should stay away at all costs. Perhaps he should have used this opportunity to end his life and honor his family. But when he was pressed against the guy on the dancefloor, his ass grinding against him in that party, killing was the last thing on his mind.
He hadn't known who it was until the guy had turned around in his arms with a flirtatious grin. Even that knowledge hadn't changed the flow of his thoughts or the rush of awareness down south. It felt as if Jimin had already known who he was.
He was fucking hard as a rock and Jimin had known. He'd fucking known the effect he had on Jungkook. Because the teasing and subtle glances afterward held a purpose. Jungkook didn't hold back either. It was strangely thrilling and he couldn't come up with reasons to why he was so drawn to Jimin out of all.
Perhaps it was the thrill of having the attention of something forbidden. Ever since that night, all he could imagine was having Jimin under his mercy, begging him to fuck him or vice versa.
He had known he was into men ever since he turned sixteen. Something his family would never approve of, so it stayed his dirty little secret. Perhaps it was the knowledge that the Park boy craved for something similar yet something he couldn't have. That was their common ground. At least, he reasoned himself.
A year later, they were still playing hide and seek. No one had taken that step, afraid of where it would lead them. But Jungkook was dangerously reaching the end of his rope. His control was barely tethered. Tonight, it felt like it would snap.
Too lost in his thoughts, he didn't even see the water guns being readied or that people were yelling in excitement. A friend grabbed his elbow, shaking him as he told him to run. The celebration was starting. The goal was to hit as many people as possible with colors while avoiding the hits. Most of the words went over his head because his attention was elsewhere.
Excited squeals and screams pulled him out of his trance and he saw those throwing colors at each other.
His branded jacket and jeans didn't deserve this treatment. His nine hundred dollar white shoes would cry a river if they could. He now understood why he was receiving all the funny looks from people earlier. His panicked gaze searched for Jimin and soon found him dashing through the crowd, not a single color on him.
Jungkook smirked. Target acquired.
He grabbed a water gun from a guy who was chasing someone and rushed after his target with a glint in his eyes. You're mine.
Jungkook was amazed at Jimin's skills. He effortlessly avoided the colors and hits aimed at him, laughter tumbling out of his mouth as he ran. He ignored the few hits that hit their mark and barely avoided the others, his eyes trained on his prize.
He wanted to be the first to hit Jimin tonight. It sounded easier said than done because Jimin seemed to know the mansion like the back of his hand. When he disappeared from his view only a few minutes into the chase, Jungkook was left to search for him among the hundreds.
But he wasn't the one to give up though. Once he set his eyes on something there was nothing that deterred him from getting what he wanted.
He lost sight of Jimin sometime into the chase. By then he was attacked by many, but his gaze was only locked on the crowd for one person.
It was half an hour later, he got a glimpse of Jimin again. He was on the north side of the mansion, upstairs, running through the long halls.
Jungkook skipped two stairs at a time, climbing with an extra bounce in his steps. Adrenaline pumped through his veins with his target so close. A blur of white was all he saw when he entered the corridor. It disappeared into a room.
He slowed down to a jog, approaching the room. The crowd was less here and no one seemed to have noticed Jimin yet. He checked the lock, finding it unlocked. Jungkook grinned to himself as he slipped inside the room without further ado.
The room was dimly lit with the only lights coming from the gap through the curtains. The luxurious bedroom was spacious with white and gray tones. His favorite combo. The person who owned this room had great taste. But where the heck was Jimin?
A lock clicked into place and he whirled around only to be hit with a swirl of colors right on his face. He pursed his lips and held his breath on instinct. When he opened his eyes, it was to a peel of laughter. Jimin stood there with color-stained hands but not even a bit on his pristine clothes.
"Those brands aren't made for this, you know that?" he teased. He removed the mask elegantly, dropping it on the floor. Jungkook noticed the crystals places under his eyes. If angels lived on earth, this was what they would look like. "It's not easy to get these colors out of the clothes."
Jungkook huffed. He couldn't give rat's ass about his clothes anymore. All he cared about was painting Jimin in bright colors. Jimin seemed to have noticed the shift in his demeanor because the laughter faded into a mischievous smirk.
Jungkook lunged but Jimin ducked with a squeal and dashed to the other side of the room. But the room was closed and Jungkook knew there was no way out unless one of them opened it. It didn't feel like either of them intended to do that.
The chase was more thrilling than any other adventure he had been on. Jimin's musical laughter was a bonus. Jimin continued to run, jumping over the bed and using other furniture in the room as cover. But Jungkook too was quick on his feet.
He had Jimin cornered in less than ten minutes. The music continued to blast from downstairs, which was only a muted thud of bass inside the room. Their heartbeats were too loud in his ears as he stalked toward Jimin with a predatory glare.
Jimin backed up, eyes growing hooded with each step. When his back hit the wall, he gasped softly. Jungkook's eyes zoomed onto his lips, licking his own lips unconsciously. For a moment, he forgot his mission, staring at those succulent lips too long.
It was when he lifted his hand to cup his cheeks, he remembered. Jungkook closed the remaining distance with a mischievous glint. "Got you," he whispered, pressing their bodies together.
"You did," Jimin's voice was even more sensual than he remembered. His smile was still intact when he leaned to press his cheek into his palm, which were mere inches away from his face.
Jungkook gasped at the softness of his skin—smooth and silky to touch. Up close, he could see the constellation of freckles he wanted so badly to trace with his lips. He dropped the water gun unceremoniously to the floor. His thumb traced the flawless skin as if it was a delicate flower, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake.
So beautiful.
Jimin closed his eyes, lips parted as he let his head drop against the wall. Jungkook inched closer, eliminating the gap, his lips hovering inches away from Jimin's plump ones. The first touch of their lips was tentative.
Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut as he felt a delicious shiver run down his spine. Blood rushed to his head, the buzzing noise drowning out any other sounds around them. This was it. A slight tremble of his hands was the only giveaway of how nervous he was.
He opened his eyes briefly to see Jimin doing the same. Their breath mingled as they glanced at each other, throats bobbing with anticipation. With red color smearing on his mouth, Jimin looked desirable than ever. There was no going back. Jungkook raked his brain to find some sort of restraint.
When Jimin closed the distance this time, he let go, pinning him to the wall. The first slide of their lips was heavenly. Jimin's lips were perfect. He was perfect. The soft, tentative kiss had grown full of need in mere seconds—their teeth clacked and tongues intertwined in that sensual dance.
Seeking hands explored each other without any inhibitions. He slipped his hand under Jimin's shirt, relishing the way his warm skin quivered under his touch. Jimin was no better. His hands ran all over his back, settling on his ass to squeeze it with a wanton moan against his mouth.
Jimin consumed his thoughts, his fragrant scent invaded his senses, and the soft yet needy touches ignited the fire in his veins. Jungkook was lost yet felt as if finally belonged.
Hours later, when they lay on top of ruined sheets in a tangle of limbs, lips still connected in a languid kiss, both not wanting the moment to be over Jungkook knew this was it. Even the exhaustion and the sleep begging him to give in wasn't enough to keep him grounded.
With just one taste, he craved. The addiction had clearly settled under his skin. He hadn't touched another ever since he ran into Jimin at that party. Couldn't look at another without thinking of Jimin. So when the realization settled in that Jimin had positively ruined him for any other man out there, he accepted the reality with a foolish grin.
When he pulled back to gaze into Jimin's hooded eyes swimming with emotions, he realized he wouldn't mind if Jimin pulled out a gun and pressed it on his forehead right this instant. Hell, he would let him. He wouldn't even think twice.
"You know Holi is a day where one rid oneself of past errors, to end conflicts and mark new beginnings?" Jimin whispered. "Do you think this could be our beginning?"
Jungkook didn't think twice before nodding his head. "Yes. Yes, I want it to be."
The radiant smile Jimin gave him was all he needed. He kissed him again and again until he could no longer keep his eyes open.
Jungkook and Jimin watched the burning vehicles with intertwined hands. The head-on collision was ruthless but believable. The car had run into the truck, the inmates dead on spot.
The rain pelted on them without any mercy. It hadn't been in their plans at first, but nature seemed to be on their side as it would wash away any traces they might leave behind.
"Come on, guys. The police will be here soon. Let's leave." Seokjin, a common friend and their well-wisher grinned.
Jungkook glanced at Jimin, smiling at him as he brought his knuckles to his lips. "It's over," he whispered.
Jimin's relieved tears mixed with the raindrops as he finally smiled. "Yes, it's over now."
With one last glance toward the wreckage, they hurried to the car that was waiting for them.
"I'll meet you guys there." Seokjin waved a hand before closing the door behind them.
With a nod, Jungkook stepped on the gas and he didn't look back. Three years had passed since that fateful Holi night since they realized their feelings for each other. He had waited every day for the feelings to diminish or to turn into something else. But it only continued to grow like a tree, spreading its branches and bearing flowers.
Jimin conveniently had a room to himself in his friend's mansion—the same mansion where they met and mingled; the same mansion where their love grew secretly and away from the prying eyes.
When it became evident that their families would never resolve their issues, and would never be in the same room as one without killing each other, Jungkook decided it was time to do something else.
Being Korean had its perks. When you meet a fellow Korean on foreign lands, they tend to strike a friendship, trying to retain some familiarity and connection to their homeland. Jungkook and Jimin met Kim Taehyung during one of their trips to Las Vegas.
A game or two in one of the casinos where the dark-haired man was clearly winning and had the entire table mesmerized with his charms, they ended up having drinks together. They exchanged numbers and soon Taehyung became that friend who would do anything for you.
The entire thing was his idea. An hour before the accident, Jimin and Jungkook called their respective families, coming out to them and telling them they were in love with a man, but never said who it was. They listened to their families cursing and demanding them to board the plane immediately. They grinned when the death threats sprang so easily from their mouths as was their second nature. They both ended up muttering goodbye with heavy hearts.
Taehyung came from a family of old money. His elder brother Seokjin was a well-known surgeon while his second brother Namjoon worked in the film industry. He knew the right people who did those believable action sequences for Hollywood movies.
It was wonderful what a little money could do. The plan originated during the second year of their dating. Their families didn't care about their frequent trips to Las Vegas and the money spent on casinos while in reality those were transferred into an overseas bank account for the future.
Two years later, Jungkook bought a profitable resort in the Bahamas, which would become their home. They flew through the highways, putting as much distance behind them as possible.
In a few hours, their families would learn of their death. No one would know it was fabricated. The anonymous bodies they borrowed from a mortuary inside the car had their DNAs. Seokjin would easily confirm their identities and the things they left behind along with other proofs would validate his statement.
It was done. Their past would end here.
Jungkook blew out a relieved breath and slowed down a bit once they crossed the state borders. They had a long way to go, but he hadn't felt this free since his birth. Beside him, Jimin smiled warmly.
"Are you happy?" he asked him.
Jimin nodded, looking ahead. "Happier than I've ever been."
Jungkook's smile widened. He reached over the console to intertwine his fingers with Jimin's fingers. "Me too."
Their families might mourn them for a while, but he knew they'd go right back to their way of life and things would go on without them. He sighed, dropping his head back on the headrest. But they had a lot to look forward to. He couldn't wait to start fresh. He might never be able to go back and he would have to forget his real name and everything he was before this day.
A glance at Jimin's serene face had warmth rush to his chest. It was worth it. Even if he was given another chance, he wouldn't change a thing. Jimin was worth everything.
He kissed his knuckles again. "I love you."
Jimin smiled, his eyes closing briefly as if he was savoring the words. "Love you more..."
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