Chp 19: A Long Overdue Meeting

On another starless night in the corner of town, a young girl studied the night away. Head down with a soft yellow bulb bearing over the papers before her. On her right was a little pencil cup filled with bolts and screws. A soldering tool was visible in the open drawer on her left. There was a contraption with a colorful spectrum of gears and joints acting as a paperweight. Underneath was a small stack of papers with answers to questions already filled out.

She had long since completed her assignments. Her mother tried doubling the workload to keep up with her growing prowess. With intelligence like hers, it's nearly impossible to formulate a curriculum she hasn't mastered. Those history questions put her in a slump though.

With the monotony of modern education conquered she could focus on more pressing matters. The current page of her notebook read: Absentee Brawler Search or A.B.S. for short. Two pages worth of strange oddities she had discovered during her investigations. She started the notes when Chester first asked her to keep an ear to the ground for him. At that time all she could find were kids gossiping about where the Brawlers could have gone. Now she had much juicier details to report.

To start, she'd been listening to the walls for days. It was hard to sneak around with Nani's software constantly monitoring her. Usually, she would dupe Nani's sensors by hiding in the vents but she'd grown too big for those tricks. However, she managed to keep track of her and Pam's occasional conversations. Besides accidentally hearing that her birthday gift was ready she also caught something odd. Pam and Nani were talking about an upcoming project. Though she couldn't hear it over the crackling oils within the stove, Jessie did catch one statement, "...they're all offline now..."

Jessie made sure to jot that down. She couldn't catch any more of their talk since Nani went on the search soon after. It was the robot's constant check-ins that kept her from getting the vital details. After she dodged another Peep-shaped inspection she took a moment to analyze her findings. Her mother said, 'They're all offline." If the 'they' she's referring to are her junk collection bots that would be a bold lie. Anyone within a thousand feet would be able to hear them rushing throughout the night. So it must be something else.

Her childish mind imagined what the 'they' could be. Maybe a set of specialized bots deep within her lab. Or it could be she's on a secret mission as well. Has she successfully disabled the laser grids in her way? She chuckled at the thought, imagining her mother going on a super-secret mission as a spy. Her portly body trying to sneak through a heavily guarded vault was too funny.

Her finger traced the bulleted list. "Who is Adam?" she whispered while chewing on the pencil's eraser. She had recently managed to sneak up on her mother during a call. She was arguing with someone named, Adam. Whoever this guy was she seemed extremely miffed talking to him. That wasn't the only time she'd caught her mid-conversation. This Adam person would call her all the time when she was younger. It just now dawned on her that he might be important. Who is he?

She caught herself before nearly rocking out of her chair. This experiment was tougher than any problem her mother could think of. There was another major oddity she had to mention. Her mother kept staying extra late inside the lab. Jessie would sometimes find herself waking up to the sound of Pam entering the home at four or five in the morning. Jessie knew that there wasn't much to entertain her inside the warehouse itself. She must have been spending sleepless nights inside her underground lab. That was dedicated to massive projects. It was under those floors that Nani was originally created. She hadn't been down there in years so she had no idea what kind of advancements she's made since then. Could it be another super robot? Something to help with the missing Brawlers cases?

All these questions and more were scribbled between the pages of her binder. She doesn't know how, but she's certain that this will help him out somehow. He and her mother must be working on the same thing, even if they don't know it. She wishes her mother would listen to her whenever she explained that Chester was innocent. Pam always brushed her aside, saying that she was biased because of her crush. A statement that always ended with Jessie rushing away with flushed cheeks. If only she knew about their secret meetings. Though she did promise Chester she'd keep quiet about that.

As Jessie continued daydreaming her hand scribbled absently. In a corner of the page, she found herself drawing a little doodle of a clown. There were hearts around the head and a little redhead stick figure next to it. She couldn't help but lean into the page as she added some more details. A little backpack for the girl, a black and blue color palette for the clown. Her body was heating up as she dived deeper into her fantasies.

She imagined how Chester would react when he saw her notes. Sure she was supposed to stay out of this until he said otherwise, but how could she abandon him. He was running around all alone. Her dark hero of the night. He'd surely be elated to see all the information she's gained. He'd definitely give her another pat on the head. He'd say something like how she's so smart, pretty, and talented. All things she dreamed of hearing from others.

Her tiny legs crossed as she dived deeper into these desires. Ever since her encounters with Crow and Leon, she's felt like a whole new woman. Her entire world shifted from a timid flower fighting against the rain to a mason's masterpiece weathering the harshest storm. She thought about a world where she managed to find the culprit. Or better than that, found the kidnapped Brawlers. He'd probably see her as his hero. A clever twist that would go perfectly with a romance novel. Then in his elation, he'd gain feelings for her. And then...

*jingle* *jingle*

Jessie's hands slammed the notebook shut. That sound was all too familiar. She panicked, looking around her room hoping that she was just imagining it. She looked toward her bed and noticed the small bulge in the sheets. She carefully approached to reveal the blue mask and bells that Chester had entrusted to her. The garment was several times larger than her head but she would sometimes snuggle with it through the night. She knew there was a chance that her mother or Nani might see it but she couldn't help it. The scent of sugary syrups. That layer of sticky caramel-coated cloth. The remnants of white face paint on the mask's inner layer.

It smelled just like him.

There was no time for fantasizing. That noise couldn't have come from here. There wasn't any wind inside to knock it around. It didn't fall off the mattress. So where did that-

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Her rosy pigtails slashed the air as she whipped back. Did that come from the door? She quickly covered up the accessory before making her way back to the desk. After waiting for a few minutes no one came inside. She quietly said, "Come in," which garnered no response. She decided to check the hallway, but no one was there.

Jessie's scalp itched with anticipation. A knock is usually followed by an arrival. What did she hear?

*knock* *knock*

There it was again. This time she was sure it wasn't her door. She was standing right beside it. So what could it be? She walked around trying to see if something had fallen. Maybe one of her tinkerings had malfunctioned. Beside her bedpost, her SCRAPPY turret had activated itself. It pointed toward the window and its view out into the junkyard.

Jessie wasn't so sure about that. They were on the second floor. You'd need a ladder to knock on her window, that or be able to fly. She thought about that possibility and decided to test the theory. She carefully approached the window. Swinging it open suddenly and peaking her head outside. There was no ladder and no one was flying around or throwing rocks at her window, so what could it have been?


Suddenly two golden bells dropped into view. Attached to them were teal and turquoise ribbons which bounced around with gravity's pull. She felt her heart racing at his sudden arrival and the familiar attire. He dangled off the edge of her roof, strawberry locks being revealed as his hat came loose. Then like a monkey catching their meal, he swung down to just nearly snatch the cap before it could get away.

He hung there in his glory by a single arm. A matching teal and turquoise jester's costume with dark pink boots. His star medallion held his clothes together along his chest. Attached to his satchel he slung behind him a jack in the box. The soft tune played like a theme song for his arrival. Then there was the subtle eyeshadow making a triangle under each eye. And his golden smile that she'd gotten addicted to.

"Chester!" she squealed as she dove forward to hug him.

He freaked out to grab her without slipping from the limited surface area he perched himself on. "Whoa calm down, squirt!" He rubbed the small of her back as he laughed they dangled twenty feet above the ground, "You're acting like I haven't seen you in years."

She latched onto his side like a koala to its mother. She beamed as she ruffled his hair for a change, "You're normal."

Chester looked a bit confused as he helped her back into her room, "Ain't I always normal?"

"You know what I mean!" she giggled. Jessie couldn't contain her joy. Just when she was thinking about him, he arrived. There must be a God looking out for her after all. She had to collect herself. She didn't want to look like an infant in front of him, "How'd you get inside?"

Chester rocked back on his raised seat, "Well it was kinda tricky." He held his chin like he was in deep thought, "I landed behind another robot and I just sorta followed it around." He leaned forward to addendum, "But the hardest part was not getting seen by all the other ones."

Jessie's eyes lit up, "You were sneaking in the shadows again."

Chester snickered before deciding to show off a bit. He balanced himself on his toes, "Yep! Like a ninja." He made the hand symbol known as Zai, though his form was tremendously wrong. Jessie joined in all the same though.

The two continued to goof off as if they were old friends catching up. Separated for a decade with no idea when they'd meet again. Jessie was once again the one who got the conversation back on track, "Are we resuming the investigation?"

Chester looked a little confused, "Investigation?"

Jessie rolled her eyes. He always teases her. She rushed to her desk to retrieve the notes. She presented them like a toddler who had just drawn her first family portrait, "Look. I decided to keep snooping." Chester's smile started to fade upon seeing this. His lack of enthusiasm made her stomach flip. She knew she shouldn't have investigated without his okay, "I-I-I know you said I should stop... but I-"

"This is amazing!"

Her tongue caught in her throat, "It is?"

Chester clamped onto the folder like an industrial claw, "Of course it is." His eyes rushed back and forth like a copier scanning a document. He stopped on a corner and Jessie felt her blood chill. The doodle, she'd completely forgotten her daydream. Chester stared at her for a second before flipping to a previous page, "And the attention to detail. It's amazing." He slammed it shut with a climactic slap. Then he stared through her soul, "You're awesome, Jess."

She felt her heart stop. It was too much for her tiny form to handle, it took all her focus to keep on her feet. She had to be reminded to breathe when Chester warned her about a purple complexion. Jessie turned away as she squeaked out, "So if we aren't investigating why are you here?" Change the subject. She had to change the subject. It was the only way she could recover from that near-knockout blow.

"Well... I mostly wanted to see you..."

Jessie was about to collapse now. 'Hold on,' she told herself, 'let him finish his sentence.'

"But I actually stopped by to give you some good news." Chester pocketed the notebook before continuing, "I finally got to talk with your mother." Hearing the mention of Pam snapped her out of her stupor. Chester continued, "And she decided to help me clear my name."

Jessie gasped at the reveal, "That means."

"I'm getting my job back!"

She and Chester locked fingers as they jumped with joy. Finally, the rest of Starr Park would know the truth she'd been trying to preach. They'd know that not only was Chester innocent but he's even cooler than they thought. Despite being framed he fought in the shadows to protect them. Which also means, "I'll get to go to Mandy's Candy again!"

Chester just chuckled at her childish assertion. Jessie started walking toward her bed as she spoke, "I'm so happy you can go back to normal. You look better without that makeup." She locked up before she could grab the mask, "Not that you don't look good with it. I mean! Not that you're good-looking- I MEAN!" As Jessie continued to fumble her words Chester just sat on the sill with a mocking grin. The way the light was hitting him made his already perfect smile blind her. His half-lidded eyes swallowed her heart like a black hole. Jessie knew there was no hope for her now. She couldn't bring herself to look at him anymore. She buried her head beneath the sheets like those old ostrich legends.

Chester rolled his eyes as he lazily slinked into her room. The sound of his feet applying pressure to the wood signaled his slow approach. Jessie responded by digging even deeper in. She swallowed herself up in bright red fabric. All but her lower body and pigtails were hidden under the fabrics. She felt something heavy join her by the bedside. That only caused the heat to rise even further.

He pulled at the sheets, ripping them away to reveal her hiding spot. She squeaked like a nervous hamster being grappled by their owner's hand. Jessie's head was currently covered in a black and blue mask. The bells were nearly identical to his own cap minus the funny face that hers had. Chester stared down for a moment before deciding to take a gentler approach. He picked up an edge of her mask peaking underneath to see the tears perching on the corners of her eyes. He had to stifle another snicker lest he really make her cry.

Jessie managed to open an eye and look at him. A bit of her own cherry hair obscured the view. Chester gave her a closed-eyed smile. His voice was a mellow coo, "You look pretty cute in that mask."

Jessie could feel her face shifting hues. She buried herself into the mattress and screeched. An action that Chester had to quickly halt. "Woah, woah calm down." He placed a hand on her back unaware of the bare skin she'd unwittingly exposed during her self-entombment. This skin-on-skin contact made her shiver, "You don't want Pam to know I'm here." Jessie managed to relax by riding the chill sound waves his throat could produce. He added, "Trust me. I'll go missing next if she finds out a boy was in her daughter's room."

That fact hadn't even registered yet. Jessie had a boy in her room. She'd never had a boy inside her room before. Not only that, but he was also sitting on her bed. And calling her cute! And touching her back!!! This was way too much. There was no way she could have prepared for tonight.

Chester sat there comforting her as she fell down from her freakout. When she started to finally quiet down Chester rose from his plush seat, "Well, Jess. I think I'm gonna leave for now." If he stayed any longer he'd get turned into mince meat by Pam's scrap launcher.

He hopped onto the windowsill ready to disappear from where he came. Jessie jumped up just in time, "Wait." She presented the capped mask from her spot in the covers, "Don't you want to take this back?" She noticed how puzzled he looked at her request, "You promised you would."

Chester took a moment to examine the cap from afar. He noticed how it was nearly the size of her chest. A clever idea sprouted up, "Well I wouldn't mind taking it... but you seem attached to it."

Jessie denied it heavily, "N-No I'm not." Though as she said that she had it held close to her heart.

Chester just laughed as he pretended to think up a solution, "Well... since you definitely don't want it. Let's play a game." Jessie's head turned in anticipation, "Tomorrow we'll play tag. But the rule is, it will go from sunrise to sunset." He pointed to himself, "If I catch you, I'll take the hat." He pointed ahead, "But if you manage to avoid me, you can keep it."

Jessie was elated with this proposition. A chance to keep his hat all to herself. Though she didn't need it anyway. It would just be a reward to prove she beat him in a game. Though an interesting problem did come up, "But you're way faster than me. How can I outrun you?"

Chester put up a finger before digging into his own hat. He tossed her five candy balls. Each of them was a hue lighter than his clothes. "Those are speed beans. You'll only get five but eat one of those and you'll leave me in the dust." Jessie realized where they came from and gagged in response. "Don't knock it till you try it," he deadpanned.

Jessie reached down into her sheets to collect the treats. While she was inspecting them for loose hairs Chester mentioned, "Remember the game starts in the morning."


Jessie looked up to ask if there were any safe spots, but he had suddenly disappeared. The window was firmly shut as if he had never been there at all. Jessie didn't even bother with getting out of bed. She just placed the sweets on her nightstand before flopping onto her back. She buried her face into the mask while kicking and screaming. Her glee was so hard to hold back. It needed release.

She had just been visited by the cutest boy in town, he called her cute, and tomorrow she would be playing with him all day. When she was done letting loose nearly an hour's worth of pent-up joy she sighed into her prize to be. She really was the luckiest girl in Starr Park. No! The world.

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