Ch 3: Two for One
The delights within Mandy's Rainbow Candy Shop had no limits. From spherical sugar balls to gooey chocolate cakes, if it was sweet it was here. Currently, it was mostly empty within the usually busy store. Almost a waste that so many delicious confections were going uneaten.
So in reality Chester's constant devouring of snacks while on the job was a form of conservation. At least that's what he told Mandy as she held her cane's barrel to his neck. He was lying with his chin on the ground while the lemon-haired queen yelled at him much to the delight of the customers. Another great show with their sweets.
When Mandy relinquished her grip Chester returned to his usual antics. He jumped around the colorful store and babbled about with the consumers. Listening in and adding hilarious anecdotes to their simple conversations.
A group of youths were huddled in a corner marveling over the many attractions weaved into the studded streets. They talked about the fantastic stunt show within the overstuffed stadiums in the Entertainment District. The wrestling matches that El Primo showcased in the city center. Even an unscheduled fire dancing performance was like watching a main event at a boxing match.
Chester leaned in with an anecdotal, "What about the performance by Poco? Didn't Janet's song send you soaring? Waa-ha-ha-ha-ha."
The kids snickered along but were less enthusiastic with their answer, "Janet's song was cool, but we didn't see Poco."
Chester's act faltered for a moment. He managed to slap on that fool's charm once more, "I guess he was a sleepy bone." Chester gave a playful snicker as he made a piece of candy appear from thin air. They all screamed with glee and ran off to get more snacks from the glass bubbles.
Meanwhile, Chester hid behind an assorted candy stand. He took a deep breath and raked his eyes. Is it a coincidence? Poco's words from yesterday and the disappearance of Dyanmike a few days earlier. Are they connected?
Chester could hear Mandy saying goodbye to some customers, "And don't forget that Mandy's Candy is the sweet tooth of Starr Park." It was a tired phrase but Mandy continued to spit it up like a mother bird feeding its young. She caught a glimpse of Chester's eyes and stuck her tongue out.
Chester returned the favor by matching it with an additional finger. Mandy refocused on checking out the customers while Chester got back to work harassing them. Though with every step he couldn't help but think about what he'd heard.
Starr Park's streets were never quiet. Calm sure but quiet, certainly not. Even with the moon high above the sky, there were still mopeds rushing by and people walking the pristine sidewalks. Chester couldn't take the Candy Cart out on joy rides so he figured he'd walk to the Wild West region.
The Wild West was one of the first districts ever established in Starr Park. It was originally just a dirt road with some old wooden shacks along the path. There was an old saloon, a broken bank, and a dusty field where an assortment of games could be played.
At least that's how it used to be. Nowadays the Wild West District is a land in the future. Or the modern era by cowfolk's standards. Sure it still held its rustic charm but all the boards had been replaced with polished wood and shiny new signs. There were robots dressed in the age and programmed to interact with the people as if they were still in the 1800s. Minus the blatant racism.
Chester's feet kicked up dust as he transitioned into the old school town. He saw the dress code change. Men had on old leather vests and crusty slacks. The woman walked in long dresses with their hair done up in fantastical style. He got to see an older gentleman selling magical charms and bobbles from an old wooden cart outside of a bustling tavern.
In fact, it was this exact tavern that was his destination. A rather small shack that had flapping doors and a single word on the front. Barley's. It was the most popular pub in the Wild West region. It's hosted by the Starr Brawler of the Old Towne Trio. A robot whose name matched the bar he owned. Chester had met Barley the first time he visited the Wild West. Whenever he would stop by to see Poco they'd always meet within this very bar.
He figured he'd stop by for a drink before he made his way to Poco's apartment. Something about the hustle and bustle seeping through the opening was beckoning him. He pushed through the doors and ducked from crashing glasses against a wall. The busy sound he'd heard before was actually a massive fight between several Brawlers.
He was unable to turn away as Mortis struggled within Frank's massive hands. The undead mortician's top hat was on the ground as he continued to bite and snarl forward. El Primo in all his machismo stood stalwart while holding onto Amber's collar. This flaming dancer was barking worse than Mortis with flames on her tongue. All the while the two massive men tried their best to calm down their enraged partners.
Chester looked to the bar where Barley was casually cleaning out a glass. The robot's large singular eye stared through Chester and shifted its pupil in the shape of a smile. He returned to his cleaning and disappeared behind a door just as another bottle was shattered against the wall.
Chester refocused on the scuffle in the middle of the floor. Amber was inhaling a massive amount of alcohol and reaching for her flaming baton. Luckily Shelly was there to get the fire stick away from her. She ended up spewing out the alcohol all over Mortis. He was drenched in the smelly liquid yet still spewing out more fire than her.
Chester felt like he'd just walked into a boiler room ready to blow. He didn't want to be here when it popped. He carefully backed away without taking his eyes off the fight. The only reason he hadn't escaped was due to a sharp pain in his rear. He hit the floor and turned around a bit miffed. Any anger he had was immediately replaced with relief when he saw the smiling cactus behind him. The same living plant that he'd seen that snow top girl chasing after a few days before. He was short, stout, and mute but he was a valued member of Shelly's Wild West trio.
Chester's headdress clambered twice as loud as usual. He got to his knees and apologized for bumping into the cactus. Only for a fellow redhead to drop a hand on his shoulder. The sheriff to Shelly's bandit and the final member of the Wild West, Colt. He pulled Chester up from the floor and threw him forward. His voice was annoying and crackled with each syllable, "Chester, tell Mortis that Poco wouldn't do that."
Chester stumbled over his words, "D-Do?" Mortis shot a sharp glare with glowing red eyes. His gaze nearly paralyzed Chester who managed to choke out, "What did Poco... not... do?"
The pale man calmed down in his massive Frankenstein-esque brother's arms. He signaled that he had relaxed and was slowly let down by the monster. After dusting off his fancy black tuxedo and reaffixing his purple bat sigil, an accusatory finger was thrown at the mariachi duo, "Poco kidnapped Emz and these two are abating him!"
Amber spewed fire from her teeth, "Poco wouldn't kidnap Emz!" The top of her head erupted into an inferno. The ebony performer kicked El Primo's stomach over and over, but the luchador's grip refused to falter, "Poco went missing same as her!"
Chester was stunned, "Emz is missing too?"
Mortis lunged forward and picked Chester up by his shirt. He yelled into his face with spit flying everywhere, "She's not MISSING! I know where she is. In a basement somewhere with Poco!" Mortis threw Chester aside, "I know he's living out some depraved fantasy!"
Amber yelled back, "Poco wouldn't hurt a fly!"
Mortis returned the volley with, "I know you're covering for him. Your lies won't work here."
El Primo's little cousin Shelly was the next to speak up, "Mortis, calm down. I'm sure Poco didn't kidnap Emz."
Mortis recoiled into a table, "They've tricked you too?" He pulled his shovel off his back, "I'll get the truth out of you." As Mortis returned to his physical threats Frank appeared behind him once more. "One way or anoth-" Frank snatched the shovel from his hands and held it high above his head. Mortis turned around with a pouty, "Frank. Frank, no, give it back."
They watched as Mortis jumped up trying to get back his weapon of choice. Chester took a stance beside El Primo and asked, "What happened?"
El Primo's voice sounded like the announcer of a boxing match even when he whispered, "Mortis says he found evidence that Emz was kidnapped by Poco last night."
Mortis turned around with a bit less energy. "I know I'm right. I saw it all." Mortis began the retelling of how he and Frank had come across their evidence.
After twenty-seven missed calls, Mortis was starting to worry about Emz. Twenty-seven had always been her limit for ignoring him. He knew that she was going out to Poco's performance for the day like she always does. Of course, she was going to follow him home as is her tradition, but she always called him when she was walking around. After a few calls from him first.
He knew that Poco had something to do with this. That sicko was always obsessed with Emz but never admitted it. Of course, he's obsessed, his darling little niece Emz is the most beautiful zombie in the mortuary. He brought her back from the dead just so she could show the world her beauty even in death. Why wouldn't the skeleton jump at the chance to have her all to himself? Any man, woman, or creature would be lucky to have her at their side. Which is why only they deserve to have her.
He told Frank that he was going to hunt down Poco and finally put a stop to that bastard. He wouldn't let his niece flaunt over that shrimp anymore. Frank obviously didn't agree as he thought that Poco was a great guy. He did the only thing he could and followed close behind his Starr. A choice that he never understood.
As they patrolled the streets that night they were constantly hounded by fans. Frank was happy to take photos with the children, striking silly faces and showing off his strength to the cameras. Meanwhile, Mortis was slinking from alley to alley tearing up the streets in his search. Frank did his best to clean up the mess he was making but he could only do so much.
When they got within range of the Wild West's opening gate Mortis disappeared into a random alley. Frank chased after him as Mortis called, "This is where he's hiding his secret hideout." Frank grunted back in confusion, but Mortis wouldn't stop ranting, "I've seen him walk here before. I know he's hiding her here."
Frank turned back and noticed a bunch of trash cans with Entertainment District cups sitting inside. He figured this was where he threw away his drinks on his way home. A fact that made Frank roll his eyes and sigh.
The shrill screech made Frank jump. He lumbered after his brother and skidded to a halt in an open side street. His eccentric and pale Starr Brawler was now screeching ad infinitum. Frank looked over his shoulder and saw a massive crater. The epicenter had to be nearly five feet deep and the diameter was twice the size of the eight-foot giant.
But Frank knew that wasn't what had Mortis so alarmed. The real issue was that in the middle of this explosive disaster was a purple can. A bottle of hair spray with Emz's name on the side.
"And that's how I know that Poco took her!" Mortis stood in the middle of it all with his hands firmly wrapped around his stolen shovel. Frank refused to relinquish his admittedly limp grip.
Chester was flabbergasted, unlike Amber who didn't hesitate to retort, "That only proves that Emz is missing. What does it have to do with Poco?"
"Nothing of Poco's was at the crime scene." Mortis countered.
Colt spoke up, "Wouldn't that prove that he's not connected to the disappearance?"
Mortis seemed head sure, "It proves that he made sure he didn't look connected!"
Chester had to listen on as the group reignited their arguments. He dozed off into his own thoughts and looked around the pub. He noticed all the silly trinkets that were adorning the walls. And the strange blue poster stood out against the old-timey aesthetic.
It was a poster with Dynamike's face on the front. It said that Dynamike would be gone on a treasure-hunting adventure with Penny's Pirates. As such the pirate attractions would be temporarily closed until their return.
Chester knew the truth thanks to Poco and Rosa. He's sure that the other Brawlers knew as well. He didn't hesitate to speak up, "It's connected."
Everyone snapped at him. Amber nearly broke from El Primo's grip, "WHAT?!"
Chester defended himself, "Hear me out. Dynamike went missing too." Frank seemed confused by that reveal.
Mortis snarled, "You aren't supposed to know that. Mandy isn't supposed to tell anyone."
"She didn't. Poco told me."
Mortis jumped to El Primo, "You're telling them?!"
Primo blew a raspberry. He threw Amber over his shoulder before explaining, "You might follow their every word, but we are family. I would not risk their safety because the execs say so."
Mortis calmed down, "The execs tell us these things to keep us from causing a panic."
Barley's electronic accent chimed in, "I think it's a bit too late for that."
The group looked around at the few customers still in the shop. With all the commotion Chester hadn't even noticed the few people still sitting along the corners watching the show. And the few cameras that caught it all on video.
Colt quickly got to work shooing the people away from Barley's bar. An idea that Barley disagreed with but couldn't be bothered to fight. Chester pulled on his tassels. He'd completely forgotten about the public. If the Starr execs found out that he'd let the pigeon fly like this he'd surely be fired.
Mortis wasn't as worried. He stormed out the front door with a final decree, "I know that Poco is behind this. And if none of you will believe me then I'll find the truth myself!" With that, he smashed out. However, the flopping doors didn't do much to help exclaim his point. Frank grumbled out an apology as he squeezed his massive shoulders through the small outlet.
Chester was still floored by everything he had heard. Shelly was trying to understand it all as well. They talked to El Primo as he finally let Amber down from her suspended prison. The moment her feet touched the ground the fire went out and she cried to herself. Shelly was there as a shoulder for her to weep on while Primo and Chester awkwardly sat down trying to understand it all.
During all of this Spike just watched from the side with a placid grin. His face was eternally locked into a smile forcing his body to show his emotions. His shoulders were slumped and his head hung low but he was still smiling despite the news.
Colt carefully tapped Spike's shoulder with his gun barrel. Spike looked up at his Starr Brawler, "Hey Spike. I know how much you like your solitude-" Spike wanted to voice his disagreement with that statement. Admittedly he loved being with his friends, but Colt was on a tangent, "-but I don't want you walking home alone anymore."
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