RWBY Chibi S3 Ep3: Mortal Frenemies


One Shot, One Pill
So this skit starts off with Taiyang trying to give Zwei a pill but after several tries he still can not get Zwei to take it. Yang then enters and says that Tai is doing it wrong and that there's a method to giving Zwei his medicine. She demonstrates by picking Zwei up and telling him how much she loves him and that the medicine will help him. Tai then asks his daughter if she really believes that her plan will work to which Yang replies that talking to Zwei was just to distract him. Pulling a walkie-talkie out of her pocket she tells Ruby to "take the shot." As we pan away we see that Zwei is sitting on a painted "X" sign and outside Ruby has put Zwei's medicine into her weapon. She then proceeds to shoot the pill through the window into Zwei's mouth. Tai commends the girls for getting Zwei to take his medicine and Yang tells him that he should see how she and Ruby sneak peeks at their birthday presents early every year. As Yang realizes what she said she tells Ruby that they have a "secondary target" and Ruby shoots another pill into Tai's mouth.

Mortal Frenemies
We start out with Winter in the library trying to check out a book. However right before she can grab it Qrow takes it from her. As Winter demands that Qrow give the book to her Qrow says that he will as soon as he's done and he'll underline the "good parts" for her. Now before we continue with this skit I want to talk about this opening scene. The first thing of course being that Winter is in it, I actually didn't think Winter was going to be in this season of Chibi because she wasn't in the promotional art. Also I don't think it's that hard to figure out the genre of the book Winter was looking at, first of all she was looking around nervously before she grabbed it as if she was making sure nobody saw her grab the book, second the book is called Cold Heart Hot Love, and third when Qrow grabbed it he held it vertically which is very similar to Ruby when she held Blake's Ninjas Of Love book. Moving on. As soon as Qrow refuses to give the book to her Winter tackles him and the two begin rolling across the floor. We then cut to Winter as she is at a noodle cart trying to get something to eat. However the shopkeeper shows her the "closed" sign. As Winter angrily tells him that it's unacceptable that she's not being served, Qrow comments that she should've gotten there sooner. He then proceeds to slurp a bowl of noodles that he bought. Winter once again tackles him and the two again roll across the ground. A third cut takes us to a classroom where Winter is giving Ozpin her field report. However it turns out to just be her complaining about Qrow's behavior. Ozpin comments that the way the two of them are acting is shameful and Winter proposes that they put a leash on Qrow and give him electric shocks. Ozpin disagrees and tells the two to shake hands and apologize. Winter reluctantly agrees to do so but as she reaches to shake Qrow's hand he pulls his hand away with a shout of "to slow ice queen." Winter then for the third time tackles Qrow and they begin rolling across the floor again. As Ozpin looks on he comments that "flirting was a lot less destructive in my day."

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