Bella Donna
Robert, Olalla and Ravi were walking upstairs back into the lobby. They stopped when they saw Garson opening the door and letting another figure in. It was woman with fair skin, shiny, black hair and a blue velvet dress. Olalla's brow furrowed in suspicion. Lily Clarke worked for MIO and the fact that she just entered this house displeased her a lot.
"What is she doing here?" Olalla's voice sounded angrier and harsher then she had intended. Her brother who had taken a few steps towards their guest turned his head around in surprise. Robert explained: "I asked Lily if she could help me analyze the red and green potions of our grandfather. Maybe she has got a result."
"How can you trust her with a task like this?" Olalla angrily grabbed his wrist and held him back. Her brows furrowed and her eyes threw daggers of disapproval at the young woman. "She works for MIO!" "So what?", asked Robert quietly, "You were with Tenebrae." "I am your sister", she whispered urgently, "This is a different case." Robert shook himself free. "You are wrong", he responded, "She is my friend. This is the same case."
Olalla huffed and watched Robert walk to Lily. "Lily", he said with a small smile, "It is nice to see you." Lily smiled. It was a perfect smile. Crafted out of her persona. Just like everything on her seemed too perfect. The way she hold herself, the way she walked, talked. It had something doll like to it and yet Olalla could sense an air of coldness around her. It made her disapprove her even more.
"I am happy to see you too, Robert", she responded softly, "And I have come here because I finally got the results." Lily opened her hand back and carefully pulled out two bottles. One was filled with a green liquid, the other one with a red liquid. Green for Jekyll, red for Hyde. Olalla had only seen those potions in the darts, Captain Dance used.
"Really?" Robert's eyes beamed with excitement. It made Olalla huff. She knew what he was thinking, what he was hoping for. Why can't you just accept that you are Hyde? Why do you have to fight so much against your own destiny? Reluctantly she joined Ravi, Robert and Garson at the table as Lily explained what she had found out.
"From their basis both potions are the same." Lily's fine fingers wandered over the bottles as she explained. "The only difference they are having in their recipe is the amount of monocane Henry Jekyll used. The green potion uses the double amount of monocane compared to the red one. The basis itself is made out of salt and several minerals that can be found in human blood."
"Okay", responded Olalla in the 'I have no bloody idea what you are talking about and I do not really care' tone, "And what does this mean for us in particular?" Robert had a bright smile on his face. "Can't you see it, Olalla? We need monocane to transform. A certain amount of it turns us into Hyde. If we want to reverse this, meaning turn back into Jekyll, we need a larger dosis since our body would be resistant against the Hyde dosis. That's why Henry uses the double amount of monocane for the green potion. Moreover this also explains how your bloodspike works on you. In a way it is like you are using the red potion. Because the minerals that form the basis of both potions is identical to minerals you find in human blood."
"Ohh...", Olalla whispered and felt somewhat stupid. One could ask her questions about monsters, magical artifacts and fighting and she would answer them perfectly. But science in any way...she was lacking any knowledge in that field. Neither Dance, nor her had regarded it as a necessity to be taught. And Olalla found it quite a bore.
"This gives me an idea", Robert whispered, "Everyone, wait a minute please." He disappeared in the laboratory and returned shortly afterward with the red potion and a bottle of liquid monocane. Ravi had told Olalla, he was getting it from someone called Lanyon. "What are you trying to do?" Olalla watched mistrustfully as Robert opened the red potion.
He picked up the monocane bottle and started to pour the clear liquid into it. The potion started to hiss and foam. It bubbled and started to change its color. From red to violet to green. "Yahoo!", called Robert and looked at the others with a bright smile on his face, "Lily, you are a genius!"
Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound. Apparently Robert had given too much monocane into the bottle. It exploded and send liquid and glass flying everywhere. Olalla threw her arms upwards and the others backed away. She heard Robert scream and cough as he had been in the center of the explosion.
Turning around to look at him, she realized how his movements changed. They became dominant and dangerously calm. "Robert is a moron." He whipped away the glass shreds and the potion. "He still does not understand." A dark chuckle left his lips as Hyde swooped passed them and left the house, the cloak swelling from the movement.
"Robert!", called Ravi. He wanted to sprint after him, but Olalla caught his wrist. "Let him go", she stated. The Indian boy looked up at her. "Shouldn't we be doing something?", he asked. Olalla shook her head. "No", she responded, "He has to learn. And sometimes Hyde is a better teacher then our words are."
~Jekyll & Hyde~
It was in the middle of the night. Most guests in the Empire Music Hall were already gone or so drunk that they only wanted to sleep. Bella had given one of the girls the order to supervise the bar, while she was changing. Wearing one dress all night could get a bit annoying after all.
The woman with her darker taint was sitting before her dressing table. The mirror showed her reflection. A rough, pretty face with maroon eyes and black hair, tied up. She was wearing the silky red, thine dress that revealed a lot of skin around her shoulders.
Bella was busy painting her nails in crimson red, when she heard a familiar thud at the window. Eyes burned themselves into her neck, hungrily, desire for her. She knew it was him, before she turned around. "Can't you ever use the door like a normal person or knock at least?", Bella scolded the handsome, dark haired man before her.
Hyde let out a soft growl and leaned against the door frame. "Where would be the surprise then?", he asked softly. The mad man slowly entered the room and spread his arms. "Are you not happy to see me?" Bella turned around on her chair and placed her hands on her lab. "That depends", she responded, "You have not been let out for a while, have you?"
"No, I haven't", he growled, "Robert keeps suppressing me. This moron! Doesn't he know he harms us both?" Bella furrowed her brow. "You should not talk of him, of yourself in such a way", she scolded him, "I can understand that he is terrified. He, you lost your grandmother. If I was him, I would be terrified too. Knowing that someone else lives inside me."
Hyde stopped and looked down on her. "It is not that I want you gone", whispered Bella and turned her face away. She looked at herself in the mirror. "It is just...are the rumors true? That Robert tries to make a potion to get rid off you? He had sounded quite angry when he and Olalla argued."
Hyde stepped behind her. "Yes, they are true." He softly let his hand trail down her long, dark tinted arm and pushed the bracelet on her wrist, watching the stones catch the dim light of the room. "And I am trying everything in my power to stop him! Blimey, I am not the only one who tells him that it is useless. You cannot keep a Hyde down."
He could hear her breath quickening, felt the warmth of her skin under his palm. Hyde always was filled with a thrilling sensation when he was near Bella. It gave him a satisfaction similar to the adrenalin he felt when he was fighting against other monsters. She made him feel alive. Hyde loved so much off her. Not just her body, no it was this air off wildness, naughtiness, brashness and authority he connected to. She was a challenge, an equal.
"I guessed so too", muttered Bella, "You always come back to me. Even after Robert broke up with me." There was pain in her voice and bitterness. Hyde stayed behind her and softly rested his hands on her shoulder. "He has no right to break up with you." The mad man placed his chin carefully on her head, sniffing her perfume. Bella smelled of cocktails, whiskey and the flowery perfumes that were too strong and fake. "And I believe, he may even regret it now. Since his little girlfriend turned out to be a MIO spy." There was a hint of malicious joy in his voice.
Bella leaned into his touch, enjoying his presence as much as he did hers. "I always wondered", muttered the bar owner, "What are your thoughts on the situation you are in? On the fact that you share your body with someone else? I know Robert's opinion, but I never heard yours."
Hyde huffed. "You don't want to hear that", he grumbled, "I am not a philologist." Bella turned her head to look up at him. "I am not asking for some special lecture", she responded, "It just seems that you too have a very clear view on that. More then you like to admit."
Hyde's lips twitched and he made a face. Oh, you know me too well, Bella Donna. Well, she knew him kind off. Based on the weird relationship they had. Sometimes Hyde was not even sure who was holding the reigns. On one day it was him, one another day it was her. But what Hyde knew for certain was that he respected her and saw her as a lover and friend. Not as a plaything like the other girls.
Hyde picked up a necklace and carefully placed it around her neck. He felt her skin tingle under his touch, shiver under his breath. "Do you know what a Newton's cradle is?", he asked instead off answering straight away. Bella furrowed her brow. "Isn't that one of those devices where five balls are on small threads and swing from side to side?"
"Yes", Hyde explained, "If you make one ball move, the last ball swings too." He remembered Robert Jekyll, being a young boy of ten years, playing with the Newton's cradle in Doctor Najaran's office, watching the silver balls swung back and forth in fascination. "It is like a chain reaction. And I think off me and Robert as the same."
He rose partly and eyed Bella in the mirror. She now was wearing a silvery pearl necklace which went nicely with the bracelet of glass stones. "He does something and I respond", explained Hyde, "We are connected. His actions affect mine and my actions affect his. He tries to suppress me because he fears my wildness. What he does not understand is that if he does so, I break free, wilder and angrier then ever."
He had become more quiet now which was unusual for him. Even Bella seemed to have realized so. Hyde furrowed his brow and growled: "I am not asking much from him. If he just let me out more often, I would probably avoid being so nasty towards him. But the moron never listens to me. He always thinks he knows everything better because off his stupid science. Well, Doctor Jekyll, seems like you are wrong! Science can not explain everything in your precious world!"
His face had turned into an angry grimace and his voice had gotten louder with every word. Bella turned around on her chair, elegantly, teasingly. Her curiosity seemed satisfied for now. Tilting her head, the bar owner slowly lifted a hand and ran with her fingers over Hyde's cheek. "Show me how mad you can be", she breathed and smirked. Her presence could always calm him down partly.
Oh, you are such a naughty, little girl. Hyde grinned and a pleasant growl vibrated in his throat. He took her hand and pulled her into a standing position. Their bodies collided with one another as Hyde pressed his lips against hers. Bella kissed him back. Her hands wandered over his shoulder and neck, the fingers digging into the fabric off his cloak.
Hyde growled as he deepened their kiss. Bella tasted off whiskey, liquorice and cherry. He felt a maddening fire in his chest. His own arousal and desire made him feel like the moment was lasting forever. Bella was a good kisser. Wild, brave and charming in her own seductive ways. Robert might try to keep them away from one another, but Hyde knew they would meet one way or another. Their desire and the wish to re experience it again draw Hyde to the Empire like a bear to honey.
Their tender moment was broken when the telephone rang. Its shrill, metallic clang made Hyde frown. He saw Bella pouting. Both off them wanted to continue their kiss. But the telephone kept ringing, taunting them with the sound and its annoying presence. Oh, you've got to be kidding me! An angry growl left Hyde's lips as he reluctantly parted from Bella and marched towards the telephone.
Picking up the receiver, he shouted: "Whoever it is, we are busy!" The mad man wanted to slam it in its fork, however before he could do so, a hoarse familiar voice barked: "Don't you dare to cut me off, Hyde!" He rolled his eyes and took the receiver again. Pressing it between ear and shoulder, he asked: "What is it, old geezer?"
Garson responded: "Ravi had another vision. We figured out where the cockatrice is. It is in the Empire's cellar." Hyde was happy the old man did not see the grin that spread across his lips. This night keeps getting better and better. "Oh, don't worry your poor head, Doctor Garson", he taunted softly, "We will take care off it."
Hyde hang up. He looked at Bella who responded his gaze with worried and concerned eyes. "What happened?", she asked, "Why did Garson phone you?" Hyde rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. "Well, Bella", he responded, "It seems like there is a monster in your cellar."
~Jekyll & Hyde~
Bella's cellar laid next to her bar behind a door. A small, caved staircase lead into a narrow room. Dust laid in the air and Hyde smelled apples. He squinted his eyes. Smooth darkness greeted them. "I can't see shit", the mad man growled as he took a few steps away from the staircase.
Bella moved sideways and laid her hand on the switch. She clicked several times and gazed upwards where an old light bulb hang on a few iron threads. It did not enlighten. "Someone cut the wire", Bella explained. Hyde glared at her and an angry snarl left his lips. Great! We have to search in the old fashioned way.
He slowly walked into the room. His eyes were adjusting to the dim light. Hyde spotted the silhouettes off cartons and shelves with bottles. They all felt cold under his hand. In fact the whole cellar was rather cold. The walls and ground under his feet felt cool. Bella had no refrigerator, so she simply used the cold of the depths of earth.
Hyde flared his nostrils and sniffed again. His head slowly swung from side to side. Under the natural scent off dust, fruits and glass was a new scent. Sour and sharp, it stung in his nose. Hyde growled quietly and slowly approached the box where the scent was the strongest. He pushed the cover down and revealed a stag of apples.
But between all those fruits stung a weird substance. Green and slimy. The smell off sour and rotten apples. Hyde slowly pulled it out off the box. The substance pulled strings like cheese. Yes, it was the same stuff Robert had found in the alley by Westminster Abbey.
"Hey, Bella Donna", called Hyde and turned his head, "Any idea what this stuff is?" He held up his hand, fingers covered in the sticky substance. Bella slowly strolled through the cellar and stopped. Looking into the box, she joked: "Maybe we just have a deadly case of rotten fruit?"
"Oh, really?", Hyde let out a bellowing laugh, "Then how do you -?" He stopped and his head snapped around as a sudden noise reached his ear. Something had moved by the boxes. Hyde quickly pushed the box aside. It fell over, apples clattering all over the floor. The mad man heard a rustling sound as the cockatrice sprinted passed him, still hidden in the shadows.
Hyde angrily spun around on his feet. This monster was an even better master at hide and seek then the Gargoyle. His jaws were forced open as he unleashed an angry roar. "Come out! I know you are here!" Hyde panted and the veins around his eyes pulsated. I can fight any enemy. I just have to see him.
There was another movement and the cockatrice sprinted towards the staircase. In the couple off seconds Hyde had it in sight, he caught a glimpse of dirty white feathers and green snake skin. So Ravi had not lied. Their monster really was a mixture of snake and chicken.
"We've got him now, Bella", grumbled Hyde as he made his way up the staircase, confident in his movements. This would be easy. As soon as this coward was in the open, Hyde would grab it and snap its neck. Bella slowly followed, cursing the designers of dresses of this area. (It made fast movements rather difficult.)
Therefore Hyde entered the bar first and stopped a few feet before the stairs. His eyes widened. Well, a big pile of shit! The mad man uttered a curse as he saw the cockatrice, standing on a table and swirling around. It was a long, green snake with the head of a cock. Eyes glowing red, the monster stared at all the costumers in the Empire. They could not scream, but Hyde saw them freeze in position, before they slowly fell over, eyes wide in terror.
"What is going on here, Hy -?" Bella's question turned into a muffled scream as Hyde pressed his hand over her mouth and jerked her around, making them fall down behind the bar out of the cockatrice's view. "Hey!", Bella called angrily and struggled in his grasp, "Let go of me, you stubborn donkey!"
Hyde reluctantly loosened his grip and showed Bella's head in the direction of a few petrified people. "Do you want to end like those?", he hissed. His lover let out a quiet gasp and slapped a hand over her mouth. "Dear Lord", she whispered, "What is going on here? Poor ones." She tried to look around, but Hyde forced her to keep her gaze on the floor.
"It is a cockatrice", he explained harshly, "A monster that can petrify people." The mad man did not dare to peek his head around. Out of his view, he heard the snake, moving, hissing and searching for any sign of life. Dammit! How do you kill a snake that can kill you with a glance? He had no idea.
Hyde was leaning with his back against the bar. Bella slowly turned her face and looked at the bottles. The chandelier shimmered in their glass and she thought she saw something moving. Slowly lifting a hand, the bar owner whispered: "Hyde, don't move."
"Why? What are you..?" Hyde bellowed in surprise when Bella launched forwards, snatched a heavy bottle and swung it over him. He heard the crash of glass, felt liquid run into his collar and the shrill scream of pain penetrated his ears.
The cockatrice dropped and slithered away, hiding somewhere. Hyde groaned as he came to his feet. "What did you do?", he asked Bella, "And how?" "A mirror. The reflection of the cockatrice is harmless", she explained. Liftening the broken bottle, Bella explained: "I used washing-up liquid. Do you know how acidly that stuff is?"
Hyde slowly moved around the bar and stopped. He narrowed his eyes. "Where is the cockatrice?", he whispered, not really expecting an answer. The hall was a mess. The monster had thrown several tables around and the petrified people were partly blocking his view.
"I don't know", responded Bella who stepped by his side, broken bottle in hand, "How do you call a chicken?" Her comment made Hyde smirk. He lifted his hands to his mouth and shouted: "Scootaloo! Scoot- scoot- scoot-A-loo!"
Either the cockatrice had planned a counter attack or it just did not like being called Scootaloo, but it leaped out of the next corner, spout wide open. Hyde could clearly see the muscular, green snake part and the dirty white feathers. The eyes were scratched all over. Apparantley Bella had aimed perfectly.
A sharp pain shot through his arm as the cockatrice digged its teeth in his wrist. Hyde unleashed an angry roar and jerked his arm around. He grabbed the monster at its neck and ripped it off his wrist. Blood ran down his skin as he angrily took a hold of the cockatrice's head.
"Sorry, chicken", he whispered at his struggling opponent, "But you took the wrong person." Crushing the head between his fingers, he felt the body turn limp. Hyde dropped it. Bella stepped by his side. "Is it dumb when I say this was easy?", she asked. He grunted a No and shook his head.
In the movement Hyde caught a glimpse of the window. Behind the darkened glass stood a man with a small hat. Even from that distance the mad man could see the fair yellow hair. His gaze hardened. You've got to be kidding me! Bella noticed his stare. "What is it?", she asked. Hyde growled with hands forming to fists: "Sackler."
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